when hes 15 chimney glowed, : wisdom frealy Sowed, Sad yulek retorts! And ho aut mes what fan When George and Lady § aaliington Joined thet the youthiul sporis! f § | ton a door was made to the old cat the i i i | i i % t % themes they talked shot of doris days! or RA their souls with rapture soared When Nelly at her harpsichord Sang gay apd gathant isys! Oh, brave and bold were women then, and pure us woman were the men— _ For that was long ago; The oid then fuit the zest of youth The young were foter, and fu truth It ever shonid be so. On fair Potomae's Sor £ Syere i i iy Tati orig piace are gine that gave that scone o and serene, iis] Joyous lite snd grace, “WASHINGTON Diep This Year in thie Orie Hundredih An- ¥ _ Piverary of the Event i ARICA on that Dicanber or pearly a ago, when the bod 4 of General , ashington was laid away in vault at Mount Vernon, “‘mock s" were held in many towns and s east of the Alleghenies. Our snd-parents were in their in- in those faraway days, and of them saw these “‘mock ple,” which were conducted, of % with all solemnity. Y sights of childnood ; the conviction in the minds ins here and there that issen of the real funeral. astfdiness of old age in mes long agone! e years of national life sed since then, and Ameries y far more sitention to anni- celebrations of that happier the birth of its first President {fo the Joatly recurrence of the of the funeral his year, hewever, the centennial that day will take place, and the at Monnt Vernon will be 14, the anniversary of o the Jeath, instead of on the ll FAA a i u's body ah erein, And ey the old vault was allowed to fall into a state of decay. In recent wears it has been rebnilt from a drawing in the Congressional | Library, and it is pow surrounded by | an iron fence, and is kept np with’ the same care as the new tomb, In 1887, when the marble sareophagi | in which the coffins of Washington and | kis wife rest wore placed in the new tomb, the key of that tomb was thrown | i into the Potomaue Biver, At the request of Martha Washing time of the General's | instead of lowing it with brick, ss had been the enstom at previous buriate | The widow was sure that | soon follow her hnuband. Bhe only eiglitesn months after the af Washington, kesping entirely, it | said, to her room on the third flo the mansion, snd gpon her death, | | 1801, her body was laid beside that of ti de | her hashand in the oid tomb, Washington was buried in 8 rmahog any coffin, hined with lead, which was put in a case covered with black cloth The most faithfal, as, indeed, the most tonoking, scesant of the illness, | death and faneral of General Wash ington, is contained in the account of | his private secretary, Colonel Tobias ' Lear, as written in his diary, which is in the posession of his granddaagh- ter, Mrs. Wilson Eyre, of New York. tomb | she would! a CC ne Sn at of hie wit, that he be | yin twenty hoary An of Slow Sufleris and Patient was bled four times, losing the first | Tite Merotem — time only “‘abont half apintof blood,” | Valley Forge is a name which in- | Wee Lin ns by their safferings, ! e.g : ; sablimest sense by their bernie forti- La {tnde. That winter at surpasses the retrsat froma the American i grea oomman ter jnstond i fod § vif Ke | for heroes and FAOnFT Win : Valley Forge a Cgronnd on the hanks of ¢} {twenty-one miles from tand six from the r { As mers land it is : Bat if the Fass L elassie gromad, Valley For LTE thera 12 one ng of fas 1h Diese ry eof nyiEiil, iE sarest larga tows, t worth os musk. PY Tm ) S88 eiAse Ered fem fae more HY 4 £30 tae ran an He Vinton, USDER WHICH Waiawing DIED, SIMFORTARL OX | asoording to the statement of Oo ‘ Lomar, in the room in which Washington died in the second story of the man gion at Mannt Vernon is fhe bed on ‘which he lay and nearly all the articles | which were thers st the fast scans, { The bedstead is six fest square, with {four big mahogany posts. It was | made in New York ten years before ’ TR Es the Pris. forest that densely of i fhopt La : the and himaeil wel rnanded so bait or inhabited cabins, he told them that log Butz conid be aniekly made warm and dry, he said what they all knew to be troe. He Ere K water Lhat hr bat rt il dierw most of whom hae ong WASHINGTON AT vA LEY FORGE. i shall take the form - of the funeral services, the este ground as in his Flan ye were oon- at least, by the Masons, anniversary services will oe hush or aud : 18, and Acceple The (rand Lodge will meet rin, snd, escorted by Lodge Fredericksburg, in which : i ig his degree; o. 22, of Alex- which he was the first Federal Lodge, of Wash- nd representatives of every e Ameren, will £0 to a ot Fron will make sud after the ceremonies the tomb will pass, of . tomb in which Wash- er scale is called the an the ground which my re- deceased rela- ple began to assemble to attend funeral, been st 12, but as a great part ¢ | troops expected conld not get down in i time, 1t did not take place till 2, “Eleven pieces of artillery were ; brought from Alexandria, anda schoon er belonging to Mr. F. Hamilton mame down and lay off Mount Vernon to fire minute gunk gan to move, Manteler. ed the ocorpee. marched with the military, cession moved oat of the gate af the left wing of the honee and proceeded to sound in froot of the Iswn and dows to the vanlt on the right wing of the house. The procession was as follows. ster, pistols, ote Cyrus and Wilson, in hisek. vault the Rev. service and prosoanced a short ex. tempore monies, and the Jtis worth while to give Oolonel I ruTE entire entry for that 15th day of De cember, Wednesday, Dee 18 17909 “About 11 o'clock numbers of pe the Bavn +3 BRE which was intendad to “Abont 3 o'clock the procession be- Simms, Payne, (Gilpin, Hamsay and Colonel Blackburn preced. | ‘olonel Dentales | The pro- The Troops, Horse and Foot, Musie Pinying o Solesn Dirgs, The Clergy, vit: The hey, Me. Davia, Me. Mair, Me. Moflat and Mr. Addison, The General's horse, with bis saddie, hol Wed Dy his two grooms, The body borne liy the Free Masons asd officers, Principal monrnoee, viz: Mrs, Stour: and Mrs. Loar, Missex Naney and Sallis ¥ioart Miss Fairfax snd Miss Depleon, Mr Law and Me Peter, Mr. Lesr and Dr Crsih, Lord Pairfax and Ferdo Fairfax, Lodge | No, 8, Corporntion of Kiexapiris other persons prededed by Mr, Anderson | and the oversevrs, “When the body srrived at the Mr. Davis read the h. “The Masons performed their cere dy was depositedin the vanit.” Interesting as ix this account of the funeral, Colonel Lear's story of the last illness of his chief and the medi- | cal treatment he received is still more | absorbing 10 us of the present day, a» it shows, by contrast with modern | methods, that, had the General lived 100 years later, ‘hia life might have been saved, scarcely beyond doubt. The cause of lis death was stated to be “oedematous affection of the wind. pipe,” or, in layman's plirase, watery swelling of the windpipe. The troable | at first was ordinary GUinsy sore throat, which Ig the second day had | developed into membranous croup, which, however, is rarely fatal, except Those werg the davs of cuppingand and Washington not only f in the bands of his insisted, rather gaint | The arrangements of the procession were wade by Colonels Little, Simms, Dienenle and Dr. Dick. The pall hearers were Colonels Little, Al: ‘also knew precisely what was neces i sary for the constraction of thes huts, what tools were needed and what moe terials. His order of December 18, 1777, transformed the whole army in. to a cabin building host i bad his plaes aid duty, from the mae jor-ganersis fo (he drammers All the tecls were fairly divided. each rem mart bald te ground fassiznsd it. the straet and intervals were marked ont, and when the work wax begun, valley was alive with Tosey builders Fach enlons! divided into parties of twelve, gave th share of axes and shovels, them know home for themsolves, be cecnpiad by twelve men, Genersl Washing! an added the stimulant of a ars Few FEF #18 thelr and Jet the best hat Tews woska of were built and arranged in streets, The work was done oa a dist of four mired with watis and baked in cakes, with scarcely any meat or hread. At {fires to keep from fresning Fow | blankets, few poverings, many soldiers withont shoes, ‘wadiog naksad in De center's snows ouch were the at tribates of Valley Forge. By ths new year the huts wera done, the sirests Iai ont, and the army housed, with some three thousand men ant for duty, frost-bitten, sick snd bangry. They bad shelter, but that was abont all. The sonntry had been swept so bare by the passage of eo tending PRrTntaa that ayer straw ta lie | ad ts pet and the sald, grovind oftes bad to sev ve for fpr, ner WHEL R184 Ness eti anes days “ ut any food, oat thw endurance and on pie of the me EORTO#, of i "TOY RTs TT SAAR io i pan and bn The only article Yalonging to Lie bed Lwhish the Monat Vernon Association ‘ hus not recovered for Preservation i : the mansion is the bed gailt or : fortable” which coversd Lis dying ‘beady. This is iu the possession of Mrs. Exre, who, as told, Wier ‘of tne diary of Tobias Lear, C grandiather. This guilt was Mrs. Washington 1s the ce representation of Penn's ir the Indians, and at each sory tion of some colonial print au incident in the life o pation, oad Wines iv ad = Ser vain 20 75 WW aahing te avn a Infinence. Know AY A poiitionl slvurantar of bs 5 As orkly af: tar the ¥ Eo $a $i Had bees aid Francis [aah Peclarsnion Ht the PH pet i% tha Ax a tren as made by i ae Dea A 2 5 $ spires © Wenig : gigia. and of |, nr Re onnty, Vie dis opinion a nH Waskington 8 Murshal of Frauve, in the Benuil thers Saenl pode Bit RAG ‘upon which is engr ved ren Washington, Fyg , General in -Ohief the United States Aviny and | Mac shin ‘of France.” The mug recs! solittle known, that Washi wat gn officer in the atuiies : King of Franowr. How the iilanirions chawipion of Yorktown recsivad title arose inthe following war: aid Count Bochambesn sxe to lponntry $f wax speedily made ko that he coal? aot serve nm Wah Lington, ax the old laeutenani fieneral ‘eould only be commandsd by the King in Porssn or a Marshal of toh France. A way out of the diffonlt 5 oe was found by Colonel Januren : Ee anenng 1 Washua gion s suppeated that Kiog Louk maka CATRINE BR Washington a "Marechal An: pie : No ostowas done, and son of the an x iliaries so addressed Washinsiou at Yorktown, A Somewhere said to be un ld of the $oint Wi fel fii atwint the soop- AE as few Comets Baan Lv at the ratification by tha mothe tndson y feat i Vir argent and ix feaiverniant, gitar tha PnirY WAS Ki Instr strings, and the id briog oat ail woah was Wash Bo a aii Tay Tes =, woo 8 Ss § Taster AT AEG EE {heey Washinginn's Farewell, ia gt - ’ . : 358m aie It was on December 4, Washington's officers assembing | Frannee's Tavern, Now York, him farewell, 1 Werhington Was the Heal Coramander, Washington, = eotamander, Wad the peoigs for petling all that was best ont of the men ander him, bat the work of orpssiziag aad das cipling the army at Cambridge was the least of the tronbles whieh son fronted him when lie faced the situs fiom at Boston, Maovrewrer, he knew all the ds i enlties, for he not only saw them, Ba was hever ander dein- s10%s hs to either pleasant or disagree abtile facta, One of his greatest quali ties was hia absolute verseonty of mind] i he always fooked a fae great at Faha Ax he looks his faithial friends Lis nsasl sad! mand deserted him and he con! 1 ' eontrol his voice, Taking a glass, he lifted i up and said simply: “With a heart full of love and gratitude | now take my leave of you, most devoutly wishing that your latter days may be | a8 prosperous aud hay py as your for. mer ones have been glorious aad boa . orable.” a a - 1% * fit Washington, . What figure more Immoeably august { Than Shar gave siresgih so patient aod : i oO pure, before im. nF rom Calm = gods foriuoe, when it wavernd, poo ee * by Senator H C. sare; - [13a ining serene, Imnenmraldy Jus, Precioas w aslingr sn Tt 8. BI ¥ FIARNIS THNE. Bd 3 4 = at . iam, 2 sof the vainable relies i the rand | Boidier and statesman, rare wnison: fassiinhnastia 3g | Bigh-polend exampin ; {Modest sob Gro as Nat aes’ & pal wahiag Save bry the men Gis nob Broad-minded, bigh. one Who Nacht ai this, and curs, and ail men w- Grand Master Panl ~James Rusesll Lowell, { arn. he saw whet he tarned fo the task Lodge, x . Master nH i Jpeg ari sral Wasiis gk WASHINGTON AT AT VALLEY } FORGE. spires anspeakable emotions in every | ! ‘reader of the Revolationary story, ap- | pealing to the depth of the pathstia | and to oar Valley Forge Moscow: | ther fee endorod through the | Fhiladelphin ix evn tient 40 | porverad 13 ho Spee or, of New Jersey, Uses § Rol ers instead When : that NHiry #1 i the 3 this Every man the avant that they were butldiog a A caban was to Pittsburg & Busters reward to the purty that shonld bnild | hard work, and hots | : Med rows | night the men huddied aromad the | : ! sarslay, ax Sliews ; ts be EM om Revel of any sort | squarely in the face, and this is woat | a Niory of the ; trnsied | of i% rhe Wash | ee iq gona 3 CW ashimgion presented the | kK to tae Grand i. ae tn Ine and levers made the | SCENE | In the mountains, at the sxio, Pi as Port | Wine district where the custom of a the roe for Port Wine is still in vogue. From ten to a dozen men or women for each in turn continge the treading, day and night, during the four or five weeks vintage, Some of the treading vats are large enough for three pep: arate rows of ten men each, who with their white breeches well . their arms on each other's shonlders, raise and tread their rat ely, with song and shouts 10 keep the lagier ones up to the rk, and a band with st ring instruments enhivens the hours. 3 ud ¥ fd HL : ow ¥ ii 1 Giller et. tears ago or r Aine C. O., at Passaie At Passajcthe same kind 5 are crashed between lors of rubber, revolved by steam. This is the only p untry where the real ge ine Pe rt Wine ie made So the grape—and they are grown Tight in Srren’s ViNgvazps, ese vineyards extend over 3 of a mile along one of the Main ues of Passaic, and comprise fifty six acres. The soil being iN 1TON makes the wine most valuable for Medical use SPEER'S WINES e well known to be of the highest character, the oldest and most Wines in America, equal 1 Uperio rto any wines in the consist of Port, Bure v, Claret. Rauterne imax Brand has some Wine in his over thirty eight years ago, Al of Speer's . b » yory oll rich well round Ted. soft and delicate Every family shpild have a bottle or two of f sash vanety of Speers Wines and Brand: r oalway the home, for sickness or family Ue, Ean or Nk b Drs (tits and Crrocers ho Sell op Clas; Wines, it .s from this district the vines were imported over Tort ‘ineyards of the Spe of grape large rol ace m % na { pm ytd ¢y wpe he vi Bvend Tiin He 3 ®4 seed Ina de $5 ww 5% ¥ ar : 1h Time ' Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table. 10 TAKE ESFECT NOY 21. 88 Westwird x we Pome Coen Plan £ vis Moe Bey fat Ppt lane € w= -, z 2 3 Aa bs ey sey ® Tanets & vs L& $i . Fo ghnpaand iE sa=Bea Reus TYWEC EE wR Ese HE mae Fp CF yee, Andy, Leawel re Westward. A ous | iid PO » Bo BG BE By wd dn aed ee de Ro - # Poesy ga dail | Frgisdairy Box soves Mais Fading Sativ. a i Toskiomticsn BANE, Work Sue oe. ! cambria apd Clearfisld Ry #3, Yrs mapd {rem ave ie NEDERA a ee # = —— Ente R BEEIEED BEB Sa. pe § esa AHR Hoy wt re Pa biww UE Laika nd So TER CT vA AER eR | grt . is. BO Wawa Pass, Ag 4 a i ¥ Fa = $4 #5 40 * Chinn Somes ladiroasd Traine wk Haven, With HE and New tag. Wiatsins: t Maiallsy aad sis. Po SHR law Julie amd dain and B Samer with & Terese TO PM 3.4 Se SERRE Nam Mi Had Ramage York, Lawes trenevy amt | atten Onrweney Bidgway n Sd % ok, F BE Age GOND Gegeral Supt nn, Aawtyione for Street Lighting The Oily of Walash [nd is soon lighted UF a3 aeiviene za or | plant, mow being installed by the Los | gassport and Wabkash Valley Gas Come | pany, otherwise known as the Dejtrich | Syndicate, says the Railways Review. - The machinery and materials are now om the ground asd the city authoritiee nform thai the strver lights will Tristate aad Pupssulnwney Ex raha shortly. The wr Palas, Falls « mek asd Paez | re becn Dephtsd by are the Tay. and the : street Baillate, Socbesior nnd Fitteburg Ry. a mi TEER tem! Px we Ti lone nd ve “RO Oy anes! after Nes. eww be (vel Tegan i Hy Sally utile Ae PraBeds, Fails g ing at Pmllads Sa ed i Bradford and Rovner, taeda tion, PReReY EAT pdms tiie EX way, Joti ia WF O08 18 poeraiion rend in oh hve A ES om wr, mad JH oat BOR th pve Tatton and Pall Indermiaiion, oY, IT A Roc Bester, N «Ye > Eo]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers