The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 02, 1899, Image 4

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Moses Perkion, Jr. Againt
Eprror Counres:--Here 1 am again
and 1 may possibly be with you off and
on until Quay is elected—hard to
| tell, circumstances may alter cases,
you know. I have been told, well in
~ | fact 1 have heard it myself, that there
we |taken exceptions to what 1 had to say
in last week's issue of the COURIER.
Can't belp it, boys, yes giris, because I |
know that you know and everybody
else knows that you ought to know
| enough to know that any person would |
giving yourself dead away.
know whether to blame myself
| someone else, but I do know that bet-
ter order was maintained at a certain
house of worship in Patton last Sun.
| previous. Well, if you are going to
make up your minds (and I guess you
have in a more gentlemanly and lady-
like manner, why not stop that ‘‘catch- |
'ing-on' business on the outside. It
are some people in Patton who have
know that the ‘‘shoe fits’ and you are | Rights of Man,’
1 don’t miliar acquaintances, bot their inter
or tours wus an argument, their views
will be compelled to hereafter) to be-
mond among the
beau women of her time wan
lovely and every way unfortunate a he |
Wollstonecraft Godwin, the first agits-
tor of the gnestion of ‘woman's rights
No woman, with the exception of Mme.
fe Stael, made so great an impression
‘on the public mind Her new and
: startling doctrines were seized with an
avidity scarcely credible at this day,
and her famous book, ‘The Viadication
{of the Rights of Women,’ was the
| theme of the most universal praise and |
| abuse.
the author of “The
was one of her {a
peither em this subject nor any other
coinciding In these argaments Paine |
either lost his temper or became sulky,
| and the woman champion won an easy
day night than there was the Sanday |
Until her marriage with Mr. Godwin
‘ she was the friend of Mrs Siddons, but
she, with the majority of her admirers,
had married some years before an
American called Imlay, to whom she
had been 8 most devoted wife. The
| and misery becanse the nature of
and bladder trouble.
obtain relief, because they are treating,
| declined te sanction this onion, for she |
i The Pewny Magesios, New York,
Many women suffer untold agon
y which is the lowest-priced in
disease is mot correctly understood. | wale &
merican orator,
They have been led to believe that Aepremiaive in this vicinity. [tis
“womb trouble or female weakness of a Hin orng mer
some sort is responsible for the many Jan 313018 young meh OF youns Nomen.
be addressed to
ills that beset womankind. a Subscription Department, The
Neuralgia, nervousness, headache, |p... Magazine, Temple Court, New
for one of our
ts ea, of ee
COW an. n ;
A cey Depew,
| paffy or dary circles under the eyes, York City.
rhenmatism, a dragging pain or dull | Horrible ceed b
‘ache in the back, weakness or bearing. biaer ae gor: y alin Those a es |
‘down sensation, profuse or scanty sap- | aadtoly relieved and aickly cared.
ply of urine with strong odor, frequent | ‘by DaWitt's Witch Jase azel Salve.
desire to pass it with scalding or burn. FACE Of Wo mitaiions.
ing sensation, sediment in it after i Hodgkins, Patton Phar many.
standing in bottle or common glass for | Wanted.
twenty-four hotirs, are signs of Kidney |
0. Wi
Ladies and gentlemen suffering from |
throat and lang difficulties to call at
our store for a sample bottie of Otto's
The above symptoms are often at. Cure. which we are distributing free of
‘tributed by the patient herself or by charge. We confidently recommend it |
her physician to female weakness or M8 a cure for coughs colds, bre bromobitis, |
consumption, an
womb trouble. Hence, so many fail to throat and lungs. It will stop cough
| picker than any other known
rot the discase itself, but a reflection @ believe it
of the primary canse, which is kidney or F Whooping congh it = wie Jo give
trouble. Shuey
in fact, women
| 8o to lots of other towns or cities, You ga.¢ that the marriage was only a civil
| | would be arrested for attempting such one, perfored in Paris, and deserted
8 thing especially on the church prem- her. She thon married Mr Godwin,
{ises. Why not accompany your lady | but this act placed her in a position no
| friend to the theatre, church, ball, etc., shasiey conld explain away Desh |
and remain ber escort till her home is a pitiful oblivion She left an infant
reached. Of course if a girl will allow |
daughter a few hours old, who after
‘such ‘doings’ she has my regrets t00. | o 4 became the wife of Percy Bysshe
certainly does look “crummy.” Ifyou p... 4 waver, took advantage of the |
made miserable with kidney and blad |
der trouble and both need the same
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is the
great discovery of the eminent kidney
and bladder specialist, and is easy Lo
get at any drug store at fifty cents or
ane dollar.
Ta prove its wonderful merits you
La grippe is again epidemic. Eve
Jrocaution shouid be taken to avoid |
cure you. In eroup
as well as mén are Sid by Fatt harmacy, C WW.
ts specific cure is One Minute congh |
cure. A. J. Sheperd, publisher A
enitaral Journal and Advertiser, Fide
Ma., says: “No one will be disap)
pointed in using One Minute how 4
Pleasant to take, |
Cure for Ia grip
Pw 7. Hodgkins, Patton
quick to act
Philipsburg Ledger.
officiated, assisted by, Rev. Baldwin, of throoghout the service, and never once
1 am only giving this as a matter of Shelley. ~ Exchange
opinion, but size the matter up some.
time and see whether you would care
| to have your sister ‘‘caught-on-to'' by
er “friend” while coming home from
jay public meeting.
HH. D. Hasson,
The Mineral of the late H. I). Hasson
| Friday afternoon from- the home of
| his brother, Milo, was largely attended,
in spite of the intense cold, says
Rev. Tompkinson |
E. Gearhart and wife,
John and Edna |
| Clearfield. J.
parents of Mrs. Hasson,
Gearhart, her brother and sister,
her uncle, Mr. George 8. Gearhart, o
(Mearfleld, were here to attend the last |
1 § sad ceremonies. Mr. Hasson is widely
Tan politeai po pot 6F Patton Borough
will Son commence to simmer.
U. 8 BENATOR GouMAN said in a!
speech that the war with Spain would |
bably make 50,000 new pensioners
and that within three years the annual |
Pousion payments woald reach §165,- |
000,000. This year's appropriation
bill, now in the hands of the President, |
. ,000,000 lean than that.
opponents of the seating of
itative-elect Jloberts, of Utah,
e of his being a polygamist, are!
Their latest move is to
t get the assistance of the wife of |
ortey man who will have a vote in the
next Congres, in their fight against | producing qualities. The newspaper
known bere having been born in
Chester Hill and spending most of his
life, until the last few years, in Philips- |
Philipsburg, graduated in Philadelphia
and has followed his profession In!
various places in this region, locating |
a couple of years ago in Patton. He
was a general favorite with a large
circle of acquaintances who will mourn
his early death. He is survived by his
wife, formerly Miss Sophia Gearhart,
of Clearfield, his father, J. W. Hasson,
‘and three brothers, J. N., A. M. and P.
P. Hassoun, all of this place.
New Vee fur Newspapers.
An exchange says: The latest and
' most novel use for old newspapers that
| has come to our notice occurred yes.
| terday when a gentleman stepped into
‘this office and purchased 100 or more
to feed his hens. He tears the paper
| into shreds and soaks it in sour milk
until the whole mass becomes a pulp,
i when he feeds it to his hens, and be
exclaims it adds greatly to their egg
burg. He learned the drug business in |
one sister, Mm. C. C. Holter, of Patton,
Those Risek Eyes.
“The smull son of the people,’ mays
the Philadelphia Record, ‘and his lit
‘tle sister were inside the great West
crusmnen “
Philadelphia church for the first time
‘Um—m—my! but it’s a beant place,’
he whispered ‘1 bot people wot belong
here comes every time dey oan.' Her
breath came to her in little gaspn. Her
soiled little finger pressed on his with
thrilled intensity Her eyes feasted on
the splendid shan ‘Heaven mos’ be
nex’ door,’ she said They hardly moved
let go each other's bands, for it was as
a strange land At last the sweet voiced |
and Procession of choir boys came down the |
of ‘aisle. At its head was a slim young
seraph, with a face as fair and pure as |
the linen he wore. Faint, dark circles |
beneath his eyes completed the ethereal
gan, bat stopped short, surprised st the
look on her brother's face.
* ‘Das kid in front's Bill Griggs
wot 1 licked last week for swipin' tings
from ole Mra. Maguire's apple stand
Ho ain't got over dew black eyes | gov
His |
‘im yet. Come on, let's git out’
face was stern and sot as they went
Bhe furtively wiped a tear.’
Field and the Street Arabs.
MoClure's Magazine relates the {ol
lowing anecdote of Eagene Field, whose
fondness for children was his dominant
Never was a man more devoted to his
wife. Nevertheless on the day that
made her his he was guilty of keeping
hor waiting for him at the charch The
tridal party had assembled and were
rapidly becoaning uneasy At length,
after an sonxious delay, some ons went
out in search of the missing bridegroom.
Heo was found on the street a short
distance sway, down on his knees in
the mud, absorbed in settling a dispute
between two small street arabs, which
- bad arisen over a game of marbles Lis
tening with sager interest 10 the testi:
ony vooifersted st either ear by the
Roberts. The gendral opinion in has graduslly extended ite fleld of a, parties and their friends and
0 is that the women of the
country will compel the House to has expanded until within its sphere is ogt of a very lively quarrel, be was ab- |
el Roberts, and that he would save already included food for goats and ruptly reminded that just then be had
much trouble by resigning, but
ily hope to es- |
ospe dismissal from the army, in,
ince with the finding of guilty
both counts by the court martial,
Ties in Presidential clemency. Although
al announcement has been made
of the finding of the court martial, and
none is expected until the President
hae acted spon it the opinion Is unan-
Seiden 1 the ipo of the hands
of the President | for several Sa¥s and
iki that h will not be
tong Selayes
| shoe business we find that for style, fit,
neatness, comfort, wear and price,
‘no shoe house in the U, 8. can
way be compared with Winch
‘Bros., of Boston, Mass., for ladies’ fine
shoes. If their $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00
shoes are not as good as you have been
) ) $5.00 ad $3.50 for they
i in many countries of the Old:
| usefulness. From food for thought, it
Dangers of the Grip.
The greatest danger of la grippe is
| of ite resulting In pneumonia. If reas.
‘onable care is used, however, and.
‘ Chamberlain's cough Remedy taken,
all danger will be avoided. Among
the tens of thousands who have used
ively shat this remedy is a certain
It will cure la grippe in less time than
any other treatment. It is pleasant
and safe to take. For sale by Patton’
Pharmacy, €. w. Hodgkins.
sas so ESE RA
Hpedial Announcement.
The members and friends of the Bap- |
tist church desire to announce to the
general public that they are making
elaborate preparations for Washing-
ton’s birthday, February 22nd next,
when a program of elaborate excellence |
will be presented, consisting of solos,
quartettes, et¢., vocal and instrumental, |
rendered by Patton's best talent. The
whole will conclude with one of Pastor
Klucker's most happy lecture efforts,
“Getting On in the World.”
A Girl's Chance of Marriages.
out “The American QGirl’s Chances of
clusions in the March issue of The
Ladies’ Home Journal. He has dis-
covered that in some states a girl's:
opportunities are much greater than in |
others, and in America they are greater
It makes no difference how cheap
you can buy groceries elsewhere, I can
| still save you some money, quality of
this remedy for la grippe we have yet
to learn of asingle case having resulted |
in pneumonia which shows conclus-
preventive of that dangerous disease.
A painstaking statistician has figured
" and will present his con-
trylug to evolve a peace compromise
| something more important to attend to,
| and hastened penitently away to make
‘ bis anxious bride Mrs Field
She Was Unduly Maecited.
Bishop Selwyn was a hard worker
and never spared himself Ho wae one
day seizing an hour's much needed slosp |
on the bench of » little roadside station
in Derbyshire, en route for a confirma:
tion. A lady of some social distinction
and her danghter were on their way to
the same rite, the danghter as a con
‘firmee. They went to the solitary porter
and said they were afraid to pam the
‘drunken man on the platform, to
which the porter replied In tones
| much solemnity,
lady, it's the
; About People.
“If you please, my
lord bishop!" ~Mainly
England's “Rose Regiment.”
The custom of wearing roses io their
beadgear by the Lancashire regiment
on the anniversary of the battle of Min:
‘den originated in a curious manner On
the day of the battle, Aug. 1, 1738, the
men passed through a field of roses
‘each man plocking a rose and placing
it in his bonpet, wearing the flower
during the fight This commenced the
custom which obtains at the present
‘day of wearing roses on the anniversary
of the battle
The Sultan's Thronervom.
The throneroom of the sultan at Con-
stantinople is a gorgeous sight. The
gilding is unequaled by any other build-
hangs a superb Venetian chandelier, the
| 200 lights of which make a gleam like ’
‘that of a veritable sun At each of the
four corners of the room tall candelabra |
in baccareat glass are placed, and the |
throne is a huge seat covered with red |
velvet, and having arms and back of |
| pure gold.
Rosebery's Peduttion of Memory.
--wonld one ever expect mots from
: Lord Rosebery?—told in our garden by
!sa woman who heard him say it at a |
dinner. Bome one asked him what
“Memory,” said Lord |
original stories. '’ —Harper's Busar.
** ‘1s dean angele? the little gitl be
‘ing in Europe, and from the oeiling |
Here is a joli mot of Lord Rosebery's |
Memory was
Rosebery, ''is the feeling that steals
over us when we listen to our friends’ |
may have a sample bottle and book Haw io Care a Cold
teiling all about it, both sent absoiate Simply take Otto's Cure. We how
ly free by mail Kindly mention the of its astonishing cures and that it will
Patron Counier and send your ad. stop a Sonph quicker than any known |
y fe remedy. If you bave asthma, bron.
reas tn D1 Kilmer & Co., Bing amp: ohitts, Cis ption: of Any O
the throat an lnngs, a few doses of
this great remedy will surprise you.
you wish to try, call at our store and we |
George W. Waitt, of South Gardi- will be please to furnish you a i bo
ner, Me, says: ‘1 have had the worst | bottle free of cost. Large hottie
and 28 Pstton Pharmscy,
cough, cold, chills and grip and have Hodgkins.
taken lots of trash of no account but
profit for the vendor. Chamberiaifs
cough Remedy in the only thing that
has done any good whatever. I have
‘ased one 30-cent bottle and the chills, |
cold and grip have left me. 1 congrat-
‘ulate the mantfactarers of an honest
medicine.” For sale by Patton Pharm.
acy, CO. W, Hodgkins. A Card.
The smallest things may exert the We, the undersi do hereby
greatest infloence. DeWitt's Lisle agree to refund the money on a 50-cent
i ¥ 8
Farly sare are onoqualied for over. F214 raeneie Warmted Symp of
coming constipation and liver tie cold We also guarantee a
Small pill, best pill, safe pill. CC. W. bottle to prove satisfactory or money
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. refunded. C. W.
Pharmacy. 26
Twi Companies Mustéred In.
On Thursday evening Company F, poapn Cronp, colds and throat
of Indiana, was mustered into the troubles lead rapid!
National Guard of Pennsylvania, and A bottle of One inate cough Cure
Monday evening Company CO, of Holli- Jed} 4 the Hight time will Preser ye life,
dayshurg, at its second trial, rallied Anca latge amount mone
enough men and was abo mastered in. WwW Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Paul Perry, of Columbus, fan. suf.
An Honest Medicine far La Grippe.
Mr. 8B. A.
canopy (Fla; Hustler, with his wife
and children, suffered terribly from la
Erippe One Minute cough Cure was
only remedy that helped them, It
acted quickly. Thousands of others
et this remedy as a specific for Ia
grppe, and ita exhansting after effects.
. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
These are dangerous times for the
fered agony for 3 years, and then
erred his piles by using DeWitt's Witeh
Hazel Salve. It heals injuries and skin
diseases like magic. C, W. Hodgkins,
Patton Pharmacy.
Chamberlain's Cough Hemady in Chicago.
Hisgen Bros, the popular Soath Side
druggists, corner 89th street and Went-
worth avenue, say: ‘We sell a great
deal of Chamberlain's cough Remedy,
and find that it gives the most satis
factory results, especially among
children for severe colds and eroup.”
For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W
To insure a happy new year, keep |
the liver clear and the body vigorous |
by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
the famous little pills for constipation |
and liver troubles. CC. W. Huodgkine
Patton Pharmacy. ;
Braneh in Patton.
H. J. Easley, undertaker and em-
balmer of Hastings, has established a
branch at the J. BE. Kirk Hardware
company's store, where all calls will
receive prompt attention. The very
in the market
latest and most modern methods used. |
You ean buy more goods at the (Cash |
to suit your purse.
Is not much to pay
for a sahd 10k gold
ring. Look at those
in my window for
that price. They are
not old stock, neither
am I selling them at
cost as a leader.
They were bought
direct from the man-
ufacturer and I am
selling them at my welcome.
usual small profit.
Every other article
in my store is sold
on the same basis,
TOZER. Geo. S.
The Patton Jeweler.
Bed Roont Suits: Solid
Oak, 7 pieces, 816. Kitch-
en chairs 44c; large rock-
ers 8sc.
Etc. Etc.,
Promptly attended to.
All modern methods used.
Phe best of satisfaction
Next to Hotel Patton.
D. D. Lewis, undertaker
and embalmer of Barnesboro,
If Pa., wishes to announce to the
public that he has secured the
| services of
Fackler, editor of the Mi- |
graduate of the Massachu.
Hodgkins, Paton cetts School of Embalming
Pleasant to take: children take it Y.
When in town make
John E. Radcliffe
Kerr avenue, two doors above
Bon Ton store, to look after the
wants of the people of Patton
and vicinity in the
business and all calls left
with him will be promptly at-
tended to. Mr. lewis 1s a
and thoroughly understands
the business in the most mod-
to consumption. ern way rs.
Day or Night by "Phone.
Grocery House where things look
neat and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging;
where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time;
above all where you know you are getting the best
at the fairest of prices.
sort of Honse we keep.
Have you seen our line of
Call and be sure of it.
Grocery for $10.00 than any place in 3 y ’ |
The finest in this section and at prices
our store
You will be
That's the