Farming ¥rom Experiences. Every farmer learns much each Year about his business by the ex: perience he gains, It is the most valuable knowledge, provided the farmer has learned to discriminate as fo the trie caase of snccess or failure, - It will at least teach twice the capacity of his own soil and loeation. While | farmers read with interest what other farmers have done in other localities, it does not affect them as does de- cided surcess or failure in their own neighborbocd. What one wan in any locality has done others may siso do if they have like soil and condi- | tions. Almost zl the special crops that are grown in certwin neighbor- hoods are the result of experiments made st first with much donbt, but when proved a success, inciting others | to imitate the example. In such case the pionrer who imtrodnees such crops | benefits the entire neighborhood quite ga much as himself. He is x injared by the sumpetition of his neighbors, for whatever the farmer grows there is sure to be so large » market for it that the production of a large amount calls purchasers from a distance, so that the farmer can sell at his own dgors instead of marketing his special Brop at a distance, An inaividoal success, no matter on how d a scale, cannot create snch » home market. — American Cultivator, For Dryl ng Fruit. Fruit may be dried in the house daring the winter. Have a shallow box with wire netting bottom. Sap- port this against the wall back of and ot ters {than the main { this, #8 than this one ean find money in | ithe business, Besides, it gives the | poultry grower work to do at what is generally conaiderad 8 lazy season of | the year, In faot, there is more money to-day in raising spring chick. branch of this business, stick to the beaten tracks sre the ones their enterprise. Bat every one will not succaed in raising spring chick- ens, and it is well that this is <0, for It takes shrewd busines to make the overdone, Ltaet, pxact knowledge, work profitalde. In the first place one mast have a Cwarm houss snitable for the chickens, It does not take a large one to socom. modate 100 chickens, bat it mnst warm, well ventilated and even ternmerature. This ia tha first re. ‘qnisite, The house should be loestad so that it will receive the sun through the glass most of the day. The sit. Lin batohing expe, and those that show i an inclination to neglect the eggs shhonld he discarded. Thesitters must be fed separately when off the nest so { they will not be bothered and worried by ths others The sitting house should be room, and the nests should be arranged in rows. Each hen will lsarn to know herown nest, Water as well as food must be provided the hens daily, When the chicks are hatehed they must be kept togéther in stall colonies free from cold winds and storms. They must be kept gros- ing all the time, and good food, water aud clean snrroandings will aocomplish the table shanid be their Naw hatehings shoald of the time, so diet. be tude all market, I§ is astonish. ing how many oan be raised in P will find more profit than can be made on era po A RANDY DETING APPARATYS, arranged as indicated in the secom. pe Bying illustration. There is a much ~ better plan than stringing each piece of appl e upon twine thread. ¥mproving Old Stables. There are thousands of old and poorly constructed stables, sheds and the like all over the Northern Ftates in which seattle are kept daring the winter. These are often so cold that the ground freezes solid. Such shel. ter is very inadequate and results from a lack of building material in | r of the prairie States snd also | st of farmers to provide comfort stables even when the material is st hand. On all farms where grain is | raised these stock barns ean be made smfortabile with the straw, If it can | baled so much the better. Place a of bales on the iuside of the wall just as you would lay brick, ng of course the mortar. When top is reached place a board or on the top bales Te keep them in from the old ehiekens all throug Year: A Portables Fence, {In locations where fences are neces. i sary for keeping p above the kitchen stove by wire bounds or for enclosing saat] sreas of land the portable fence here illustra Me., is nigpety-two years ofl, bat This fence and the ted is a great convenience, is made of boards or slals, { best 1uatorial is cheapest both for posts and sate, long, square. heveled The paneis are eight feet ‘The tops of tbe nprights are so that they jon closely A CHEAP AND USEFUL FEXOR, tom i i% an desir od. The fies may ba ade with threes, four or five boards, according to the nse to whigh it 18 to it is impracticable to have the r baled it can still be nsed with ood as fence as high the wall of the building five or six foot outside of it and have it made | ratively tight by placing the | ; ‘boards used not more than | ne foot apart. Fillin the open space | be pat in tfoniee, if 8 barbed wire is used at the top, tao fest spread ai the bottom will be sufficient, thoueh for a taller fence two and a lial feat spread will be bet ter, ln setting the fence ins location where high wis nds prevail, a staks may { be driven in the ground at every third Lar fourth panel, sel so that it will oo Se s een the fences and the building | | flat avsinnt the buasds ars] he pated vith straw and tramp it dly us possibly. If flax straw can | used this makes the best kind o fig. It is impossible for the wind o blow through thie, and the stable: be us warm as need be New |! ind Houeatogd, Churning Good Natter, Have just taken out of the charm a bateh of gilt-edge butter, and al. | igh we use milk from but one cow, get just much butter at every | ur ing, and oars thres times ‘eacn down as | in that position. Byplaing the lower board fifteen inches from fie and plowiap a forvow vash a a. banking i ap to the board, fewer slats will be require]. This ar. rang ened leaves a depression aout erognd of the aH i edhit inches deep thres feel frog the { fer fon wit tnther side of 31, into whieh | the attomi's forefest will go,and place him in ow position where he cannot | reac dily jnmyp. Atlanta Journal, Ed nsive Roz Growing. The rapidity with which a herd of = tops will ineresae bas besn mainly re- milk stood twonty four hours, | ion the cream was taken off and put | the cream jar. Fach time creem ded to the jar the whole was | ghiy stirred. When the churn. | Jur» hail tearupfal of | milk atid a teaspoonful of salt stirred in, the whole set in a eizhtesn hours to open, n was scnlded with boiling een poured in, aud after : the cream looked bat. i i i were Trad with warm wer, t the butter formed the | Laponaible Laat growing hogs as a buss. ness ought to be eiceslingly profit. table no animals more than a year old less they ars Kept for breeders, and | to keep "all frea from disease, 1f large numbers of hogs are kept in a herd, and fed mainly otesrn or other beatin food, dispsase is almont sure to occ ar. 1t it were not for this the cheap corn of the West would long ago have brought pork prices 20 low that Uastern farmers evuld not produce it for sale. Bh. provide pork for their own use. { Beoping #0 few most of the food con sumed is refuse that would otherwise of Putter was aaa was then taken trod the churp to | ' with a wooden butter ladle, | i er pressed oat sod the but. nie a square cake, gelling in this way, bat little : Js needed, and no second required. y roands tedious to some y Ih if it is not really so. pe s.customed to this way nit they hr tell exactly when to runing to have the butter just ma Clearwaters, in Farm, Fireside. fn Sods of living are rming in many par- ERAS, To increase the namber | crease in the a Yet en is ® | good deal more refase food at some i times of the year than at others, and more than hogs saficient for : the liwme pork supply cin econsame, | Wherever a farmer finds that he is getting overstocked with pigs he can keep them growing, and keep them heaithy, too, by planting each year a quarter of an acre in beets, to be used the following winter wher sncculent food is scarce. With such a beet pateh grown every year it will be easy to secure the largest resanlis from all the grain fed to fattening hogs. The { beets also increase the milk flow in sows, and even the small pigs will begin to eat them after they are seven or eight weeks old. The trusts now in existense in & ni omens at Atty cents 3 pound are profitable, and even at mneh | ¢ FEE » . who never make a great deal ont of | wile, gently : straight to the point. | seend to petty fnlsebood in an idle at. . . {tempt to conceals his real motives and othierwive the husiness would soon be feelings. Che isn't C wishes to avord gush and ooo over somebody and th talk sbont him behind his back. says what he the shoulder and never takes any be it back,” in mitist be selected for their success darker it all down : asebod ¥ who jen't Warn: ransh, bread, ontmeal sud | ; seraps from : elie! daily that younger chicks will taks the place of {those sent to is the nailed to aprights two inches together when the 8; presd at the bots | France C paused Gerpian 90 making as three board Cfo | ; AN London So itis if care 1s taken to keep ements were eqaally crowded, of farmers grow only enough Sia to | two, and in no case more | rooms to each fanuly of from one to : twelve, and that aver 2,006), 000 i in an overcrowded condition.” | quarreling violentiy the ot CAN Amr “The hypocrisies in which women i indnlge are very fatiguing,” remarked ! Mr. Bivkins, with that lofty and irri- tating air which ke adopts when he { feels like lecturing, scoording to the Washington Star. shams are as foolish ax they are an : ! | necessary | ens and winter eggs than in any other y- 3 { *P3a you think they are c:nfined to | Those who | inquired his | forminine extatonee?’ “OH econrse they are He doesn’t de. He doesn’t send word that calls He doges't He o has to say straight from oof thiore are widen it “Don't you think that little conventional Sotions is inet ax well to employ, if only for the | sake of me's own sell respect?’ Naver! This worid wonld get on twice a4 smoothly ¥ nobody smd any- thing he dido’t absolately mean.” “By the way, she eo reinimed, abruptly changing the subject, “did yon write to Mr Saunidly to-day, as you said yon were going to?" “Yes, And there's s case in pr int. [ didn't mines words with bisa. 1 pnt in bisck and white. [I told hire exactly what I think tie is snd then looked ina book of synonyms for more words, It rood, of eomrse, | it isfaction to call his attention 0 hime seif and lst him kuvow that there ia to be fooled by his hypooritiosl toask. “How id you sign the fetter?” “With my own nse, of wonida't send snvthing anonvmons “What did vou put nama Why, int WES SOIC 8 28 CF owente the nsnsd Yours vary respecifally’ a smnil | Bouse by hastehing out pew broods i every two weeks, and by spring one And than Mr. Bigkins relapsed into silence, CURICUS FACTS, Sones BA SS A Bd Bicycles are now largely place of horses on cattie ranches it takes of TI AEN tons ou 3 thi i make the posinl cards 1h dr sheer thie rg . : HER OY RGD WITRID United States ench VisRE in Hailowaii A BIT. The eaxliiar of a bank tends to offietal doti Manx is the bast to ing, as 11 has ninety which to say “My dear.” Th opinion of the London Mang Society, nis i Fearn nrae for court ARTE WEYE ID in in the Some of the peonie in Eng have fanuly crests show gard for them by haviag toned on their pet dogs, uriand who Shier Rich re You thie bestow cen & * Ra #5 Tara forelegs, The sensation of . 15 A Foung Nwiss giant, stantin by name, who is sriusing the audiences at the Folios Bergera., He is over eight feet tall snd wo wask in the knees thst he can soa &iy "AK Clover sickness. that often ruins Patent . a snnmbn disease clover POE G8 etifeata Uo samEe ox Ther now say hist faroiers be abla to inoeuiate their ax Human beings may be periments, will soon tand treated, There a fish found in Hadson Bay which abhsolntely hailds a pest, This it does by juoking up pebbles in its mouth and placing them io & regu. lar way on a selostad spot on tha hat. the hay, where the water » Dot very deep inst is Distressing ns her bead duced Saral Lonrs, an elderly to week relied ut Mary Ralladepuin, The we aH TE Ainge vered Bi ier bad & esl eR, ar ad he quickly rempved i Sraader Filoee® 1 Mt % hospital, PERE pr { oibon. wereraw ding un A corrpagpond ax $a the fast rejugt Uonmziten very gravels the urgency of the hoasiny He groves startling fonres; “The report saxs that in census discloses that 214.540 lived in one-roowied tenems is manimising the evil ict FY pearios. There were S85 AN 80 Bor ribiy crowded, The report says that 128,000 persons lived from four two twelve in a rodma This 1s trae of sne-raomed tennments, hut other ten. and the eensns proved that no less than INL 300 persons lived from four to twelve anid even seventison to a room, Farther, the censax dmciosed that flimt INI) the PATRONS ik iis | there were no less than 1,730,000 who | ane or lived in tenements containing than thres jived These figures are appalling, but even if they exceed the trath, there can be © little doubt that the action resalved on . by the Coanail will come not a day wo : BOON. Pigs nnd Witeheratft. Tao wom tower class were her EYeniag Exeter, aber, wey of the Heaviiree, a subarbh of England. One yelled to the “You wreteh, you always Keep a black and a white pig, so that you can witch us; you ought to be seragped! one #0 addressed, 11 seems, in her cottages some !wenly years, She bas daring this period, it is said, always kept a couple of pigs. cue of | eack color, and her neighbors con. sider she does this so that she enjoy the very questionable powers of witcheraft. No butcher in the neigh- borhood will buy her pigs, as, if he was known to do so, he would ecer- tainly lose the local custom upon which be relies, “These social | { killed after a thrilling experience in | A man goes | in when somebody whom he won't do soy | The | bad lived | Shot, ors aad Haunted oe on Limb. i Colonel Peter MeClalland, of Waco, { Texas, recently got a letter from George Wold, his stepson, giving a graphin aroount of 8 bunt in Jo¥ ' Davis County, in which a pumas was which narrow sucapes Were made hy the writer and his companions, George Wold is a dashing cowloy Cand hin seasooiates are also eowho PE, They rida and shoot with the eas» and soonracy characteristie of the South- west. The region in whieh the hamt | took place is not far from Fort Travis, ! «a fu the haunt wera J. PF, Weath. 13, Maolkern, (reorges Wald, hert Adair and (0. J, Palmer, vik {4 Fears. esd, but rich, ww one Ee +f Toxas, f 24 8 monniin 5, the vallevs being partien. ha Jong grape voearly Lid The cowboys It is gr % sl af the 4 & ; soarling gz ealvex, send trade wiioh thew ave oni to slaughter in order to tacks and herds in the range, t the proftectic the herders wanld be exterminated. The awhoys recently shipped a car- load of wolf skins to be converted into ‘yugs, They have now begun the work of extermanating which vrowl in the hills An entitle to an extent that has aroased {tha rancamen 1o obo in hia fetter 10 his parents Garde Wold tells of the arcitement following panthers, Fowhiyel can be t night gitering i a wall which approximates closely to ; { ababy. The wed tha marks on of the claws pats, whose of the tig aed 8 sap arsl i sisugiter henrd £ aes yy gunners eT bi Ee STRIL Re3ET (Ei a 5 i os aly i tor the ki ed a Mex. g 11d od wows him to 2 of the fnnst specimens fhe iio wat stenling a thn pow detectsd to the STW ean nim owing a sii ade carer was ihe fehal be paglacted syed, and the gaa- ealing the $m, & ap dor SBE SAK Bove Fis i lion was »t and pot ta 1} whe the sla‘ hed b rippled iF by Baiints, he Ie gee 4 wiidly od his inte the aur natil a aria ‘srttie ds ward Kis neck and the wighty brite ended his hie havging 1a the air. jt hb A A AF A BA I 4 Kewapapers in the Sehonle, The use of fio sehodls is growing fro year, Teachers A: ad wit WAY of mre ane their pails than by pHa hands live newspapers At ihe mesting of the hiresiors Asso. | pation of Monteomery County, FPenn- sylvain he are in bell Big pian we your to that there BO 4 roventiy, one of ng why sewspspers should iementary resding in bs sid thet what to B58 ” how to i that § # Just na perusal of u wo i edited paper ¢ Sa 3 tha be =ildering Hetion of modern ww taxd ak E is true, (int a boy to read a saws-atary aad he mont Jak, it ut th # ta 3 Pods pd at oy Th _ Rw WR 5 i al San Jaan or tiie saad IF Suntiago ony whist we SE TaeY tei thw ix Luwn Bik eveR alia vear from : Pili hie is nok iva iren Giferones ad hewslks, Ci dren good, clean, newspapers to read and thew will wight, intelll- Hell The more Batter 1%- DE WSpADET practeeal, Piet It treats of wakes, of vital isanes, and the chal san see Lhe retwesn it the wiry % the chil FeRiialis aL va develop into b ani worsen. are need tha sand will be the scholars graduated the public Fourth wWanghers 3 gohiotie alate, HSH 5 SA Bo Linen - Making in Mecien The eyrvens of raising Sax in Mex- fees gat tring the mills, The factory st San 18 wy #ax from Belfast, Ireland. has been need, but Jalses fan will be used from now on, Flax 1s not nd igascu, to Mexico, bat it assimiistes to th soil and the climate in many parts of the repabliz. 13s cnitivated sascess- fallv in 8 wigtes of Mo al iota PP Jie, igervera, (sae Panamata and Vera Crag. When at ita worst, Sax grows from eivhitesn Inches tor two feel in height not only for the wil prodaet, = tos] wan start ad ae x » £5 walos, FTAINT . Mexico and at Han Las Potosi ndusiry is strongly Meri isan: tariff {im this coqniry 13 near i ablic in 1802 to the smount of 180 0 bP 1 { regiepent Iw kilograms, and in 15¥08 to the amount of 47,000 kilograms —5t Louis Globe. Democrat. 4: a AAR A A SSH Jolt | anty has net hess organized © io y £ cattle in skins of wild frequently afforded | on the panthers : one of the newspapers in the pab the speak. TH iri enfabiishing of | 1 Lais Po (of Heretofore | A BACHE LORS WEALTH AREER i i : Aroording to Ingtrotany, Helatives Li a Bosrd i anit Discover %8 Goo in Dokl Which Decensnd Had Vecreund, ‘in the house ast W ednasdiry. Bet, of Allegheny. requiving and other conveyances of real te be registersd in the «Mes County Commissioners Before i rreorded in the office of the tof Diewsds By M:Fariane, of Allegteny, Lpriating $48.000 to the Western co towns (Thee. Aste teid of the i and paper Tiiiah Buckea- ahr, Haodlared | iy and An e¥- ovtn lariosed & pit- the tengegre Potian fio Bis Fin i broth Bins pri ; wing pen granted i fees ie rE 1 i A to 317 Jom | ARE PCIE Pe =i PH: 3 any FF. Pein Hora GO i 4 hy rte : myivania CEO ME 1h The medical and Iofeirn- Humans Associntion rartient of the Wasmsrn Py a Himpital at Pittsbare. Yih Arsomg the bills introduced In the Frouse Thursday were: HBy Robinson, of Allegheny, repesling the act of May WAR : 3, 7 3 5 - ET relating to AssepEments nici improvements, repealing ho Bet % af Iare % and 3 Fi bi. relating public impr Yemen Br Nishet, Alirgheny, reguinting ranting of Erase certifdoates to ase Fein Speaker Pare wes Friday mead the appointment of Honey af Priladedphia, as hs cork following: Chaplain W. GG. api hin. fireman on floor, Allegheny fires Wiliam H Jones, of eomt room, John janitors of pom Oliver. Allee Py Forest: HW. WW. Flantings he cv: BF Tatts Ti- jantors of Haxements, Henjamin Admire. Perry: Posse Frans Allee of Sein 1% Phila As Trae Pong af Li gheny: WO Bingemas, Northumbes- % Ril hy Ww & KE FP Neg om Thornten, Eis en. Wa resturs 3%; Fork, 58 to BI 3 rv iihie 8 to § Cin ynbarg. Yeh i Alipay, 38 Io Behradar, Naw Hey Graffin, Altes i FP Hail Spring : Broth, Altona, 9) unt ingdom, u te 4 EAN e he M Kirk al a H. dan 2 en Fi tbe $0. 2 Jon | 8; lev | Thoms | dames Clark, Jueoh Mo roe, Wagoer, KE rEhure 1a Paartimra Wi AATTOWCY AL Sruart an eastbound tran Pay for ha starts Loa WOrEman ayul gave 8 ree i The az Beal mi RAD Teeeyend to Ws £48 wigral ¥ wr Ee far. rotired 3 red i hae S54 Faas a tho guestion Ri : visientiy than Mise Mpitheows | hig aerast asd he was Boe i £ Thin He two FS dla Wistar's Per Wehr Thay ever, avd Miss Mat ihews bBroasht sui Amant himg for caus way fired and fhe a verde tl agarnsy hr, = “atl ar reed shirt inter ar the ard Coden furnace pliant sy Comeall five fran Lebanon, a few Saye ag Wage baker and wisn Y broken tel the re ie BAY ¥s| a¥ Danss ries Th frucsi fein dhe and wipers (3 Alois. WaT a FRiny 11s way Faris 3 pis Fit Pokhe war with ¢ thom of { and. Lenaw, The Renate confirmed Ine Ww. BOC PEERY Jonn P. Eiash nominn- W. Greist, of Lancaster for Af state inet Wednesday. Elkin was confirmed for ate | torney- general. but not untill some Bit. tor remarks reflecting upon bis past sword had been imduiged in Senstor nn of Pitisharg, rebelled against 8 salon of Lieu: -Qov., Clobin, who : presided Af the joint secession and was LAO gined Pry 135 members a th houses The ssnalors action Bssd upon a raling to the offeey appeal fravy the decision of the tn order vt for acmator Wellnese changes fromm the fig. A MII was intro. 3 tv hy Mitchell, of Bradford sy x jeg $108 ME for aw additional hospital for the insane in the poetharn dlateict of Penpsyivanis, Tra Ssaariral deadlel wae ae be Graldny as on 1Be previius A 3 nator Quay Bad 111 votes out of awe Sess thas be Bad on the Sst 3 B wg ito, ! Senator Martin imtrodacsd g BH for In regard to the Mell Martin says: ; the most important any ation be the sholtion ums and the cirele. Al for the several offices wilt x aresnged in Rroups, gnster (he doe shaesd wh at Toosdny, in hia Wn Vit pn of fhe: PATLY randidates Thee mame of every o sndidate of his ne “Potie ving that the best interests of the enpls o Sate at large are sof gorrved a law which premits x few rein noses Jlodality fo nominate 8 roll fekar which mast Be prifited pen 8 atlote fo he voted in avery countY, | have provided that bodien of citizens naming State candidates by nonin. i ih a 5 wig From syery county in the Coamemonwe ith ! Friday Renator Miia WAS fe iY cota 53 SX In inex Her Box id JAs Or fe Die aniy Ange in the vole was Mr, fis of Mercer, whe chanesd from Mr, Diteell ta Me Tuble Theres were #1 stmentesn 81 Friday's session ie aif of therm being paired Mr. £011 threes votes bekind Ris vote of Thareday and Mr. Rice one vote The IT egietators Yoting Saturday tn jsint Assembly balloting for reiined States Renstor were only sig Hadar 0 & ghorum, Boss waning the allot would Mave hess taken sccording to prevalent in the deadlock of 1881, Quays 0 votes wars 13 shed the 87 : Siero Yoatarday Five Thursday, T4 Wadnesday, 4 i : 11: and Tuesday. the Af tha Pere Hones, hare {he the NE he riage aM Saturday. PROMINENT PEOPLE. Lod Salisbury dotoats walking. Admiral Seller frogunently samoses Blme if by painting fis water solrs, vienaral Wheslsr used (he same spars tn Spats thal be weed io the Livi War, 2 een Vietoria (8 a lnege stosRholier in she Commercial Cable sad Postal Tale graph Company. : Compt Tolstsl declares that Se Sas fo thank his bioyele and hie vegeiavine diet for the robust health which be spjoys of the age of saveniy, Tos Hilltary Order of the Foreign Ware Caf the United States will presest te Ale miral Dewey tive godd (nxignis of the Order, of whieh be iv 8 Joeinber. Senator Fairbanks of Indians, i= said to Doh ote of the geastest venders ia the Sane : ala I sketehen Ali sew books, sspesinily Metory amd fietion, are at once purchased by him Poter Dunne, the sathor of the Dosley frat amme infe notice 5% A SWE paper hamorit on the Chiongo Brenig Post, managing editor of the Clhirags gave niare piraine cpr fwinnd He aR her og se lper # * Mitiar made an fonztid the badly { a min abant IR years | camel The dead man | cating foul pinay, ck, men of Dr John irepnabare ied 8 few ape TA The Poy was ane frank fropn A spring al RTE BR wo S41 thse apn All kien with tephaid fever tw The others ire CORVE IE & younger min of Mais Shine ly B adding ye Bi ir, wd feed mers fromm the night Ha RErViR 4 tray 5 Risen Foglish gael Wah Flax is raised | slain bat linen : is being mannfactured in the City of | ader The | te protected hy the | lie best flax grown |, Caernaraca, The flax of that locality possesses the | may peculiar siikiness and luster charac. | i teristic of the Inia flax, and bo which |. the American flax is & stranger. Linen |: | Soda were manufactured ig the re. | ! pre Bats indy in- he pednie af Lite Wiabhington Are sr irand becaise & mised prod red val Ares which have recently oo. If any more of his predic. prove trae. he is lable to be summarily desir with Washing frism¥s of the Tenth | rn that the acldiers’ Christmas hoses are still at San Pran- eisra. but will he carried to Mautia on a transport sailing late this month. ‘He ts a lawyer, a gradiste of asked ‘ yon ars the mg i ter | gall joined, drowned the rer CM. MeUlusky's retort iy five minutes before Abate a year ago he became the Reprasentative Waite of Nomh € | the anly eolored man in the House, — few of the facial charsoteristios of ont : University, and is described as modest and nnAssNm ing. : William B. Alliasn, of lows, in pow the grand old man of the United Arates Senate : His Congresdonal saresr which dutes bust to (MA includes four sonsscative terme | thes House, and he is now serving his | © asnsecutive term in Ue Saale, General Marcus P. Wilier, who is In come mand of the Dalla axpedivion, has ben 10 | the army sines [RAR and will reach f ? Himit next Marsh, Durioe the Civil War he was besvaltad Captain, Major, Lieatens { ant-Colonsl and Colonel for gallaatey, Major-General Ladlow the Miltary Gow. : arnor of Havana, i sapesiaily wall dtted {ta sarry our the work proposed hy the Isle ; Cloned George EK. Waring, Jr. General Ladioa’s montation has beak 9 cehinfly ann civil engigecr he is ma one of the leading sanitary wero this spualry. Wo rets Chowte Was Ruled An wunpubiished y _ about Mn Ohowte tells of the time his Sede enity was ever ruffed phile © PEE questioning a witness I{ Was during a famous will case and Felix Mee Chsaky, formerly doerResper of the House of Representatives. was the “Now, Mr. McClusky ~ tnsinuatively Xr Choate, isp’t I Due ern Munchhauses™ second bBacksuard that I WIL nean. HRT an tens LHe Chas asked me that in a week,” roared Mer Josxy. “An The roar of langh- in which Surrogals Haliins and 1 was | went | again. Had a asorum