he fact that the original ob- pident McKinley's visit has nted onthursts of joy: have rtnpletely aver. sieing over the peace ough participation in the the avowed objet of the nouther trip. : a om have x {tended ‘ial Methodist hich He ‘was. met at the doar by leading members of on. whe escorted him to d} L for him. As he on- TE ps an Io er for divine guid i's he Fo on of the veterans falled A chenstng ] der 2 made memorable the Atlante peace jubi- | a a silence. tell from the lips of 1he 's grave made during civil war is a tribute And while, when made, wo differed ture © te 2 National anthem, rus of 46 States and our home and beyond the in once more the com- and joyaity, our The old flag us in peace with new mons and ours have to ite mored folde : P_Jrom every station the presidental by the Joverhior. com- he | nothing to take in the union: S$ Years otrarrid af Bap Antonio | that they do resign January again: the four tris A revolution is on in Bol the rebels hold the capital vik, nod repair the Massachusetis Rev. Dr Thomas Hrosn known New i Monday. The beaviest snow a fait Yor twenty : Tex, fast Thursday. Lirut, Hobmen granted M7 requests for Kisses xt Kansas City last Monday #vining. The United Btates pow comments SOM square feet Of space at the Paris eX position, The consolidation of Baitimaere's traction lines with a capital of 28060 B00 is announced Col. Bryan says the jseurs fe will be free sliver, antioitnpweriaiiers and rights of labor. Ten storex, a hotel and & lerge lume Ber mill were destroved by fire at TH: i * i ton, Gea. last Bunday. An Omaha mass meeting subscribed S105. 006 for ‘a greater America ex- position’ in (opahs in 189% A mad epiderie has broken loose at Pittsburg and all doge Dave been ordered quarantined The business portion of the town of Arcade, N.Y. wus destroyed by fire fast Wednesday, Loss 31080040 ree persons were killed and eight tn red by an explosion of gunpowder at Newport, RH. 1. ast Monday. Pifty thousand dollars Bax bien pre sented to the Presbyterian hospital of Chicago by Mra. Anna B. Averell Michael Rollinger, an Austrian is charged with strangling and then burning his wife to death at Chicago CARE. Capt Bigebee, who was st Albany when the Texas sailed, has been or- { dered to Havana to take command of Lis =hip there. Henry A. Chapin. the mine owner and wealthiest citizen of Michigan died last Bunday st Niles, Mich, as » result of old age. Bryan will be the Washington's Birthday orator of the Virginia Demo cratic association at Washington. Alt- geld in also expected. The Interstate National Guard aseo- ciation adopted x resolution that con gress should appropriate $5000.00 a Year for the state guards. cigaret in the fingers of 1 A lighted sleeping William Crook set fire to the house and he was burned to death at Philadelphia & few days ago Robert Ingersoll attended the faner- ol of ox -Benator Calvin B. Brice at the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church in New York City last Baturday. The collapse of 8 wall during a fire at Chicago Thursday night. killed two firemen and injured a numbeg of others, some of whom may die, John Ir. Rockfelier hax promised Rion to the Denison, OO, University, Lo provided that the trustees collect $150 + 20 before the end of the century. A gasoline stove overtwrned in a { Phidadeiphin home ast Wednesday and Mrs Martha Kaufman and bet two drughters were burned to death. A messenger boy lost A cheek for $000 ut Now York the other day. Payment has been stopped by Shu an maker Bro, who bad signed the check Lieut. Hobson was kissed by 160 girls at Chicago last Bunday. This occurred after he had lectured at the audi. torium on the “Rinking of the Merri mite,” Antone Terry, the Cuban millionaire who married Sybil Sanderson, the American actress, died Wednesday at his home in Paris. He had been Hl for & long Ome. Thousands of prople in New York are suffering from the grip. The Althy condition of the streets is held re. sponsible for the spread of the con- "| tagious disease, Baron De Longue! dropped dead of S heart disease in the dining room of the Holland House, New York. the other tvening. He was a Frenchman and re- sided at Montreal President McKinley bas assured the Vatican that Catholies in Amerioan ooloniex will enjoy the same privileges in the linlted States Their property will not be confiscated, Money is very plentiful in the coun- centers. Financiers say that a foreign | power ix pow negotiating & loan in (his Country. James Millett, a contractor, shot and perhaps fatally wounded. Felix Conner a bartender at Knoxville, Tenn. the other day. When Miliett's mother | heard of the tragedy she sank dead inte her bed. Major Gen. Wesley Merritt arrived at | New York. He said the United States | should keep the Philippines, and that | 3000 men would be needed to hold them. Natives snd Spaniards vould easily be enlisted. - Ex-Governor Altgeld Chicago newsy support the year street car franche | ine. He names the papers and also gives the sums at which their columns are purchasabie. President McKinley made a strong speech for expansion at a banquet at the Philippines the United States is in duty bound to give them a new and stable one. Milile Peters, 18 years old, of Chica go. was a few days ago refused per: | mission to attend a dance. A younger sister prevented her from shooting her | mother, and she then inflicted a wound | upon herself! which will permanently affect her mind, The Bocialist element of the Amer. jean Federation of Labor In session at Kansas City attempted to get the de thelr principles, but were promptly Bonn Th ie President Gompers scored them unmercifully in a speech. An secident occurred at the power | house of the Buffalo and Newport Rail. | way at Lockport, N. Y., the other night which is puzzling electricians. An electric current, said to have been | of 11.000 volts, passed through the body of D. E. Clough, and the man lives and | will recover. Three hundred tons of medical sup- | plies were sent to Cuba a few days ago. with a hot brick by an aged colored | lady who was solicitous for the health of the president's wife. As a reward the oid lady now has a position in the white house. Pleas Goin, the mountain desperado 4 who killed Hunt Kesterson and fatally wounded Fred Burk on Clinch river, n Lee county, Virginia, Tuesday, was Thursday. night swung to a limb by by riated mob of mountaineers at Ky. After stringing him stood off and poured volley Secretary ins of the Interior wii Millers of aeapilis have decided It Will cost from $2000 to $50.000 to | weil York preacher died last | try £2 present and borrowers are supe plied at 3% per cent. in the large money wlares that | pers can be bought to | nK Savannah, Ga, in which he sald that | of having destroyed the government of legates to indorse resolutions favoring During the presidential visit at At. | Janta last week, Mrs MeKinley, riding in her carriage, was presented while ; i co iA BRR SPANIARDS SHOT. Distortance Pawmsengers Compelind te Shout for Free Cube. Funday syering & rroed of uk of the ower class passed a bar +f ehginsers on ths Infania Havana shooting long lve and ‘Pwath io Spal to the &ir in rejebralion of the #5 antion of Ceres to shout Yiva Tube bw Ganceds and Kis cousin, Teodoro He tas, worse mounded with knives Gan wide died and Huerias will probably Gi Latoy the ar the Ewan ory then serboosl engineers returned & street tay oondas Bare Hasads ged Begro Rpariek soldiers wosne While a re “hi thoy were fred ed behind pitlars, rons fei wounded aud the nto the air fo scars the Evy do Tejas and fire ¥ wounding ond the fire fi L fred nipon and another man was hit the rioters, Among the wounded was uu nRegrose and it is alsa reported that there were several others The rioting great almrw in Cerro asd slong Calzada dei Monts, Where ail Bee . have Rept cioaed doors sino last ht The Spanish commissioners inform. afd the Awserican commissioners Son. day that the Havana suburbs Oerre and Jesos 40% Monte had been vaca nied The Bosnich troops left Josas i dei Monte Sunday evening, immediate iy after which American and Cuban flags were raised, crackers fired and Bemonstrations made by the IRrge crowds in honor of the vent. es SPECULATED 7 TO DEATH. apes A Patbtetic Letter Istorens . y Bookiseper of Hin Friend's Death. When James H Bead bookiseper fs 8 Brewery at lites, N.Y. opened istter from his friend leroy W. Mi iam “When this repches you T will be a dead rman in & room at the Metropoli- tan hotel, Fayette stro: My som is wick in bed in New York and my wife is in absolutely destitute circum siances. As the inst request of an old friend. for God's sakes send her $30 Fourtesnth street, New York 1 shall Have to be buried by the suthorities, as 1 have not one vont. But. Henry tee om hand, if vou can and see that | am put sway decently (rod Bless you. Mr. Head stepped to the inquired of the Metropolitan Mr. Midlarm was & guest there was told that he was sed he ther fn sem af opre fo Ble roan break in the dour, if necessary. discover the condition of 1%e fodupant Within a few mingles ths arwer Was repeived that Midiase was dead Phone a2 noted of i he had shot himself Midian was about £1) vears of He came froan (Georgia MERELY ago to Utica. He was elected 3 clerk, went 1a Michigan and en paged In business with Horstie Seymagr, Jr aril was successful thers for a tip ne. He was a prominent Demmacratis pat tician in that Biate, and waa appoini- od postmaster at Cleveland's first term. Two years ago he engaged in some unfortunate spe. culation and ost His property. NY NT SR me A Droakes Mas's Fare. A terrible explosion shook the litle steamer Panta lying st Havana, the steam pipes in the boiler blew out, killing one man and morris). ly wounding three others. (Chie! En Rinser A. BE. Geer, of Tampa, came in- te the holler room. Cesr had been drinking and opened a stoapotwek, turn ing the full pressure of steam into the pipes that had been found defective. Instantly there came A terran plomion that wrecked the room, kiHtng | Geer. It was 86 long before the pr comida be turned off that Geers body | was almost disintegrated. Eh RR A Americans Humbugged. Ths police of Praseris have unearth. ad & manufactory where spurious masterpieces of all the foareowwt mod. {ern artists have been priduced. A nurder 5 false Millets, Puvis do Cha | vannes end Baudrys were seised They | i iy this great fleet of grain onrriers will | are ail excellant Imitaticne, The sharpers amassed a million | i frnes from the sale of thelr forgeries, Evacostion of the Evermy Leads to» ¥isanty cass d | than i his mall a few days ago he found this | Her address is Mary Midian. 31 West {yoenilyy ard Marquette during The rood £59 ped | #ireet cars and corppelind passengers | WA ret BOTER PRE INEETE | 3 ’ He | tor es aol | : Fire Baris that | Haute {lees of pegrly sy 1 WEaried in i | Havens & Pomale Aved retall {and notions, and & a I a majority of which have been shipped | 10 Asner a. OUR sew POSSESSIONS All Cuban volunteers why Were prieoned have been released. Py now in the miliary hospiials at Ma : nila. Porto Ricans are torial government surly statehood, Baldiers at favor of ters ® View in with some bave already been vaccinated five times, $1 Sw ines United Biates, police force at Havana, number 1L0 men. The municipal council paving contract. M. J Daly of : York secured the contract i minting the Americans at Manila. Aguinaldo now to travel unmolested through the ter : fF Baoly way vind | at Nine hundred American soldiers are «gave the ground to Emperor William | keilfe ald 3 ane Havana's raliroad has been sold for Half of the stink bas been | taken in London the other half in the | Capt. McCullagh, the former chief of police of New York has charge of the The force will | i Ribert, who af Havana : has approved a 200008 sewerage ad : New i of the It will cost the United States about | 1.500 800 to pay the 12000 Philippines : hd their eight months services in as ritary which his men command. No | arms or Kodaks are permitted to be i carried. i The Filipinos believe that in six | Lynn canal : fatal years they will be independent if in the i | meantime they canvinee the United | Hrates that they are capable of govs | | erping themselves The provinee of Pinar del Rio cording to a report from Gen Davis has been ravaged almost to destruc i tion by the Spaniards starved fo death, While a funeral procession in honor of a Cuban was passing through the | Wednesday, streets of Havana last to remove same Spaniards refused their hats Cuban was killed refusal to release the 14008 Spanish prisoners. The insurgents are now demanding thet Spalg pay them the $20,000 000 One-half of the | i foriner population has been Killed or A fight ensued acd ome 2 twas told of six of these accidents vo we 3 Pahat 13 to MN had lost thelr lives on the | railway since the advent of winter ineredibly abort xpaice of PCa, i Keates Hazing ompany., $e shortly after midnight Monday, when YOO tty annilainted will reore thal bring the Total jose i 3 2 * Mantia are required to Tir take a dose of guinine every day ars { hief BOW . declares 5 { Loe of $508 or serve 8 The Filipinos are persistent in their AN ENLARGED WAVY, Ss Sivty Mites Dufigrs Wi be Voted to Protect Our Yerdsery. The genevyl vig ull at Wan tegen for the Sruthitag < £3 the Bay CARY Se real Lege “and Bred he 8 | ehh resurning their march hey ars ARETE ie ¢ The Spaniards then fired and dispersed ; ° ed j thn ® SET fa arst Ber wo war ns bed am. aw 4s think Tavorably ot the vlan Sh BN a NOT AT 10 RULE Srater Very Decided in Ha Opin sh ABGCt the | Coteny At the tolliition of the (cnr of the Third Georgia regiment to Postronensr Leenergl Bwlith anil respondents Lhe sther day st Smvan nah Ga. Goreral REafier Interesting hires to sed the Culans “1t sewvms th tne unig Oereral Sha! i LI #8 TE 2 £ ur Ax | view pe Tatione with (he Cpbarse we have Isnken Spain's wav selves We wha in al Bear a good Beal mare of Ibe ent, "How abou! self povérsmment for (be Cubans” Uereral Shafter was asked “Beif governmert? (he general ver Prt tone] Why, hee paapis ars oo mere fit Tor spi! wi er ntnent Than gan. pv der wm Ter Bes ype fr Fed his the the LET Tite Gepwral Sbalis w hy thee Tindtesd States vastimdony, be oliiged bai tend for menne 1 fperrite Wy by RR oh MILLION DOLLAR BLAZE 5 tibe Snaoewe Window ¥ The worst § fire in The Simi fo otis $10 the ahi Lom deine HE The whdoww lan, Nala in Srv gesets wa foae 31 void be 2x 2 te the dsiratiies | the stage wand ; £3 ££ Cd i tingainbed 11 wg of evergrrens bagi Tings toiling Brows are Huvene & (wdden 3006 tdi & Miler furniture JS 60 Pixley & | Ca, Biase Terre Haute Shoe (om. pany. wmholesnie $00 EB Ajbrerk: & retail dry gods ie ; da man & Soham it Riers $50 dee number of sTnall ee eTaR Were wiiers | the IRI of the rear wall of the Havens & Geddes whole. | sale Bouse, aed the joes in 1helr The mera § wi Skee | Wir i te the $1 0 WE nar k Great Shockade of Gora & The grain blekade at Boule oo i tinnes and i= unprecedented 1i¥ nrge steamers ars in the river waiting | to be unioadsl or frogen in They | carry about 30 468 bushels of grain, | while in the diferent slevators 7 30 ow bushels are al present stored. This total of J 00 6 bushels of grain afloat ard temporarily In store | in a record Brvaker of the See Giese sions. Iie is forming too rapidly permit any of the bowts stlempling another rip wp the lakes 200GUENL- | tos f be forced to winter in (his port. The | railroads are greatly bBamipered im their eforis {oc got the grain io the | seabosird hy the continned snow | Blow Kade An Ulneond For Guth, There is a Ritch in regard to the plot Jerusalem whers the transition of the holy virgin is supposed to Bive securred. The sultans in of the aiter's vist peited It to the pr. 2 of Palestine had Dougbt the land hae gered A “ Tre suItAn Cor Turkish ] of Bat forget 10 pay for 1. The | claims the holy ground and | that pc foreigner shall sot fact wpen it. He has #20608 Bedogin | taliuwers and (romises 10 rab 4 row Spaniard Bxies. i To expel a criminal from the United | States is an unusual proceeding. but | that war done in the case of Jolin | Ht a few days ago Havre on the steamer La Champagne. | He was convicted in Lancaster Pa, of | & murderous assault, and the finding cores, under Judge Brabaker, was that he should start imawdiately tor Bpain, his native country. Sentence | wis suspended to ailow him te go. It i Ser leans during the Spanish war. Fatalities in the Kiuondine. ; The steamer Danube arriving from | TepTis RB succession of accidents during the oonsirucs tiom of the White Pass rallway, caused by an avalanche First Officer Law- rence of the Danube while at Skaguay, | curring within a week. He was told A number of deaths are alse spoken of | indefinitely as having ccouresd on the trail to Bennelt, Hugped a Chrizsen's Wik. Prominent citisens of Savannah Ga. have interested themselves in behalf of Moore, the Maine artillery man who was the other day sentenced to pay a | days on the chain grag by Judge Norwood for at. tempting on the streets to hug the wifes | of a prominent citizen. A petition to the governor for pardon is being cir- culated, Tox intel tava EE Perey de § pws had sommes | eaxy about Oude { dew ameints fo ! governement “Uhm B® OETYAL any perecns heer | ian srrmecus Wes respective ae tanlic 3 Idling wax wrapped in Bares on an I 3 the Arrest | Bim person were 311068 Breining | LB, SE I several PWR | mawsage was rattled I hin residence Glinds from an Arab do I MRT Ring ; Bead of 2000 men. The city i» in | hosed, PUBLICITY FEARED Tae Dreyion Cand Delimyed on Aocink of Uae Timuday of OMconis in Produc oe Becret Diocirmmenn Bichous Borses we, These pu wEmary, Hf (he Baws a far trimi ETE HH Od #31 other Sm red papers sMecting | He added | af 1 Mbrican pence rman | Parie for the 17 ited tares vie and Reuthampton Satordsy sod for Rew York on bomrd the American i Hae steamer 88. Leogds The United States ambassador. Gon Horace Porter, and the other Seis 4 of the United States swmbawey, resentative of the Fremeh Tris ioe. and the members of the prim So cidony, bade ferswell to the American Peace commissinners al the raiirond statin aw they stariad on a Bone wand Surney. A special aad leer provided by the samrany for the gee of the members Ta Shoe TIES choneniosiven The fanay of 1 departing he waved Their hats and _— : fers and paved their hats & Berrblefa ae the train started. 2 It Bb arsed thet Agencia the bi F resemiative of Agutnalde fhe ; Pipe je fer. baw edged 5 strongly. protest with (Es peRCE ONE \ Bil thas becomes part of ds. 1 begins with aavieg The very Batis and guilant Gea Bide prevident of thw we.” nad Bosored Wiss with eine 1 of ffeil representative ty The ry honavabie president of the United 1 Rtg rps Ff that amier oh i ae br id feat Frey: Erp % coifrpation of the oe THRE The sewitel Halo lee merie se frequently referred to renily He then withdrew Big mier- i Tw pelint ian Tho ehmmber ister Aecpeee] kn By MM. Mitevand relative tr the comiitions Goan whieh the mse. weir cold be rorvitsnicated 1 art of cxssaiion as be contend. 8 THe CONT Was PUT In (vases. of 21% 1B Aur uinrente dame of revision Was vitiated Premivr Dupey replied that unless | 8 ¢ { guaranties &f abwelute secrecy tha Tene Rper SHAT. : SRT rrhoomning the Roverntnent would commmnnieate hess dow aments the court. The premier declared nise that it sas ionpeonwiBle fo {he defense unlese he werd shwaletely assured of mecrey. MM. Brisson said "There i» to dn foremer minisise “Nex. MM. Brisson hi & BRE Carvmignas imteriecied f i nelessary fn I offered fo wee nts in in which shermmenstn of the samy IRE Afverward were hw (oy PXAMEne Thee” ie T ihe gover Tne nt The Frome com bein nied The ¥ domsier ot ie Pah; SI PTR ramen E re a Decoy Letmer Krvewtn 8 Thiel v Fiednrg, Jately em ia The Pauitsbie Baddar at a was srrestad af Kansas City, othe dav charged with the jar of HIE peguiiabie bonds from : ‘ a of Fo € sah im bbe tof camenting hae Sti Ra Sider Bulidinag. | Heints Giappenred meversl Works A Pou ge Sapp that Be had ome A few days age S ate St § sffering to velar the Bends wr Bis ne, A devi liter reealied in ff ihe fappased suivkde On of the nlen bonds The balance of ithe bonds which sre unregiaered and nepoiiable anyehers, cannot be found Wirslews Telegimphy & Success Ale ft Vamslenaillen snd any loenl elertricsl him ir Prof weli-ky Yaut igs Lar . sxBibitions of wireless Ielegesphy i 4 recently. Ove part of trunent Wike et up on the rood oD thw A hundred feet The re staring AWRY. Weye ed CF Avy 2 etn sharps arid F ¢ The din Death ot Senator Brae, Ex-United Statve Senator Stewart Brice died in New Yorm of He meiile had Seve oped. came TusEEs Mra PT Barna - was married a few days age to x Froweh nF Baron vow angARIAn ay Bas srrived in Spain at Rice the (aban (jues- ons and avoided the crowds I The effective strength of the army | Pin Noain may ing To the imerveass of Carlises he rireasesd te een oo gf thw F oped. wn 1 Furs; Following i 8 brid auilios of the Rrtleioe of the realty : Articiy | provides for the sedingaialh et of phe. iw I provides for the cossien of gre he r provides for the cession ot the Philippines for $50 000000 ax “ome | pensation, Arey w 3 Article 4 embraces the plans for The {cession of the L the return of Shah primosers in he i Bande of Tapeless ne Article 5 denies wiih the ceonwics of { Barracks. war materiaie rE. SLOT, wepe | Copment ie the Drreyios deesier that osaid § | afer the mevurity of the state” ponbabliity, | nwarg- [and M. Barvien ccemined | raemte = CL ehow MM Brisson tertadn die | the Kands of Genagral Gesee | thers i fhm, the Soon | bert M. Brisson thought it geelos | Raster approved (he attitude | mfler J basidingy and all prepaviy appertain- ng rh the Spanish administration I | the Philippines, Pi the whole g respective | smuinesr eneh har. and the iusene of each tier Shipping in the Philippines the : ne treqwiment as Amwrican trade and ship. £ ng for x ied of ten yearn, haw hel PON be an prisceers of war held » of all prisoners held by her for | ial offonmen conunitiod in the ones gegsived by the United States. Artiche § Soarantoes the legal ight dem in the Philippines and guarantees fo all churches arvana rights. Artirie 11 provides for the composi tem of courts knd orher tribunals in Porte Rico and {Tuba Article 12 provides for the adminis tration of mths In Porte Reo sad Cuba. Articles 11 provides fur the contin vance for five years of Spaniel | vighis in (he caded territories Fparinh Books admitiance Ainge of duty. Article 14 provides for rhe establish. | ment of consulates by Spain In the waved Bey jane B82. i Nedpriny, & © Tavis parties aaony- | Rave moms reranrikabie | im Ming the oiler Jarl 3 & room | citizens and property shall | terminate with the withdrawal of the Mewipgye after | el dash eninc ated by i € cadbed Territories Articie is grants te Spanish come Phitippines the same (realness? a8 10 American for ten years. Spanish | i ping to be rewmted aR vuaxting Attwiv 1% siipuiates (hat the tne of the T'nitead Staten to RN in Cobs y United States agiborities from Ihe ie Rend or. Tao Kundred Canadian romiracied during ihe past twa yours have ten pes ta be ilegnl and nears clergyman. a resident of deed te Kis sacred office : readin sharoh arganization, Po alip to valawbie a: = in some | cases affected, and legislation is fo be Calvin | array inst Tharwday at reves | contracted & avers cad Pr aod his physician said that poeunonis introduced saaking “i en Deadty Pames Prom Sorel. on The sulphur fomes from the amelters ! Bf Butte, Mort, are so thick : i | etry are crowded with peaple whe i Butte to ssoupe the emake. Three or four denths Wednesday were BAstenad by ihe smoke. Mayor the onutty comraissioners have in a petition to all the smelters ; thers shut down for a few 00 oo | A woddier wan eaptursd the other Say | armed with a returned = REE Hagastas chamber He kad fu Calta. Grand mike Nichsias of Russia PR ag pissin st gh THiw 4 16 owt he 201 bast month. The Prince of eMart th Stamp copsumption onl o Englund, His efforts are not receiving { mach enoogragement ¢f Balivia Is pow cmgdtal Ea Pan at The president To the the the hands of revoinptionists it from | in | fAnence of Kaiser's | | Wales in maim an | tow _ ne radieal 5 Action was and the meeting ended with the pointment of a commits 10 consider the peablem SS A CI SA SH RO A Rich Vin of Goi. Rat Portage Ont, I» wid clement ever a yi ative extimate foam AN iw belng pur in barrels and Cmven are guarding the treasures is announced that Emperor Wik helm will spend BW days In Rome in: January, and has already plansed = Ww | and flog of he arin body is not magnificent fancy dress ball for the German embisey there Baron vom Thiviiman., the minister of Spnandy says that the sym. pathies of hin people during the Span. | : jake American war were with the weak- | tw clmimed that be had been goaded to crenits Aj i : commit the assanit by patriotic Amr- er amd wrosgiudly attacked party, The Irish party in pariiassent greatly emcouraged culminating in the retivemant of Sir William Harcourt as i-ader last swsic The Bpanish trassport Ng Augimtin | | wie, strengthened | i by the dissenscons in the Liberal tanks | mine is owoed In England Al a jow estimate thers is | determined German i Desperate od of sa Unhappy Man, Gotilied Wagner, an ald farmer ing near Monteilo, Wis, set fire | fr mre at the Amat IN cause a divorce was procured by He destroved the has arrived at Malaga from Cuba with } prevent it falling inte ber hands. 1.308 repatriated Spanish troops om eighteen were sick when they arrived. Two died on the voyage and | {we hood. A mob of women at Grana, Spain | recently, ery of Ammeriea was the principal cause of Spain's misloere Prunes, stoned the states of Calumbus there. Iw. Von Hellesdon considering that the discov- | in thelr apindon bassador te the United States sided | on the Kaiser Wilhelm the (Joeat a few dave age for the United States On per Kissed the children good-bye, gave each same money and sent them His wife jeft him a week Female Employes Discharged. 5 Two husdred women stenographers Cand clerks will be affected by an onde | is=ued by the Chicage and Northwest {ern raliroad company to the offoct that the German am y female empivvess shall pot remain in the servive of the corporation wie January 1 1X98 Ia cases whers service makes retention a matter his return Hellebem will undertake the | | Justice, the emplayees will be rompletion of a reciprocity tomate, a While at Berlin be reveived instruc. tions dealing specially with sugar and | prose ts of textile industries The German government hopes that the | treaty will soon be completed.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers