Lyon APE very ton years, borne the signature of and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. r s, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- that trifie with and endanger the health of Children-Experience agaist Experimont, ; ‘Opitim, Morph is age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ng Troubles, cures Constipation ate: the Fuad, regulates the ALWAYS TH PATTON CULKIS Incorrigible, {A poor Little street Arab was brooght | into a hospital by the police Ho bad { been ran over by ap omnibus and was | badly injured The chaplain was sent i for, as it was thooght improbable that the hov wonld live many hours With little tact the chaplain began the inter. i view thus My bow. the doctors think ‘h hart Have yon been | 1 a good Iittie Loy Boy (much horesii— Yon git aon! i Chaplain 2h wied j— But 1 ato airaid L you are not a good little boy, and you know you may perhaps be going to die Boy ianxious to cud the Interview j— Well tain't none ¢' your boxiness any: Law Wot's me death got to do with you? Ave you got a pal in the corffin Hine? It in pleasant to be able to relate that the boy finsiiv recovered Now and then the dootor is believed to be almost omniscient A patient in a military bospital was constantly gottiog ‘into bot water becsass he smuoggled Mood into the wards One morning his medion] officer was about to examine his throat with a laryngoscope. Seeing the little mirror al] ready for ose the man's ohum whispered an anxious warning from the adjoining ted “I say, Bill, you'd best ‘ave a care Ee “maoight 'sppen to see wWol yer : supper lawst noight *—Cornhill Mags: gine (oald Sleep at Will. A friend of the Inte Dr William Pep per of Philadelphia tells how he could £0 to sleep at will me Mra. ——7" he would sy some times ‘lI could talk with yoo much more satisfactorily if | bad a few min- .ntes’ pap Jane make Mex —— onm. fortable ar! wake me in ten minutes’ : Outside the office would bs crowded { with people waiting to see him-—about | the Philadel; ia ruosenms, the Univer: wity of Penn ovivania the public libra health, but be wonld go into his own room behind the | office. won!ld stretch ont on the lounge, | ries, or about their ‘throw a rog over his knees and closing | ‘ bis eyes would be asleep at once Ten minutes Iater he would be rovssd hy bis r Stock Taking Prices Will be the Fashion In Our BIG STORE DURING =a... FEBRUARY, This will especially be the case on storks that have been | found to be too heavy for the season and will include Dress Goods, Blankets and inter Underwear, Domestic Goods JM every sort on which the lowest of figures will be placed thin them out. id There will be a great saving to all who come here to buy daring February was in January as the advantage of reduced prices will prevail. now have a beautiful new assortment of Embroideries in all widths rices in Cambric sand Nonesook with insertions to match many styles. There are all prices ranging from bc to $1 per yard. Also a line of very handsome all over embroideries in many prices. atifol new Bpring Ginghams and Percales are now in and range at The, 1004 120 a yard. ey Nur hover prettier nor cheaper than now. Our Annual Sale of Ladies’ Muslin Underwear is now going on. - The stock is unusually handsome and the prices very low, lower than you can bay i material and make them, skirts, drawers, chemises, corset Come and we them if possible. If you cannot we shall be pleased to We make a specialty of quick delivery Mail Orders. for sample to the Big New Store, one square from the y. ha Corner rth Avenue and 22th Street, hs WwW. COOK, Altoona, Pa. On Friday, Marek 3 For Adams, Conemaugh, Fast Taylor and West Taylor Twps., and Franklin, East Conemauagh, Rosedale and South Fork Boros. On Saturday, March 4 son, Portage and Summerhill Twps., and Ebensburg, Portage, Summerhill and Wilmore Boros. The Assessors are required to be present at hearing of appeals for their | respective Districts. BExJ. Jones, ABRAM HOSTETLER, ThroMAs HOOVER, Attest: County Comrs. Jonn C. Gates, Clerk. 30, 1899, With years of experience in the neatness, comfort, wear and price, in any way be compared with Winch Bros., of Boston, Mass., for ladies’ fine shoes. If their $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 8 are not as good as you have been | . g $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 for they wii q R00E YOu one cent. Try a pair For Blacklick, (Cambria, Croyle, Jack- Commissioners’ Office, Ebg., Pa., Jan'y : shoe business we find that for style, fit, there is no shoe house in the U. 8. can | servant and would at onos resutne bis conversation with the patient at the point at which it bad been dropped He would sleep in his carriage as he was driven from one appointment to anoth- er He wonld sloop in » train, in a strange parlor or library, in private or in public, atsolntely indifferent to oom- ment spi dpe School Motidays 1 in France. Two hondred and six holidays in the year, as against 159 schooldays! That's the record of public instruction in France To begin with, thers is he regular midsammer holiday, which cov- ‘ars a perioe of 64 days That's pretty good for a starter. Then thers are the Sundays They are holidays of course everywhere, but they count an addi tional 62 days Then ten days are al. lowed for the proper celebration of Christmas and New Year's To be thor oughly observant of the great feast of Eastertide 15 days are given Thurs days are holidays and that means 53 more days of po labor. All Saints .oomea in for three days’ holiday, St Charlemagne two days, Shrove Toosday ‘and Ash Wednesday two days, Whit : suntide three days and three days to make merry when the national fete in July rolls round The rest of the year ' the children are supposed to stody.— Philadelphia edger World's EPpy Workhouse. The largest workhouse in the world is at Liverpool. where the workhoums : bas accommodation for no fewer than 6,000 iomates. It is pot, however, of. ten filled, as only baif of its many dor mitories are occapied by the permanent pmuper residents There are occoasions such as a labor strike, if long continaed, which caunse it to B11 ap rapidly, and then it proves nons Wo big for the re. quirements of the anion Liverpool has a large namber of poor. bat it is spe cially munificent in its charities Of theme the chief are the Bluecoat hospi- ‘tal, maintaining and educating 350 children , the Orphan ssylom, the Hea. men’s Orphan asylom in Newsham park, containing aboas 400 boys and an equal pumber of girls; schools for the bltd and the deal and dumb, indostri- al schools, and a npumber of hospitals — London Tit-Bita Sa SNS Sehool Laws in Switseriand. If » chiid in Switzertand does pot as | tend schoo! on a particular day, the parent gets a notice from the public so: | thority that be is fined 20 many francs The second dir the fine is increased, and by the third day the amount be comes 8 serious ane In case of sickness the pupil is excused, but if there be any suspicion of shammiog a doctor is seat . If the suspicion proves to be well found od, the parent is required to pay the . cost of the Sector’ 8 visit The fend In the Road. 1 don t count death anything. [t's the main traveled road Death is not the end of the road ; it's only a bend arcand which people pass out of onr sight Death i» only an incident. Man isa . bard thing w kill He can’t be killed | A drop of water cannot be destroyed. When energy goes trom bere, it persists i | visewhere. -—Myron W. Reed Finaseially Weak. ; ‘Madam. you've already overdrawn your account.’ “What's that? “You haven't any more money in the bank. **The idea! A fine bank, I think, to be out of money because of the little I've drawn! Well, I'll go somewhere Historie. **1 suppose, ’ said the frequently dis. | appointed politician. *‘that I may refer $0 my latest experience as ‘a historic defeat. "Yen," answered the somewhat ma | sirical friend, tim the sense that history repeats itself Washington Star i ‘wd for © “Will you excose CW, AL Chagdain, Alpine Hotel Fim one A EA BIR iR FEBRUARY 9. 1% FRO SEE EV ao BR Re [avllications for Liquor i Licenses. | Notice is hereby piven that the ap plications of the following persons for! Liquor Licenses have been flied in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sesaslons of Cambria Coonty, Pa., and will be presented to the said | Court for its consideration on Monday, DR S WwW Ww .S. . orrel I, February 20th, 15999; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Unless specially Office in Good Bailding, Room No, 3. the residences of the applicants (as stated in the petitions; are at the Si Gonoral Surgury and the Eye & Special places for which application is made: —_tt ASV ITAR BOROUGH RECTORY, DR. C. ERNEST CHASE, Surgeon Dentist, | PATTON, PENNA. Office in Sciomon Boillding, opposite (ity Restaorant, Fifth Avenne, designated below, wit senive pump attension Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. next 16 I wife, aleel $e {otait : Flotpi? Foanavin House fetal BANE BORGO. aphid £7 stein Bia, Floated” Tuavid Ff, Bangi or, M Haodger Plowen, “Cornpereiad Taomss Brows +4 ty Hotel Y John Hinde, > Barnestem fon J. Ritter Sha puri & Vee, 1.8. Wy orion agi Oba Hevipi™ Ciffew in APington Vo Patten a A5 3 proving hai md given epevind alte ation. OFFICE HO Bis ‘DR. W. |. DOWLER, | Physician and Sten Office in Mellon block, next door to Postoffioe, Patton, Fain! $ 5% HARK TOWNSHIP MH. A. Lather, 85. Nicholas Hotel REACKELICE COW NSIT Faward [. Keene, ‘Commersianl Hotel CARBOL TOW SN BOROT GH, Js A Faratmugh, Mato WE ppd Brewer en fdimenr, sae Motel” Retail A onli, duy or night, promptiy Andrew H. Haug. “The Hohenrehiern” Retail | go, : an Jains r, “American Hoose™ Reta Vincent Heiv and John Damm, Main Reuel Somerville, Sires WW holesm ie N £ eat hy, “= Law reer Hotel Bortnii Attorney-at-Law, » . Patton, PA. 4. Binity, “Cente Hotel” Retigil | Offices in the Good Building. 1B. Wirtner, Old San Hrvwery Botte | JAMES NOLAN, CARROLL TOW XaHIP. Attorney-at-Law, Hela! * Hetaid reaporied far HO Kirkpatrick, “Fairelew Hotel”. Retail CHEWY APRINGE BOROUGH, syne Kelly . Flotail CHENY TOWSAHIF HOB Alas, Rhody Hotel CLEARPIELD DOW NSHITF, pry artes Arlington Heel Minn PF, Nagie, = Angastine Hotel CHENAOGN TOWNSHIP. Iindail Footail Hetnil Retail Hetaii Wheaten iene Beanil Brewer | Mulibew Adivebairg, Sanit, (Offew in Good Building. -10tf. John Heows, Commencing Hots Thee FF. allan, Asheprdh Ave & 2% Foden Me Ngily, Tnation ihe RK. J Me Naliy, 1 pea ity Btw whiny lel Whar Centeal Hotel a Hetil ft onrasd W stederoth, Andros Floss Herta Fosters Hwan, Spd resides Gniltvan, a £4 WH DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, ErpNsntnG, Pa. Li! iewal bosineas prosopliy atlended oe {fee in Parker Building, EAN Pdr aNRNMLY crue nd ¥ or, Back Hors Hotel fx sailor, Prvaset § # fetal Fetal! PRE w TOBACCO and ( TGARS The finest Hoe in Patton at G1 FITZPATRICK'S Restaorant on Magee avenue, PRR depot, MEALS AT ALL Hols Retund | M AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co, Pa | Wat Ward } Monntatn Hotse EHE SAE Wes HL Denay, Eietn il ERE RSNU RG (Want Want: A. FEF. thiter, Hite! Bender io A Uaver, Blaly Moe WwW MM Kipateil fwsfrat Hoted 4 RK Sawn, Metropolitan Hote be faxid Heda i% Retail | otal EA Thee Se, Poi Soon Flom mr Pen lave #5 Flotad LPO RRR +. W Astin, Hera t etait Avvo opadtations Gestures WEN RSE GR, : pial Winks at 1h Dar, =inbii : . da LE wos fee Fhokawe Wo bnoalevsgs bs CPORGE FERGUSON, i : Prop'r. { hiner ly ME svet Y Harry Nimes he Tamil 78 DRY. A etn set Wiest i CREST SPRINGS FOUN gm roaches Bede Fayed Some w Paden Hooda $a Tait Betall W Biodome W hadvesiie Beta | Forbes £N oe Le Mie tned ¥liabu Frank 1 0 £, titi a Lem iiitadn Hated ¥ fot & £30 i wer Ba oid La og, Pr Casting. Mchinery, iron kettles, stoves, stove repaim, plow points, plow re. pairs, Our charges are ressonable, Hd etal akan tu exchange fw few vw iy CHERT SPRINGS, PA Parnell & Cowher, grate Ka FIRE, LIFE Rosh INSURMNCE ACCIDENT REAL EXTATE AGENTS Cwww! Botiding, Patton, Pa Phone No 8 ob $% LAN TVS Ww odessa | ile KEELEY CURE. 2 Age #4 weed A Fadia, | Mawdiafe dae Rao Mipeet Nn Nat aor Fier tage WE reed seks Mpdeged bus A Brkenbouer How tid f2wis Mpeg! § ti. ak He 3 wy ; . Heald waiter, Mr Thos Bevet Retail BALL FTAIN THW SHH IY Hadad Retail Hetall | Jemoply Fiohessiand, Five Thora Mowers Det arey Foes Bere Mines dares Me Mudie, FANT yon BORG UR EF. lo Beekwith, Hastings Hote) Jom 8, Dstighan, Central Hotel Faward Wetley, Girone Hotel PM Kinney, Daquskanna Home MOH Nagle, Nagle Ho 40 By Notley, Flomsrr wept Jee A. Parks, Parks Hoos Coeirge M. Sebel], sehen] Plaiiding Frank Warga, Ameriean Hote Fob Westover, Fifth Ave, Hotel FACRRIN TOW RRP Wontrath, Vintondale Inn LILLY BORE ON ts fetal | Hotuil | Reta "i LIGUOR AND OPTUN RABITS. Rocasvas all desire aod agngtie, Solid 19 Phil Filtndos Mitgburg Pi LH teitact ane 2d ew > - ~ Firiation |Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa nisin CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $47,000.00. Acevanix of Corporations, Flrns, LY aNa Jobin D ! Eo Botat] | 4 TheXesieyinrtire i2e8’ ito Fo Helle, pion House . Jaren Mot aan, BK Smet Ww C Patrick Notann, Washington Homme Thomas J, Meanisn, Beant Home Blair Short, Ceeirgs Hoa Botwrt Smith, Jilby Hotter: i. b Mtiffler, Maton Street LORETO BOROUGH Fuoglebwrs Honggele, Main Missed, Charles FO Innes Retail : Retail PATTON Bogota Moor Dagaett, Palmer Hots Retail | A BK Fryekmned, Beech m1 & $k Ave Hatail inwnger & Co lang Ave peidence, bobns Liv iy W hele le Jobin Hanter TS Fd A. Melion MM. Nolan, Magee | A viii W tnasdengs ve Wiliam Maeilon Hatuit WW. ol. Niehoim Cote rial Hotel Total John L. Yeekley, Fifth Ave & Lang Ave Hetall PORTAGE BOR GH Individie bbe Perna ovnsistent with safe and conservai ve | Ban 03 00 0g Humnpuehiip teRels Sv wie Hues, Forwign Dire pavalile ition of the (Hd World, Ab rorrespondence will haveaur prom pliand pe rwotiid ate tion, Interest padd on fave deposiin A. E Parrox, Wu H SANDFORD, President. Cashier. ATTENTION Go to ASOGe sithew nae wrt M ear wil the tending ; in the principal Pation Hoted Retail Hetil He Jar: sh Peek Tenn, Yeekley House . A. Bruening, Exchange Hotel Yui nd. Lingeafeiter, Diehd Hove eid Frank PP. Morten, Kallrosd Maree, oo Bastadd Abas Miaith, Malo Sireet, resdenoe. Wash | ing lany Top i \ Woheilean is George Yeekiey, Portage Hone Retail PUHTAGE TOWNSHIP Hetil Willem HH Edwards Jamestown ! Batadl Loder Plsher, Jamestown READE TOWNSHIP Ax Brown, Artngton Hotel A Coogwr, Laper Hotel Valentine J. Morals, Rinndivirg Jahn A Newt, Lhopdaville Jom pls Wit Twp Hotel APANGLER BOROUGH Main Street Brandon, Festdone: Richart Bowen, Jimeph A. Garay ton i. Flog Sally Westover and J Ave, pesidence, Carroll Agent for Hetail A Retsil Ini AL ns Hostel Sulitvan : Fetal M. Natley, i a THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO, ~ a Corner Lang & Fifth Avenues: for a fall line of Teas, Coffees, Spices, Rolled Oats, Flour, Wheat, Sugars, Buck BUMMERIEILL MOG Jody Geritfith, Main Street Francis Kurts, (arpenler Honpee Wills Leap, Sumooerhiill Hos, Cnmsgridre, Pa Re ; STRGE EH AYNA TOWNSHIP Milton Haliman Travelers Home Hotel, Retail TUNNELPRILL BOROUGKH Foammett Hote! ¥ yea} ¢ Reta renbdenes | Betail 5 Hertrans, Hetail ory, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, Ete. WASHINGTON TOW Nal Soe ps geen Expensive Premiums W Bolsa will be given away with an¥18- | WILMORE BOROUGH ‘ounce can of A. & P. g Powder, | N. 1. Bager, Main and Railroad Sts. W Botesale 50¢. 40 cents worth of spices gels any | Ss WwW. DAVIS, Clerk Q. S. : prize on the list. Many gother pret- Ebensburg, Pa., Jan. 31, 1509. | Qms given away. CALL on us and be con- Frauk Leap, Leap House Martin Lanp, Darby Thospas { VHirten, Casamnlrs ! Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief, Ripans Tabules cure nausea. | money. TIS —— : i ¢ Head 1 i Exp ¢ No dr sind throat | Twslamand Rialpw Patton, Pa. near | Jom we Bem ar} AL We are prepared to do all kinds of Kaylor wm, * | Passa ale arid Manis fecvived gpon the mont Gavisre- | Min fase Tey sunday, i otha, ny eo. Boone! | 7 3m CTragss arrive, A rR AA ART Hs Fok SE Sa Beech Creek Railroad, N.Y. C0. & H R. R Co. Lewes. = wri 23 Nav. be 3 HE i" 9 * ail Nan wi Hur jag El ar far Fin ; AW i g 8 Pom 3 20 % 24 x od sod ol *® op o Patton Wastover Maha fey Bo arrmoos Listrarm ‘Ow $ Olanty M ite Beli irarfield Waondland Bigier Wallsoeton Worrisda ie Mins Mursson Philipsburg od re — 8 ot jx % wy o~ a Ps a Merson Wintaune Prue fiittiatowy Hunw Slew Bewi'ly Cpe Mil Halt Tawi Faves } sstrntainte | Wasied vy Shore Jub tion “¥ de recy mlvare ma Willian nsport & Im am PRs Farting RR Fila SL Philadelphia i¥ NY vin Tamagun ar LED Bon iv NY via Phila arbioe 4m pom Mwmity " 1058 a m Sa ot * Nw York ET VI Suewil a Pi on 1534 pon toads Broan Willa wit] changes cars al Huatingdon 6, lato sophia and fa At Witia } Sh Phila i Ae and Reading mit : at Jorwy Shore ! dekh the Fai! Rr Ry. aft Mil Hash - th {entral Ratirosd of Pennsyivania: of | Phiiipabo with Penneyivania rilvoed and {A Haoha & ET eeting raiirond; at Charfield with the Rochester and Pr reabivge maliway: al oe with Onanbria and Comrfietd Pesnayvania railed: at Maha | Pronesivanis and Northwestern m siperintendent. yg n niengen Con. fe | Penneylvania Raiirond Time Table Nov. 20, 1868, Main Line [eave Croeon-- Eastward, | Ren Rhore Express, week dnys © Aton Kesormmodetion, rs P Maly Line Express, dually A Ronnie Avessuxiation, daily Piadeiphin Expr press, 4 dn i x { “Ri Ax hastens fois week i Pacific Kaproam, daily Way Pausenger, daily C Pittebrg Express Mail : Fastiine, daily. | Johnstown Accom, week Any. i cambria and Clearfield. Sonthwand, Morning tral or Patton and { Glen 4 pied ©45 Maha A Westover Sof; Has ne Seid Jooetion Her Uemanay S80 Patan ha TRY Rmoayhw (far : rg; Arriving at Cresson at S10 a mA twin for Patton and Cresson Jowves Campbell at Dep mie Mabe 2% Westover 223. Hust) i; Garay (ioe Presson RSE Patton Le RB Jonetion CEE Kavior £0, arriving at Cremen at EE. Nartlyaant, Morning train aves Conn fbr Sahin fey vi ek Eletnburg ibe havior Me Hens Junetice RE Patton 18 3 hatfey | he 4 fam Pa .i mak ERrelun Cash CROP REL fh TC - SESENTAST EHH i S182 amt Be wey WW hE hg ed , B SSEIUScUENETRLEHsEeNEABsERENEsREEREE! WE a gs Fo oe io ait. Balam ESe 5 * & well * Weekdays and Pa Felston of the the = the ~ er WR BQ x BURESER: “RENN CYOTWL ED YUL EE SE33088 Basan “resent mves Hw a mW nn ny ogee D1 Hastings (fr Pwny fa Ma tiad¥oy Has Westover 1:8 dome 1 Mahaffey 121% arriving at Olen taniphell at BE Alermoon min fe Pa try sant Cilen Camphel! leaves Onsen af Sie Fhe shiney Ged Bradley Junetion LRU Patton 407 Garway for Hastings: ool Hastings for iiean { Janiphell; To Guirdny for filet (mmpbetls 708 Westover Tilt Ladome Tal, Mahaffey Th arriving al Giets Campbell at 205 pom, Fuse miteas thm a v to Mek agent or addres Thee EW 4 2S Ww. Db, we Fifth avenue, Fitiisbdrg, Pa. J.B Hatehineon, Low gr. nM Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table. EFFECT he JR. Waoad, Gen. Pass. Agt . 8, 1898. his » > - fe e - » @ v. ®. HUNK BARB ARANS. T sepsis taberbeen # BREXEASSABBUEES: WEEABSSEEELEAEEC Jane Union Station { Mabaffey Bree reek Juntion : Po. i form 5. Ei lick Passanisped. | Glen UCamphedi i Horton Ran Faller Ran... & EERE Sa iad B vw DTERERvERCECheE 55 AAD Ki 0 Ww ak BESS ESRSLuennE ww $s - Lense Putte or JRun Horton Ran 1, rien Chanpbetl - ¥ aE Suen d | Burnside PER Laek ¥ : sypdterhsd FP Waoarke . I Wetasil f CMa PEA . fabathamt 1 y AREAL AGT B¥vEsrenuEs vERRESEE TEE Poets ¢ ech Janeth Dahon Mention (Maks fey £ Flag station. C Unmneetons At Udon Station, with fleet Crosk milnoad, © Pettnsy Uinnta reilrosd, anit PF. & NW, mad: a1 Whey Russ with Metises & N tonburg railroad; at Metioes wih P. AN. W. | radieonat, Notese-Until further notive tains will ran {only between Union Station | Mabhsfiey: sod Cldlen Cempbell. Ad teins daily a tay NH. Hicks, Tener} Mutt Matiaffey, Pu. Baffin, Rochester and Pittsburg Ry. vii PS n——— and afer Jan. I, DES 1mins will ave Clearfield, dAnily exorpt RWW Eww Ey “og bt " tn ¢ Bowel Uriwk Teper, ss fndiows: Revaolilevilie Accommodation, fr Curwenaville, Daltobs Fails rook and Hoym ofitsville. Connecting at DmiHols for RB way, Jufismaibarg, HrsdGed and How liomteer, da wm, Ruthin Ex proms, far ¢ Jur asevitio DiBioda amd Falls Ufreek. Connecting of DuBobs, for Ridgway, Johnsonbary, Hd ford and Huffio Prabisis and Paungsataaney Ex. pres, For PaBeis, Falls Orel and Pans HE wiry nH oa. ant W.. AAW ard Rl FL. i r Hekete, Gime abies and 1 nfeamation, i mn TO oF mldrss, wheat Flour, Corn Meal, Confection- | : i § 3 | i § E. i 7. Lapey, CRASOTIE EY At. Rochester, . B. Hysilp, Agand, Clemanield, 'vinced that we can save you “FLASKS, coms, Jus, ETC.