fehes and sustains atl the organs, nerves, ‘muscles and tissues of the body. Hood's Barsapariila makes warm, rioh, pure blood. It fs the best medicine yon ean take in winter. It tones, invigorates, strengthens i and fortifies the whole body, preventing -solds, fevers, pResmonta and the grip. : 8 Amacers Grp I Hood & Co.. Lowell. Mase. Hood's Pills ene re tk Headache. Be. Catareh Canoot »e Cnred - With loeal appli the seat of the 4 &, eonstitutinanl dion ASST in arias ter £3 re "wi Ou ust tak remedies, Hall's Cae rh Cure da tak reetiy on the Hood Catarrh Care iv nota goa] “if Ded hy ¢ rp of Lie CEPR TLey £4 rips HY It 18g romped ¢ of the est bom is p § with the best Bhan] puri. Ry om the pinomis ag rfaress, the tw Ingredis A burst he gorfect sinnation of § what produces such wonderful reanits | {osm fa curing, Cafarch Send for testitnon nis PI OCRESEY Kv BP pops, Toledo, 0 Sot by Brus wgtete, price, He, Hall's id Pills are the best At a rough estirnate thers are 15. WOM0 pairs of gloves imported thin country carh year. Boa't Tebaccs Spit and Smoke Your Life Away, Po quit tehacso easily nnd forever be mag aetie, foil of ite, meres god vigor, take No To into THIRTY-SIXTH DAY. The House reversed the decision of the committees of the whole inst Frie day when the appropristion for the support of the clvil service commission was stricken out of the legislative, executive and uadicial appropriation bill. In eomenities, where members do not po oon record, the appropriation was stricken out by on vote of hd tr 61 To-day mhen the roll waz calisd the appropriation was resy ial, the Mi tion to strike out wing defeated #5 118 The Hous: by special Tite cided tooo wo with the psonslilera- tion of the #1 hil ae mon BR the hill stion of the 2 the way a i Perel he SAE AAT 3 ati hannd Ho ravive ai pill undise Ea 43. Tn fae d REVENTH DAY *4 ita undivided a Bae, be wonder worker, That makes weak men |, sarong. AR drogeists, Se or 8, Cure gustan. Sierling Remedy ( Co, + Chicago ¢ or r New York Blind people sare mors pumersus in Spal than in any other country. Lake Superior ia larger than Soot. Hg A a The Smallest stand in the World Rockall is, perhaps, the fsland In the worid. It fg situated in the Atlantic over 300 miles west of Bookivt and sompie free Address | wmailest Scotland, and 18 a mere rock about 80 | 0° "geet high and 225 feet round, ari grom a reef of sand. The rock 1s basalt and granite, very magnetic. It |g faunted by sea-birds, and the | mackers] of the surrounding seas are very fine Of course, it was never inhabited, and ts very scidom visited, owing to the | Qificuity of landing on ft. RA INAS Kot So Common. “That elopement In high life was so ( ; gsomantie. They siols ont" *No, no; you mustn't say that; they Delong to the best society. You should easy, ‘They Xkleptomaniscked.' ™— ton Journal. — 5 NN A LIVING G WITN ESS : Mes Hoffman I Doseriben How Sh Wrots to Mra. Pinkham or Advice, and Is Now Weil © DEAR Mus, Thx Before nwilng your Vegetable Compound I was s gent sufferer. 1 have been sick for months, was tronbicd with severe pain in both sides of alxiomen, sore feeling in lower partof bow. a also sufered A with dizziness, headache, and | eould not sleep Jetter descril- fp my case and asking your advice, You pop tnd $00]. Ing me just what toda I * followed your Jiree- Sons. snd eanrot praise your medicls igh for what it has done for me. thanks to you for your advice. ¥. Pinkham's Verctable Come hascured me, ond [ will reco It to my friends Mrs. FLonescs IY +512 Roland St. Canton, O. The condition described by Mrs. Hof! man will appeal to many women, yet Jots of sick woren struggle on with oir daily tasks disregarding the t warnings unt) overtaken by 1 collapse. @ present Mrs. Pinkham's experi- in treating fomale Lis is unparcl- Jeled, for years sho worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pickhan, and for ww past has had sole charge 6 coTrespondento. department of of great busineis, treating by Jette sny #8 8 hundred thousand ailiae during a Sigaley Fear. i Berry, Boe- i the FE te of : Wes sisi i watt or : Ploastelie thom Ft 4 Hn a Et : weuyt | Bleretafarse all Strat day in executive session. Eetinior Berry's | fn of the re. i ® vy PERTTI i This war far Phllippt Tes Wee & gl rst i herty. and the curse of i 1¢ revolntinnized sult fhe © wy sei ¥ A TIETH D AY ups the val personal bid Iwan apposition than YF olay Was own + granat of the seem et. ¥y Ee een FIR mT Da leg i 5 hush § Potent : henits ¢ fra the ob Mr 5 Rs then yor fF feeling Mr rea da 3 Moris falta ing AM Tawney, al The mye COTM Ie fn wT Pravne Fliers Hoyle Fiat oo avd Bent RTyY MEY Ma Fe II, Pow Key TH Benatar fhe sto Bail with Bin resalition Pinited Boates t govern the poopie af any thelr consenl. In the speech was one of the able piterances in the Behats (his seseion, THIRTY-ELG BENTH DAY. i tho Otten. neariv an hour a @pesl A BL pOrt aricg that the pever altetupt 16 santry wilh. IY wos Dols NG seid ’. 4 HTH DAY A climax was reached Wadresday in the debiie on the question af expan. sion which ix in progress in the senaty, af the ppeechss, wilh the notable exception of that of Mr Platt Rave been in opposition (0 what 1 fs presumed to be the policy of the sd | ministration with respect : Gait! arn of : Mr, Rie the to the ac the Philippines. To-day Foraker (Ohio) addressee A the sen fs opposition to the dovinration of Vest wesiution thar we laited Brates hue no constitutional REY 1a aoguire foreign territory 16 % tained as cniahien xr pirong askertion that the sacqgap the fPhilinnines OF Sm Lae charanier created a Caner He maintainet thirt we have a jen right ty oh islands permanentiy. THIRTY-NINTH DAY The supporiers and opponentia of the peace treaty in the Senate Bad their contest over that document 1o- The debale Po HEE 3 3 the technically was upon mating for the considers soigtion of ratification in on semrion. There Were HO Hat Een len B runing debt in which White, Hale. Hoar, in opposition to the met Senators Davis Frye Teller, Gray and others. in advoetucy of it Probably 20 senators spoke, Bpeeches of some length were made hy Senators Telle: anit Frye on the one hand and y Hale and Hoar on the other. There i dh many animated eolloguies and for a time an Excuptional degree of feeling was show FORTIETH DAY. In the Senate McLaurin, of South Carolina, took strong ground in a care fully prepared speech against a poiloy of expansion by this country. He ty as one of the principal reasons why the United Btates should not assume dominicn over penple who are widely dissimilar to the people of this coun. try. the experience of the South with the negro race. He advocated the adoption of the Vest resolution, de- claring that this country could net maintain permanently as colonies sacn territory as the Philippines, and held that It would be in opposition to the spirit of American institutions to de 80. Sullivan, of Mississippl, and Pasco, of FPiorida, discussed the pending Nicaragua Canal bill. the former sup- porting it and the letter opposing It FORTY-FIRART DAY. At the opening of the senaté's ses- gion Baturday the chaplain paid a tribute to the late Nelson Dingley. Mr. Proctor (Vi) introduced a Jotnt others, ‘resolution: providing for busts of the late Senator Morrill and Senator Voor- th | nf thes | HAY - repay ia ‘ thus far | BTHRAW.. Wheat. BUTTER | CHEESE- - BEANS. FPONIGNR It was Senators | FIOUR. Vest ang | WHEAT No, 2 rod treaty, | CORN No, 3 mined in Kational H- ution was referred to the library committer Al this Junciurd a éotved from thie Bouse announcing adoption of ree Le pese IA TIVE Mr. tio be an hofnre the Me Hale then offered props y a af tive ¥ w death HERSA EY: WAR Ite the tiomi on th tHrgivy, and read, be § | SELLE TRADE REVIEW. WE ee Mater ¥ Whe at FEY RE er Bloiroge sifiiions, SEM Fn y 3 y aR, 34 the pi The roceifd Australia Wy a year Team We He § id B61 rd innt J ast vitar. Moana 3 EX Baye Deein in Twa weeks against £061 57% bush firite Sore rne Tite Prices wari, FEY : Ld ey in sah at underseiling Cant ities wat to Theres waw an A during ihe thie th ard CLErang he oF thessry that civ nRiry is grant BY pr its Whe Een sup ph Wong Rowe al in sit that the Peery BERin= Not THE MARKMTS, YITTSRUKRG. Crain. Flour and Feed, YHEAT Na i Na doped CORN No 2 eviiow, war | No. 1 pow, sbuiind Mixed var | i OATS Neo & white pel. A E Na, i #1 FLOUR Winter jatante Facer straight winter Kye Baur «Nau § tisnnthy fiover Noy J... ey 5g Brows middie Bran, bux Oat REEDS... Time YF Dairy ¥roddaeta Eigin cranmiery, Olds arene y aw Panay conniry AF, New York, now Frais nod Vegotan: e Pima Pg , ¥ Bsa Wi gate Per [005 Sales yeliow, «3 Youltvy, Kits boo Pri pate, $104E i Prog sad Va and Osi in §4 ew POTATO S.. CALTAGE. . freaky CINCINNATL | FLOUR. WHEAT : RYE-Na, 2... LOORN Mixed | OATS Xa 2 rod BiiGs | BUTI EK - Oba ereamery PHILADELFHI A UATE Nox 3 while, | BUTTER - ~ renmiery, #xira EGGH-—FPronsyivinia fruts NEW YOKK. FLOUR Patents. nro WHEAT Na 3 red, CORN Ne. 2. OATS White Western, BUTTER. Creamery, ... EGGS-—biate of Peun LIVE STOCK Central Stock Yards Kast Liberty. Pa CATTLE. Prime, 1300 to 1400 he. ..... 5 8 & i) "1000 te 1150 Wa, n+ alr light steers, WO to 1000 he i Fou Hu 900 to P00 Bas. 2 Medium | Heav Boug SHEEP, Frime, 86 to 105 hs | Good, 556 to W be, Falr, 70 ts 80 ha, Common. Yeai Caives Ce LANDS. Spainge, eXIPE. oi. a an , good tw choles | Ha to fair, . Good 10 choice yearlings. ees vee death of § ale poanesiag th at ne remote - i teypearr iio 10 : wonderfully. Toy ares frozen ! tihber a certain alighted, and the eonductor told him When the children thelr foot wet and mio cold give them a hot foot bath, a bowl of hot drink, a dose of Ayer’s Che Pectoral, and put them to he The chances are they will be all right in the morning. Con» tinue the Cherry Pectoral a few days, until sli cough bas dis. appeared, § id coughs ere else cured; ws mean the copghs of bron. chitis, werk throats and irritable lungs. Even the hard coughs of consumption are alesys made easy and frequently cured by the continued use of that Feery doctor knows thet wild cherry bark is the best remedy krdown to medical science for soothing snd healing inflamed throats and Jungs. Put ono of Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your lungs The Bost Modioel Advice Frool Wa vow have some of (be most smb peat phnicaes 5 the Dplted States Ddgial Aaportee Hee 4 and Bs apr. pace sminently 84 the you gedton) adv : We He on reir Fae pari iary in pear oa IF a. or J.C AYER. fovenli, Maan A SR AM ARAN OG Ie 0 1 UHL of Caerarets we have temp Bals 18 CAMmiLY nae Cincinpasl, Obie. Wiig 8 tow Seven Witsrieiy CANDY Palnrghie Pots. Teese Gost. Mo wn. Weanses or Grive Bx Se M0 CONSTIPATION. Plossm nt, Gonir, Norur CURE a. es | Selig Bemndy Company. Ovrupe. Hunirvsl. Sow Yard, " AG nn RR Fra NEw DISCOVERY. atv phe rele’ mad cies woes Let imemminis and LO dave! | Ee Free. br xu GREE BONE Atlante. Oa : PATENTS 3 £ willis erat with 2 HEE GYR spre ee WATHOS ££ rDIFELE Fares Lawyos een Frei Waekieghea | of. Hiobaunt Fob cm ‘Thompson's Eye Water | i Nerve Hostoree B2 tral hottie and | tree DrJULHL Ruane, Lat, fi Arch Su Phila. Pa Men sod Wamen Wha Work Newd nat give op when attaciied with a severe copes ive cold, if Hoxsia's Dises are amend. They shes any cold 35 cents, " ee - a sisrlln A BLY Pe The nunibhered iv the Soudan nearly ad is winds © sanaintion of AT 3 ee aE uneducaled Avoid the Night Air. § Avold the night ale when damp and sold, and vom will often avoid haviog asesmigla, pat Br Jacobs Oil will cure it no mstter | what ts the sause and Bo matter how ong | it has contin anad, med it ale tos Phe £40 re ines Sm Sens aad : sep 1000 Ailleren:t IREY (Yean blood means a clean skin, No | Pensty without it C pearets, Candy Cathar ur lcm sour blood and keep it clean, by | uD Lhe lary liver and dniving all une Tair Led from the body. Begin today to | {nid iy pimples, Foala, flotehon, flack hesdn, | and that sickly balious complexion by taling | Ciascaretn beauty for ten cenia Al drugs | Sta, satisfaction Funrmntest, hug, ie, 0. The rivers in this year srihern Russia were Edacate Tour Bowels With Caseavets Candy Cathartie, sure constipation farever hs, De. HCec. ail, Graggisws refund clones EE What the Fool ea It was where the motor cars pass hn city. An old gentleman ta look out for the other ear. The | passenger did not understand him, and turning around, asked: “What did you | say?" Juet then the motor struck him | and knocked Bim without serious dam- | age toward the curd on the opposite | side from which he wanted to go. AS | he got up, he was heard to mutler, =-1 wonder what the fool said.” Sa pre AGA pS French shoo in wre to be established | at Khartoum and Fashoda. T™ ENTY. FOU R HOURS To Now Orleans or 2a Jacksonville via the | RR Qusus & {wscent Limited vrains foam Clin. nnati, 5 Bours throagh to Havana, Ta | ¥i setda-Aneen & Ursscent Two Fast Visti. | haled teaioa daily Cincinnati wo Jacksoasilio Queen & Crescent Route and Soutners Ry HE 1a len shortest How to Florida and the Wess Indien Asheviije-Ounly PThroagh Car L Inve § in | vin Quesa & Crescent Routes amd Southern | Ry from Cincinnati, ours. Excellent service on superh thragh trainee Ques & Crescent Route from Clo cinnati Seath. We think Pisc’s Cure for Conwim in Springfeld, sree other me saa i cert | ® 1 THER . 4 a carstopue which shires exuct designs of Carpets, Rugs and Digerins tn hisoed painted por heey We a free Furth Haag free and pay f hy i Cmaers] Ustalogue clintaies hing or poh Bosse and Furniture fo all wees. It cO0 tins many REpeiiS bar to this ; Salil OF % Und, wiih rofiing top videt mete 5 TT dev a bay fatuhdnd wiih F drawnry is awe hors com, (BE Em frigtily whet, Tomes y ¥ pend & mil during nad bigs $f thie pod wi rth baviugt They ap free we 04 pent pr, Which dei you wam | Or both dress {xa way JULIUS HINES & SON, and cure it { promptly. It saves tins money, Se I = A Besuty of the Aretie There - a beautiful bird called the rosy gull, very few specimens of Eo in any musenm. and whose entire {ite is spent in the immediate neigh~ porhood of the eternal ive that mr rounds the north pole. A taper dee geribing these curious birds was read at the recent meeting of the America Association in Boston by Mr. John Murdoch. They follow the advance of Lthe jee tnwarda the south as winter | popes on, Keeping near the loose edge | of the foating pack ice. and them res | great with it toward the gorth whem | the sumner sun veging to rise high } npon the Arctie circle The Hird is | gmail and of a deep Tose color, whereas ! all other julls are white No To Rae for Fifty Cente Ooarantesd tahseon Babit sure maken W en strong. ood pars oe. 0 Al £3 the 35 churches a Tppistonher Wren in London nearly jp conspantos i bridgen : between the ; a i awarded the 11 | Erle division, Newari ; hrid ges fuerte i The the pelghiborhinod | repiacted that I Beptember i of steel will he needed for the struc- i tures. fair {Paris Exposilion ¢ yaillway § | will be rally dem of the Muman | bu oh the snd of Oe | Cafe and an we rva tions] Fifty One Maldges for B. & 0. RR Cine of the soniraois has beer tet Liyreest Hiridagw Bene : That the sir | gary pushed 10 con the work among thes Youngstown Beldge Company, of Yi: ein 0, will erect 31 ony the Central division fihin river enark The Peneovd Brides Works was gek on the Lake te Santosky, Moor Bridge Company, Pel will erect the 3 ar the Chien dividion af thes hrideges 8 IND of SED a and it oie wil Be in place by those nd tons ehbind to $ivide ead $3 ‘ hin ant Brel ard the Edge of Wilmington, total cosy ail Neariv six rss BAAR In China a wife is nuver seen by her pushand defure marriage. in this country some wives galdom sce thelr bushands after mars Inge. ~ ensign Easy —— Too much