The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 09, 1899, Image 1

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    Sn a
von A TAT
Oh, Yes! we're head-
quarters for
RGEST assortment
of Valentines ever brought
to Patton—
Ln We : can supply you with
any kind yon desire—for the
: young, old, rich, poor, pretty
Deceased was a former resident of
atton Pharmacy.
1gs, Medicines, Chemicals,
Stationery, Confectionery,
~ Cigars and Tobacco.
J eB A Ea HARA YR te ed
| a Few
About One Dozen
Heating Stoves to sell
cheap. Now is your
chance to get a good stove
for little money.
‘We would like to
do some plambing spout-
_ ing or tinwork for you.
Look in east window and
see some of our work.
All work guaranteed.
55 Fw oe 2
ry ’ ry
vale to be Held February 13
and 14, 189%,
| NEWS. COf the Musk
Gleaned Here and There by musicale to be given in the Goldstein
alice church of Patton:
Chorus, “Miller's Wooing.”
Piano Solo, “'Belisario” — Miss Helen
Boprance Solo, “Love's
Miss Elizabeth Flick.
Mixed Quartette, “Twinkling Stars
Upon the Lake” Mrs. Barton, Miss
Mellon, and Messrs. Kelsall and Daos.
Of Patton Borough Session Held Monday
Night, Feb. 6.
Patton, Pa, February 6.-Patton
Borough Council met in regular ses
‘sion this evening with the following
members present as per roll call: Pres.
‘ident Monteith, Hubbard, Jones, Blair, Silo, “Asicep in the Deep” Mr. F.
. Scheid and Anderson. The minutes of Williams,
regular meeting held Monday evening, * Guitar Duet
' January 16th, were read and approved. Jones.
The following petition signed by 87 vical Solo Master Russel Barton.
citizens was presented to Council, and Male Quartette, “A Lute With No
on motion of Jones and seconded bY One to Play It” Messrs. Radeliffe,
Hubbard, it was unanimously earried | jones, Williams and Kelsall.
that it be held over till the next regular Soprano Rolo “Happy Days’ Ce-
meeting night: “We, the undersigned .jjia R. Flick.
Messrs. Radeliffe and
honorable body of Town Council of (heisty.
the Boro. of Patton, Pa., to use your,
influence in behalf of the undersigned po iff
in such manner as to have an arc light Vocal Solo, “Creole Love Song ~My,
Lover the crossing at F. & E. Little's gael
: Violin Solo, Belected Miss Berna.
by doing so we ever pray thee.” | dette Vallade.
_ On motion of Scheid and seconded ya) Rojo, “Honey Youse Ma Lady
by Anderson, it was curried that the yo. si Lanra Noonan.
] following bills be accepted and Clerk Becitation “The Raven’
(instructed to draw orders for same: po... dette Villade, :
; Patton Clay Manufacturing company, | gapp, Solo, Selected Mins Annie R.
$10.09; Hunter & Banghman, $8.75; pp.
Patton Water Co, $40.00; E Will
Greene, $56.00; G. D. Holes, $50.00. :
5 Fale 58 Altoona.
D. B. Willibrand, aged 26 years, a
' Pittaburg division brakeman, was fat.
| next regular meeting night, February
20, 1599.
Died of Poeumenta st the Heme of Her
Bon-tr-Law, Johan Boyes. : :
| Mrs. Mary Lilly, who resided at the At Fumrviay Ho. ‘1 u
; ; libres #8 a member of the
| baie of lee sonia law, Jot Tyee, | Bensoreek coal train erew which took
oy Ee - 1 o'clock Monday | thelr tain in safely shoes 1 a m
| x : +o : When tha train stopped in the “hole!
Moraing; Pebiruary 8th, of pnenmonia. |, stepped off a ear in front of the
1.0 : YL ooo spprosching engine, not seeing it. He
Houtudale L and > Lan Nh y at was knocked down and the wheels
to make their future home just - passed] over bis thighs, grinding them
k previous to her death. [toa pulp. He was taken immediately
She is survived by ber hust 1 and (1° the passenger station and the
three sisters, besides two sons and four
daughters, viz: John Lilly, of Coal.
port; R. A. Lilly, of Patton; Mrs. H.
| A. Eastman, of Big Ran; Mrs. F. B.
Williams, Mrs. John Boyce and Mrs
H. E. Atkinson, all of Patton,
The deceased, who was aged 68 years,
4 months and 4 days, was an excep-
tionally kind and loving wife and
mother, and made steadfast friends
wherever she was known.
Her remains were taken to Brisbin
“hole above Twenty fourth street,
Willibrand leaves a father at Gallit-
‘zin. He was unmarried.
{former home, Lorettto, Pa., Sanday
morning, when interment was made in
the Catholic cemetery at that place.
