for over 30 years, hae borne the signature o and has been made under his per- 4 / sonal sapervision since Its infancy. ; FECCCRE Allow no one to deceive you in this. an unterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- ants that trifle with and endanger the health of and Unildren--Esperience agains Experiment. neither Opium, Morphine nor "other Narcotic Its is its guarantee. It destroys Worms 1t cures Diarrhea and Wind Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and A rey. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving Nealthy and natural sleep. The Friend. ALWAYS er « cough or cold is cured | A Wonderful Flanting Snail. iirm to the sufferer the better There i< a snsli snarl which is so ‘golds are dangerous. Hook- | pawi of the that 18 Dever comes to is distressing. One Minute fan and tt birds such 8 ewpital bout > for fiseif a epraes that while large ol i ship CHIE Sag od stesmers are an ann 1 Losses abont in sR tin ae ture quickly cures it. Wiy when such a cough cure is in reach? It is pleasant to the taste ow Hodgins, Patton Pharmacy. Bo = bane fas pried ME airy © The el: is th jrit ie a viulet enlor fee 0 led fanthing It has prigjucts (roan of the body a jong, vaguiike siren of flesh This is the sats upon most scientific Privcipivs, ot compartments in olor ne 14 the a'r cong. pas Hines ow fied MH tv of Epil A * Fine Lomas WESENN ~ FURNITURE In vvery conceivable pat. tern to suit all tastes. A short time sptint ionking over oor line will convine vou that we have the gootlis und sell 5t prices thut the orders, 3 HM you think of brightening up {your house a bit with a new ¥ Jove f of Parniture, or 4 whole Suite of y Any ied, come here and see ~ what we can do for you Undertaking, Embalming, Etc, Etc. Promptly attended to. All modern methods used. The best of satisfaction guamnteed. .S. BUCK. to Hotel Patton. Frat 5 38 ha ti lias Siriaadd Usted, »0 rEg § Ati neon the RIvrws how Wi He carga for the oldest egps Wiel pateh the soonest are placed 4 11 the feuter, and the lightest and nev ost on the sides of the raft The Clunthive Alls itk own sir cow par tinents by getting a glotmie of air goderneath | its hoad. ward beneath the raft, and the head be ing tilted on one side, the air rushes ap mud Bills 10 spaces It feeds on a bean tito! lLittte jeliytish, which has a fist, | rattlike form with a pretty Little sail apo it, aud they congregate in multi tudes when tae sou is calm | Bometimes spocimens are washed X54 “1 %1] MOW Bw and thidee upon the uurt western const of France SUA! your make is the best and when they are handled they give out a violet dye —Philadelphin Press : po ima Sie aar— Mirrohes In MIL, It will be readily granted toat the Inspection of wilk and its soorees of supply is of even more importance from ‘a public bealth point of view than the inspection of west, since milk is so largely used as the food of infants Milk tmmedintely it is taken from the healthy cow contains no microbes : Hardly bas the milk settled in the pail than they abound, »0 many as 10,000 in Gre Barer cuble inch having been detects question which naturally presents _ tix, ** Where do they cone from?’ From the soiled teats, from the soiled bands of the workers, from the atmosphere of the milking shed and from the pails thamselves They pos . DRRET “vr sess the property of propagating very : , $0 5 rapidly M. de Freudeurich of the Berne js SHAPE: os Loratory asserts that milk just drawn StIHalnIa in oneeguirter eabic inch ARTISTIY EFFECTS. $000 microbes seven bours Inter was found ti contain 60.000 After a period of 25 hours had elapsed 5,000,000 wi crobes were present in the same {juan tity of milk, and if the temperature be raised to 05 degrees F. the mierobie population of the sate milk daring the same UUme wild reach the epormous total of 812,500,000 Children appear particularly prone to contract coasamption through the agency of wilk containing tobercle bacilli. - Chagobers’ Journal How We Walk, In The Literary Digest appears a translation of a review of Comment on Mawhe' (**How We Walk"), the latest bosk on the subject by Messrs. . Regnault and Raoul In this work it is claimed that we have been wrongly ed- - ucated in walking and that the erect | posture und fim step that we have been led to believe were evidences of health : a strength are conventional and vi- ous. M. Marey, who wrote the introduc ; ; Hon to the volume, says that there is a mountaineers, | psn, ag and soldicrs fatigned by long marches. In not adopting this | method, it is claimed that, as with all the other acts of life, we remain slaves | | of conventional msthetios. the body i= then corved down. me wins Abn lt 0 A All the warm tints from cream to | rosset, are fonnd in the mineral deposit | around the basin of the Great Geyer, | Litls (the | Bice foeyerr, Btrokkr (the Chara, and strhe Strokir. while ies 1s hinvil with exqoisite white, Bike porcelain naling it a faring vis sed for the conkins of food sud for fur Crib water for ofr Loa oad rades. Bows so seth snd beautifal that §eecried 1 be LINE thing rare when | chopped off gioco of ite Hning, tut l knew they woald be valnsble ®pvidiirs, and ISLIERRY, baoi ling water would ston amend the deficiency The mud pools on this plain are the most dangerons for they spont bot mad diagonally out «f the earth Coming upon them in one direction they are not sexs. sud many a visitor has gone home with n scalded foot. The hydraclio dis play is now very fitful as inconsiderate tonrists have injured the spouting foan- tains by lomding stones into them to see them east ont, «0 yom must take yonr tent with yon and encamp on the plain to await the pleasure of their ma jostios Blesi will serve you well while wait irg The Great Geyser bad not spouted for a week when we were there, and such sarlines indicated a near activity The water spouted onusnslly bigh when it finally apps ared, 150 foot, and showed all the tints of the rainbow, majestic at the sare time and mysterious [It played for 15 minntes, and then its beautifol cascades subsided 1n feathery mist, n refined and graceful withdrawal -lntermutional One Way of Settling It. An smusiog comedy in real life is reported from Paris A married man was in 8 cafe pear the Opera with his better half ome evening and left her for a few moments While Ln was abwent his wife wos ynsolted The lady rome from her seat and went to mest ber bus band order to chastise the offender The lat ter. however bad geome, but the hos tented fonnd 1s name and address The man was a card prioter The irate hustend went to this person's pince, tut be did not find him at home, #0 be left his card with the chief! shop man. seying. ‘Your employer will know what that mesons “All right," rejoined the person ad dressecl. “we shall send op to yoo to morrow Ou the following day the indignant bustand was smazed 10 receive a col lection of 10M vinting cards in bis own name, =il besutifuily pristed, sccom panyipg them being the inevitable bill This bielped to close the matter, and it Sissi (the Siang piatiia SOE toe is recorded that alter brief explanations on both sides the' hoshmnd paid the bill, and the master printer apologized to the lady - Pearson’ * Weekly We never enjoy perfect happiness Our most {orrnnate suocesses are min. Ried with sadness Some angietios al ways perplex the reality of our salisfan. tion. Lorneilin Too Fodnted raveniy don Anspered What is the ose of making a better article than your conmpsdiior wheis you cannot get a better price for 17 Ans Ax there is no differsuce in 10 price the public will buy on'y the bet ter, so that while our profits may be smaller on & single sale they boi mach greater in the aggregate How can you get the public to know oy wild If both articles are brought promis nently before the pubic boty certain to be tried and the public will very quickly poss judgement on thew and ase only the batter This explains the large wile on Cham berlain's cough Remedy. The peop have been using it for years xixd have found that it can always be depended upon. They may take up with some fashionable novelty pot forth with exaggerated claitas, but are certain reliirn to remedy that they know to bo reliable, and for coughs, colds and croup there is noth. ing squall to Chamberlain's cough Remedy. For sale by Patton Pharm. Hae OCCA LY tr the awe W. Hodgkins acy, t ; What is Celery King ? isan herb drink, and is a positive cure : for constipation, bissdnche, nervors Sisarders, vari from s disordered stom. | IL ie a nowt agrestis : medicine, And is recom mended by plivaicians | rhesmalisn, Kidney diseases, 608 the ous trovbies arising ach and tarpid tiver. Renernlily, Celery King is sold in Je. and 50. packages by druggists and desiers } Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins R. F. Notley, — Dealer in ‘Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for | family use cannot be excelled. Prive 1" FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. | The latter re-entered the cafe in are Clrparaiion, Notice i hereby given that an apph- | cation will be made to the Honorable A.V. Barker, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, oft the 12th day of December, ISSR, for the charter of a corporation, be called the Latheran Cemetery Associstion of Hastings, Carabria county, Penna, the character and ob ject of which is the support and ma tenance of a pod ¥ for disposition of tiw dead, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights and privileges of the Corp. oration Act of 1874 and its sapplements, Ret pL SOMERVILLE, Solicitor. November 10th, 18568 In 1887 Mr. Thomas Melstosh, of Allentown, Tenn, Bad an sttack of dysentery which became chronic. “1 was treated by the best physicians in East Tennesssed without a cure,” he says. “Finally I tried Chamberlain's colic, cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, After using “bout twelve bottles | was cured sound and weil” For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins, — BUY tex B35 bi # Fai RE Cinderella Stoves and Ranges. It is a Great Comfort ——iie— Notier of Application for Charter of =| 3 SoHo ap: Overcome evil vith geod trercome | A cough is not like a fover It | vour conghs and colds with One Mine sot have to ran a certain course. | ute Cough Care. It is so good children it quickly and effectanlly with cry forit. It onres croup, bronchitis, Minate cough care, the host rom poenmonia, grippe and gil thane a &it ages and for the most lung diseases. 0. W. Hodgking, Pate cases. We recommend it becanse § ton Pharmacy. x god, ££. WW. Hodgkins, Patton Phar macy. ~~ 3 Care, cures was mele for. 57 ad for save Your Siew Rinuie On Rat is what it With every 3 cents worth of eons purihased gr presented with 4 * bringing err alder Sod win FTE SHS will te 2 0 ud : ribwy of tons on New Years Day, 188, given a $3.00 pair of shits (ree. CHa asTRIN'G Manu: icket nid Hipaas Taube cure pauses Hipane Tabules for sour stomach Ripans Tabuies rare fstulencs. Low argent noi : < dra Minute Conrh © Dery Rane 3 i wwe Fo TE “, LUTES, SUSIRESS. DIRECTERY DR. C. ERNEST CHASE, A despatch from Stutigart announces the death there of Princess Avgusta of Saxe Weimar, nee Lady Augusta Len. nox, daughter of the Fifth Duke of Richmond, and Gordon and sister of the present Duke. When you ssk for DeWitt's Witeh Hazel Salve don’t accept a counterfeit Surgeon Dentist, or imitation. There are more cases of PATTON, PENN'A. piles being cured by this, than all Office in Solomon Building, others combined. C. W. Hodgkins, City Restaurant, Fifth Patton Pharmacy. I t— DR. W. I. DOWLER, THE— Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon block, next door to : Postoffice, Patton, Pa All salls, day or night, promptly responded venue. i to DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Baiiding, Room No. 8 | Sr Seneral Surgury and he Eye 2 Specially AT tails will rerwive prompt ativation Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. C emien in A rian lat Bide, Bex fo Pe or Patton, Fa All night calle responded promptiy. Diese of the ear, nose and throst {Elves spevint atiention OFFICE Bots TO A TIDY uw SFKFEPER TO HAVE A GOL STOVE OTHE o Is one of the most perfect Bending ves, for household wae, ever placed spon the waarket. All the latest and best iden are tcorpeeated into ins constravton. Every Sonus to promote durability, cleandines and scomomny bas bees well planoed and developed, Produces the Greatest Heat From the Least Fuel... mum. The cold air is Arwen from the floor, and discharged theoogh the sles and top, thoroughly heated, This method of circulation - a Wwlamand Dodpm Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, : Patron, Pal § OMe in the Good Building. _PREVENTS Coup Floors ) JAMES NOLAN, aun THE CINDERELLA Boron You Buy For Sale by J. E. Kirk Hdw. Co. : At 2 Grocery House where things neat and ciean: where where Deliveries are 1 above n the market of Hav CY ofl JRY at * SOT C1 our } When in town make our store headquar vour welcome. F00DS Ard eablnhed that meh desired ond forms tomswerature in all party of the room. Witt Born Any Kind of Coal! Wiil Keep Fire Twenty-four Nowrs! Can be Used as a Single or Dovbie Nester’ All ths Good Points Nowe of the Ervory! — § WwW DAVIS, ~ Attorney and Counselor ai Law, Enxnsarne, Pa. I bi ness promptly altended te { —— in Harker Bailing. At torney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Bullding. 1081. TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest line ia Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restuarant on Magee avenue, near P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. MAH AFFEY HQUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa Adrenalin ins Seton Rest of Ligne and Wines at thu lar. Stabling attached. GroroE FRROGUSON, Prop'r. CREST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are ing to do all kinds of look ow Me Ee tire reasonable. % putas: tietal lakers ev Bange Be sew work. Ixy HENRT SPRINGS, PAL Parnell & Cowher, Agents Bw LIFE AND ACCIDENT 1%0 FAL BRTATE AGENTS, fone, Piao Phase Nay 8 Clerks are polite and obliging; nade free of charge and on time: all where you know you are getting the best the House we keep. That's the it. ION, fairest of p Call and be sure of ime of FIRE, ing, Pa |Fiestiarion' Danie OF PATTON, * Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, 840,000 00. Avriaings of Corporations, Firms Tasty ide als and Hails peel vend wien The siosl Savors. Bie Lerma coavsistent with wie and consereative hanking. Memiiship ekets for mie for all the leadi mes, Fureign Deaffs payable in the prio Sitien of the VG Waondd, ALL sop pondenve will ave our preanpt snd PErwORR Ulenting. Interent paid on time deposit A. E Parron, Wu H Saxprorn, President. Cashier. PATTON WOODEN COMPANY, ~~ Matt fetnrees of and Dende ie. Lumber of all Kinds, Planing Mit Work, Sash and Doors of all Kinds. WORKMANSHIP AND . - LUMBER GUARANTEE. Prices and terms reasonable. 5 Just received a car load of doors and sash attention. You ters. will be to which we call your PPG, 2 a Boo No 7 of at ae | Building.
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