EA, VINER SS 4 rd a AD HS pai tie Wnos. Spanish gineral of Cubs, last : TRANSFER WAS QUIET. I, Yields a Authority to Gen. ‘An Eschange of Speeches—Ce. bans Not Eathusisstic. I ii With tears in his eyes Cen. Casto}. | (ay turned the relgn of the island 10 the United States government form of the transfer was simple, Rg only of an exchanges of echoes in the salon of the palais, the raising in iti stead of the flag auling down of the Bpanish flag e United States on the flagstaff 2 the palace roof. Salutes wers fired peri the heavy guns of the forts anid warships before and after the of the flaps. The raising of Biars and Stripes was greetad ‘heers by the people, who cov. @ poafs of the hulidings around and the pisza. § Major-General Lee, mii- ernor of the province of Ha- th his stad, joined General . latter then crossed the palnce, General lee on the and the Oe tro Be arms as the Americang eu- ] palace. The Cubans re. ; outside untii escorted in by n of General Brookes ; went to the zalon facing hich is on the second Cop tain General Castil- Ahe salon without cere. thers, After shak- | Brooke sat upon a mip of Cuban generals, «Consul Jerome Intro- to General Mayia Rodri- Shaking both hands of the in the usual! "Bpanish General Castellanos said: have been enemies, but 1 re- for your correct attitudes L 1 have pleasure in shak- Ne urs replied: “1 thank feel sorry for the Span- which has defended the as sworn to defend. 1 also 1 shaking your hands” stroke of 12, the boom of ught all eyes to the point in where stood the captain who was talking with an r. Immediately all moment the band on the : ng the Spanish natioal ie uns at Cabanas fort- there was a breath- salon. Everybody the American erican flag was be- on the staff on the roof of by Major Butler. son of that the Stars up on all the Havana. After the hand on the Star Bpangied 1 guns. if to Major General the United States General Castel tompliance with the the agreement of the i of the istand any king, at this or noon, a 1569, thute : sovereignty s that of of the United States. * you ia om. a Brocke anid: “1 accept ein. behalf of the Gov. : t of the United ! addressing ing Captain Gene and all who are United States sol. harb prommted a striking pinflatins The Stars ‘Hous on the “WR merchant- the bay. while launches tly pl) between the leaves Manila. ‘however, to re- pedliction of the fleet, jntimated any desire to no the sentor of iter, Detter { this country to pay its share of custom ° y y ing at Havana a few dirs BE, de. cided to yield without reservation to | j { i% the nivest present you could have oy, Congressman Dingley of Maine Is very ill at Washington. : W. Davis Wood, a welliknown fron manufacturer of Pittsburg died last Monday, The cotnage Is the largest ever ri corded for a singles month, amounting tr $10 081 oy. The Third 1°. PP. chch, of Pitts. burg, was destroved by fire ast Batur- | day evening Lows, $1500 Thendors Paosevell governor-cléo of Mew York toak the osth of at New Albany last Saturday. A rabber company eapitalized at £30000 006 will soon be incorporated tinder the lsvr of New Jevsey, U. 8B Grant, Jr, is the most promi. nent candidates to sEucoesd Benaion Brephon A. White, of Onlifirnin The Georgia legisinture upon inves. tigation learps that there are IG Confederate dead buried In northern Eiates An excursion of 20 Texas cattiemen to Havana has been srrangsd. Over 100.000 cattle are being gsthered to be sent to Cuba, The total receipts of gold at the Dene ver branch mint in i888 were $00.19. Bh, a gain of §7.822544 over the pe vetpts fn 1897. The Imports of Hive sto k from Mex. foe to the Paited Bintes during the past yenr were less than half the hn. ports of 1897 incorporated in New York with & capi Thomas Green, of Purley, killed his wife and then shot himself They both were returning fron Wichite, where they Bad applied for divorce George Smith, a stage driver of Jacksonville, It. has received notifi- cation that ar estate in England, val- ued at $250,000 is his Inheritance J. BE Kennedy, Richard Harman and T, Grady fought a three-cornersd duel at Lulu, Miss, a few days ago, and the first two were kilied and the third fatally wounded Sacretary of State Hay disapproved the concessions made In July by the Hawallan government to the Pacific Cable Company for an exclusive right to lay a cable to Hawall A meeting of the creditors of Allan MacNeoghton, president of the wool exchange, was held in New York last Friday. The schedules showed lab. ities $1. 148830 nominal assets $341.465 H. F, Bailey, cashier of the Cole. brook National bank of Colebrook, N. H., was arrested charged with the misappropriation of funds of the bank. The shortage is placed at $24,156 The gunboat Bennington salied from Honolulu Sunday with instructions 1o retake the island of Guam, captured early in the war by the corgiser Charleston and since seiged by the un- truly Spaniards there, A reward of 55.000 awalls the person who will find the jewels which were taken from Max Blumenthal's apart ments in the Great Northern hotel Chicage a few days age. The gems were valued at $25.006, The year has on the whole heen a very fortunate one for oharities of london. A return has been printed showing out of a toial personally of 60 testutors amounting to $65.006.000, $6.000.000 war left to charitable shiecta, Gen. Milew' charges that the beef furnished our army was embalmed will hurt the foreign trade. Last year we exported 237.008.5760 pounds of can ned wel. It Is now argusd that for vigners will not use what our own commanding general condemns, Karl Kirdelberger, of Jersey City, tried to murder hin wife, Cristine, and his step-daughter, Mary Brofde! a few days ago. After hie had shot them both and believed they bad been fatally wounded he put a bullet in his right | temple and died almost instantly, His wife may recover. The stepdaughter was not seriously hurt, Benor Don Matias Romero the Mex- ican ambassador to the 'nited States, died at the embassy at Washington Friday morning. On Wednesday last an operation for appendicitis was pers formed upon the ambassador, and ale though the operation wax entirely suc. cessful the resulting shock proved greater than he could hear. A A 0 AAP T5301. MUST PAY THE DUTY. MER Hom A United States Will Have No Trade Advantages tal of $1.00 600 Compressed air is used CBRE 8 motive power, I stansmnmasons work performed ands ! : the Airection of the street department : oh PLANS FOR UNEWPLOYED Toe New Mayer of Havers, Maes, Outhomss Ha Plans Which He Claires Wil Beret the People. Jatin OC Bass. slrcted on 8 wowinis istic platform. took the outh of office mayor of Haverhill, Mass iat ir his Pnaugaral speak : Fu of the members of the ¢ ity # Erm Ht BY The : #1 = of power” RY 5 ha phesbie Io & md peipati ty The mayor then refered fo the virally of poreser 3 erga are pemsibie Cd through the ssiabilehmaent of the Gperstive compmmoenwmesith to Costing ing. he suid me the dlaprasl of the poapie in the in. “fle rervmntnendstion tall city priating to bear the union is bel” of the unemployed, which he said had developed from dieplacement of labor by machinery and the concen- tration of capital It is a question which, he sald no municipality could solve, as it Bad become a National sand international one “Yet” he said Teorne litte reef! at least can be af. forded by this city government 1 therefore recommend; “Piret- That you proceed to ss ure furnish proper seeds and tools fuel yard at the city farm to such pro portions as will permit all who desire they may require, an amount of money a8 Slrcursestances employment directly upon pubiic works, not In competition with the special works, tv: Kinds of which I herewith suggest Improvement of the park system and construction of a sys tern of bicycle paths though all prin. “pal thoroughfares’ der for city work, and sald the syle shauid not be toleratad work means cheap men and lew wages, and low wages lower the sian dard of citizenship. Wry misterial, giving +mployment i« lx citipens The mayer afdvorgted inerensed Bp trie lighting plants and street rail WAKE, a PM 35515 RAB TH Sods hoe MOMENTS OF — Seren wi Several Hours The shaft of the Carlinville HL. ground. The fire company Was pow maine tumbled down in the shaft Ome hur. fused to work. A panic ensued below, in total darkness. They wors soalters Tocation was nmarrowly averted A scene indescribable took place on top in the Prilippines, The treaty of peace with Spain will | be sent to the senate January 4 ac. | cording to the best information ob- tainable Just now. The administration expects the treaty will be promptly | ratified, It is expected thet the policy to be adapted by the administration toward the Philippines after the rati- | fication of the treaty is as follows: First That while the products of | Porto Rico and Hawaill are to come in | free, the products of the Philippines | must pay the Dingley tariff duty. We are to trade with them on the same busis as the rest of the world : - Becond--The open door policy will | not affect the customs dues between | the United States and the Philippines | To make them self-supporting, the | Philippine tariff schedule will require duties, : Third The United States to to take the Philippines under its care, teach them the principles of republican in- | stitutions: instill into them love for | liberty and free institutions, Fourth—To help them to a know. ledge of self-government. and, while military rule must be maintained until other laws are made, to place the is. land government upon a self-sustain. {IE pa paying basis. yond this the administration has not gone, but it has given the question of expansion thoughtful attention. Promotions for Nava! Officers. Secretary Long has decided to make Commodore Picking commandant of the Boston navy yard and Commodore Philip, of the Texas Commandant at New York navy vard Captain Kem- among the worney--mothers, daugh- tere and sweethearts of the victims The men were finally roicased from the mine unharmed. The boss will ag. gregate FIO 0G $5 insursnce smnployes and employers the mines may not be rebullt Only a small sap Bly of com! is on Band in the cliy A Leal will follow Between the city and | the water company, a» this is the ge ond lnrge fre caused hy the failure oof the company to supply watsr, a Yip flouring mill belng the other a veur & age One Kandred families gre sloast destitute ae a result of the fire Cubens Wil Net Celeborsis, The Cuban patriotis commities, con. sixting of 100 leading Cubans, jawyers diwtors ard business men tt 8 mest. the wishes of Gen Hrooke and Gen Ladiow in the matter of Pemtpnning 0 the six-day celebrations. The ad. i dress of the Junta Patlriotiea regard. 10 ing the abandonment of the proposed #1 demonstrations has been widely vir. | Culnind i OUR NEW POSSESSIONS RTA A Cuba daring the war ste now returns ing to the island in great numbers give Major-General John RR. Brooke, military governor of Cuba, a specis jaland’'s many sfifairs. pf, late commanding the Monterey, of Guam. It has not yet been decided | just what disposition to make of ; Admiral Schley and Admiral Howell though it Ix certain that the latter is Schley expects to get the European station. Guardian of Washington’ s Tomb. ron AA Gl Vernon, is dead. Parker had skaken the hands of Presidents, Princes and | potentates on their pilgrimages to the tomb. Pe Praras Gone, When the President received his ‘New Years callers Monday he wore for the first time a set of beautiful 1 shirt studs. This was Mrs Mc at New York Kinley's Christmas present ta the President. has been selected as naval Governor | to be given a squadron and Admiral | Edmund Parker. once a slave in the | Washington family, and for almost half a century the guardian of the | tomb of George Washington at Mount | ure, Cuba are pleasing He regards the propie as being emotional. mild and Americans are now conduct | Lorderiy, ing the customs postoffices and tele. graphs, in fact all public business, i with Spanish and Cuban employes I Gen, Brooke will not govern from the palace for a week or two, as the bulla. ing needs a thorough cleaning, After i: the general takes pp his headquarters | range & series of social functions. The | | at the meners for the present will be | the palace of Mrs Rrooke will ar- at the general's hotel i Col. Bliss, the American collector of | i customs, has been instructed by the 2 authorities at Washington not to ap- | | poms Americans to subordinate places in this or other customs houses, “I bellies thy EVPEY PION Er IDE tg Rey nivipailly pussegsos should Bo plaesd | thre terest of civiligntion Whh Dat abe } "ns in view, I submit the folowing spe. | 707M The pasaage of | 0 an order sstablishing the minima | A horscless track company has been | Wage for street smployes at 3 for j Hight hours’ work, unibn wages and | cotpiitions to prevall in ail brick snd 10 The mayor then took up the subject | Bak of cog & tract of land suitable for the reals | ing of food products, and that such of the unemployed as desired be per. | mitted] to nee sald land. the oity to) Second The enlargement of the | to enrn by thelr labor sub fuel Re o "Third -The appropriation of such | may warrant fe be used in providing | regular erspliyes of the city, hut gpon | A_HEAVY RESPONSIBILITY 1: Wiat Rents Upon the Governor of Mew York, Bays Homers Om the aciamion of Oa Roosevelt's IAuEaration ax governor of New York tier Morduny Be anbd in A very heavy resp Wn Eh 8 ViEte STUBBORN NATIVES. Gin. MiZier May Use Forze to Somogets Tm Redes at [niin Foreign Few deste on Daag. Pan Py hoxn Tar Es pon whith “the liberty and hapoicees | of every roan, woman and ohiid ome |g conditioned” and asserted that thew ©, wtraivienent Cowie bo BE ER ER SUrArces thal Fos and 3. mami be protested aud Ds Nn Rhoiny Bp pi Nw Phi CL rétaie ae a Baht the 1 fepvizatbiies Siew This abe Miler va Peta A the Assigns od time 8 Somnniesion BRAS boarded the 4 . Th ane th Rn ie private Fen for ier saying Nowy port and ask: § § ; Leh ATURE ha ® kl {ary whee to # nage # ar hveErisy » fa IR Pee TAR Fol He leaders of 1} visionary doe : oe 8 ry “Gen. A er rebates and Pre pared th land forsee sendimge gv emis. mary bask to Manila for instractio The rebels are strengthening thelr Lprmition nd are pretaring io resist IAD Y Rrave se Au AE PT surely face, both at home and ab BRE ff strives 10 wick fut fhe moet for & mighty nation “It is only through the party western that free governments are now spe. SOHiers who are constantly entering | cemsfully carried on. and yet we must 17 SVETE direction There in great ex- keep ever vividly before us that the U1Ment which is increased by the | usefulness of 8 party is strictly finite. APPeATARCe of the gunboat FI Cane that in the jong ran he serves his party | Ming. Shura and boats along | Best whe ret helps to make IF ine | we FLYNT are ed with rebels LAr ily responwive 16 every need of fhe The Newport's boats Perle md to gent Seenands of thet spirit which tends to drive gs on ward and up i “Tr shall bw wmv purpows. an Tar as py given sirengih 16 adseigigise my Hee with an eye xingle fo the welfare af abl the pavnpie of this great come monweaith i or t ving are being wersd with fone machines guns mounted in heir he ws. The Hghiers are slongside the | ‘nited Statew traseport Aripona. The | tr ried Seatewm trameport Pennsylvania seem three miles fo the south with | stems up” GOVERNMENTS FINANCES. Ev i RASA Ns GO RESULTS OF A BURGLARY. | Recsiptn of 108 Were Consideradiy Larger Tras Rovimies Prpten towatat Inte Fexts #2 These of Lewt Viess. New York fraes of Poprginry which wax before } Magistrate rare ie New York a Yow wil shew that during the hail oR ond ow oe n pe > Mayor Chase condemned the syxier itis of Jou Enginh was gives 4 near ad ph. y 4 i a i 2 af contracting with the lowest Md. | Lo 01 vous in the northern He said | “Tow bids mean cheap work Cheap The city shoud | tered December 33 and about $e al ho HR SE oe perform ite ven work and furnish $e i lated that for abel nine years sp fo {the time of the robbery she was &n propristions for educsiional purposes i invalid. For six mecks prior fo the in- ard municipal cwnersbhip of the siege | bey whe stated, Bad a strange sft | Vint by the thieves ake | Jeave her bed and ber rods and to as | Kiet the padloe in making the preiimin. One Hundred Men Imprisoned in & Mise fr | : Jest . pre har been well and ie able 10 got about RE Khe Chace Coal Company caught fire last Tues. meteemt } Rebailion. The total for December was | , wists Baving received a8 day by & can of jubrieating of belng heated on a stove in the top of the tipple. A strong southwest wind fan ned the Bames 5 all paris of the wooden parts, which cover an acre of erica, As thers was no water in the | : Russian party. who since the depart. dred men were encased below. The air shaft engine being seldomn used. re | where the wir had extinguished the | flames on the lamps leaving the men : . | guarded the removal of the COorean ,...zated all stations of southern ls ed over & radtas of three mila Hy. } esipe rer to the Husiban soieeion Nogee : tnade exept Fare boa wigis, La false charge of poisoning the em perors coffee. In order te shield the Cte" cniage. ie heiress t an : dragornan was figally brutally ex. Owing ta the recent rouabie tween | a well of Now Aftany, Ky. bas secsived Piha following chars teristic better from Admiral Dewey, dated Manila Merchants and planters who ters | {tered ®UIT to recover S150 from the Chicago Oity railaay for a car demo The war department has decided to aan. . Pat the Chicago City Railway Company. | i The basis nf the action is the alleged abinet to assist him in he | a4 x | running the » Railway Company in ssing the sable The people of Havana are in foy- fui mood In spite of the disappoint. ment experienced over the fact that the projected festivities Rave Deen | postponed, The resentment quickly | {subsided and ® place to oy (a ¢ wa §3Ye are I» comp Pohi, of london, Ef nearly 51.008 a | the for charity. tne bequest alone to Bourg on-Bresse capital of the de. Maj.-Gen. Brooke's Impressions of vides that po person shall be compelled ¢ palaces. He I#1t It to be disposed of, j the proceads to he bivided tetween Bis views on the late war The check | Unusual features came to Meht in a Coervernonent receipts andl expenditures days ago when & burglar who gave the | OE Deo 3 1388, the receipts aggregat- ing He ts mrcoesd of bavin Fo diwpmtch fromm Thetis, | od by Ita uwefulness to the stats and fv ing the Spanish flag. The public | i an the Abs 2 ie oppesed to any such change. My ase natok boat whieh carried this TERRA A Stet ment in Defense of Robert’ Sector w Congrees. In conmection with the slection of = H Poberta of Sait lake Utah te sengrens, and ¢értain charges circle 1 Pres forian bomyrd of ween Lorenzo Seow of urnmhed & F he SAYS, In part; the ct that sel GE encouraging SEAT Ee Gite yay Es. understanding #ophdrnal ot the state of Utah # or paral marriages fopeper peshebited Heavy w= Eras Glad for in fue of reps Troe The foreign reddentis then pet x ws x! : ¥ ® ¥ > . 4 s ps fer fo grant the xfer | Mormons pet being of his party, voted afair Neg Mor _ eartip- in Bis soon wn the regular smwention of his party. Nan. Mer. aoe Rise added in Bis election. Many for nis opponent He wan cihwoted an dn Arserdtan citizen. by Amwrican ite irerer and the susstion of religion did I pot snter into the purely political cO8- i hin mem feet The church Has nothing ft» 40 with [the metion of congress in relation to If. Fowsver, potios is fo be (taken of the wild starements and anti- : Moorman falminations in the pulpit and the press to the «Sect that Mr Roberts Ras vicisted the states jegis- Cation and the requirement of the ene cabling art 1 I= groper for me to state, The streets of Pies gre 10 of armed § 3 Ee Se ie The forideoming statement of the | an I do most positively. that the charge which, incidentically. affects the church of which we are both members, a entirely without foundation in fact {If be should be presented (Be result a8 : te polyeamy wonkd be no $iferent 3 - Rare Been no Poly pATmOus METTARYR since 1090 i= no mvvement in the church tor the re vival of surly unione. | &@ Boo iten in the lraderahip of the church nite with me in this determination, The excitement thal Nas been cnused {during the last few weeks is without rear, and 1 appears to me without be PARENXZO ENOW” A friend of Roberts says that he de- fonds Bis pelygamous practices by ying tha: he is teenking po law wither of the Tinitad States or of the state of Utah in baving mors ive than one. Hemarried the three women twfore the Mormon church issued its rranifrats declaring that polyeamy was abandoned By the cherch and be | fore congress, reliving on the good faith Cel BEAL MEY Se sawimsr BB C88 STS for | {the saove period jest year Aceordisg | crim 1 10 the Tremmary records hese receipts Caf The pity Care the lmrgest sivee HE when they Otic of the houmes he robled was the | T*8ched FSRUILEM for the entire fin. | dwelling of Mre Julia B Adams on Madison gvepue, The piney was en receding pever before in the Nistory of senrth oF silver wan taken Mre Afdarrs was bn conget and she Fe. ’ wd S50 MIG Sd Joe receipts from cantons darter BE vasicn of her home she was conficed aw ce tn her rovan. The fright of the rob. SOW pets wd ast year. Wor [recembuer, spony her On the morning aller the IME when it was FEM ER The re. Ary sxarination Mowe that time ashe | arnonated daring December TORTURED TO DEATH. B41 eT Bl SAAS 0A SSI AS ; mecrpents Were There Fog Corenn Of.camie Pa licty: Evecited for Not Con | : - hi _ i Gen Mis roesrrandisg at Mania, 1 a4 4 Or Cun vr 2 = | semi the following rablegram to the The Bi. Petersburg correspondent of. gepartment Tharsday morning: the London Times mays C “Sept Col Potler om fast vessel to [ie The cerrespondent of | Rpanish general Pion Latter evacu- Cal year, and HY ALE in TH. Wan the sxreption of these RO Tears the the country exceeded BS 600000, ard nly sever tisnes have Rey ever felch | of that manifests granted ambesty 10 poeiygamy. He contends that polys- amy, from a legal point of view oon Eats In the marrying of mors women than one and not in Heing with wives whom & man may have already mare rood, A A A AARON. CARE POR CONFPLOUERATE GRAVES | Soutrers Ofcuis Requested to Porsinn Wish paamthe Kmsunted ta $8 845. : spared with PEE RIEL for the the patie’s care of confederate dend the customs receipis agEremated $18. *Xpressed in President McKinley's BA ZE. whieh was the highest podnt was able 14 1 TFA hed under the present Dingley law : and the largest for Teeember sige! ee flscation of ail the confederate burying swipe from Internal revere sources to 2260 - iB o ; ince the War of the | 1% the largest since lhe ar of the | thane os, the adjutant.genersi A f : Bgqaes 4 the Novow oo em th ta commuticate with | Vremnya at Seal the Corean capital The burning timbers and fired coal reinten terrible crhmees by the anil fared evening of th and Potter ogre INEe Insurgents Tool powERese | gre of the Russian fisanciers and drill min of vey om Meh and Potier found | instructors. have wreaked vengeanie amaide « "xp fying tn the Coren dragroman of the Bus | oo 0 shes # sian embasey. the offcizl who safe |. amusicgtion green forees have “The oficial his wife and sheer © cans, were mercilessly tortured with a view of eomiyeiiing therm to confess to by ordery nx they say, tons Madrid Foartase Tr x Musing Hews, Mra Angie Sloan who unifl a yes real crimingle. who are amv the (0 caodthm Fo high government officials, The ox- Ua 0 Seedling 16 & lettar fYestes — Fy Palice Captain ( Tofepan from Mr P Mary WW. Haziett of arnassas, Pa uted yigtilal ¢ 3 5 . Fours of ino savage and dieguscing | Mo, RASel Sars Der ruta did on ar ner. Al thix the writer SRYD. OC | ooo daughters. The writer is one of Cuffed In a country bieseed with these, and Mra Sloan fs the other The WEEE AN and aid Christian mis- | presence of both ix required at Par crates. end where AMATCARR of. | Lou Defere the estate cam De di. fAcials oorupy induential posts In the 00 Mra. Hazlett says Ber sister Corean government service | wrote regularly to her until a year TTT age, Captain Colleran falied to Sod pit Bosas Hae Cod, any trace of Ber The tittle daughter of John Card oer Sixty Thousand Deliary Missing. THe Ran Antonin Tey, offee of the Wellin Fara Nowvernbee 11 | & meeney package containing eR s “1 have I angered - The money waa pent from Homston oe etter mo WHO Ar very mah ob liged to you for your piotare. and It 0 west from San Anteale to El Paso. arrived Waednesstay morning. and I am very sorry that I Base oo given to © ¥ Bar many people Raye | seer * enough buttons left now even to BU. | ne evidence of a struggle in the vie- BR WY COBY ee inity. Unique Charge lor Damages, The Chicago General railway has en. | SAT Uh BA SV PND ane IASELS Soest The English papers in their reviews tg er Company is ge i Exy GNP RY ¢ AvetTRaTEa -s Cannot now | “hy vile decwit and barlarous cRrelty | oer spail fe. rewnite wil net Bewr | ¢ dave as mo cable one Saye As mo cable Pthe state regaesting thes 6 obialn ington WES 8 Lost of Cemeteries. The memorable sentiment regarding now Pamous fravernising spesch the Georgia legimiatyre Bas : lised ite an crder to ascertain the grounds in ihe South and this work hak sirsady begun Ieorgia has been called on for a Het lather frans Washington, requesting Wat full het of he confederate ti be forwarded to Wi vom. This communication came 10 the Fate offciain from Gen Marcas Wright, agent of the war record of- fos, Angistant Adjutant General Ushenr Said the matter before Gov. mmdtier There 8 pe official record in Georgie of he murder or heation of comfeder- ate ceuneteries bag Gov. Candler has diresred that a circular letter be ine wiped to ali the county ordinaries In Like information fm thedr respective ; ws | Somes and teport to Rim IN 8 UR Mindana. {devatond Gen Wright bas addressed similiar lellers to the sdjutant-peners aie of ail suthern sates sand SLC A SRP DROPPED Ming SVERSOARD, Adminsi Dewey Disposes of an ioselent Pilips pine Merchagt. Frask Lomberd who Bas just pre turned {rom Manis, tells a good story concerning Admiral Dewey. He Sais Tn Cavite thers are mo dockage fa- Ceilthes. Native freight boats oarry the Resitbers Peeific 10 mow? its DRY | tihvimgs to and from the share Ome of the mative officials contracted with Ireanry $8 carry =1a® to the Sagbhip. Alter doing Riz duty Be dressed Rime golf be his teat Egropean ie wo yuu the admiral wearing sik bat mite whirt cravat sad cuffa When Be presented his bat Dewey rermiarked that there _—re : protested (Rat the Ai. was wrong. Dweway paiitely repliod that be would pay the original MI sod nothing more. { Mimtakiog the quiet, Fentlemanty A Bewiir the Wells. THRERer of the admiral the freighter send you. for I would LRke | Parga money delivery slerk, to hand 3 Four Bours after bis departure F ready asked me for buttons and pio- | pie wagon was found five miles west | tures that 1 have a long time AE0 of the city in a thicket the horse al. Lim a minute the plug Rat was Seating iver them AL awny. 1 don't Bave mest dend of hard driviow Thers was bvcarre insulting and insleted wpon payment. With a slight movement of the awd the admiral remarked to the watch Drag that man everboard” and im Cavite bay, while the insolent native owas swimnuing to his vessel" SR NSA AAO A SY SO CLEVER POINTS RAISED A Sm i Bmcdant OU Atarsers Evadiog De Asati. fished in a codlision with & cable train | of INR dwell gpon the wonderful rier | in power of America, ao. pasin of the tsar, pro violation of the charter of the City | a CHE, = Filiptass wil Shahi as mbtive power, the plaintiffs assert. ! much trouble for America. ing that the charter authorizes the use of animal power alone One Mite for Charity. The late Baron Predinand Pathe. | | legislation. Ripper,” was gulliotined at | Evelina Hospital, founded In memory partment of Ain Twenty-one assas. of his wife, amounis = ball that sam. | sinations were tracked to Nip His disposition of his maguificent | Ny : ! i A New York publishing compan Psteam yacht Rona ls a lessin to other | hn said ‘3 Eve Pahl & iE pay millionaire owners of these SBoating : ’ ! “then . charities. The Rona | ! nine sailbae : Cowoas returned Fo should realize at feast S100 a SS ES HOI A part of Red Rovk mountain, ac- | the former minister of the mtertor cording to a dispateh from Afrado ia | village of Switzerland canton of Ty. cinod has fallen inte Alrole, destroving | Under Tons of Rock. president of France, and M. Rarthou ! of the Dreyfus case. | of the disaster presents a terrible | 1875 Two streams of Miva. each { covering a square mile, i slopes of Morte Soman, Joseph Vacher, the Fremeh “Jack | oo. restifving in the case under | section of the constitution which pro~ Trost Law, The attermeys for the Standard ON} [rompany have made an anack on the ennmtitutionality of the Ohlo anti-trust Claw in thelr answer to the petition of : | Attorney General Monnett in whieh The new year opens brightiy for | { Ireland with the initiation of the new | | Wen] guvernment at to enmrt hws | the aficers of the Sompany are asked to present owriain books in open court. They deciare that as all he om aficers of | the company are mede criminally Us Jo under the law fLisy are Sxerapt te be a witness against himself In & C200 to Emperor Willa of Germany, : {asking him to write an artikle giving | L The court of cassation of Pare ex. | amined M. Casimis-Perier the former | the proceedings attending the revision | An eruption of Mount Vesuvius Ras | botel and several houses. The scene | occorred from the rater formed in criminal case. They also cite that seee nod the United Ttates constitution = RE provides That ne state shall wake laws which shall abridge the wivilege and immunities of the citizens + So ited States. 2 It has Sowwioped that the bat Tema met with a serious accident on 4 hoi trip an und South America. One Tw B expla as the change of ET It was ord ya intended to sand the vessel to Hoooials with the (regan, but new the lows will go te spectacle, the debris of the avalanches | meters broad have already resched the | San Frapuisoe for repairs. The battie- hip wil remain at Callao gut] Jana. 4 aE 3a