The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 16, 1899, Image 1

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    hha ee re
$1.00PER YEAR.
VOL. VINO. 12.
Do Your Buying of Dress Goods, Millinery, Coats
and Furs at JAS. QUINN'S, Johnstown, Pa.
i CR Ios S30 FS EAR SS
SL esa ahi
‘Gleaned Here and There by
the * Courier Reporter.”
Unless you need them, 1h #atowing is Take
2 and then oniy pure drugs, : Trade Journal:
such as are sold by responsible or" "UT FIT ll
gists. We keep only the xg 3) pent several days in the Beech
Taken From the Coal
: *
lucker, Who
the above facts
Removed 16 Windber, ;
Opposite School Building.
SL FRA % &. 2
About One Dozen |
Heating : Stoves to sell | many friends with them to their new
cheap. Now is your pome
chance to get a good stove
for little money.
best. That is the great dis- Creek region organizing a local union
tinction to be looked for when at Clearfield, at Munson, and arrang-
then v realea will the statement that in a short time the
& eh : No where else i you national organization will send a npum-
pl SO comp ete a stock. | ber of organirers into this section, who |
erie | will remain here unti] Central Penn-
j Syivania regions are thoroughly organ-
ised. He nays only the largest operators
| are paying the district price of 45 cents ;
a groes ton, and claims that he knows Rev. Joseph A. K
{ of conl being dug (pillar coal’ as low
(a8 20 cents a ton, while other coal is |
dug at from 35 to 40 cents a ton. :
: Mine Inspector Joseph Knepper, A
!8. R, Richards, superintendent of the PROGRANUE
nd-White 0 | Mining bonpany, Lor the (oncert and Lecture 155 be Gi
; » . a ¥ " wre ti SE iE:
and Eli ¥. Townsend, acting as the | the Baptist Charch Feb 7%
dv i board of examiners of this (the eighth;
: properly it takes | bituminous district, granted mine fore. curt anid Jocture to he ented iti the
time. It requires exper- man certificates as follows this week: |p. pe o be pe. . .
HS ad De | First prude: "Themas 17. Porsythe Bass chmed sdnesday evening,
; € a ie ube eS ’ 4 1599:
SC : V Houtzdaln; W. RB. Blythe, Madeira; ox
knowledge of drugs. It re- ,4.1 Cook, Smoke Ran; Charles E.| > Fates
quires the druggist to have Davis, Portage; Joseph F. Green, | Anthem, “The Mighty God" Choir.
a large variety of drugs— Osceola The clam numbered 2| Mandolin and Caitar Duet esr
fresh drugs. He must give persons. 1 'Vaoal Duet, “The I 3 Walch
the best possible work and What promises to be a stabborn | Moms ey ihn
“for con Pp tion h ¢ | strike took piace at the Bloomington | —~Memms. FE. Nicholson and E. Rad-
ior compensa on le mus Co.'s mine at Windburne, Clearfield | Cliffe i
be reasonable. lounty, last week, on account of a YOoM Quratette, “Break the
| | difference over a checkweighman. All {10 Mother. :
‘the: men have been discharged, the Mandolin and Guitar Duaet Messrs,
{company also notifying the men to] Tacling ung W. Jones. ks or
{immediately vacate the company ocal Sola, Irene Good Night,
houses. Miss Katie Wilson,
art Soeand.
| Lecture, “Getting On In The World”
. Mr. J. E. Kirk, proprietor of the pay Joseph A. Klocker, B.D
iJ. BE. Kirk Hardware Co, of Patton, i Tickets: Children, 13 cents; Adoits
has this week shipped the contents of 4 cents. Proceeds for the benefit of
stare No. 2 to Windber, a new mining | ihe church.
town in the scathern part of the Be ee
§ county, located eight miles from Johns A a
town. This store was formerly the Bev. J. A. Klucker delivered a lecture
property of A. M. Thomas and was OPOn “Getting On In The World” in
purchased by Mr. Kirk some two years the M. E. church, of this place, Friday
‘ago, since which time the apbuilding evening, April 3th, 1807. The rever.
lof the extensive business of the firm end gentleman more than met the
Lim ite different lines has made it both | €Xpectations of his friends in deliver.
| popular and profitable. The servic os | INE 8 lecture replete with valuable in-
“| were retained under the new manage. T0ent and logieal force he emphasized
| ment, whose tealous attention to busi- ‘that “getting on in the world” in any
| ness has won for him the esteem : £
| confidence of his employer and wha | O01 be accomplisbed by labor, close
left on Wednesday to assume the duties and continued labor. He demolished
of manager of the new store. As s00D the idea that mankind were creatures
! a suitable arrangements can be made °F fate, chance or lock. It was being
for housekeuping Mr. Eddy vu be | Ody at all times to take advantage
| joined by his family, who, although | opportunities, not by waiting Mi.
i greatly missed in church and social ‘cawber like for them to turn up, but
circles, carry the best wishes of their PY persistent labor and application to
feompel events favorable io “getting
lon” to transpire Blossburg Pa:
{ Advertiser.
