The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 15, 1898, Image 2

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Age Spain on Priens'y
With the United States,
ITN ys gh
demand made by the United
nin hoes been aceepted fo
the Spanish commissionirs |
signed the treaty, which
# country npon friendly
{ Of the treaty would have |
et for a great historical | ha
Rronp. gathered abou:
yorhamber of the |
mipressive In itself,
that the sense of the |
which |
i of the insties.
if, was deeply foit by ail
th the scene,
5 tahis
4 them, were numerons
American Commission. | wit. and child shot dead 8nd a. hots i
ite the two bodies were
by the €
the dinner give
after the meeting by the Duc
dnd the Spaniards wore
k contr
FORsing of the teeply on
WAR found to be so trou le.
deta the signing of ihe
rh Martin of the Amer. |
on worked «It day with.
stopping to eat. When he
hen wecked tn read first
and af:
vis, Senator William P.
wr Reid and Senator Geo
Mantero Rios, Senor Abar-
por Garnica, Senor Villaurot's
Py its opponent's treaty,
dd with the Spanish and
meals were prepared to be
$ Were sert scurtying
the French wi-color,
been & great
k pens with which the signa-
he treaty were written
if the Americans were provid.
ndsorae per purchased for
The Spaniards appeared
ted by the scuvenir crage,
themselves with the or.
EB strewn on the table
on, the interpreter of
ommission requested
Rios th give him his
" : contest
* families and friends of the |
i for York kitted Bessie Lewis aged 17
eelings and submis. |
gave an impressive |
| Bix duties aw
er that the Spanish
Thirtern people suffered violent
deaths at New York last Bunday,
JB rumored that (ol, Bryan
about to resign from the volunteer
Seveetary Long has
ships of the navy to be
again. ;
Stmpwon Horner, a well-known Piles.
arsdered the
peinted white
{RE Haverbstl wns Eva wron, Mave lise
| Tuesday.
The Baivisvers Electrics street
burg river man. died Monday aged 80
Temperance people won the Geet icin |
Liar Wy
PCOmpAnY has heen purchased by a syn. :
sadleate for $17 Son 060
The Betvadhal of Queen Witheheina
af Holland to Prince Willtam of Wiig
* been confirmed
IA new minister to Bpain will nor he
L appointed until the treaty hus
ratified by the séngte
rumber of persons indinding a
who had stolen four hogs
of New
i :
Lerganization ander the lass
| from Bis wife saying she was tired o
: Fide,
The corvmissioner of fish and
Pfor the propagation of food fehecies
| last year.
Cten it was decided that caucus action |
c Will be binding on the Democratic von.
Lowisiana. Misstswipp! and Toxax are
having a spell of cold weather. Therw
mre four inches of show on the groan:d
¢ #1 Dailas, Tex,
Ex-minister Woodford may resumi
representative of the
United States at Rpain. He in said to
be popular at Madrid,
The Gddfeliows’ temple at Philadel
phin is under an indebrednssn of $1.
M0000, and threstens the existence of
i many of the organizations
Being tos mock under the inflgence
of Hauor to sscape from a borning
building at Pittsburg last Monday,
Thomas Connor was burned to death
While working on a gas main in Chi.
age Wm Armstrong and James
I Gen, Wheejer
Sharpless were overcome and died.
Thomas Haves and James Casey re.
The imports of wool for November
Hs compared with the same month fast
year show 8 comeiderable decrease
while the imports of sugar have in
"The war department has excused
from further active
service and the general is now free to
al 8% a member of the house of re
Admiral Behiey has the grip and ix
confined to his hotel in New York City,
Over-axertion at a dance in Naw
few days ago
The oxford club of Brooklyn dined |
Admiral SBchiey, the hero of Bantiago
nxt Wednesday The sdmiral gave a
Rraphic description of the destruction
of Cervera’s feet
General Flagler, ebisf of the ord. | 80d lovaity manifested by Gon Gar
hance bureau, testified before the wae
Investigating comiplesion that Sevres
cary of War Alger (aterefored with his
work during the late war.
fn them im. : Eren ahows an expenditure of $1857 60
At a Deraocratic caucus in Washing. ;
Pepgy "AUS
The president Mer week pardeved a { ip
OBI Gepyons
The pottery trust has completed its ||
dersey with & capital stock of $0 my |g
At Detroit Frank Brooks found his |
tirvais he recogpniaed one or more of
dying mo
ough Ris hasy and ae. |
for his be.
fhawd country and its peoptd and his
last words were irrational mutierings |
Piente ae alt the
chairman of the commission Mraotat 1. |
He Comtraized 3 Cold Whaile Avtendog 8 Din.
rer in Fle Hainer and Bucoombe to Posy.
mais at Ho Wasrisgion Hotel
Toe grows Cuban feader, Gen (alive
: 2 after bavieg seen Cuba freed
dred Baw rwople released fromm anda:
died ar Washingoon inst Bundsy.
% the Bega of The Coban oom
at Washin
r the Hag
e 26f A uh
Rick, with
i Balogh
i to the rra
rh and Washington
contracted a slight
r which
Hostage until the carly
Aid por
Br opited 5%
hopiee by {Sendra
af The
result EX prea re:
ghiedy onlaiiva red in
il Bosire on
taoneral (iarcin
af the time
ght Bis in hix
tive {ide his thoughts were
in which Be gave orders (0 his son
who is on the staf for the batile
which he supposed was to secur
morrow and in which he understand
there were omly 0 Spaniards 1o com.
Just before he died he embraced bis
san. Rey, Father Mages of Re Pas
rick * churel was called in during the
day and was with Gen Garcia ont}
ihe pred, administering the last rites of
the Cathilie chard,
Gen. (arvia left a large family, only
one of whom Justo, A captain on Rie
staff. wax with him when ke died His
widow and Mervaden a daughter of IT
Years of age. are at Thomasville, Ga,
where the gir! fo quire 11: Maris, a son,
1% vers of age Is with the mither at
Thomasvitie, and Col Carlos Garcia
another son. is In Cuba. Gen Garcia's
¥ 4
mther be willl ative and resddes in Ha
Geen. Garcia, whowe name will be saver
linked woth those of other patrioie
who have fought against unequal odds
for the fresdom of his rountry, bias had
A Moet active and varied [ite meh of |
which has been spent in fighting for
the cause of Cohan Hiberty, which he |
bad the satisfaction of seeing sceom
plished so short a time bBefors bis
death. He was a man of culture and |
refinement, of splendid education and | station and $id not pass through the |
There were only the |
the :
came from a distinguished family of §
Jiquani. of Rantiage de Cuba province |
He was bien in Coggins Owtaber 14
IRE. wrod wan therefore in the Ohh voar i
Garcia was edigental |
In 1%84 he was |
of his age {lon
in Havana and Spain
married fo Irabel Velss
testomaony of the great sid aiwistanes
cha during the campaizn When
Cuban assembly met Bf the closes
the war Gen
priviigal advisers
arvd was Said
change from the warm 1.
With the Bavdebing hw
be og
t Tuesday night he, |
WEE fhe otRer members of | 3
dinner |
ihe afficers who participated ip |
the active work around Santiego bear |
fagrvia wax one of Yhe |
Cities Obiect %o Ofving tae
Rallromd Companies.
Central Music Baill was fast Sanday
filled with ditigens of Chicas who
{Bad garhered in convention in oorder to
| potent AgAinet the extension of the
franchiwes of Chicago's strest car lpes
f ro WW years, Farly in the Wind iity the
apwake ry daelt mainly op
of Sorpensation for exter
the Orpewtiog |
dey of sires? |
Giving whe Srrerts Away to
The Peace Comminniiner Believes That Ameri.
a, jepas and Great Heitan heould Com.
bine far
Far Errante. but before ite claws (he pro
Cpitiom of municipal ownerskip
eres anise
wan |
Buely tonehed and received gens |
Fraskiin MH. Head prewided and 15s
reakers were Mayor Harrison
John P. Atigeld, George BF
a5 Masnard Harlse aod Hee
Thomas PP. Hadnetr
Ex-Gov. Altgeld was first
Lhe subject of mugwieipad
and Ris remmrks aroused the
i a. of fhe Meo Ling
Ne ates thie thing?”
Hang them: got
vem gvenkietond
ik gery
i the oo ty
suid. “Fos
8 aga
* sre inp
Ware fon
4 af the
9% apa Fria
i Festa
PRR roid &
it advan
Ee Lh fhe mentin MEDI Ere
pm omen of the
ners Rip
$ od (lis Your then when
PASO RTRNIR expire in Te
The meet signifieant portions of the
rescdutions adopted wers aw follows
Bewoived, That inssrmsieh an fhe be
Ning and snd of all present Ta
in th
wnpaniew the directors and stocked.
Paes of those compa nien xhogid net Be
i tio
tir miler
sss merahin
2 I fas
11 ter
tain apd Japan
inmaden |
in CUNEme
. i Rewtedd that such a died
® Cy council gre the traction :
} dl her
| Permitted to escape the cium How dis
{ Tected Rgainst vena publi
| but that they be sxposed to condemns.
that they ars SrEanizsing
and plotting apainet the peace
sequences as disastrous fo this com.
MURILY as any outrages ever de yieend
by the sworn epnenmivg of sodiety amd
| Resolved, That the citizenship of
Chitagy stands strong at the back
our mayor in his
people's right
this resting th
cipal ownerahip if nee
be By the time the pre
shall sxpdpe
Cubans Weep be juy at Seeing Their Driiverers
The Two Hondred and Second New
York reginmwat began to famd at Ha.
vana Monday nesrning and at 16 woioek
a oodumn abou
That it is the sense of
wht now. mas
Hina raiirsad stition
from the landing place to thi ru rond
Principal sient
SrRinary aumbeir
c Blrvets Bnd owas
Phat af yy
Americana’ ap
§ Weare heged
LO The Pies
BT people In
iy oafvasinnaliy
ve Expang Was
Te ive
North Caroling
nited States transport founuimise
disembarked Monday snd mare fee
through the city with Bard and colors
tie vamp at Marlags. iv the t
Lreginent Bad fea Bed subinrd
eres many Bondeede Wanmen
ing dep emotion the pes embracing
sf wen.
children were following #31 show. | Chg
CBE abeoesw af fhe liver and
. : ; | Cw hbel shews no sign of dex re pif de
tion as criminals and anarchists in i
sarruption |
: ; a ant |
Prosperity of Chicago and inviting con. |
T ailiance
2 : Ths
toa orewmoduting wae ine ded faring | waa
§ Srv car
the |
Ther Moves Protentier
The Paris
don Dmile Mal
Be bad with
T Cnehman RB
sri bee
crrteapnndent of the Lan.
snr a riod wn inte
mitedd Rtates Song.
Pravie, of the pesos
gio & rine ab.
{ Jail at Nortollc Va :
1 #0 made a short speech. saying he Rad
Florgiven ihe .
WB Jin reid
F cobble atones
wer gadis
Hes Between the {7
rain sod Japan,
ited] Rtates 13
SUIe parratie
BEd a shoigtd
Tega American
in the
sr ug ww
ran haan
fase then
ap peniing
Lo theagh blo
IR vee
+ um TRE Mer thn
hiv Grgamient should sot be!
My fhebmine favor of
i at by the
I favor a treaty of alliances
the 1nited Mrates Jiregs
#5 Shee mab asttan
Ri Thedr inre veers
ward would bave &
Fay $
o FYnOnyneas with
THe proceeded fo argue (hind Hagneig
Germany and Frases Bad seeded the
brik of mmmere hel beeafiy
whey wf beth
nel He sug.
wd Comihd ave
nothing tv fea NY contitan of |
Halachx, apd thet 1hereforss
wank tend to freer the pegoe
CP hers mre grill Sa Veusrg of vigarogs
fight in Foglawd’' = ssid Myr. miss
ta the 3
United Rrates pod
while strong aw Ameria 0 it will |
take several hundred years to develop | : ;
| for hie Hv wae
Ber promise and potency. 1 da not we
Why oiled nations shoal oblest to the |
| already. dy specint legislation. has im. §
| meneedy injured Americas comtmeteial
. { intervals
RE the time for muni.
i feast
ot franchises |
SA 1h oy
LOM strong marched |
from the Ban Jose wharf to the (Chrie. ; >
| passenger by
~The route which was a mile and a
half Jong was (he mins dips SORE Te |
: Nim tow
Ahich arrived Busday morning on the
5 £
She The
ne x
fren trade
will be applied, witheyr faving any
treritovies will be coseidired
They Did Their Best to Kill Gen. Ruy Witsour
Committing Murder
feenerat J. Huis Rivera, tee Cuban
Zeneral recently Hberated by the Span
mh gavernment from euti, waM a
the steamer la Cham
pgne from Havre, whieh greived at
New York a few dave sgv. He hoped
BY anarantine of the dents of General
frarcin and was deeply gricvad at the |
teas, Hivers had a strong rogurd for |
tieteral ddarcia, but Bad sot med Fam
for IN years
his wife
The regoluiinn passed by
Benate sald General
MY Tuaptires in
thie 17
Topwry afraw raed
Jrseriiatea] aad aha,
Hever tried at all
i ¥
was t bis
for fe io a Spanish fortress
TAL the Foasisk Bospitale the ok
tid thelr best to Ri mie. AY he his
marti of the sgamtor |
flap) betwee
REC wna tehadd
correandntgent 1 ml Bled
Eyl seve
rahi began to bresthe naturally
i sania placed
PETADE to the president
con had Gn niteréation with
AN iin
tan of the Bchoooer Olive Recker.
Jobin Andersen, ihe condemned mur
derer of Mate Saunders of the = hooner
(Hiver Peciter. wan executed in the ety
ast werk Ander.
med whe swors hiw J
die al pegs The
PAR was sprung, and Andersen's body
hot diwnwan! The ropes parted just
inside ihe Knut and his body foil fo the
{rere and wi ;
woRig from Bis Meath. nose
A deowtor was called and soon
fn onpened Hie eves and if wes
fort foremumt ap (he stairy
Arado rg
Fle the slatform and lakd down until
z > obisined He was nlured ia
HEUER snes
her ond of the ripe wae Ad=
amie graded Wie neck He was ralsed
rtatding position and the straps
“Nn Mw mbes. While being
aried By the offers the THD wee
ARAN sprung In OF minotes life Was
Proratrieed Extinct Nine minutes
Bn the fear and second
drops. Anderse’s peck was Broken
Faphonedly By (Be last dean
When the ropd brake there CAE A TY
from sopse ave in the ;
“round: Pele
The oe
5% 2%
The wehobner Oifge Forker spiled
fivn Pumton aden with mber for §
ant on the River Platte Brazil When
La prilen off the const of Brag] Ander.
the sap
Wher the latter retired to the
cabin Amber followed and shad the
iH they do let them Germany
Clerman- Arericans regret
. this attitode on the part of the mother |
brave fight for the |
Be far xx the Philippines are can. ;
cerned. there will be an open doar, bat | SVEr the lumber, after which the oi:
far protection polley |
nation, amd the Toca! needs of sur riew ! : ;
[and tried and convicted in the United
| States court at Norfolk. Va. and a
CL ety
The general wan grostey
CUBPta dead
; BeRyity,
i thw
nited i A Cwvtaiy ¥
Rivera. |
197. surely saved me from eo |
An 2 | Bure,
Peerret owas sedered 1a be intpriwstied
. Lage
! | Baye
. 5 : bu ithe
pital fevatie they operated on me fas |
intend of |
Then Be growed hireself
went on desk. and tereoviped
all on beard. The mate, whs sax aloft
Sas called down, and while pleading
shut four mes Then
THE crow were srdered 1s thraw Che dy
iE male sverbnard and on protesting
ihat he was act dead were awegred
that be wan “dead sncagh ” This done.
the crew were marched below at the
point af a pistol and ordered (0 throw
cRplain's body sverbeard Then
Andersen directed that oll be throws
soaked whip was set afive and the mur.
deraus crew took to the bats Ander.
on was apprehended at Mahis. Bragil
bborn fight wan made up to the su-
Preme court. the canvielion being con.
The nut move wax an application for
a writ of habeas corpus on the ground
that Andersen's constitutions) rights
were iavided when the lower court gee
signed Bim counsel ineteand of giving
Bim council of his own choles Chief
Justice Fuller sald the revord of the
vane showed that no fundamental right
Had been denied Andersen, but that he
Riad been represented from fist a inst
by able cwtnest
froveedy to Ses Wits His Mutines
Mes in a Sesworthy Seis !
With a majority of his crew in trons,
Paviag motinid ithe Beitieh ship Jane
Capt. Robertsan, hetive for
Santos with 100 tons of coal, pasesd
seaward frome Philndeiphin a few days
The who Kaow apt. Hobertson
mo fears but that he will conquer
mnitinesrs, Dewpite hig f ;
thers are mone Fhe Rave (he fea that
Blsesrl wil hae shed an this vemwml
the cap from Rs head to iS
Jor Leiter, the erstwhile when! Na.
i polton. will organise a company in
lomlon to put compresssd alr motors
nth use on busses and tracks in the
ty an signed consists of 17] principal European cities. totter of
having been found advis- ¥ Attorney len. firiges in making Ife tor ndE won
§ vestigations intd the affairs of severnl |
trusts with a view of bringing them
before the Rupreme Court for violating |
FECES ti the [Tnived Rtates kd contr
With the suthcorities Bore wien refer
enw te the stoek fn hand
resident MeKinley sent the following
any desire to preserve
bileh you will sign”
slightest,” suid the Span.
Bain inom ward of ihe Cove [vax kent i
ddrian’s Atter ;
riteonivie wer 3 No
une snather. the women wesping from
; eXceswive pleasure snd the chilkiren | i
shouting sndearing names an the North © Ton
{ CUgrolinian Re he BIE.
rotdolence ty the late gen. | 'TrOURIane marched along
Be opers. | TF bile satwaed- hound the Bureill an.
gt aver obed gt Brandywine shoals, and
eX Co Whibe thers begun to leak. bast only
4 arviveq | MIERtly. AR baiwls of the drew were
Pat Har long - Trewern bev R97 day | Sat to work to Jump her out. and while
a b AR Wo Hye v £ pith. 3 * thw “ * " a4 4 og rOreNY
{ hands were chained before me and 1], 0 ne On ea the oven
COWAR allowed to wer my Coser | - Was Dre worthy. After 5 most
11 ‘ k
5 Ea ; 5 a ¥ Si | : o a
wiry | The Monsech Eatbomiatic on the RBubieet Un uniform. MM was a gain day in Bares. | thorough survey the ship was
wii 1
ify prisetier
a §
Hxevgtive Mansion,
Wanhington, Ib © [ies
iar Siro Bave heard
nt was prepared by Se:
In behalf of the U
contained the English and
the Bherman anti-trust law,
j annoyed Timothy O'Connor by throw-
i 1 ng stow Balls at him.
ted | of
He drew a re
soNer and instantly killed the leader
the boys, Charles Tracey,
The plug tobacco interents 7 Ameri.
oR united in the Continental Tobacco
Company, which was Incorporated in
New Jersey with a capital of $75.000 06,
of the treaty in paratiei | J. B. Duke was elected president
ording had been ap-
by the commissions
meeting. #0 there was |
the text Pop sap
text of the t
“i at
made a strong ples
be the outbreak of
of courtesy toward
nate, an ; will be placed in dry dock for repairs,
3 Harrison Funk, one of the oldest po.
iKindere on the Pennsylvania rajiroad
fell from hin engine & few days RES
Marine men say that the storms on
the Atiantle coast of November 26
were without parsilel. The losses wil)
exceed S50MG000 and the sacrifice of
te reached the thousand mark.
N.Y. a few days ago and three of her
COmpRrImenis wees torn open. She
whith was drawing the Ponnevivaria
An rarthguake shock was felt Thurs.
day evening at Oakland, Cal It was
severe enough to cause brick and stone
bulidings to sway and to break stone
Eatavware. No real damage ix re.
A fire in Whitesboro, a suburb of
Utica, N. Y., destroyed the First Bayp-
tist church, the Brunson block and the
dwelling of Henry Warfield Wednes.
aa¥. The loss in $20,000, insurance, $14.»
At Cincinnati Thomas MeDowell ro.
cently died of typhoid fever while un-
der the care of Harriet O. Evans. a
Christian Scientist.
found guilty of practicing medicine
without a certificate,
Benson Ferris, president of the sav.
ings bank at Tarrytown N. YY. was
ing. Heart failure was the probable
cause. He was 73 years of age and had
been president of the bank for 18 years,
President McKinley intends to sstab-
jlish a bold precedent by going nut of
ithe country, after Congress adjourns
on a visit to Cuba and Porto Rico. No
President has ever left the boundaries
of the United States during his term of
office before,
Brooklyn claims to have lost its local
pride and public spirit since she bee
came a part of Greater New Yori
Prominent citizens are warking for the
restored to her former status of inde.
North and South Carolina congress.
men say no plan has been formulated
as to congressional action on the pe.
cent race troubles. The matter may be
left to Senator Pritchard. Mr. White
the colored congressman, says the
problem is pressing.
~ Mrs. Lulu Johnston, of Pond Creek.
Okla. is in jail at Pond Creek and will
‘be tried December 16 on the charge of
t | poisoning ker sixth husband st Law-
rence, Kan. in May. She is also ac-
cused of poisoning a half-brother in
Summer county, Kan, last july
The World-Herald of Omaha a few
$1.00 to the Third Neb.
egiment, commanded by (ul
el William J. Bryan, now at Bavan-
nah, Ga. preparing to start for Cuba.
This money is 8 contributed by over 3.004
utors ar
i% sent to the two
vide for a Christ
the First Nebraska Regiment. located
Hmited, near McVevtown, Pa. and wis
cara Hop Joka RB
Bhe was tried and
found dead in bed Wednesday morn. |
‘repeal of the charter and want the city |
days ago sent by telegraph $1.68 to!
i fee
Bove at Indianapolis the other Hay
Lat the tribgtes of my
Lot The battleship Massachusetts stryck | hop
TEALY. | an obstruction near Governor's Island, John Ireland
E Hev
| Baritth of
PERTH the meianeholy Bews
fiarcia's death,
henrtlell sympathy
in yor
Liem fo his eminent goad
rit and a ealdier
The peaple of the “nited Staten wit! |
An with the people of aha in
MOOrning the oem of one to ® horn the
cane of Cabin Hberty bs pe
dotted. Sharing in
Blonowrely yours
morning the remains wers
deeply fn.
taken to 9
where the funeral ROENICEs were held
YOorman of
4 the mass Archbis
preached the sermon
Dr. Stephan of the Catholic
Fall cetebral
sisted in the wrvices
The boworary pall-bwarors
trons. Millen, Mhstier
aid Lavon wn
Wheeler, Lawton
retary Hay, Senators
Ys, Money and Mason
Pirowtor of the sie
BEY Wr Poni este
saaned ofesrs from
placed temporarily in a ree
prnding their final fatermons in Cuba
AL Lhe tie to be Bervafier determined
Wiliam Hitehings a few day
murdered his brother-in-law
Hunt, si%0 his sister, Mrs, Husar
Thomas Hayward, a 18-year old youth
smplaved by Hum Hitehings then
cut hie own throat The threes were
CULURE wo] together on Hant's farm
{wo miles wast of Pree Sail Mich
when Hitchings, withou! warning. at.
tacked his brother in. daw with RI RX
Killing him instantly.
The insane man then chased Hay.
ward until the latter slipped and foil |
prostrate boy |
and Hitthings killed the
with his ax. Hitrhings next proceed -
ed to the farmhouse. and after a ter.
rible and dewperate struggle with Mra.
Hunt, he killed Mer ziwe
The madman's last act was to apply
the jack knife to his own throat. Hit.
chings was considered to be not height
mentally, and oot of his mind at times,
For Caroesie’s Daughter.
Carnegie’ as recent
Andrew purchases
of a plot of ground on Fifth avenue, |
New York for $800.00 was inspired Ey
paternal love He will build a sity
palace for ome litle baby. a 2.000 206 |
home for his infant daughter, Margs- |
ret. The worid quotes Mr tarnege as!
follows: “The little life that has come
to us needs the park and sunshine I;
ig for these rejsons thet we Bave net
cnly concurred in the advice of our
Physician, but deemed it 8 duty to re-
move to the highest ground where
there Is plenty of roar.”
A Vasdersiit Engagenent
It i= reported that the engagement
of Alfred Oynne Vanderbilt, secondson
of Cornelius Vanterbils ard Miss Ene
French, will sem be formally announe.
#1, Allred Vanderbilt, whe will prob.
ably inherit FURO.W0 is now in his
final year at Yale Miss Elsie the
daughter of Francis Osmond French.
wealthy in her own vight.
I beg to offer mv i
sincere admire. |
ities a a pa’
your grief | an!
Patrick's Catholic ehureh |
Klaux ;
hop |
bag. |
indian missions and Mgr.
the: mpowtidic delegation as. | 2 i
Katona would recognise the principle of media. |
while the metive |
Pail Bearers sil Be sia BOG rn iE.
Artington ami |
wiving vagy |
Kiigy Three Persons He Commies
% Ago
ted States Could Mave Gest [n®uence,
A correspondent
for information sn.
ruts hat
Bae colle peed
{2 af Kas.
Various capitals
phatienily denies
FAEAYE pokes Braet
sled Be maya the
- sian dinlomary is being
fer the achievement oF an
: wi oconferenos in which he PRT ass
fromiese 10 Ron tke
| ent ana prociains the squivalen
Lmdteval Creace of Gad ter Bw on ter
Pyears Al the doiferensy alsa
Anestion of ypiversal mediation
arbitration would be raised
Cardinal RHampodia i's gooted as say
ing the pope secands Ihe estar in
£ 5s
oe an international constr for
of his postsfeats, in which all sations
tion before fighting. It is acknowiode-
1 that Eagiish und American pubile
ayanbon 8 vital tn the success of the
Eo ‘
{hme Beda
of ihe London Pmily
News, who wie sent specially ta the
tt Mer 3
they were anvelling
mongmeant te the great Colon, | was
maarehed past the mew monument and
the vrand, strange to say, di
af me. Passing the Uolumbos statue |
ramurked f ganrdiag it | your
he diseaive ner Bf
¥ 5
fui >
4 mot hoot | LOS
@® |
countrys hrogai 43 :
wind §
Here of Srna
Twente. ¥
Lar Liv
proposal for a conference gad Ropes ty
Powel 3 ARO rei Re
maintenance of peace Before the clase | WB 6G ship rec ed
the British steamship Losdonian
Ears Drolet and if arcgesed wouihl be |
Prave 14 the world
The feeling between Sweden
Narway Reeaw in 4 dangersus stage At
the Batives of the quarrel in the
chent to swing’ the scale and bring | vember 31. in a violent gale, her cargo |
} #hifted and almost capsized. she fina
{iy rested on her beam ends with hig
vontise sl hoane in oeMaine
Kip? fren them
5 Bas
Ral can
CA suite len
: Bhire,
sunced seaworthy. This was told the
rer, but still they protested
Capt. Hobertenn faced the issue
He sent to Philadeiphis for
number of men ts work the
“Hip clear of (he capes and went out,
The crew fo a man wers in mutiny snd
will bw Rept locked up until they ;
worurn to without further troable es
Not jomg ago the Reivikh ship Ross-
Capt. Paxier, hence fur Hiogo,
put 1 sen ander similar CIrCUmMSI ances,
vie Mes West Down ti Their Biv
tha I Raa
i Slannue
f hava it WR
safety [oars bBeginnitg Us be felt :
ar she ois seveind dave overdgs. an
wel the other morning at BEaitimers
Migrines, wholn
sha had ploked up at sex. Twenty Sie
wihers went down with fleir ship.
The men landed are the survivors of
uf i
The Johnston
1% er
Hue, #
London, bound fram Boston fay Lon. |
Io With a large general cargo amd €a
cattle on deck. She oft Boston No- |
| wens breaking over her ]
Her luckeiss erew were helpives ty
After the services at the ehureh the A Norway Cams That Sweden Has Too Mary
| TRInGINnG Weare taken ta
right her. and for two days she drifted |
t about at the mercy of the winds and
and |
C i ing of November
Mow. ; ps
Regia sentient (RRL Rawslen has the |
Phext of the union and reaps all
| benefits while Norwegian indepondenc: |
eprtaiicdt, The Zwediah army o
of 166 We
LAYmy aoansisis ©
has =ix bartles
Wawoeaden Tour
with a similar disparity In
Fels wet aotwithstandiag how
Csurdly apecual 2 struggle woul
$3, fms,
a dnd
i be
Ho %
The Norweg an |
¢ Bovra off duty and a number of Cltizen
waves Assistance came on the morn.
Three Cubans Killed.
Theres obans were Killed and
Spanish offer amd Do Cubans weep
wonnded the other night at Havans |
in oan Aa%ray between sore dpantish of |
Cand a party of Cubans, who wished too]
srtidsers and Noraay ane, |
SLRer vem. |
duty intervened and restored order.
war i= actualy discussed, Th ary asther |
except that
doapyitie Hrs,
the present
Fw eden
peace fal
cantinding |
tive |
the Reandinas i mrmd Madrid give
| garding the Carolines. the former dos |
! Measures are talked of aon King Oscar :
his Nop.
instigation ahivh will spake
wegian subleris mars contented
er — pn
Mail will be earried from the United
Rrates to Porto Hivos three res a
month and ocr & week around the js
The Isle de {uba. one Bf the Bpaniah
crulsers sunk by Admiral Dewey, and
which was subsegpaently raised has
ianiled for Hong Kong under her own
President MeRKinley's message has
| given satisfaction to the Cubans. who
took upon it as a definite declaration
of the policy of the United States to
ward (Tuba.
i It appears that when the Spaniards
Preft Holguin, Cuba, they filisd the ofs-
| terns with manure, rendering it dim.
| enlt ts get water, They Killed all the
animals they could, leaving the dead
i bodiss in the streets, and burned all
ithe furniture they “were unable to re.
imaove, In fact they devastated tha
Santiags experienced a severe surthe
{ quake shock Thursday night, frighten
| ing many and destroying a large quan-
tity of crockery. Boome of the Amerie.
ans, sot understanding what had hap-
F pened, were considerably alarmed. A
few people ran into the streets in a
state of deshabille. The shock lasted
several! seconds
i: that
| Carolines and assert that Spain hus
¢lome the Tacon Thegter an account of }
the death of General Calixto Garcig at |
Washingion. The Spanish troops on |
Kenney, of Delaware, was Toesiay
placed on trial in the United States
snd much uneasiness was felt for the
#ialoty of her offleers. The Sas sinoe
sewn spoken. and it presumed that
fhe owen Bat torsed to as ma report of
the exivtenion of 3 mUliny os then
Ont tor Oita
Major Generil James ©. Wade presi.
dent of the United States ovacuation
commission. has received - osrtaln ine
structions from Present MeKinley
which seem vo indicate that Be will be
appointed military governor sf West
ern Cuba. A formal announcement ie
dally expected from Wa n,
though it may be delayed until the
time comes for a change of tage Geno
eral Greene will be governor of the
2ity of Havisna. to
The preparation for a change of flags
in Cuba is being brought about by de.
grees. Already the vacation of the
| prevince of Havana is complete. ox.
Peept for the 12608 troops stationed in
; the viry,
General Castellanos does not
fix a date for their withdrawal eurlier
| than January 1. but they will probably
retire to Clenfuegos befors Christmas
General Castellanos received @ cable
L erder yesterday to draw on Paris for
$1500 000 with which to pay his TrOnDe,
A i
United States Senator Ri
a a SHR:
| vireuit court af Wilmington for the
Ispatches to the papers from Berlin
confBiciing reports re.
elaring that the negotiations for
puschase of the islands ave at 1he point |
completion, while the latter deny
Germany is negotiating for the
cided to Reep the archipelago.
Willtam Black, the novelist, died at
Emperor William's palace
carefully guarded for fear
Demonstrations against Dreyfus con.
tinge with unabated vebemenie a:
in Deing
of anar.
Eighteen men were suffocated in a
sewer which collapsed the other day
at Barcelona, Spain.
It is announced that a bady of ani
diers have been ordered to gscort
Dreyfus back to Paris for trial
The German Reichstag has deciared
be placed in the way of American fm
they have rendered their country by
negutiating for peace with the Unifed
Statens, |
There is a scandal! in the Italian to.
hacen monopoly. It has been discover. |
«i that 2300 tons of Kentucky tebacea, |
for which the governmasnt was ob
325 per I pounds, was really
{in New York at the rate of
that no unnecessary obstacles should |
i tie diminution for three hours,
Spain's newspapers are thanking her |
commissioners for the noble service |
Lin miskppiving the bank's 1nd
July. and after a trial lasting over one
week the fury disagreed
i the charge of
doin to the
I Brooklyn wis
| waters which washed ont the founda.
I pines ax have been visited by
| second time on charges growing out of
; the looting of the First Nats
: of
onal bank
Diver by its teller, Willam N
Rogue. He was jast arraigned on the
charge of aiding aml abetting :
Hinges then
conspiracy has been
first charge. The evi-
denice against Senator Keonevy deals
tions in which he and Boggs wers in.
A 5 + SE i
Brookiyn Flooded.
For several hours Sunday an area of
2 blocks in (he Twenty eighth ward in
inundated by raging
tions of houses, tore down trolley and
telegraphic poles, imprisoned people in
their houses and nearly drowned some
who were ciught by the flood The
damage will reach $500.006. The great
foot water main at Hobart at
and Central avenue burst at § o'clock
in the morning. For the first hour 1.-
Wa0ee gnilons. 1t is estimated, rushed
through the streets and there was He
Philippines Growing More Content.
The navy department has recej ved a
cablogram from Admiral Dewey, sum
marizing the existing conditions at
Manila and such points in the Philip
flcers. Advices alno have been receive
from Gen. Otis, the commandan t of thy
United States military forces in the §
lands. and they both go to show w
notable imorovement in conditions