4% pans engers was ap- West Dune! N. J. on the #lley riflrond tant Monday, W another train speeding to- Bim on the same track. With / whistle and brakes grinding rot the wheels the excursion down to what seemed cer. ruction. The passengers at the continusd whistling, id the windows, mothers snatched children in their arms men ia their seats, but before ; # time to find out what was matter they were hurled head- knocked senseless and many outright. The two engines which both crews had jumped, together with an awful crash, excursion train was probably go. t about 15 miles an hour. The i ax if tripped in its faster turtied a complete somersault : crashing down beside ita ished obatruction, But fis wan not ended before it had Im the temler of the excursion almont from one end to the other first car from Shamokin, The stopped a few seats from the fe cnr. or what was left of it, over, Fareying with it the em. 7 1 tron on it relentless course the coach. first car of the exrur- that all the deaths and ensualties socurred, Enters x were killed in the 3 Yer ph injured. Among the dead Bo WwW. A Markel, filam Kinnill, oF rh Carmel, Pa; James Jar. ML Carmel. Pa: Jacch | Carmel, Pa: Algyne Man- Mt Carmel, Pa: A 8 Keifer, Pa; Martin Keenan hotel sunt Carmel, Pu; E. 46 years old, Mount Carmel, kK Fischer, shoe dealer, Mt Pa: Willam H. Leader. 24 L dry goods dealer, Mt. Car- i Frank Marke), ™ Fears at pity, FH the spot where the ul ther is a sharp Lehigh Valley tracks and ting, but the avrblent was the first place to some terrible In train orders, and in the another accident that ft Bound Brook eariler in ; The scenes which aceompi- A eollision, the sufferings of the the panic that reigned AG passengers wire well fhable. The blood-stained tungied and twisted iron and bore witness to the truth of the verltiet of raliroad men that tne of the worst collisions in C' BA NOT YET FREE. . Maximo Gomez, from his camp 9 miles westward from Havana near han addressed a proclamation ‘ubun army advising against t until the proceedings at on regarding the pay of the troops have been completed. December 29, and is in part manent has arrived to give a knation of my conduct and 8 which are always in ac- ny sense of duty to the serve. 1 believed it was my move, for any political or from the spot where 1 my sword so long as the hg ns had not complete- = 208 we about the of the Iavse for Amer pn = nesssary that the liberators of t | d in the top 8a hols and dyna of the tar Be be- i tisst against the high Chicagy Wilam J, ‘that the Democratic party is arrays! A D. Henrickeo n, of Janesville, W a paralytic, has _ tasted food on io days. Poison and gas assisted five per- sons in committing suicide at Chicags last Bunday. Lanrence Harrigan, one of the best known police officials in the county, died at 8t. Louls lant week. Bwitt & Co. of Chivan. pork pack ers, have {ncreased their capital Flock from $15 000 0 10 $42,000 008 Admiral Bampson's daughter, Olive, Wis married to Henry Scott of San Francisco, last Wednesday svening Secretary Alger last Saturday de ed to send four regiments of infantry to the Philippines by way of the Suez Canal, den. Bhafter has left Washington tor Ban Francisco and will again take charge of the department of Califor nia. George Tyler, while engaged in a Prize fight with Thomas Foley of New York, received a blow which broke hix peck. William Neeb, editor and proprietor of the “Frefbeits- Freund” of Pitta. burg, with which he was connected &2 years, dled, aged 18, The Chicago University has just re. ceived SI89006 in land value from wealthy citizens and $204, 06 cash from John 1. Rockefeller, Commodore Watson has made ap- plication for Admiral Dewey's posi tion at.Manila as soon as the latter retires from active service. A syndicate wishes to buy up all of the Chicago street oar franchises and offers to give a 3-cont fare Courcll i* mow considering the proposition. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lucius, of De. trolt, were seriously burned last Bun day and their Z-vear-old son fataily, by the explosion of a gasoline stove, In deflance of Gov, Roosevelt's pros salaries paid some of the New York city laborers, Mayor Von Wyck has incressed thelr Wages, On the charge of murdering her 13. year old daughter Hennetta MeRea of Bessemer, Alin, ix now awaiting trial, The girl had a lover and the mother id olijected. Juseph Leiter and the Rothschilds of Europe have secured control of the Rhode Island Locomitive Works, The sent will manufac ture appliances for creeloss tracks, An unknown man took refuge in a Hme kiln at Hrookiyn last Sunday. Monday a fire was started and the man's head was burned completely off before the body was discovered, Attorney General Monnett, of Ohlo, was quoted as saying that the officials of the Standard Off Company shoud be sent to jail for contempt of court in refusing to produce thelr books, Pennsylvania oll men are now receiv. inb $1.19 per barrel from the Standard They claim that consumption exceeds production and in fair speculation they ought to receive $3 for thelr crude ofl Elizabeth Jane Face the other night, entered a Washington mission pnd requested that she be prayed for Just ws 1he service commenced she fell dead of heart disease Aged & yemEs, At 5 meeting of the Okla centennial comoninstoners 8 commitiee consisting of ©, M. Bpitrer, 1 EE Knizely and 8 Behenk were appointed to visit a and ask for $0 00h for the Ohio centennial The Ohio miners in convention at Columbus Irvlorsed the attitude of Governor Tanner, of Iitinnds, in the recent mining troubles at Pans and Virden, in which he declared sgainst the importation of negro miners, A number of Philadelphia wholesale merchants have decided to refund the tudlrond fare of the retail merchants who come to make purchases from the smalier towne, This move will keep the retaflers from going to New York H. Wurster, night telegraph opsr- ator for the Philadelphia & Heading Railroad Company at Bingen, Pa, was murdered a few days ago by Liewellyn Stout, 17 years oid, who was traced Ly the tracks he jeft in the HOW, Hy a Supreme court decision the town of Pullruan, HL, will in & few days pres out of the hands of the cor poration and becomes a free commun. ity. The L000 brick residences and public bulldings will be roid to the highest bidder. The life of County Attorney Van i Brown, of Red Lake, Minn, was at- tempted last Thursday, A dynamite bomb was placed over his office door, and fell when Brown entered, explod- ing with terrific force, Hrown was knocked senseless At Eagle City, Alasks, on December 11, Jack Jolly, a saloonkeeper and gambler, who had gathered around him a gang of toughs and was terror- izing the mining camps, was warned by. a vigilance committee to leave. He refused and the next day was jynched. Andrew Jackson day banquets wer» held in many cities. At the one in Bryan declared against expansion. The startling growth of trusts under the MeKinloy administration called forth many warnings. About 1.360 Cobans are now work- ing on the new branch of the railroad from the government dock at Havana to ronnect with Quemados camp, some 500 Cubans are handling quartermas- ter's stores at the wharves and else. where, 200 Cubans are cleaning the streets and 200 more are cleaning the public bulldings Three people were killed and several others quite seriously injured in a fire {at the Hotel Richelieu, Pittsburg, last { Sunday morning. Tre list of dead in- cludes: Amos 8. Landis, aged 28 be | Grapeville, Pa... suffocated; George A. ay to the is the result { Waters, aged 28, Camden, N. J. suffo- cated; Mrs. Kate Boyle, aged 25, Pitts. | burg, suffocated. Husband Obeys a Cruel Wile. come to light in Vienna. John Bra- une recently lost his fortune in busi- ness and his wife, Anna Braune, told him she wax hungry and he should shoot himself so she could get the life insurance. Braune shot himself but not fatally, and on his recovery his wife told him to hang himself. He was found dead soon after hanging to a beam. Later Mrs. Braune hired a workman to kil ther mother. whose only heir she was. The workman told the police and Mrs. Braune was arrested. car ng a ngs. Bucconsiul Cha Preacher. There was a large crowd in Mt Olivet church New York last Sunday to hear the 5S-year-old negro evange- list, Lawrence Dennis, who has re- cently been astonishing New Jerseyi- tes with his precocity. Lawrence is atill in dresses and wears curls, He preaches a vigorous doctrine of sal- ] vation by faith and leads the singing. After the services he brought out a bunch of his photographs and ores them at 25 cents apiece. church authorities interfered with the sale. A story of horrible inhumanity has | STUBBORN NATIVES. Filipinos Have Saturated Their Boilldings at iollo Wan Kerosene United States Soidier Killed by a Rebel, tha Uinited th Tie The proclamation of Bister government made publie to Filipinos last week has pot tween ceived with favor by the natives, Ab though they were promised all pos sihie Hibherey and advan: sd Lhe Tebhols fnzist on indepe wi née, Follock, the special embassy (rtm between Manila and #158 nl of Genera fais, he ivf: Th: The situation when Hotle was practically anchange dt. Bireate were barricaded, and It reported that the principal bail had bean keromened ” the peu threatened to destroy the whois nime section by fire at of benbardrrent 2 aul ure to the IDinited Siantow Newport and other veosn of the American vice fons) on board the Newport Colonel Potter reports dent MoKindey's prs be typewriteen aboard ship, xa printers an shore declined tn 4a the work, and when the taxt of the pro that the nition that concilistion sible, Privates Harry 8 WhE pos fivey and Fra k Kirkpatrick. nf the SRiyrh Tinted States artillery, while guarding « wa- tir bant astern of the Newport, wers attacked by the natives of the craw Private Silvey's skull war fractured fatally, and Private Rirkpatelok fell overboard, but escaped with a #esh wonnd The United Sistex gunboat Petre) arrived at Holle Friday, and Colonel Potter reports that the United Siates troops wil probably land on Guismnar- as island, about midway between the isiand of Panay and the lsiand of Negros, where a camp will be emiab- Hshed, Both siden. Colomel Porter ways have heen impressing the local shippi-g for military purposes. and the bn cisco Reyes had landed 5590 natives The foreigners were taking refuges on the British raise Bonaventura There ts no change in the situation In Maniia. On Friday night public ds. monstraticns were held in PP mpangay provines in ratifleation of Aguinaido’s proclamation, and the excitement was intenss, All natives wha enter the city in the night time are searched and every precaution is taken, The newspapers at Hong Kong pub- lish the following dispateh from Holle, evidently from a Filipino source: “When the Americans arrived at cemduct of any Kind anworthy of flized peaple, In conformity their agresment with the the Filipinos entered lisila in an ore derly manner and formally hoisted the Filipino fag. The Americans and meting with the complete ap proval of the foreign restdenis. The pontalios, castoms and other depart mens were working srvwathly under the entire control of the Fiilpinos This disposes of the allegations of the kill the same humand principles have guided their act ane thelr Bpanish oppressors’ The correspondent adds tual the re. porte of ap oppreition republic Raving been established are refaled by the facts that the governor snd general tommanding at lloilo have the American delegates from the war- ships that they could settle nothing without ardors from the national gov- ernment at Malcolm” A dispateh to the Manila Indepernd- which against called Pilipino government, says the governors of all the provinces of Lau» zon have aseermnbled at Malolos for the purpose of offering their lives and property in sdhexion to the policy of the president and government They say they fought only for the inde. pendence of the Filipinos and ars un. willing to surrender to strangers Commenting upon Presblent McKin- jey'e proclamation to the Pilipinos, ts. sued on Wednesday by Gen Otis the Independencia, which fo a native pa- per, says the problem presentéd in most grave. It admitx that thers are only twa solutions possible, pamely, the American abandonment of their arnesation policy, claiming that the people here mre not desirous of abe gorplion into thelr nationality prolonged and Bondy war It the examples of the “noble patriots of Hoflo defying Ceoneval Miller” ex presses hope for a pacific termination of the crisis, but hints of trouble The official organ, the Republica, less aggressive, but is Indisposed socept the suggestions of Ceperal Otie in thelr entirety. The Spanish papers are evidently afraid to coms ment on the situation. Too Basntol to Marry. Two days ago Henry Hanmond of Spencer, Prouty, Since the suicide Mrs. Maria Teal Prouty, the mother of Miss Iris Prouty, brooded over the death and yerterday committed suicide by srtan- fling herself with a #ilk bBacdkers chief. Miss Prouty is prostrated and she may die, . Britian Exports Increased. The exports from Great Britain dur- ing IDeoetnber. showed an increase of £16680 ax compared with the ex- ports of the carresponding month in 1897. This fact has been weloomed by the press, though It has not quite re- dressed the adverse balance for the Year. tc Bt at OUR NEW POSSESSIONS et All Bpanish soldiers have now left Havana. Gen. Ludlow has compelled Cuban bums to work on the streets of Hava- a, American soldiers, the other night, legia, Cuba. The gunboats Princeton and York town were ordered to join Dewey's fleet at Manila “The navy department has shipp 4d 10 the new naval station at Guam, the equipment for a brass band in Havana prisons will be released by Major General Brooke, The chiefs of | decided to disband the annoy, Aguinaldo’'s treatment prisoners has been horrible, have been marched through streets, led by cords attached to rings | through their noses, and others have been employed literally as beasts of burden. A thousand have died of ill traatment. “lamation was read to them ridiculed | found a good government established | inclination of the Filipinas 16 loot ard | The Pillpinos ceoapied Lailo on aswured | encin from Malolos, the seat of the sos oF a “item | cause he was too bashful to undergn | ooo ou the ordeal of the marriage ceremony | with his prospective bride. Miss Irie iynched a notorious burglar at Lomo ban army held a mestd and | the Ov : ng ! propriation of $12.0068 for naval charts haz arrived at Manila with Jie | Lato hes i department denoting Prog | amatinn had to | the | Hello they found abwolutely no footing | upan the part of the Filipino forces or | oh 5 den | with | Bpaniards ) ; the letter to General Mayia Rodriguez, I Banpuliy's superior, Ewen {the evenies of the day i revoivad hin Mass. committed suicide be: | con 10 whistle, A PN A NA So ASA i Tragspry the frat xhot i thar The banks were shipping their freas- | tranEpors | P stator that no real property ; grid that his prracnal | i nose waw broken, iterad, Aa great hale in the Back of the | city eonapicusus in a white ; and Ete i der the former Cad place, : pany has abi fw tes 3 Puerto Rizo yesterday fernor Bmith, of Vermont, the fate Senator Justin Smith Morrill | Two hundred Spanish officers and | soidicrs and $00 other convicts found | of Spanish | Monks | the | | fers who have seryed outside of the | 1pat the military has had to be called NEW SILVER CERTIFICATES. oa in First of Secretary Gages Unilorm Des'gn Put in Circulation. Four thousand $1 sliver certificates of the new uniform design that Becre. tary Gage has arranged shall apply to exch deviomination 7 bil, whether sliver certificate, treasury nota or United States note reached the Dnited States sub-treasury at New York Tuesday, They were nuickiv distri. buted to Individuals and banks. The new notes orn hoth face and back show mach white paper. On the face the central design Ia an American cagle with ayteiretebisrd wings guard. ing the fag the bas Kr sired being a view of the capitol Below are small portraits of Lineoin and Grant Each nite has printed in bine on ita fare a large Dgures § nd tha treasury peat The fAxures ‘he denomination of the pote ave all inrpge and Berid Treéargry Hae and 1 ni eg 8 THis NOTES Are each to have th ninatim and meals printed ia swt tive onlay Sub the naw nhey . Xp ott ay I be rors difflenlt fa comnterfoit the last jreve whi was Bihed up with an RErAYE 3 work, BRICE WORTH $600,000. Bev 5 3 Wil hy It Was Generally Thought Thar He Wana Muli. MM Lanaire, A petition for