tired Pina, Hood's Karsspariits has mar. weloas power toexpel ali poisonous disease germs from the blood, sud oversome the extreme wenkness which is one of the peru. liar sflusts of the grip. Get only Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Cireatest Mulicine for the srip. mn Gb eit Hood's . Pils cure all Liver Lis #5 cents. e100 Reward, 8100. The readers of this purer will be pleased 40 foarn thet thers is at least vibe dreaded dis that soiene Las heen shies 10 cure in wl} stages and that ts Cstarrt Hall's Catarrh pe fs the only positive cure known te the aedics! fraternity Catarrh being u comet tn. : disease. rennimgs tonstitutiony] treats ment Hal's JHtareh (nels takes internally, acting dire af the Bioed asd mucons auria ee of rij thsrehr dentreving the foundation af the disease, and #lviny $e pa tent strength Bw Frail yo the raniyriie axsintl ay a a wand he i it Tai ta en re. Ero at th Bf tans! a Astd en ., ¥otedo, O A ‘RENEY Ak. 3 AERQQ, ons. br Dirjiegiots, He iis Fal Hy r Pil He wre F Ue bast, “Send for an Fite pwrpanvior ax # hm fre nervon. Kiine's (iran fame a for Ree das * se if ro hep ree Restor 22 rial hott oan 4 Re pe free Dr RH Ki xy, Led. BI Arch Se Phile Pa 1 romid not et along without Ples's Cure Moira. Needs Baiwaysenrss « Me 3.4, iN, Reedsam. Mass., Oe tober 2 jee Mrs Wi Enstiw’ % Set Mi bg Sy ran for oh ram teething, safterns the gums, reduces in Nam. thon, silays ain. ¢ cures wird colic, Wa a bottle There is 2 new Sumy ung tester which contains cartridges whith ex. plode snd surprise the blower when he registers a certain figure on the indi- cator of his capac ny. Delay Makes It Marder, Mis. steps have made the worst sprains but It is no misstep to use St. Jacobs Oi It makes & cure by strengthening sootling and conquering the pain. Every hour's de lay makes it harder th care. The Churih of Erigts urd = supported by Income from Investments, endow. meat and by voluntary contribations, The tata! revenue of the church is about $35 on, A0. ToCure A Cola In Ons Pay. Take Lagstive Bromo Quinine Tabiets. All sts refund wopey if it Luils to pare. 3 It is stated that about one In 18 of the population of Parks Hye on charity, with a tendency toward crime, Beanty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beasty without it. Cancnrets, Candy Cathar tie clean Jone blood and keep it clean, by stirning up 1h hee lazy Hv liver and driving all 4 he Fills Begin doday Ie ih pimpin, the Sod lotehes, blackheads, sickly bilious complexion Aili taking beauty for ten eentu. ta satusfaction guaranteed, 10c, Ze A physician declares that aaa wha siecy with heir mouths shut live long EC pis ro: Bowels wien Vasearets. Only Cathirtle, ears constipation forever. We, 2. E'6/C ia arepnret refund money. his usually taken about five years to tan the skin of an elephant. pr ts A ok SH BE VAN ph se , Tnecks Conghs and Colds. raokd’s Cough Killer cares Coupe and venis (ous sption. All draggin. ze i They're Only Artesiane During the recent strike of ladles’ tallors the proprietor of a well-known uptown establishment was endeavor: Ing te explain to an interested cus tomer the differsnee between the kind of work which Is done in an establish- ment ke bis and that done hy the shambing wretches who were fighting for “recognition” and their right to better pay. “You see,” he explained, “men who never see a fine garment on ady and who have no opportunity D ol and learn what gond style “cannot be expected to turn out ar- work. They can never hope to bs artists; they are simply ar- Lod Astray, | rar 1 this was ‘season for game.” protested d Rapids, Mich., had ovarian with its attendant aches she is well. Here are her own words: “Your Vegeta Compound has p me feel like new person. efore 1 be. : and since taking shave gone. My monthly d to be so painful, but have not had the slightest pain since taking icine. I cannot praise your Compound too much. My \d friends see such a change look so much better and have | Bramiing The debate on the ray recrganiza- under an Agreement eral debate is 10 run 15 hours tically thre: propositions are the witb Hoagie PH prov: for & standing army of WH ES the minority subptitute ing the standing srmy 00 men and lodging vith dent discretionary power Sh divs wy for ermprgend lee Bnd 8 pe poarsriv the BEL way sty loudly tellie & ¥ atic $s re His gpeech plicd to Mr fniinte far plagdad kb bm yun the rider An enn irraghe “he ga ds R tho Epi ery pre od haute Hy a fxd If tiridder The opps hs the Ofer her of end but badge the & 4 maxim mente Flow wiil slia Be Ease yy : 3 took a prominent day, after the meperal declared that the purpe i f= to have an army of He 6 Qirect puthorizy the SREY President u hig purjoss the machinery y for ®& colonial system MIFTY FIFTH DAY. The houses og the conse tian of the Ermey CHE RT IA = Helo k. when thom their tributew to ibe Zed fate Hopreveniath : Muerac huseiin, was made with amendment ade by the odenmin in cavalry re teers the rank filownrwes of seg enters fine before 1h LER hiefly devoted faalaad the debate om i taining the Pr A int to a {lege of sepia Miditary wt - Senate FIFTY-Vins7t Two potable speed her in the Senate Toesday, one ered thes other by any. of While the wo Benstors ametrically as (o the ales ®ion, upon which they dwelt, in favor of the Dnfmedinte of the pending pease trémly. FIFTY -SECONT DAY The senate held two executive gon gione to-day. Al the firgl an unan m- Gus sEreement Lan romusched to voile on the peace treaty Monday, Fetruars 6. AL 3 pom. and at the second Ben ator Davie pre tnd the American copnnissionoyy reasons {or the BRoCepi. ance of the treaty as if stands. Un. til the vote (#2 taken the Senate will go into executive wession each day ai 2p om, to digcuss the treaty, Rengtor Fravis also offered sn amendment ta the sundry civil bill eppropriating 320000 006 to pay Npatn according va the terme of the treaty. The amend. ment has the indorserpent of the corn mittee on foreign relations. FIFTY-THIRD DAY. During the consideration of the pene. sion appropristien bill In the Beasts Mr. Butler (Pop, N. ), offered his amendment for the pehsioning of ex | Confederate soldiers and in an in flammatory speech declared that the South was right in the civil war and Mr. Chandler (Rep, N. H) matt he did not gee how the government could recognize those who had taken dp arma against the I'nion, Mr. Butler protested against the lasiguage of Mr | Chandler, but withdrew his amend. | merit. : Mr. Pettus (Dem, Ala) appealed 16 sEnAtors not lo #llempt lo rensw thes war. The pension bill carries $145. T3830, FIFTY-FOURTH DAY. Particular Intersst was manifouted | in the Benate to-day in a brief speech delivered hy Bemator TOC Plat of New York, on the general subject of CXpansion, Platt took for his tex! the anli-ex. pansion resaigtion offered by Vest but in the course of hie sproch merely touched upon the constitutional guess tion Involved In the proposed declara. tion. He spoke In ® clear, resonant voice, and because this was the first speech he has delivered in the Senate since his return to the body, he was accorded undivided attention He tnak strong ground for the ratification of the pending treaty of perce. FIFTY-FIFTH DAY. In the senate's executive sessiog Mr Frye continued his arguinent for the ratification of the peace treaty. in ansner to Mr. Mason he said the ratis feation of the treaty Bound us to the payment of the £2 00000 indemnity regardless of the sttituds of th: Filipinos. He held that ratfica fon would probably avert a cunflics in the islands. The &enator told of (he envoys’ efforts to secure contre! of ths Caroline islands. The offer of a mi Hon dollars was not even conviders? by the Spaniards, nor w oid they even talk of ceding one island for a vali station. As for Spanish citizens’ clam against this country, Mr. Frye aid they would probably amount to $15. . &: wh # ¥ 330d Sa These 3 FREY t need ¥ PAE the pris Went Poin PAY Wipe or - a with R/Y ratificatic 5 American tion bill oponed in the House Tuesday tiv which the gone RA A SR NASI. i Br. Jacoms On sures Selaties, fr. Jacows Or cares Sprains, Sr, Jacome Or saree Brojses, Rr. Jaowex Or cures Roreness, By, Jaooew O40 cures BIT oese, Br. Jacors Ure rares Backarhs, By. Jacoss On sures Muscular Athens, ME BE BA TWENTY Crdien FH HK Hist Us Npw € ep To Core Constipation Forever, ¢ Riueric Bie or Se k r ahond gee gt, rE % a {Bk Wo-To Bae for Fifty Cents, Gosraniond Iobncen BEIT Cure. mass weal Ben sirong. Mood poss. $e SL All dregs. Ftatles Las is Is doe not only to the orizinaiity and simplicity of the combination, bat also to the care and «kill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Carironxia Fie Syacy Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of parchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Cariromsia Fio Syaur Co only, 8 knowledge of that fact will assist one in avohiing the worthless imitations mans factared by ot her pare ties. The Ligh standing of the Calle rorxia Fio sy vr Co with the Sed} eal profession, and tho satiation which the gevuine Svrap of Figs has given to miliivms of fanuliies, makes the name of the Company a gairanty of the exorilonee of Hs vemedy., It is far is wl ric w of ali other Laxatives, > ey : wg be 88 it acis an Lhe RiGanoys, diver and al ith mt irriiating or weaken inj: them, i does not pripe nor Bandas ir i rae "ois Linnie Sid effects, please remeniwr the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C0. SAN FRANCISCO, Cul. LEW YORK, a% tired 5B my wife and | have been CASCAR ad ther are the best we BAYS ever had in the Bogue Last WON mY Wiloa was frase wiih beads for tun Aas, She Verio some of roar ASE ARE TS, and they relieved the puis {5 ber eS {minedintely. Wo toad recommend res AS NIBLERORD. Fitsburg Sale = Deposit Co. Pittsherg, Pa ba Paistadie Potent, Taste Gow Goo, Nevor Nickens, 1¥ caken, or Gripe. Si. hog > SURs CONSTIPATION. _—~ * 4, som ford. nr %0-10- eta smd g eatantand doy i Frage i i 24 0 ek tn Rasacen api. oes nH 5 Ai a | : rh Fw ay 8 Yohei Big Yar § at, Wis, 138 Sah. Raed ol 2 graning 39 hie gl i J EE ae ORTH FOR 10c. Farh Hwee Tor Kher, ¥ big men Been, 40 DOLLARS WO be PWS $ I. AYS! “ENT FREE the WW wpa, A ¥ le vi : % ya Saw ine Pars, 3 Fairy | Sm, ae Ta Soe Wage, taiie be Relectiae Fieve How ro Mase U : SAMUEL FRENUN, z 23 West 22d Nirvet, « New York Car, DROPSY rou oo cares. look of Mae win ais sad § 0 de va’ Lrestmmant Free. or. BE GREEN 8 3088 Haz D, Atsanta. 6a Ww ANYED ou of SURE Sie Bo Tne Mend § ota Eon Ue Co. NewYork for Le sacunles Sad 1k Samchmon: to perte ¢ dare SEW DISCOVERY: vee RIEUMATISM SERED on a ALEEANDER LEANED Y CO... ead dt: XX a. 2 mid au aa {ORR Nn, ye wT. Nai 2 yellow, shmiind Mized ear, OATS... No, 3 white Na, Xow i rae es * 5 Mel it BYE. No FLi RB ‘Winter fates Fuge ralph inter Irsiry ¥ roduacts Elgy cromanrs. YE. | CORN FORTY | Eien a 0 SPREner yy . i BETTER FRILADEYELFAZA 2 3 Are POATH ery, $rieg TE. 2 EU ITER EGG Fepawyivanin NEW YORK. Fatents Xow 4 red # Hosts FIOUR WHEL] CORN Na, 2 CAIN White Western Bl r TEE Creamery. iG Sinin of Fenn LIVE »TOIK Central Stock Yards Fast Liberie Pa LRTI Te to F800 Frime 8 5 Sis bs Sh and sags Frime. 8 Fair Yoal { wives | a errs F food ti Haat FEMALE year a, % 10 oBiivw m anes Price of Pg Last sues Weis Growing Demand | Wal Marker ms weekly ¥ Vie A % RRY werk A EIranger peamilio Firma rk Wee PRET Year and | Fh BEY. Yea RESIN. & The sebhool of sisridaings 57 usd trai 8 {ivr bays Liem has Tey wid a0 Sn from ap wok: Tn donor for a rranual trairing bulkiine and central steata plant. AISI. tl ON OA SE AI SSE i 2 ts a 7 Cannan Sle SEA BRE Grip is a treacherous ditease. You think it 5 cured and the slightest cold brings on & | relapse. 1 fs victims are always left mm a weakened condition ~ biood impure and im shved ; nerves shatteread. Paeumonia, heart disease and nervous prostration are often the result, Or Williams Pink Pills far Pale People will drive every trace of the poissncis germs fi from the system, build up and enrich and strengthen the nerves. A trial will prove ths. Read the evidence: 5H et viied {hie sretinm Horm J Baer #3 TOE OR A % aie Dm BR Lass Rg = N SARS we ay (2 of Bowmih bor en © fone Poin Pons LJ bs id J: si Pie i re en ge Sais Lod foe the ull same on the gutsy. At drapes on direct from the De. Wilharns Medi® ie Co, Scheoectacy, NY. SOc. per box. 6 boxes S250 re PER a ») CSAS The Little Valve Which Has for Hundreds of Years Prevented the Cure of Diseases in the Air Passages. Paysicians Witness the Death of Thousands Annually. Unable LC thuedr friemits moed sovpaaint amon to Reach the Diseased Parts on Account of This Ob staclie Created by ature to Protect the Bron- ehinl Tabes and Lungs. Ti ta mow ask scwiadaad d hw all medical won HR thie 5 22 Femi Find ¥ yn & Tha Wait ag +) | fat e id wid pipe that ail nh Fm (nad ant sirangeisth itso Pie etad 1 that (he sigitest Soatrastion of The Throat Rae Thais Ka vous will eae Boom pee Tes ir tie i r all pris of AH a gop {mena veries made ander thedr SS of aa woman Pane ited Rtatos ? p28 he mite of medion man a5 00 Tbe sfonew of “HYOMED in the treatment of whieh sosts not niag £7 it fails 16 hee rwiint, oan be fomeul from (2 all ards 29 lee Can be obtained of pour dtsggist, AT OFFICE OF BY MAL. PAPER, & completa HY OME] Trial Oui, consinting »f an ALERINEN Re, - sprains, sonide o ng saddle sores, eczema and il sarface irritations, ™ Strength, Vitality, Manhood. haaxted Vitality, Nervous and orl eror renee arisony, Time Prsciples of : my Mall iweaiady New ed Thom. wills Lagest « “aeraacicre oF 1h Suthor} io Butea wed Vol, Emisent Specialist in Smeriva. who Cures Where weicinn, or Kaow Tiel Masonl, 8 4am viplbet with testimonials and * ¥ pe seat tis Paphos Maniiond Iovate the fallow: A wa She Fane which # han valve sailed the spigtos. the, has afectivaly prev mated The spew ott i Ponssmption nd vo nmpbied denen : reapd ratory argpans fay handrads of nr. it dad bo its presence a1 The SRUMRGNS al the dgubd moelicines no matier fs what f tars Yhey ars sd@instered w how minster dieided be sprees or stomizers ace prevesied from sntarieg Ihe brosekial tabes rinse var HR wars mat for tale Het ie sales, Hants and food wogid enter (howe an wud Seth, a i" pgiatiie ATW RTE pen To passage of gir to the lange, Daal wa mRGeem {8 10 nine Aver the comeing ae a nd srevent The least drop al molstare from sRiaring 1h passages whi 5 the | nde Try to hrsative and swallow of the tie valve does tx work, Is It any wonders, then that the af perenne wi sted with Catered. Brosehitii asd Conmpmption are wtagyds sriommand wvary ven, and that he mediogl sratension shwgid hes banome sxsitad cops the dissavery of 4 dev alr gor tote, tha freer aver Toand that can be aur fram awd thromt. snd loads fn hs air von hrosthe® No other treet ar Apel bo brs Bugs aver Areata wl internet gman the dosiom and this i erant Ja heli Cl Tn i an TEL . ER Dane RAO Sd Lo Fameiel 8 Bow t iw Temem Pedr hat hagdeeds of thansand 4 Irs Tres Drastients ews, and euomd by Lhe Eno winds sip mohey wold de peturned jo ag af fatter, BATS Lena 4 Lh pew remedy ¥. cared andl 08 to-day recommending “RYODMED to all There Bag Deen lor months Xo Por oT WHATEVER Asthane, R., Cod, Catarrs, Cataresyd Deals HBeoaedhitie and Consgmition, and BEA smothers Whe ARE RoTsRiated with the front fnethod used by The BT Booth Pa inten Suoing CC HYOME gh gra aot dodo r by {Hemera oY tielr In .. if foe Bd Ton thls pew Peat ae, CSHYOMEI" CURES BY INHALATION, Iris Nature's ows remedy. glean through the sir vou bresthe. There is so danger, Bo risk. Your mouey isrefunded i fasis to retinva, ‘Inhaler Outs #100 Exirs Botties “Hyomm * 3s. “Heomad™ wt dartal Banier, ithe. Pamphlets, consultation asd advion free, SPECIAL OFFER! [12 t m poroe meting wn ul na ar Sash ; Wire Dranper, dottie of Hromel sufichent to last Tro weeks, gages snd tor nada. We will ano send FREE “The Story of Hromel™ and » SAMPLE BOX off Byrom! Bain he wogdertal antiseptic healer nad sure for plies. braless, buras, Mond a3 anon ¢ $4 tr ate OFFIUE AND LARORATORIKS of THE R. T. BOOTH ea, ITHACA, N.Y. ik oe HE A AS EA ER THE SCIENCE OF LIFE ; OR. SELF-PRESERVATION. A Great Medical Tratise en B Marriages the cause aixi cnre of Pei ity, Atronay (wasting, and Vark covele, aixoon ALL DISEASES AND Ww EATS ESSES OF MAN ress wlele Treatment, JW pp 12mo, with Bravans. 4 +35 Fawabaside Presmeriptione Sor ponte snd shoes HMamasen. T WORK now and KNOW THYSILY. fer Knowisdge In pow wally Hedica! Dastitute, Na "4 Batnoh $e, Bomton, Maw Far ey san and Athos Graduate of Havant ¥edioal College, {les 0G MLE io pesravss oa Be lether $a mapsdues Pant Ciondiesstiad shomak Matienl Asean amar ied tee (odd Medial for thie Grand Pree Trontiee, which Sip Fol EVERY MAN, Yoane Mabie apd or O31 Married or Seuntle. 3 2, endore Pris, Shoente, Sut misilisd FREE fe didace Send sow. 1 isa perfect CADE f great vaio for WEAK ond Falli¥es MIN br a Homanitarias asd Oeiebrated lego viaitund thang Suet Phim sever mind Bair Adress an aboon The press Feabo de Meter! Tats Bas been ews Hele iy Bowron 37 rears foerfancd FL ry 58 Tosh elie awl x nerieerionne iretatuation ooukd naderge Boston Jeurwel. Fustamiy lead Jentitude Bas Haka SRRBALGEN, Lait a0 egunis. TTR tA — Wives Grow Fair in the Light of their Works.” Esgecially if They Use SAPOLIO ; i Mi od with = LAS A = REET X Lid 8 IE i al de ves atid 8
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers