The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 16, 1899, Image 8
eet the Cola Ee arate soaratgis. | beowase the nerves fea! the #0old and heat | sensitively, but nerves are sensitive to treatment nnd fesl the iottasnce of St. ‘Jacobs Ofl, whieh cures the aflmest promptly. oo Ex-Senator Cail, ot Florida, is gill a familiar figare in Washingion, and, frer the old custom, carries ai of his papers in his high hat Pox't Tobaeco Spit and Smoke Your 110: Away, To auit tWwhaeceo easily and forever. be vag netic. full of ite, nerve aod vigor, aes No To Bas. the woniier worker, that makes wenl men strong. All dragrias Hear $l 1 : tesd Bookisy and ssmrie tres . Brerlieg Ready Co, wedy for all annoying dis- eases of the blood, kidneys, ver and bowels. It is Hood's Sarsaparilla, whic : és perfect in dts actions It so regulates the entire sys- em as to bring vigorous pn. I." ru a amt YETI TS WEE ba pout nf the vinta it. It never disappoints. | [runny Sen es tavern = For 42 vears | had poitre. ov swellings on my reck, which wes dis eeursging and troubiesoine, Rheumatism alse annoyed me. Hood's Sareaparilla emred me completely and the swelling has Satieely dissppeard. A lady in Michigan ny ¥ EES Seatimumisl and used wis cntirely cored of the sane Khe thanked we for fecuamend. Mas. AXSA Sy JuEALAND, HE Lavel Beanty Is Blood Bees. Clean blood means a cies beauty without i, oearety, U andy £ cisan your blood and Beep 11 0 stirring nye the laey liver and deiving ali wm rites fromy the bewly Pugs nn today to fan ish pimples, bails, blotches, blac khes da, and (hat sekly bikious romplexinn by fa) Casrprets, beauty for ten oanty ye d of ints, satisfaction guaranteed, lo, 2c, Fie. The ward Bs frequently af Losd Rit x the Arable wird Bx than mirdinet eck Friar oo 48 a poor health for LHe: fr shanlders, back aod bips, with constant Deadache, rations and gibetite. Useil Hood's Sarsaparilia gir 48 and van work hard gil day. i Beartily and i. well. 1 10K it bes Fars pend fir. Seth Arnaids (th rag Bor far it helped stand.” Mas Whooping Lon Nwith Siow Si Kemp, nen J en Lake, Minn. 1378 No. Carey « Baitimore, Ms 1. Juiy ih, fa, onl “¥ wonsld give ; hos Wes Hood » go § 1 In Bpaln Hebrews are nat pormiiler et it for less, It Ix the best tes erect and maintain Berne of wor« ne. If inakes the weak strong.” | ship. They have no civil rights, and Doagisstown, N. XY. | exist in the kingdom only a as aliens z five yours, Bayer od Dar . Twenty tax nilts in “Boaton for 1598 | bring Into the City Treasury $1,367. | 853 36. or nearly 10 per cent of the whole tax levy, To Cars A Cold in One Day. Take Latative Bromo Quinine Yalideia ARN Drugiists refand mune Hn it t tile 10 cure. Sos Omtrich feathers in their natoral wbtpte are white or gray. bul ers pRER. dng into the hands of the seititiner for uss as orparments (vey mre ofien dyed in various colors gr sone it 2 | the curd 8 pot ae deciding an the the g : Cal treatmen AnD ried widd it is said, B40 tor 0% worth rrery year of different D prices vary from 8 1 320 a5 AN ohn Lag rire ¢ iE, Biers 2 The FL aired Wo-To Tae for Fifty Cesta THOUSANDS OF Guarsnised tobacnn habit core, makes veal PLATES! Wen strong, Hood pure. Me. 81. All drugrises The Confed Srte Vetera: # af Nort ix propose tn erect in thet of ROTHOL mont to Admiral Frank in Huchasan Beware of Dintments for Catareh That Contain Mercary, CMe meres will and completely dersng ct beste when entering §t 1 siriasrer Suh Af She ite a 2 | RXR p cm Press ; THe, Wine * ching wera Tor chides | EIBDX, 84 