by the Noalth of the people Bava taken ft. More people ve been made wall, more onses of by Hood's Barsapariiia than by any ther medicise in the world. The peculine combination, proportion od process in its preparation make Hood's Sarsapatilin peeniine to jtael! aad unequalied by any other, = SSssssessanas It is mald that dried éurrants given © horses accasionaily In Hea of oats will fnerease the animal's powers of endurence. . te Your Bawsle wien vasearets. Landy Carbariie, care constipation forever, 85, Be. MC C.C. fai], druggists refund money. Sar IAA A td AE RSE f ¢ ‘ / ‘ / : ; pI AS I Cy, The heart of o vegelarian beats, on | ‘Rt average 58 ty the minute: that of the meat-eater 1 This reprosenta & difference of 2.080 beats in 24 hours. Stare or om, Cry or Tous oo, Len LOAN (COUNTY. Frawx J Cruexey mikes osth that he fe the partner of tas tirmot FoI Caeser & doing bustaesy in the (ity of Toledo : t¥ and »iats aforessid, and that wad firm will pay the sti of ONE HUNDRED De : for ssch snd pvary case of CATARARR eamnut he eupsl by the tse of Hart's ATARI Ceae BANK J CHENEY. Sworn fo before me and #5 dae ri het in my presence, this 6th da day of December, Sat AD isi ChE aABON, i Notary Public Hall's Cx Creare & Cae to in tak n internally, and : Bivctls ou th the hb muons su rfaoes fn fot manialn, rn. 3 Enper & Co, Toledo, O iv Pi Be ich the bast. There are in the world's oceans 7.- eyo cuble milen of salt. and if all this sal® could be taken out in a mom- ent the level of the water would not one single | inch, More than 49 cities of Germany now own and operate their gax plants. Miss FANCHON THOMP SON. Miss Fanchon Thompson, now caus- Ing considerable comment in Paris by near | i , t y MISS THOMPSON. appearance in that clty in the roll of Carmen, is weil known in this conn. | Et fasineen : Herndon the comp to vards of sik This 13 not the first time Miss ‘ has .seayed grand opera. ang at Covent Garden theater tn : Plain dina : E nored by a | was obtained to arrest Curl to Appear before the queen. | sald that this new Chicago war 1s | P Burst reservoir of the nt, and somo French critics t a fine futute for her. She will, in Mignon and cx operatic roles. Miss med to Chicago two and id a visit to her B went back to Europe pe was so —. En across the Loor liag. I had womb trouble own feellar ; aloe py back and limbs, pain ation of the bladder, Snaizestion, Before | had | om pon: 1t a great deal and after taking two and one cs and half a box of your 8 1 was cored. If more would medicine they would pot suffer so saseh.™ : 8 Pesvasor, 513 East St. with womb trouble over fifteen hed ) Se Sanmation, enlarge Aotlis i n, for tion my heart beat 60 fast 1 would feel as I was gzothering. U had to in bed nights in order to breathe. Pago, { idly, rnnt Knowing § Chanoe Bis F #ton, #8 to 8% i : ze toy 8% i bre Ppeewivd a { brother, { phin, mating that he fust sailed from | fortune ! Mrs A. FE. Willian | | ihe nos {inherited by PATO IER, LEherwood who died in South Amerea abt threes years ago. Ew by roma. | whe diced without making a will Lpenresentatives have been : wltor boy and fice 8 4 famaunt of business, ations of the Ni od whom fnsper Fhe e Trasrdinlent aes of Fh {CIN PAnY. { A { mrd Bhaughn faith curist praved with Mrs aro Netra SAFETY PIX RENOY ED | For & Long Time Partats Could Not Accobst | for te Delivare Condition of Their Chia Now Rapidiy Improving manner = M: In =a four -mi ap orig wo ir a Monee Hateman, ¥ safety-pin in its The Baby | anit the pa Mans relative 1o anyihing The other rap a sha at hoxvver Sufdde ano? pin and £ £2 { the diag Iv fee The fo bisy { bur i. 3: Ceotge Ying i b.. Painter sit Mion, Was ging J. Tearick, par Isavid BM. Jowets $8 Ju Run 38 1a oo Crook, $8 33 Jowett 35: manor of Phi Ellzabeth Harnnar 8 MEL Harrods 5 x, sore of James W atley, Beaver Palle, $id: Joseph Doerro’t. Washing $i L hriste pher FF. Calvo, py idoy $24. Thomas M. Simpson, Conogusnessing, $5: Jobn