‘the Cash Grocery. 8. M. Wilson and daughter, Katie, drove over to Hastings Monday. i 8. (. Watts, of Clerfield, made a business trip to Patton one day Inst week. price to hear Severin’s Imperial Or. ‘chestra. . F.V. Perry and wife, of Coalport, were welcome visitors to our town Monday. It costs nothing to examine goods at | Goldstein’s, and it costs very little to | bay them. fHion. W, C. Lingle is confined to his | home on Mages avenue by a severe {attack of the grip. + || Beatrice, will leave to-day for a month's | | visit among friends at Pittsburg. C. B. Roper, the big, good-natured | cigar man of DuBois, was a pleasant caller at the Courier office Tnesday. John W. Wolfe is now filling the of fireman on the Beech Creek | yard engine for C. C. Holter, engineer. | Frank R. Bowman, a bustling travel- | ing satesman of representing Mo the Other Members Say. There are members of the choir who can awl and sercoeh and shout, Tet remity Low xs tie of the love they sing wa As whut the ol 4 Soh pump, of which you' ye | ; Pamrd, or Knows of the yo spring Yaler that is goxhing | - from its Spot wf. A, W, Bulletin : en i in Are : You going | was seen on our streets Tuesday. To attend the | H. G. Dill, assistant book-keeper in Pair and Pestival | the office of the Patton Coal company, : Ta the 3 « Hail left Monday for Philadelphia, where he ; Inthe Firemen’s H. ; spend the holidays with his During the week of the holiday» ? parents. Njee fresh bread at Daas’ bakery. | The stores of Patton are well stocked Por candy and nuts go to the Cash with a fine display of Christmas goods . Grocery. ‘and those contemplating purchasing A. J. Musser, of Peale, Pa, was in 8 present for their friends cannot do town Friday. | better elsewhere. “Wm. Ryan, of Gallitzin, spent Satar- Oreatt & Haley have sixty river rafts day in Patton. to put in below Lamber City, Clearfield i Sngar corn 5 cents art at county. They are mostly round log H. Atkinson's, ey ‘rafts taken from the land formerly H.R. Miller drove over from Coal- | owned by Col. John Irvin. port Thursday. Matthew McMullen, who has been on ant 10 save go to the | employed at the iron works at Apollo, you ne ‘Pa, for the past six months, retarned If you want to save money deal at! Mrs. T. N. Nagle and little danghter, Wm. Wrigley, Jr, & Co., of Chicago, Chas. Scheid, of DnBols, is the guest! { of his son, Councilman John Scheid. John McMahon, who has been work. | {ing at his trade at Wilkinsbarg, Pa, for | the past three months, returned home GE AR AA pm AOR ing the holidays. | We bear that one of Hasting’s prom- | inent young business men will wed one ‘of the fair maids of Spangier some | time in the not far distant futare.~ | Pliyabury Leagee H. A. Shoemaker, of Ebensburg, who | | was fortanate to secure a fine colt for ! a small sum from Dr. J. B. Noonan, the doctor's son, Monday. A Hungarian, whose name was not learned, “broke his face” by being | colliery Tuesday. The injury, although | painful, was not of a serious nature. Quite a namber of Pattonites took advantage of the excellent sleighing Friday night by driving to Hastings where they attended the play of Uncle ‘Tom's Cabin in the Hastings Opera House. Miss Minnie Spottawood, Western Union operator of this place, is visiting her parents at Carlisle, Pa, this week. Rudolph Points, of Glen Campbell, is looking after the office business during her absence. Dave Barr had the misfortane to receive a painful injury to his left band by being accidently caught between two cars at the Pardee colliery a few days ago. His right hand was alec slightly injared. John Paster, an employe of the day last week to receive a severe injury to his left leg by being canght between two cars. His injury will cause bim to remain at home for a few days. The disease called small pox is dying out in Bedford. There have been no deaths and very few patients have been piles being cared | presented the animal to Jerry Noonan, others combined. Leave your lasondry with Scheid & ' | Wilkins. Higb-class furnishings for gentlemen at Goldstein's. You cannot do better than to call on i" you “don’t dance” it is worth the | last week to visit with his family dor. Gould & Beeser for first-class plumbing, ote. Fatimates freely given. -44¢0 Chanaberlain’s colic, cholera and peviod upon and san aiswys be de upon pleasant and Sold by Patton Yo js i. a When ask for DeWitt's Witch ° Hazel Salve don’t accept a counterfeit . or imitation. Theirs are Hore Sutce of w. Hodgiion, SECO ST I of Sore, burhe and C. W Hodg. s household is saddened by death of the failare to keep on hand a safe and absolute! eS for cronp soch as One Cure. that your ney ce odgaina, Potion Frarrasey” Overcome evil with your on nite oon ery for pocanouis, gr ton 8 Tanne. ¢ A congh is not like a fever. [It does not have to ron a certain courses. Cure it qoickly and effectually with One Minute congh cure, the for all EE — ny Patton Pharmacy. You ma rely apon it. kins, Pharmacy. ne 4 Overcome care. It is so good children a cures croup, bronchitis, ppe and all throat and Tw Hodgkins, Pat- In 1887 Mr Thomas Mcintosh, of Allentown, Jenn. had - hack i dysentery w became chron dt was treated by the best physicians East Tennessee without a cure” in . “Finally | tried Chamberiain's colle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After nsing aboot twelve botties | was cared sound and well” For sale by Patton Pharmacy, CC. W. Hodgkins and colds with One Min- Oasis Grovery. Daniel Barges, of Hastings, spent ‘in 1 The styles, the goods, the lowest price, at Goldstein's. DM you take & peep at the show case in the Cash Grocery ? . BE. Wentz, of Carrolitown, made a business trip to Patton Satarday. to Patton inst week and has accepted position at the Palmer house. Wolf & Thompson have a very at- tractive show window in front of their piace of business in the Good building. It is tastily arranged with gents’ furn- : ishinge and presents a neat and attract { ive appearance. casTOoRIa. ‘roll township; ‘Cambria township, and Mr. sick enouge to be confined to bed. As Mr. Hardin Norris, Sigrk of The drt ‘a result of the scare, however, over store of R. Shoemaker, Perry, PL, 1,500 persons have been vaccinated. and said, ‘1 want a bottie of that day Hon. J. J. Thomas and wife, of Car- staff that saves children’s lives. 1 read Mr. David Reese, of in the News about it. The children HM may prt sick when we cannot get the Gooderham, masta of Cambria County 400808 uick none, 10 tbe mticins Pomona Grange, attended s meeting of Chamberiait’. cough Remedy and the State Grange at Williamsport last bought s Bottie before he left the store. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. “A man came into tore the Choe Just arvived—n lot of pretty things can be found st I BE Hardware sand Furniture Store suitable for Santa Claos to take to car Something for Father, Mother, Brother, Sister: even something for little J and baby Sue. : There are ine Rockers, good Rockers and chesip ones too, somethl know wife would enjoy and Ioshand too. New they say husband Jon't on rocking, but I know they enjoy it sx mawh as (he Indien if thoy world just o tot. Then they hive lovely ball chairs as well as a new iz af toi'et sta. A the loviiest lot of lamps. Did you see the fine display of lamps? 17 nag make it a point to step down that way when oot shopping. Ie von know Santa has made that store headquarters this year? He has the grontest jot of his presents hidden there; better have him to pot yoars in with the lot. tell you those pedple know bow fo keep a secret; they never tell on him OH! YES! KIRK'S ARE Selling out their carpet samples too, bot oh, no! not to go out of business Now you know better than that. People who do the business they do: why, no, they are making room for their spring stock, which will he here in —r They have some fine samples and prices which cannot he met spywhere in ton and they make handsome roge and at the same time they have ‘he ‘to finish them off. Give os a call. Our goods sire always open for inspection. Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. d. E. Kirk Hdw. Co. No. 1. PATTON SUPPLY C0. THE PACE MAKERS. We have been planning for a year or more fo get an enormous volome of trade and as the volume grew to con stantiy rednce the prices of oar goods, bat never ander any circomstance to allow the quality to he affected. With all due modesty we most say that our plan was a good cone and has heen a pronounced soccess. It is not neces sary for as to ask a big margin of profit for the reason that the volume we have been wanting has come to ux As we have often said, we wonld rather sell 100 customers goods at a small profit than ten customers goods af a inrge profit. We always tans pleasure in showing yon anything in our store, and you don’t have to buy onless the goods and prices soit you. We seek no business which is not coum by virtae of bonest goods and bottom prices Our floor space is too small to allow as to pot in 8 fall line of holiday goods, so we have to be satisfied with a «mall line this year and submit a few for yoor holiday buying, The first thing in cur mod is ony We Look for Our Profit from the Volume of Business, Not by Big Margin and War Time Prices. J. Reese Pantell, of Punxsutawney, was a visitor to Patton Thursday. Fresh Taffy 10 cents per pound at H. ~ Atkinson's Fish and Oyster Market. Goto the Patton Feed and Bock whest Mi, for your rye flour, corn meal, : nH D. Soyster, of Altoona, was look- ing after business interests in our town Monday. A. A. Westover, of Westover, came up fo this place Saturday to transact Miss Clara McMallen, of Dysart, Pa, | viiting ut the home of T. N. Nagle Money ga YOU! week Mountaineer-Herald. Joseph Wirtner, a brakeman on the P. RR. had bis first finger amputated one day last week, the resait of which was caused by coupling cars whiie at- tending to his duties at Garway. He reports that the injured member is get- ting along as well ax could be expected under the circumstances. Dan'l Jenkins, of this place, whose son, William, is &« member of the Tenth Regiment, P. V. 1, will be gratified by the annoancement from Washington that that regiment will be ordered “home from Manilla for moster out “about the 10th of January. They will arrive here about the first of March. Scheid & Wilkina, the tonsorial art ists, bave quite a unique display in the ‘west window of their shop on Magee —. 's Protas: citizens, spent among friends in Patton. ; week ia the time to help the fire avenue. "are the first of the kind ween is this n ) on West Magee avenue the first ® week by a severeattack of grip. [t's not a question of Mat- . your sttention is called to rimony — High quality and new mathe Govan the | ETP prices were never mar- ried, they have nothing in Mrs. P. B. Williams and daughter COMMON, and marriage under ily, visited at the home of Evan such circumstances would be , near Ebensburg, the first of a failure. You have the choice in purchasing of selecting os. Barnes, of Palpstarg, Mopped quality or low price. Money _xfondsy while en rou once spent is gone forever, and Where he has large busi: you will do better to get an “equivalent for it. section. They are the property of Ed Weakland, who prizes them very highly. After January 1st the stamped envel- ‘open issued by the postoffice depart ment will be a red stamp of exactly the same shade as the carmine two center. This is in accordance with an article ‘in the international postal agreement which requires all issues of the same denomination of a stamp to be uniform in color. The department wil: this month begin to substituting the red stamp on envelopes for the green. John B. Fisher, of Telrite, Col, is spending a few days in Patton, the | gonest of his cousin, A. C. Fisher. Mr. ' Fisher's former home was in Germany You Cannot Do better Than by calling at our store and inspecting our im- ‘mense line of CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHINHS, SHOES, ETC. PATTON, PA. . and he came to this country about three years ago, when he went to Colorado, | where he has been working in the gold mines since. He brought with him several pieces of valuable ore which be secured from the mines. Mr. Fisher will leave for Germany in a few days “Peck’s Bad Boy,” one of the most ‘successful farce comedies ever played ' before public, will be the attraction at Hastings Opera House Thursday, De- ‘cember 22. The play which has made thousands laugh is one of the dramatic representation that commands success from the fact that it is a thoroughly home-like and nataral piay. The Bad Boy plays pranks that you used to do ‘ when a boy and you will enjoy it. This | year they introduce new scenery, It contains three live Belgium hares, one English lop-ear rabbit and three pure white bonnien. The pets create considerable attraction, aa they Hodgkins. > Christmas Next! If you buy presents why not get something use- ful. Toys and bric-a-bac are all night for some, but the ma- jority are using their thinkers and buying useful presents. See our line of Suits, Over- coats, Neckwear, Mufflers, Silk Handkerchiefs, Hats and Caps, Shoes, Boots, Etc. We can fit out vour man, your boy, vour sweetheart or brother And we have a full line of up-todate goods and our prices are as low as good seasonable 30 1A 18 3 25 and ie. ‘dosen wonid make nu nlor as well as a full and complete line of holiday} HANDKERCHIEFS. The peculicriy popular present for Indy or gentleman, boy or girl Every. y is glad to get 3 handkerchief No. 1 represents ludies’ linen hander. chiefs, floral designs, each 25c. The same on pineapple cloth or shamrock linen, Siidered Be. No. 2 te initial handkerchiefs, soft as is only 130. No. 3 represents one lot of children’s wehool handkerchiefs with border, le. Gentleman's sizes 5c, 10¢, 13¢ and 3e. No. 4 represents ladies’ Swim em- broidered, which come in numberiess styles, sach the very best for the price, One-half aeeful Xmas gift. ANer handkerchiefs comes Gloves and Mittens. And If you will lend us a hand we will show you how » glove t to fit for dress, driving and We mention a few of the many we have to offer you. Ladies’ black kid gloves, Foster pat- ent, every pair warranted, $1.00. Ladies’ ne emb mittens, wir ribbon bow, $1.00, Ladies’ fine embroidered black silk mittens 75¢. Ladies’ fine plain black silk mittens Ladiea’ flue cashmere mittens at 35 and 50c. Misses’ and children’s kid gloves and mittens, far Soc. Men's heavy working and driving gloves, lined and aniined, 25 and 50. Men's genuine buck gi ves 18 Men's 1 top dress gloves, in colors, only 80c. Men and boys’ wool wrist gloves 0c. Hosiery. Men's half hose cashmere wool, in red black and gray, real value 35c a pair, our price 35c. And a full line of children’s and infants’ wool hose, 10, and 35¢. Slippers. When you combite beauty and use. fulness in a Christmas sin ita mission in most fompicte. The givi of fancy and useful slippers is in a bea ful custom and may it never die out. Men's slippers embroidered and in different shades of leather, some un- asuaily attractive offeriuige at 55, 75, 85¢, §1 and 1.35 For women, misses and children here in ail the taste and comfort put into the make-up of oi and fur-trimmed felt slippers at 55, 80, The, $1, LIQ, L356 See our dainty little booties for the feet of the wee tots, each 5c. Skirts and waists. A good many dress skirts and waists ovstteeny Beene] goiter: are being sold for holiday giv is that a hint? Some giveable wor son Brocaded black skirte, pecsline fined, velveteen hound, 1 35 and 82.25 Whiprord front, wants strapped, perealine lined, shirt waiste, allowed bematifgils ry in ret, boon, Blue and binek, thee woud be erm at RLIR GI afer { Bri pass we peeing to offer the Senotifng wadets af $1 4 : Mowe as alow Wynnewood nade ist that Weta going 10 pal on sie al Be oameh Other stores are sak ing <5 fw the some oi iv Vhebe oof one We Flore binsiets would fed pore cota ietalde to sleep on Side odd waster thas masiin stews, and the price negular shestilat be $e, roles thew at Te Mawr Oe Tinie oof termes at W ~~ ant $1 TR They are Deniation Se the Foe ig " THEY Sew “rte nw t air 3 at Wh per palr are well mt 5 ii Have of Dowsds ans] fascination that wo are aeliing low = nt, Howls (hint snbd at Te ade pow going al Ui better | t wold for we now he tu Wein, AND TN FLEECED UNDER AR Many Bellis dons e wool anderwonr, Four it al all, bat they sess! warmth, ——. tion for the oodd days, wo we anticipated your wants and have Bw sour emotion © falc sad ot plete Hie of Ladtion’, Wises” sod Childress ies vst bimbo wuils ie Lailies’ at % want §1. om ail anderwonr we ar ging Gr give vem a speeist 1 per cont. we Aunetion 1 alter Junoary ist COTTON IWS QUiL= Factory maning day aml oleh! to make “eam. No wonder. A nstber a a romdy thie Bening. Moff, velvely watesas in designe, wf, ight down, big § dodiaes’ worth, a rvak price thal after the Bolblay seam: take therm al $8 WUARFN AND Ties Bomurifad foe of sare and ties 1 foun. Maly vostr husband or —— .g ——— of % teh te, they will approsiste iL. We have thei 10 ail silos prices range from 5 toe We HTAND COVERS Just peivivest 4 Hoe of Clit fi fale covers 4 al 2? Sg, Thee y hua pi nr stand and shdeboasd ae, amd Ne are well warth mwas at Vo yams wee thes you will wa 1% Bot thas to sell asd the eh marked IT them as they will make besutifel Kom il After looking over our don’t overlook the feet That we gre as ar svervilugg in STAPLE AND FANCY aia ERIES Oar pride of Rome onnnesd oy ea in our, Demin, tosatoes and gowns on the market, After Dan Pandling th this of Pounds far Hue yemes we oan then Lo anvore Waking he oa a grade clues of tan goods. Tey a ri. tomtitio wnt, or beltle of horse mlish, ue ard, ar if von want dry or eve : try sore of oar Californie prone at 6 8 12 wind ie per ih Haisins at & % and 100 per ib Possedion are high thie season and te prices are BL US oand Be, Evaporniaal a at Il and 30 an At 12, 1S and Ne Cmitfornis white cherries at 5. Try & pond of our Gaaily nites ment om By the poand only Te or a pail tor $1. : wily the pourul only dora BG pail or : Lat us ll yon - pros. 3 a four. [tis guaranteed fo Hive privet perfect wiles ftion ar money baek by ing. The price i Last but no! least at this season of We year in oar barge stock of HOLIDAY CANDIES AND NUTR Niue SIX Andy at Se por iy, And u full line of Banwey New mix raving at ie ih, ur 21h fa Se domen. Califunis crmnges at a After readiog this advertisement cut it out and bring or send it to ns on or of sur Pride of Pation | new costumes, new tricks, new songs goods can be sold in fact everything that is new and | up-to-date in the amusement line. Come and see us, and our Motto Still is: “Penny Profits-Big Sales. wt The Keystone Clothing Co. ™ Kid You hm A hake Cae | Sig amre of : before Dec. 31st with your guess marked on it as the one who guesses the near est to the number of this advertisement that will be returned to us up to that date will be presented with a TURKEY for your New Year's dinner. All guesses must be in by 2 o'clock Saturday, Dec. 31st. Write your name on this line 1 guess. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and 1 a , Happy New Year and you for your trade in the past and asking for a continnance of it in Sauiing % we are still your servants, 2 PATTON SOPPLY (CO.
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