: | these painhil symptoms are éursd by Bood's Sarsapariila whieh purifies the Diood and neutralizes the acid which is the Why continous to esuse of rheumatism. silos when yoit may be relieved by i's Sarsaparilla i's Greatest Medicine, Price 81. ep fod by ©. 1. Hood & Cn. ‘s Pils are all i Liver its. Sosa a Sve Awsy, Quit tobmeoss easily and forever, be map Betie fail of Life. nerve and vipnr, take No-To ! Bae, the wonder worker. that makes weak men stiong A! drageiste, 800 or #1. Cure guaran. Bary Bootiet und samples free. Address og Bemady Co, Chicago cr New York AL SA NC RnR who operates x hosiery factory, In to Cm Ink spinning plant to make kik ann i EE 1 many Care She Scio os | : pa , pe) I theta fou FARTS WAS ST ppOS Jisurald For un great many years Fy in 5 tora) disonsw fel prescribed 3 tox bw | w wmd by constantly failing wo | ke 1reatineal. pronomnced iL in. : dis », Larne Bes proven ratarrh th be a the dimen and therefore requires | semstitational tratren © Hal's Catureh Cage, 3 Faia ¥. J Chenny & Co, Tolede, | yr FJ a In the unl constitutions] cure on the i ket It is tulion internsily io dompn from pot £ Jue It acta directly on hiss rinees of the sytem, andred Aollats for any eas mend for cirealaes and teat. ue. 3. Creverk wo, Toleda, (1 - The ir Pils are the Best. Rotting Jen withent Pis's Cure for | 2 years. Jarmin Pfs re Ph May 4. HEALTH AND BEAUTY. Do not begin a tong Journey until some Breakfast has been eaten After taking a waren drink do not go im- mediately ot (nto the cold and do not drink anything hot immediately as : you come in ott of the ool, "To soften nails. rub ths following | preparation well into them each night and sleep in gloves: lLanoline, one ounce: vaselige, half-ounce: olive oll, ten drops. The bands should always be washed in warm water and the nails polished with a leather Whe upper part of the arms of a wo- man should be large. full and well thded. The forearm should not lle ton fist very desirable. Correciness of form is | not the most necessary thing for a ‘gond arm. The owner should also | putisens the power of expression and ‘here is a word of advice the slowest Bovemeints are alwars the prettiest, People are most likely to catch cold | in the back than they are generally | e of and Hf neglected may prove | erious matter with your back against anvthing that wold. Never sit with your baek in a direct draught and when warming it y the fire do not continue to keep the hatk exposed to the leat after it has | betome comfortably warm. To do so in debilitating. : te roman who wishes to retain the use of the smelling hottie. Stand in et of & mirror and inhale the pus- gent odor from a smelling bottle and | notice the number of lines which form a. tut the styes, nose and mouth, Egch | LA a Ue ARS ER pt Bacoems of focia » Pavwadl, Mien ; X The Migies t n Jewelry, Crest rings with old-style earrings | are regaining their former popularity. Patriotic designs on ladies’ watches are still in demand. One of the latest | ronsists of an anchor in diamonds on & green enameled backgronnd. A very pretty ornament for a ladies’ | toilet table in a receptacle for cologne | bottles made of cold and enameled in = M. Opies, iof each frock, and even in the bot broidered with initials in white, A dimple at the slow 1a mosxic designs Very pretty photograph frames ¢on- | sist of rarions designs in silver and | 2 1yetvet » of delicate shades, | Pretty nmiwells handles of carved! ivory and silver with gold tracery are | again show, } Womunly Condemnation of Football. Carroll College, in Wankesha, Wis | | Lis just 85000 poorer through a game | {of football. Miss Anna M. Sackett, fwho died a few weeks ago, had watched | the work of Carroll College, and de. | Letded to assist that work to the best | jof ber ability, She made her will, | giving s legacy of $3000 to the tras tees of Carroll College for the benefit | ‘of that institution. A few weeks ago she drove out to the oolieze grounds ito witness her 8rsf game of football, "and was so shocked at the brotal ex- Shibition that shé went home snd sent for her lavyer Under her direction he drow up another will, : tinned no legacy for the college, and she signed 1, the former will being dentrozed, —Chicago- Times Herald, To Bae Duintily Sweet. Here are some excellent suggestions | about perfame which, if followed, will keep milady as sweetly fragrant as =» rose, although the fragrance will be i but the snggestion of fragrance sim. ply a fresh sweetness. As a foguda tion there is nothing hatter thas orris, ‘the pare Indian orric that is imported in large jars. With thus large silk pads are filled, one being placed at | the bottom of each drawer of the ehif. Monier. Little silk sachet bags are | filled with it and sewn iu the sleeves 3 —— er § tom of the skirt. Af the shenlder of | i each chemise there is pat a wilk sach- she went to Philadelphia, where, which econ: | et, attached to ribbons and daintly | tied to the shonlders, These are em: For the bath little cakes of sweetness, that eferveses and dissolve when! thrown into the water, imparting » delicate fragrance slmost impercepti- | ble, though lasting, shonld be nsed. ‘A simple bath powder may be made by mixing violet with orris and keep. ing tina large cnt-glass bowl, with an immense powder puff pat tempt. ingly on top. A massage with lanoline | pintment ix also recommended for thin air. Philadelphia Times, The back, especially | between the shoulders, should aiways | kept well covered and never jean | Hygienic Baby Clothes. A baby clothes reform ix st present ander way which promises to esert considerable influence. These little | people, it is believed, suffer consider. | ubly from the injurions effects of fashions. The little bodies are ex {peadingly weak and sensitive and should be dressed in the most rational i manner. It is quite common, how. over, for fond mothers Yo sacrifice the | benuty of her face should forego the | | baby's comfort to muke it look attrac. five. The friends of the new movement ; especially denounce the nse of long i dresses {or babies before ther are able to walk. These garments, which are often very elaborate and adorned with | & considerable weight of sce and | other decoration, are considered mueh too heavy and cambersome. They | are hkely to bring too great a strain | upon the shoulders, which are hardly strong enough to bear the weight. They also tend to hamper the move- ments of the limbs, and thas interfers more or less with their dev t. Another argument is that they prevent { the air from freely ecirenlating sbout the feet and legs, which is necessary to heir 4 growth. by dress which it is suggested ‘ shonld take the place of oR long | dress in a simple, bell-shaped gown of | soft, clinging material. The akirt is | worn and is designed to allow all fousible freedom of movement to the imbs, New York World. Women Farmers = the Philippines, There sailed for the Philippines from San Fraacisco the other day three women, who are going out to be planters. A planter in the Philippines means s farmer of the type in the North known as the gentleman farmer. The three women planters who | started ont intend to raise broad acres of nuts and fruit, and to pasture their small animals upon a thousand hills. Before going out, they made an ex- baustive study of the country, and their leader, Miss Divine, has studied borticuléire until she is prepared to gauge the nut crop from the quality , lof thesoil. If can get the land {low enough he . ~and the home Consul 3 | anid that it could be obtained for $20 : now walk Site a distance oubled no more with palpita- heart or blosting. I rec ny ‘muticine wo all sufferers acre—they will run nut and fruit ly with small game, such as the choice markets of Europe demand, as Ea oad pouitry can be shi via the Chiness Railroad to St. Peters. * burg, where it finds an extravagant | sale, and the other products can easily be preserved for England's use. They Er a. | Philippines, purchase her land, build Philippine house and get to work. Her crop is immediate. — Philadelphia Press, A Woman Archwologist. Mr=. Stevenson was born and eda cated in Paris, France, her parents having remcved there from Lonisiana, where her father had large mercantile i interests, besides being President of the Bank of Louisiana When it was : found necessary for them to return to : : Pit has attained the age of When the baby pokes an inquiriog | Anger into the fire ar tumbles against | | 3 hot steam radiator a quick way te the burned surface with baking powder | {America the danghter was left nonder the gaardisnship of Monsieur Jnbinal, a distingniched antijnary and scholar, C whose hones was the centres of a nota- | ble virele of distingnished men and | women in hteratare, art and seiencs in Paris into a astady of i Boisnce, At the age of seventesn Mrs | Stevenson was called from her studies | (in Paris to Mexico, where her mother | At a later period | ia | Cor. nelins Stevenson, a well-known citizen | was then staying. 1870. she was married to Mr. of that sity, applied herself to the stady of areh Museum at Harvard, lecturer. The University of Penn. sylvania conferred npon her the bon. Ase year, in partment of archeology.’ and Ciresce in ihe ethnology. Mrs. Rtevenson is the aatbor of Pennsylvania, with which she identified. The Chautangnan, tiossip, Queen Victoria has had over seven ty descendants, over sixty of whom are living. cases as baggage masters as well surviving sister of Heinrich Heine, has inst celebrated her ninety eighth birthday. Council threw out by » majority of 19 to 150 the Woman's Saffrs up by tiie Assembly. Cora Perrine is Secretary of the Board of Examiners for the United Mt. Pleasant, lowa, the statement that the jewels of the late Empress Elizabeth of Aastria are Tealaed at 82,000 000 A movement has been started io Winnie Davis by establishing an in dustrial school for girls come into posession of keitle oven which was ones given Martha Waah ington in payment for a knitting task. Dr. E. Ky. Mrs. Mary L. Barroll, wife of Lien. tenant Henry H. Barrdll of the navy, Danbury, Conn. Miss Mary L. Birtwell is Secretary of the Associated Charities of Cam of the university city. Lady Blennerhasset, wife of Rowland Blennarhasset, Bart, has received the honorary degres of doc. of Munic for her work in literatar Glaanings From the Shope, Many castor-brown felt hats Girls’ short-back Puritan silk bon. nets. Misses’ taffeta waists in tacked of- fects, Large-patterned broches for even- ing gowns. Velvet coats to wear with cloth or silk skirts, Bands of solidly worked silver and jet spangles. White satin hats appliqaed with black chenille, Silk petticoats 1n gay plaids and ombre stripes. Heavy lace inserting in wavy pat- terns and edges. Jacket suits of wida-wale serge in two-tone effects. Red taffeta waists tacked leugth- wise in fine cords. ean, of course, ship to America, bat with California's rich acres this would | beat present less profitable. ! The woman planter in the Philip- | pines can gather her crops all the | year round, for it is never too cold | for. outdoor work; and so she can: anjoy a steady revenue. In the mat- ter of 1abor she can indulge in all the | native talent she desires, and for his | keep and a dollar & month she can get | i ‘a native workman, whose knowledge 1of the fora aud fanna will be i] valuable. Gray and bisek striped goods ia French mixtures. Velvet capes covered with rules of black satin ribbon. + Boys’ red cloth overecats with blue revers and facings. Polka-dotted taffeta and Liberty : satin for shirt waists, Black satin and gros-grains with | { small colored broche. Small fgr voliarettes with “stols” Econrnisi long varied acvording to the age of Her early associations in | {this home gave her an asprine to- wards the stady of archwology that | only needed the friendship of men of | science at pn later period to develop archeology «= a So thoronghiy has Mrs Stevenson wology, espsially in Egypt and the Mediterranean, that in IN34 she was | asked to lecture before the Pesbody She is said to | be the first woman whose name had | appeared on a Harvard calender as | orary degree of Dovtor of Seience the | “acknowledgment of | her scholarly ability and eminent | i services in the development of its de- | Eh : . iv 1 iy a mew bieyels bell fn which fs econ During the Colombian Exposition | iin Chicago Mrs. Stevenson was ap- |... ihe double | pointed a Fndge for Egypt, Babyloma | $ x wh ; wf department of ramps of | several monographs on archeological | stbiects, as well as numerous rénoris | af that devia i ; Tvs sity | : of that department in the University | pot think twice of beating a hasty re- | 3 e i treat, ‘fn Braz States, i view of local | coffee driers ars very unsatisfactory. | and the invemtor of a thoroughly af. In Norway women have be appoint. | ed ax station masters, and in some | | high a temperatare. and the product Fra Charlotte Embden, the ouly | | af the problem would lie in the use The Victorian [Ansiralia; Legislative | : ‘pd an interesting chapler to the bis ge bill sent | : Carehives of the Eseurial what it cost The sti. events, | i fn Algenv : pends of the discoverwrs, at all Ntatex Civil Service Commission at | | franea a month, A Viennese journal is anthority for | Georgia to honor the memory or Miss Mrs. HE. Wright, of Chicagd, bas Green, [Dresident of the National Household » Economic Association, is earrying ou a diet kitchen at Fort Thomas, Covington, | versity o | the anthor of a well-known life of the and Miss Helen Mesker have just been elected on the School Board in (ing, and bridge, Mass, She saperintends, toa ! much fuller than those commonly | 18788 extent, the charitable activities Dat during tor of philosophy from the University | P nd 7 time unuun ally wate afl and sires, | Average man : money and without price. Warp prints in wavy cross stripes. a glass window, Give the children roasted apples to | sat frequently and as many oranges| gs they want How long should a child remain In a bath? This must, of course, depend apon circumstances; the time must be the child. For the fires four or five weeks of an infant'a life it should not be gept in beyond three or four minutes, and the duration must be gradually | srolonged as the child grows older an ti it extends to a quarter of an houe, 5 period which mav be allowed after 3 years relieve his sbhricks ia to cover till a preparation of equal parts of iinseed oll and lime water can be ap- plied and covered with soft cloths If the burn is slight eovering with white of an ogg or pure iard wii re- ieve the agony. Burns caused by jime {or lye or an alkali of any sort should | i be treated DY viregar or ismon juice; surng caused by geld should be treated with water and molsr earth, There are boussholds ip which the atidren are scarcely permitted to peak above their breath, This is not 3st all right we freedom of speech. Children shold be encouraged lo égpress in a modest way, their opinlons before their par- sats and to come tn them for advice and counsel in all their difficulties and ! if this course is pursued dilemmas. they will not be likely to take any gerious steps in after {ite withont either sonsuiting the old folk at home or ap the : In the home there shonid | plying the home standard of propriety to whatever enterprize (hey may have in view, ODDS AND ENDS. oh. i : eyeing frm ln Cologne has patent. i waled a Kind of revolver. whieh is to Ing away vichoun dogs and cheeky | Hy merdly pressing a button attached to the side of the ball cartridges can be fired off in ancression. prrpose of frighten- fen | these giving such a load report that | shaoxious persons and animals would | for treating are nade In the require improvements comditions. Thus Marhines rifle Sos bat nued United |! in the factive drier would reap a fortune in | firazil Driers ag now made use too fe not ganiform. It seems the wnlstion ut comparatively ow temperatures snd I of an exhausting pump A student of Spanish annals has add. tary of prices by revealing from the ar the pew world 414 not amount ta much. The pay of an Able seaman Was only, whi an ly ax month Rimaelf nf I 8d frances Even In Rosin gigce hone day % Rh franew As far Chridtanher Columbia hin earnings were at the rate or $325 per sa‘sries hava risen Poet Pow Sof Eipetled from College. William H. Browne writes the fal lowing letier 10 the Haltimore News : "] see & paragraph going the rounds of i the papers 10 the sfect that {1 {8 re Mmarkable thar Edgar A Poe should be honored by & bust erected in the uni versity from which he wad expelled, has been slows again and again that Poe wis Je rer exostied from the Uni f Virginia. Mr J 1 Ingram Willlam Werten the faculty fo rots to Mr retary of pomt, baker moc quire about that gentismnan. Iibrarian during Poe's realdence and knew Lim well replied, pot from mem ory oaly, bul alter searching the rec orids thar ‘al no the censure of the faculty’ bury. agother Poe's residence "he did rome under the notices of the faculty which is stated to have Deen af Mr. Wood WH I AL 5 AANA A it soema, 10 iv & captain drew shout 3 guiness, a annum : table Compound. ache, headache, If you have a carpet that looks dingy and : you wish to restore it to its original freshness, make a stiff lather of Ivory Soap and warm water and scrub it, width by width, with the father. Wipe with a clean damp sponge. Do not apply more water than necessary. The vegetable oils of which Ivory Soap is made, and its purity, fit it for maw special tises § wasatisfactory ar which other soaps are unsafe and Fapeeright 190. by Tia Forman § Gontly Ox Cluivaell denn nb bles ip A " OVER- WROUGHT NERVES OF WOMEN. ST Ki Wi nition Extracts From Letters Recotved by Mrs. Pinkham. MT am so nervans and wretched.” | these expressions are, Littic 7L Sw Ad =F & wel things annoy you and make you irritable. You can't sleep, you ave unable to [ft ondinsry burdens. and are subject to divriness, That bearing-down sensation helps to make