Hain ive HA P ATTON, C CAMBRIA CO. PA. THU RSDAY, DECEM BER 22, 1898. $1.00 PER YEAR. Bo¥ol Bhs of Dress Goods, 5 Wiley Coats and Furs a JAS. NS, dobostown, Pa. “Em owt | Gicaned Here and There by the “Courier” Reporter. ORDINANCE NO. 44. An Ordinances Granting Permission to the Northern Cambria Triephone Company of Spangicr, Pa.. to Erect ite Lines Upon the Streets and Highways of the Borough of Patton. SperTioN 1. Be it enacted hy the Burgess and Town Council of the Bor- ough of Patton in council assembled, ity of the sume, that permission be and is hereby granted to the Northern | Cambria Telepbone Company of Spang- por ne public streets and alleys of the day, December 20th and 31st. Fair and ler, Penn's, its successors and assigns, | to erect, operate and maintain its lines ARE YOu Coming Where ® To ihe Grand Fair snd Festivai in FPaivm Next Week. A grand fair and festival will be held under the auspices of Patton Fire Co. No. 1 in the Firemen's Hall Patton, Pa., during the entire week of the holidays, commencing Christmas eve, December 24 and contioning antil New ‘ Year's eve, December 2ist. A good, big time is assured to all who attend. Music, dancing, and amusements of all kinds. Prof Severin's Imperial Or. (chestra will furnish the music for the ‘dancing. Poliowing is the schedule of pach evening’ & entertainment: 26th and Tih Fair and Festival and 10-cent Dance Wednesday, December 28th, Fair and Festival and chicken and waffle supper no dancing. Thurs day. December gtk, Fair and Festival | upon, along, over and under soch of and 50-cent dance. Friday and Sator. > here for the : Borough of Patton as its business may Festival and 10-cent dance. }, Sombin- | require, provided that poles shall be Oysters, ice cream and all kinds of Dolls, Notions, J u may want which Poact | present. ineat and symmetrical, and that no ‘poles shall be less than twenty-five feet in lenth. 88c. 2. The poles shall be erected ander the supervision of the Borges and Street Committee, und shall be so located as not to interfere with the ose of the streets by the public. Said com- pany shall replace and properly relay i any sidewalk or street pavement which | may be displaced in the erection of its poles, and upon failure to do so after 1 30 days’ notice, the Borough may make (such repairs at the expense of said : company. 850.3. la cousideration for the [fire alarm telegraph wires upon the poles erected in pursuant to this ordi- | Bano. Sec. 4. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be so construed us to grant unto the said company the ex- clusive right, or to prevent the grant ting of similar privileges to other individaals or companies for like purposes. ~~ 8ge, 5. Bald company shall indemnify ithe Borough of Patton against, sng’ assume the liability for damages which may arise and accrue to said Borough from any injury to persons or property from the doing of any work herein authorized, or the neglect by said com- pany or any of its employes to comply to any ordinance relative to the use of refreshments will be served. Best of oder will be maintained. Covact Proceedings. Patton, Pa, Dec. 19. --Patton Bor. ough Council met in regular session this evening with the following mem- bers present as per roll call: Hubbard, Jones, McCormick, Scheid and Biair. The minates of regular meeting held { December 8, 1398, were read and ap- proved. On motion of Monteith and seconded by Jones, it was ananimously . carried that Ordinance No. #4, relating ‘to granting the Northern Cambris ‘ Telephone Co. privileges to run ites line | throngh the Borough of Patton be | lock-up was in an unsafe condition and on motion of Monteith and seconded by Jones, it was unanimously carried that the matter be referred to the Fire ‘and Police Committees with power to ‘act. On motion of Scheid and sec onded by Blair, it was carried that the following bills be accepted and orders drawn for the same: Banghman, $10.92; Patton Water Co, $77.51 for water rent for months of October and November. Council then ‘adjourned to meet at next meeting night, Monday, Janusry 24, Ji Wadded Tuesday Night ‘man of this place, and Miss Mary daughter of Mr. and Mrs Hunter & regular | the streets and s of said Borough; Michael Bogan, of Mellon street, were amma, cya uf Maid Boron; | united in holy bonds of matrimony at pany of this ordinance shall be an. | the bride's home Tuesday eveniog at 4 | Borough any sam of money for which 'M. E. church, officiating. Thos. Bogan, the Borough may become liable from, ‘# brother of the bride, and Miss Mag- it was grey -backs you meant; if so, seand st | OF by reason of such injury. Suc, 6 Said company shall at all " | times be subject to the Borough ordi A aE ra hereafter be passed pilative to the use | of the public streets and alleys by | telephone and telegraph companies, or | to the taxation of such telephone and Said company shall file with | this ordinance within sixty days from fe thereof, i which will beat the cost of aid North- 1 ern Cambria Telephone company. In testimony whereof that the above December A. D., 1898, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of the sa id Borough. Geo, E. PRaNDIBILE, Burgess ALEXANDER MONTEITH, President of Council. Attest: E. Wn Grex, Clerk ¥. M1. Ofcirs Flected At a regular meeting of Marcellus i Council, No. 449, Young Men's Insti. tute, bold last week the following offi- : cers were elected for the ensuing term: | Harry Brand, president; M. McTigue, first vice-president; A. K. Huber, sec | ond vice-president; W. J. Weakland, | ordinance was passed the 19th day of rival of the brave ‘gle Jenkins, of Portage, Ps, were the attendants. The ceremony was wit . Dessed by a large number of friends “and relatives, after which an elaborate wedding dinner was served at 6 o'clock. up the duties of housekeeping soon. The COURIER extends congratulations. A Rash Act. The ceiling of the pool and billiard the Borough Council its acceptance of room and news stand of Kinkead & Hunter on Magee avenue has been for being scrubbed Tuesday morning. The rash act came near causing a com- ‘motion which would not bave been forgotten soon, at any rate the flue on the east side of the building became frightened, which necessitated the calling out of the fire department, and serious damage might have resulted had it not bave been for the timely ar- boys. Ed the Covgrien “devil,” is heid responsible for the damages. lisliday Excursion Rates, In accordance with the usual custom the Baffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg railway between all stations on its line, account Christmas and New Year's holidays, at - & fare and one-third for the round trip, Tickets to be sold and good going on December 23, 24, 25, 78, 30 and 31, 1508, ‘and January 1 and 2, 1568, limited for retarn passage antil Janaary 3rd, 1989. OY : marshal; Peter Rane, recording sete. mm Ro Sl d nel. The above elected officers will be |. | installed the first Siewting 18 January, | leave your orders with Mra. Lent. 4-t2 { 1809, or pictures of any kind | Free Dinger to Boys. _ Candy 7 ots. per per pound at the | Cash Grocery; 4 pounds 25 cts. LETTER FAM Written by Joiu Hatherall, Formerly of This Place. HAS TAKEN A PARTNER. Saws It ie» Tough sre Samaky Conviry- Js rigging God and SEiwver, Warxeeevirie Mon, Dec 15 Eprrom Cormier: — Please find en closed the sam of $2.90 for which give me credit to your most valuable paper; reading the COURIER every week Well, I xm pleased to say | am still in the land of the living and working in the same mine when you last heard from me, nearly three years ago, dig- ging the white and yellow “staff.” there has been ots of ops and downs since that time. The last time | wrote you it was jost before the “big mill" came off between Jumes J. and Fite, and | folly intended to witness it, bot wax complied to work, owing to un accident st the mine. Well that wis one excitement: the next was Bryan, the Silver King; the next was Veno, be “great core all” He broke one man’ crutches and Look bis money and done him more harm than good, sad with iil bis cures be bs doing two years in the “pen.” Bot the greatest excite ment now is the muny morders and hold-upa, which occur in this vicinity about three times a week. A Jone high- wayman walked into a mssloon at connect at that place with the Phoenix Centreville, our pesrest neighboring town, the other night and took $400 from the bar-keeper. After he bad taken the money the bar keeper asked him to take a drink, but the “Bock” repiled: “Just tell them that you saw me and never mind the drinks.” then left in haste. I am pleased to tell you that I have Rot mywelfl & partner since | have been in Montana. 1 willmnd you our photo -soom, if you will sconpt it, and if you do not care for it, then hang it ep oun ‘Squire Mellon's offloe, to scare the dogs away, besides giving the taxpay- ers a chance to come around and save that Sve per cent. reduction. How is Ox petting along with his “little red wagon?’ Has he any more bair on that bald spot yet®* How is haunting this season? Has Doc. bagped Wm. Morgan, a well-known young: are Jots of aged ground hogs out here. Is my old friend John Catherwood in any more blind foxes” Tell him there Patton yet? If so, give him my best regards. an ad of shell barks at the City Res aarant as big as your head. | thought me a team. Whenever the price for digging coal in Patton is raised to $1.00 per ton please lot me know and | will come back, for 1 don’t Like it ont bere | ‘Mr. and Mrs. Morgan expect to take have too much work and no play. I don’t like the idea of working every Sunday, Christass and 4th of July and every other holiday. It is very smoky here, caused from the copper smelters. To give you an idea how smoky it is, on election day 1 went down street to talk politics to someone, | didn’t care just to whom, so the first fellow | ran up against | “chewed the rag’ to for aboat half an hour, until the smoke shifted a little, and to my surprise | was chinning all the time to a dummy in front of a clothing store. 1 soon left and you bet I dide’t tell anybody abowt it | badn’t gone far before a lady ras up against me; she wanted to know where was the best place to buy groceries and drugs, 80 1 told her to go to the Patton Sapply Co. or the Cash Grocery and if she conidn't get what she wanted at those places to go to Good's store. | will sxoursion. tial told ber they were all first-class stores, and I told ber to go Charley Hodgkins, up at the corner, if she wanted drugs She said she was a stranger iu Walkers ville and didn’t know where the places 1 referred to were located, and I don't think she found them in the smoke. Please remember me to all my friends, and especially to members of Patton Lodge, Na 18 I O. O. F. nn Trusting vou will always prosper, | remain yoar friend, Josw HaATHERA LL Marriage Bans "ablated. The following marriage bans were published in the St. Mary's Catholic church of Patton Sunday morning: ‘BE. J. Severin, of Patton, and Miss Della Addleman, of Curwensville: 8. O. Daggett, Manage: of ts Pat: | Wm. Litdinger and Miss Mary Nagle; Ambrose Boyle and Miss Gertrude Me- oo Good Hieciric Light | Suis we wish to extend 1 cor sug company will be ready to tars on the jrey Zev vou Triplets, electrical expert of the Gen. Mx & Ki putting every effort forth possible to 1saw in your ; aps TAYE of Wales and came 30 this - Cormimm, along with many friends, ex- ‘as seen throagh the A Meoryy COvisteans, Fie the eolamns of the Oop Elwetrie Lagnt friday Night. The Cornien is pleased to annonoos the past and orig a. incandescent Jight in Patton borough ; iB he tare, we remain: of the same eral Electric company, of Pittaburg, is’ kere looking after and overseeing the Good Building, eto ime details of the work at the plant, and in cas not disappoint the patrons om the above sancunced date. The are or street lights will not be ready for » few days owing to the fact that the company has contracted for the very I could not possibly get along without New Telephon Coampuiny. A new telephone comjumy has been of operating in the principal towns of North Cambria as well as extending to towns of the south of the county, in- clading the city of Johmstown. The new company is to be known as the and steps have been takes 10 sectire charter, and the right of way for the line is being secured. Alroady the line is completed from Nicktown to Spang- ; ’ bg me ge 8 TWO QUESTIONS. Hastings, a the Siwion of stecttlite wel as being rapidly pushed forward The tion of oe heen : line will no doubt connect at this place [0%0 the matter of clothes naa with the Cresson Sampany, viich wil | Joa Rie Siungtn ang Sue ran from Patton to Ebensburg, Lo- finest style known For a retto, Chest Springs and Cresson and ‘money you ge 4 great desl mors Telephone company, which bes already We are CLOSING OUT our fall and embraced in its territory the principal Winter weights at a Great Bargain towns of Central Pennsylvania. The Don’t fail to se them. ephone company are Dr. T. o. Hite, : of 8 president. Dinsmore Bros., PATTON, PA. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Richard Lioyd Expires. Richard Lloyd, who resided a short | distance east of Patton, died Sanday night at 8 o'clock, after » lingering iiinoms of over a year of miner's asthma He was aged 57 years and is survived by & bereaved wife, three soos and two daughters, William, John, Dave and Maggie, of Patton, and Mm Jones, of ; Brisbin, Pa. His remains will be taken | uns at cost. to Brisbin, hin former bome, to-day (Tharsday |. where interment will be made in the Odd Fellows cemetary, ; at The service will be in charge of the | amps a bargain improved Order of Red Men, of which i, : be was a member. Mr. Lioyd was 8 Heating Stoves, best quality, at prices that will mduce you to buy this year, Ranges, the Jewell, Dockash, Etc.—None country 17 years ago. He has resided in Patton over two years and was an tends heartfeit sympathy to the sur viving wife and children. EAI Hieutratad Lovtarm. A grand series of bematifully illus ‘trated jectares will be presented in the better.and prices awaydown. evening, by Rev. Joseph A. Kiuncker, the pastor. Admission oaly 5 and 10 ar cents All are invited to attend. In Foi HMETRICK, Man, preseating these elaborate and in- tensely interesting lectures no efforts have been spared, only the most real antic as well an artistic views have been carefully selected, and will be accu rately magmified upon the great field of canvas, br a powerful moderns Oxy- Hydro stemeoptican. Do not: fail to we some samples from some SAX pie TOCEW camera. The Brooklyn Eagle save: “Mr. Kilacker is § shogquent, humorous, persgssive and tactful His work will do any come munity good and bring the Cause honor.” Yeager B'id'g, Patton, Pa Rade Jarrett Improving, Kale Jarrett. a weil known voung oan, who is an emplove at the Pardee colliery, met with an socicnt at thas mine aboat two weeks ago in which he sustained a severe injury to the thambd of bis right hand. The injary did not Appear to cause him much annoyance at that time, but later developed into condition bevame quite serious, bat at present writing, the COURIER is pleased to state to his many friecds be is practically out of a danger and will soon be able to be aboat. Another Lomber Operation. The Mountain City Lamber com- pany, which has recently parchased about 6,000,000 feet of hemlock timber in the vicinity of Garway Junction, about seven miles north of Patton, is making extensive arrangements for the manufacture of -the same. A large steam saw mill will be placed on the is rumored that inside of four months | will be ready for operation. The tract was purchased from the Stevenson heirs, of Mabaffev, Pa. about two
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