The Storm in North Cambria, A Fars Ful
§ . 4 3 ata ail,
Ti orm i ue Tou aE vcard ce on he Pie
” We would like to and which amounted to one of the | DUE & Eaters wailzoad sek Mout
do sowie vl mbing spout worst blizzards the cougtry has ever _" neces _— ya affey oun
i do some pium fig spou “| known, was practically’ hard on rail. | Friday, the result of a misstep from
Ing or tmwork for you. | roads when steam traffic was almost at his engine which at that time was
Look in east window and a standstill. Op Monday all trains on Passing over the river bridge, lo take
see some of our work. the C. C. Division of the P. R. R. run FAY from ose tank, which is there
All work guaranteed. ai ns Croan. worn) i tender of the eng Mr. McCurdy's
| | making the run up the branch to Eb. Attention was attracted by a sudden
| ensburg from Kaylor, in leaving for noise and on looking round he lost his
{Patton became imbedded in a drift ; a
iabout two and one-half miles from | PEIOW, adistance of 85 feet. Willing
| Ebensburg aud could not be extricated hands went immediately to his assist.
| until the following day at 12:30 p. m. 7% but were horrified upon reaching
| On the Philadelphia & Reading rail. the unfortunate man to find life extinct.
| way, which is the eastern outlet of the | He was a member in good standing
‘ Beech Creek, the severity of the storm | of Bald Eagle Lodge No. 418 of the
| caused a complete blockade of all coal { Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
: at Jersey Shore and Clearfield. | At Jersey Shore, and carried a $1,500
{The sidetracks were all filled with insurance policy in that order. De-
| loaded cars, which compelied the mines | ceased as aged 35 years and haves :
at this place ss well ns elsewhere to | Mourn his sudden demise a wife and
| . 1 trafic was resumed. | 1%° children. J. A. Richards, secre-
Ful half Time TL tary of the lodge of which be was a
; : at a Sena member, was in Mahaffey on Saturda
| The last of the series of hops given a po or a fan Ty
ed new line of window by the Young Men's Social Club of} 0, place Tuerday. i,
30a, 15, 26e, 40c, 50c, 60c, | Patton terminated in a pleasant man. . —
$n each. | ner in Goldstein's hall on Friday even- w W al ie wk M
OHAIRS--from $1.00 to ing the event being attended by the, un stay of Week wh
: noe of 25 or more couples. The J0bn Yahner disposed of his hardware
pr | store, located on the corner of Fifth
lub is composed of young men promi. and Magee avenuoes, to Mr. D. A. Lather,
CHAMBER SUITS $14, 8, $20
925, $0, dais, us, "| nent socially and their dances have Tr. of Carroll Mr. Y h
line of drop leaf and extension {been popular features of amusement dial) oa Sows. hardware ey
i Aablcs-=$125, 5.00, $6.00, $8.50 and during She winter sen n; ‘in Patton since the earliest growth of
au —— Rl Tine of fioup the town and his house has always en-
A full line of: Hardware and
: ‘joyed an extensive patronage. Mr.
Stoves. Give us a call and feed 1 have added to my SOM, fener will give the busines his strict
and see for yourself
which will be known hereafter as the |
“Cheap John Store,” a full line of F0Ual attention a ni
It will pay you to call if you wish to,
isave money. All goods fresh and of
ity. Jon~ Gants, |
Fourth Avenue.
You can buy more goods at the Cash
Grocery for $10.00 than any place in
town. |
On Iu The World,” at Baptist Church, Washington's
: Birthday, February 22
“ollowing is the program of the con.
and | Parsuit, occupation or profession could
walking over the
footing. falling to the ice on the river
| No use of suffering with cold feet
J wisem yout caf
H. Atkin.
1 1M Always frosh
: | Leate your laundry with Scheid &
: . Wilkins.
