intervals a terrific stream of air, foroed ter Stock Taking Prices Will be the Fashion n Our BIG STORE DURING ae. FEBRUARY. | This will especially be the case on stocks that have hee | found to be too heavy for the season and will include Dress Goods, Blankets and /inter u nderwear, Domestic Goods Of every sort on which the lowest of figures will be placed to thin them out. There will be a great saving to all who come here to buy during February : 2a there was in January as the advantage of reduced prices will prevail. ‘We now have a beautiful new assortment of Embroideries in all widths | and prices in Cambric and Nonesook with insertions to match many styles. There are sll prices ranging from bec to $1 per yard. “Also a line of very bandsome all over embroideries in many prices. Beautiful new Spring Ginghama and Percales are now in and range at Tie, 100 and ioayard They were never prettier nor cheaper than now. Oar Annual Bale of Ladies’ Muslin Underwenr is now going on. The stock is unusually handsome and the prices very low, lower than you can buy the material and make them, skirts, drawers, chemises, corset covers and night gowns. Come and sco them if possible. We make a specialty of quick delivery Mail Orders. ite for sample to the Big New Store, one square from the Ly Corner 11th Avenue and 22th Street, lL. W. COOK, Altoona, Pa. ealers in Wines, Liquors, ! week hustling up business | )’S. brands of wines and! SR that the effect is less harmful st tonic for those suffering from grip. If you cannot we shall be pleased “l All night long the occaseloss, muffied | beuting of the medicine tomtom had ieomun to ns across the hot, barren, ‘alkali flats; sll night Jong the dismal i wailing of the bereaved squaws and the Jomestme how! of the masterless dog, crying like log spirits, bad come to us out of the darkness, plarative and weird; ‘all night long we bad rallied and soswsd on our blankets, spread vpom the broad breast of mother eurth, endernenth the silent, watchful stars, and pow, as the iret pink binsh of breaking morn be igan to revolve out of infinity into a newborn day, we rose, sarelresino@ and Weary A Blood red sun thrust has scorehiog rays across the rogred peaks of the . Book platens. All natore seemed aflame, ‘and ns our tired aching eyes sought { what test thers conld bs found in the dingy green of the few scrub cedars (that marked the single varintion to the pthorwise anbiroken glare of whiteness & strange, sad procession emerged from them and wended its way toward us As it approsched we could ses the cor ‘tege plainly There were the patient ‘md eyed women, their faces blackenod by charcoal, their hair disheveled, their garments rent and covered with ashes There were the favorite dog and horse ‘of the dead warrior, the latter foily equipped, as though ready for a joor ‘poy, sud 50 he was There was the Loorpes ftsclf, borne, all bedecked and enshronded, to ita last earthly resting - place. —Lippincott’s A Natural Fog Horn, At the Faraliones the arosive spints | bave worked with queer caprice This | rock, being granite, bas been acted upon ‘by the sea st all levels and throughout the long periesd when it has been riviog ‘out of the watery deptha Through n | lomg narrow hole slanting and comma | micating with the ocean, thers corns ab aasisoe by the spasmodic heaving of the wares ‘against the lower orifice The govern | ment, which uses this island for Hight house purposes, inclosed the gpper end “with the nozzie of a 16g born, and every {ow seconds there was blown an ear splitting brawl, which was heard far out at sea and above the din of the | breaking rollers It was allowed to roar only in foggy weather, but it was eccentrio in thus it { would only sound at high tide When , the tide was low, although the weather | might be very thick, the thing was #1 (lent. For mck of its warning a ship | went ashore upon the island rocks, and | then it was that the government aban ' doned its location on the wind hols and | srected a steam siren ormechanioal fog | horn, which has since very faithfnlly | performed the neosssary servioe —'‘Onr | Beaboard Islands on the Pacifie, by { Juhn E Benpett, in Harper s Magazine The Boy and His Cap. “Jl oan't find my cap anywhere, is a | sentence more or lesa familiar in the | housebold, that being what the boy say looking for his cap, when be wants “ go out to play Early in the search he {enlists his mother, and that may make a serious business of it. She has to drop her dusting or whatever household work i she may be engaged in, and the search | may take a Joug time i “Where did you put it when you | came in?’ isn question sure 10 be neked i sooner or Ister, but all the boy can an ' swer is: “1 don’t know.” ed. Aud then the search gots on every. | where, over and under, in all sors of , places, all at a great loss of time, if not {of temper. It is found at last, as most | | things are iu time, and in some simple, easy place, which makes the finding of ] it it all the more exasperating i The boy takes it and goes out to play | and straightway forgets all about it, | but it ay take quite a little time to restore the normal calm in the house. | It is mn mystery how the boy manages { to lose his cap as often as ho does, but | it appears to be a boy's way, snd vom mon to almost all. New York Sun English Suburban Homes. In the United States you are far ahead of England in respect to new | suburban homes. Whatever may be the faults of the imitations of Richardson | — American's greatest architect—or even , of the queer gabled and verandsed vil . las which for some inscrutable reason are named after the good Queen Anne, ‘there is something ploturesque about i most of these buildings—if it is only the usually good sky line Bot the mod- (ern suburban bomes in England are monotonously ugly As a rule they are run up in rows by some speculative | builder who is his own architect. —Mon- tague Marks in Art Amateur Pathetio Scene. The minstrel man Jay dying He ' oalled his eldest son to his bedside ani said: “My boy, 1 cannot leave you any money; 1 have spent that as fast as | made it. Bot you shall inberit the | heirloom that I received from my fa ‘ther. It will make you a living, it wade his and it wade mine.” Then, laying in the hand of the young man the worn and stained joke ‘book, he breathed his last. —Indian apolis Journal semi os A comedy scens followed the third act of a tragedy at a theater in an Eng: | lish provincial town The villain had met his death, and the curtain was low: ~ered, buat hung suspended three feet , above the stage All efforts to lower it proved unavailing until the corpse arose from the stage, and said, in sepulchral i tones, as he dragged down the curtain, “No rest, even in the grrravel” London Fun, A Bad Break. “That florist is singularly inept.” “How so?" friends ordered something appropriate sent, and the doit sent a floral lyre. ’'-— Philadelphia North American. Cater h to Character In the Eyshrows, An arched ¢vebrow does not indicate | the highest order of intelligence. bot js expressive of great soasibility Scant | growth of the ryeir ws denotes Jack of | vitality On $i ciniivary, heavy, thick eyebrows tndviste a siropg constitution BG great poyrias en Ther are not Load face, buwever fmuch ti eithe tints when mbiie prifl Bre x to Ge Gri i on oa woman's ey may sigaily dy Igor wily Bemvy proves ph f LE r and . they mite fio tat Era it Hr fii RTE 4 InEIDere & uasture a wv a4 8 Whara Lop of PEK 8 { ¥ Ig WIRE aw arbi £30 driw pang iheats an stable dis the eyebros the Lair tie vitality anid pre Faintly dolined ¢yetaow ative the niss gra and weakness Vers give the fare an tutecsé and searching eapreeon When ustaral, they sco pauy 8 passionate tempera nt / jigbt eyebr TATEIY Ar oH wrnngly tate lie fea! faces aithough the ilar of the Eg SWE HA Boe ples ; stimnply as dey noting nok of intelhigence The form gives the key to the facuitios aud their direction Hed eyebrows de uote grest fervor and ambition, brows, a medium istween the rid and black ~ J xChn pe A Modern Battleship, A battleship is nt cmnly a floating fortress, bunt is also a steam power plant of the largest size, with 8 greater va riety and paomber of engines or oa chines than ts ever dressed of by the uninitiated Of all this combination there is no portion that can be ted to remain in a state of to pose any length of time without endangering its effective notices when tha emergency arises for whioh it was designed Io ja) only by constant use that they oan ba kept perfectly efficient Gu an sroved erojsery Hike the Brook. yn of the Dinited States pavy, taking her ax a vanpin of av Gp to date war ship, Iwtween a battleship and an or diuary crotsir. thers sre sltogstier 5 separate oh having a total of 158 #toatn cy lind re Add in imaginat REECE £ BES fo in BAN HE sro al sensi nIve oes # placed gh wigs of iodolense Binek ovebrines 34 #4 PRIA NE 2O iw PREaE, on to this nomber hoposing in iteif rast quantity ad catont of stenin, exhaost ad water piping vesded to connect all thes en. Eines to the botlers, condensers and wa ter systems, the thousands of valves to be kept workable and efficient Then include the avon great oilers capable of evaporating oto steam, ander foresd draft, i180 tous of water an honr, and ove can begin to eommprebend the vast cag of the steam pliant of a modern Tn nid Sp udiOr 8 8 Magazine Indian Huabiber. Nota litte singolar 1s the [act by cheqnisis that, contrary to the gen eral badisf, natural india robles is nod waterprood [ndead since the article has to be dricd to be freed of its moisture the sonclosson is obviops that it will moisture ssin, and, sccording to experimonis mentisesd by BE Schulze in the Guinn Zeitang. 18 does so with certain rapidity It t# found that rolled rubber plates, which by virive of their treatment are in 8 somewhat compressed condition, absorb from 8 to 35 per cons of water in two bourses When the wator ie be about 120 degrees Fo at nore aad pressure, the absorption takes place wach more readiiy, and a piece of rub ber, kept in a cylinder ander » pressure of 140 pounds atworbed 35 per cent of water in five minutes i Oils, of course, stop the water Val oanized robber remains dry. though not | entirely so, and badly vulcanized goods deteriarate, owing to this reason Scholze kept a plate of the best Pars | rabber in water not above [10 degrees | F., and after 23; months it had be the frodd eome n hopeloms, smeary mass The Elaborate Chinese Novel. Itis a proof of the high degree of elaboration to which fiction literature in China has been car that most of their novels are yy interspersed with poems of ail orders of merit No stronger evidence could be afforded of the fact that whatever they lack it is pot literary finish If anything, they bhava this in excess These poems are introducnd in a variety of ways The ‘ hero sends one in a billet doux to the . bercine, or he overhaars her singing otie or perhaps a poetic contest is struck up, the fine um defent being generally the compulsory drinkiog of sc many extra flagons of wine Wine drinking and poetizing almost invariably go to gether in Chinese novels, though wheth- er they do #0 in real Jife we are voable | to say Above all things every rman wi sets Gp to be anything in the way a bero in Chinese fiction must Le Ye $0 extemporize Ly the ream in inimitable poetry. Rev G F Can: dlin in Open Court Punishment. “The idea of sending children to bed | early to punish ‘em!’ exclaimed Mrs Qorntossel, who was discussing her city relatives. ‘‘That ain't any way to ¢'rect i a i “Of cvurss ft atu't,’’ answered her hosband ‘If you want to convince em that you mean business, make ‘em get up an hour or so earlier in the morn. ing. '' Washington Star ono SAA 4 ARIE 5 HOY Sure of Game. Fox-—Thero is one thing that l can say for Badger, whenever he goes shoot- ing his family is sure of game Koox— Why, is he such a good shot? Fox~-No; but it really doesn’t make any difference whether be shoots any thing or not, for if he doesn’t get anuj | game his wife makes game of him . Boston Courier sold in London recently he says In one of Carlyle's private latte : *Ol- : ‘ver Cromwell bad no squint, stare or “When Pleader, the lawyer, died, bis | § i § i 3 i deficiency of any kind in the eyes of him Une eye, probably the left—>but [| am not sure—was considerably bigger | than the other.”’ : Ww DAVIS, Expensive Premiums money. DR. C. ERNEST FASE, Surgeon PATTON, PENNA. (cw in Readomem Bald City Restaurant, Fifth DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN ANT SURGE y 4 £3 ppmmsiie YET Hoom No 3 Office in Gooed Buliding, Bi Denneat Sargury and the Tee 2 Spacuaily x 0 PE rien ie # PEt e Nhe Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & STURGEON. Cie bey A Miiy Wie Flo avi fae gd tev ¥ £3 gia b To Wy ag Patton, Pa DR. W. |. DOWLER, 5 x OfMice in Mellon blork, next door to Postoffies, Patton, Fa feng ied id All eadis, dav or Right. bey Fraga piv i dein i € Poway wi Reuel Somerville, wa Attorney-at-Law, Pattox, Pa. Office in the Good Building. JAMES NOLAN, Attornev-at-Law, Patton, Pa. | Office in Good Building. 10af. : | frend 53 Dentist, |: ¥ 1 x Fg ye 3 LO Eating 3 RYFKCIAN ALG DUIgeon. ifn Bs =. v CC &H ® ’ Co. Losses, Condensed Time Table. Now. 18% Wes Ma Bi ey Roorrenensy 4 FATERS BER ae ED BUNLERLREY rin * wo Ses rindd Woeslinod r Bh Bw SE nl 0 ax 5 ® ais Sn Lww ARB sag FRE FUNC BRNESREEE ERNE REABST Piva & Roading BE Iv #7 ¥ 3 &®Y¥ Tanmagoa ar NY via Filla arbin ee Pos Wark days a pom Sundays 1 a m =urdays A & hg ¥ a Paid adel pha ots 304 pon EAPO ers Travelin rain from W v ears at Hontngdon St, Phi, mow tivemm.. Af Wi ha vpimpw rs with Phils fs AT nd Heading ralivosed’ at Jersey Shore Fail Brook Hv: at Mid Hall . wiral Farliprmd of Fenny ivan: #1 5 Ferry vane rR ieee and i frassweting mitroad; 82 w Bofaio., Boehoates ard at Mabafiey and Fafton rrbrbs and Coearfted divishon of the vis tcimest st Maba@ley with the nia amd No TID ro radiway ¥. Herriman, rr Fass Agenl Primdeiphia, Ps Be. Lo § AMD wi g w » § pm *Timily “py Xow Ye wiry soypers sterpfeont, Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table Nov. 3, 1898 Main Line. fone Crommon- Fa wand Mop Wher Express, wie davs, : ¥ 3 3 Attorney ond Counselor at Lou ERENSBORG, trims preven tly sttended Pa. AI pu bod mn Harker Bint iting Cried ACO and CHGA RS ¢ Fatt TOR ne Bnew? G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Mages i Me Reustunn rant nn V Ai Py Me FEY HOURE Mahafley, Clearfield Co, Ene, B® Al Wt gi Mr Aid. HOU HK iv , Pa Tak ak 1 fg time tong fn, ¥ a ¥ ein, Frop'e CREST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are grepated to do all kinds of ing. Mohinery, iran kettles, aloves PEpIRITR, plow fonnis, pic Pe. Our charges are ressonab te ff Jew rong Fea ie stave pairs ands fad Taken iY HEE BPRING - » Parnell & Cowher. A genie Sar I4VE AND INSURANGE ACCIDENT 1% . BEAL EXTATE AGENTS, wend Bathing, Paltae, Pa Phase No a0.0% 0% 9 DOVES KEELEY CURE. ¢ LIQUOR AND NPIUY HABITS. Removes afl dosies sad up peti, builds othe Systane, rasaws heals and viges beat Len the stefact and Bis one Rv tusmois ativet GREY BERL EY IRNTIPCER Laabbie IN WRATEEN CENASY LY als Seksmioreaciie 4246F 4013 Pitsburg Pa $ To ee FirstNation’ [Bank OF PATTON. ‘Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $47,000.00. Aveoants of Corporations, Firms, Tadivide | ate nd Hanks rovelemd ue PE the owt favors. ble eras consistent with snd and consirvative Ted nil ir semooship irom, Foretgn Drafis etiam of the (hd Worl ALF perrempesteleien will 7 # i RTlenEe at. weit jamal FTE PATTON, President. ATTENTION Go to fas eliae A FIRE, a thekets for sade Wor all the leading Fa rande Pi Tha ptr ped hate oirr prompt and © TE ter do poms. Wit H. Saxprorn, Caalier. . : Evbeay Campbwil, : i eo. Boone ~ Agent for THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA (0, - Corner Lang & Fifth Avenues; for a fail line of Teas, Coffees, S Rolled Oats, Floor, Wheat, Sogars, Buck: wheat Flour, Corn Meal, Confection- | ery, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, Ete. will be given away with anl1s- ounce can of A. & FP. ing Powder, 50¢. #0 cents worth of spives gets any prize on the list. ManyZother prem- Cams given away. CALL on us and be con- vinced that we can save you naar’ Peal of | boven | i Mab Hey { Works ! Glen Cempbell } doi $i £ in fais Poors sms Cmanifertand f PF Works § | BT gm, Lau , Work days | Mail TR ; { Philadelphia EB Xprows. daily Lanes {remy ent waned, shins Arh ‘ wider aay we xpress, daily Faswrnger, Sally ay Pittsburg Xx jens Mas : Fawtl Tie, Ansty Frinton Aden. waek deve cambria and Clearfield setrth ward. far Pattem and Cromen eaves iy Mahaffey So 8 mm ia wil; Hastings S40 tar Jan wy Bir Readiey Fhenutug 7d : EE 3 ® A Sond fs y - Hats 4 Frais os Boke rnd iey Shanethom Avior DIS are ing at £ rekcss # B5 Narthwant. Miran ng train raven Drpeun for Mahaffey vabuirg Here Racor Beli Fewtiey £5 55 Paiton ded), Cerway for ; tay Flastings for Matmfey 13% Gar for Mansov) a8 Westover 1108 Iv ype Matiaffor 100k arriving at (en oat TEES Afternoon thin fe Pade 3 bel} ony en Cremmen at Si Janeen £4 : PEW ht “ for (items Camp Hi Tm . Latome’ ¥ TN rs at re ie apply Wo oket agent WA J. R. Wood, Coetr. Pann. Agt Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table, 10 TAKE EFFECT NOV. 21, 1998 Westward Nail Nei » HY Garway dor ¥i * rate, TAP, ode, ve addaves This KE Fifth avenue, Pllitsinrg. Pa J.B Hatehinson, (hen, Mgr Ww % @ we fons {aioe Station (Mabafey Hewe hh { frek Jamon . » B EB v z wee T fateh 1 { Motions. - Woetieeds 1 | My adlerimnd Bik faek 1 Barnaide Prowimore! ERBEvpnEulE oh Ohl Wg lb Wb BG we or dr Rorion Run ilirr Kan REYHZEARBUNEND if sasssssveen #35 wurABREBRKNESANE BOWE AA nd eA Eo wk 1 i Py 2 we - vesnenhesywun? v MRR ARRRN EPR SR ERgEsageununy 37 ERRARBEIS An EE] ip niler Rar { Howton Run 1 - Barside Fin Liek [ i Wedaped] | I Motions P fatmtharet ‘ MalinMey Fld {reek Junction Pndoe wrgtion (Mahaffey) f Viag station, {r@uwetions- AL sion Sasa, with Heweh of reek mlirosd, © | Pestoayivania miiroad, asd | . N. romdl at Whiskey Ron with Motions | toanti reiirvad; at MoGees with P. | pairon N tue 1 gil further notice toads fren will po : Sation laaey Ni teins dusty exeept 8 Manage eR “3 2% ed CB MN NAM SAS RE f; fa wii: only hetween [Union =H. Hicks, Genemd Xs >it Builale, Rochester and = ge a — On and afer Jan § MR union wilkiliave : Been: {reek Depok, Clonrfield, daily emp “in ax folbhwe Cdn. mi. Reyonoldevilie Aceon nods Carwensy ide, DuBois, Fala Crpwk a : alitsviile, Conneeti A way, bohnsonbang, Rh Baffalo Etro for Sarwan Iu Hots aod Pails § ton wills, fr Hidgway, Johssonaburg, but and Haifa PuBobe and Pun xsataws od eo gross. Por DuBois, Pails Creek and SHAW BOY adie y Ha wm, fs arrive, 6 a me, wind BOR aod a8 Rite, time tabdes and fist] Infermation, wild ree : i ns. Eo 5 Bammer yh . f lesrttonud, ba Roehenter. R. F. Notley, - Dealer in— ‘Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for Prices family use cannot be excelled. are reasonable, FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. HASTINGS, PA;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers