it to the Porta Rican aimed, every other : 1rd become secondary. Not ouly soldiers become aroused but consumers throughout the 1, Germany and Japan, prt large quantities nf Americ- for their soldiers have said erican generals condemn. gn patkers are doing all in to thwart furthee dis vestigations but revein- iy been made by the hy dige fosed the H wv ot oa for the al trust sid at Chicago a few drae Swift & Co, and the oth. t whom | number among my ake the position that packing {are perfectly tustificd in aid- fl Eagan's cause to the ex clearly showing that a quack ither than any agent of a packer was responsible for the of the five carcasses of ‘ems bee!’ ro Santiago on the Rough transports. That's all the so- kers' lobby at Washington The packers have nothing to & discussion of this false in. bainwed beef for & contin- ng over of the subject will h 1 truth, which I main. | prove to be that the packing never supplied any embalmed : treated 4 beef to the na- NY ny “who said he worked for a t ¥ last summer at Chi- g government beef, and who is by another company, nit regarding the beet before sending it to He ie claim however, that then used of Injecting an fluid by means of a glant y the legs of beef and along re still in use. This man, packing house In the stock- w treats every quarter of beef olled by dipping It into a n this bath 1 do not that it is brine with a few roe kind. Then a man big syringe with a long steel olds it near the end and drives the meat so that the solution t around the bones and preserve t from rotting. In this solution tand that salicylic actd is used. amount of this acid comes to ring,” said a stockman, “I ple of men Injecting some of Stull into a dogen or more eat- of the pens by means of a They repeated the operation | couple of days. 1 was told then was an experiment with boraci: eylic achds and glycerine, to see go tréated would make wef, not know iher the cattle were afterward but presume they were. 1 have Feral experiments. but 1 guess fl} say no more. for 1 will get into trouble if 1 do.” ty on chemistry and chem. of , 8 man who stands d of his profession and who reputation as an expert, meat or any other food lies acid unfit for hu- : aid 18 a new meat ers. It i most mon antiseptics t is manufactured only in €wpo United Btates— Milwaukee Melntiee, a wealthy wid- ns found murdered it Pana, HL, 8 few dava y had been frightfully an nx. It Is supposed » committed two or three bars became: susplol- Mrs, Meclntire falled to ap- brig habit Sun- I het be zero at th Monday. | been earried to sen by the gale t $6,000 at New York. 1 ed John Petrock at Passaic, N | speak the words that bi girl whom Petrack had ter reached » 4 Minn, The Third regulars started from St Paul for Manila with the therrnemeter 20 degrees below pero, The Louisian Purchase World's Falr association will be incorporated with a capital of $5.000.000, With 815600 due William Merritt of New York, Nash & Hodges, stock brokers, have left the pity. The formation of a combine of west. ern wholesale grocers is under cone sideration in New York Ex-Governor Morton announeed tox day that Andrew Carpegie has sub- soribedd 85.006 10 Zoologica) park. Fire damaged the building of the New York Bivcult Company. Pittsburg to the extent of $106 600 last Manday Justics Harry W. Willinma, of the Pennsylvania Supreme voort died last Wednesday morning in Philadelphiz Nathan Fay Scolt was elected 106 the Urlted States senate by the West Vir- Einta legisinture last Wednesday. Manufacturers of billiard sind pool room wupplies have formed a trust. A capital of $3,506,000 fs represented, The trial of Sénptor Quay on the charge of conspiracy in the misuse of state funds will soour February 3 Lirut. Gov. Gobin of Pennsyivania has been honorably discharged as a Brigadier General in the United Blates army. Quite a number of Colorado towns are cut off from the cuishile world by enormous snow sililes on the mounts fing. The remaining compantes of the Seventeenth regiment started Tuesday from Columbus for Manila vin New York. A New York journalist namid Reif has been arrested at Dresden, charged with stesling $5,000 and some diamond Jewelry. Robert T, Rink, Jr, aged 30 years, took his life at Philadelphia by clogs ing himself in a trunk and then swal- lowing poison, R. E. A. Dorr, publisher of the New York Mall and Express, has bought the Philadelnhia North American from Clayton MeMichael. Three lives were lost In a snowslide At Apex, Col, last Monday. The dead are Mra. W. H. Rudolph and her two children, aged 2 and 4. As a result of the recent bribery in- vestigation in San Francisco, Speaker Wright, of the House resigned, though declaring innocence, Canned black berries are sald to have potsoned the family of Stephen Moore, at London, Ky. All are expected to recover excepting Mr. Moore, A freight wreck on the Pennsylvania railroad. near Roup station, Pa, caus. od a damage of $1.00. Two of the wrecked cars caught fire and were do. stroyed, Mr and Mr Joseph Flint, of Frank. Hn, Pa, named thelr twins after Behley and Dovey and received congratuls- tory 1etiers from cach of the rear ad- mirals. A meeting of the American Newspa- per Publishers’ association was called at Washington a few days agi. The members met to protest against the paper trust Five humlred pounds dynsmite and Ziv pounds of powder explieded at Bridgopnrt Conn, hist Monday, # rating of & mile the earth shook if by an earthguake, By the burning of the Ohio flint glass works at Dunkirk, Ind, 068 workmen are throws oul of employ. ment and a loss is incurted of $40,000 with 325.000 tnsurance. Futher Alfred, pastor of the largest German atholic church in Bt. Paul, Minn, hus been deposed for alleged disobedience to an order promuigated by Archbishap Ireland. Gen. Miles, referring to the Chicago meat packers’ offer to pay 300000 (or & proof that chemicals were weed in the meat supplied the army, says if they wiil put $1,000 in a bank be will prove ft. The Boston Herald has been fined 3500 for comtempt of court. The paper published a headline “Guilt 8 Evi- dent,” over its report of the trial of J. H. Mulrey, charged with defrauding the city of Boston. Fourteen families were remdered homeless in Chicago the other night by a fire which destroyed a three. story tenement House at 124-28 Fifty. second street. All fAreplugs in the as vicinity were frozen, A pevere gale is reported along the | The steamer Morgan Jas he ghtor Santiago has been beached near dad. and it is belleved that sight members of thé crew were drowned, For selling a half-rate ticket to a scalper Private Joseph M. Parks was court-martialed at Washington and sentenced to hard labor for six months, The ticket had been s0ld to him at a reduced rate as a courtesy by the 1. A prote is char gulf coast. of Mrs. Ballington Booth with forging a check for 0 The man's name is Richard P. Canning. and Mrs Booth took an interest In him when he was released from prison some time A constable last Wednesday nrrest- J. an he was being united in as. The priest stopped just as he was about to Another ecelved caus Tisten- | &d the arrest, ‘her. 1 have might son a New York judge and law- ers learned the other day that the born of Mrs. Kate Brasch were starving ey made up a fat purse for She Rad been arrested for pruelty to a child which she had held in her arms while begging. Justice Bigham Friday decided in favor of Pelley Brothers, the ship brokers. in the sult of the United States to recover 326.000 paid them on April 21, 1888, on two 800-ton (oliers ‘by Lieutenant Sims, that amount pes 000, for which the brokers agreed on 10 per cent of the total sum, $265 April 21, to deliver the colliers, The case hinged on whether a state of war existed on April 22, when the owners their preparations to fit ut the ships. The justice said that he him- hat § sei tied war did exist on April 21, and that there was no ground to Ansinuate that the brokers acted in 2 Ging faith Secretary Alger appeared before the war investigating committee last Fri- day. He intimated that responsibility for army scandals lies with bureau chiefs not reporting. Dewey Praises Imperial! England, Hamilton Brown, editor of the “Brit- ish Realm.” received a letter recently from Admiral Dewey, dated Manila. Decewiber 18, in response to a request for an ‘expression opinion on (reat Britain's imperial policy. The admiral jays: “After many yeurs of wandering come to the conclusion that the fest factor in the civilization of d 1 the imperial policy of For 1 TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Proxpectors in Alaska Lose Their Lives Trying to Cross the Clasier at Valder--Son Dies to Save His Father, Unusunsily sad ia the latest news whith comes from the gold regions in the Copper river district of The territie cold and the extreme dif. fiat death of at least 10 men The following are known been lost Charies Khron ty: 2 P RBenith Ohicagh: jens, Haldwin, Wis: -—-—Henderson, Wisconsin, Geoigs Bweesy, of York Arn wre Ripe evrgs Poal: RR ity Now ty Byivester Grog. Nt Haolven Eviens, Baldwin Win There are six men at Valdez suffer. ing from frozen feet. hands and face A hospital has been extablished fo of the glacier and fifteen men are suffering there from the pare The freexing of the Eviens, and men, 8 particularly sad. They started for Valder, but on getting well toward the summit of the glacier, found thelr feet freezing, Both start. +d back. The sin gave his father extra Wrap- ping, and as & result, both the son's legr were frogen in oa few minutes end he was unable to proceed, bade his father good -hy and rom. peated him to go en without him Then the boy lay down in the snow to die Hix body will probably never be re. cavered, The father reached Twelve Mile camp badly frozen, and is not ex. peoted to live, Smith and Khron were members of the same party, in company with George Poalowite Sylvester Grog and several others. Smith was the first to freeze his feet. After they had crossed the summit and were going down the long stretch toward Valdez, hin strength began to fail him. Calling his companions around him, he told them he was doomed, even if they got him ints camp, snd that they must try to save themselves, Telling them to tell his wife and children back in Chicago, bow he died, he lay down in the snow and was soon nied into a lust sleep by the deadly frost Charlies Khron wanted to lie down nnd die when the trip was almost at an end. His comrades kept him mov- ing in spite of the pain of his badly fromen feet, and at last got him into Valdez, His toes were so badly frozen that they fell off when his boots were cut away, Blood polsoninkg set in af- ter amd in ten days the miners buried him in 8 rough grave. He was a metsber of the Manhattan Mining Company, of New York. a (German, and jeaves a widow and family in that city. fieorge Poalowitz of the Manhattan Mining Company of New York, rived on the in charge of Dr Lewis of (Chicagn He will Jose the greater part of both fest, and is in fe from blind poisoning. rat ler Tyr. Lewis armputate in the North. He ssid: “It was bitter end and for four dave we wanders about the glacier trying to find our way down, We had Httle foil The other four members af the Marhattan Company ware waiting. nn short rations, at the foo! of the lake. I don't know what will become of them now that Khon is dead, and 1 am here in almost aes bad a fix. 1 don't want my wife to know of my condition, =o 1 will not tell you my New York address” George Bweesy, also of New York. was a Macksmith at Valder for a long time. He started across the gia- cier early in the winter, drawing » heavy sind. The details of his death are unknown for he was alone, He never reached the other sides, New Emperor Decided Oa. The dowager empress of China has selected the successor of the present emperor, but the identity of the person £0 selected] Is not divulged. All reports agrees a change at the palace in im pending. The emperor is strictly guarded in the southwest corner of the dand pa- ince. The drawbridge connecting the island with the ahare Is drawn at night and every morning the ce around the i2land is broken, unsuthorized persons from approach ing Ho. He would It ie asserted that the dowager em- | press now practically ignores the grand | : | that be Joft his pariy's camp on, June: P30 council of state and the foreign office, KB ASH BP OA SE The Bad Bxcends the Good. Dr. Varnum Collins, for many vears a resident dn the orient and a frequent visitor to the Philippines, lectured in Washington a few nights ago. He said that in wealth of sail. in wood. land, vegetables and fish they far ex- ceed any other group of islands in the world, However, he found many ob- Jections to annexation. The typhoons, earthquakes, the swarms of reptiles, the hot and unhealthy climate and the different characteristics of the alien rivcen nll afford arguments 10 make the United Btates procesd with extreme caution, Jumped Into the Ocean. While suffering from temporary In. sanity Mra. Wililam I. Mayer, wife of a Pittsburg merchant, plunged head. rE from the end of the ocean pler at Atlantic City, N. J, last Tuesday and way drowned. The tragedy was wit. nessed by Kate LL. Hunt, a nurse. who made frantic but unavailing «forts to sive her mistress. For 10 days Mrs Mayer has been recovering from nervy: cus prostration, en OUR NEW POSSESSIONS Only one death han occurred at Bane tiago during the last five days. Ths city is so clean that the vultures are starving. Spanish prisoners are said to be suf- fering untold miseries in the Philip- pines. The women are subjected to shameful treatment while the men un- dergo cruel torture. A report from Manila stated that the relations between General Otis and Rear Admiral Dewey were strained. owing to intense rivalry between the army and navy forces, Lieut. -Col. Abel Smith telegraphs from Havana to the commissary-gen- eral’s office that not a pound of the beef on the Michigan for which a board of survey was ordered, was condemned Two hundred thousand Mauser cari. ridges were seized by Colonel John Evans a few days ago at a house near the Pirotecnica cartridge factory at Havana. The possessor said he had bought them. The senate committee on judiciary made an adverse report on the nomi- nation of Hamilton G. Ewart to be United States district judge for the western district of North Carolina. 1 but with a re i meno, Aldaska. | that * fr . b + daa] 3 ty of travel bas resulted In the | gigtions prescribing absolutely the P paeniiake ; have | New York | Ole Ev. | { sacretary New | i erp ith the President, ng the many badly frogen min. | York Josenh, Mao. | i commendation th | mhowen at | Twelve Mile camp, on the other mids 3 or canes, | father He § day the commissioners were in ar. 'ottage (City at Beattle danger of losing his | his feet in order to prevent | | third baronet { pear Quesneile Dismissal the Pana Unless Clemency is Granted by the President, Génern]l Eagan, commissary general of subsistence, has besn found guilty of the charges of conduct unbecoming an Meer and a gentleman, and of cone | duct to the prejudice of good order and discipline and of the pprcifications thereto, and has beer sentenced to dis. missal from the nite States army, ammendation from the comrt for the exercise of executive of 1inder the regulation having regohed the corn the accpeed was gpuality, sRoiss fn melecting 8 pensity, Court, EEN the 5a ment dismissal for the offen Therefore, the only hope Fagun iz in the dirsetion of tion, mitigation or disapproval. Alger, ax soon ss he has record, Be will Yikaly place Ww hey ig authori dg tery or ARS the the final rovies 3 ix his privileges 10 from the strength of tne iat fnctdant trial of the A Gramps af the the testimony in in which she descr BPPORERNCE Of The resid Cher. Miles’ wiaternent, int the door of his newspaper containing the his hand, ke had oxcinimed I have been crarified by Miles. ihe hor duy he foe or, first hones, $ x Eh nee wildly FRESIDENT WANTED ONE 'SLAND Peace Commmmioners, Wan One Er. ception, Take Them All President Monday sent to the the correspondence on file in snt bearing upon the was rod in exe doruments Were telegrams, for almost Bot the The Benste the state departs pesce treaty, and it cutive sewesion, The numerous as thers fetters anid reports Paris, tine of the first cablegrams from the President instructs them to demand the cession of Laem island only of the Philippines, and he told them that full sovereignty should come with it The president does not appear to have at any time given explicit in- siractions to consummate the bargain by taking all the Philippines, but rather. after hearing x full explana thors, to have left the matter 10 the dis cretion of the comppissinners The commissioners appesr to have F heen of one mind as to the wisdom of | taking over all the Philippines with the exception of Senator Gray. who notwithstanding he signed the treaty held out to the last, In one notable dispatch he pleaded zealously against the polivy as unpatiiotic, un CA ReTiean and inconsistent with probity and good stalesmanship = KLONDIKERS MURDERED. © Escaped Frama a Wrecked Boat but Fall Inte the Hands of Indians. Win P. Mcelwwell, a contractor Chattanooga. Tenn, Bas reccived a iter froam his son John, oho bein the Kiondike Tae istier states that four Indians and one white man have been sentenced kt Dawson Uity 10 be hang #3 March I. Revernl months Jomwie was wrecked the "nen HR in Ataskin river and it wan reported by an Indian | guide that all on based were drowndd § that a bard of nan Tell upon sp Gf the corn. from the Evidenes was obtained Indians and one white and murdered Pi meme any who had escaped wrecked boat. The four Hone white man referred to vieted of the crime. Ths rut state whey of the party ered. It ix stated that and his wifes were Anong Assisted by Miss Gould, Matthew Sutton, Helen Gould, has left Baltimore for New York, where he will attend the Peiversity of New York, When the war fame he enlintad a8 a private and saw active services at Santiago. Hav. ing ontracted typhokd fever he was sent to Montadk Point, where he mat Miss Gould, When asked by Miss Gould what business he Intended mak. ing his life work, he todd her that be preferred the study of law. Miss Gould got Kim a scholarehip. Diciared Har a Widow, In the probate division of the Lone don heh court of Justice last Tuesday Lady Barsh Curtis was granted leave to presage that the death of her hus band, Bly Arthar Colin Curtis, bare, ff that name, oooared Mud river. Hritish Cotumbia, while Be was on the way to the Kiondike, Evidence was given ere Caley. WER nar. thems. ISR after a disagreement rnd has tot bean sewn fines, The datals is valued at £186 oa. Money Tor t te ¢ Cabans. President MeKinley {2 understood fo have empowered Mobert PP. Porter to arrange for the disbursement of 3. 0G 000 among the Cuban soldiers, A special commision Investigating the finances of Havana will make a thordugh examination of the fAnancial transactions of the Banco Fapano to clear up the various charges of corrup. tion against the Spanish government in connection with deposits made with ihe institution, Assoraey Dre Pr Dead. Ex- Attorney General Augustus i iariand was stricken with apopiexs white addressing thr United States supreme court Thursday afternoon and died within 10 minutes. The currence came with startling tragic unsxpectedness. changing the usual calm and dignity of the court into temporary confusion, while the dying man was carried from the chamber in a futile effort to alleviate Lin condition. LEE sid ASAE SAA SASH A AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL The senate witt vote on the treaty with Spain on Monday, February £6 at Ip m Gens, Washington hotel a Neither saluted Ambassador White, our representa tive at Berlin says that our relations with Germany were never more satis- factary or pleasant. Former Lord Chaneellor Hersehell of Great Britain sat with the United Btates supreme court Tuesday, He occupied a seat on the right of Chisel Justice Faller. in introducing a bil for female nur- sex in the army Senutor Burrows pro- vides for a $3.00 superintendent, a $2 - 00 paxistant superintendent and nurs- os at $40 per month. The secretary of war has asked con- gress to authorize the replacing of arms used by state troops during the war with Spain, 20 that the regulary quota of arms for the militia may be Miles and Eagan met in a few days ago Kept up. Deputy commissioner George W, Wil. gon was selected by President MeKin« fey to succeed Commissioner of Inter- nal Revenue Scott, who was last week elected United States semator from West Virginia. {2a om avr in | anwernge nad nol Pog. | ¥ PE rutipd under sof Cnba : Yh rts ] a5 dat was! 2 poperal 8 dacigh- | os fath- | Lhoneral | Ewart h dre avery | steamer | ster Goes ; FP ilgewwt ney i $4 & missionary [DC 1y Spe 1a wa oprotege of Mies i ine women in daylight at | A dying out of the Indigrat E peace ireaty ITS PROPERTY MORTGAGED. Tweaty Million Dollies Needed for Paving snd Bewern.- Money Due a Spans Bank Amounts to Millions, Between BIOS MH arn 4 four Romp thing nested for paving, for a8 # 3 in Havana. Ernest Lae deputed 10 examine with a ripe $ Ems FETT, Emmi EE fe as rE sity om Oretober 21 189% that thers wy Bnaniuk beak of 1p spot her of Bank of tammerse, [nited wave and Wapihoigsss os fro find the 82 aan at. There peaterinie wf 3. $55 The 3 1% om debt Gf (4K) ter he $2 wy dey to i3 Fails i ¥en BH aire s8lnries iat ad. The ins = the Fanart 7 a wer of Boating debt wing bring the Ed iy $5 ERE TH goers the #0 gaged the (Casal daot Ferdinand VII, the glarghtey Peoria. the Tak 0B markets and all (heir revenues, haees 1 guna. canal £5 fw VA 28 Pavia an] sewerage abou 312 a (ae, York sontraciors are wiliing to ARS payment, and have aiveady with New York capitaiints to nf them as fast as lewued, AS to The CHIY # revenues pltes a tax of 11 per cent. on sstim Present tata debt CHy the ne the ¥entn, Api. Eres aod The new Cray Nov ant says Mr areanged try. commerce and the professions, OF the farmer tax IX per tent atter I5 per cent. of the amount oo ected in the city comes back ta it Rent of hones awned by the clty, re venue fram Water Works, Saughier hogses and markets taxes on meat coke and word, 1d licenses on facto. Flow c% of Ineo to BIL 000 ner year SHERIY in excess of 3000 000 per vear, being abhogt IN to 310 A head on 00 0 to Zh popadation, while in New York the city's income per There 8 no tax here on real setate, fromm Which % TILYE revenine ix considers that by J of the American system the ity's in. 2 plight be swelled fo 51006 O00 Mr Ped, Or Gen La af the city the Flank (CCoasnameree for floating debt BS ER wa an thee fire ti af vive hs een going and the Hank Witerest on bonds nl of the ‘USE an schools + as Freee. ‘& jessy af Bras FREE GOLD FOUND igre t long af Wain Consran the Metal rag ot tLe pris Crest. fndfans and nui Ths Medi gEpimit oe “4 in miivey per ton thas are dewa in gad With every hour's work ie lengthening and w dA tule metallic beady thers guartz that will run from 31.0080 to $14 Wh per ton Manager Kithorn saki: 7 to say anyibing that will sxcite people any more than they are present, The metallle oye body doubled in size hh WAVE since Mon day Morning Beane of thé Digan Gre re 2 per cent. godil 1 never say such mirwral, and 1 4a not believes like was ever mined Ia thie or Any other camip in the warid We h Bo ansays taken on fhe Pek ton of it could be plik] out that » ran anverhere from 30.00% ta per tan” Armed rOPerty ar aid gusrds are watching ow the surface. The (hité has beep cut ar the seventh bevel JG fest above | the latter | the i J ammunition and food to have efabled and alse at the Of At place an assay waz obisined in breast of the drift in (9s fest of are that went beter than 3.006 per ton Theres iv Blockdd wut in the one level | between the ninth and seventh levels ad rast 30 id we orth wf are, A I UA HN Sd IR (ABLE FLASHES A “Jack the peer” Ig Bow stabhbe peslice can net focate him Patti the famous singer who married jast week, Bas settled $15,000 a year on Baron Cederstram, Land Twenty hilderen fra reported to have been drowned by an ke dissster al the village of Warpuhnen-Boirhel ™ Bliet rosin, The North agenies the fohe rontemipl {erial elancteliaranin. Freland is building 119 war vesasis at the nresent i . amd all wid pompieted by 191 The 28 ships will cost a total of £28 96 0G Germany Propnses we Miles sombalne 4 teriimOony a= A Weapon against the Huopate of whniting £34 Baer meats Fourteen persons were day by an explosion of jas in the a mise, near Manaron, af Cartagena, Bpain The other ers succevdsd In making their escap: iagette Prime a reMIgnIRg the LIPTITANR wor th that ale Haokém FLEE Due Rt Pa. A low pillar belonging to the early | flepubiican perfcd of Rome has been | ciose to the rok on the found in the fordm, of Reverus. The inscription pecrated place. A distinguished looking couple com- mitted sulctde in London a few days ago, was useliss to ascertain their Montity. A sum of money for burial was also found in the latter The Madrid London Times curveapandent YE that of with ion aver the Cartism that Don Carlos has lost Kis chance by not striking while the fron was Bot Hear Admiral! Lord Oharles ford. who has been visiting United States a few way to England. In an interview Intd emphasis upon the pecessity of an understanding between Japan, Ger. many, United States and Great Brio tain to prevent war in the far East { In sedergrogtd Ia the ee fein Hany Arid MoT Bail fo ihe : Tur ret being for was oa Pim frock PAWAY mort. | Ee | passed on in paris Christina : a nel ota § alone is | time scheme | 1 direct the K and Dady & | £00 4 § Vqr ponds in | BOY f theater, dingpeone § : BR The ixland rend | rents of all houses and a tax on fads ard of the | and husinessis are the other ROP O The tax on mest amounts | The whole is : darn capita is $8 i fram which he took a parcel of notes per cant, of an American | Conant | Adicione application : | an it i revenily i premises, How fe Informed tao thirds | s sry 20 i bry, amd remainder | ard : i ho iP which 326 Poof mma? = 1 greeted 132 was vf yeh tren this Fmabeit a Etunnel pear Altoona, Pa, the streak | Joining | ie wie feet of Lomtapped from (he north track, on which | westbound Io mot HK | The | I proaching locomotive, Ban | i track, | Bushing waren, its | | kite, Mee had i Ruy a §X0 o0 the ; The styike wax made in the | mew ore Yesly at a depth of S26 feat hoo | i The 1 weveral miniaters of state I Correa confirmed the arrest. [ ported that the court-martial will ex- i onerate General Tore! on the ground was her hus- | 1 Suffering Benr Bresks Loose and Crestes Havoe ins Themtre. An enormous siiver tip boar, freng- fed with sn nlderarsd tooth, whivh I's rasster Wis trying to extract escap:d rom Its cage in the Ureighton hed ter. Omaha, Nob, a few days ago. and created a pant befors being captorald, additian to frigktering a number f persons. the big hear seriously har: . master. Pagal Patty, badly lacer- i Stage Hend MeDuonald and tors shirher oF Jaks Hosenthasl, mans of tha theater NG Yaoorsm dd was EXIFReing the ftw assisting Batty in rest End & frowd of ten and bovis surrounded the cage of enraged animal witnessing he per ati The hrogte wat fastened town with chains and leather bands, bat when the tratper fouched the ul. carAtad Tawrh FAYE XN TORY gr? Borst hiv bonds jike paper. Wh a mweern, of ey 1 ght y Daw he threw foar and and the tha hear pean the vrawd ar du Bed Hn avery dirsction bit the } Crip ye in A mement. Hmbing In. Pepat pass Rte one enteing saree amitiiste'y Foulds tore the shea woriiBais feat and then of the crowd hack of the nie fury by d= in sight. Hy this the teginer recovr=»d sufleiently ating of fron to sabe His roars vould he Plocrks He was fin. the cellar of the undsd hy a row sub tres) to bes ren fliow as hiding the manager Cot with him from one of Ro iv the ei hw Pfns RT In stags rraeiiie the mage of the bear © | shing evervihin ROBEY fe the grmal heard for several griven into whee surs of red Rot irons he band STOLEN MONEY SENT BACK. Boblers Retura fmocoo ia Notes to the Bank From Weis They Were Stnlen. The robbery of over 3306030 from Paarx bank in london. which bas bean the seppation of the week, took a dramatic turn last Friday when the chairmen of the bank announced at & meeting of the stockholders that $300 - 000 In the bigkest notes had been re- turned to the bank by post The robbery was apparently a mest grime The thief is Wg - to haves walked boldly behind the counter, Wwhets there were over 108 clerks at werk, and opened a drawer, and walked oul of the bank undewes od. American thieves are suspected of having heen concerned in the theft, fx suid several Americans were otic jottering about the The pailce are again ater. pledges. Thirtv.xix £1000 netes £308 notes figured im the wob- Most of thise have bean re turned, and the remainder of the netes are practically unnsgotiable The chairman of the bank also an- Otel that the Hank of Eaghnd promised toy pay the 335.000 of a mad been returned. The 6f the Honey Was in notes rf amounis which could be pissed, and might therefors be susidered lost The sharchollers thi: unevpeciad announce. “5% with onthasiasm, sapeciaily as Kova Bie 1 By a deciarption viderd #4 of | is per cent iy hed EE wa inder 2% AMY CE giv KILLED ay A LOCOROTIVE. Train Plough The sgh a Group of Women Woe Had Swpped on the Wrong Track. A gang of tweniy-six track repair. were working on the raliromt at western apening of the Gailtsin iast Sunday, when they heard the approach of a fecemotive which was running west throagh the tannel The workmes all Lire trains move, to the south track. The smoke in the tunnel pres ventad them fram seing the ap. which, in erder avoid otaiructions on the aorth war running on the south track. out of the tanned the gang of ail hoddied together on the time men Was instantly ene died fn the Aloo hose ital pwd eightsen were mors or less ners wikiy {niured Nope escaped with- Sut injury The dead are: David WH areal 34 fen Instantly. Thomas VoManker aged BB died in the hose pital. ¥ CS ——————— i sort track Cervera May by Court Martiuled. seurt-martial at Madrid trying reneral Jaudeness, who capitalated at Manila, had it seema received evi. dence that the general had sufieient him to resist longer. The osurt or- dered his arrest. whereupon Re sure rendered himaelf, attired in eivilian dregs and accompanied by his son and General It is re- that he acted under superior instruc- The | tions, but that Admiral Mantojo. who was defeated by Admiral Dewey at Cavite, will be tried for the incompet. ent condition of his fect. The news. papers assert also that Admiral Cer. vera in awaiting trial, and that there- fore he will mot be able to take his seal as a senditor on the reassembling af the Cortes. again r i <0 milva wen | in. | They left a note stating that it | { enged to the chief of polive. Two 2Xpenses i i# waning and Beres. | Chinese | parts, salted fromm Yokohama for the | days ago in his | he i Production ot Pig Iron. The hulletin of the “American Iron and Steel Amtociation” says the pro- Aue tion of pig iron in 1595 was 11.783.- 4 grosw tons, an incremse of 2.181 254 | t wis aver that of 1587. The Rradwetion [in the second hall of the year armored | ceeded that ot the first half by is | pig fren in re was TRL. tons, poo fieneral | | The United States in | yanned ity. Pa, kiited Mon: | i foes tong. The production af svar 1307 of L541.500 toma. prociuetion of hasic pig iron was tons, agninst 354301 tons In Of this amount Allegheny coun- had TE 158 tons. The produce af spleseleizeon and ferromanga- was MITE tong against 173.498 tong in 1497 The production of char coal pig irom was 294.750 tons, against SH NT tanx in 1897. America Alsc Fravides Croshn. A number of burglaries have aceur- fr PR de TRL AM 1200 tion | red recently in Santiago province that ciphus Indicates that it marked a eon. | C00 M0 indicate the operations of & re- gular band of American crooks. Re- P rently the postoffice at Manzanillo was entered and $193 in cash was talen, The same night, at the same place, two horses were stolen, one of which be. nighta later a dwelling here in Santia- go, oecupled as a clubhouse and mess aa [by ten army officers, was robbed. Near- the | watch and cashy and a valuable chain were stolen. Heid by the ice Until Desd A pair of human legs that wepe stivking up through the lew that cove grad the surface of the water in one of the slips in the barbor at Baffalo ate tracted the attention eof some men on the steamer Walter Lo Frost Monday morning. An ax was sscured and the body chopped out. It was fiund to be that of Willian Thumer, a decikhand on the Frost iy toon in goid
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers