The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 05, 1899, Image 1
% pln adh PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1899. g of Dress Goods, Millinery, Coats and Furs at J AS N'S, Johnstown, 41.00 PER YEAR. ye BE PR Pa. ‘Gieaned Here and There by i the “Courier” Reporter LETTER FROM MANILA. Written hy John Jenkine, Member of Co. on i C. 10th PV. IL ~~ Unless you need them, The following letter was received by ’ pure drugs - Daniel M. Jenkins, of this place, whose by res sible | %0m: 88 has heretofore been stated in Ver pon (he | the columns of the CURIE, ia at Ma- A Sts. We eep only ti € nila, Philippine Isiands, serving Uncle That is the great dis- 8am in defense of bis country: inction to be looked for when | Manila, P. I, Nov. 11, '88. he time COMES that you need | DEAR Faraen AND MoTHER: ~1 now 1. Nowhere else will you | ke the pleasare of Suwering Jour AO compile a stock, | [lenacand um havpy to sey Sa | 50 complete a § . “well and hope that this letter will find i { you both the same. io {| Yes, weall voted here and everything a | ; {went Republican. Yon wanted to y Co + ¥ olind ‘know if George Cook was here; yes, YW PV U ' be is in the hospital. You also wanted Lia ‘to know why 1 didn’t say anything | aboat the fight. Well, I didn’t think it | was worth while, for you no doubt read | all about it in the papers, but I can tell ps that we had aboot three hours of is hot time. The picture on the heading : : of this letter shows the convent near properly it takes where we were behind the trenches be- time. It requires ex r- fore the battle started. There was not dene and "4 complete Lil, lt rn knowledge of drugs. It | It was one of the worst experience that requires the druggist tO | ever had in my life; we were up to ‘havea ge variety of drugs our knees in mud and water and the fresh rugs. He must wind was blowing very hard, besides ive the best possible work, thunder snd and for compensation he J disagreeable must be reitsonable ‘and | don’t see how we escaped so well. | cover, some Manila newspapers, which i will no doubt be of interest to you. Your Son, JOHN JENKINS, Co. C.10th P. V. 1. County OMicers Sworn In. {A brief session of court was held at Ebensburg Monday forenoon for the | administration of the oath to the county officials who were elected last Novem ber. Judge Barker was on the beach and at about 11 o'clock administered to go to roll call. thonotary and clerk of the courts, and he, as clerk, swore in the balance of (the officinis, who were F. B. Jones, as register and recorder; M. B. Stephens, as district attorney: J. lL. Elder, aa surveyor, and Dr. Ed. L. Miller, as coroner. Mr. Thomas L. Jones, poor director does not take the oath in court, but is sworn in before a Justice of the Peace. Advantage was taken of the brief session of court to present a number of petitions. Mrs. Mary Davis Passes Away Mrs. Mary Davis died at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mm. Josiah Henry, on Palmer avenue, Monday, January 2d, after an illness of some five or six weeks. Deceased was aged 33 years and, besides her parents, she tton Pharmacy. daughter, Telfred, Foster and Lyda, all of Patton. Her remains were taken to Ansonville and laid to rest in the old Mount Zion cemetery. Mrs. Davis had resided in Patton about five years LD EE lightning to make it more s, It was a regalar cyclone 1 am sending home, under separate : Excawe short letter this time ws I have the oath to Samnel W. Davis as pro- is survived by two sons and one COmelier © Perry Jones Compaitted Subeide | Friday. i 0. Perry Jones, castier of the First National bank of Philipsbarg, Centre ‘ponnty, shot himself just below the heart Friday night and was dead when found by his family several hours later. - He wan one of the foremost financiers | ‘and business operstors in the Clear- field coal region and was rated as one of the wealthy men of that section. It. ix not known whether the fatal shot was fired with suicidal intent or by se ‘cident. The circumstances indicate suicide. : Friday evening Mr. Jones accom- panied his family to a lecture, but instead of entering the Opera House, | ‘he retorned home and it was upon their return that his body was found in his own room, with the revolver lying by his side. The bullet bad entered the left side, just below the heart, and probably caused instant death, ; At present writing no official state- raent has been issued by the bank, but it is generally believed that his ac- counts there are perfectly straight PROGRAMME Of Pons Grange Mewting tis be Held at Ureamon Junaary B, 1896. Morning session opens at 9 o'clock and will be devoted to hearing reports of commitices, secretaries and the ustial business of the order. Afternoon session opens at 1:30. Music by Grange. Talk on Commercial Fertilizers by Jos. O. Thomas, Easay, Herman Dishart. Bale, Amelia Bennett. Feeding stock for profs, T. W. Hoghes : Will we farm on or engage in some other business? John Ricketts Music by Grange. Fifth degree session opens at 4 p. m. Fvening session will be open and will be called to order at 7.30. Masic by Grange. Address by Prof. R. H. Beiter. Solo, Lala Bannan. Talk on England, its relation to the United States, John McCann. Essay, Mrs. T. L. Parrish. range work, by the Worthy lec turer, Thos. W. Haghes Hobart, of the Towa, at Home. F. B. Hobart, son of Mr. and Mrs Bart Hobart, of near St. Aagustine, returned home Saturday after having ‘served a term in the United States pavy. Mr. Hobart was a member of the crew of the great battleship lowa, ‘of which Fighting Bob Evans was captain, and met with some very ex- citing experiences daring the war with | Spain, especially in the engagement with Cervera's flest, which was de- stroyed pesr Santiago. Mr. Hobart was a pleasant caller at the COURIER office Tuesday, and has in his posses ‘sion an honorable discharge which he ‘po doubt prizes highly. Hestated that | it was his intention to spend his future life at home. Special Serviee, : There will be a special service at the ' Baptist church next Lord's Day morn. ‘ing at 10:30 o'clock, under the auspices ‘of the Independent Order of Good , Templars of Patton Lodge No. 41. Every member of the lodge is respect- SENSATION AT PHILIPSBURG. ! to the vicinity of the toilet room. . 0G. FRE AT HSTIES. Hotel THE ORGAN CONTEST | Won by the 81. Mary's Catholie Cwareh | Organization of Pation. : The grand parlor organ given away The Central at That a rasa Rranch in Patten. H. J. Fasley, nndertaker and em- | balmer of Hastings, bas established & branch at the J. E. Kirk Hardware by C. W. Hodgkins, the druggist, to company's store, where all calls will Place Totally 1 yestroyed | the person or persons bringing in his | receive prompt attention. The very largest amount of money, was won by | E. A. Mellon for the 8t. Mary's Catho- - lic church. The checks handed in ol Canised by an Explosion of a Lamp in » Mr. Mellon amounted to the large sam | Toilet Room on Third Floor. lof $1.35561 and he was an nny | The town of Hasting, sitaated about : { four miles west of Patton, was the scene of a destructive conflagration Wednesday night, about 11 o’clock; | amounting to $350.07. when the large Central hotel at that! The members of the charch, and also | place and all out-buildings connected, ' of the Y. M. L, have worked hard ever including contents, was totally con- | gnea Mr. Hodgkine' announcement, sumed by the flames. [the first of last year, to obtain and | The fire originated in a toilet room | yuue all the checks possible and they | on the third floor and the cause is said were handed to Mr. Mellon, as the to have been due to the exploding of 8 peruon best abie to attend to the inter | lamp which was always kept lighted, et. at stake. WEDNESDAY NIGHT. company, who handed daring evenings. The organ, a discription of which | Those who witnessed the destruction | yypeared in these columns in Aogust | of the building say that nothwithstand- ' 4.4 September, is valoed at $150.00, | ing the stubborness of the flames, if it und is one of the best made by Lyon & had not have been for the nadaquate Healy the well-known manufacturers water supply, the fire would not have | o¢ mggical instruments of Chicago. It spread and wonld have been confined p., heen on exhibition at the Patton Pharmacy since September Ist, and The total loss on the building, which teifies to the fact that Mr. Hadgkine was owned by R. F. Notley, and con- iy 44 good as his word. This is only tents, which were the property of the ,u4 of the many prizes that have been to nearly $7,000 with $2,000 insurance hugtling merchant during the past few on the building and $1,200 on furni- years as inducements to his customers, ture, eto. aL and the interest taken in the contest Several parsons, including a troup of jae closed proves that they realine the theatre people who were stopping At value of these checks and that Mr. the hotel, suffered the loss of consider- Hodgkins will do just what he ad- able cothing. ete. which was consumed i. : by the fire. : In addition to the checks which were At present writing the COURIER has in rnad in the contest Mr. Hodgkins | cash register checks representing the | Iatest and Hickory and ash handle wood. specifications and terms call on or write to winner, his only competitors being the | oo ~ » several members of the Patton Fire | 0 , Ah in checks: . . The oid. The happy year start on the naw year, are no errors or mistakes to cast a blight or shadow on the mind. always have the same clear buying if you patronize us. We aim to please and our aim is accurate. We are CLOSING OUT our fall and Wanted! For Parrox Woaopex Mra. Co, Good Building, Patton, Pa. Throw Away ~ It's & happy because there You'll record in weights at a Great nos jane _" so Sehgthes Sogtfes has redeemed over $500.00 during the Iiza’t fail to see them. hote nK erected past two months, in merchandise, just a1 1 AND SEE US. old site in the futare or not. as advertised on the fice of each The Chilarn's Dinner, check, and this be will continue doing. The free dinner given to the little It in therefore evident that it will pay A! boys and girls of Patton at the Paimer everybody in need of anything in hi house on New Year's Day (Sunday line to purchase of him and carefully afternoon | Was A SUOOPER in every par- save the checks, the amount of par- i ticular. There were 104 smiling faces chase being plainly printed on each one. | seated at the elegantly spread tables and to say that it was a happy congre- Exposing & Trick, gation is putting it mildly. Afer To the Editor of the CoURIRR. singing America, which made the SiR: A correspondent writes us that building ring from cellar to roof, and the representatives of the Columet listening to some well chosen remarks Baking Powder of Chicago, whose made by W. H. H. Bell, thanking the tricks in pretending to test baking generous proprietor in behalf of the powders have so often hwen exposed, children, the little folks proceeded to are or have been pursing the same do justice to what bad been laid out methods in your vicinity. before them. It was a grand gather A, cream of tartar powders are the ing and the hearts of over 100 little only baking powders that are whole ones were made glad on the beginning some and proper for use in raising of the year 1899. which was a source of god it is well to inquire what the gratification to the many spectators Culamet is made of. It is described by who were present, as well as to the th, state chemist of Indiana as follows: parents of the chikiren. “I have carefully tested the Calumet cers pei Be Pe At the last regular meeting of Patton if wae Aavsloped that the bolita Castle, No. 802, K. G. BE, the following tained phosph: pasa alum and officers were elected to serve during lime. "7" HA Howrox, the year of 1999 and will be installed “State Chemist, Indiana.” Dinsmore Bros., J. WORK GUARANTEED Gu ns at cost. La m pS a baaln Heating Stoves, best quality, at prices that will induce you to buy this year. Ranges, the Jewell, Dockash, Etc.—None better and prices awaydown. by G. D. C. W. H. H. Bell this (Thars- day evening: W. W. McFarline, past chief; Fred Mitchell, noble chief; Al Curvin, vice chief; John R. Anderson, H. P; LD. Aikey, V. hermit; W. H. H. Bell, master records; Lincoln 8. Bell, keeper exchequer; Gust Ander. son, sir herald; Sam’i M. Swab, worthy bard; D. Manuel, worthy chamberlain; The intelligent housewives of this community will hardly care to go for instruction upon the subject of pure food to an alum baking powder ped. dler. They will have more respect for the opinion of auch an eminent hygien- ist as Prof. Barker, of the Pennaylva. nia University, who says: “I regard the use of alum baking powders as highly injurious to the health of the ¥ J BIETRUK. Mar. Yeager Bldg, Patton, Pa. (and was a kind and loving mother, and fully requested to be present. Rev, {had a large circle of acquaintances, Joseph A. Klucker, B. D., will preach The CoUriEr, along with ber many a special sermon upon this occasion. friends, extends heartfelt sympathy to A special invitation is also extended to the surviving relatives the general public to be present. : To the Pablic, tehoul Report. a D, Lia, Stiderteker and em- The following is the report of the St. mer of Ba , wishes to an- | Augustine school for the nounce to the ,public that he has month ending Jan. 3, 1599: Number secured the services of John Radcliffe, enrolled, males, 10; females, 15; total, of Patton, to look after the wants of 25. Average attendance, males, 5; the people of Patton and vicinity in females, 14; total, 21 Perfect in attend- the undertaking business and all calls ance: Gertrude McGuire, Olive Pord, | { left with him will be promptly attended Katharine Perkins, Dell Nagle. $0. Mr. Lewis is a graduate of the Ina Nurp, Teacher. Massachusetts School of Embalming ; ness in the most modern methods | Married on Monday evening, De. {Calls will receive prompt attention Comber 27, 1868 at the residence of the { both day and night by phone. {bride's parents, James Pope, Palmer Se ‘avenue, Miss Sadie Pope to John Gill, RE ut haa ‘of Patton. Mr. James Pope, Jr., acted Cardinal Gibbons bas issued a circu- .. poet man and Miss Mary Boyle, lar to read in all of the Catholic ) 3emaid. Rev. Klucker, the Baptist churches in referouce to the raising of in... performed the ceremony, funds for the education of young men a. which a grand supper ol to be made this year from the custom: | Loh oo conio wed following friends ary method in this connection. Bach | were present: Bhai Mrs. Sample church will bo requentad to contribute ,,.q daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs W. & fixed smount. 'H. H. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. McMouldron, Abe Hutchinson, ensign; Angelo Lot- : . tig, esquire; Thos. Hunt, first guard; community and believe that Ben Bytbeway, second guard; R. B. should be forbidden by law.” Chambers, trustee; W. W. McFarline, The doctors inform us that alurs representative to Grand Castle to be is poison, and that alum baking pow- heid at Lancaster, Pa. ders should be avoided because they Sra Glathing Sale make the food unwholesome. In some . : . >. states alum powders are not permitted | Elsewhere in the COURIER will be to be sold unless they are branded to found a page advertisement of the gem the people of their true char. Bankrupt Clothing store of Patton, i. while in England the use of which announces that the sale willl yup in bread is forbidden by law. begin at 9 o'clock Satarday. Unfortunately, the alum baking pow- | place of business will be in the Wore 4... are sometimes sold by grocers room of C. W. Hodgkin, next to Pat- op, 46 not make known their true ton Pharmacy, opposite the school op ter to the customer. It in stated their sale bailding. Don’t fail to look up ad and oh, American Grocer that such learn prices. powders are never sold for what they A Unique Proseat ‘are, that they always travel under fave M. L. Cupples, who resides near St. covers; so that, it may be, the grocer Augustine, was the recipient of a very himself is deceived by the fraudulent’ beautiful snd unique present, in the claim of the manufacture that his pro- nature of a basket made from small duct is a pure cream of tartar powder. sea shells picked op along the cosst of But the grocer who permits himself to Florida, Key West and Cuba. It wis aid the manafuctarer in the distribu- | sent to him by his son, Lewis, who is 8 tion of an impure and unwhaolesome | builder in the employ of the or fraudulent article discredits the gen- | United States government at Key uineness of all the goods he sells. ; West. The housekeeper makes no mistake | A Ruduction for Miners. ‘who relies upon the Royal Baking . The miners of the Gieenwood Coal Powder to raise her biscuit, cake, rolls, | compapy, of Glen Campbell, Indiana ®%- The Royal is a pure and healthful Ealipees in 1899. There will be five eclipses during the year 1899, three of the sun and two of the moon, as follows: A partial eclipse of the sun January 11; a partial eclipse | of the sun June 7-8; a total eclipse of of the sun December 3-3; a partial eclipse of the moon December 16-17. | { Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shunkweiler, Mr. ‘and Mrs. Albert Dillon, Mrs. Dilloa, . mother of the groom; Miss L. Dillon, | sister of the groom, and Miss Della Lowes. The bride and groom will go to housekeeping in Patton. All pres- | the moon June 33; an annular eclipse ent enjoyed themselves very much and | gg, went home satisfied in every respect. : xx ! i i county, were notified Sunday night by the company of a five per cent. reduc- tion per gross tom for mining coal, which took effect Monday. This brings ‘baking powder, made of grape cream | of tartar crystals, absolutely free from ‘alum, lime ammonia, and phosphatic ‘acid. Its use is approved by the high- est medical authorities both in this i 1 i ¥ the mining of coal down to 40 centa. ‘country and Europe. i © Royal Baking PowbeR Co, : ; New York, X. Y. | | Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. | 1320-22-24 1'th AVENUE, Altoona’s Biggest Store. 4 8