1 Wolf & Thompson's store. ft : | If you want to saye money go to the | Cash Grocery. | If you want to save money deal at Proprietors. | 3 | the Cash Grocery. | Men's $3.50 shoes for $2.50 at Wolf & PATTON PUBLISHING CO. BE WiLL GerExe, Editor. 5 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. on’ One copy, one yaar, in advance, - + ~ $1.00 | THOMPSON 8 store. : pe Advertsing rates made KDGWR UpPOD AP Three pounds of the finest pranes in plication. Atseontinged antl nll arrenr- ! town for 25c at the Cash Grocery. Bilsher nnless af the optim of the gam MeCurdy, of Hollidaysburg, Entered ut the Postoffies nt Patton is spond made 8 business trip to this place Tues clans mall mater i day. To-day is “Ground Hog Day" oi wiltet is her obigatiorns to . ters at H Atkin- Anager tz, of thd Miners Ore : — fresh aysiers 3 company, for favors extended Toesday. Yiave vo oi vith Scheid & Elsewhere in the COURIER this week i Toi jasndey wi appears the Fifth Annual Statement of : he Cash the Patton Building & loan Associa: ; Oranjpes and lemons at the Uash oo, Don't fail to look it up. ag are a i Representative Sheridan, of Cone : Men's $2.! nderwear at 88¢ at W io pa woo} us re. maugh, was nnable to goto Harrisburg =» Wo i F se ; d the first of the week owing to a severe F. J. Hopper, of Clearfield, was seen ooo .y of the grip. on our streets one day last week. : Chas Perry, Chest Springs’ popular The Clearfield Wooden Ware works Chan, Perry, Uhed. Spri "have staked of ground and will pro- merchant, id visitor to Patton Tues: : coed to erect an additional building day. ; ' made necessary by the increase in their Dr. H. Somerville, of Chest Springs, nee { caller at the Courter office a : Christopher Bennett, of Patton, spent a » _, 'meveral days the past week in town. foe Se. 3 Dimefing and J. E- Rauf on, He was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. + of Class Se deld Sol | J. 8 Dugan, while here Coaiport Standard. J. M. Abbott, who is confined to bis home ¢n Palmer avenne with lombago, is coavalescing. Mike Fitzharris, a hotel proprietor of Jobitaws, was in town Thursday and | ton Saturday. LH veling | The following persons hs H. ; Austin, oe ro a seen on | Sitende the Masonic banquet held at our sireets Wednesday. | Ebensburg Wednesday night: 8. M. al . Wilson: and daughter, Katie; J. R. ~ Men's and boys’ $1.50, $1.26, $1.0, | 6 enelins, F. L. Baker and Alex 75 ani 50-cent hats all go at 22 cents at Monteith. : accompilshed | Chas. W. Hodgkins, proprietor of ova Maitland; 10 ae spent the Patton Pharmacy, is nursing a very : frst this week in Patton. | sore foot, caused by his stepping on a an ier EL spike on Monday. It is hoped that the For P ennsylvania Legislature DeWs ,..... ui) not prove of a serious see tin inside pages of the UOURIER. |, ¢.. 45d that Charley will soon te Alo Wlegraphic news from all over the able to be around again. R. N. Litton, assistant superintend- ent of the Central District and Printing ‘Telegraph Co., of Greensburg, was looking after business interests in Pat 8 = This is the way in which a wostern Ira Showers, repesenti : R ia a 4M. J al IY lend- editor answered a question propounded : We a a {by a stockraiser: ‘A subscriber saked: ing weekly newspaper, was a leasant | rimite —. tt Friday "ap Do bogs pay 7 We know that a good : : : many don't. They take the paper sev. J. W. Howard, who represents a years and have the postmaster _ manufactory of agricultural imple- mend it hack marked ‘refused.’ Sacha ments of Detroit, Mich., was among 4 io qsnall ar : Eareuniny le . het y two-legged and un- | ny nl men who visited | in go ho : “gp " » Prot ¢ the tonsorial artist, Rarnesboro will have the distinction has received more compliments than ‘at the coming License court of present. any olber citizen of Patton during the PK six applications for hotel license past week and why shouldn't he-twin The npplicants are as follows: Thomas daughters at his homél-came last | Brown, John Hindle, D. J Bougher, Mri and Mrs. C. C. Holter, of Patton, ‘DD. Ritter. The first four named are st | present engaged in the business, The Mrs. Holter's brother, H. D ‘others are new applicasita. h 3 " wf ore guests of Mr. A new feature bas been introduced | State in the shape of an employment Holter accompanied their pa- ‘ buresa for members only, and the same Philipsburg Ledger. ' has been opened in the temple in Phil- riot Attorney Robert 8. Mur. Miciphia. All the lodges in the State of the Seventee: ‘will have the advantage of this, and 3 of thie Bave $h was, arrived | every meeting night a bulletin of men fast Tharaday night from Janes- ville, Wis., where he had buen at the | ‘bedside of his aged father, Francis : Murphy, who had been suffering from An Arkansas printer in making up a severe attack of Ia grippe. The the forma in a hurry the other day got “elder Mr. Murphy's condition was a marriage notice and a grocers ad. somewhat improved when his son | vertisement mixed up so that it read as started for this city, —Johnatown Tri- | follows: John Brown and Ida Gray bune. i Ta | were united in the holy sauer kraut by . 8. the quart or barrel. Mr. Brown is a : a well-known young codfish at 10 cenia No. 446, Y. M. I, at its last, Per pound, while the bride, Mis Gray, meeting. Mr. Foley, who is | has nice pigs feet, which will be sod ptionally good speaker, gave | cheaper than at any store in town." 1 the good of the order in gen- “All those present certainly ap-| the district lecturer's visit. room of every lodge in the State. Progressive “Pedro.” The members of Marcellus Council, gressive ‘‘Pedro” party, which wil 3 i {Of KM Buck Tribe, No. 369, Improved : Order of Red Men, Patton, Pa. ! WHEREAS, The Great Father and Supreme Ruler of the universe basin His infinite wisdom, called to the happy hunting grounds our beloved brother, James Barckley, therefore be it Resolved. That while we bow in humble reverence and submission to Him, Who doeth all things well, yet | the sndden removal of such a life from among ne leaves 8 vacancy that will be of Patton in the work of the Odd Fellows of this. deeply realized by all the members of (thin tribe, : | Resolved, That we recognize in the | calling of our brother to that council fire above the hand of the Great Spirit, ‘that He may make onr hearts brave, | that we wonder not in the trail of the {evil and strive to live that when our summons comes to join the tetomic | circles in that heavenly wigwam above we may approach our grave like one who wraps the drapery of our couch around ns and lies down to pleasant dreams. Resolved, That with deep sympathy with the hereaved family we express our sorrow and that we drape our charter and the brothers wear mourn- ing fur tho period of 30 suns. Frosolved, That 8 page of our records te dedioated to the memory of our decensed and & copy of the resolutions be printed in the PATTON COURIER and Witlisgieport Grit and also a copy for warded to the family of the deceased, H.T Morr, James Pore, JR, WittiaM TURNBULL, Committes. Men's £3.00 shoes for $2.00 at Wolf & Thompson's. Fresh fist: every Thursday at H. Atkinssm's, 3 wy her Prapis’s Money, ™ “Crher People’s Money” will be seen in the shape of & dramatic entertain. ment at the Hastings Opera House on Wadnesday February 8 CASBTORNRIA. The Kind You Kaw nl TYLISH, RELIABLE ~7 ARTISTIC» Recommended by Leading Dressmakers, They Always Please. @ * H REE pp 3 ¥ NONEBETTER AT ANY Pic: © EF heen piiironn af wad Le g BERT LG AN LAE i : Bt fa poe ;& Sor edk 19 k¥ {ap CEM Er Adfrwes pirat Snare jo THE McCALL COMPANY, 19810 148 W 14:k Street New York BRAWN CPFITEY 12a Fifth Ave. Chicugs. and x ros Market St... Sen Fraaiince. | Roger Bowen, J. A. Wolesiagle and J. olered Plates aiterns, Fal Containy Regutifel Piaseaies Latest fons, Fam 1 fi Agenis Tiger % ¥ A youry bl wiry gp ed pinion ih rie b work White fe sores and 01 her partie * riyt : He. .r, ie Ci Lalla Adsren THE McCALL CO, 0910146 w. 14th 8t., New York wanted will be displayed in the lodge “Unloaded gons are the deadliest weapons in the world,’ remarked a olerk in s Royal street curio shop | “They are always going off and killing t gomebody. Yesterday a fellow brought | an 0} borse pistol into the shop. It was | sna of the dragoon model; loads with powder and ball, you know, and noses a | she has not good materials. We endeavor to carry the best line of staple and fancy groceries to be procured. Our best friends are the Fide of Foon percussion cap The thing was as big as & smell cannon and hadn't been fired, [ suppose, sinos the year 1 lock was still in working order. “When | pulled the trigger, thers | was an explosion that shook the house and scared nw both half cot of our wits, while the bullet hit a packing case over | there in the corner and knoolked it into | How the confounded mu. chine happened to go off was n mystery mithersens anti! I closely examined the lock. Then I mw that an old csp bad evidently corroded and attached itseif to the ham- mer, which was slightly cup shaped at 80 the end, and when I cocked the weapon | it simply lifted off the nipple and came It was only one of the Jittle ap too tricks of nnleaded weapons They are mighty good things to let alone "'— New Orleans Times Democrat. Banking In Switzerland, Some of the methods are sufficiently antiquated, according to our standards For instance, it requires 15 minutes in which to roske a deposit at » bank. Ev. ery banking honss has numerous chairs outside the railing, sod the visitor is expected to sit qofetly and cultivate a spirit of patience while the machinery | is getting under way A customer who wishes to make a de posit goes to a window and hands in his money, together with a memorandum of the amennt The employes behind the tailing connts the money and prepares The ; owner assured me it wam't loaded, and. as thre was po cap on the nipple, | { handisd it a little move carelessly | thin 1 otherwise would have done. We | wore standing at the back door, and I raised the hammer to see whether the keepers. We truly help who come and help th selves, and for a limited time we will offer you the celebrat- ed Pride of Patton Flour at $1.25 per sack. [Every sack fully gnaranteed or your money back. We still have some Jelly in 30-pound pails that we are selling at 85c each. Don’t wait too long as they will not last long at that price. Also some nloe preserves at Te per 1b, Next week we will have a full line of snit fish for the lenten season. Get our price before buying elsewhere as we can save yon money by dealing with os. A WORD TO The Ladi We still have a few Dress Skirts, Shirt Waists and Flan- nelet Wrappers that we are selling at cost. If you need anything in that line it will ay you to look at these goods. "hey come in Browns, Blues, Blacks, Reds and Greens. Dress Skirts worth $1.75 now at $1.75 " 2.25 1.48 1.00 Te t flour you oY bears the A trade — mark you dre absolu | Droteded from dark bee or cloudy bisculf caused ~ by corn or other adultera- fion. This flour can be. ~ obtained In fown. [ts purity is vouched for by the Anti- Adulteration League of Millers. is La] Le [a is ak 48 i # 8 receipt for it, adding his signature by way of preliminary Then a small boy takes this receipt ap stairs and submits it to an ofcial, who studios it and then ponders for awhile as to whether it will | be safe to takn the money Shirt Waists worth $2.25 now at $1.58 | Hoods that always sold 50¢ go at 19; 2.00 ; 391 8nd a host of other good things thas 1.78 1. { ronst be closed ous to make room for oh UL new goods. Lo iE V4 is ik i “% 4 Ld ak If he decides that the hank can nn | dertake the risk, he passes the receipt to another man, who prepares a duplicate Begg ¢lip apd makes several entries, and finally signs his name. Then, as soon ae another man has exaniined the receipt and added his name it is taken down stairs and torned over to the depositor There is one mtisfaction—the money is thoroughly deposited. — Zurich Letter "ia Chicago Record Temper and Football, At football all manner of men have played st the ends of the rash line—an iden] man would be a composite of all the other men an the team. i LTO He would be about 5 feet 10 in height | and wonld weigh about 185 or 1885 He wenld have the speed of a ball, the goickness of a qoarter, the bolldog pluck and nerve of a guard, and the brain of a captain In addition to all these (and contrary to the opinions of most people) be would have a quick temper There is nothing in football nor indeed in any form of athletics in- compatible with & Hitle of the “Old Adam,’ nor is thers anything like an- ger to pat life and firs into a tired man fate in a bard fought gama Ona can ba as angry as he may and util] be a gentleman. Temper, properly directed and controlled, will add flerce- ness to one’s tackles, speed to his ran. ping and strength to his blocking, as nothing else on earth will do, and many the captains thers are wha, knowing this, have stirred op their wearied men with harsh words of command which they them selves realized were nnmerited simply to make their teams work harder and faster. — College Athleta A Golf Story. At a dinner party not long ago a cer- tain young gentleman (an enthusiastic If at any time you buy anything from us that is not as 5 represented or have anything 4 L o say in regard to treatment ‘we would be pleased to have you come direct to us as we are here to serve the people, and we want our trade to know that ‘we appreciate their dealings with us and are always too glad to right any wrong that has been done. Respectfully Yours, vo FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Patton Building and Loan Assogiation DECEMBER 31, 1898. OFFICERS. E. C. Brown, President; W. ]. Donnelly, Vice-President; W. : H. Sandford, Secretary; E. O. Hartshorn, Treas; Wm. Davis, Solicitor, DIRECTORS. . C. Brown, W. J. Donnelly, 8. W. Worrell. H. E. Barton, W. H. Sandford. golfer) started in with the shellfish to engmerats to his partner the details of | a match that be bad been playing that day, mys W. G. Van Tassell Sutphen in The Independent. It was not uatil the pudding was brought on that be suddenly bethooght himself that be had been doing all the talking Indeed, the young lady had not said a single word | during the entire progress of the meal It was possible that she was nat inter ested in the subject—incredible. bug No. 446, Y. M. I, have completed ar- | rangements for the holding of a pro. | ‘take place Friday evening, February § “Giod bottle, which the witty Dion | sport. If this session turns out to be a invented for the cuat of arms | success the council intends to continue Aughran Club. This interp- the party for an indefinite period. purposes of Divine Provi- | i would seem to be borne out by | CASBSTORNRIA. sle in the January Cosmopolitan | Searsthe 9 The Kind You Haw ways Bosc? E ve Irish leaders of the Oguatare /~F _ /, el 5 i SA AES BIE 50 of other Irishmen who have reflected ‘SOLE SHOES! a . ; | 3rd, at 7:30 p. m. All members are re. @ 85s go ; 3 to the Irish," was the quested to be present and also bring & : . . over a pipe sromsed on { friend along to enjoy the evening's 2 “I am afraid that I have been boring you with this talk of the shop. ™ he sm. in half apology “Oh, no, not as all,” was the polite response. ‘Only what is golf” Keeping Cool. At cme of the viceregal balls in the Emerald [slo a young ‘‘detrimental” eame up to where a young lady was ait ting and asked in her mother’s presence if he might have the pleasure of the dance. . * ‘Deed an ye can’t, then Share she’s keeping herself cool for the Earl of Clanfurly!" was the pointed refusal ' yolunteered by the ambitions mamma ~ Exchange. he Best School Shoe Made is the Youths, Misses And Children. “A FULL LINE AT —Wmm— MILLER'S White Shoe Store. ————————— OT Evasive Disrnell. Hera is a story of Disraeli; it is one LU of his quick replies: A lady, who had © asked him to dinger, when the eastern question was looming large, inquired, “Lord Beaconsfield, what are you wait- ing for*’ *‘For mutton and potatoes.” At Munich many of the clerks at the banks and hotels are giris, and as cash- sores OAR ol TI PHA RECEIPTS. Ralance in Treasury December 31, 1887, Received from dues, interest, and fines, loans for recording fees, ote. 2 2 - 8 4% a] g 8 DISBURSEMENTS. Loans to stockholders, . . . Fifty-five shares withdrawn, Printing and stationery, . Recording mortgages and Taxes and interest Swanson prope Rent and - . Secre & salary, Treasurer's salary, Solicitor’s salary, Cash in Treasury [7 euinpn.2E AESRILRERS rty | i € ASSETS. Bonds and Mortgage 1st series, ve oh wh and ai ard ie 4th #4 5th ‘24 Shares 4s wh oEpd EEE i ERE8E 2 g E - - - 4 A. wd asi Due from stockholders, Insurance and taxes paid on Swanson property, Cash. mm Treasury . € - - - - ¥ LIABILITIES. Ey 5 £8 c® 228. ; cual gs 588 $ ug Ewa Undivided profits, - $1 n pnt re i jers and bookkeepers at restaurants and | other houses of business they are well in evidence. Many women are alec em- at railway stations as booking office clerks { Tbe New Zealand cold age pensions ‘bill provides that persons of good char- ‘acter attaining 63 and baving resided for 20 years in the colony shall be ¢n- titled to a pension of £38 annually. We, the undersigned, having examined the foregoing statement of the Patton Building and Loan Association, do find the same true and correct to the best of our knowledge ‘and belief. REUEL SOMERVILLE, H. O. WiNsLow, Patton, Pa., January 25th, 1899. Auditors. { | i I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers