County Sapt, Teachers Institate | Criminal Prosecutions i THirectors of (he pod Dist Atty. Robt MN oraiy, Faq ; a | Elvetiona.. HE FA -- i Expressage And PORUBEE creer corns | Jurors ‘grand snd traverse rrr ha Jas eX pet : inssiins " are rent... t Heht & | { fired ‘ os “warden and fireman, i 1 | Janitor, court bogse by {Jury commissioners and clerk... | Inguisitinns, Sa : Livery hire... P Alarney's foes on ealietions... | LH orders Printing and = eriming.. | Prothonotary ies EF Road fund Road and bridge vitws snd dam: Dean twp, Jobn Vivert 4 0 Penfuutinry cn 1M Fast Conemaugh boro. 8, | i rem, patients to Dix. ma Cron. M to : re a ” HH Wane rem prisseer i MH Jonathan Lioyd, Wats $108 EJ mphreyy > a Eider Loy Anselm Weak J—— jand. TATEMENT OF SHEEP FUND. E. F. Treasurer, Ferndate bar. ( Christ Sia Frankiin boro, LL. Hi ool Kpencer, County Galittrin boro. I. Peele hniter. peige Galilizin twp, Jos P. Labbe Hastings boro, Chas, Hetrick Juckson twp, SB Hilde brand Rah Johnstown iw, Gomer Walters. 8 ow T t § i Ll u2 THI BS $5288 rE naan xeon | R524 NES + 8 . Daisytows boro... Dean Auditors Report Chet hep : Chew Sprioun | ME d EXPENDITURES Dale Sararas Cambria oy for 1898. fun Tie Sef bove Ew wl 58.33 we - is weeds yg ee 55% ES ar 183 sk MP¥on 5 Recep * FROM KEDEMP- i Bor... roe, 3 » S88 - Exe = 0 RR By orders for damages, immed By 7 Statement to 14 taSpaders on 1901.50 By amoant due from Constables. BY Treasurers SOR INIOn Of IE 48 BUApEroent cee. By amount Jo tounty tion By bwispce in hank ES aYNSARTRSRARISANE z ohooiiioai eos nmssrrt es ivinsinis seein anenn I = Bim S888ele €5 wl EF als = . i i RG I EARN es SF i A A £5 SUA A SAA § RS REE AY hs AN HD BR 8 * = ~ ep BRsksnReeeateTERESS * ® Fw ng 248 Bi: did ben ; A : Retanded TAXES BE nominal six ; wegen oem Ci stenographer . i EL em CRGhdiers’ burial, - meses 3 weemoaas seuss i wri Fane § ward. RA 5 ] v wm a = asa : i Sherif : a ard Sn Es ay flats tax and expenses... hh NW ESL ig A +8 SARA e sy mip i WAG wenn 2 srw ataprie © sinc! PROBA. industrial Hoformatory at 2 war... os pak ip i f Huonlingdon anne i ward btn 21 6% aiid da | Wentern Fennsy Ivmnin Hospital at 4 hg. sa i wee Nh $ Dixmont, ; ‘ : ih . 3 cancun . Costa Asyiom for chronic Insane ; ‘G kL. es 1 a . PA 33 we wr % i St Werneraviile A 3 i ” Amt. due from La > erway rmecny FS fda eters CL mtate Refore Sehool at Morgans : ; on - Amt due from Conslables, e and : Lily Berineinminnnsr AB Been $1 Wemtern Penitentiary ie vi FOUN... | Lower Yoder rep. Ep a Ba {Conemangh valiey Remorini Hom I Ak ly boro , Peter Smit Lit AE Tudguente oF liens... . | Loretto bora. | @ cm non of pital at Johnstown... § Won} Loretto tara, Fagen © A ian eon I Morrellville bor 1 w. 5 or 73 = Redemption of lands, ". w iM 2 ny r twp. Michael (as : being 74 Mate Tax for as orreilviiie bor 2 w. wise Amonnt dus from Constable for nner 1 Po : ; orreiivilie bor Jw. 43 3 3 sass BU BL mmm oo : * wildy EA OT eo : i i T8Gn Dotn, oly POP ins of § a ‘ | Exonerations fo Constabion fin | Enttons boro, Robt avis | Patton bro... . y esr Fy Rp Rlasiing POLAYAS] LL Lo cee # | Portage boro... 2% BG ea FF Abstement to IATA Fors. 5 per cent Paar] Jamas Lei] Fongue tap. Tah pits »n ant Jasew past re ne | Kiehland twp, Geo J. Orris . Rosedale boro. aire {Amount of County Treasuror | Rowednie bora. AS Renshot on vented ‘and unseat wre : non hb - RK ichisnd twp. curen i beens of? Tr cont on es riot =} Rox boro... SEH ATL tng il polighe dep Spangler yore, #. H. Melinr. ' iv : bus dia on Pedempiion Ie Boro imi Fame of TA XEN, ANIORDT rece ved oy ova . il twp. frites wonted and amsented ands oath Fork wo, J. P. Me i. : of I. as : Clarren Psa bw - Ee — a 7 peje: prion of imran, sonstables Stony pk wep “John Bb Wo a ricky BEd previous VYears jess Raymon. Bp. Bw see] statement io taxgayem, EXane Summerhill boro, Jno F oder twp... twp. enim piont I oralions 0 constables, aniount MeGiough i Pal ean Sd St 0 Rr te 2 a4 i remaining in sontabise’ hands 3 ; . "N . w 108 7% wv] for mm, and amoust collected sommerbiit twp, a. ow. | Expenditares for the Poor and House Westmont boro. seceded gers Shin was paid ook. & 3 Susquebsnns (wp, EP. Bak- - . West Taylor twp 1a we County Treasures s vom mission of Su PoE > > is of Employment. W imate hove... 3M 0 per cent on NG, ety Tanseibii bora, Andrew ; #ith WHITE IWP. vices 8 8 ’ ” - 2 the amount collisted over a — above Ihe amotint paid 0 ne =m oq M12 Balance jn the County Fremsurer s . L ppt Yoder twp, Vout Boch: - i % > stotn { bands Jan.2 Pes ww ives WTS BL yar Yoder twp, John Pionk : ' 1 4 1a Westmont boro, NB, Cireg- —r “3 - 0 ~ WAR AAA T08 ER A | SRW ERR hs bn i rhs 0 aged WA BRS BG rn SI PRE TAN ¢ serie Bank......cncrren i id So Ras wl 85348 Hes ATs Be a Treskiry sheep id SATE $54 SR RN ARR ati 0 MKS FEB a2 Te IR IC we Ba WOE TELAT - -— wh i ES RORY SEEIAaENR ZEAE NETE a PARR a Wr Ra A a ” “5 a rile | rae mney FRYER Ag EE iw EN FAR TA 1 IABILITIER Fra BB LAAN 02 ~sBls SHHEELAR Outstanding orders. nie districts w - CE . 3 ala 18 NAZE BI ENR a PJP Zo BE. 83E.. REGIE = Si oe. JHE wade MIB 50 2 RP A SE 2 LE Far A wo EL wa Mm a os SH i we “3 ed Be aad BRR ih 14 ys phy... * rw FEA i AEE same ATA Big Ad Soh MEN Bp pe NR sl sn Sainries Maron. ad £0 AE aS BIE WH LW ¢ y PERE A A | washingion twp, Adam mith, Coamty, Schon! Koad Mr RA Foe NA ES FOR ee West Taxior twp, BF. Hibh. : Machi WR end 3 i Ur oh J ; IN veling eX pana Barr esa Seti G4 : wd Er" oA »! io, 0 White twp . Jom, § Fach... RI : 1nciiental »Y . LE xo kb F053 Fast Taylor twp, Hager, A J $137 2 Wiimore boro, i Sinisa SWPivivenin a Bs ae n %% oa AYRE RECEIVED FROM UNSEATED WHERE EA AREER EERE EC Se LANDS. BE etch dt i Br a a a BE taunt st PM RE ASL Ae = michael... LR —— PI San ep ps RE Sas aT and aa - Jerr, oon... Feeble minded n training school at 4 8% | Stonyeroek tp, Calllian, ~ 37 13 mgequehsnns Ip. Kelrs, Abr m 0 61 1 Westmont boro, Liregory, SB » 2 E Tayior tp. Hager, A J... jo fh = fh, Christ E 2 of aA A PR BARE, A $y 2 fn iit e+ w., Foie. John ra MO IT RIT FROM RE. Claim and shoes I 03 i ¥ Pri » A —e 13 Merreliviiie boro, Sw, Rivbiet, 4 Children In private homes... Sehoo! Road tora. | Farnliore and Coffins gang CBee ae cen et PRE #8 5 2s RR i A A od = $66 %F NN - 1 a dba I 35 RR ER Ir ed v PASSE MIN, 5 XE » SHERI 1 0: ¥ a Emig de «Bad -t 3 Je we WH We RE Rass \ cttcacibitr “3 or Bart 1.iity Yesres., Rnith, i'eter E : : Lowes ¥ oder tp, y Soter E tin Eo fara? : s n 3 smn a Pd i - Jahinetown, 30 ow, Lantos, Uhus ; a ares w . TL ARTA chan A AK A 6 So Roath Fork 2 w Joli, Jom, ovr is Civarfield Twp i 8 Ww | Printing 58 mii pier boro, Bertelli, 8 W_ # a Croyie twp i in Ehyucians & outdoor poor ‘ wabingron in. Souk, Adem. 5 5 Donn twp Inte at whe 3 - 1 Wilmore bor, 'ringie (6 DP 3 Eider twp 1 arnersy a omnes | HERS banger naane at Dix IO cia Bri A Tackenn twp. eh ha cer | LAVOE ¥ Olor LWP. sha's Morreliviiie bor, iw. Portage twp. MOUNT DUE FROM CONSTABLES Runa wn. ~ Piaf bee pang MEE imams To, Wp... Pog. | Sunimerhiil twp ae ee © Sawioehanne (wh Washington twp White twp 5 ia A RA 3 i TRAE S 43 dens S88 © BER SERVUICHUCETACHE BURASRBIUNEINEENE SR A IEA © Fee Fant od / We na i ip cn a ‘ AWRY Sa CR a rd - EY - = eX 5 i x PO a8 Beri if: & 3 Poa WR SEONG re 4 hid Te So AIR ie RE Ep sek Bh inh hutch met ee ed ti atl] im Ak - a a y in BARE A Ey A RRR RN Wr van Erp ENS 8.2 (8a Ra Imahoges applies includ ing fer tiltpers, blacker ith Drugs and disinfectants ng» we I i bs Sn Si ET i RA Seer. RSH be TWP | |. ig | @ | | : BE BERRA SE ao ERE rd SSA © i Ben Ensssstaxya a ti ft ET ES xh uid BEG HRSA Cae Bd ERR er ne Elie BE SG Eee ’ hin BARE EER SEAN Wy WE EE BEE SEW PET REET A es 4 Adama twp, J W. Voueh Ashville bor J, J. Rhody, AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM MISCEL Barneshoro wore. Thos OUsS SOURCE Woy : Th i rr w # Give f Company, Alien Bsns meme 130711 | mie. ap. Jus, FE Row- inom, REED AX... rion ioe land h Waters ind iad € Wrreiitewn Jan Mysed My At Con K dove Tax Hig arros twp. H Rirkpa Chat ew, po. Philip Gill enn Toon. tax ex rated. fo 3 Clenrfield twp. Josun Nagle . Davis, Froth. poo a March Term Conemnngh rl i "x Me avis. Prothy.. Licease Dr, Cooperadnie BOT. James A 8 Fal! i tn a 1 4 tak pron rated v., (hor Grate Bo evvehives RA Hag 4 Homer EO ‘shes, fines ieomargarine canes yer, i Poy TOO sc imiiiicewmrin ba tax 5 AE hE om pi flection amen Mi p . wh Ea Hw RY FW. Smith, J FP. Aes. riers ames Moore, [hcector of the Poor. A : . Hex ARO Ree. Lo Goodwin, | F.. Goes sen E Bh oE% arvisbuarg. hats Art Rar? Direvtors’ ate Awe OCTET niin iid orders PER i moma ¢ 5 a studaaal 3% apis ER El Ce A BW Rs % in =y Ein UAE BN 13 EL NARA [Lb 2 8&4 i RW A vg db ee A AR in ii ne a a ae MBS TREE aR & 1 >: uw | 3 “ pat » a - TON JUENS . hw hire’ UUOR LICENSES LIVE #TOCK ON FARM: Adams {wp Ashville tera Harnesboro boro Bar I Inekiion tw Carrolitown Bir” Carroll twp. Chient Springs t har. Chent tw EY SE BE nn is Sia RAS SN Bude vin Bue ier rewluBlean LSNIITS PISUIRENI SOS LIDS REE AUIS HN Gadd rie EW RA Fes Ris ii spicier ABH PI SR AISA | HE - wr wo «3 g PESEERAREA BAND BBE P Krad iins a Xho PEPE rd ww Bal oH Four work horses, thirtess mileh cows, ane Jersey hall, three ilies Swe Jeiran be five caives, twent ¥ tires ¢ tony pigs. two sows, one (ester White boar, seventy: five chickens, ninetess turkeys, three jyosse, sixieen ducks sa 2 FxuRE . 3% 42388 & Pex { royie top, M. 1. Gil Pie hoes, A. 13. Ripple [wan ton, ine Finnerty Fast Tayior twp, A.J. Rager, Eider twp, Anselm Wesk- 188 H 318 AE iran va F ARM PRODUCTS Jour £495 HEeaw sssssesssssetsvesnesnsssssnssussnsing | i x ix % mud 4 A i S—— Galina bora, LL Xpeigel DRITEL iran C Grmilitein fp. Jom. F Myers Jackson twp, = BL Hide Fraakiin burch, Ta. Fide : fanaa b i An brand a ataaial res ea a : A Laliitein wp. —— Johnston n. Hastings boro. : Ew J A Anstead ] Jacnmon 1 a2, Ww WH. Northorant : . Johnstown yl ty Tw , ARIR Galisgher wos b LAY Doro Bw Marl Tankard ee § Loretto Bers. iw, Michas! Logan, ; Pation bore 18 ow. Jahn Fogle ‘ An Lower Yoder twp Lilly bora. Peter EB. Smith. > ¥ 73 Portage boro lower Yoder twp, Jobs S—— EL Plunk MOUNT RECEIVED FROM KETAIL | Junster to. Michael Camidy. 3 % I | Cicninad sup. LIQUOR LICENSES Reade twp, dno. 1 Myers 3 8 4 | Mouth Fork horo. ra 57 Retail Licesses, Jobsmstown City Rosedaiv hora, BS Hensnof NIGOYOreek WP scorn. “ N 4 FY Ee ¥. 8 3 EEER3E5 u8uRIAT. als ¥ £¥ 3 on - » - Es poe ne E¥sd A 2=rrACTURED AT THE FARM: he 58 Fond - wo ¥ Nine hundred ni -Lwo ods lard, 180 maer Yea +4 ines x B oot pie ies. 3 are cow chow, # Jars pier. HH sd | ww 1%) 4 & Biaex alk E25 % 3 8 ee om rR | | |B 8 Eg | Fr werenienend J Ho oo] ROXBUrY boro, Jaa i. Johns Summerhill bore is 3 eases, Boroughs at¥xs. itaposl WB... 50 ore i SONGREBRO OB TH Pannen nin a ena Townships, at iso. i= ® Sols Fars hors, iw, dP a Tanaelbill bora.... $ South ¥ Vark dare sw. 1. FP : Wiimare Horo. » gaps, & sun 18 ohtidren’'s SUMMARY GF LICENAS FOND Spangler boro. IE Bi. dctar Eh gs . t : % dy vey. 4 g ” © Amount $6 SUS. iin it Stonycreek wp Jokes 0D oe M— A : rar Raymon... : 4 0 NMATES IN HOUNE Mutw meth Biron. John Me | J¥ DOGMENTS DUE THE COUNTY S463 ai : inmates Jan §, 18 wa - i 3 A Sl doe La pr ules Buys ona t twp. EK. P. Bak ira MeCartoey, D, Faioon sad W yr imrondy em — : - | ©. Saxton... $ A ee Pupteibiil horn, ‘Andrew 2 : 1. Weakinad and Jobn J i ——h = ttm A a ner wpe Yom # s PE Millar, Eberhard Gesmier and Died. $ ECEIPTS EF 1% i . Ae : Francis ner 3 ) risa Sek ECATITLLATION © RECE! a E. ¥ Washington YW Pe Adan John Yamnitashy a and Anns Yam. Demerted. Hs 1 PA SA > : nite % —— 1 | inden DR. Wan: | Tague twp, BF Rib = mi PT Lomado... ym Kemoved is Gir diiricis : Balance in Treasury at last Asditors’ White twp dom I Ewch. bi "sg | Lorene Hassenpiug as tscharged ......... Wk ib A a _— 3 mam Wiimare fern. Cienrge Tr Wor, SUBIC... Amt. of Duplicates { Taxes ihgh bez 061 4% " . | Conrad Block and Maitnda Block reas. cus. on ¥1 00 Bt 3% per ct 1 FEAR A Ey oe — Pringle, dedonned : Amt. rec'd. trom v option of ‘ands 3 wR i 5 f Augustine Mat angeil et. al. Am. received fom seated ands. cen 10 46 92 | | ip ®" POCO. Charies Het i» | Juba Vogle. in eet Amst, received from unseated lands... 1% jy 08 = png wal John Lindeberg bende nt | Amit. received from constables, 187 6 21 - 4-8 Hi Pps and and f ionan Haan. and previon..oie... 0 oe josh | Amt. received Irom Liquor 1icenses | Hager and Chan. MoKewi ut a use ot County less Treasurer's . ni OnE . am sn 4 ws Amt receiv “trom miscellaneous (EAN BE | a ar aah : coi ON. Buk, o oes gs JOXRNERATIONS To CONSTABLES FOR | funn Kanard and M. i. Leary ADT Lriored from Sheep op Fut. G41 4 Su bin i . | Jame tar 5 BE Cac and —————— on Dose | “ia Al SED $0 Sn we #1 Adaios tw Po. WW. Foueh 8 16 £8 8 3 1122 Joma and Joka Ge ERA... Ashville bora, 1 4. Bbewly. is 2 Andrew and Anna i — a Allegbeny twp, Z L. Littie 2 BS Thomas YORKER... ior . i rw a Fg co Barpesbors bero , Thos Pros » Wim XPENDITURES. EF. SPENCER, CO > ae Ary Stifter. Fount. E TREA ! = ‘11 Leoonrd Hemominiog io bouse Jan, 1, owe. Adulte, male... po tiainin nen “ Adulte, female .. ys is a Sw thon Children, male, SRN Sa A Ae A ae Children, female. .......... Sr ci ae ie Native born... conn... cai Foreign born. 3 ZrEEns ig 3 x EB sdo.en FBlac.entlug NER AE a tn enizg escasEs es “ a Average per month during the year... von, -N AMEN OF DECEASED; Batay Varner Ephrtan Wella Sun W igus. Jom biaaina Harry Stephens, Hee : Sp # wer - k EASURER. Barr twp A J Lieh ot a ia has Sheriey tod fuic « Crisney,, Hinckilck twp. Jax. BE. How- ; an we 2 Nd = Si - yk. x 1% 8 Enfoutte Br EY Pulp SwesBy¥ Furveladusruds® ssssss o 6 IISWEAFEES FLY ISFELIFLIRSN UILSRTLERILL FES INGLES 3 Auditars, ars, (County. FSa——— hr Atrcaitars: ABIOCIALIONS oni Adiesor. CRRA A Ca hiria twp. ‘Linenin Lioyd 3 Carroll twp, H.C. Kirkpat ater Rel and 8G. Smith. 8 espEtEiaces HF ERE LS ANB SSA Carrolitown boro, Joseph Thomas x. Hagan. - ee Stich | i> BC u CU. Myers ef, al. erate gibi twp. H. RB. Me 7 = Lien. A Movers of al. ol bias to 5 Gili FR Ouse RT A rama shaaraa ry Coopersds s bare, James A. onl furnished to tramps._.................... é IB icine ani i ASA A Cresson twp, FH Dodson. Ubent = hiiip oro, Nip Chest 8 ngs | bare Laan, Lc > wa pe : ’ — UII oes vrei oe Relief mee Wo aduita outside Alma. br tn Sa 5 8 3 jes EL FRER Fr issioners’ clerk. Commissiansyy traveling expenses Alogver... 30 HERIFF: Given ander our hands al the Court House S in Ebeusburg, Pa. this thin 25d of January. A. D oh Couiter, fees on Common. BD -— day -_ boonses, ciueninsaniend 28E OO MILTENHERGER, i » Shumaker, costs, 0% TOHN GITTIN ; . PM LA I URENCE, Auditors EE BE rae ourt cries TEER EE... vinnie i i ER R a 2 Paisytown bare, , F_ Shuster Dale boro, A O ip aneer denen ahn eS CAPERS... CSE AYE TEx § . | ed ood wf Be POD... comin conn wae io Geo. M Werte, rem prisoners to
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers