The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 15, 1898, Image 1
$1.00 PER YEAR. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1898. ale ats and Furs at JAS, QUINN'S, dobostown, Pa at ae erm GAA a a ey A SARA ASO: uying of Dress Goods, Millinery, Co Eb : : 01 IRI IRI BN] | A Popular and Well Appointed Hoatelry at Beare the h : > : y ; Cambria County's Hub. i John Danielson et ux to Mary BE. | ri The representative of the COURIER ; consideration $1,390. | Gieaned Here and There by|wasin attendance at court 20 Ebens- | i“ se? ; burg the greater part of inst week and y, $235. the “Courier” Reporter. | one a iB ot Fa Bei ny. #13. THE MINING SITUATION : i £ of nging the largest number "M10 Omes in on New Years Day 1599, will be is Solomon 00 pair of shoes free. City Restaurant, Fifth Avenue. GoLpeTEIN'S MAMMOTH DEPT STORE. : the courts and railroad station of L501 Nice fresh bread at Dau’ bakery. | DF. V. A. Murray, in that mountain city. The hotel con- : : . ’ Sa n that mountain «ity. The hotel coy, | PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. double eh afford an excel. WART WE SAALL WEAR. |omeeim aringios Bock, oo rponded lent view on the street on which the | prompily. Disease of the sar, nose and throat in | given special attention. besides a weli- OFFICE HOU RR: -Tofamand Holpm DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Melion block, next doer to Postofice, Patton, : AB eatin, day or night, prompiiy dr “Sucker” In of Last Week. Bis H 5 ; 44 it: DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Building, Rooms No. 3. | Sar Senerst Surgery and he Eye 2 Tpesially. A oalis will peretve prompt stiention. : Reuel Somerville, 28 Hl i tis i i and all who stop there a. TWO QUESTIONS. John D. Jones, an employe of The question of material as well as Attorney-at-Law, ardee colliery at this place met with the of WoritaAasD SHIGr ™ ; an accident at that mine Friday morn- into the matter of clothes. We give PaTTox, PA. RY being cought by a fall of coal you the strongest and finest material | which resulted in his death. After the and we make it in the ot i and Ofce in the Good Building. : t ota. he wan quieily re- finest style known. For ¥ Seti wots, d to ome on Kerr avenue money you get a great i more i 2 ind on the afernoun of the sae day satisfaction. JAMES NOLAN, wae t to al at Phi ; any Aken to Une ee ardsy morning. We are CLOSING OUT our fall and A atLa Upon examination it was found that Winter weights at a Great Bargain Attorney-at-1aw, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building. -10¢f. : : in & 8 : 2 on. E Lge + § be had received * three Don’t fail to see them an “organisation 4OXEh fe, be ow Rag iy CALL AND SEE US Nagle, Margaret , Ma it would help ternally. Mr. Jones was a highly CALL AND SEE Ub. ginger, Elmer Adams, Ads Adams. me and m brother Fad: It would not | *Stegmed and much . —a. | STELLA M. DUNNBOAN, Teacher. nomary fur ww 10. join, Josass we Of, PAOD 304 etre a be Dinsmore Bros, PATTON, pA. WM DAVIS are aa good men 0 J tee are reaved wife, many relatives and friends Lin. Ion] wonidnt mind giving them | 10 mourn bis sudden deguetare. He | CR EATEN . . 1 devout christian, bed s member of it) ttorney and Counselor at Law, A E Esmwesrno, Pa. advice and be teaders Y2* S§ed about 18 Je ] ¥, « ] ® me; | the Baptist church of Patton. He was All ign bastness prompliy attended to. in the old Jieo a member of the of Inde- Rie t Order of Odd Fellows of : n, Pa. His remains were nid to Gon io Barker Building rest in the Philipsburg cemetery on | week, but Monday. kind of an Art Sadie tor Patten. ik TOBACCO and CIGARS of an Hardware Quality. Toe foes ine in Patton af ! on Mrs. A. 8. Loot has an art \[; : p ) 2 KS Sore ytacs whe 4 i Whe 3 oon in the Myers Duilding and will Not how many pounds, but G. ]. FITZPATRICR S nished by the Company and certified ve things in a different give lessons on Tuesdays, Tharsdays how how good each pound is Restaurant on Mages aveume, near to { its agente. I might get snd Satardsys of esch week. I : P. RR. depot. Voy oa 1, ate your home with pictares of your COUnts in Hardware. MEALA AT ALL HOURS. Motion” | own EB A / LAN persons who are holdin Every plotare. worth be | againet Patton Fire Co. No. 1 ire re. or pictores of any kind, TAE BETTER the GRADE t the same not orders with Mrs. Lent -4-t2 aon “TRAE BETTER the TRADE. lor xin Beek Tribe No. 360, Improved i Order of Men. | WHEREAS, The Great Spirit and word spolen. i | Supreme Ruler of The aniversshas in | watchword from he start. Noth- | of 4 in wisdom, called ¥ but the best as samy price, but : bunting groans our beioved wrotber, of STEN LL U,00 he CREST SPRINGS FOMEPRY et ws ac and. he S| oe my caning Shine lations beld w i i : L ' discharge of his doties in this Tribe You may be in need of a Stove. If stove A eh mba an Doses | make it eminent! befitting that we so you'll find the largest Leave your laundry with Scheid & Mike Moran, tof of him. There- jowest prices at the AHAFFEY HOUSE M ve your 1s has been our If you want to save money go to the nor Cash Grocery. % | trains price, at Goldstein's. his If you want nice fresh bread, rolls, cakes, etc., cull or send to J. Dans’ bakery. #1 BIETRICK, Mas, Yeager B'ld’g, Patton, Pa. a a SUCKER. ceased we express our ho Institate for Patton. #0 great a loss to all may 1 o Cambria county Farmer's Ia. for by Him, Who doeth all things stitotes will be heid winter--one Well. at Elton, Adams township, January 2d and 3d and the other at Patton on Subs our . and Thursday, January 4th 10g 10 remembrance of our brother ( 4 institates will continue removed from oar council fire 8 Resolved, That a copy of these reso- ; wt lOtions be spread upon the records of arers in the state, who this Tribe and a copy printed in the whom are Prof. PATTON COURIER and Williamsport Heister, of Grit, also a copy forwarded to the of bereaved tamily. THE GNLY AF RAT © 3 Baie fee Nw paena SWNT Ra | Yasilesleyingtitnte, $2487 vate futur PR aia wae wv The whole store bas assumed a Holiday aspect—the Christaias goods have been erowding to the five until now they have first show om every hand. We have spent wmooths in gat ering the magnificent showing of Holiday goods, which greets you Bere this weele—we've bern cnrvful in choosing ealy those thiags which we knew would please vom, and we feel sure that youll sp preciate the splendid aswortments that comprise this wonderful Noll- Sa sendy were ws to sell Holiday goods ax well as dry goods, at eweedingly low Fine —— FURNITORE In every concetvalue Jat. tern to suit oil tastes. A : time spent iaoking over our line will convince you that we have the and sell at prices that bronch : and roat and | . W. Hodgkins, Pat WORKMANSHIP ANI with a ticket * 1 i LUMBER GUARANTEED. | i largest number me | tous on New Years Day, 1508, will be 00 pair of shoes tree. ; ¢'s Manor DEPT. STORE. | annex for the sale of Holiday 7th. We imvite yom to come to var store for your Holiday needs. ST". GABLE & CO. 1320.0-24 11h AVENUE, ALTOONA, PA. Undertaking, Embalming, Etc. Etc, ¢ ar The best of satisfaction guaranteed.