PATTON. CAMBRIA CO., PA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1860. r | s10oPERYEARS VOL. VIL—NO. 7. iA een Do Your Buying of Dress Goods, Millinery, Coats and Furs at JAS. QU INN'S, dobnsiown, Pa. A A A bs S33 Se AA BO AB ¥ © TWO MING ACCIDENTS. | i" ! Argument ist. | | One a! the Fiannugun Ran Coliry sod Institate, The following cases will ba presen ted! The : ; : ! Ope at Columbia. 3 i bali, ; Argument ‘oars on | t i i 3 4 ¥ 3 : : ; : William J. Fisher, a well- ks0WS | proved & success in every I eet | Me BY Saray M A.D TS ov oi, ey where an arc or com young man of this place, who is an meetings were well attended and ation agains William Dionabey, exe street light is i badly, iti : : HW ¥. ight is peede ly, it is at the : ‘employe at the Flannagan Run col he program 1aig a Jor each day was cutor of Daniel 8 MeAnulty, deceased, | Sromsing of the Pennayiy aia railroad | iates A ; Enieved by 8. De nEtTROLOrs vrei | to Ble an acciant Lon Agee AVEO, An what seems : pl Pe With 3u Sulorsenuie aad ent were Prot. Heiges, of Fork 2 2 i n the fatter of the rile to show queer in the orinds of the people in i ares : : : acciden _e ; county, Prof Hiester, of Daaphin caose why Charles FH. Hoffman, guard- that that place in loft in the dark The iekory and ash handle wood. For sustained the Joss of four fingers of his county; Pat Trios, of State Colisge, i of Jennie Hoffman, should not be bores h council as already petitioned pain cARion and terms call on or t k ¢ : gaged i : ant AE MOWLIIANS Ht Jannat Ameria raged § ; % a 4 : ha left hand. He was crigaype a Covaniy Fraavs read try i = Metioy, A 1 = the matier of exceptions to pi and Sor hay poll fact Ln tha Parros Wannex Mec Oo, : ; Bg one o a i B MNES © ob Bender, Mra. Banpan snd HM. the report of John H. Stephens, andy Robb is no longer saperintendent of Room Ne. 1, Good Building : Unless you need them which are in use at that mine, when Gooderham were among the special lor in the eatate of David Hamilton, the C. & C. division, snd the matter, 54 Patton, Pa. * Unless you need them, aml ba-hand wae seen i000 0 itl Sh So, Ni "er Yo Sovele 4 Bari en past | pg 0 0 en only pure drugs, tht, resulting as above stat Dr, folly . The| el, the new ntendent, 5 at such as are sold by responsible 8. W. Worrell, the attending surgeon, lectures given by the shove usmed| 4 Inthe matierof the petition A | M2 F. P. Absrcrombie. will tate the! Grooey. epidns druggists. We keep only the reports his patient as getting along 88 44 instructive order if mach 49. { partition in the tt of | ore a te Throw Away best. That is the great dis. | "ll a= could be expected under the predates by all. Ope of the most Blough, deceased, should not be set a very dangerous place, not only from | esha : g ie g circamstances. interesting topics during the session aside. | the fact that it in the ipal crossing tinction to be looked for when Mike Vaninsky, a Slav employed at was penitey Ha" A whieh wa hand ed 5. Wo fhe matter of the exoe Oba {in our town, but that on the dastern . & ona 1 bis A ” a vw Dr. rville, Chest to the widow's appraisement in he it is the time comes that you need the Columbia colliery, met with a pain- Spiinge. The Farmers Cornet band estate of Duniel W A scoased Spproach i in Zmarehy a Sxsgetous| them. No where else will you fal snd probably serious mishap furnished the music for Se institate. 6. In the matier of the pike to show crosses Chest Creek within a few feet Bs | Wednesday morning by being aoci- The Fi Mery Xpress 'mmelves as cause why Mes Ca an, exe of the railroad tracks. If a light is not find so complete a stock. dently y by pg g bine. being highly pleased by the kindness cutor of Caroline Whittaker, y | Ea sit Besides havi I ribs broken, he and hosp! ity shown by oar citizens shonld not comply with the order of be employed to look after the safety of DE severa roken, while in our midst. The COURIER in Orphan's Court for sale of certain real the traveling public. Arrangements sustained internal injuries. behalf of our citizens extends a hand estate of said decndent, otherwise order should be made for one or the other at of welcome to thes: gentiemen when- of sale to be directed to George M. once. It should not be put off. Pee T \ C ey Br olind Pomona Girangs Meating. ever they decide to make our town Wertz, sheriff { ; . . i 0 ! 0 {VUud Tne Cambria County Pomona Grange another visit. | 7. Inthe matter of the exceptions A Nrwepapet Werth Amdny. . | : Se ‘held ite first quarterly meeting for to widow's second appraisement in the With a circalation showing a gratify- : : 3 Frem Geo. Edmiston. of i ing increase as com with 8 1899 at Cresson hall on January 6th. Following is a letter received from Quiate u rk 3 Hag or, late of Hastings XE oN re oampared dn na rnntbt; | he forenoon session convened at #:36 George W. Edmiston, a well-known yn puiteinage than eta before. with adds . scriptions | with Master HM. Gooderham in the Pasion boy bi {lange to Company A Commie History of Spain i press | ilities which permit of en wr ot Ther wo alcuion tm regara Py Raorer At nan, SAMY: | toe recent rar a 1 stint Ba Tomes cori poi or ; : 9 : 4 : ; A By aN ¥ « AF 4 : 1 i Bs 1 4 oy : ’ o% ® Oo : or ' to the Patrons Fire losarance company. Eorror Covkier:- I thought I would Tress have been pot into {inkling verse 1598. It modestly claims to be a good, ~ Herman Dishart read an essay, which take the liberty of dropping you a few and merry pre by Charles M Snyder, all-round newspaper, neglecting no properly it takes was much appreciated by the members. Hing toda) Joliet Ion ad =y Sten the Mather of the famous comie history | Opportanity to Jatersain ita readers 3 $ ! § nip dine J of Greece, it ne Bor | : sparing no effort or & y get time. It requires ex r-| Jos. 0. Thomas, of Wilmore gave & roy this will find you ail the same. 1 apary laugh of De pi the - the news R ocurstoly and prom y. | jence and a comp ete Ik on commercial fertilizers. Mr. sm baving a good time jost at present exclusively inn The Sunday Press, While it is Republican in politios it en- foe knowledge of drugs It! Thoma 4 bat given is matter much 5] do vet have Jo da uch dui yet, bog inning January 15. Esch install. deavors to be fais In discassion k Over The old. The happy Fear IVa nappy a x : ‘study, w having 20 years sxper- OOF sli isa . , ment will be illustrated in & lively way, | ¥ Te eld of human in it start on the new year, because re quire : the druggist to i therefore could give the farmers the old town of Patton? I learn that quite in keeping with the text Nay. Bo ily edited and courts the favor are no error: or stakes to cast & ¢ have a lar variet 4 of dru | Ome valuable advies in 2 i» now elegantly lighted : by elec Sunday's Press will also contain a visit of the fir wide rather than the applanee ‘ blight or shadow on the mind. You'll Hen ge ety gS aft Cn nena - tricity; sm glad to hear of that. We i, 4 dispensary by “Karl” Frank 6G. of sensation mongers. For reference always have the same clear record in ~fresh drugs. He must oh De hey buide beauioh pe at a Expect a nove tut of tis Seammp hn: the Carpenters letter on the chances for i submits to the unbimsed Judgement baying if Jou patronize os We sim tui : : policy holders of Patrons Fire In- 500 T5505 Ha nvestment in South America, a fashion of Dewspaper men anywhere int to please and our sim is accarsbe. give the best possible work, Jo company d the ft Alowing | Where we will go. It is believed by article by the famous Anne Ritlen- territory in which it circulates. Three We are (CLOSING OUT our fall and : and for compensation he | directors for 1899: J. J. Thomas, H. J. or me § Pi, wa iakem Sithver 10 Cie house, and many other exclusive feat dollars & year or six cents a wank winter weights at a Great Bargain must be reasonable. {Ivory A. B. Kirsch, Joa. O. Thomas, piace of er | oi aetiag thi rach Wl a av } reader, Dum it Pay to Advertise Don’t fail io see them. ] James Westrick, J. BE. Tomlinson, M. np here; | now weigh 185 pounds; we ji . y : A dispatch from New York says: CALL AND SEE US. : : 1 4 a re Am st good gral’ and little to do which foo alintion of forangy OM Rince Christmas there have been len L Carl, J. 8 Mot'oy, T. L Parrish, E21 ¥ ram Ofears ; . joe Ly ' Wn Roland. W Sanked { ER is accounts {ar i, hat of torres chia On Friday evening, January Sth. HH. failures reported of concerns ust made Dinsmore Bros. % With the above facts ,, .. hand, Wm. Sanker, 1. E. Kay- ‘wnap™ will not surely lust long. | mee uM. Gooderbam, the retiring master of a specialty of goods intended for holl- | |, work GUARANTERD. jor and J. H. Owens. T. J. Hughes Comrade Dunnegan is home on a far- (or fans te day presents. Some of these concerns pe Concord (range. No 1135. and &t 0) jarge stocks and were entitled mon Ee i aaa =’ ve a talk on ‘Feeding Stock for 10ugh after a of typhoid fever. autor of § Ammond Cir Hae remember we re a " * xt : § : (dive Mim my best rega or regrets ie Haar o the Pe Haha tirange to the designation “hig.” Ia one or 9 ‘ ] Sn Profit Afr disponing of some Ls ® ; . i a of Cambria oounty, inesalled the fol. tac a : i ne . i ; Sh a : fd which ever vou think proper. With wing offfioers for 1898: Hon J J two instances the stocks were valued { Bu careful. (queries the meeting closed in fourth my kindest regards to all | remain as Auk. Trg on 4 Hoorn wer. M more than $20,000. The noticeable «2 8 V RR 5 Opens in Ah pres. The com- ever the same oid oer Philip Hartsog : lecturer: Wm thing about each of the collapsed oom- : | mittee on resolutions then reported, GrorGE EDMISTON. Karlheim, steward, Isadore Strittmat- Ty shit they a Sot, Souiitine : id thanking the citizens of Cresson for Bosnia Foobarrasan ents the Cae ter, assistant steward; V. Dumm, hap- apa wded roe their kind hospitality and severely con- The Coal Trade Journal in speaking oy J. H ilcover, treasurer, ASE g... the commencement of tive hedis : ; LB Af Pare Years 13 nk yd Millar, secretary: Joo. Grussberger : , i ; 3 5 Fes i ty 4 £3. Perey Jotws, (Be Lank ckainer JF ‘ ETRY, aa. its Lost fests @ elomine th ‘demping the high salaries pad : : rate keuper; Anna Strittmatier, cores, day season to the hour of closing the ; i z . hes £4n FF AE side 3 3H pen a a we oie mi ” HL ene ae 5 county officials and urging our repre. »- : on - wi) at. ee at . a # iE Helena Hoover CHTRON Frama i helore WE thes a : as ’ vy ; TEC Cpeepnlle, SYA LRGRl BF WAR O50 DR OWE wep eng Dl : Sing ya tha greatest bolidey Dusiness in Years L§ : A# saad sentatives to do all in their honorable most sxtensive individual coal opers- Fhosiax, fora co faews eoRi¥ FER x ; yu h ; 1 34% cost means to try to have a law passed tors in the Clearfield and Beech Crees snger. The mombers certainly made PER a good selention as they still have, as John E. Evans George Boone, M. J. CD Datée . : : ight o ; cuul region. He operated the well : : vans, i Patton Pharmacy. which will lighten to some extent the A KN nldate ph and in Deretofore, a corps of oMocers that ars Ryan and W. L. Thompson have been already overridden taxpayers of this ost Acme and Roval mines. Bost a credit to the Grange. drawn from Patton to sit on the trav- at . 1 cir Jeg ¥ a : NPE Seige A J Seren i 2% Ed diy. * a Foye } : county, The resolations were GUAR peg embarrsmsmonis = the sopposed Pers Plated ere jary at Ebensburg during the al l PS a argan i op sposite Sch ool Building. mousiy adopted. Edward Ribas, of causes for the commision of the crime, At a regular meeting of Barneaboro eoraing March term of conel. Sl 4 loretto, was elected Deputy for this though me embarrasstienia had BO Catia No. 73, KG. E, held last Thurs. Do not forget the great Bankropt ’ oy “ Leounty. ponnection with the bank of which be 440 svening the fuilowing offlovrs were Clothing Sale next dodir to Hodgkins! Heating Stoves, best was cashier The trade loses an eX i a.d for the # iva » The evening session was opened and seonianally br id he hd wes siected for the ensuing term: H.C. drog store, Patton, Pa CE 1 » pened ceptionally bright and bonorabio man williams, past chief, George Meese, ; quailty , al PriKCEs that will ill a Few | convened at 7:30. The audience was in Mr. Jones, and the community in in hie aS : i The E ! saitaineer- } : - : 13 1 ; ; in pabie chief, Arthur Dokew, viee chief] Ihensbury Mountaineer-Heraid induce vou to buy this § favored by a song from the Grange. which be lived one of its foremont CiU- Pramas Brown, high crivaty Harry appeared wl last week in the form of an Sy : * Prof. R. H. Biter was then introdoced tens, he being interested in several phjjige vemerabie hermit. J. F Not. eight-eolamn, four-page newspaper, year. > x ea Ranges, tae y 1 eft ’ ‘and gave a very humoristic and in st toring and mercantile in. tal) master of records; J. F. Nuttall, instead of six colamns, eight pages, aa : : % ’ i py : WL % - PER YE a Sd : lal did 1 Paaishas § c ; 3 : ; dls No o clerk of sxciumyner, Hob Brown, Beeretofon ¢ till maintains Xe Beat. i X :. - : s structive talk on “Our Country First Nations! Bank Eleelios. keeper of exchequer, John Hutchison, Dems of print and make-up, of which Dockash, Etc—None a Jewell, » i8chool.” The professor believes we The annual meeting of the stock. sir herald: Iseael Hallman, worthy Editor ypeon has socomsfully en- 1 rire ix : stock aid, , Worth) : - better.and prices awavdown. . {should have more work pertaining to holders of the First ational Bank of bard: Ei Hartney, worthy chamber. deavored to piace before his many P ¥ About One Dozen agriculture in our rural schools. Miss Patton was held Tuesday, Janoary 10, lain; Robert Walker, ensign; J. A. readers, which, like a i job of 1999. The present bao of directors Wooleslagle, esquire; Eobert Brown, printed stationery, isan verlisemens Heating Stoves to sell | Lula Bannan then saug a patriotic Ll elected, to-wit: A. E. Paticn, first guardusan; Robert Merry weather, of iteelf MN : cheap. : Now is your ong, which was enthusiastcally ap. A G. Palmer, GG. 8 Good, Hon Jus second guardemas; HH, ¢ Williams, ft is mighty hard to be smartiy iii 8 chance to get a good stove | Plsuded. dno. Mel ann then talked on Kerr, E C. Brown and W. H. Sand- trustee, Thomas Brown, representa ood ug qt wearing a pair of oor : for oney. States. After a song by Grange choir Ye, viz: A. E. Paiton, President, Ehenshurg Fair Ofosrs. Parros ScerLy Co. ! { the meeti ad ’ Aoi Cl A Gi. Palmer, vice dent; Ww. H. T . Fhe: shu ¥ ha hd 4 « - vt TY a BE Oe . : ing adjourned to meet in April. Sandford, cashier. The nsual annoai ia he Ehenshuarg Faz assot AGN bupic When other say this pair for Se Y eager Bld Bs Patton, Pa. : We would like to A Clgar Fat statement was submitted and found lip alent an before Chratman g.., we save you Ide When they say . do some plumbing spout- J. H. Dizon & Son is os mine of «| TTY sitistactary, showing 4 suntisued Ee i er cs wan Jha pair of whos for 38, then we save Loi . 3 da Birr, 3 ans” ta : rapid growth in the iness of thi x ame No ce it on 13¢. We will not be andersold. ing or tinwork for you. Pe¥ firm which has beet established goqrishing institution. The bank now made in the board of directors, cammed MiLzws Wine SRoE STORE. ; ok » i : . d for the IrpORe of manufacturing all has & capital of $50,000 and surplus of by the repaoval from the county of : Loo 1m east window and | kinds of cigars and tobies. Rooms g47 pon ’ j John Davia, of Gienglade. His place CABTOIRIA. see some of our work. have been secured ou the second floor ae will be filled by David J. Davie The he Cad You How | oh All work of the Cornelius building on Mages Reduced Kates to Harristearg, Ebensburg Moantaineer Herald is in- Jeses the : . ~~ adl wor guaranteed. ‘avenue and work of manufacturing For the accommodations of persons formed thit the association was enabled Signature aa] ‘has already been comment wl. The Oesiring to witness the ceremonies in- through the proceeds of its last exhi- | work will be under the personal super- cident to the inauguration of Hon. W. bition to pay off $300 of ita debt, leav- vision of Paul Dixon, the junior A. Stone, as ROVErnor of Pennsylvani ing its total Habilities about $1,500, | mataber of the firm, who is an exper- at HurvieOurg, dasmasy 17, the Deus. while it& assets are placed at §3,000. fenced ar maker. syivania abr company Will se mn : excursion tickets from all stations on Business Changs. Manila Newspaper, its lines in Pennsylvania, to Harrie The frm of McCall & Crook, of the The COURIER recently received two burg, on January 16 and 17, good to People's meat market, has been die copies of the Freedom, a tri-weekly return until Janoary 18, 1500, inclusive goived, Mr. McCall retiring. Mesars. Hewspaper pubiished at Manila, Pbil- at rate of single fare for the round trip ose ih Crook and Chas MoeTiggart ippine Islands. The paper was sent to minimam rate 9% cents. Children having purchased Mr. McCall's inter- i. an Taking by Nl son, a Wadi between 5 and 12 years, half rates win, tay - formes a 05 pastSeryhip and 1 that place. prin - , cos - 11, in the futare, conduct the business ‘Heh type and ite editor, Don C. W. “The Forged Morigage. at the same old stand. The services of | Musser is an American. It is & newsy sama waged “Tee, Forged Wm. McCall have been secured to sheet and no dou a welcome visi. Mortgage!’ will be n personally look after the market and tor to the Firemen's Hall in Patton Satarday the trade will be served in the futare as : : 4 are stationed on that wild and wooly evening, January 14, by a Boma in the past. td vimit, and invested wny money : {talent com y of Hastings tis : : : kk ; a composed of five acts and is one of the ~30c underwear 19c at the Bankrupt {Q during the past week, you have Received Another Contract : . Ha Yothing Sto reason to congratulate vourself- Geo. 8. Good & Co, railroad best dramas aver writien, and the com. | IGE ING Sars if you haven't you have lost the : lieantoare Of t lly a Col: | pany which will nt the play comes A fatal affray occurred at Irvona, in 4 ” iC * nu re Jou : . ; i tractors of this Places, iiding scared oo, Patton highly recommended All (Clearfield county, near the Cambria Keep your eyes apportamty of making a dollar Sosivec: new She ya Window | atiothier ontrast o N Siding over ® should give the members the best of line, Friday night of last week in which open for the Boa do double duty. But it iem't tos 50¢, es 0 road in New 1 0, ragement by i a gh : ; : ; nd $1.00 each. the scene of the former contract rec -neon t by attending. young Edware’ Rickects los his hfe. It Ton January Clear '\ late vet—the wile will last all of Wa a rently finished. Work will be com- For the first time in the history of 4. a EE tu an a al ine Sade Prices : this week and nest, so that if you NG CHAIRS--from $1.00 to menced at once and pushed to an early Clearfield county the afin of peo Rickwn pa yu Ko . = he a ; - a Sir hurre vou will yet be in time. i completion. thonotary, register a recorder, wi a an baad fans S3EE Na Da ioe ; i : all the other county offices, as far as the law allows, are BON occupied by oo h to wot clerks LR Republicans. Among the new officers AY : March : to get clerks for SB. Sam. a A on an. 3d were Grant AG. Haldeman, of Thom ROE LGWD, sons wishing to know the dates and H. Thompsen, prothonotary, who is a Pa, who represents Thow Rickert & places and how the positions can be brother of W. L. Thompson, of the Co, wholesale hat dealers of Phils. obtained ed an wie Colambian Dorres. firm of Wolf & Thompson, ciothiers of Qelphia, wa looking after his Srade in . Be ; it By chia place. | Patton and surrounding towns the first 7ashington, D. C., and same will be ©" PE EO A omar. Who ] furan withoat cost. ay a save money deal at hag been a merchant chaser for apwards 10-22-24 11th AVENUE, By the looks of the show window at i did ‘of 35 years, has gained many warm the Cash Grocery it is not going to be $15.00 suit or overvost §7.63 at the friends by his courteous and obliging | ALTOONA, PA. in darkness. : : J ander $2.00 bail on another charge, Civil service examinations, open to has left the cogntey and cannot be tall, will be held in most large towns in Eee a ' Bankrapt Clothing Store. the Inet, of a SE the { Popular low prices on honest 75¢ cotton working pants 37c at the CABTORIA road. : mate Dry Goods. ph Clot pi Lis EE Try a poand of our loose coffee at IQ aun '15¢. Ewery drop is a drop of comfort. ParroN Seren Co
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers