atton Gourier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. CP WILLGURERE, Editor. TERMS 0F SUBSCRIPTION. : Otie copy, one year, in advanoe, - - - SLOW | #3 Advertising rates made Known Upon ap 8@8~No papers discontinued © Ages wre pe, unless at the on iin whee at Patton md Entered st the Postoffice at as avcond- | class mal! matter, » until all sreomre- Go to the Firemen’s Hall Saturday i § { ! Always fresh oysters at H. Atkin. son's. i Leave your laundry with Scheid & Wilkins. i The overalls 20¢ at Bankrupt Clothing Store. _ For candy and nuts go to the Cash Qo to Miller's White Shoe Store for day in Patton. $1.00 underwear 7c at Mix capd¥ only 5 cents per pound ply Co. 3 the Bankrupt | a James Mitchell, of Clearfield, spent Harry Hunter, of Punxsutawney, is + Mise Katie Wilson is visiting friends Regular meeting of Patton Borough Council next Motiay night. Children's $2.80 suits or overcoste 98c. jirihdy Clothing Store. : Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bmith, of Coal- | port, were visitors to Patton Wednes- : You can bu more g at the Cash Grocery for $10.00 than any place in’ town. 9. 8. Reed and Lawshe Baird, of % Owceols, were sien on our streets | Gould, the hustling traveling n of Johnstown, spent Friday | ose Lantay, of near Nicktown, ‘house burned down Thursda not help notice She big ad 191 . W. Worrell and daughter, are visiting relatives at senlinger, of oil fame, came rg Monday to look i { ¥ : 1 % : § ‘ will resalt plensant Hasings be eas 8 ¥ i i i § } 3 i t i option of he day and Wednesday in town in the Y un causing pols oned and germ-fiiled blood. tube (wasting An Ordinance Sraunting Par . Northern Cambria Telephone Com pany of Spangier. Pa. to Erect 11s Lines Upon the Streets and Highways of the Borough of Pation. SECTION 1 Burgess and Town Couneil of the Bor- ough of Patton in council assembled, ity of the same, that is hereby granted to the Northern Cambria Telephone Company of Spang. ler, Penna, its successors and assigns, to erect, operate and maintain ite lines and holesome Fresh fish every Thorsday tkinson's &7.00 suit or overcost $1.95 at Bank- rupt Clothing Store, Haves Wilson visited (Clinton connty this week. J. B. Dill, of Hastings, was the Jost of his brother, H. G. Dill Tunes Keep your eve open for the Bon Ton January clearing sale. Prices cut in at H. (fe public strects and alleys of the Borough of Patton as ite business may require, pov that poles shall be nest and symmetrical, and that no wies shall be less than twenty-five feet in lenth, The poles shall be erected iston of the Burgess and Street mittee, und shall be so located as not Ww in with the nse of the streets by the public. Said com- pany shall replace and relay any sidewalk or street pavement wh my be dispiaced in the erection of its polos, and upon failure to do so after days’ notice, A frienda in See. 2 under the supe $e W. H. H. Bell ia confined to his home Beech gvenne by a severe attack the Borough grip. ty and Ralph Good came up gah : ; Lock a pap and remained in Such repair at the expsmss of town a few days. Sec. 5 In consideration for the All wool pants that rights and privilege herein granted, less than $2 elsewhere, d company shall furnish free of cost rupt Clothing Store. to said Borough space for ita police and .E ». of DuBot t Tues fire alarm telegraph wires upon the : pags Bola, spen poles erected in pursuant to this ordi- nance. Nothing in this ordinance on of ou cannot buy ¥50 at the Bank- interests of the DuBois steam laundry. Geo. 8. Good has placed an arc light in front of the entrance to the Good building, which has already proven to be just what was needed at that point. W. E. (ark, representing the whole- sale cigar firm of E. H. Young & Bro, of Parrandsville, Pa. spent Wednesday in Patton, and thanks to the gentle man for a smoke of his fine cigars. The following members of the Nick- town Catholic church choir composed a jolly sleigh ride party which visited this place Monday: Misses Annie Kromensacker, Mollie, Emma and Net- tis Lieb, Rose, Badie and Annie Lam- bour, Messrs. A. W.,, W. HE. J and A. A. Lieb, Peter Wyland and Wm. Krumenacker. CASTORNIA. REGARDLESS OF AGE. The kidneys are responsible for more sickness, suffering, and deaths than any other organs of the body, majority of the ills afflicting Jeoble to-day is traceable to kidney ble. It prevades all classes of society, in all climates, regardiess of sex or condition. symptoms of kidney trouble are Alable, Such ae rheumatism, | eeplessness, pain or dull ache in back, a desire to urinate often day or uight, profuse or scanty Sec. 4 contained shall be so construed as to grant unto thé said company the ex- clusive right, or to prevent grant: ing of smmilar privileges to other individuals or companies for like purposes. SEC. 5. Said company shall indemnify the Borough of Patton against, and assume the liability for damages which may arise and sccroe to said Bormugh friom any Injury to persons or property from the doing of any work herein anthorized, or the neglect by said com- to any ordinance relative to the use of and the acceptance by the said com- pany of this ordinance shall be an agreement by it, to pay to the said Borough any sum of money for which the Borough may become liable from, or by reason of sach injury. Sec. 6. Said tampany shall at all times be sub to the Borough ordi- herenfter be passed relative to the use of the public streets and alleys by telephone and telegraph com , OF to the taxation of such telephone and dey b mnies. te he Said company shall file with SEC, the Borough Coun its acceptance of this ordinance within sixty days from the date when it shall take effect. Spc. 8. This ordinance shall be in force from and after the date of ita passage, and legal publication thereof, which will be at the cost of said North. ern Cambria Telephone company. In testimony whereof that the above Trice acid, or brick dot deposit in ! ordinance was passed the 19th day of urine ars signs of oc oogged Ridneys, set mv hand and aflix the seal of the sab Baroagh, , Geo. BE Prsoinie, Burgess, Aruxanprenr Moremi, President of Council. Rometimes the heart acts badly, and of the kidneys: are found in the urine, which if neglected inn Bright's Disease, the most dangerous form of kidney trouble. All these symptoms and conditions Attest: promptly removed under the in- E. WiLL GreeNg, Clerk. fluences of Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root. | No healthy person need four any It has a world-wide reputation for its, : ; : | dangerous consequences from an at- Wouderfn) cares of the most distrons: k of la grippe If properly treate a. "Ko one need be long without it as it ah uch the same as a severe cold in 80 easy to get at any drug store at to : equ res hety the shine treat. fifty cents or one dollar. You can have ov, SOWA quietly At home an a sample bottle of this wonderful dis- take Chamberlain's cough Remedy as directed for a severe co Root i and a prompt Bap. it, Sand 4 book il i and complete recovery is sure to follow. by mail. Bend : For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. our | : , Kilmer & Co., Ea Hodgkins. ton, N. Y. and kindly mention that If you want nice iresh pread, rolls, ou read this liberal offer in the PATTON cakes, ote, call or send to J. Dane’ JOURIER. bakery a 1:17 To commence Saturday, Jan. 7th, and ‘continue for Two Weeks, ending Satur- onder iday, Jan. 21st. | ed ss Bertha Bennett, who had p y to receive un ugly cut * her limbs by falling on a, about two weeks ago, is as rapidly as possible ahd able to be about again. Stratiff and wife, of Patton, | ral days last week. + dated far into 1899, Patton on Saturday. y of last week seven ns of Bedford sent of health a communi- | that all the 18 cases of | x epting one, which was on a y recovery with no fear of ( o deaths resulted. will il days la Billy Ry while here, in the town had been | CHINA things in this line, MILLINERY Must go regardless of cost to close out what is left in trimmed hats and you will find » few, both for Ladies and Children, which are quite nobby. OUTING WRAPPERS. ' You will find ours extra width and well made; only a few sizes left; but what A better one at 8c, there are you will find at 70 cents, that were $1.25, that was $1.48. BARGAINS ¥ Some fancy art squares and scarfs loft from holidays to go at cost, Dressing Sacques 76c, were 93¢; and a great many other things all over the store you will find to your advantage. Don't forget the time, January 7 to January 21st Anna B. Dartt, Patton, Penn’a. apon, along, over and under such of may make . said pany or any of its employes to comply the streets and alleys 8 said Borough; Irwwwemnber A, D., 188, | have hereunto go at about half-price, and you will find some very pretty and useful In Ladies’ and Children’s hose, mittens, gloves, and handkerchiefs six good hematitched, fine initial, for 25¢, which will not last long at that price. Be it enacted by the and it is hereby enacted by the aathor- fission be and The in use ad You Have Al for over 30 and Soothing Syrups. It is contains neither d You Have Al In Use -For Over 30 a years, has and has been made under his per- Trt sonal supervision since its infancy. . % Allow no one to deceive you in this. Harmless and substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation « and Fiatuloncy. It assimilates the Food, regulates the The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. the epidemic of Ia grippe a few Lago when so many canes remaited in | pneumonia, it was observed that the attack was never followed by that dis | sass when Chamberinin’s Cough Rem- edy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or In K¥ippe to re. sult in that dangerous disense. © i the best remedy in the world for eolds snd ja Rrippe Every bottle wars ranted. For sale by Paton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgltins, y FirstNation'IBank Patton, aminia Cn Pa. . CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $47,000.00. Aeonants of Corporations, Firms, In | als and Banks received apn the moet i Pie ETN Ennistant h safe and conservative | Kteamabip tickets for sale or all the | fines, Poreign Drafts payable in the | ete of the OF World. All , ence will have onr prompt and personal attention. Interest paid on time deposits. A. EB. Parrox, Wu H. Saxnrorp, President. Cashier. borne the signature of Pleasant. It Pas A a A A WATT WTR WT ET eT ee Fine —TER, In every eemnosivable pat. tern to anit all tastes. A short time spent ooking over our line will convince yon that we have the goods and sell at prioss that Bed Room Suits: Solid Oak, 7 pieces, #16. Kitch- en chairs 44¢; large rock- ers 85c¢. Undertaking, JA ALWAYS of La a a LA a Years. pe 9 ‘nanoes now in existence, or which may STOCK TAKING TINE 1S DRAWING NE Bit Quant GOW 1 we All few bp cimens of what we this space i FINE BLRMKET BARGAINS. Here oro the test blanket values of fered you this season: Pull size country blankets, all-wool, {searlet, red and biack, and black aad white plaid st £2.40 per pair. Doguense blankets, strictly all- wool and full weight, $3.49 per pair; io white, seariet and plaida The Emi nton brand in M4 quality for 2.98 per pair. Rose of Sharon, very besatiful, white with colored borders, $18 quality for (4.98 per pair. Fine began blankets, white with fancy borders, worth $8.50, for 6.20 per pair. All splendid offers. Ladies’ Jackets Sacrificed. These goods must be greatly thinned out the next few days so we have put We nw > you to VIS us. to the “hits House, v * L. W. COOK, Altoona, Pa. RTTENT Notien of ( harter. Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania by James A. McClain, John 8. Damm, W. Deringer, Casber Lieb and T. O. Helfrick on the | 20th day of Janoary, 1599, ander the i hottle to prov Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth | refun ted of Pennsylvania, entitled “An act to’ provide for the incorporation and reg- glation of certain corporations,”” ap- proved the 29th day of April, 1874, and the supplements themvto, for charter of an intended corporation be called the Northern Cambria Tele. phone company, the charter and object whereof is the supply communicatio oto the connties of Cambria, Clearfield, Indiana, Blair, Somerset and West. moreland, Pennsylvania, and soch persons, partnemhip and corporations hs fie + $3 residing therein or adjacent thereto as may desire the same and for those purposes ta have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privilegs of the said Act of Assembly and ita several supplements, MitroN SPENCER, NEL REY. Spangler, Jan. 5, 1590. 613 is cansed by piles, diseases, Horrible agony burns and skin by DeWiit's Witeh Hazel Salve ware of worthless imitations Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. . Remember if you want to save money buy your goods at the Cash Grocery. tundard goods will be 4 nen of telephonic the inhabitants of i FPRrs. : fort wnt oo These are | 12 afer immediately relieved and quickly cared | ) i 3 Be- | C.W. | | and Kidpeys is sold (n Ze. and Embalming, Etc., Etc, Promptly attended to. All modern methods used. The best of satisfaction guaranteed. H. S. BOCK, Next to Hotel Patton. A Sa A LN NAT WA A WO WT Ch A A AA SENT WT TT WR AR. * 5 “3 i TO THE PUBLIC A in Ie! D. D. Lewis, undertaker and embalmer of Barnesboro, Pa.. wishes to announce to the public that he has secured the * PERT ENIve bargain proces on them to services ot insure it, Ladiew’ jackets were $9 50 to 15.20, all! now st one price, $8.95 each. Jackets were 316.50 to 26.50 are to gO John Radcliffe at one price, $12.25 each. One It of Jackets were $5 to 3.50 of Patton, to look after the a Hien’ wants of the people of Patton eqaally pelond, inelnding a few Golf and vicinity in the All capes and Misses’ jackets are oR with fringe and without, regular Undertaking R Carpet Rint. j 3 values that will be closed out at B95 enh We gow Anite receiving ini spring § business and all calls left stock of carpets and should you con- with him will be promptly at- template buying a little later on, give tended to. Mr lewis is a us a call and look over our styles as 1 ’ i 4 : ; r Hate © fd issachn- you will find cur stock superior as far us | graan ile of the M issachn quality and sew designa Jud coloring Seti School of Embalming are concerned, and traly lower in frp Lie vwndsechs 2 prices than it has ever heen before SOTONERN . 1nderstands : ¥9 ord LEE ARs t? ve * mrodd- } XEN CALLS Day or Night by "Phone. ¢ ON! Go to Geo. Boone Agent for Ome square from the station A Cara i We, the undersigned, do hershy | agree to refund the money on a 50-cent | bottle of (irvens’'s Warranted Syrup of | Tar if it fails to cure vour cough or cold We alse guarantees a Zhomnt satisfactory or money W. Haigiins, Patton Pharma 5 & PAGIFIC TEA GO, Corner Lang & Fifth Avenues; for a full line of Teas, Coffees, Spices, Rolled Oats, Flour, Wheat, Sugars, i wheat Flour, Corn Meal, Confection- | ery, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco, Ete. i « or EXbensive Premitms will be given away with an 1% ounce can of A. & FP Baking Powder, Se. 40 cents worth of spices gets any prize on the list. Many other prem inms given away. CALL on us and be con- vinced that we can save you , money. - I sve bean troubled With coritiatie It wad ruining my besis ¥ my ple xion, and 1 wm mg as restirddl kl rieying IBARY Gh were sino] By he goed, Dat no vaiae whatever wid! suffering women wisl Celery Ki tor me Nellie Gould, Medina, {bk Uelery King for the Nerves, min that tele ax dintie ba { iver druggists pacuAne. Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. by