Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING (0, Proprietors B WiLL (nEesa, pion, TRE Always fresh oysters at i. A tin. son's, : ve your laandry with Scheid & Wilkins. : Join S|omerviile soo a brief illnes with grip. When you don’t know where to find it go to the Patton Supply Co. Mr. L Locks, a merchant, of Buffulo, N. Y., was a pleasant visitor to Patton turday Natice the Bankrapt Clothing company COURIER this week nuvelescing after the change in the ad of the in the N. L. Hoover, a prominent lumber merchant of DuBois, made a business trip {0 this piace Weinesiday, The First National Hank of Patton now has a surplus of $47,000. Note change in ad elsewhere in the COURIER. Quite a number of Republicans at- SEE = mM the insoguration of Governor. elect Wm. A. stone at Harrisburg Tuesday Col. Burchfield, ment, P. V. L, wis chosen as the nom- nee on the Republican ticket for Mayor of that city. The Beech Creek railroad carried © 194.133 tons of coal in the last week of rey making 4,453,285 tons for the ® year, an increase of 636,416 tons. _ QHff C. Dinsmore and sister, (irace, of Panzsatawney, are guests of their brothers, Howard and John Dinsmore, the merchant tailors, this week. Miss Rae Goldstein, who has been Eo posed for the past again able to resume her clerical duties in bir father’s large dry goods store. John L. Sexton, edit of the Bloss- urg (Tioga count! vertiser, was a visit Oe Saturday ahd while here made the COURIER a fraternal Miss Blanche Pifer left for Patton on sday, where she will take charge of Haven Demo- of the Fifth Regi- few days, is QoURIER is in receipt of the umeport San almanac for 1899, It ains 65 pages brim full of inter. inary im t events certainly a credit to to the pub. lishers of that enterprising journal. The commission of the Treasurer of & Blair county has been reduced by the . Commissioners to | of one per cent. on all mo received and paid out. © Osmbria ta hope to see 8 simi laf change in Ry office of this exchange tells of a dead edito AD a ”, y funeral 678 dslinquent sub. marched by and reci the Of that number 677 muttered “He was an industrions, bright Joan, but—he couldn't save 2 who for years was of the Du boys, him. —DuBois Courier. ew tarmegie | IO Ore alk 5 * public ride a suitable maintenance, , Jess than $10,000 per i ‘#t once to secure the In the fistic combat between Wh. nty, (colored), of Mahaffey, and ry. of Westover, which took Saturday night, the ds. McGinty says that to try it again for a bet of winner to take the money. household goods of ¥F. F. Robt re placed In an express car Tues. y and shipped to Pittsbarg where Robb ake bis pew home. F. rom the pew superintend. CQ. & C. Division, is stopping on bouse until he can arrangements to move his family , nr] wish is, but ng good, as forth among the al Clearfield county, iy well ppticated complaint men’s failure to pay their Dills ‘be sufficient cause for discharge. se has been od up in con laces with full assurance it be enforced. The method already in force at the car shops. Grace Cowher, daughter of Mr. . E. W. Cowher, of Palmer biladelphia for past four months, returned [onday greatly improved in She was accompanied mother likes. it a eh RA RO Af of ita astonishing cures and that it will | her © NE, : ary ing January Niess fresh Exeanig oo Cironery. If vou want to save money go to the Cash Grovery. Miss Alice Ashorodt is visiting friends in Philadelphia Three pounds of the finest proves in town for 25 at the Cash Grocery. You can buy more goods at the Cash Grocery for $10.00 than any place in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Sandford vis. jted friends at their former home, Philipsburg, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Hoy and little daughter, of DuBois, Pa., are visiting relatives in Patton this week. Mr. J. J. Donnelly, one of Patton's moat enterprising business men, Was & brief visitor in town on Thursday morning. Ebensburg Tribune. The four months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gernal, of Fourth avenue, died Saturday evening. In- terment took place in the Catholic cemetery Monday. Just received a fali line of boys’, vonths', misses’ and children’s wonder. fal Waverly waterproof school shoes. No better made. Every pair goaran- teed at Miller's White Shore Store Broad at Daoow’ Imkery lemons at the Cash Wanted, Ladies and gentiemen suffering from throat and lung difficulties to call at our store for a sample bottle of Otto's Cure, which we are distributing free of charge. We confidently recommend it | as a cure for cou colds, bronchitis, | consum , and all diseases of the throat and lungs. It will stop a quicker than any other known remedy. | @ believe it will core you In croup or whooping cough it is sure to give! instant relief. | v aines 500 and 26c. | Sold by Patton Pharmacy, ©. W.| Hodgkins. Other stores close cut on account of | having too much oid stock. Our stock | is always new and up-to-date and guar- | antee our prices st all times to be. jower than the jowest. MILLER Ss WHITE SHOE STORE How is Cure a Cold Simply take Otto's Cure. We know ker than any known | stop a Sough qo remedy. If yon have asthma, chitis, consumption or any disease of the throat and longs, a few doses of this great remedy will sorpries yon, If yon wish to try, call at oir store and we will be pleased to fare! sample bottle free of comb. Large Dottles Sc | aril Te. Patton Pharmacy, OW. | Hodgkins i HR - YOU offered to give | At ~ “% Pollowing is the rep ustine 4 4 18th: ner, Mary Mande Litzinger, Pearl Margaret Harber, Philip Yahner, Mar. collus Yahner, Eimer Adams, Roy Perking, Maurice Ford, Ralph Hoover Those missing but one day --Aloyisas Wharton, Bert Adams, Mary Hitch Nora Hoover, wrgria M. Doxeaas, Teacher, “ierifs Will Safer, “he new bankrapey laws framed by “angress and which have recently gone into effect while they possess many festures of andisputed merit, do not reilonnd ta the benefit of the conntry wher fy arge proportion of the business of the sheriff's office resulting through in. siivent debtors promises to be trans acted ander the new bankruptey laws throngh the United States district conrts the sheriff will be sacrifiond Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga, sof fered agony for 30 years, and then * cured his piles by asing DeWitt's Witeh Haze! Splve It heals injuries and skin diseases like magic. Parton Pharmacy. If you want nice fresh bread, rolls, cies. ote, call or send to J. Dane’ bakery PARSNEF COMPLEXION, It does not require an expert to de tect the sufferer from kidney trouble Th» hollow cheeks the sunken eyes the dark, puffy circles onder the ayes the callow parsnip-oc wored romplexion indicates it A physician would ask if yon had ehegmatism, a dail ache or pain io the or over the hips stomach tronble, | nften, or a burning or 5 scaiding in passing it, if after passing | tiwre 1% an onsatisfled feeling as if it must be at once repeated, or if the or i ba 2 desire tO DENAte arine has a brick prrong odor dust deposit When these symptoms are present, no time should be lost in removing the | cause. Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of the bladder, inflammation, stoppage, and sometimes requiring the drawing of the urine with instrimenta, s Disease, the or may ran into Bright! most dangerous stage of kidney trouble. De Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great discovery of the eminent kidney and biadder specialist, is a positive remedy for such diseases. Its reputation is world-wide and it is 90 easy to get at any drug store that no one need suffer ' any length of time for want of it. However, if you prefer to first test ita wonderful merits, mention Tus Patron Cormier and write to Dr Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N.Y, for a sample bottle and a book telling all about, both sent absolutely free by mail Grocery House where things look neat and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging; where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time; above a } } iti the market at the i §ErERD % 4 x “i én i $31 al edery where you know you are getting the best et : . "PY a? 1 fairest of prices. That's th : a . » i ® 4 si! Fi % DRY GOODS Tl « hieredt d ie ie it x to S13 voi purse gt Do- Ve ur welcome. Patrons 8SuprLy Co. © n this section and at prices When in town make our store headquarters. will You Pa. i i ort of St. Avg for month ena. Those present every day — Ada Adams, Helena Yah. Wharton, Olive Nagle, Litzinger, | The reason for, this i= that a As a natural result the fees of C. W. Hodgkins, causing be the epidemic of Ia grippe a Use For Over Thirt IS DRAWING But hes =. quantity os {a down reguiar i % All few sp % $ % oF my wy iid TU Ronan y CrnrEnsS Oo wi 3 tiie Shale . BLANKET BARGAINS. STOCK TAKING TIME NEAR. A 4 1 5 xi Cs, found i, Ya ry ilo Oweren in * * - 9 y5 “a Hah 112° alc 5¥ Ee wipmarkable hargsin prices on them to insure it. . dhe bent Blanket eniges of fered y y wiariet, witte § rae EER WERE 21 wie esritey blankets, all-wool wef dat back, and ; cad at 52 44 per paar. ‘ akira afrietiv all wis t BLAS per pair RIG crton brand in $8 quaity Blu xk ana weivits : fir py paar Powe of RbEapcn, very beautiful white wil Soret borders, $18 guality § 0% psy Lar, Fioe Mohegan Bian kets fanov harders, worth 3850, 3 Bn Ou we with BY 5 ¥ white pi ats Sacrifi Gt faa Ladies’ dack 3 “ns ed. 8 WEES PU AE wg § ha pw ps nit SHER TORE ii} hei ERIN Kos vie 1943 WwW. COOK, Altoona, Ladies’ jackets worn $8.50 to 16.20, all saw at une orice $8 38 esch, Jackets were $18.50 to 25.50 are Lo go at one price, $1235 each fine lot of Jackets were $8 to 80 iil fo go al £1: 48 each Lil enpes aod Mises nekelts gr eqpuatiy reduced, inclnding a few Coll capes with fringe and without, rego ine $15 values that will be closad ont al $1 95 aach R Carpet Rint. We are daily receiving our spring stock of carpets and should you con. miplate buying a little later on, give as a call and look over our styles as yun will flud our stock superior as far as ariality and new desdgns and aplorings are osnoerned. and truly wer in ¢ than it has ever heen betlre Fa Natien of ( harier Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be mele to the Liovernor af the State of Pennsvivania by James A MaClain, John 8 Dum, W, Deringer, | Casber Lieb and 7. OO. Heifeick on the sith day of January, 13, under the | Act of Assembly of the Commonwenitd of Pennsylvania, entities! “An provide tor the neorporalion and glation of certain corporations” ap- proved the 3th day of April, 1874, TL the i the ret for charter « i an intended Carga ral § be called the Northern Usmbrma Tei phone company, the charter amd ohiject whersof is the supply of telephon communieation the inhabitants of the countiern of Cambria, Clearfield, Indiana, Blair, Somerset and West moreland, Pennsvivania, and such persons, rartnership and corporations residing therein or adjacent thereto as may desire the same and for those purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the righta, benefits and privilegs of the said Act of Assembly and its several supplements. Mi roN SPENCER, Merrelary, Spangler, Jan. J 1x8 643 a0 la SUE ie rne nis 4 43 Horrible agony is cased by piles, barns and skin disdases. These are immediately relieved and quickly enred by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Raive. Be ware of worthless unitations. OC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Remember if you want fo save money buy your goods at the Cash Grocery. : ‘branch at the J. KE. Lativippe Sucessetuliy Troslod “1 have just recovered from the sec. attack of la grippe this year,” says § % y puplisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas, “lu the latter ae 1 asad Chamberlain's cough Rem. the ardl 1 think with conpderaine 4 jitkle over spat bert fur the rs attaok, The second attach | dm atisfled would have been equally as Fuad aa the first bat for the ae of this ie eiaY as § had a idee 1a bad in abot are after being strock! with iy the Arst case 1 ws able BO shout two days ee getting down,''? For sale by n Pharmacy, ©. W. Hodgkins Jan. A Jones, HR swe Fogsipa cy by al. oY Ding an wl 18d guys oh ERY GY Lit wiX while id attend to husiness fore : £2 8 alta Wiastesd Grey and ash hamdie apd ferme i Mk Hie wiainl. specifications write to Parros Woopes Mea. Vo, Room No. 7, Good Building, #4 Patios Ba : ir call 1 To insure a happy new year, keep Lhe fiver clear and the body vigorous hy using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, she famous little pills for constipation nd liver troabies, CL Hodgins, Futton Phacmacy. Branch io Paiten H. J. Easley, undertaker and oam- balmer of Hastings, has established a Kirk Hardware SOmpanY’Y store, where all calls will eive prompt attention. The ve from an attack of la grippe. During sgo when so many cases remited in gunearionia, it was observed that the Attack was never followed by that dis ease when Chamberizin’s cough Rem- edy was nsed It connteriets any tendeney of a onld or is grippe to re split in that dangeroas disease. It is the best remedy in the world for bad volds and ia grippe. Every bottle war. - irstNation’l Bank For sale by Patton Pharmacy, F OF PATTON, W. Hodgkins Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUR, $47,000.00. Asatte of (orpomtions, Pires, Individe sis and Banks revives upon the most {pls terme svneiatent with fe and o lmnking Aiemiahip tickets for wile tor all the [rem Foren Dieafle pynbie in the a irithow oof the O31 World 2 Ah ovrrenpondenes will sve our prompt and jpereonal Allen Lon Interest paid on time deposits. AE Pamon, Wu H Sanprosd, President. Cashier. PPPS ASIA LIAS IR LPG PNG INGEN IN GINS Fine —— FORNITORE In every conceivable torn to sit all tastes A time spent ooking over our line will convince yon that we have the goods and sell at prices that the orders. Bed Room Suits: Solid Oak, 7 pieces, $16. Kitch- en chairs g4c; large rock- ers 8sc¢. Undertaking, Embaliming, Etec. Etc, Promptly attended to. All modern methods used. The best of satisfaction guaranteed. H. S. BOCK, Next to Hotel Patton. D. D. Lewis, undertaker and embalmer of Barnesboro, Pa., wishes to announce to the public that he has secured the services of John E. Radcliffe Kerr avenue, two doors above Bon Ton store, to look after the wants of the people of Patton and vicinity mn the Undertaking husiness and all calls left with him will be promptly at- tended to. Mr. [ews 1S a graduate of the Massachu- School of Embalming understands in the most mods Seria CALLS Day or Night by "Phone. ATTENTION! Go to Geo. Boone Agent for THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. (lorner Lang & Fifth Avenues; for a full line of Teas, Coffeen, Spives, Rolled Oats, Flour, Wheat, Sugars, Buck- wheat Flour, Corn Meal, Confbction- ery, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, Ete. Expensive Premiums w given away with an”l8 sunce can of A. & P. Haking Powder, We. 40 cents worth of spices gets any prize on the list. ManyZother prem. ums given away. CALL on us and be con- vinced that we can savelyou ‘money. will b