Hartman, Pasbhurzy, Thomas J. Bouse, Plates, $5 Roscoe 8. Cale, dead, Cia 12; Thomas Pare nit, Johnstown, $10; Harry BEB. Duey, Garrettfond, $17. John Gell Covode $12: Wiliam 7. Leathers, Howard $12; Robert A. Me Adon, Irckors Paint, $16: Abraham HB Goverham, Alteonn, $17: fred Gatos Corry, $08 Ebenezer (0. Emery, Hirkory, soph 1. MoMasisr Lonneiine Isane Casler Riroudsturg, $8 HH. Wilson, Tarcentum, $8; Olive hrm, Butler, 88. Henry Yennnpgn, 88 to 35, Thomas Hopewond, $6 1a $17: Chorrey, McKee Gap. $8 Emanuel Kichards, dobn A Anderson, Washington #4 $8. Bamuel B Mo(resry, Blairsviiie, Tene i Lauyd, MeRe spo art Willinm Carter. BEippens! 3 dan Manges, Hit view Pag miknne of Pavid Jerman, Bugenis Ephar, A. i Ad Xand 5 if Corl Center, Nay cabin ras Rags 8 Alsvander, of Pp ie, £3. $la; tar # Avren, hringing the thelr peGther, fren Ber brother, Mra. Groves, of Mrs lndelphia, wife of the Peoansyivanis af her hrother i= the mather Thonipeon, of Pit proastdent of the ix the only lhelr tine Republic for some months } her interewts. The Smunts to more than §31.000 060 wie] went ta the {red there ail becotning one of the fovemast that 65 auntry. Fir o number of montis the post of. Herndon has done 8 great owing (0 the oper. Herndon Suappey © and un few days no Iohn Cand fiw one of B party 6f 14, tor Fiugh J. fzarman so. for MAaRinE the mintl a he war innocently drawn which piveriisgy de of Hk would AR BOs AE the ¥ FRY Jorw ards theaad Un inspaer £34 putticient ev Sher pany, WhE ArTrented fo Caplyre fer yur 2 FG CR oy af vhdtims hore, wheres jriuint While a gang of labevrers wees nt work a faw days sige pear the Ein. Heranton fas fifi of and Water Company tho | Ho A: SE p74 the sey fiver and | gants, satisfaction gearaniecd, 1c, fC eophagt datin hrs | cera not greatly dissimilar from paper makers | were emiployed In France, { i We have peace, and those who are sorely afilicted with NEURALGIA will have peace from pain and @ perfect cure by using ST. JACOBS OIL. Mrs Winels teeibing A THT tiem, alinys pal. cures wind oy Beanty Is Riaod Deep. Class M ood means a clean skin. No # { Candy Cathar 4 ker Pi clea in, hy deaving sl ime [arities from the body. Henn io yoruly pir ten, Bonils, © hes, bia sends, ard that siekiv bilious complerion by taking Castarets,—beanty for ten cents All drug De, Hoe. nypt of many Htinn Sra in the Cot Paper Papyrus ipvr § : tisrien bad thee ihr pyri have been found in Egyptian r from 2000 years before The Uliness claim have srnde paper 4.000 yeara gage by A pro Fo Tore Bay. Tay now in use, In AD 00 paper was made of cottom hy [tallan and Spanish in A. I 1500 linen rags Bpain and P Engiand, $0 Jia : Ura i= Ribert | r f3ra- A. Rifenburg, | faving | James Pamey, 8 tn 381 Frank rat Hur | in Argon. oR-TR fortune | Argentine when a sis fife, Anally | wen of ERE. © yan Wiliam Maldoon, a Ner Show wok 8 forgotten charge of denaraite with his pick. Hovks and men wore sent flying in all divectione by the ox | ploston. Francisco Girippa, Bearinna and Antonio Balto were fat- ally Injured and others were hurt Grippa and Scarina died soe after { being brought to 8 hospital here Biatle Treasurer James Bearom rs. ports that there {3 & balancer of $11. ZINE 4H In the State treasury at the clone of January. The Bilate funds sre deposited In #9 Danks scattered over the Btate, among them boing these from Pitteburg Allegheny National, with a deposic Hf $23.31: Freehold, $212 88: Firth National, wa colin National, $5006: Becoand Nalians al, $5000. Union Trost Company, John D. Mra. Barah H. Jennings, sped 100 were married in Frankin jas! week The bridegroom Is a wealthy off pro. 1”, Ciews, aged 102 years and | lings Line | : ducer and & vetsran of the civil and | Mexican vars, while the cousin of Abraham sides In Foxburg, Hhe was marrei IM to James Jennings ard bas daughters and seven sons and tae five grandchildren, all livisg A wagon hed with farsiturs bride “i in = a Lineoln, and re. | tour iy wll CRrrying Pix persons was sirnok at the Riverton street drogsing of (bh thriore & Ohio raliroad. MaKe: lapt week, Four of th persons fostantiy killed and the drher tus #0 badly injured thar thew Alot diet the course of the dny Bylvealsr Wilson, IDawsan, Wa Huda EEN Filer, Mw. Ron bush Wilson, ne man was Inatantiv three others fatally Injured by go distance of 8 feat A few dave 5 Eo Tre dad are; hie} Kittel. ang falling agai while working on a bridge on the ex. | tension of the DBofalo Pittsburg Railroad ney. Charies Mothiner, Pa. was killid and ¥ ® Edgar Seigel, of Belinsgrove, were ternally irjured. The mien were beam, which gave way with them, Clyde, the 11-year-old pon of Charles C. Bhepler, of Bridgewater wa drowned while skating on the Braver creek Inst week. He skated into a Hochéaer of Hamburg 3. & near Purxsulaw. Teilvar and on ai PAA large hole made by parties cutting fee. : The body was recovered, At the solicitation of Atterpey 1. Brott Thompson and others Govern or Stone has granted a reprieve us June 7 for Edwin ¢ w, sis Heldler wie ay i to have been executed Tuesday at Eis i In cleaning & duck ihe Gather day a Mauch Chunk, Mrs Edward talam ‘found In fis Homach glittering par- ticles of gobs whic when mondoed Over to an agsayor ere Gecigred to te worth 315. The fowl was shipped from Monroe County, and an attempt wil be made 0 find the "pay dirt” at its old haunts, For sixteen days in succession the exception of last Thursday, Charles Carter, of McKursport, been constantly hiccoughing wiih Mia bas A loa Carter three times and said she wou'd be well. The hiccoughs stopped almost an en- tire dey, end then returaed. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laative Bromo Quinine Tablsts AN ilists refand money § is Tails 10 cure. Tuy HAS LIVED 128 YEARS. Gatesville Gales county, lina, but now sn inmate of the tawsy Foor Farm, New Jersey, age of 125 years April last and liven to recall the events tha: have stirred the nation daring its entire hin ag 20 A NOAH RARY tory. At the last dlestion two miles to deposit his Dalle: for the gtraight Demosratic theket. His mad er was a native of Gates county and of English extraciion, but his fathay wan indian a native ao! ard Yirgisia, The tory of Nog tite, with all Me oreurrepees and si plicities, x stil) fresh in his mind he proved from an interview the colebrated trai er and “yolemsor of ans’omy. Benugtor NB Conny, Heart of Weme Viv Finis worked at the trades of glass. Iw ive Years, being prom. Ged froan Appreniios 4 manager aod afterward President of hin company —— SI AA SN I SBA Your heart beats over ene hun- dred thousand times esch day. ‘One hundred thousand supplies of or bad blood to your crain, Which is it? MH bad, impus . blood, then your brain sches. You are troudled with drowsiness 3% pet cannotsicep. You are ¢s tired in the morning as at night. You have no nerve powss. Your food docs you but § ttle pood. Brimelants, tonics, headache powd:rs, cannot cure you; but N will. It makes ihe liver, kidaeys, | skin and borets perform their preper work, It removes sll ime purities from the blood. And It makes the blood rich ia its Lile- giving properties. To Hasten 4 * You will be more rac illy cured if you will take a laxatve dose of Aver's Ju Is each night, They grouse th we siuggich liver and thus cure biliousness, Weito to oar Doctors. We have ihe excinsive serviess of some of the mot envnent ph raieians in the United States. Wrike fiedly sii the : Addieas, Dis J.C. AYER. & 5. Ai : i > Lowedl iL Maas. 3 | FLOUR... FELD BTHRAW | BEEDS.. alii Pus P OATH CORN. Xa, 2 yellow, ar... No. 2 yellow, she: ded Mized dar | . Neo, 2 ‘white No. 3 white YE. No. Fens wd Ww inter § 3x atnnte swan Faney mraight winter Rye flay Y- Neo I tinoth ¥ {lover No y.... . I shite mid, idifugs SEIERRBEEE No ido midi Rran. bale, ‘ Wheat LES Ciera rin yar 60 Mis prime Fairy Products Lraamiery. Tim win Now York, new ge Fraity and Vegetables Tims ¥ gt a POTATO. Fancy Whtte ¥ bie CABBAGE Per 100 heads ONIONS Coden yoliow, # ba Poultry, Eto CHITRENS Pos padr, snail. 3 TUBEEY “Fern EGUS Fa sod (hi, PEARS frock CINCINNATL FITTED... WHEAT No red, HY E Na gi. CORN MI xo 3 CGATR EEGOR,... that BUTTER FLOUR CORN No. 7 mized C BUTTER EGGS—Feonayivania firsts FLOUR. Patents WHEAT. No, dred... L CORS ~Nvy, 3 Joa by. born J , 1712 : Noah Rady, born April 1, 1732, near i BUTTER Creamery, Narth Csroe : eH Middlesex county, | reached the phenomenal still | I Thy, 1000 to 1100 aw Olio creamery... PHILADELFHIA. OATH No 4 white in Creamery, sxtra. Bow et LE Be wt we} NEW YORK. 0) 4 2am CATR. White Western. MH is on $e EGGS. State of Penn LIVE STOCK, Central Ktock Yards Kast Liberty. Pa CATTLE Frime, J900to 1400 hs. .,...8 5 he ! Good, 1400 to 300) He wna Hr 0 9 Falr light stenrs, — to 3 Ta : Common, WO to HO Ms ¥ oa Meadinm : Heavy... " | Kougbe and stags. Prime, 8510 30% the LC Good, BS 10 5 Mw, : Fale, | Vomemon, | Voal Calves } Common to fale, { Goad to shoton vesriings .... .. | Mediom Lf emman | Very Few Failures Continaed Demand for fron | he Wi ken : af i An SA ENA en Lis one of the interesting features. ile commonly ascribed to recent sales | i of stocks on Eurnpean account, { dinary i Over i ——— ony 0 10 SO Pa, BFW Lh de an be CEES ER Brriv ger extern, Epringer, goad Lo eholes i foe 2, sR Extra yearlings, ight, Ta we dhe we de UE on ae We Or Ux Ue TRADE RE VIEW. Products Good Foreign Massel - Dan & 5 weekly reparis as felinws far ast i ride Fatiures in January were any previcais month, except and July, 15%. ard the of poleend payments to eRrhangos In semaller tl ¥ other month of whic £3. £50 wank Arast, Phe. siearing- an frigid Lika ALT ifavin Habilttien per in January of any snail faiiares sre Bot fewer in number. Hut smaller in average liabll- tivs than in any previous year, one sidering thet January is unusually one the largest falluiren the return weil as encouraging. It is pertinent to note the remark. Abie expansion in the aggregule of business payments comes in spite of a materini decline In prices during the PRALI seven Yedrs 8 gresl thst pay. ments of $82000 (08 would cover ahoaat as much business as payments of $106 Gon in 1882. It is por strange that European exchanges are dsturb d and aiarmed, and a rise in sterling even when geld is bring shipped this way, It faliars Grier PONT, ORiy ey and the but tiilan sbares at ar. one month's Europe is not it would take 5 Mm prices 16 covey merchandise halance buying enough (0 cover ita lating excess of merchandise LpTEs : The mont week Has been devine of in wheat with only half a mly a sixteenth in at catimate of the Bariahielin, wire any pumber remarkable foature the £5 cont ist toe, HE that : i woolen ype wl J TRE EG for pele By the risah of rot tease rHiLY COVE Ww ity ard #re oe care and for export. metals. the speculative fever at ni don has daused considerable advances and the tin plate cowbivation has ad- vanced prices 23 cents homie batts diplore f vd the worl 5 Pe umberiard cor i {in ; mindd i the Pine gas i | med #5 } Jah , Catiiey, i minal : vale tis ite Raid Kos i inches long, i ‘wace AY ew of i ment has been review of : smaller than in | {han | manths of the year in | IM surprising as | Accum. | Exports | “® the cents in wheat | BETS, | will worm | My FW Free. FRR i *2 St HM I AHIR qm A ASIA A A CE, THE CREAMERY. be swat am} must requ site. Itc in which it is made and a facture are Jest tly clean. The old Was an not be perf tule 3 A A creameries or neither odor nor taste, ARADIRS unsatisfactory, jo. More than half 8 million ives disity dependent upon the oMelenoy of | iron ard steal wire roves Wo-To- Bae for Fifty Conta Gusrantesd tobacco Babit cure, makes 3 wonl j Wes strong. blood pure. Boe. BL All drugyiom The Pipe ire of the Four of Ne Ivania, have Phy wsio dikes the county. roasannile fee to outaide of the rih- Pannpey dad Pay the varios distri Berealter pay a dnctorg employed salaried ha of rr San Arnotit's Corns Ritts Fe is he Beet for Las 43 Fiat the oreek. Mud, Arges? prie wits $55 The in GR ray oH? the the large ay i CY (wo Te Cure Constipation Foreven Cusonrets Cusdy Cibartie 1% cr Ba Fail wo cure, druggists refend susiey Ladies who operas sy wing machines fan altach- 5 run lke an |W ie ite to know tha verge ihe i electric fan ohenever worked swell it gives the canstant brevge, RSC Tre Hperalir os Hi he utensils used in its manu- ‘Do not use son churn this s referred to sticky rosin soaps. lvory Soap can be used freely; are | : Kan | might have {the subsequent discovery thet the Auge | get was the artifietul crown of a toh, a gies for a hh wan the it; eet Rom af i _ Brockiys, N lenin Os NN BML MSS 4 ‘lean. That is the first =ctly sweet unless the place LIP TA TA SA UT A SA 3 to clean the it is the best for dairies, because it rinses easily and leaves The vegetable oils of which lvory Saap Is made, and its purity, fit it for many special uses for which other soaps are unsafe and Dupeight, TINE ip The Fomine § Semis Tu Cinna Sm PIES GOOSEN Woo on In the crop of a duck dvesnd nt the house of W, PP. Dickborn, of Oskniooss, was found a good siged lump of gold Any mining excitement resulted wus allayed Sr RATA Pt Sim tyitast Fmehe Tour 1 hom To grit Wwhaceo easily and forever. be netic. 191] of life. pores and vigor, take Pine, the wonder worker, (hat makes oak Frases Sa strong. Al I, I A Care teed Bosklet and mamnie [ree | Sterilng Remedy Co, Chicago or New The greatest depth to which 8 bean anchored ta 2000 fathe der bly more than two miles pre Chive ts a wotlerfel Comgh " W. Prone, Van Siclen sod * NY. Sel. x He a A AASB TA AO Mr id spied Fite permanente sured Nota) ‘ Cores after fret days Dee of Dr I Nerve Hestorer Co frewn i BH Korxw Lod, 4 ir 4 Fi Tes drinkers In Lav vison are sw : systematically. A number of comets go about smd buy up from servants tem jemves that have Deen eel. The leaves are then : : volared, dried, and sold THE GLORY OF Strength, Vitality, Manhood. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE: OR, SELF-PRESERVA A Great Medieal Treatise on Ha * ving, the canes and core of hansted Vitslioy, Nervous asd Priasical | Debiity, Atrophy { wasting), and Var cocele, ulsoon ALL DISEASES AND WEAKNESSES OF MAN from what ePOY COUN Giving, True Principles of Treatment. $0 pp. lwo, with graviugs. be and chirorln diseases Er Tt Contatne 173 his Proseriptions for PRICE ONLY Xo DY > TL fai (ek Sule willy Listent of RE now Srila KN Rnd ih i Beet ; Chin Conaniting Douiiody Xntionl and Author bate wwetts Rescionnt Vol. The Beet Motion A , Girsetante of Harvard Medical Nhers Fall, ( itt re Jonsiitation in parent or BY letter, ta 8: § Nati an SErwation a i» troty A ox IK FOR EVERY MAK Youn. Jews ——r Thyuait or Raw NECTH aid oF aroat nine Mutioad Author, dint oo wiser highly Cp i Pambod Fore Prax Prabeud v Slodion Institut has Stained Ha 9h frente | it 50 a test whiods only ror] * The Peabody Medical Justatute Bas any alts wre, mi Wor Vr Cons “After ¥ wens duced fe fey CASA. : Thr Le Met aioe, od stipe and my dead | Thed uN Y by ver wad sk Vary sohod and 1 aid B Vali nd Camerata - 4 Now rw a i #lapgel LN SUS | CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant, Paistab Poten, pot, Nuwer sickon, i or iris, Pe. Se CURE CONSTIPATION. .. Seeting Ramarty —a—r ty Plionge, 3 Hustroal, Bow York, 73 ew Bold ana? RR ey by all gd gals vo € ay | i Rent Posty! frre Pra i Tie en the De dial d Med ead 0 wf IW hs eats ‘'D RO » SY’ NEW iscoveRY nie ——a ek ryline and » ar. = : fn 1, n Atiaase, im - ha Eh N GZEN'G quay. point = re 6 ue wife tims sive umed | Tasts Good De | aw Erriy nner we Fhe -r | Wand #t ion or 144 | — Pav Wea | ohy, rl Ya RT a EAE Fi velit ake ta To Tho Saige, Giloie ber Melee ttig Ply “sow 30 Make | SAMUZL FRENCH, ont $d Maret, + New By IEUMATISY CTD sme ts Green } RS EL ampKR Lak. A NTED ae. of maa Pad Health wil] sot og h Sond foam te + New¥uey for Ie sau vion and w