THE PATTO. UARY 12, 1899. PATTON. 2 NEXT DOOR TO HODGKINS’ DRUG STORE. s STOCK # From a well-known clothing manufacturer i % : 1 » 2 of New York, who, © were the fortunate bidders. and the entire stock was knocked don “manufacture. y WN We want cvervbody to call and sce our stock of was forced into bankruptcy. We? - us to sell it at less that cost to ’ I'S, BOY’S and CHILDREN’S SUITS, OVER and PANTALOONS. Do not delay, but come at once, a our stock 1s bound t we bought cheap, we sell cheap. A lot of goods turned « buy; goods less than manufacturers’ prices, so come at once price that will make the goods jump: * * * LF sowws se uvy Huey ¥ IRE CIHIRT | OATS “, ¢ 1s nothing p Ligure to put it in motion; good YOY v in lor us. Now is the time to ’ Men's ¢ vou a few of our A $15 Suit or Overcoat g.37 Suit or Overcoat 7.60 b J Boy's A 85 Suit or Overcoat Suits an it or Overcoat 4.53 3.0% Overcoats. Sait or Overcoat bo A $12 Suit or Overcoat 7.90 . 9 oo. ildren’s Suits and Overcoats. A $1.50 Suit or Overcoat g8¢ A $2 Suit or Overcoat 1.19 A $2.30 Suit or Overcoat 1.38 A $3 i Men's and Boys’ All Wool Pants 75c, positively worth $1.50. r {vercoat 3.12 Ir spent w it Men's and Boys’ All Wool Pants worth $2, our price R SIDE ISSUE: Remember that every dolla ti 50 UNDERWEAR 19. 25 SUSPENDERS 5c. goods and prices. So come and see for yourself. ti no se goods will bring you all the value and a chance of a lifetime. Don’t miss 1t bought, but come early and get first choice while the stock 1s large. and then reg: REMEMBER THE PLACE,