letters of adovinistra- Hon on the estate of sx -Benator Cals vine B. Brive, wha died on December i New York, was filed in the surrogntes aMee By attorneva., for Mra Caivin Cilivia Brice the widoy, The petition was jeft by the decadent estate Sx valued at $605 ey, Mrs. Brice gave the name Beira as Stewart MM. Helen O, ret K., Walter Kirkpatrick, and John Francis Frivce who are all of full age, and reside with their mother in New York city, The petition was granted Mre. Brice was appointed adminis. fratrix If wax the helinf of many financiers that Mr. Brice wits a multi-mililonaire Many beltoved that of the dotlare. and the comparative small amount of the esfate proved a general Surprise. Mr. Bri * ett no will CUBAN LOOKING row TROUBLE. Gen. Sangally Defer the Order Which Forbide Him to Appear in Uniform. Major General Lodiow, military gov eran of the department of Havana, recently recuested the Cuban General Julin Sanguily to satay outshie the city, or In the vent of his entering it not to wear hig uniform in public Ban. gully was informed in writing that be | wont be | event Cruels as sovurred at the Albisu theater | ; when with a party | severely Jest with in of provoking any muae trouble a fow nights ag, of friends he alfnost provoked a phy sienl comfiet with Deo members of (5 mianicipa police wha Bad fot saiate him. General 4 ard ir is under. thal feneral Holvigues eat ionesd him, Fut Tussday he was seen around the | duck suit | 3 : £4, wih white JIelvamed panama Bat, wegring the three gidd stars of 4 Ms or genaral friends, curling his tarts and twisting his hase heen omtentatiousty eng ETAy imperial posing in directions Eanguity Waking for with the al Ludiow's wrens fo be Thonigh unpopular lower cipsseis The General Rodriguez wil be this obstreperous behavior, amid STANDARD DRIES HE COURT. i Not Produce Its Books and May br Ousted | Prom One In the arguments before rome catart atl Colombas. the £5. & ney general to Siwsias the cdgnmisstoner and contings the inves tigation of the Btandard Ol Company | Kine of | ! Streets tthe Kaness City, in open court, Hon, Viegit P. Cleveland, attorney for the ofl com pany, was forced into making some very positive statements and admis sions, He declared in the first place, in response to interrogatories of the | that the company will net un- | | ery the police identified the bandits her than these al as they boarded the Ht the sec. that there are $27 00 060 | the | the conry | but which | court, order of the codrt pro duce any books ready given in svidence. he adnutied wiiil onutata nding about worth of trast certificates Hiandard Cul trust. which grdered dimioived in 1999 the prevident of the Standard rom along been ying (Oo get 0 Irying. in wt in and ia sti Wi asied While Din ag. Charles Memberger., 21 yours of age, who was {dund Contral tracks last Friday with pkuil fractured. died Wednesday. infuries Memberger inet, te whistled RID morte Boura and never cessed until twtore he died, A Ramarkadle Cha Player. At the Dsentacher chib Miwaukes jax: Maonilay Harry N. Plilsbhury, champion of the United Biates, formed the remarkable feat twenty -nve games of chess simultane ously and coming out victorious ia all but one, He was aiso*sucosseliul in an exhibition of “blindioM™ playing arsinst half a dogen well khown local playemt po a Ee AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Bia. of Justice, to cost 31000000, is projects edd at Washington. Brigadier General T. H, Paymaster General of the army, retire Janunry 08. General John Btanton. wil mailed undertaks in the Eaton ter the supervision of education island, BF tev Repor Agvneille, Agulinsido's re presentative at Washington is talking toes much and officials rid of him. The house refused to consider an ap- of the Philippines They were still considered forsign territory. Congress has passed a bill which | grants two months extra pay for sold. country and one month's extra pay to those who have ssrvei only in the! country, § five Marga | ‘dozen cuts and braless on his fortune would | | be valoed at from five to ten milion | a ne rm dosent SAFE ROBBED. Witliam Slevine Finds His Pathe Dying in Hin Office at New Cantin Large Reward Offered for the Awsassing, as i ‘ity Treasurer John Bliving of Naw Pind Pa. was Sathrday night foul. Iy murdered in his office in Uity hall The funy of the oWce wan covered with blood. whild there was plain ovis dence on every side that after commits fing the orims of murder the gullly ones had rarsscoked the place Mr Hisvins had been to a merchant tailoring eslabilehment to ave about an averoont he Was having nde The coat was not fnighed and he was told ta come baok in half an hour Me then Walked fo the atare of Ale son, William J. Hisvins and was there a mingle or twa. He had not returrsd fo his home when his son Wiliam reached thers, a fow minutes of 1! Ssturday, and hie Remy wtirted out fo find him The young man went direcily th the treasurer's ofive, found the done une sonked and the electric leht burning He saw his father lying in a podl of bids, apparently breathing hix inst Almdast fainting at the sight, hie rashead outside. found a policeman and wr Follewk, and rhe three entered the of Dy. Pollock ratsed Mr, Blevins head and at that inmtant the jatter breathed hin tase The (Wen was private FORTY WHR © algtht. The w ith Blows}. an awful pil and Mr Hisvin's face » an bartered ale semblaries, Th» the lower jaw shat. most ot of Buman ios than tis head. | He had sveidently made =» struggle, for there were blowd pools | In a score of places about the roomy and xpinshen on the walls His hans ware tors and bBlesding One Band was almost severed, showing that he had endeavored to retfin the tin money boxes whith were in the vault It is not known just Rew meh money wid taken but it is thought the chisers got abibut 3000 The two tin ah boxes had disappeared. The po Hee are of the opinfon that the crime was commitiad hy some ons who was well soguainted with the offices and with whom the dead man was also well arguainted, The wire porven and Goor which divides the private offica from the public department where the business is conducted was always se. curaly fucked, and that, tos, from the head, and there wore no the | Lunliow sent. copy of | IWR Pe i Pee terroriged and made the murder. ini | Attended hy oipght or dan in ue | Be 3 the : § cafes tery without regard to Gener | tronhie. | Unban chiefs, Be has a Inrge following among | attention off cm bie ti | it ix considered better to let Bis own peo | pie handle die up | faw | OF days sgo of the motion of the attor: Neuse, master | : with rare coolness. Betud up and robbed I Kansas (ity, dopant, New Albany, PC jured Jesse Bwxin, who i» ander nd} i¥ing by the New York | Buin On uf which he | be though he was wholly | and remained so tS the of tanes and without cessation far ninety-five ahaortly { the Presch chess | per. i uf plaving | mide, 3othat & person Whe Wis enter. ng the office could sot reach the vaults inlews the man inside unlocked the door, which wan lorked with a spring Mr. Blevins, ta the best Knowledge | of those who wees acquainted with his BaDits, never perpiited anyones when very well to po inside why the cers think that was cranmiit ied by someone weil, Thedw remsow that the HE. OAR Sa ad Be Renew that he oRnitzed by Mr Hievige be. under Ris axasmait The ity cogrel]l apd county commis. loners met Sunday after nen iknd each ws afferedt $500 far the arrest and conviction of the murderer or prurderere The city I» # Atgte of excitement bevond belief for thers Was ne mars popula man in the county thas the dead man and 1* Mis murderer ia caught f(t muh to say he would spesdeily met Bis end Mr Blevins wan born in Jounty Te rine, Ireland, Felraary 5 109% hat catne to Lawrence eotnty with his par. orate in INSEL. He was elected freaemrer af the connty in 1870 snd served three years and was appointed city treasurer to BI an gnexpired term in 1584 Since [then he Bas been elected term Sfter term and was the only candidate for a FP te-sjection al the coming spring elee. i len, domain Pies inpossds oft re Policeman, Tw masked men early Tuesday morning capturad a policeman at Fort Ran, tock him a mile Inte a winds, bound and gage him ans nine men in the Cottage and the Say rev hetels, on proasniient | business Alfred Mende, an engineer an FE Seott & Momphin ane of the vivtime was shot hy one of the robbers, white George BH. Youre & Hegre. wae mistaken for one of them and shot, Several hours after fhe rab Loute bound M_ K &T passenger train and Bad a pitched datsie with them, bug they got AWAY. infernal Machine injores Pive Blea. An infernal machine exploded in the Memphis & Birmingham Minw, Jaw Wed powday and five men wore seriously fo The machines wax shi ta "Pent for killing » man several months ago. Swain and four friends gathered arcand the box and pened it. There was an «xpioston and the five men were hurfed in all direetione and the depot was partially arreched BO trace of the suelo t — I Laswes. Ss NO el Drroyfun bad answered queries graph, being nvar La the Aemt Alonso's forces Paz, the capital, whers tionists are. With the portrait of a lady at side Count Franz Karolyi of Austria ags. He had committed suicide. Dreyfus has nat yet been brought to aris. The authorities fear kx disturh- ance, His testimany may be tiiken by A new building for the Department Madagascar and Eaypt for i Fifield was sppointed by Gove | sucveed | desire to get telegraph and the expense will prove i 158. Congress has APDropristed $7 000.63 | DET IROS for the care of the District of Colam- | § It was hell by the European press that Englasad and France ars nearer war than ever because of disputes in It Is as ! sumed that England intends to make | her “protectorate” over Egypt perma- nent and will not yield an inch, Italy and Celumbia decided to settle i the Cerruti claims by a board of ar. hitration. This is the case in which | px President Grover Cleveland, as ar- pitrator, awarded the house of Cor. rut & Co. $200.08 dumages An Fal. i The restrictions imposed by | many upon the importation of ment | are producing the results whieh might | be expected, says Conwal Alert at ; Brupswick., There is 5 load from ail parts of the country | Mail advices {rom Sg FB § torrific ; rai na & foetal of | not tong sheep deal, and after being arrested jumped Me There is of | the skulle and court of Jassation bY tele i Cvlomely tagether aw if A erinie is at hand in Bolivia, Presi. y was found dead ip London a few days | Cehoiers epideinic here n 1540, jan crulser ® an its way to Columbia | t Ger- | the Maine?’ Crime, stantial evidenve and ta pisevs in Ris cabin, = wn aaknown where she sald itl all forms of bacilli, nihilating the patient. AX New A Cotas Newspaper Craceens Page Havas ; Judge with Destroying the Ship. A dispateh from Havana 8 aye: ®t iooks aw if the question “W he Saw r Is about to be Zacariax BEresmes a Spanish judge, now a fugittve from Havana, in accuse #4 by a Cubiin newspaper of being ave tive in a plat for the destruction of the hatitieship. A good deal of excitement has been cavsed by the charge, which is made in El Reconcentrado, the organ of Cuba libre. The paper says that when the Maine came into Havana harbor Hresmes openiy declared that such an act of audacity could pot pase without stringent punishrent “His threats where direct” the paper con- tinues “ard boded destruction the American ship, His associates were Felipe Gonziler, Dion So Vege and Fusalin Asitvuge violent WB hers with him were De capuniards volunteers “These men hasted that the Yan Kevw were about to get thelr doe. though no charge can be directed awainet any save Rresmes. He and the hot-hended Spaniards met nightly Bt A house near the corner of Muralio ars Habana strects where the public know the slit against the Maine wae oncocted and all arrangements com pleted When the sxpiosion took place FHresnies wax in the Tacon theater with friends At the sound of the explosion he dried: Theres goose the Maine!” Champagne was drunk in honor of the terrible svent at the mo ment when others wire vaguely ine auiring of ove another what had bape poried Bresmes' same wis mentioned Des fore the American court of inquiry, but not sufllaient evidences wan then fortheoming, and all reference tn him wan suppressed in the report Capt. Rigalwe, who is here with the | Texas, said, when told of the charges: “1 hope te see those punished who gent my good ship and Dolores men to the hottom of Havana harbor Hresmes is sald to be in hiding in Spain. A THIPLE MURLERER, Wite's Contemnion. May Releant an ianocens Man From Prison. Sheriff Gedwrge A Storrs of Utah county, Utah, left New York a few days ago accompanied by Mra Jennie Wright. They are en route to Utab in oan endeatwr to clear up a murdes mystery. and to free if paswible, a man fom a life sentence, At the Pollan Point ranch, Utah, in ISH three young men were shot down ane night in thelr ranch house. The stepfather of nne of the Boys named Hayres, had had trouble with the men and was arrested. charged with the » Bodies of the men were found sunk In Utsh fake and the premises they Bad occupied were [oot af. Haynes was convicted on circum- was Rentenced te be Banged, But a stay wae secured and the sentenes commuted te lle im prisonment A short time after the crime re W. Wright eft that locality and in various pisrts of the West. fine drifiing to Fresh Water. Col He i. a gradants of Kaismasoo nw college He soon became prominent, bearing the sobriquet of "King of Fresh Wa. ter” Ome morning & man with whons Wright wis at odds was found shot Wright sssist- ad at the coroner's injuest and wrote aut the verdict of "murder by & pers fater Wright became invialved in a guestionable hail and fled He visited Ate wife at Res parents’ Rosas al Gouversewr. Wo Y.. and then disappedred After he left the West svidence of 8 positive chardoter relnting to the murs der at Frosh Water is said © have been found against Wright. and after working on (he case for over & year Chivf Harder elicited & confession from Mrs Wright to the effect that her husband Lad goods which figured in the Pelican Point murders The Utah asthorities were commun- ated with and found articles Just Mrs Wright said she was willing £0 testify apsinst her Buss sand for the triple crime, providing he can be caught. She saves Ber jips have previewsly been seafod ar. fear of him Nisctre ty to Assihilste Germs. wonderful discovery of sieotrlio i* anmdunced, whereby the ine A foros ventor claims that be can send a mil- fon volts through the human body, tereulonts, without Encientally, York attorney is now In Washington fing with the patent office the papers nee conpry to proteet this remarkable dte- covery. He is wry reticent : frankiy admits that he fears ridicele From what was divuised, = take advantage of the fact that | 4 not an a conductor, but that a #lectrieal current atrt Klnes case. in which is an body. is diffused aver the wide ew- panes of glans plates. and hence per meten all parts of the human | inside the gins “ase, larger — The skeletons were buried Dark stains and collins ‘whole, iarge grave, shap-e in the earth show where revaiu- | o ‘ his | seven feet wide. How the bodies sot there fo & mystery. An oll citizen suggented that they were victims of & Found a Depleted Treasury. When the United States , San Jean Porte Rico's capital, | in November JuMan Hlanco was ceeded an secretary of the insular treasury held mR cents per. $18 in Venezuelan about $M in American bank | oll was greatly surprised to coamdition, the treasury he has learned that over 300.000 pesos, about 200.000 ars outery | about | io 3 ac Sn named as follows. the high prices and scarcity of meat | shall he known as “0 0 Petersburg | say that a hig strike 3 on among the ! strikers have | attacking pragp- | 2 textile workers. The reanrted to viclenee | arty and assaulting substitutes, i out. £4 A strict rensovship does not al- i low the newspipers to mention the strike. ing, from thiv fund, and it Is probable that the full amount, which has been done away with, amounts tv nearly 500.000 pesas. This money was taken to Spain; of this ne one has any doubt. Transports Will Honor Generals. The War Department lgsued orders that the three transports now being prepared far the Philippines shall be The “Mohawh™ honer af the late General U. 8 Grant; the “Mobile” shall be known as “Shor man.” in honer of the mite General | Willlama T. herman, amd the “Mas. sachugetts” ps “"Bheridan” in honor of the late Guneral P. HL. In addition it has been decided to two other ¢t including boty ih