The greatest sale of Clothing ever known of in the history +f PATTON. Qe NEXT DOOR TO HODGKINS’ DRUG STORE. THIS STOCK WAS BOUGHT AT SHERIFF From a well-known clothing manufacturer of New York, who, on account of business reverses, was forced into bankruptcy. We were the fortunate bidders, and the entire stock was knocked down to us at a price which enables us to sell it at less that cost to manufacture. We want everybody to call and see our stock of & ’S, BOY’S and CHILDREN’S SUITS, OVERCOATS and PANTALOONS. + Do not delay, but come at once, as our stock is bound to go quick because there 1s nothing like a cheap hgure to put it in motion; ‘we bought cheap, we sell cheap. A lot of goods turned quick at a close margin, 1 1S ugh for us. Now 1s the time to . bay goods less than manufacturers’ prices, so come at once. Remember the old adag to-morrow what von can do to-day.” We herewith quote you a few of our price that will make the goods jump: ¢. "Never put ; Men's Suits and Overcoats. A $15 Suit or Overcoat 9.37. A $12 Suit or Overcoat 7.90. or Overcoat 6 87 An $8 Sait or Overcoat 3.50 A $6 Suit or Overcoat 3.87. Boy's Suits and Overcoats. A #5 Suit or Overcoat 3.65 A #7 Suit or Overcoat 4.83 A #10 Suit or Overcoat 6.87 #12 Suit or Overcoat ;.go Children’s Suite and Overcoats. A 81.50 Suit or Overcoat 98¢ A $2 Suit or Overcoat 1.19 A $2.30 Suit or Overcoat 1.18 A Overcoat 2.37 A #3 Suit ar Overcoat 3.12 en's and Boys’ All Wool Pants 75c, positively worth $1.50. Men's and Boys’ All Wool Pants worth $2, our price $1. A SIDE ISSUE: 50c UNDERWEAR 19¢. 25¢ SUSPENDERS 5¢. Remember that every dollar spent with us for these goods w goods and prices. So comeJand]see for yourself. This is a chance of a lifetime bought, but come early and get first choice while the stock is large. * 2 1 ei Tus 4 wa ga aaa TY ae x ha . an pe Sead vars) a SPER ‘ . Lu iG ail the vaine and nierit Laat 82 wii elsewhere. Nothing we Call say will conviuce you like our miss it and then regret it when you see the great bargains vour friends and neighbors have REMEMBER THE PLACE, Corner Fifth and Beech Avenues, DOOR TO HODGKIN'S DRUG STORE, PATTO THIS SALE WILL NOT BEGIN UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK SATURDAY MORNING.