sierciss lbavos ons 8 prey to soreness und sUiTness, Dit it is easy work tar RY. Jasobs 3 to get the masclos back into proper shapes and tare the distrees. poratafore masie nt Hy World's Riberin, ne which hus extensive Jrepiny wil inrgs axhitbit at the in (3% The new tands it has opened presented. have a and 1 he To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take fatative Heano Quintus Tabiste AR {ota refund money Hit ails (0 cure Hianar Mascagni i= the plaintiff In a ihe! spit now in progress before the temte fAuKtria) Court against Sig- Gimcomelll, who had accused the copposet of lgnoring a hotel bE ron Bp at Trieste is 1NRE, Pornd tmmsedinte relief in ane hottie of Dr, Retty Arnold's Cough Killer Mus X W, Haron Bax £8 W olla: it, Maes. Aug. 15, Lo Toma toe lave Denieph grafted upon Sutoes By a Frepnoh experimenter, wi Nyheld plant prodiuess tubers under ground and tomatoes gE have, Lisa Pa Care Comstipuron Voreven, Pake Chscarets Condy (athartic tte or Se 2 CC. a fal vo cure, druggists refund money The flank «of France is four iimes as | farge as the Bank of England. Ses Fits permanently By No five WP WPT {omen ad ter first day's tee $f De Kiloe's Great trea tive Were Winston's Henatht ig Syrup farehildren tewthi fd soffenn The puma reduses inflam. {bits aliays pain, ores wind cutie, He & bottle : Heroes of the {one-half have disappeared. is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but alse to the care and skill with which i Is manufactured by wientific processes known fio the Catsronxia Fio Syaep Co. only, and we wish to impress 9pos all the importance of purchasing the true snd original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of igs is man by the Carirouxia Fie Svyuer Ca only, 8 knowledge of that feet will assist cme in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other pare ties. The high standing of the Can yorxia Fio Synur Co. with the medi eal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company wh ig | of the excellence of its remedy. It far in ndvance of all other Inxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver snd bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe Doe pauseate, In order toget its effects, please remember the same of the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. (USS Now, Flore, for seme good, 5 want & Tew car loads of eholee, papal lige, delive raed ol Hine of RR I vom frepared! tn furnish them, edd J. HW. WA Bapeeaviiie (ila ho RUEUMATISM CEE 2 ous : ALEXaNOER BEREOY C0 308 even WANTED umn of 298 R— thet oe Snefit Send 3 ot Wo aii bion Ce. Testor ew mo a Sg (EA xT p a ‘) War with Spain thousands of them are sub fering €ates induced by hfe in from lingering diy poisinous southern camps, the result of changes of chimate, or of imperfect nutrition caused by im- proper and badly cooked food . Sieeping has doubtiess developed rheumatism in hundreds who weve predisposed to the clisease. In such cases the Boys of ‘98 may take a lesson from the experie ence of the Heroes of the g on the ground Civil War. Hundreds of the of ‘83 have testified efficacy of Dr. Williams" Piak Pills fur Pale People in driving out malar a rheumatism and other in the world, Ass Robinson, of Mt. Nesting, served in the Xu Penuayivanis ous farmer's hoy and came back mative, Most of the time he was tonic : diseases contracted during thelr and privation in the army. These pi 111. is a veteran of the Clvil war ‘olunteers. $e went to the war troken in health, & victim the uoiitted for manual labor of say ant fis sufferings were at all times to give me permanent relief until three year ngs, exiled to sonse of the wonderful cures 1 had not taken more than for Pale People. effected improvement in my condition, apt I hep ammo steadit 1 owe my restoration ta bealth. They ares grand remedy. Lamepcvnt- Missage At all druggises or sent, ben, by the Dr. Williams > _ ein aid, on rece! ce, 50 ety: ; erdxasm er he yr ol i o