—— ENB EEL “A¥ide snd Narrow Tires. : While wide tires are gradually growing in favor on farm wagons, still y are not being adopted as fast as #hould be for the best interests hie farmer and the good of the roads. About this season of the year a road question always comes up, pd with it should be discussed the fire question. All are willing to al mit no doubt that narrow tires ou our heavy wagons are among the most : ive road agénts we lhisve. There seems to he a strong impres. | among farmers that wide tires jorease the draft and are harder on me than narrow ones. A number teats recently wade before the puri State Roads Improvement on show that for msuy roads ide tires draw easier than the arrow ones, the loads remainiog the sane; The test was made in this Cut of six-inch tired wheels of height as the one and three. narter.inch tired wheels bought with fie wagon had been provided so that they hauled the same wagon with the same load over exactly similar roads, . miessuring the draft Ly means of a slew self-resording dynamometer which had besn carefully tested for The road on which these trials were wade was almost level and ‘somewhat firmer ut the surface than oorn lsad in the spring when dry ‘epongh to plow. Unfortunately a stratum of frozen earth about fone inches from the surface prevented | narrow tires from enfting a deep rut. The layer of frozen earth also explains the decreasa in draft of the narrow ‘tires when ran for a number of times in their own track. BUNMMAEY OF REUDLYRS Pounds Wida dele. © vives, : I Suttow Pounds First run ....... 005 Pirst ran... i nd run. . A644 Recond Tun. 8 Third run... . LL A Third man.. ... $64 Average. Aes . Average, Ja6.% Difference in favor of broad tires, Sty. three pounds or 24.0 per cent. A good horse is estimated to exert a pull «of 160 pounds for ten hours per day, taoving at the rate of two aud one! Bult miles per hour. This means that ; was a saving by nsing the browd ires of slightly wore thsu one-third of » horse, Or that the same team, exerting tif same pull or duing the same work, would Lave drawn one. fourth Jarger load. In other words, 2350 poands load palled as hélyy a load of 3007 pounds should over he. same road in the mame wagon if ix-duch tires wers used It is not aintained that this large advantage for wide tires would he found in all conditions of roads. The experiwont station is Arranging to make a agh test of this matter in the meadows, maddy roads, and aml wacadasmized roads, and sh the results in mo illus atin for Tres distribution, at earliest moment possible. fmportaut advantuge shown in 8 test already made for the wide 8 was the anse with which the load te 1t required 500 pounds draft to stirt the load with narrow 8, and only 230 pounds with wide Here i is a saving of more than It i often compara easy to haul the joad alter it is , and if, by using the w.ule the force necessary to give mo- y the wagon is reduced wore f, it is an importaat matter, — i Mua and Ma Matrimony. paper pulilished at Towson, Bal : Coutity, Maryland, recently ablished thi following from oue of 8 country eorrespotidents, on was given hy Mr, and | recepti ilinm Rhepperd a low nights at their vesidence on "My Lady's wor.” Unfortunately Mr. Shepperd not present. Ha was detained on road in mioviog a heavy load of ‘from Ballisnovs to his howe. became stalled on secount of condition of tha road, and he p arrive home until after mid These are some of the per ties newly married people Lave endure soraciimes.” From a Leazue member we learn | “the parties had been married fow days before, and this was reception given at the groom's after their return from their tour. Think of the groom hav- miss his own reception by rea- bad roads, and iaagine the feel- Paragraphs About ihe Crusade. It's & good thing to have the *‘dust.” n't keep it onthe road. The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Herald _pertinently observes that the | of Trade of that city could con- y take s band in the goodroads ercantile Ciab, of Wyandolte | t Kansas, recently passed reso- ms favoring good road laws, aud work for the same at this session the Legisiatare. t is said Porto Rico has only one good road. That is very good indeed the othiers are horrid. Good roads throughout the isiand will do : g, to favorably impress ors, Deshar. any aor pi thing. ; An srgament offered for the em- t of prisoners in bailding roads is that the fear of such public ; dation will deter from the com- on of pos ty crimes, and will lessen incursion of tramps into a com- Road building by county jail in- ia to ba undertaken in Oneida New York. This is follow ample in Warren and St. where the plan is gi The { and “‘mackintosh’ VALUE OF OLD NEWSPAPERS. AIS FAIR fun & Thounsmed Ways Usefpl, “Dear me,” sighed the perplexed housewife, “I don't know what to do with the stacks and stacks of old news. papers which sconmulate at house ” “Well, don’t throw them sway,” connseled her friend, “for they sre of mors valie than sone would think at first glance, 1 hare found so very many nses to which I ean put them in BAYA OVEry serap “Ta tho first place,’ she continued, “old newspapers dipped in cold water hot water, soap sand cloths, and will not injure the hauds one hat! as much, Besides, is nothing betler then & newspaper which hat been erompled and about in the hands ual it ws as as fine leuther, “After the esoking is over 1 make our girl crash soma old newspapers her bauds mad rab the iop sad sides of the range. This rersaves the grease quickly snd keeps the range in exesilent condition if done often “Fiery wmorsing we rnb onr hair broshes with a pad of newspapers This removes the dost and keeps the brushes elesn sud healthy. Also, i eondnees to thay long fe and atility, “Tearing old nnwapapers into shreds of a given length is [ find amuses iny hd keeps them gn! possible wea con | Why, a great many. § fe tines, ehilderon greatly, of misetae!, What wis eliangad, Lhandl for 2 “They ate frais suv a8 agesisiny an pothine. Pers away in boxes st alter shapt of oid almost ine definitely ¢ ‘4s n substitute for paper der carpet the old wowspar in handy, aud one way Lav a covering of them one wishes, by sinply 2as fon weeks “Thess are ouly a lew of the which 1 pat onr old newspapers would require a big the thines do itl then many dollars | tisuage year by simply press service,” oN bovis A Sewivet Wuunder, Nowadays pearly all bigh egraphers fransurine their thireet upon & ispey Filer. been fuusd the instrament o 2%. . x RHE en lan sid {amt rent: sonader, wilsh dy 8 Key a mRnAe STLAIURTY Poe Ket wate Core Sithogon ewali ih sige, and for tion, thd tpetrntaent Possaases atl th conyenent plegrapher in such an appar. atu. The soun of it travesty adisted instantly, rer nde f of ihe ardinsey tol cin be firs 4 elink er down toa icy thatthe instru 3 contact with the ear ant Lo bur read, 1 soft, flexible beadban which enables the watoh to Le alias ciaed to the ear for seorel work, or lor ene ployment in logaticas =o noisy that the elick of the erdicary } would be drowned. By its milk con. duels ing oor rd, ep pi of with saitable tergainals, it css be readily aituched to or removed from» wiegraph i In brokers’ allices, whers sesiegy telegrapbiz tranumission is of hizhest FRPOrIRaTY, ths does the work in silence and eavesdropping. For lary oper: tions the 1astrument can be used the fied tlocraph, in the teut or npon ontpost daty, fear mivise information to lurking spies, of betraying the position to tue cuemy. The outfit complete weighs only four and oue-half ounces, and can be ear. ried 10 the vest pocket 3 (lobe Demoerat. s be bald in : de signnle wher, deliex Aid § ws X PE oy 4 FILO ny Why 1 Was Called Nabber. sul in one of the Central American States gives the following as the origin esontelions: ered in 1770 that the new gum was admirably adapted for pencil marks. stance, costing only three shillings, would last for years. It was usad for no other purpose in Esgland than effaoing lead pencil marks for sbout half a century after this discovery, hence the name ‘‘rubber.” After the introduction of the raw material snd the scientific description of the plant by Frenchmen it was first manufso- tared into waterproof clothing in France toward the end of the eight- eenth century. Later on the firm of Melntosh of Manchester greatly im- proved on the Frenchidea, and mana. factured waterproofs on a large scale, is the name by which waterproofs have been known since that time, — Philadelphia Record, a ok A A HF Ae Something Like Devotlon, The blind dJdevotion with which an old servant did his daty was illas- trated on one pecasion when his mas. ter had a dinner party. Daring the dinner Heurv was very nervous and made two or three blunders, His master showed his annoyance and cast angry glances at his servant, but the poor man could not settie quietly to his work. At last, when the dessert had been Inced on the table, he stole timidly Jiaced his master's chair and said: “Please, sir, can you spare me 2 My house has been on dire for and a ball" Tit-Bie Don't Throw Thens Away, For They Ave an owmploythent | our | : my home that [| make the men folks | be will clean windows almost as well an |! nees to} | i , jo Ci hrew practical operative qualities required | ponte of Louis A recent report from a British eon. : of the nawe rubber, as applied to | An English artist discov | rabbing ond He wrote a paper on | the subject, and informed his contem- | poraries that a cubic inch of thus sub- lpi eg PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE House. The pet resuft of Tossday's legidin- | tive work was the passage of Sr Fow's bill providice ry the RODHINL. ff ronsters in Ati aris chase nd i thorn the po {a iif yea NR for polishing mirrors there 1 rolled (80 soft pasts gi sind and 2 r Farr, Fro rE Adams, tf fir tan AGILENT ter Errue sentation ef gta ane rey x Ce mera ete it {ran wis Lik iB wR hie mation ren FOAL T hey WOK n ft Hag the ; sppliiance gen with | ir sincod a bl to SAN ies TO PRICH: Cotter tio with an Toaursdasy wav Care BRLY unimportant senate Priday morning was prerent dnd hilly ; were the only thlogs tone | In the bare Guoram first rea ding % the new Bills presoated was suntor Brown of Phitadeinhia, an act requiring every nsuran ¢ Cunpany t and association exespting mutus) sa separnent BReacintd sing Dus Goss in Pennsyivania to pute! sh era Weel for two weeks in dally nevspaieare an itemized lst and statemen sete owned by such oO A Bil] presente by ig designed to enable Arg ta wh topped panhies Whose within this state citing af the or Board of directors. ing srphang © OUTES to Po n eof ¥ RE hos Jl ¥ » RITaUIs ented business transac was ihe inironul 3 } MoCarrell, of DD Win, pro viding that burgesses shall flected for three years and shall he eligible to re-election, bere of boropgh councils shall nt | be eligible to hold the alice of burgess The session of the joint Assembly ‘as the shortest that has been held | deadlock buosan. |b session at b Tpit 7 the senatorial ssembiy went into . and 3 13 miwites later ad- i Sends i There mh BAN ETSTOE SINE NES TRIED TO SAVE HIS SISTER. ~g Man Fatally Evrred B Sestae-e BE “Aue i hy aeob hobs be gr May Peover WHEAT ired oa ped Tf pea BAY | pl CFE. THE MARKETS. PITTSBURG. Crain, Flour snd Feel. einen wa No, 2 yellow, sb found n Ted ur. as é 2 white A ¥ - i Winter patents. Fan ee sEraig tt winder | Rye fay Wo} frothy. er. Be 3, Essie pit wd. bin SWE Aw ol ah EREES td mbes . . BW nent. crer 85 Ba v. porinas airy Fraducth io Figdn oressery, 8 @ ey WE, raw Froutte sed Vegutabion. } ER Be i Wh na be we BE RS Lom Fouitre, Ese - Pa Snir, HIBS $ 3 we un i pei Oilia, CINCINN AYE FILOUCE. ... WHEAT. No. RIE No in $3 2 red. Cobia o AE ery PHILADELPHIA Fle KR. WHEAT . FRET CORN Xa § oui . “ {ATR 0 Wi ; 7 Fi SE pe 2 13 8 rite ow 3a NEW YORK Patents, 1 Hite Wenger Neale of Fuss : bY. is LIVE STHEIWK, Central Srock Yards Fast Liberty. Pa. CATTLE: Fr PE Coed, 18% to ® 0 2a. . Tits, ms 1 Fair ot steers Cras non, HO to 0 us Roa, ¥Medinm | Flows y SL Poms and wags ea n we SURE TiE Jrige 5 ta HH 2 Chomt 55 10H Ea Faire 7910 80 Yu ¥ perio ral sives ak fp We Lees RES Pn Bi Gn we we Ww = gS R © BLyiL # Uma, © Ha ; prnitations manu fae : tien. The nigh | porsia Fia Syxee Co. with the medi Femi profession, and the satisfaction | which the gensine Syrup of Figs hae | given to millvas of families, makes | the name of the Company & goarsaty i of ¢ far ia advanes of ali 0 homels Lng thes, | pauseate ag he ¥ wo 3 He 4 3 Mat 4 awn 41 eR a5 CPosenery, iioine i is | Dwellers In i Bakara “Hine you would be quite wrong RS pot the triles whe Swed) in the Sery { deserts of the tropics | walter in a ate, a8 Xx Berard. {which I many the Soe va Popmadty : Bung above | made by peter |THE EXCELLENCE oF STRUP OF AGS is doe not only to the ofiginality and simplicity of the combination, but alee dp the care and skill with which it is manufactured by seientiSe processes knows to the Carrronxia ¥Fio Syroe ' Co. only, and we wish to impress Spl C wll the hopertance of parchesing the f true sel original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs bs manafectared iby the Canivowwia Fre Sraoe Co ‘only, 8 knowledge of that fact will | aasist ome in arvouling the worthless tured by other pase sanding of the Cars le exorilence of its remedy. It ie other laxatives, “tx on the kidneys, liver and withoat irritating or weakens and it does pot gripe BOP In order tn get 18 benefoinl effete. pleases remember the same of the { AIR PRNY cn CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCIRCS, Cal SOT YILLE. Ky. ¥EW Yom, X.%. NORTHERN THIRST. the Aretie Fo Drinkers ‘The Awellers in the Soudan or the sf soarse, you would sugreet. a drink ost day. Far a it. They rule mest temperate is all things Unlikely 2s it may sem, 8 | is just the last people you would nme 3 Sg ‘he Awellers in the frozen north, the Baguimaut says the Philadeiphin They seem to Bave 3 RirsS is quits soguenchable and for that purpose they are constantly melile ing scow and we over the lamp wiiel, fed by Linhler, ‘ia wvery hat {peas turns Say and nigh Small wonder tht he st of ah thes lamps 89 gmciviliend Engale unable of possesaions, nd that they 5a peng fst of The jams Songs | is hale in the form of 3 small segnent of the Wick of Srv mons, wimeens the hands with 8 Bt» ir supoles sel! with «fl by wg 3 long thin slip of Siohbes tha fame Samatimes for the sogPeione [amps MN the women by cementing toe pieces nf other sone with o af élav. hair and seals they are never very satis and sntmiilutes Britala’s Homsiom Wisderers, In Grea: Eritaln i Zag deen recke | aned that there sre about 100.0608 abe ry i thal | dom, SR OmEt FE IrTE, f vashels | Waentern { pragbinls, | fear, | A FE 2.4 Binders ie fav wilds} na k Har (Bhar ml serRes, Pa she Slate high grade or sn exploited by mitempts of that inde rfinl +8 have there year, oe = year. pointely £0 0 of "womeless wanderers ™ and those belowg to Lome ¥ ] If it was osly hexlth, g Might Jet iz cling. © But it iss cough. One cold no sooner passes off before agethes comes. Bur it's Me Amc vid Cough ai the nme. a: it's the same oid story, too. There is frm the then the cough, en mania or Moasumption i long sickness, aad Lie tembds Bang in the balance. loosens the of your cough. The conges: sion of the Dros and lungs is removed; all in. fammaton is sudiued; the parts are put Feriseny at rest and the cough drops awav. has oo Giscased Lssucs on which 10 hang. Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Plaster