Loaded Cars Run Away.
place at 2 o'clock. “down the steep grade to Patton at a
Leg Broken. | terrific speed, but were soon checked
Geo. Lucas, an employe of the Ash- When they ran into the safety switch
croft colliery, received a compound | Dear the Fourth avenue crossing and
fractare of his right leg Tuesday by | Were piled up in a massive heap of
being accidently struck by a fall of coal, iron and wood. Fortunately no
rock while engaged at his work. He one was on the cars and the track was
was immediately removed to his board. | clear or else the accident might have
ling house near the mine when Dr. 8. resulted more seriously. After the
|W. Worrell reduced the fracture and cars broke loose word was immediately
| administered the necessary relief for telephoned to the telegraph office when
| the comfort of the unfortunate man. all employes thereabouts were on their
' Mr. Lucas’ home is at Snow Shoe, Pa, guard against personal injury, provided
and has been a resident of Patton but ‘the cars should reach that point.
| & short time. He had been at work Por a New Insans Hospital
[but » few inten Tuesday when the ong the bills introduced in the
| ogident occursag. house last week, was one providing for
Succrsalmi Revival Services,
Rev. Witman, pastor of the Metho- i pital for the insane for the central dis-
dist Episcopal church, Is meeting with trict of the State and appropriating
much encouragement in the revival $500,000 therefor. The district is to
services which are being held at that embrace the counties of Potter, Tioga,
place of worship. At this writing over | Lycoming, Clinton, Centre, Clearfield,
50 persons have confessed conversion. Indiana, Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon,
| The meetings are well attended and Somerset and Bedford.
the singing, which is Stndgeted by RB. Tham¥ Amiutated.
A. Jenni of Indian a., is fine : ;
one Tacs bon are tee: Io, ton Basser. who is an suploye oi
esting. It is thonght that the meetings ¢ vine Wednesday to lose the thamb
will continne for several nights yet. i
special Lutheran services
Special services are being held by the his thumb was accidently caught in
Lutheran church organization in the the machinery and terribly lacerated,
menced Tuesday evening, February the first and second joints
7th, and will continue until Sunday, ;
February 12, when communion serv-
joes will be held in the moming
‘and evening. Everybody is invited
to be present.
Cheap John Store. :
~ Besides carrying a full line of flour sacted.
and feed I have added to my stor, rn eae
which will be known horeafter as the Women's Warm Shoes.
“Cheap John Store,’ a full line of, No use of suffering with cold feet
es, canned | s, tobacco, etc. when yon can get :
if you wish to A pair of $1.50 Shoes for §1.25
All goods fresh and of Hou ou 1s LoD
JomN Gantz, 00 * "~. Te
Fourth Avende. At Miller's White Shore Store.
Heptasaphs, Aftention’
All members of Patton Conclave,
No. 395, are earnestly requested to
meet at the postoffice at § o'clock sharp
‘ Friday evening, February
Joan Boyce, Sec'y.
% 4 4
Following is the program of the
for the benefit of the St. Mary's Cath-
citizens of Patton, do petition the ping Rolo, Selected — Miss Mary P|
Duet, Mandolin Messrs. Jones and
? meat market, the same as are now in | Trio, Selected - Misses Flick and Mr. |
{use on the streets. It is necessary for gael
| the people living on the back streets;
Council then adjourned to mee at A Galitein Young Man Meets 5 Shocking |
allv erushed by an HS engine in the
| ambulance called, but he died at the |
: station before he couid be moved to
| the vehicle, Coroner McCartney was
] Funeral |
services were held at the deceased's’
On Monday morning two loaded coal
on Wednesday morning where inter- cars broke loose from the Flannagan
ment was made in the cometery at that | Run colliery and came thandering
the establishment of an additional hos-
{on bis right hand. While working in
‘the brick manufacturing department
Good hall this week. They com- which necessitated amputation between
: 10th, as
‘business of importance will be tran
Do Your Buying of Dress Goods, Millinery, Coats and Furs at J AS. QUIN]
20000 Insurgents
trated About the City.
Insurgents’ Loss is Estimated a1 About
4.000. Spanish Assisting the Insurgents.
Washington, Feb. 8 --General Otis
cabled to-day that the insurgents are
concentrated around Manilla to the
number of 200000. They are well
armed and there are many Spanish
“soldiers in the insurgent service.
Our casualties will probably aggre-
(gate 250. The insurgents’ joss in killed
and wounded and prisoners will prob.
{tly aggregate 4,000. The troops are
in excellent spirits and quiet prevails
: Summary of War News
Otis announces that oar dead nam-
| ber 48.
The insurgent troops are estimated
to have lost 2.000 men; another report
{ places the number at 4,000.
Agoncilio in in Montreal, closely
watched by two secret service men.