you - feel miserable. You have backache and pains low dows i I shonid fe.” How Sailer Nn the side, pain in top of head, Inter on L base of the brain. when you first experivneoesd Sueh a conglition points unerringly to wer ions wherine trouble. If you had written to Mes. Pinkham vitali ty, yon would have : been oo spared these hours of awinl suffering. N Hiuppiness will be gone out of your life forever, my ister. unless you act promptly. Procure win Eo Pinkbau's Vegetable Compound once. and begin its use, then write to Mrs. Plakbam, at} sn, Mass, if there in anything about your case you do not “Pran Max Prewmtw- Fi von kindly [3 derstand. You peed not he afraid to tell her the things you could not explain to the doe. . your letter is seen only by women Land is absolutely confidential. Mes Pinkham's vast experience with soch roubles enables her to tell you just what in best for von, and she will charge yon nothing for her advice. Mas Jexxix Bniy. Youagdale, Pa writes: silo par the plessnre of expressing my gratitode for the wonderful relief I have experienced by taking your Vege back: poss inthe grains, I eonid not dfe wos a burden to nae. something dreadfal. | thonad ! ment in the paper, and my Nuvbund { five bottles, sad now | am well and happy. 4 Mitlion Names Have Scea Beactitedby Mrs. Plaitiaw'sadvice and MeSicing Ti . in. i Poe's conduct and stand: | who war time did be fall under | bMographer. says that pot that | Advice 18 about the only thing the will To Care Constipation Forever Ive freely without fake Cascarntn Candy Cathartie. 10o or Se | BCC CC fad 8 cure, druggisa refund money The been town of Tezintian, hghted | with ms *tyiene Bas Mexico, has | Mes Wi inate ww . Saath »#S3rep for ehiliiren teething. softens the gas, rede infanuna. tin, allays pai hn aren wind enlie, She a hettls The French river w olen Mills. at Mechanicsville, Conn, are running day and night contract. No-To-Bae # for "ye Conta. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure. msives west to complete a government | An strong bidod pure. oe. 8 A drigge There isn't & Bouse in Santiago with | but the windows have naide shutters beuwldes heavy bars outside. wid ” THE DAMP AND CHILL PENETRATE, LOOK OUT FOR AN ATTACK OF SCIATICA. BUT DEEP AN ThE SOMATIC NERVE 18 ST. JAcoBs OIL WILL PENETRATE AND QIBEY ITH RACKING PAIN. enls is twat —Dry Goods | | iron | Ls wR Ea Daten we & ganas 0A RPL HEURES 2 frtenie SL & PRP BN oALM weeny i #8 PRekage ween wastes ww wT wat sad ae el iy gages « Morn "i Fn ARF calbidil » on. Domes. §% af W cheapest farms in Ashtabala Ua, UO Best state in the union: lwst stale. HN. BANCROYT, Jefferson, Ashinbala Co. Ohi Rey =O WRARIWL wrare whee aig Profits Ro Hist No See ory respi] Either Send 4 oenis fo dange for antibne fhe Pe anti: Sa; pir Cu, Hess osg, NOY City DROPSYIIturmr et Benet ur Dok of tesiiwoncais sail 10) dey Gate nt Free. Dr R 8 GEEEN Aone Aina, Be Co Nowlork for bs senile sod 1% Semi Busn RUE ATISM nies fay 08 Born, Fat pid, $1.08 ALES AN nER RENRDY Jo, Be Gran wih H. NY ! errtond tmysines wedi, tients ge WEG | Battal, me WANTED ATT: ded of anew. BOW ALD x3 Joss of appetite, a heavy AR Fhe paian [ suffered at timex of menstrastion were t there was no ears for iL advised me to try your medicine, | took Pokipu. We hing ew Vandi sf Juan wheal aok. Farms for Sate!’ Oe AE ft tar send stamp. wet Mil deseription and prion | sonnel in San a SAC RS 5 AE mekiew, | I saoffered for a Jong time with nervons prostration, bearing~lown feeling, aiso burning was tired all the time. had no ambition 1 ssow your advertises Your medicine saved my Life™ a Edited by Wes. FRANK LESLIE. EACH wont: | Cover in Columand Gold, CONTRIBUTORS: WD. Howells, Claen Bare ton, thet Harte, Waker Camp. Frank RB. Stockton, Morgaent E Sanester. Julia ©. R. Dorr; fonguin Mittme Edgar Fawost, Egerton Catia, 1« louise y Chandler Monlion, and saber lamogs TANTED Case of oad health ther RIP ANS | soi thE and Teanedtt Seand 3 orn te Hipans Ohmentond ini CTRED {me bottie—Positive HIER t : 3 ] od Beautiful Are 4 “A Yan tod R ) A Yard o Pap. : ha A Non 1 thom SH famuare Fiesinm con Fonrioien I foal vi ther art pate (HVEN FREE with § 1monthe PERTAEMTIGE SO SG amine Stary of the SINKING OF THE = MERRIMAC fren apapate aid Dinpsrievpanent of mn Ly OSBORN W. iN nseniny of the Hovedmac, Hy Pail Hhuscared, the Noone Blltion Lowited, FRANK LESLIE PUBLISHING Darr - 145 Filth Mention this paper when nd EE XU Ws ia 0 oS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers