BE DR.S. Ww. Worrell, PHYSRICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Building, Room No. 3. S3-Senerst Surgery end Be Eu o Specialy. Sli Will TUS" Prudpt Stieutio, Albert C. Conrad to Ids M. Conrad, 'Reuel Some: ille, consideration, $1 ry Chest eT or | Attorney-st Law, PATTON, PA. | en Beaith st ut Jo Penneylvania Naaorge 5. Hoyts o ux otal 1s Con Office in the Good Building. Coal & Coke company, Alle ro rr JAMES NOLAN, J. A "Adolfa ox Attorney-at-Law, Peter v. Hite et ux to fe Patton, Pa. pri i ee D. [97s in Goud Bellding Yow bil hin engin Kirkman, Barnesboro, $1,000 We DAVIS, — Asron Weakiand et ax to Samuel Waatand, Patton, $1,500 Attorney and Counselor at Low, | opera Esnnssuno, Pa. — ox to Anthony All lngal business promptly sitended 0. pao . Dee in Barker Buliding. Ti ot ux to Emet Wills, TOBACCO and CIGARS y Coal The Ainest line in Patton af WwW Smith ot al to Jobn D. dley, Allegheny, §1 MEALS AT ALL HOURS. 7 ota. at the con O Fo per Poa MAHAFFEY HOUSE | "Tienes are 4 : for the | Mahaffey, Cisurtield Go., Po | bealth. Croup, colds and throat oJ Wines ot the tar Slabiing attached’ troubles lead rapidly to consumption. Geonon FERGUSON, A bottle of One Minute cough cure Prop’r. used at the right time will preserve life, besith and « large amount of money, CREST SPRINGS POONDRY. Pleasant to tak; children take it. C.| ; | to do all kinds of | stove, | DR. C. ERNEST CHASE, ‘Surgeon - Dentist, PATTON, PENN'A. OfSce in Solomon Oity Restaurant, Fifth Avenve. AR ip aa ia Or. V. A Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. 18 J on blosk, nest to Postoficn, onlls " Dmas oF” Baron — Savy RT TLY ANIA, iT 109 8 m and Bwipm @ wa EX ek Lora EA REAL ENTATE A ENTS. _ Sout Buliding, Past, P.—~Puons Ne. 3 FRSEICEOAD SPP I Se A SEER Aa Con Nr DR. WwW. 1. 'DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. en Mane Sloe, next door to for the bracelet, 10 iarge handsome wm st 10 cents each; for th: aners IC a table center piecrs at XC cent: cack Song you friends. Collect the mona 'o ua, upon receipt wo will (noi! you elect. State in, 7oue inquiry : The finest in this section and at prices to suit your purse. When In town make our store your headquarters. You will be welcome. Grocery House where things look neat and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging: where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time; above all where you know you are getting the best in the market at the fairest of prices. That's the sort of House we keep. Call and be sure of it. Have you seen our line of