“He says his mission to this country is
not yet neeless and maintains that the
| fight was bronght om by the Americans
| A cable from Admiral Dewey caosed
a commotion at Washington. [It an-
'nounces that “lnsargents had attacked
Manila.” At Washington the feeling
i that the cable was delayed, that it
does not mean another fight,
No additional troops or ships are as
yet scheduled for Manila
Janta of the Filipinos at Washing.
ton in a bad way.
Too Tonth Mea Rilled,
Washington, Feb 7. -Two more
names have been added to the list of
{Tenth Pennsyivania beroes who sae
rificed their lives fighting for their
country in a distant land. Later re
ports from the recent battle with the
Filipinos at Muniia give these addi
tional casualties:
Corporal Jacob Landis, Company C
Uniontown, killed.
Private Allen B. Rockwell, Company
! , Uniontown, killed.
Private Janies Kessler, Company D,
Connellwville, wounded.
Agaienicis Declares War.
Manila, Feb
two proclamations here to-day.
first says:
“I order and command:
. “First, That peace and friendly re-
lations with the Americans be broken,
and that the latter be treated as ene
‘mies, within the limits prescribed by
| the laws of war.
Second, That the Americans captured
be held as prisoners of war.
Third, That this proclamation be
communicated to the consuls, and that
congress order and accord a suspen.
‘sion of the constitutional guarantee,
resulting from the declaration of war."
7. Aguinaldo sensed
More Troops for Manila.
New York, Feb. 7.— Deputy Quarter- |
master General Kimball said to-day at
his office, in the Army Building, that
the Twelfth Infantry and the remain-
der of the Seventeenth Infantry, part
of which sailed on the transport Grant
on January 19, would sail for Manila
on February 14 He added that be
did not know of any other regiments
that were at present destined for the
A New Carporstion.
The Northern Cambria Telephone
company, with headquarters at Spang-
ler, was charternd by the State Depart-
. ment at Harrisburg, Monday, January
| 30, with an anthorised capital of $10,
(p00. The new corporation has the
privilege under its charter to operate
in Cambria, Clearfield, Indiana, Blair,
Somervet and Westmoreland counties.
The company expects Lo begin the
| construction of its lines within a short
Fire Rrick Works Raracd,
The fire brick works owned and
operated by the Harbison & Walker
company, of Pittsburg, Pa, and lo
cated at Grampian, Clearfield county,
| were totally destroyed by fire Thurs
‘day night, throwing 100 men out of
employment. The loss is estimated at
$25,000, partially insured. Origin
Notices te Red Men.
‘will attend services in the Baptist
church Sanday, February 12, 1899. All
‘members of the Tribe in Patton are
| requested to meet in the wigmam at
19:30 a m. Ep. Sramons, Sachem,
© FP. H. Kixxmap, C. of R
: Men's $10.00 suits will go at $6.37 at
| our store. WoLr & THOMPSON,
Kill Buck Tribe, No. 368, LL O. RM, |
'S, dobosioun, Pa.
WESTOVER ITEWS | Always fresh oysters at H. Atkin
thereon’ Ticket Nominated at the Camens | BONS
Held in Amusement Bait. |. Leave your laundry with Scheid &
The citizens of Westover boroogh wiikire
nominated the following ticket at a : he Clank
cancun held in Amusement Hall Sater. Orin nd. lemons a8 She
| day evening, January 2st: Justice of : :
the Peace—J. P. Fry: school directors’ Fresh fish every Thursday at H.
| ~N. T. Yingling, Jot Johnson, C. E.| Atkingmn’s.
| Phillips; councilmen W. F. Mosser, Men's £3.00 shoes for $2.00 at Wolf &
‘James Huston, 8. A. Kuhn: com. con- Thompson's.
| stable-—Wm. Moore; inspector -J. J. If you want to save money go to the
| Coffey; judge of election Frank Con- Cash Cirocery.
ley; soditor—-N. 8, Caldwell. If you want to save money desl st
| Constable J. B. McKee made his re- | 00 Cash Grocery.
| tarns to Clearfield last Monday. : " 5 sho ’
The Westover Summer Normai rol pen 3.50 sho for fo & Well &
opens April 17th. di pmatis :
| Workmen are now engaged putting | Men's $2.50 wool Sudaryenr to " We
new scenery in Amosemeot Hail. Me. {at Wolf & Thompson's
Warren, of Patton, has the contract. | Three pounds of the finest prunes in
| Miss Amanda Jackson has been quite | town for 35¢ at the Cash Grocery.
Hl for the past ten days. Remember if you want to save
Go and hear King Friday night. money bay your goods at the Cash
Admission 10 and 20 conte. | Grocery. :
Prof. Byron King will give an enter- Boy# suits at $1.00 and $1.50 at Wolf
tainment, literary and elocutionary, in| & Thompson's store, Good bailding
, Amusement Hall this coming Friday Patton. Pa.
might, February 10th. Prof King is You cannot do better thas to oil on
so well known through Pennsylvania Gould & B first-class plumbing,
: H 4 } for "
i > P 4 }
| that nothing need be said of bis ability Hatimates freely given. -44tf
i . { ole.
(as an entertainer. He was so iar |
| with Clearfield people that pe Men's and boys’ $1.50, $1.35, $1.00,
secured for three consecutive years for 75 and 50-cent hate all go at 22 cents at
| county institate. The proceeds above OIf & Thompson's store.
‘the cost of getting him hero will be Conghing injures and inflames sore
used to start a public school library. lungs. One Minute cough cure loos
Let all people interested in education eos the vold, allave coughing and heals
be present and thus by their presence quekly. Cc Deut S04 core for
belp a good cause, something of which | pharmacy.
wo are badly in need. Admission 20 |
and 30 cents, i Horrible agony in
The local institate hers on the sth | Dorae and wn CEL
wis a greut success, no less than 25 ho DeWitt's Witels” Pine
teachers being present, including Pro- ware of worthless imital
fessors Jones and Fulton, of Patton. 1 Hodgkina, Patton Pharmacy.
Miss Domer gave a 5 o'clock dinper
to a few of her friends last Thursday.
Miss Fithel Langham, who has bea | 5
in Greensburg the past six months, bas §
i petarned home, :
Frank Woods, who drives the At!
lantic Refining company’s team in this |
district, had the misfortone 0H have a
horse Killed last Tohorsday. While
driving between here and LaJowse, at a
point called “Spook Hollow,” the
beavy wagon slid over the embanik-
| Gu NS at cost
ment, taking the team with it, with the
above resaits. At this point the round |
is not more than 10 feet wide and when
{it is slippery one is compelled to drive
| with the upper wheels in the ditch to
keep from going over the embankment,
there being no guard rail.
| La mps - beni,
Agud Ebenshurg Lady Dead. 5
| Eliza, widow of V/illiam I). Pryoe,|
| died at her home in Ebensburg at 10
o'clock Thursday morning, aged 78
| years. Her hosband has beer dead for
| nine years and she is survived by five
children, three of whom live in Ebene. |
{burg and two in Pittsburg. The de-
ceased, whose maiden name was
Thomas, was born in Cambria town. |
‘ship, and had for many years been a
| member of the Congregational church |
at Ebensburg. The faneral took place
| Satarday afternoon at 2 o'clock, inter- |
| ment being made in Lioyd’s cemetery.
Heating Stoves, best
quality, at prices that will
induce you to buy this
Ranges, the Jewell,
Dockash, Etc.—None
better and prices awaydown.
: = Bays,” Here's Yoar Chases.
The following appeared in a recent’
| issue of Heat and Hand, a mateimon-
(ial journal published at Kinsas City,
‘Mo.: “9988 Ebensburg, Pa --1 want
a home and hosband in a few months
Am very respectable and loving. Have
perfect health and said to be pretty.
Have taaght 4 years. Am artistic and
muonical; willbe 21 in Oct. St Sin,
weigh 150, brown hair and eyes. De-
sire educated, tall well built affection-
ate gentleman, making good wages
Commercial man preferred.”
Yeager B'ld'g, Patton, Pa.
“Dut im the Sirvets.”
A popular drama, entitled “Out in
the Streets,” will be presented by a
bome talent company in Amusement
Hall, Westover, Pa, Saturday evening,
Pebruary 18th. Following are those
who will compose the caste of char-
| El Jasper Was ar
solomon Davie
Mail Pwmvis .
C Nasrth Camdina Pete
CD Med Bed,
Mos Headford
Mrs Waves
PF Nin Wayne
Minn Bradford
| Pollvetann.
pd. Coatfoy
Chuan. Waesiower
. Purry Mowe
FH Metmndedd
Arhie Westover
Part Dower
Hyde Carey
Dnisde Tinbiel :
: : Ra Stylish, good-wearing coats, J+
All are invited to attend. Admission were never sold at sych little prices
10 and 20 cents. Doors open at 7:20. as we are offering them for just
: i % loan : now, :
Play begin at 8 o'clock sharp. Every garment in the store 8
offered at a reduced price, which
in every case represents a sav
of a third to a half of Fanpio.
worth of the garment.
$5.00 coats are gow
$7 50 and $8.50 coats are now
$10.00 coats are now $5.00.
spweeinl Annouanedment i
The members and friends of the Hap.
tist church desire to antwunce to the
general pablic that they are making
elaborate preparations for Washing-
ton’s birthday, Febgmary 2nd next, |
"when a program of eldorate excellence |
{ will be presented, consisting of solos,
ec 3
“Getting On in the World."