The Patton Wooden Mannfae- es
: : ov pu . Oranges and lemons at the Cash
turing Co.'s Plant | Grocery.
TE | Fresh fish every Thursday at H
iit | Mena £3.00 shoes for $2.00 at Wolf &
The Less Between $5,000 sud $9.000. With Thompson's.
an Insaranes of 535.000 If yon want to save money go to the
About 4:30 this Thursday | morning Cash Grocery.
residents of Patton were suddenly | If you want to save money deal at
awakened from thelr slambers by the | the Cash Grocery
‘alarm of fire and were surprised to Men's $3.30 shoes for $2.50 at Wolf &
‘find the spoke and handle factory and : MPO & Store
i " Men's £2 80 wool pnderwear at $e
: plan 3 i Los Wood
[piasing sill of fe Pat en ‘at Wolf & Thompson's store,
Manufacturing company a seething Three pounds of the finest prones in
mans of flames, town for Pe at the Cash Grocery,
The fire in supposed to bave origin ponember if you want lo save
ated in the boiler room and had gained money buy your goods at the Cash
iri 4 as sach headway befure the alarm was Grocery.
fire company and citizens put forth to & Thompmon's store, Good building,
Arrest its progress proved unavailing Patton, Pa.
and Both als this: morning bat You cannot do better than to call on
" Er ng Gould & Beezer for first-class plumbing,
a smonidering mass of rains. atc. Fatimates freely given. 44tf
Many Pleased With the Musieaie Given by Since having become the property of Men's and boyw' $1.50, $1.35, $1.08,
Hover Talent Monday and Tuesday. the above-named firm the entire plant 75 and 50-cent hats all go at 22 cents at
Among the most delightful events of had been overhavled and equipped Wolf & Thompson's store.
the season was the Maosicale given in wip now machinery and their spoke
Goldsteins hall on Monday and Taes-
‘day evenings, the 13th and 14th, for =
‘the benefit of St Mary's Catholic 00st of which was §1.400, had but rec
chareh of Patton. ently been pot in operation
Notwithstanding the inclemency of The estimated loss of the bailding
the Walter a large sudience was and contents Bw between $8000 and
present each evening and the enter.
tainment proved thoroughly enjoyable
Space dors not permit a review of the On the same. Ni ibaa initationn. 15 W
program, bat the selections were rend. The Cormier learns upon good ar : OF > len Sia on Re
ered by the best Jocal talent of Patton, authority that the plant will at onee be : ;
assdated by Mise Flizabeth Flick, of rebuilt. ;
Altoona, every number being well re :
ceived and all merited the appreciation WANY THOGSAND FEET EN
"yn 1 : EL 3 od
Of Logs Peing Handed to the Landing a } ]
Few lew Prose Palle.
. Cooghing injures and inflames sore
and handle machine, the aggregate lunge One Minate cough cure loos
ems the cold, allays eonghing and heals
nicky. The best congh cure for
ehildren., © W. Hodgkins, Patton
Horrible agony is caused by plies,
: ’ . of burns and skin diseases. These are
$9,000, with an insurance of $1,000 00 on diately relieved and quickly cured
by DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve. Be-
which was manifested
An especial feature on Tuesday even-
ing was the solo by Master Russell While we wore housed up trying to
Barton entitled “The Hero of Ma keep from freezing during the past
nilla’ Master Rossell has a voice of week there were busy times within a
surpassing sweetness and although but couple of miles of Patton where: from
four years of age his rendition of this 35 to 40 teams were engaged i putting
popular song entirely captivated those logs into the creek to stock the big mill
present. Receiving an encore be sang at Flynn City. From 150,000 to 700,000
“The Church Across the Way” in the feet are being conveyed to the creelt
same inimitable manner, daily, which will be driven 12 miles to
The Misses Flick and Mellon, who the mill located at that place and oper- at
had the affair in charge, received many ated by Mr. Charles Kreamer, of Lock L. “A m S = har
congratulations upon the success of Haven. : | & targa.
the entertainment, much of which was The mill cuta from 80.000 to SA,000
due to their untiring sfforta to make feet daily and it will take 12 years to
it the hit it proved cut the lumber from this tract.
Mr. Kreamer has built a well-aquip-
No Change Cuntemmplated. pod railroad and the little engines can
It in reported that W. H. Sandford, je seen conveying immense train loads
cashier of the Firwt National Bank of ints the mill and at the
Patton, will be called to Philipsburg to Of 108% into the midl anc A the praent
time the log woods have been converted
. succeed O. P. Jones as cashier of the
First National Bank of Philipsburg. into a veritable bee-hive of indostry.
At this rate it will be but a short
Heating Stoves, best
quality, at prices that will
induce vou to buy this
Ranges, the Jewell,
Dockash, Etc. ——None
better.and prices awaydown.
Rafternan’s Journal.
" The above report, we are reliably in- gimme until the beautiful forests of Cam- |
formed, is without any foundation. On pes county will be a thing of the past
the contrary, there is greater probabil- and where once stood the tall pine and
ity of Mr Sandford being calied to the majestic hemlock nothing but a brush
position of president of the First Nabt- 1... and a brier patch will remain. :
ional Bank of Patton, of which insti
tution he is now cashier, as it was one King's Sumsr Schaal,
of the reserved rights made by A. EE. Byron W. King’s proposition to hold
Patton, when he accepted the presi- the summer session of King's School of
dency of the bank, that at the proper Oratory, & Pittsburg institution, at
time he might have the privilege of Fbensburg has received favorable con.
resigning in favor of Mr. Sandford as sideration at the hands of the gounty
president, and when this time arrives capital people and as a result Mr, King
‘this will be the position to which Mr. has definitely decided to bold the sum-
Sandford will be eailed instead of the ' mer session there. Mr. King requested
cashiership of another bank. The the ase of the Opera House or any
people of Patton are not prepared to other building suitable for his porpose
lose 80 good a citizen as Mr. Sandford, and assurance that Ebenshurg board-
and the stockholders of the First ing houses could accommodate from
National Bank are not willing to part 200 to 400 pupils. A committee of cit-
with his valnable services. iznon has been appointed to look after
the matter of bourding for the stodents
Guity {a the Sepnnd Dagree and secure if possible reduced rites on
The trial of Michael Hart, charged (he railroad
with the killing of Vietor Corretli, at
DuBals, April 28, 1594, closed at Clear-
field Satarday. The jury went out at The big wheel carrying the steel roge
| 9 o'clock a.m. and came in at 2 o'clock of the haulage system in the Sterling
p. m., with a verdict of murder in the Mine No. 8, the largest coal operations
second degree. There was a long con- at Hastings, was broken ou Moaday by
t, sn several jurors were favorable an accident, necessitating a shut down.
to a first degree verdict. Hart received It is not expected that the mine can
ithe verdict with stolid indifference. resume before the 20th, as a new wheel
| His attorneys made a motion for arrest must be cast. The accident is es
lof judgement. pecially costly at this time, when the
{ yah : conl business is unusually brisk.
: laning Mill Marased,
The planing mill of Murray, Jooes Favor the MeCarreil BIL,
{and company at Philipsburg was tot- The United Mine Workers of the
ally destroyed by fire early last Wed. Haselton district have adopted resolu- |
esday morning. The loss is estimated tions favoring the MeCarrell bill, lim-
lat $10,000. The steam boiler of the iting and defining the power of ilistrict
{mint exploted during the fire and threw attorneys in standing aside jurors. The
| pieces of iron and burning wood in all resolutions assert the passage of this
‘directions. Stables of Barber, Platt & bill would be a benefit to workingmen,
Co. were damaged to he extent of
| $800.
Lutheran ery I
Yeager B'ld'g, Patton, Pa.
Sterling Wine [die
We can sell you a sewing mach -
ine—the EQUAL of any that i»
made—the SUPERIOR of many
at prices that will allow you te
save from $10 00 ro $25.00.
Space will not allow us to go
into details to tell you why our
machines at such low pooes are as
good as the higher priced ones, but
if you'll come to the store we
would be glad to explain every.
thing to yor—we know that you'll
he couvinced of all we claim for
them. Good machmes that you
can depend on and with which we
give a ten year guarantee, at
$18.50, $10.50 10 $25.00,
felivered free within 100 miles of
Altoona be your freight depot.
1320-22-24 11th AVENUE.
Regular Latheran services will be
Wainen's: Warm Shoes. held in the Good hall in Patton San-
‘day morning and evening, February
‘2th. Everybody invited to attend.
A pair of $1.50 Shoes for $i.25
a4 ii 5% 1.25 wi Ey 1.00
1.00 78¢
At Miller's White Shore Store.
] a 4a ve a a :
i f | SF ar
j { of