“At a recent meeting of the Evangel- Alliance, held in Harrisburg, an dress on “The Necessity of Educat- ing Public Opinion’’ was made by A. B. Farquhar, and one of the first sub- jects he considered was the effect of roads on urban and rural population, ‘and the importance cf educating pub- lie opinion on the subject. This por- tion of the address was as follows: “The rapid inercade of our urban lation is fraught with danger. Temptations increase with increased facilities aul opporfunities. Children are tumbled together in the streets as seriminntely as garbage in the sewers, and they pasa into the com: | ity a mass of filth. . ‘Country life has a thousand gharms and ndvantages over life in the eity. Our bad highways have a grest desl to do with driving the country- man to town. [he mad ditches in placa of the beautiful, smooth roads tivilization shut him out from so- and make it cost him more to carry a ton of his produce s few miles to the pearyst market than to trans port it a thousand miles on the rail road. The prosperity, eontentment, intelligence and happiness of theraral population, depend largely on the condition of the highways. No won- | der the value of farm land is decreas- | ing. The best means of benefiting the agricuiturist is to improve his roads. The countries of Earope, im- poverished by their standing armies their enormous Jlebts, build thon- ds of miles of road, snd wisely md millions annually, in keeping in repair. What a transforma: ion there would be in our country if we had this E 1 system of high- a! An aronsed public opinion only ¢sn secure them! © “An accidental cross-path made oze knows how, a century ago-— widens to a wheel-track, and becomes established as a conntry road, simply look after the condition of his other citizens equally with himself, and the county officer is not spurred to his duty of providing a suitable road by the pressure of s sufficiently robust public opinion. As a result, occasion to pass betwsen one and the other of two important sections of the @onntry is compelled to go consider: ably out of his way, sad toil up and down more than one long steep hill. Day after day, week after week, month after month, summér sud win. ter, year after year, dacsde after de- onde--it will soon bu century after century—the patient thousands who sss that sabmissively pay tri- mate (hill and sgnare corner taxes) to the ignorant carelesstiess of their fore- #ufbers and present county officials. Were a baud of robbers to infest that road and exset one-tenth part of the post that our citizens mow willingly for this extra time, labor and an- poysnce, sn dutery would be raised that would resound througnout the it is best now and hereafter for the many must and should over- throw the personal preference or e of the individaal. Otirer forms vement ars temporary; build. Il into’ decay, harbor and river are filied up with deposits, hecomes obsolete, inven- A d will prove an ever- blessing to countless generations, the vital and far- granting YO! ¢ of having public they are wanted, and of and most endaring charac- Mh La or to painfully » sa tly impressed pe—iu short, pub- this has not collectively d machinery is as neces and economical work {-binders and stesm threshers. y one man to take charge of ne. He will become experi- t costs as much to move one ‘fon over ordinary country roads as to move the same weight twenty-five miles by electric bars, 250 miles by pad or 1250 miles by steamship. roads of Lineoln County, Mis- pi, are maintained by contract, mimed to be *‘far better woman and child who has | the principal object of wisdom; sad \ pu greetings, does not at all like to offer his adr any one in public. He rarely makes exceptions in this matter and then ususlly only for commanding officers at the time of the great army man. ceuvres. Even more than he does the Emperor of Austria abstain from the enstom of handshaking, for it is only Archdukes that he greets or parts from in this fashion, The Czar when he receives Princes is wont asiways to shake hands cordially with his guests, Only one has he embraced so far, M. Felix Faure. The Queen of England, with traditional feminine grace, holds the Prince of Wales, often seizes the opportanity of giving people a hearty handshake. The King of the Belgians is fond of holding in his a lady's salen. der hand, and never fails to imprint a kisz on it; but he objects to shaking hands with men. The amiable yonng Queen of Holland would like, if eti- quette did not forbid, to shake hands with everybody. The simplest of all ralers, however, is King Hambert of Italy. A declared foe to all kinds of court ceremonies, court officials, but in his excnrsionsin the country likes to shake hands with thefarmers and peasants. As regards President Felix Fanre, he embraces the Czar, kisses her gracious Majesty's hand, shakes the right hand of the Queen Regent of Spain's Ambassador, especialiy when it bears him a Golden Fleece, but considers it beneath his dignity to hold out his hand te any one as low as a Secretary of Legation nA | NA ARTS 0 SAYS WORDS OF WISDOW. Tt is hard to believe that others can- not see what seems plain to us; bunt we cannot ses the san at night, and for all that it 1s quite plain to those on the other side of the world. Every- thihg is in the position one happeus to ocoupy. There sre four kinds of wit: Hamor, satire, wit itself and after wit, which is the commonest of all, and consists of the bright things we think of when it is too late to say them, A just knowledge of the maxims we ought to follow in the course of life is virtne consists in putting them con- ont her hand to be kissed; but her son, | feet F tenets pb & Ean. 3. John | he avoids having anything more to do | than is absolutely necessary with bis | iii $6. | i ‘Robinson, stantiy in practice. Edoeation begins at the mother’s knee, and every word spoken within the hearing of little children tends toward the [yrmation of their char. acter. Of all virtoes, magnanimity is the rarest: there are a hundred persons of merit for one who wiiliagly acknowl- edges it in another, 1! wa were told we wonld have » wish granted if we were to make it, what would that one farored longing be? The more intelligent man becomes the less hie thinks of himself and the more he thinks of others, Nothing engages our interest’ and attention more than some of the things that never happen. You will never find time for any- thing. If you want time you must make it. We do nothing well till we learn oar worth, nothing best till we lorget it. A good life is far more eloquent than a good sermon. An injury repaired is a benefit to two. So EE —_— Mience Followed. A clergyman who had been greatly annoyed by the continued interrnp- tions to whieli he had been subjected by the whispering that went ou dar. ing the delivery of his sermon, stopped abruptiy, snd, looking around at the congregation, said: "Some time ago, while delivering my sermon, I was frequently interrupied by a gen- tleman sitting in front of me who ges- tionlated, moved about and whispered to his neighbors, and at last I ad- dressed to him a sharp reprimaand for his unseemly conduct. When the service was over, my clerk, in the vestry, mentioned the matter to me, and asked if I was ignorant of the fact that the person addressed was an idiot! 1 have since then always hesi- tated to reprimand any of my congre- gation for interrupting me, in the fear that I msy be addressing an idiot who is not responsible for his actions.” Silence reigned throughout the re- mainder of his sermon.—lcndon Chronicle. A Great Bargain. The country store owned by Mr, Jabez Dodd contained sach a motley nglomeration in the way of “stock” shat a village lounger one day offered to bet that another mau could not ask for anything in ordinary, every-day use without Uncle Jabe's producing it. The two men entered the store, and the challenged party said: “‘Giot any false teeth on hand to-day, Uncle Jabe?" Without an instant’'s hesitation Uncle Jabe pat his hand to his mouth, and a moment later held out the hand with a set of grinning teeth in it. “There!” he said, ‘I'll sell that set mighty cheap, for my gooms hev shrunk so they don't fit me no more, and I'm goin’ to have some uew ones, Jf you watt these fer" Bat the two men had fled, while Uncle Jabe called after them: “I'll let yon have 'em fer less'n hall price.” —Youth’s Companion. ——y The Sensations He Experienced, Pierre Loti satat ths dress rehearsa of his own play at the Theatre Antonia Paris, France, the other day, and was ‘asked how he liked it. ‘I feel,” he said, ‘‘as if some one weretickling my rves with a saw.” we y ATTACKED BY AN EAGLE. A Plucky Bird Fights a Hunter and His Hounds Fizaily Dispatched With a Bu'let The Fox Escapes. Tadd towpshly, fox hunting Foster Ambrose, of Fulton county, went ins F and while th fox out he cage. The sagie Bis dogs and 1th 8 time, but at chatie to fight ended 3 fort from tip 10 tip and the Fo lenarth The fox The following pens jaw: work John J. Fick, $4. Ramus! field, $0: Thomas Carpentier ¥: Marguret M Trimble port. 382. Mary Frasior TroBus, minagr of By Hamler, Rand Ridge, 319, George Rhodes, Pitt burg. $8. taka WW. Collins, Brownfioid PF. Gites Soldiers’ he Erie, 513. John I Rirkpatrick. A henvy, 3: Hobert Wark, Willlamep v1, $5 to $14 Avnbel RB fanier vas startied by bE hunter gt Sr) there art thw Bin Fun, The hird ix gest BWRY INR Were § Avengohd, £3. Pinkerton, Pik Eh hire, $5 to $12 Helwn A Crowned Manefivid, Tioga, 8. Parrot Somerset, $12. WB Milton 7. Lewis, $6. Albert Neshd Allegheny, $12; iam J. Banner, loamont, $8 George Winn, Fort Palmer, $3 75. Cleorge Tionesta, =X to $510 I: Goamdrich, Nehom, $10 ta 817, Dr Tuckey, Galnex $3 to HI, Nancy Hinebaugh, Markieysbureg, $1) George W. Morse, Allegheny. ¥: James 5 Adam, Washington, $0 William Wahler Avenue, 3. James H. Buck- land, Forest City, $19; Andrew J Burteaeil, Williamsport, $6. Charlies Cotterman, Cobham, $6. Byivestuys Po well, Bridgeville, 35160 Wiliam DB Wanda, Fasestts 3 to $0 Hisket, Hopwood, $8 to $318 Samuel A. Baird Pittsburg, BB to $19: Jacob Bow, Rowserviiie. J to $5 John Fres- man, Biverly, # to $85 Daniel High, Fields, $17 10 390 John Herman, Lan- arks, 38 to $18 Lottie LL. Over. Bed ford, 3%: Fllen RB Stonesifer, Wiliams. port, $8; Amanda J Buchanan, Al toons, $5, Sarah Jane Reece, Clear felg. $8. Busan Riester, Turniphuole, Ciara Krenpas, 17 of years of age, Balle Vernon, employed sy a domestic | a: the Home of John Smith in Fayette | other | [importation or sale of sirticles import. City, took carbolic acid the morning and other poison, and Is not axpicted to recover. Her set Was in ConRsGUenes of 8 warrant having been famed for her arrest on the charge of | stealing money that was missed from | z ; the home of BF Joffrice of Hellevers | the Morganza Reform school, the | said, | i i Was given 30 conte to come to Bellevernon, | ard ations! a play, but instead hought | {fear + Favorite City that told the girl what she wax acouned of. | aon. Bhe has for Smiftine for some time amd WAS to merry Uharies Fieming, brother of Mex Smith Shae Peony working tw drevess and some dishes Thomas Carnes went (o and she agreed ta met him tie trivin, Iostead she took poison William Hose and George YOURE men, refused toe al PH IDR Hut = cigaretten in the Niles Valley post of | gop asus funy still lacked 11 voles where meveral | q / . Aid | Ferry attempted to] fiver The oiher svening, indies were Wailing Powtmanter BB forsibly viect thers He armed Bimssif With & poker and knoe ked Rose pense Feomn, for RL the REY, whi attempted to disarm Post aster, WAR struck on The eibwew. Hose ia dangerousty hurt Postroaster Ferry has ben arrested, An engine atiached to a freight train collided with an smipty ngine on the Mountzin cut-off an high Valley ratirond near barre a few days ago. When MoMeehan, engineer of the train, saw that a coodlision wus svitable he told The latter esinped with in juries. McMeehan leaped cab window, ton, but was under the loeonsative and killed, slight froen A man about 35 years oid, unidenti. | fied, was found dead pear the Pitts. | burg & Lake Erie tracks between the | New Cagathe Jundtion and New Castie | two} Kashen on the side of his face, and ane | There are suspicions of foul play. The initials on Wis collar | and the name of Vion was | of the two Randier. | ‘as defendant in such action of his or a few days ago. Theres werd on his forehead are (3 K | marked on one chiefs on him. Two strangers who found the body are being heid ag wit- DeRges The cops nf a bone grinding machine neg Doylestown caught the hand of Wallace Dungan, & fertiliser manu- facturer, at kis establishment other day, and his arm being drawn into the machinery, Was almost tern from the shonider The grinder stopped, and this attracted the atten tion of worksen They had to knoek the machine fo pieces to release the unfortunaty man. A docfor amputated the terribly mangled arm. Notwithstanding the extreme cold weather this winter boar ares prowl ing about as plentiful as early in the aeneonl in the neighborhood of Helle fonte., On Wednesday Daniel Moara and {wo sons of Karthaus killed Cour large bears within a mils of their home. The four weighed almost a ton, A Bh-pound bear wax killed tas other day on Nittany mountain not very far from Bellefonte, Croked electric light wires started a foe at Allentown, the other morning in the new store bullding swoed by Mra Jorn Sattesfield, of Hufals, The building was damaged to the ex. fent of 315.800 insurance, 35000, (xh & Kuntz tailors. had their entire stock ruined loss 314800. insursnes, Fionn. Dr HW. Wiltherger, dentist, joss £396 insurance, $1 00 : The First Baptist Church, of Soran ton, was destroyed by fire Sunday. It was the cidest church of that faith in this vicinity, and was about to cele brate its fiftieth anniversary. The loas on the building and contents is 315.000 The pastor, Rev. J Frank Matthews sever! hours before the flames were | discovered, preached on the great Chi- cago fire. A Hungarian got lost in a Latrobe rine and was there 3 hours without food or water before he got oul, Tee residence of H M. Davin near Franklin, was entered by burglars and $0 in cash und a gold watch taken. Mr Davis awoke just as the burglars left and shots were exchang- ed, with no effect Jesse Bailsgiver, of Onberz aged 60 while cleaning a gun a few days age heated the breech in a stove, The bullet passed through Salsgiver's body near the heart Tha wound is pro- nounced fatal . Fire Friday nigiit destrovisl the Oakley casket worky and plaping mili and a dwelling ownad by PF. W. Rip. ley. The Oakley los: is $5380 no in surance: Ripley's lots is 11.300, insur ance 0. week With a good pack of honnds and fine ostesr’s doege holed a big 1X, § wan digging the | a bia sliver § gtipeked Ambrose and | Wattle was Hvely for | 3. fhe 7 meager weve i claws 2h { jniyed | Wi La Panis, | thse Mo Koes | i hospital | Western | additions) - 1 trai 1 of the first class appropriste ancuatly Mix Lander, Way. | 560 ron, $8 to $10 Charles Caliine, Lewis: | | Pornevivania Iragitute for the Blind Ritloger, | Praarbin, Browns. | by Allegheny, | Wit | Ww, | Henry | AnLiraisers Fo : | Ballwin, | tax of £7 upon every retail dealer doe 81 50 A | resolutions Samuel | . CARuNe t promsinends, A a i Sumande, | Land was present shapes by anth-Quay and Demo the [oe | Wilken dames freight | ine | Fireman Thomas Heflernar, of Mauch Chunk, to jump Ihe entered within the | thrown { pot mow barred by the statute of Iim- the | . RUY was Colonel Irvin polling ents to PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. | 1, House. : At a session of the House Monday svening Mr. Heltzsl of Lancaster, of fered a concurrent resolution, which wan adopted. that Miss Helen Gould “i deserving of the thanks and the unstinted gratitude of tha people of Pennevivania who so freely gave thelr sons that Bpanish despotism might ciose in the Western hemisphere” and that a copy of the resolution be pres. ted to Miss Ciould, Anather peosolution was gdontsd, that thanks of the House are tendered 3 Pennsylivaris who i ocauntry In &y 3 wey r sith oan the hilla ls introduce in tt Tuesday were these al the law prevehting ignore in Monongahela tgwnshite Washington coun. to prevent the y oof buniness interests te foliny Woenrmre land Hospital, y pulitish text books and anpply si omebasd Boat at actus! cost oliowing bifle introduced uwe laxt Wednesday Approprigting $50 000 for the at Pitvsburg, University: insane asyviam district of the slate; tantiary wars gah 0) for an in the Pen. that cities far af the the $a guard migintana me tional $40 on the for A Bil said to have been prepared ifcrenses the roveniiee of a change in mercantile ment and giving the rnd ba appeingt all the in the state. % Thurmiay by of Ixiaware nx vas Foret £4 ing a business of pore than 31.000 and lesw than 32.000 a year, and for every additional $100) worth of business in added: wholesale dealers are required to pay a tax of 5 cents for cach 31006 worth of business done, Gov, Stone approved the concurrent tendering the thanks of the legisiatire to Miss Helen Gould for her patriotic services during the Spanish. Amesrican war, and her cars peed sttention to the Pennsylvania soldiers A resclution was reported from the foderal relations committee in the House Friday requesting the Penney. vania senators and congressmen 19 pee all honorable means to secures the speedy ratification of the peace realy with Spain. ? Among the hills read in place were these: Declaring uniiwfgl all con. tracts oF combinations made with a view to lessen free competition in the ad into the state, Appropriating $3117. 000 to the Respitnl for the insane asyl ue at Diymont. appropriating $245 - 39h for smiarisx and Pmprovemsnits at FYenate, The fifth joint hallot taken Monday | showed that Seantor Quay lacks votes to elect, Jenks the demo- rondnes, recoived $8 votes rill Crathe Renmntor Gitaon offered ns resclition Peonsvlvanin be represented on he commission To represent the Unis. wif States at the Paris exposition of the sates for 0 of Tovsday whoo ed The ballot Sistem Neputor change. Thess gubernatorial appointments were ment to the Senate and laid upon the tables for the present: James Cam- pheil of Pittsburg, to sucoced Blasi! 3 | ae factory inwgector. Thomas Cb Sam. | Ramps vas also disabled by a Blow on the head, and Danlel Bennet, to muersed Thomas superin. ple, of Plttshure, M Jones of Harrisburg ss it | tendent of public printing the | bow breaking that member below the | The MceCarrell Dill to prevent dis trict.attorneve standing aside Jurors nn misdemeanor cases way reached on second reading in the senate Tuesday, vigorously apposed in i CrRt senaloars in the senite last Walnesiay Sen. ator Mages fram Pittsburg introduced | % Bi gpoverniag the time in which acs tion enn be tiken against traction and raibvay companies for damages hee pet says thar all sctions A Yerr, [rovided that ait aotions doe 16 & cals arisen prior ta the passage of this acl and tation shall be brought within & yea from: the date of the passage of this #ot. “Nao action for damages (or injuries ts the person arising from negligefice shail he Brought unless the party en titled to bring 11 shall have given not. fee within 36 days from the date when the canse of action arose to (he per son. firm oo corporation to be charged her intention to bring the same, which notice shall specify the time, the place and the character of the accident.” Section 3 provides that all sctione for damages for injuries to the person arising from negligence shail be brought time of the infliction of such injuries, and aot afterward Hoth measures ox | cept sult already brought or likely to pe AH HODEM RIUEDISOR Rod) www ready happened, No United States Senator was elect. ed Wednesday. It was the meventh joint hallo, and Senator Quay was skort 14 vates 5 Hersitor Quay was short 34 votes fast Thursday. The pairs wera 3 There were (wa trifling changes in the balloting, Representative Ab rams. of Philadelphia, changed from Stewart to Huff, and Edmiston, of Rradtord, from Dalzell to Irvin CC, BE. smith lost Ris vote through the absence of SHenntor Sproul, who was paired. With the fenatoridl Aght overshad- awing sverything it is difficult to get mwmakers to get downs to work The recommendation of the Gover ner that the personal property tax he retgived in full by the State will be fought by the Allegheny aad Phila delphia delegations. It would fall hard on these two large citing John Fow introduced a bil to guar artes the rights of delegates to polit- feal conventions. It requires tempor. ehatrmen to accept credentials under penalty of fipe and Imprison- ment. Such a law ix needed io pro- tert Democrats in Allegheny county. The only change in the senatorial vote Friday fram the previcus day ane more, sr Htradling of Philadelphia, chang: ing to him from Widener, Thirty-two voles were polled for United States senator at Baturday's session of the joint assembiv. Thirty of these were east for Senator Quay apd one each for Jenks and Dalseil When the senate was called to order Saturday there were but ten members pressnt. Mr. MeCagreil of Daulphin imtraduced a bi requiring amend the pamphlet laws to be printed in diferent type. He also pre sont hills extending the statutes of Hmitation, relating te compulsory noM-RLILs relating to aokrowialyg rent of debts: ta enlarge the com petency of the wife 10 testify against yer Busband: providing that & suit wronglv begun In equity may be con~ ringed at law with the sams effect a8 if origisally begun at law. the the | and | oa a LAT of the Manutucturers of Youngstown, O., Ma¥ | spriating $1 200 for the West. © rime | sontrary i appropriating F0E000 | for the! plating a i mri {oestablinhirnents Mercy | FI 000 for toe | i Youngstown, | near futurs Wentern | ital, the Republbian state committees 1a the state hy | HEBOH anditor general | mercantile i Y intro. | Tenresentative { imposes a In the senate Friday all the calen- dar of first reading bills was cliared senators was on hand, Among these were Senator Kile reducing the time for damage suits for injury or death to fie year or yx manths ; were waivanced to the second reading cHiendary, a8 were (hs amending the health laws of second. ciasy cities «with particolar reference to parbagr collsdtion and destruction Annther hill passed was the Milter Bit 10 have fregetirers of cities and counties pay only one-fourth of personal taxes to the stale treamirer. INDUSTRIAL NOTES. Loon be Grouped Under Doe Management Maryiamd's Rall Shipments. Zevoral of the principal iron and give] producing CoDoeTrns in the Youngetown, (3 district, are conte. consolidation of of one of the is authority for that a8 combination to mille mnd furnaces certainly, and in probability those of both the Mahon ing and Hhenango ymileys is considers shly more than a possibiity of The intereuts invilved represent many million dollars of cap- Addivionn) color ix jent to the annvancement by reason of the in. tinuite family and badness relafions an oficial fares statement haste the in the various big mills and furnaces ard about Youngstown, which, with ane notable exception, are vir. tunily guwnaed and ceriainly contridted, iw ak by a group of local capitaibviy pum- | perin~ jews than a doen who are On. nected cither by bleed or marriage with one another All the slate quarries in the Feach Hetiom district, near York, Pa, with Bit ans axception have bwen otgan- ized into a combination to be Known ax the American Slate Company. The new company is capitalized at 1IA.000 It is the intention of the company to develop the quardies to their full ca- pacity. The new company has secured an order from Europe which will con. sums almost the entive present output of the quarries Within the last few days Cleveland and Detroit shipbutlders have closed contracts for four steel freight steam. ors. all of the very largest class, 1.000 900.000 in aggregate value, These or- carriers under contract on the Great {akes up to 18° decided ta locate at once in that city a big manufactory for canning, pres serving and plekiing. Ashtabula gives thers a batius of $3000 and three acres of land Ang at the plant aod will Gperate somes of the departments Pape | manafacturing | | nies, Nova Scotia. Mexico, Barba rrivst | within six months from the! Ex-Gov, rallies girders and rolling only too probable that in folure the the Joeeamot ben The $0 employes 6f the Susquehan- na #ilk mill in Sunbury, Pa. went on trike for an increase from 4 to J cents per yard on large noms and from J tes 7 oeonts on the small ones. It iw stated thar the Maryiand Stesl Campany has, during the past year, shipped over 100.000 tons of steel rails bars. plates, fitings. ete. from the Sparrows Point works. Of this quan- tity 91.638 tom were shipped to Ire- iand, India. Afries, Australia, Jam- biadoen, | Cuba, Russix. Siberia and other for. sign lands It is estimated that the shipments of raily and fittings from Baltimore this year will amount 10 about 30.000 tone, The Akron, ©. Trolley wresl come pany bas been organized. It will os whieh a plant in Cleveland, The of. fieers are Dr. BE. A. Hitch, Cleveland, president: 1. H. Williams. vice presi- dent W. H. Carter. secretary and treasurer. The Addyston Plpe aml Rtesl some pany at the annual meeting of stoek- naolders at Cincinnati voted to Inctesss the company’s capital stock from ils present $1,500000 to SLIM O00 The original 3.500006 is to be common stock, the 3300 080 increase to be pre. ferred. This increase of $500.008 ix to he applied to perfecting the company’s pipe plant at rv. Ala... which wili have a capacity of 258 tons pro- duct dally It is reported on reliable authority that instend of closing down the tin mill at Canal Dover, which was re- cently purchased by the trust, the lat- fer has a scheme an foot to build a plant hers of enormous proportions, the largest in the country. It l= said that the machinery in the old mil will be replaced by new equipment and that another very large butlding will he built, An arrangement was sonsummated a few days ago at New York, for the sale of the Edison Electrical llumin- ating Company to the New York Gas and Electric Light. Heat and Power Company. The latter concern is the recently organised sombination which ix backed by William C. Whitney, W, L. Pikine, P. A.B Widener and other capitalists, The issues of bonds will be ilmited to E31 0M 000. The trade figures of the Daminton af ‘anada for the six months, ending Decpraber 31 last, show an increase in the aggregate trade of over $140. 000 The figureg were $07 584.015, as against $143.383 827 Tor the six months in 1897 The increase is whoily due to imports, as [here was a decrease of 51.70.0860 in exports. The duty for the six months fnereased by $2,300 000 over 1897. The Rhenish sugar and aleohol manufacturers have held a meeting at Cologne and have adopted a petition to the Imperial Chancellor, Prince Hohenlohe, Germany, requesting his aid for the purpose of securing a dif- ferent method of appraising at New York, The Vomsinche Zeitung alleges that the authorities at Washington still discriminate sgminst German su- gar. after fairly adjusting the duties an French, Rossia and Austrian sugar. District of Columbia brick manu- { facrurers have combined anil wil raise price $31 a thousand, Ry a system of nrmerai tyne, vented hy Rev. W, H. Murray, Pekin originally a SBeoteh the Niind people of China are now taught to read ard write in loss than three months, and this in spite of the fact that there are 408 distinct sounds in the Chinese languages in- of New York has a market for the sale a? human bones. Medical students, of gourse are the principal customs, up. although less than a guoram of | Magee's two traction | bringing | The two Greater Pittsburg bille alse | Finn bitle | the | ip tartmta, | the | id if § ail | the | sxisting sarong the dominant interests | {and trigger in the hilt of the sword {| 311. te leave the owner of to S000 net capacity, and of about §1.- ders bring ihe number of new freight | Cruikshank Brothers, of Allegheny, | were in Ashtabuls, ©, last week, They | The Sharon Pa. plant of the Graff | Stove Company will be offered for sale | at public suction on March 18 Tin | plate manufacturers have been look- | probably | The American Zine Company with a | capital of $6.000,000, has been organized | Lweith JO. Rodgers. of Tobsdo, OO, as {the ieading spirit Pianiel (day and others of the Stan. | Adar Of Company and all the sading | {gine manufacturers are sald th be in United | the deal, : The recent English strikes effactund- | iv prevented the placing of orders for | gf stock for suitways building in India, and if iw Flower, | atiders will go. to a large extent, to United Staten pariicslarly for workman: We palin a Hehographed cates whizh shows ean ee) designs s, Rugs Art & wr, Lars ar Rn 2} : colors. We sew Carpers § ght mosey. ns matter where vin five, § Why eerich your local desler when your can buy from the =ilt Do your think wr would adverie ogre catalogues ig every corner of the warld if they were ast worth Baws ing. Whiuh do you west? Ade dress this way, Mee ow HE % Sill A Mexican has made a combination sword and revolver with the eylinder and the revolver barrel pointing down the gword's blade i note, fil of lite. nerves and vigor, wie NoTo WHAT THE LAW DECIDES. is necessary is held. In Hague va Now phi Irrigation Co. (Utah), 41 L. R. A. right to take the eIcess for manufue- Adivine Foo.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers