PICKERS 1 DIRT. ; § i Deats Recorded at Eve Foensbarg up to Duce. Friday, December 14 1s said the committee of Cresson | | citizens who went to Altoona last week Elizabeth Thomas et Sg to Beech and interviewed Superintendent Shep- Place for Holiday Oreek Railroad company, Elder town pard, of the P. R. R., on the subject of Goods i is at ship; consideration, $400. moving the railroad station at Cresson A. W. Rowland et ax to Ellsworth eastward into that town met with a , | Rowland, Blacklick township, $500. very encouraging reception. The party }| Hannah Rose et vir to Borough of was composed of Conrad Wentroth, C. Ebensbarg, Ebensbarg, §25. J. Hogue, Alex Buck and Charles Con _ H. A. Lumadue to B. F. Beers, Reade rad. Johnstown Tribune. . While William Eims, a young pupil _ Mary Smith to John Coyle, Gallitzin of the public schools, was passing along the street near the Patton Pharmacy ‘he was accidently run down by a horse ‘and sleigh, but fortanately did not re- | Alexander Statins to Mary Ocza- ive any serious injury. Boys retarn. | Jona, Patton, $350. ing from the schools should keep a MHHRT } | © Heaven Enough fur the Editor. (close watch on moving teams, and TWilhey | An editor who died of starvation was drivers should particularly keep on the | being escorted to heaven by an angel look out at this piace for school | “May I look at the other place before I ‘children. Accidents will be avoided if {ascend 7’ asked ihe editor. “You may both do their duty. {take a cursory view,” replied the angel, An exchange gives the following : sound advice to business men: If you expect to conquer in the battle of to- NE lt to : ‘ina way. If you toot {pon a lot of people in the fire. There pil, ra Yor ar] {Was & sign on the furnace; It read: 1,01 4 living soul will know that “Delinquent subscribers.” ‘You 8%) you were born. The man that owns ; » i comin jon,” said the editor, Tam vot: U8: his acre is the man that plows all day, | his is heaven enough for me.’ ‘and the man that keeps a humming is WHAT SHALL WE DO? the man that's there to stay. But the A serions and dangerous disease | man that advertises with a sort of sad- vails in this country, dangerous because den jerk, isthe man that blames the #0 deceptive. It comes on so slowly Printer becanseit wouldn't work. The yet surely that it is often firmly seated MAN that gets the business naes lots of {before we are aware of it. printer's ink, not a clatter, not a spiat- The name of this disease which may ter, but an ad that makes you think {be divided into three stages is, First, And pians his advertisement as he plans {Ridney trouble, indicated by pain in his shelves and stock, and the fatare of ithe back, rheumatism, lambago, fra. his bosiness is as solid as a rock. quent desire to urinate, often with & On: Minute Cough Cure, cures. burning sensation, the flow of arine That is what it was mede for. being copious or scant with strong Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. odor. : 3 Beech (Creek Railroad 2h 5 roguas tr the Patton If allowed to advance, this reaches vad. the Second stage, or Bladder trouble! x v v 4 H R R Co. Lessee. : Condensed Time Table, 8Co: No. held December 14, the " 5 4 with heavy pain in the abdomen low Now. 5, ae To buy Clothing now-a You must guard ag CONSISTING OF Albums, Toilet Sets, ‘Work Boxes, Pictures, Frames, W all Pockets, Etc., Etc. Picture Framing a Specialty. A.C. FISHER, rors. In Our Stoe Men's Suits and Ov $4.50, $5.50, $6, $7, $9, $10 and up Elegantly trimmed and well made. See our prices and be convinced That We Are The Reliable Clothiers. Fine FURNITURE In every Soncaivable pus. tern fo sait all tastes. time spent Ee . over Ar line will convince you that we have the and sell at prices that Ir ft k of brigh you thin tening up your hoose a bit with sa new of Farnitare, or a whole of : hia aagpnt 4 any kind, come here and > hat we can a fo 70m Shoe Departm’t. Undertaking, Embalming If you want to save Fifty Cents on the Dollar come to * ’ our Shoe Department this week. Etc., Etc, Promptly attended to. DRY GOODS RA SPECIALTY. All modern methods used. See Our Line. Mirkin & Kusner, The best of satisfaction guaranteed. Gecod Building, Next to Bank. ~-SPECTAL PRICES THIS WEEK IN Misses’ and Children’s Cc ~- ALSO FUR COLLARETTES. Ladies’ You cannot afford to miss seeing our line. Prices are cheaper 7 and stock larger than ever. | Rend u { Exp Mail ig Nom down between the navel and water passage, increasing desire to urinate, | with scalding sensation in passing, & small quantities being passed with dif- ficulty, sometimes necessary to draw it with instruments. If uric acid or gravel has formed, it will prove dang- | , That it is but a just tribute | 00s if neglected. > The Third stage is Bright's Disease. | $e memory of the departed to say | There is comfort in knowing that Dr. | Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder | specialist, has discovered a Remedy | famous for its marvelous cures of the | most distressing cases and known ae, Dr. Kiimer's Swamp- Root. It is sold by all druggists. | As a proof of the wonderful virtaes ¥ ‘of this grest remedy, Swamp-Root, a | i va orders sample bottle and book of wvalaable ast and Who o Gare aii things for ape Sos will be sent abwolutely free i in mercy. ; | by mail on application to Dr. Kilmer of ot sympathy and sorrow be | | writing kindly mention that you read < in th PATTON COURIER this liberal offer in the PATTONCOURIER. iv NY vis Temadus ar ; and | HO ie NYvie Phila arbioe Sn \ A Cn (Rm pon rm a Fe We, the uhihereighod, do hereby ‘Twix Weekdays S00 pm Sundays $6 0S wandaya : | agres 6 refund the maniey on Im ht Nowe York am I traveling vim Phil adeiptie on 12004 pom train from W Hitman or at Tar if it fails to care your Sough ob § Hi shange sare at Hone ing pi cold. We also guarantes » Lda es pha ik weit Heating rativvmmed st Jemwy Sire . bottle to to prove satisfactory or Or money with the Fs! Brox Hy. at Mii Hai refunded. odgkins, with Centr) Hetlrmed of Pongevivasda: at Pharmacy. -2t26 So W. H Patton { Philips with Pennsyivania rained sod - Altoona & Philigabarg (imnecting ralinomd; st Clomrfic id with the Buta, Rochester snd The sconer h or cold is cured | Friar rg raliway: si Mabafey and Patton without harm to the sufferer the hotter, LHD Oninbrla and © oarfled division of The Pennsyvanin milroad. sf Mabafey with ¢ Lingering colds are danger other Patron Waterers Mata Foy Kerrmoor Chong my K st rmoor New Millport Vimy iin Mitetntin t fen rfiedd Wowwd and Eu’ | Sagas x3 bs izgna 2 ER FE, 19 BURINEs LE SUNT EEBRAS 8 - SRNMHAS aE EEREERRE- er @ i A%8sdaREEs a ww a. a SEY Linen Morrisdaie Mines Manson Frilipsbarg Misrpnevn Winbgrne Praise fefilintown Rywre Niyow Bowl; § wei Mil Hall fawn Haven Youngetals (Wavne: Jersey Shore Faneiion ery Nhs Witla nwpeery Phil's & Reading BR R ar WwW In trepeort Phibadelnfiia ar %3 Ruruis 38ST = 3a oh a oe on H. S. BOCK, Next to Hotel Patton. ENED Sl a ns Re i ae CESNEANES HEBBEN REIE CASRN: ENERIRIARS Ne a RE ERE We Re ee —— Bel ad = » - Eg - 3 §32 dus : dt ay gRE3: Ir ~ iw nes of Kill Back Tribe, No. 369, LO RMN AS, The Great Spirit and Juler of the universe bas, In | Pennsvivania and Northwestern rniiway A. ti. Palraer, *, E. Herriman, Rarperintendent Bo Faas, Agent, Philndeiptia, a | Une Minute Cough Cure, cures That is what it was made for. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach The World . {wor 18 Illustrated History of the Spanish- American War PAPI SS SASS SSS SS » READY FOR SALE JANUARY fst, 1299. 4 | SEALS ASASSSA SSP Together with The Battle Calendar of the Rep AF A 5 SO 5 AAA Sasa A handsome dress pattern is a gift that any lady would appreci- ate. We have sold hundreds of them other years for Christmas presents, and have arranged a big lot for this Christmas’ selling. They are put up in a nice substan- tial box, and make a very sensible gift for a lady. This word of one of the lots: ; Pattern of either novelty goods, ¢ | a serge or cloth; colors of brown i i" and green mixtures in the novelty i B goods--new blues, new browns, new greens and garnets in the plain serges and cloths. A full dress pattern at the low price of............ $4. $0 Lots of other 8, at $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.75, $10.00. ABLE & CO. 1220.22:24 11th AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. You've no idea of the pretty things for Christmas that have arrived in boxes and bundles opened 1m our store. We have bog! carefully to assist Santa Claus in his dis- tribution of presents. All the matchless things the Eten. markets afforded we have tor the Holidays. We have received such beauties, have rarely been seen at Christmas time. You'll be pleased with them and so will the recipient of the gift. THE BON TON, PATTON, PA. IX 1 EES CRNNAVLVARIA, x > Se BWR