toe day nage bey thing, often tre outs, redticos (famm. ; 30 Whe good you sin pews; hu allayy pain, eaten wind colle. Mea bottle Iai Catareh Care moan ns i Fd, Cheney & Co, Yul : Ash Wednesiny rather wppropriately | IY. and be sake i: toliows Bt. Valentine's Duy this year. | u's Si etd ino afar raed hy Hnlaitis Bh setiong dis en Fini Hai A boi sire to pret She ges he internally atid is sade 4 Cheney & {ou obi by i a Bi Varn |: : Aya i Ar SR a 5H EO AT reborn Get Pewn Te It. Egbert Davia been of Meckienbiirg county, ! Carstinn, x on trial is the Feeders Pthurt an a unique A ma Pearrier had been etesling his gpelons He had stopped the carrier In the road and whipped bis CREE | pried the mall ognpeoils and Dav. Liteon in being tried for tryna” fn, 8 prominent FRR ny : for the national Observance al | spiving. Mrs, ®irad Josepha i , 8 Boston woman, and editor of first woman's magazine published oountry, worked for twenty Shivering with Coda. Tt requires & conpideralio philosophy, when gine id fpald, to take comfort | that this {5 Bride's ows me | | keeping us wa Shivering bn renily ‘a form of exercise in which the muy | eles instead of doling their inary work under the control of the wii are | made to enecnts involuntary | of slight tut rapit coMractions Chas the same Tel a8 any © other Cof muscular work ln makin fof the body burp more “Eleanor, when we are married, will throw out i greater heat * you love me well enough to cook for nutness of the pro my *You, dear Henry: but you wiil doubt, as a hint fo \ hire somebody else (0 do my | body | ter take more ell Bo § on we re Fe pew § 8 NERA cob. Er ani 1 Brave ing on from aa Tin. gavernors of states and to presidents of the United States. At lust Pres 7 Grid This Kind 2538 WE In meant the fw har mw So Fel ve ane oe v we Pht reit Pree Press. wr ills of women conspire aginst de wnestic harmony. Some derangement of the generative organs is the main cause of most of the unhappiness in the shold. The husband can’t understand these troubles. The male physician only knows of them theoretie cally and scientifically, and finds it hard to cure them. But there is cure for them, certain, practical and § ie. Mss. , is Mus, Josern iG, . She writes: Drax Mrs. PINKHAM—Will yon ow me the pleasure of ex. my gratitude for the wonders 1 have experienced by taking E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- gating of the womb, and those stop aching; also had leucorrheea, dull headaches, could not sleep, was weak and life was a burden to me. [doctored several years, but it did no good, My husband wanted me to try your dicine, and I am so thankful that I did Ihave taken four bottles of the Compound and a box of Liver Pills, «rd can state that if more ladies would only give your medicine 8 fair trial they would bless the day they saw your advertises ment. My heart is full of gratitude to Mrs. Pinkham for what ing or authorizing appropr greRating $11 084 G08 FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. House. SIXTY -FIFTE DAY. Taesday was set aside in the house for the consbieration of public butid- | ing Hille. The committer had reported | 8 bills for buildings in 35 states, sn. |g | thorizing, In the Aggregates. an Srpendt. ! frre of $1408 8000 Farty bills oRrTY- A Beer favors ad jnrnmes BAY. kay 01 fas fo ly tw HIXTY-SIXTY H After two dave Fron thhere Roe nieg ish & $311 Fatih i geile extravagant atly served hin subsidy ot Fairey prac Bote Warnog appropriations and potice that neither Pre BiH mer the Nicaragua carnal Bll could bee passed at this Rem 4 Mr Growmverdr of Ohin. Mr. Hepa of Jowa and Mr W. A Bmith of Michigan, although they 4 nat enter into any lengthy discussion took ®ige with Mr Oapnon burt he mn JR ficient to mect our expenditures fo next two years if na new Jines penditars were entered upon i ted that it wouhl be gin. and Bat ne sper mean a hond Mi speech WAR in snd ww fwuyge visi a art iry will surely Heriver the sepee id 4 Lene £ Eis i ers && [Hanna -Payne 3 fair the sonal Liisa i bw F opiate ex FIVE 3 ere, tent for BOR ing the vwrain Avy d RIXTY EIfiHTH DAY Imaring the gonsral de Bag To eundry civil appropriation Bi Heise Friday Mr Tr aKery Mio congratulated the on thi: statement made By Mr On yesterday, Had Bt ben pads 4 be said, an try tw ight Baie saved many mi of op ws HELE Y oe: the in ® ala fhe novel on amie 1 ef © SE Cay yr Bll th in tie ites © atm * iia Gres tetemidy | expenditurs inva fo murtloptiged ihe ££ grr ie Fe va Fis imthon bak Truss # & pany Hie rannl shoaid slither pen ene cl ¥ Tae kory % ors hon 1g LF pritses in the Hoe ka id flavernmerit yl Altr Hepnu yrs $10 FRYE Fd = LE py % g t Lorgay 3 Vi fi 1, {Fie amid bs THelaying the ream of ¥ that thie wesslon {iy a nevies | medicine has done for me. Tt is worth 1 weight in gold. Hina ty $7 8 1 hs Lid Ihe The airing baiioy BreRs lo Fur parr Eni UO fhesrized by the fc A evn te AW pe § Yo AE 15 where #is Slate was i SP @ Pay. WE OH Meri ye largely Lo oa MET Bi silica # 522 SIXTY REV EN AR the hills Law the measur: Slate Ax Le sed wre Yo Jr riviR # You is i * to thir af 5 tix vy ral Prey G3 Hist ah eas > va Ty 4% FRY i SiXTyY JGHTH DAY Abien (Pop, XNeboy offered solution declaring that the Nena EMrmad the prineip ig af the reels tion of Inde Daren and that principles are te te tn alt whe a disiinet society and te own. Mr Chandler VEE A hitase 3 tary park campaign of Vieksbace pases i ution Ca alling nian the serra By of the navy for a sialenment of the pense of the navy under the progwsid personnes: bill was roeasd Mr. MioEner thw, unanimous ent fir gaken an his country's a oy Monday. Mr Jevtad. Consideration exechtive and judicial ail was resumed, Mr © offersd an Ae the pxpense of ¢ 144 es i ; urer in Clnetn pail by 140 a ray After a spicites) slebaile of Friar two hours Raturlay afternoon BEAR ORs consent BEIement wu¥ made by the senate fo vote upon th resolution of Mr. McEnery i La. Mr. a ie > hav ¥ of thy ik 2nd vhf Apne ws %i Bi roy Se ov £8 = of the “ew | Ah mE pany. der | 3 od Tren. jabs LE Pgehew id ia [mive. sa declaratory of A Fiates as to the Oe in nes The request for the unaaimiuN COR. gent agreement was made by Mr. Ma. son (H.. IiL after what seemed the conclusion of the debate upon he direst af * woriral sapmtars whe £5 bee append th any ; é § gh weity wi thele re Say pred | ww Flaw] fit ee Mr § Foon Be Pognates omyees ging Feieier Cre Carriers ta the Carnegar Lo sed To Havata. Plan iis the Fray Aogl yous Bes 2 Mees] the pares the Mar fw HK vod Bop thee een ard Geral % A 1 ta aid to Fay re * $F BL 3 . Ohio fn 4: ABA Hee HIF Siar FF Few 11% be beige T he Tis ot fhe HER % ; shan areata TRF oy > x iin ERE BARS rate Ta nen OE Wen E150 mw Bnder er ts atyisd tha buildirgs will Pega ired, Tore To.arn! ths Sun iis Ha who has 5 thie Fins a Ra LNT RE reward. > na dng form and lve wwryw § wo li hea pael Te ee, W el BL 4 wad onke io The out ea £5 a, 5k * Wo 5 ik GIRIEY FY eh wad FR ls Re HE AR We fe wo iT pis. AWAY | thm | sg wel if thes comes Lo in. bat a is PUL ae 1 § Go TRsiRys ihe i 13 ie Th 1 cha aid snd sme ross £0 any fag lyn “at Pa Hr i Ei iar Ne & ERR OBI OWE Lye Trades aala Powieat alarmed by the | L axinensits asa fosuranes Lasiossy rau find naless Phe praasn po sted, An a®apt will We Lsmatanes Law maseiad objection. bas | Ss ajuriows is eon 3 eda Soul that 8 year's continuous service wilt: i mentally and physically incapacitate ol iman. § 3 3 Sipe wont wart to : i i £35 rg rR | BR Gost Newer Rio : DROPS Lone | Merting Remedy Samay, Uhbragh, Waniiwad, This Assertion Ia made om the ‘ authority of lard Charles Bereufned | but that tha sirain Of ANY one sory. fe (on these rats fu very grout ix shown hy | Cth fact hat to one month's serving wh naval regulations allow one Ansrris fs spdesvoring fH hardship uf ant | ane trian Fried wont ly rity A S400 o Pedstesd for S15 bs Tut ome erpits epmiaipnd in dap , bred FETT oA Pleo and war Aon PE IY A . JAINA wha ; Grorar fith cea od Eatiaghee show nary d TER of Hoge, 2 sawn, Firsts and Fave aps aod goles Fr telly yeu Bow WSFA We pen furnish 3 egsusnsnesataatatietis tok IY Xx Makes the Spor Vanish, FR WAY A bry yA Tung Bagh » TiwEE Ea CRG ie arid tend 2 iw saky fo onre & Deals Biv in sued yew Beal, & Gea Toots 15) % Yaz mane Las pO Prd en tion agai ut. Ere SONALI EIN forever. : To Cure Constipation Poreven fall, arogain refund mony Make Casonrety Condy Cathertis 100 er fe HC CC fall 10 cure, druggists re woney. It de a felony to run @ crap game in 2 CPennsaroe grader 8 new law af Plan's One Mops, S60 W, ¥ Bene ds IW FG But ¥ a hotel or a poh | NYEYaney, travelers aye iow, Fs Fol INH Bras HY Tew Bi ye Brat Ci 8y's ia Nerea Pewsey 3 0 free Tir 5H Kirny Let, oT Pua” T Agmpnt PR toy Highly gg Rive Fran . New York, Ul. 8 08 Soma Locomotor Ataxia Paralysis Can be Cured, These extreme nervous disorders were 7 treated with wonderful success by the dis- Ny coverer of Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale / People. previous to fis discovery being offer ed to the pudhic ginersliy. This remedy 1s the only known specific wn many diseases that until recent dors. vere pronounied n- curable. Tere is the : prook: Tames Croke! 8s wiuyl Mont are oosreed a} gra WER wy wigs Thee JT rep RL eR s¥w Be Ran Wiel eo siete fe Siang a7 1 Eh The an gee vara I wad kin B83 vx L 4% PE Re met 2 1 was taken eek REL was pElaIvatasd voter seid § Bad Hus ;ya Pie saing aod oTer ing § rensrionped dol PRE Chad San ¢ ] Gf we asl § Tram lee iE ToRTs ie The frien E5 4 Ing ve we wus ne ue fREGY The Genuine per hox at ali druggists or sent Gs rat oy maid. 27 Wares Tone % ») a Nat a wert THE GLORY OF MAN! Eh, Vitality, Manhood. IFE; CR. ELF-PRE ESERVATION. Ridil* THYSELF aga Bambi Po Peralta 10% i TREE wise, § a2 Sarena taiia Ja Ameria, wha « ares Where 5% § § s wk Fir EA La, 5 ‘* Fooi’'s Haste is Nae Speed.” Don't Hurry the Work Unless You Use H“UAM ARETS do an cinfmed aad are a tenly seante rf adios fa 4 $e axe asad a far thems ! Wave ite Er om Has EA un 2Nery wr I we ts § BELL ARS, Lire, Teles. i aiiin E to 30LLAR Finn CAani'y MPL. RW as 8 pike oat nS ANTED Case of dad bu i » Wi will not Dens Rend rn i touny Co. NesTark for 1 sacaniie ous had RIEUMATISH LEANER : Putispt, Taste (Hoot Do i. Wonkon dr Gore BR 3 Be CURE CONSTIPATION. .. Nim Fark, ad Pleasant, Palstabie, a CURED -Sampeds tle, fine’ Trentment, postpaid BRMRDE UO. Ah oes wick 81. Bodad aid AE & AL wists to CU ME Tob H0-T0-84 all Pr 3 ERR 1 09 FEW DISCOVERY given gaiek reel snd cares weet Book of Sestinrone aoosadl 1) dos v9 Sresbmeas | Free. Dr 3 MH GREYS 3 5088 Box Dy, Asisase. Sa