a 4 ERNEST ERR ESR PRESEN VOL. VI ~NO. 1 10, PATTON. CAMBRIA CO., PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 899 ey GA |B iy Do Your Buying of Dress Goods, Millinery, Coats and Furs at JA! QUINN'S, Johnstown, Pa. 1 Te are going to, Loo Ul AEB es attend the Masquer- ade Ball call and sce our fing line of ‘Gleaned Here and There the ** Courier Reporter.’ hb y pemociaTi TICKET, asamp Twa Aged Passcs Away Mrs. Josephine Gavels, who Fesidiec st Columbia mire, west of Pat expired Friday, Janoary 27, rage. illness of but a fiw days She was aged 70 years and is survived by thre | HORRIBLE ACCIDENT! the Gallitzin Tunnel. ‘gone, among whom is Frank Gayets, wellknown in Patton. Interment took place in thy Catholic femetery | Sanday morning. Occurred at the West End of Notice is hereby given that the | plications of the following persons for Mau | Liquor Licenses have been filed in TWO WORKIIEN KILLED Lofflee of the Clerk of the Court of Licenses. || Applications for Liquor the Quarter Sessions of Cambria (County, SURGUNH ANNA TOW RHP } Muto Hatiman Traveler's Home Hotel, Rows TONNELHILL BOBOUGHN LJ oseph A. Bertram, Fmmoit Hotel WASHINGTON ow Xue Reta] rank aap, Leap Hots Hin Len Darby Thomas eV shores. Casssid es WIPLNORE soa an Mai si and Ratinoed Sis Wholesalt 8 W. Daves, Clerk Q 8. {NL J Boyer, Pa, and will be presented to the suid H. J. Dodson, one of the best known (Amd Sixtern Were Injored-The vere | Nosntnated at the Cavens Held at the Gold. Fhenshurg, Pa, Jan. 31, 1809. stein Hall The Democratic party of Patton ‘Borough nominated the following ticket at a cancas held in the Goldstein hall Monday evening: Justice of the Peace John Ardell School Directors Ed. A. Mellon, Dr. v. A. Murray. Councilmen Frank Campbell, Thos. | Quinn, John t: Jordait Constable Wilbur J ackson. Judge of a M. J. Ryan Inspector Ed. Moore. Auditor Harve Lingle. A Clone Call. i A close call of what might have proved a stabborn and destructive fre ‘occurred in our town Wednesday . morning about 9 o'clock when the roof ‘of the kitchen of the Central hotel, of which John Yeckley is proprietor, was discovered to be on fire. An alarm i was sent into Patton Fire Co. No. 1 and i bad it not have been for the prompt ness in which the boys responded no For both Lady or Gentleman —All Kinds — Pretty or | Ugly. Prices Reasonable. A ~ Oh, Yes! we're head- quarters for {wassaved from destruction by the ef forta and appliances of the company. {The fire boys certainly deserve credit The LARGEST assortment and their efforts should be appreciated of Valentines ever brought by ail the encouragement that is possi- to Patton—- COMIC or FANCY. We can supply you « ith any kind Hi desire—for the ung, old, rich, poor, pretty, y | Hamenhr the old adage: “One good turn deserves another,” and see to it company of your town. Civil Serviee Examiaations, The Civil Servios Commission has issued its schedule of spring examina | tions for 1899. March 15th an exami- | nation will be held in Pittsburg for the | positions of apprentice, assistant cus _ todian, bookbinder, clerk. stenographer _iand typewriter, compositor, electro- [typer, elevator conductor, messenger, pressman, railway mail clerk, skilled laborer, stereoty per, tagger and watch. man. April 11th an examination will be held in Pittsburg for the postions | (of assistant in the Coast Survey, as sistant in the Department of Agriou}. | tare, assistant examiner in the Patent ~ Patton Pharmacy. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. citizens of North Cambria, who resided of 71 years ‘James, of Pittsburg; Edward and Wil. Loretto, and Mrs, to-day (Thursday) at Chest Springs, that place, doubt a mass of roins would now be in | the place of the hotel building, which structure 24x48 feet, comfortably and bie to offer them when they ask it | that it is applied in dealing with a fire : iwervec] daring the evening wish to have a good time don’t fail to Were Caught Unawares, in Allegheny township, about two miles south of Chest Springs, died Taesday morning of pneamonia, sup- erindaced by grip, at the advanced age He leaves a wife and sight children to mourn the loss of a devoted husband and kind father, viz: Thomnas, John and Frank, of Cresson; working on the railroad at the western opening heard the approach of a locomotive, tunnel north track, on which west-bound trains move, to the south track. The smoke in the tonne! prevented them from seeing the approaching loco- motive, which, in order to avoid obstructions on the north track, was running on the sébuth track. Rushing ‘out of the tunnel, the locomotive ploughed through the gang of work- men all huddled together on the south track. liam, at home; Mrs. Pios Cramer, of Albert Eokenrode, of Summit. Interment will take place after services in tee Catholic charch at | Oyster supper and Daore. An oyster supper and dance will be held in the new Grange hall at Si Aagustine, Wednesday evening, Feb- raary Sth, at which ail are cordially invited to attend. The hall in which the above mentioned festival x to be held has just recently been com. pleted and is a credit to that common. ity. It was erectad by St. Aogustine Grange, No. 1162, and is a one-story 1% were more or lesa seriously injured. None escaped without injury. The dead are: David Wilt, aged 40, killed instantly, and Thomas W.. The more seriously injured are: H. C. Hilt, gang foremen, ankle broken; George Smith, aged 23, lef leg broken; John Guyer, arm and nose broken; Henry Burkin, arm broken. Gallitain is the home of all the men. pleasantly arranged to suit the require- ments of that organization. The com- ‘mittee appointed to have charge of the supper and danca is composed of the ‘following well-known citizens: 8. A. Ryan, 8 M. Donglass, Joseph Behe, F. J. Nagle and T. M. Sheehan. All kinds of refreshments will also be if you was running empty from Altoona to Conemaongh to bring east a freight train. Notice of Appeals. The Commissioners of Cambria County will be at their office in Ebens- A Mustenin. burg, Pa, on the following days for Lol | the purpose of hearing appeals from A musicale, consisting of vocal and | pod ; instromental moske, will be held in the PF a 2 - wih Real Estate ac Gol n bail Monday and Tuesd y | Jiired by them, or where changes in evenings, February 13 and 14 for the valuations have been made on account . since the last benefit of St. Mary's Catholic church [of Japeos smenta She hih of Patton. An olaborate program is a ne : I per : . sons assessed with money at interest being prepared and 8 good evening's ob Ges entertainment is promised those who Judgere ta, : ele, taxable for Sate attand. Don't forget the date and purposes, and for making corrections place of holding, oo ¥ on) and Tuesday on the Military Rolls for 1899: . evenings, Febraary 13th and 14th, in ou Mendy, Farusey 37 4 | the Goldstein hall. ‘For Allegheny, Barr, Carroll, Chest, Clearfield, For Sapresse Court Yacaney, attend, hanna Twps., and Ashville, Barnesboro, which was running west throogh the The men all stepped from the One man was instantly killed, one died in the Altoona hospital, and © Sanker, aged 25, died in the hospital. HU H.R The locomotive that struck the men Juan BK i. Dean, Elder and Sosque- o'clock Sunday afternoon, when they Stated in the petitions places for which application is made: ASTEY TELE BORON Fares Hamlin IG Myers Pdi Fo MetCoy, BAENEERORG BOROUGH. John Hindet, Imvid J Bougher Maple On Rodger Bowen, Thomas Brown, “City Hotel”. “Commercinl Hotel” arruedns fan’. DD. Ritter, Rhrpand Avenue, i A. Wolesingle, “Gio Hotel HA HE TOWNSHIP Pl. A. Lather, St. Nicholas Hold HEACK LICK TOW NaSHIP Bitar CARBOLLYOW N BOfOUGH, reed Re roth, Wow i, cA Farsbaugh, Main Stree Cohn Glnweer, i Andrew H. Haug, P Yalios Hager © Ameriean How” Views! Reig and John Damn, Main a. wine Hotel" “ms [aw penes Hotel” ¥ Muoite, “Uentirnl Flotet™ ; RB Wirtner, Olt San Hrewery CARAGLL TOWNSHIP . Rirk patrick, “Falretew Hotel” CHENY SPRINOS ROROTGH A CLESMFIELE Pests Canoe Maries, A Hirn P. Nagle, Matthew Adload Joka Brown, Tiuew ¥ 1 allan, samnel Welly CHENEY POW NRRIY Hheodly Hoted POW RRM riingion Hytel -1 WEN TOI NIE. yh Mansi, aspnenctnl Hotel Ralorasi AY Jahn MeNalle, Junetion Hoge: "a Richard 4. Free, w KJ MoXNally, Cresson Browors {hell Mhoe!, © entrud Het Cotynet Wendel John Whi widd, Sumani, A pieberwon DEAN Tow NEM Hoek Horn Hotel iy. Soyber, Prva ERE NSEC EG Fast Wand: » isany, ERENAME te Mouininin Hous West Ward A. E. Bender, Hotel Bender A Uraver, Blaby Hose WM Kimball 1 snteal Hotel J. HB. RK. Shook, Metropolitan Hotel x. Ce, ELDER TOWNSHIP ‘JW Anna, The 8. Bonifees Hous Mitton M. Crain, S10 Boniface {Undo Hlotet ; BALLDPEIN SOROUGH. John Becher, Wholraais House “Fountain Hoos"... rfioe Sis Five Hoshenenhlorn' Aisgrstings Hotel, nL Net Cours for ita consideration on Monday, A gang of 2 teack repairmen were February 20th, 1509: Unless specially of the Gallitzin tunnel at 3 the residences of the applicants (as are at the DICKERS in Dint. designated below, | Deeds Recorded at Ehensburg ap to Date Friday, January #8 Samuel Dean et ux to Charles T. Dean, Reade; consideration, £1. Haden Ivory et ux fo Edward Ivory, Retail | Clearfield. $1. Retatl | foetall Retatl | John A. Baker et ox to Lawrence Warner, Hastings, $705. Martin Meagher ot ux to John E Retati Jorn, ( Tallitzin boroogh, $100, Hetni! . Petadl Relat) Betatl Brvwer | Hetntl Retail Beta Wisolesale wo Betas! Hota Hotter Hetatt Tolintl ail Hots Batu Retail Fetnil Hotnil Whales Hoar rembidenee Camilitzin, | Retail Fetal Hetadl addi Hetuil Hetnil Aleta Hetnil Hetail Hetil Retail | SW hitless fe Hetull Opposite Sichoo! Building. aa sme (pas FBG pi *Ahont One Dozen | Office, bookbinder, engineer, hospital! A special from Indiana says: Indi- steward, law clerk, local and assistant 20a friends of Judge Harry White will inspector of boilers, observer physician, urge Governor Stone to appoint him to seamstress, teacher, surveyor general, ‘the seat in the Hupreme Bench made etc. Thews examinations are for the vacant by the death of Justice Wil-| territory including Cambria and sur- lisms Judge White was a candidate rounding counties. for the nomination which Justice John | Dean secured at the State convention Presents for Supsrintendont Rabb, in the spring of 1892. Judge White Superintendent F. F Robb, who cn | has & good record aa a soldier, legis January 1, 1509, was transferred from lator, jurist and Judge. The Judge at | the Cambria & Clearfield division of [resent is iil { FN. Burk, Natiooa! Hotel HOE Danan, West Eod Hotel : Micha! Fitzlmrris, Cadlitein Hotel | | Frank Pollen, Chureh Strvet. i AJ Gratwald, uarey Street B, CGutwaid, © Heist & Cn, Mata Me, Feitence, Heigl, 1 Bayi. How, " Arodd Lene, Po Hotel John Logos, Massvitle House. | Ebner Nedaon, Central Hotel CA. Pudula, Thoms Strwet. Che © Rowkafeller, Juckwn Street i Henry Mey more, Portage Hireet : domph 4 TI Aue kan boner How Betail Retall Hetail Bartail Carrolitown, Chest Springs and lo. | retto Boros. On Tuesday, February 8 | For Cresson, Gallitsin, Munster, Reade, | Washington and White Twp, and Gallitzin, Hastings, Lilly, Patton, Spangler und Tunnethiil Boros. On Wednesday, March 1 For Johnstown City, (21 wards |. Om Thursday, March 3 Por Lower Yoder, Richland, Stony- | Lewis Spiegelisaiter, 81, Thomas Street GALLITEIN TOW NSM iv. genp Eichenisot, Esti tnt Siret. W holuale | Whiotemnle | Hetall Heating Stoves to sell ‘cheap. Now is your ~ chance to get a good stove the P. R. R., to the Monongahela di- vision, was on Saturday a week pres. | ented with & diamond scarf pin set pe with pearls, a silver water pitcher and for little money. a by Sho gumploves of th the Cambria & Clear- | = We would like tO geld division. The affair took place at do some plumbing spout- ‘the Anderson house, Cresson, the ing or tinwork for you. | | presentation speech being made by 1 ok 1 1 east window and Pamenger Conductor Stiffier. Johns Tribune. see some of our work. *o™™ Tune All work guaranteed. fortunate to receive injuries which | necessitated his being unable to prac- tice medicine for the past seven months, | wishes to smnounce to his patrons, friends and others that he is again able to attend to duties of his profession and can be found at his office at resi. dence on Fifth avenue. All calls day Rindy to Hesse Practiee immediate attention. Geand Masquerade atl, Patton Fire Co. No. 1 will bold the promises to far eclipse any former af-' fair of the kind ever held in Patton. you wish to witness a great treat buy a Heket and attend. Millage Reduced. Commissioners held one day last week | $5.00, $6.00, $5.60 and o to 3 mills. Women's Warm Shoes. No use of suffering with coid feet { when you can get A Paigof 31.58 Shoes for $1.25 “ “ 1e5 1.00 “ou 1.00 75 At Miller's White Shore Store. | Boys’ suits at $1.00 and $1.50 at Wolf | A | x line of Hardware and Stoves. Give us a call | ‘aus sec for yourself af “3 .& £4 Patton, Pa. | i 2nd Dr. J. B. Noonan, who was so un-| or night will receive prompt and Latheran church organization in the been sent: out and the ¢ coming event | to be present. If At a meeting of the Cambria County Courier office. & Thompson's store, Good Sullding, | Gould & Beeser for first-class plumbing, | & 3 i oto, ‘creek and Upper Yoder Twps, and : Daisytown, Dale, Ferndale, Roxbury, Scalp Level and Westmont Boros, On Friday, March 3 Por Adams, Conemaugh, East Taylor It Was & Good Show. The *“Old Kentucky Home’ com- ! pany, which exhibited in Felt's hall on Wednesday evening presented a very | creditable exhibition. A good crowd was in attendance, and it resembled J timea when every traveling show used to draw a crowded house. — Brock. | wayville Record, At Hastings Opera House to-night (Thursday, February | East Conemangh, Rosedale and South | Fork Boros. On Saterday, Mareh § son, Portage and Sommerhill Twps., Easier Cosass on April 2d and Ebensburg, Portage, Summerhill Easter is alwiys the fit Sunday 0d Wilmore Boros. : after the fall mon which happens upon| The Assessors are required to be, or next after the 21st day of March, Present at hearing of appeals for their and if the full moon happens on a respective Districts. ‘Sunday, Easter is the Sunday after. Beny. Jones, It may occur as early as the 23rd of ABRAM HOSTETLER, March or as late as the 25th of April TroMAs HOOVER, This year Easter falls on April 34. | Attest : County Cowrs. a re - : Joux C. Gare, Clerk. Pe. hi Special . SS pe Commer Oe, a, Jan'y { Good hall, commencing Tuesday oven. : Chinrfleld Postmastership. ing February 7th, and continue until J. M. Chase, father of Dr. C. Ernest Sunday, February 12, when communion Chase, dentist of Patton, has been rec- services will be held in the morning ommended by Congressman Arnold, as Everybody is invited | | postmaster at Clearfield, Pa. The ‘term of the present postnaster ends | February 12th. The following persons, | | besides Mr. Chase, were candidates tor ‘the office: Capt. J. E Harder, J. H. ‘ Martin, Capt. G. D. Rank and PP. A ‘Gaalin. ja A lady's plush collaretie, on the {road between Patton and the Clark | school house in Clearfield township. Pinder will please leave same at the Notice! "Cheap John Stare. All perwons knowing themselves in- the millage was reduced from 4 mills, po carrying a fall line of flour | debted to the Corner Drug Store, ‘and feed 1 have added to my store, Patton, Fa, are requested to call at ‘ which will be known hereafter as the | once when a settlement will be made. “Cheap John Store,” a full line of | Persona having bills against the store | groceries, canned goods, tobacco, ete. | or the late H. D. Hasson, are also : It will pay you to call if you wish to requested to present same for settle ‘save money. All goods fresh and of ment. All bills not paid within 30 days ! best quality. JOHN (GANTZ, Fourth Avenue. | the Peace for collection. You cannot do better than to cali on : Sophia G. Hassox. Men's $10.00 suits will go at $6.37 at Estimates freely given.-44tf our store. WoLr & THOMPSON, i 3 § i ‘and West Taylor Twps., and Franklin, 13 J For Blacklick, Cambria, Croyle, Jack- | LIONrge Sy | Robert will be left in the hands of a Justice of Thotnis Moore, Delaney Hoge oth MN, HN John A. Pa ng MeMallen, Balers Mines MANTINGS BOROUGH rM Raney: PEL. Beckwith, Hastings Hotel id Drouin, Edward Kelley, Grove Hotel Rusquehann House: Central Holel , Nagle Hotel Besver Ntrewel. # Parks Hoos, F George ML. Sebel, Sebel! Bulldiog Frank Wargs, American Boose John Ik John Westover, Fifth Ave FAUKHON TOW NRHP Weantroth, Vistoudaly Tan LLY BOROETGH Cin FF. Helly, Union House James MeoCann, KR Steel Pairiek NeCaon, Washington Hoawe Thosnas J. Neanian, Haat House itiadr short, George House : ! Reshert Smith, Lilly House 1. D. Stier, Main Street LAHETIV BOROUGH Englehart Bengede, Main Street, fuwn | timnnsr & Co, Charles IF. OF Donnedl. PATON ROBOUGRTE #4 Dugmett, Patiser House AR Fryckland, » Hoech vay rondo Jk Ang Ave, pew, Joh Wholesale ' John Hunter, Fifth Avenue _ Hodesd. W holessie | . Retuil Retail Retail etal Petal Retail Retail Hotail Hetall Retail) atait Wiholesmle Kd A. Melon and Matthew NC Nan Mages Avenae wh | William Mellon, WL. Nicholson, Patton Hotel Comercial Hiatal ese ie Retail Hasta Tonn LL. Yeekiey, 12h Ave 8 Lang Ave Retail PORTAGE BOUBOUGH Paarl Vlaek leman, Yeokivy House A Browning, Exehaoge Hotel Afam sinith , Lh Brown, W A. Chaplain, Alpine Pe A Donper, Lape H Valentine J. Monin, jain A Nowl, Liovdseilie John J. Lingenfelter, Diehl House. | Frank PP. Mortison, Bailroad rod Main Street, residences, (8453 twp : or iY Frartaie House, PORTAGE TOW NKMLY Wiliam H. Edwards, Jamestown Fialer, Jaimesiown READE TOWNSHIP Artington Hotel Flodad teed laa by 5 Fomephs Wit, Dwpuot Hostel SPANGLER BOROUGH Hishard Bowen, Jeswph A. tray, Liywn Malin Steet A. 1 Hopped D.. . ®ailivan, Hite! Sullivan ey Retall Hetuil Retail Retail Washi Whilesale Hetnit Hetand Hetil Hotutd JE Hotasl Hetail Retail - Hetil Rotait Brandon, | residence Carpodls .. Retadd Hastail Heal . Westover and J. M, Notley, Crawford Avi, SUMMERNILL Moa LG ! Joho Giri, ss Francis Kurs, Carpenter Hoase , Willinmn Lam nissan resides, fe Nutiew, 5%, Muiin Street 3, Myomerhiil Mikean a, "a : Hastings, {Wholesale i & Pa, Hetail . Retail Fenidienios Retail Christina {ameron to W. W. Ams bry, Allegheny, 8533 John Kneelly et ux to John Resetar, | Susquehanna, $45. Joseph A. Baker et ux lo Martens “nenmercisl Hotel” Retatl | Elder, Patton, $850. John Lantay et ux to Joseph Lantay, : Elder, $7,000. Spangler provement company to | Joseph Lantzy, Jr., Spangler, $300. An Old Printer Dead. 8 A. Burkinbine, one of the oldest printers and newspaper publishers in ‘Central Pennsylvania, Sid at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Godcharles, Milton, Pa., of pneumonia, last Thurs day. He established the Lewisburg Chronicle, and was for years one of the proprietors of the Eimira Gasette. He was once State Printer of Loulsana. Remember if you want fo save money bay your goods at the Cash Grocery. u Nn S at cost. | Lamps a Toure, Heating Stoves, best quality, at prices that will induce you to buy this year, ‘Ranges, the Jewell, Dockash, Ete. —None better,and prices awaydown. PATTON Fl DEETRICK, Moar, Yeager B'ld'g, Patton, Pa. at the exact cost of manufacturing them-—the makers stand the heavy losses incurred by selling them at such low prices. will join in the great Sale" by offering rare a a during this week. We want you to come and vist us at this time. GABLE & CO. 1220-22-24 11th AVENUE, } Altoona’s Biggest Store. NASAL NS i comm r—e— : 1-3 30 Lo END SALE
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