The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 08, 1898, Image 7

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    United States for the Philippines
§ May be Utilized.
Spanish government has not
a full decision regarding the
and Philippine debts, but the
Gaxette publishes an ane
that the drawing for the
of the Cuban bonds will
mber 18
jon in the Coban and
‘on the Bourse has
«d the cabinet. The
securities Ix atiritmied
report that the Goavernmen w
the indemnity received
sd States to the (‘olonia! in-
regarding which no den
resolutions have been takon hy
official dispatch from the Vis
: g£ in the Philippines, an-
“the insurgents are re.
rattacks upon Hollo. The
ent's advices say: “The
yave their guns trained on the
ps maintain a spirited fire and
a number of the =snemy.
wy Moore, of the American
mmission, said in regard to
treaty the other day:
The delay arises only from the
far cur considering separate.
which the Spaniiris want
aes foinily as a part of = sib
Aresty, he
sricans wish to discuss the
articles as a whole, The Bpan-
want the joint commission 10
first to the main articies and
connectel closely with the
and then the American's final
. They hope in that way to
freer hand and get better
he subsidiary negotiations.
ort t
: difference, in fact, is that
paniards want a short treaty.
desire a longer, & more com:
h one,”
js mow going on in Paris is a
jon respecting certain objects
United Btates government
'C in that manner in-
f resorting 10 the more usual
tudious method of correspon.
‘petween the two governments
bjects are the acquisition of
if the Caroline islands as a cable
in and coaling station. of certain
"to land eables on Spanish
2. points: the procure
of religious worship
ve revival of oer
and still the treaty would not
» impression prevails xt Washing-
“that the results of the negotiations
Paris will be embodied in two of
treaties, instead of one Peace
one actual peave trealy, €m-
nothing more than the proton.
relating to the relinquish.
“Spanish sovereignty over Uu-
‘Bpan West Indies, Guam
he Philippines, with the single
3 (Of the proviso for the release
nee relating
cable and
matters that have bien
as likely to be incorporated
‘Are 111 form ihe sub
pecial treaty. This course is
adopted In order to hasten
ton of peace,
. necessity, if for no
son than to secure the relense
pers and the restoration of
ween Spain and the United
it peace commission Inst
Bh hg ol ing pence
‘ Hing wit | he
Cuba, Porto Rico and the Phi-
o which the commission-
13 ape iald before
unmissions, covering the fol-
relinquishment of sover-
and claim of title to Cuba.
he | GEsOred. This will be the result of the
er tn the Philip~
» ordi
: he ratification of the
"he cession by Bpain of
of Kusae, or Strong island,
je mutual relinquishment
religious freedom of the
ring the rights of Ame-
* policy and to guaran-
to Spain for at least 12
nish government has receiv-
ortant dispatch from the
islands in which it is stated
0, the insurgent leader,
million and a baif of dol-
‘release of the imprisoned
of Parliament for
on. James Bryce, of England,
in reply to a question
opinion, the United
n permitted the hold-
the | &n hour, a1
from |
the dafense nightly ite reported combine
There is na
pany filed & mortgages for $1,000 0 |
| Churles Kentiedy
fiwy har
for which
of the United
revival of the treaties |
The last session of
organized to fight the tobRece rast
Benuior Foraker of Obie says that
an extra sespion of Congress CON ard.
iy be avoided.
France is ssid to have mads a de
mend for a valuable portion of the
Yang Tee valley,
The Baltimisrs Soiiey
committer hus decided on a medal ine
Flead of a penrd
The repeated crater
chosen for thi Sagehip
European scusdron,
The Oliver Mining Company of
Houghton, Mih. hax advanced
wages of its 20 srmploves IF per pant
Mexivo is to ratse rs legation 2
Washington to the rank of an embas-
gy, and this country Will reciprocate.
Thi Tried Reates smbmssador {o
England has pet vet heen
CT herags
af the
United Riatés surgeons have lef for
Jamaica to make & study of British
methods In resting the sick in tropiesl
MH. OO Havemeyer denies
American Sugar Hefining
far the
end others.
It is published in New York that a
tombination of the linseed oil inter
ute, capitalized at $30.000.000, hus
been effected.
The whole Sixth Virginia (negra)
regiment, at Macon (Ga, WES BeL-
terced to 20 days confinement for mu.
tinous conduct.
Negotiations for the comsotidation of
ft Louis street rallways are reported
in progress, Brown Bros, of New York |
backing the deal
The Methodist general conference of
1800 will be held in Chicago. That city
has guarantesd $50.000 that all ex-
penses will be met,
Senator Cullom has completed the
bill for the government of the Hawaii
an Islands and it will be presented to
congress next week.
A dispatch from Fashoda announces
the arrival of Maj. Marchand, who left
Cairn for that point on November 135,
accompanied by Capt. Baratier.
The iron safe of the cruiser Maria
Teresa was opened at the Norfolk,
Va, navy yard a few days ago. Jt con-
tained $75,000 in Spanish and American
Fire early Sunday damaged Bt. Ag-
nis Catholic church New York, near
Third avenue, destroying valuable ais
tars, paintings and a new OrgRn. Loss,
$100 006
The reservoir at Hempstead N.Y.
need for storige by Brooklyn = burst
ignt Wednesdny, The country round
shout was flooded with 15.000.000 gal-
loans of water.
The French steamer Algerics has
foundered near Bona, mn fortified sen.
port town of Algeria, near the mouth
af the river Beibous Fieven pet ons
were drowned. :
The Michigan Portland Cement Com-
favor of the Central Trust Company of
New York, to facilitate o proposed ive
gue of bonds :
At Pinole, Cal, the
house of the Hudson Powder Company
Blew up a few days ago. killing Bupt.
and four Chinese
Four tons of nitrogyicerine ex plocied
Articles of Incorporation of he
Amerionn Linseed Oil Company, with
an authorized capital stock of $33.01.
dl. were filed with the secretary af |
atate of New Jorsey the other day.
The United States Steamship Come
Hine, to secure port faculties in New
York, and will operate from that port
and Hoston with Russian Baltic ports.
At Indianapolis, May, the wife of
Harvey Lindeman, aged 18, was mis.
teriously shot and killed. Lindeman,
who wae slightly wounded, wax ar
rested. He says his wife shat him and
A sentence of 15 vears in the New
Jersey state prison was imposed on
HM. Leroy Applegate, the Tronton law.
wir who defrauded a number of peopis
Gut of $10906 by lseying frgduient
An alliance between the Pennsyl-
vania snd Vanderbilt radironds i= now
adverse decision of the United States
{| Supreme court in regard to Joint Traf-
fic Associations.
Col. William J. Bryan addressed the
two honses of the gener! assembly at
Montgomery, Ala. last week. He re-
marked that as a soldier he could not
speak concerning the political condi.
tion of the country.
Editor Btead of London praises the
work which Americans are doing in
Turkey through Robert College, He an.
sorts that the college is ving
more for oppressed humanity than
did the Spanish war.
President Iglesiax, of Costa Ries,
Jeft Washington. It is sald an agres-
ment was effected between the United
States, Costa Rica and Nicaragua
that no foreign power shall ever oon |
trol the proposed Nicaragua canal
Thomas Beckwith, of Boston, Masse,
walked into the Harrison street police
station at Chicago a few days ago and
asked to be arrested. He confessed 10
the embezzlement of 315.600 from Niles
| & Co. Boston.
W. H. House, threes times convicted
He was arrested.
of embezzling Pittsburg city funds,
vis sentenced io one year and 19
montha in the penitentiary a few days
ago. but immediately took an appeal
to the superior court and was released
under $10,000 bond.
A fire was discovered in John Wana-
maker's large department store at
Philadelphia last Friday. A watch-
man seized the incendiary. Michael
Morgan just as he was starting an-
other binge and he was taken to pris-
on. No damage was done.
There was a terrific explosion aboard
the Mallory line steamship Alamo at
New York last Saturday which killed
six of her crew and seriously injured
one of her passengers. It was caused
by the bursting of the ™ain steam pipe
leading trum the boiler to the steam
Mrs. Sarah Shenkenbarger, charged
with poisoning her daughter-in-law,
was declared guilty by a fury the
other day, at Frankfort, Ind, and sen-
tenced to Me imprisonment. The evi-
dence was convincing against Mra |
Srenkenbarger, although the defense
tried to make it a suicide
Custom officials exacted a duty from
Randlett and Stone on bags which
were returned to the United States af-
ter having been used in the exporta-
tion of grain. The parties concerned
appealed to the Supreme court that the
money be refunded. The court decided
that one-fourth the amount paid, be
returned, as 24 per cent. of the bags
were of American manufacture.
The new torpedo boat, Mackenzie,
at her trial test near Philadelphia
failed to make the required 2 knots
and will be tested again.
people were drowned
of the Bits vessel,
Twenty-three were rescued.
by the
a the Fitty-Gfth
Congress opened inet Monday.
At Lexington, hy 300 tobacin fHoms |
nitroglycerine |
fhe Thingvalin |
£ froth Rousex wilh
the §
§ Psonass Bat 23d
Poasiede ly
wedded. rete ty
Joseph H. Choite of New York may be |
i Pir
: Bates |
carry out the resolutions adopted by
up the Niven in a launch.
Grn, Whee'ss Hearty Weitomed by Jin As
suciates Lenders of Opposing Parties Oren
Eger Other Reading of the Mesunge.
Comgrens is again in session
Severn WhitE closet upon
se niRtivan some months ago alter Way
had been declared dest Monday 8
aspen agen to Smit those UBOD
the rometderation of the great nut
prebieres will deevalve
An usual ait Washington rary $
sitenting tO the capitol for thar pals
event which marks the opening day
Bb SeRRE fr sefnte and Boise
Horn! Aispiave were beautiful In
the nara hers WEES gore
By the dec srations of
£RiGT Fagan
Bide ni
their desig
Through oivartesy of thie
Jremideny pres rr hers the
high éofmssion were admitted ©
flor of the sengle, and were the
cigdents of much attention, Trarige the
wait for the messags they held an ime
promptn eves In the Ai loanutie gal.
lery were the British ambassador, the
Chinese rainieter. the Karcan fonister |
ard other potable and pleturesqus
fyn the house side the members wore
levees m8 they Appeared
markediy true of Mr W Stone of |
Pennsvivania, Mr. Sayers of Texas |
and Mr MoMiilin of Tennesse tach of |
who sas chosen governor of his re.
spective slats at the recent slection
Hers and there through the thiceg
£40 Vig.
t Few |
This vari
was an officer in full gniform. an un-
wonted figure om the floer and 8 vivid
reminder of the war
The lenders, =a 8 rule, wets Wie in
srriving. bat as they appeared they
were surroundedr and cordially greeted
Mr. Hitt of incis, chairman of the
committees on foreign afairs: Mr. Dal
2eil of Pennevivania, one nf the mem.
here of the committee on rales. Mr
Henderson of lows of thy same “oan.
mittee, were each given an cvgtion,
Mr Dingiey, the fioer jesder of the
majority, and Mr Babey, the minority
leader, come in simultaneously {rom
the jobhies of their resgwetive sides
Mr Bailey went tromediately io his
scat and Mr Dingley, sx soon as he
venid disengage WMmsodf from the
fringe whe crowded about hin, (ross.
ed wver to the Democratic side and
i Eas
Leptabiinhment for the fecal
I groin tend
f bnperiant
| for IBY mre given asf
| wemeten of the army,
PETE OE ray and iravellng fEpenses ef
i 477,
| Rupplies gusrtermasters
: B14 Cun oie Ine pemens $12.00 908. incident.
| 81
fonliex, $25 8133
Some of them held a feguisre |
br iE imcrenme $1076 0085
i Ard supplies
{ING me roanafacture of arms
iL bre reass $408 Ge
shook hands with be political adores.
Bry. i
As the Bands of the hark pointed to |
roan, Mr Reed pushed open the green |
Laine doors at the rear of the hall and, |
amid applause, ascended the rostrum, |
Mr Head smiled benigaly and
pounced prayer by the chapiain
Then, while the roll of the hous: “aA |
being calind, (den, Wheslar of Alabama
eatne in and took his seat in the rou
immediately in front of the speaker's |
rostrum, He was instantly surrounded |
by hail a hundred members and re.
refved the ovation +f the day
Wheeler axpects to resign from
16 the serials iXiy Senn) ore anener oi] |
of the roll cali, and In the holies 287
fretnbers After the 0 (alls cane
the asus formalities Mr. Inngiey.
Mr Cannon and Mr Bailey were the
committee on the part of the Be
and Messrs Morel] and Cockerill on the
tee fy,
t Re |
part of the sentte to notify the prosi. |
dent that congress War in session ard
sendy for sugiestions. You k on the
heals of their vepurts (6 thelr respec
tive honses canes the present’ s “xd.
tive clerk. Majd Progen, with the
rriessaEe. Toa hours were (coupled in
the reading apd it was lstened 1o
aittenition. At
the senate aibarnsd and five min
mis the House
A i NR 2 4 E
3 4
Porto Ric ans Protest Againet Any Delay 0 1s.
troducing Reform,
A report put in cirealation al
Rico that the 1'nited Slatex 3
ent will take no definite Rolin
tabthety 2 comprehensive
Porto Hican administration for al jean
a yiar has provoked mach adverse
conment. A meeting bas been hed 6
lorem] Pusittess men, Amerkans
Ricgrs, to protest
Paris 2
fig wigs ©
so herne of 1
The same meeting condemns the jo-
tion of the American authorities in
collecting arrsars of Epanish tayes
mir oe 1KKT and called for the application |
of American laws apd the estabiiph-
went of free trade with the United
A committer wks appointed 10
the meeting, Which wil be submitted |
to the American authorities
Maj General Brooke has abolighed |
the so-called “royal duties’ on the |
transfer of property by sale, gift, or
A thorough examination is being 5
made of the harbor of San Juan with
A View to determining the best sits for
R GAVAD station.
Woeld Rule Out the Gurls.
A mass meeting of undergraduate
students was held at Wesleyan univer.
sity at Middletown, Conn, 8 few days !
ARO. 10 protest against the system of |
co-education row in vogue at the ool. |
jee. It was maintained that the ex. |
clusion of women from the college |
would be 10 the best interests of the |
university, and that if the policy of |
admitting women is continued it will |
have the effect of greatly reducing the |
number of male students,
Fain Healer Fails.
Iva Btevens, daughter of A E Steve
en, of New Britain died at the home
of J. Clayton Cowles, of Flantsville,
Conn. the other night. It is said the
girl did not have proper medical ai.
tendance, but was attended by a divine
healer. No burial permit has been
granted, though an application for one
has been ordered. The girl's ifs was
insured, and the insurance company
will contest pavment.
Rairoad Stands the Cont.
The suit of the Atchison, Topeka &
Santa Fe Railway Company in the
United States district court, at New |
York. to compel the Western Union |
Telegraph Company to affix and pay
for the revenue stamps required by the
war revenue law on the telegraphic
messages transmitted under its con.
tract with the raliway company. has
been dismissed at the railway com-
pany's cost
Ex-Chief of Police John McCullagh,
of New York, will organize the pulice
force at Havana
Seven regiments of regulars have |
teen ordered to San Francisco by the
first weak of January. They are ex-
pected to be sent to Manila.
Dr. Beasiley and Dr. Ogorman, with
a third American who recently arrived
at Manila, accompanied the captain of |
she United States transport Zesiandia
they were arrested by the Insurgents
at Puebla for carrying cameras
bs i AN NAA
ty |
: with of
po, 1
Lotitute aged men
The |
| plaiead
| cirenit court st Wilmington for
| pecond time on Charges goewcing ont of
| Samuel Fliridge. 8 years of age,
| Newark, ss overtaken by the Derrest |
: the |
| railway station in Elisabeth to returns |
{ Muveland Female Orphan wane,
{ by the weather burvan, the higt
Money Needed to Condinet
ernment in Joo. :
4 conformity with fhe requlyensonts
rf jai, the secretary of the
Fax Irarstaitted to corgress The peti
rorgsived for
C19 gu furnished By (hie SEY.
vrai exoontive densrtrnents These £3.
timygteox irednding perinanet 3
ageregute 35
sgninet 62 £32. Ar
; ropriations, iso iadine defvien-
end miselaneons for the fiergl
{year 1888 mewl S487 G47 B00 the anions
af the erriraatlen for a ‘
The appropriations far the military
FORT sil 48 End four ihe
$14 Lig eR For
the military eotablinborent. o¥timnRiles
the year (9s rive the pyre
ferns regether with the ine
rremasm in end [ten over The #81HMIBTES
i Contin.
Se increase
sarah iinet
the mriny. $d 400 ME
stint ere of
Croan RECasr $18 08RD
incrense $41 443 ~
the aerey, $17 887 -
FXPenses QUATTermaster’s AepRri-
$0000 000. feovesse BI 300 00
reation of the army and =uap-
5. imcremse about ¥5.-
clething srl eam and gartis
wim sopitags $14,044,431, Increase about
£12 80 es barracke and goarters 3.
medical and
hospital department $2000 2 increase
LEZ crfnance ordnRnce lores
$1,755 poe
SRE nd,
For the naval sxtabilahment the fal.
owing are the principal (eons;
Th (W-
440. ivicrease ahomt $4000 ee
for paval apprentices bureas of navi
gation, $112.500
tenanees navn! training station
figena island, OCsitfornia, $304000 (new,
ordnance and srdaancs stores. §LEL
Woh fre renee JRE4 000 equipment of ves.
woke. $220 400 ineroase $041 800 prowviss
ons, $1000 M6 increase $1585 6
The powivnasicr general
the deficiency in the postal
for 196 at $4.65 ER. The estimate for
prmy and novy pensions is FIELDER
cmt of penston service, $1208 Toe
thal $45 IE RNE
Block of fmmesne Buildings Destroyed in New
in ® biigding vain
wight. at New York
of Beriid¥ings on Broadway
Tarren steoeis. was simost destroyed
by fire. Within three hours mare thas
$1 0b Bl wert roperty was de
stroved. The begun in the five.
story brick balding pan try the
ver 6 turnieRing frm of Hogers Pont
sins the sonthwest corner af
firomdeay nnd Warren sirest
ining the Podgers-flost b
it owas the mmaRwiDeent
sf the Home Lole
Regt th This
£ ~
# Pe
§ TH
37 4
spmny, and
row ftobhe bBilaing of
¥elegrap! spy, everted al the
? peittinns only 8 Tow Years ago
wR the
the Postal
dom ent Sampsca Tels of the Needs of Darst »
tate Cubans
Adrpiral Bampeon has called to
Cuban General Relief Commitee
DNew York sidviesing that relief supplies
he ment for Sletribaition among the dew.
worn and ohikdPen
Lin the vietnity of Bapcti Rpirirue Cobe.
{und sccordinEly the following Jat of
| gtores has been prepared for shipment
I Forty
thonisand pounds roe,
pounds beans 10600 pounds bacon, £
|e pounds codfish, 106 barrels hard
presd, 10M pounds coffee. 20 cases
condermed milk, 3006 sully
ten geesds for seaking ckthing and a
LguAntity of salt, spleens and medicines
wed |
{ vigorously |
mpsinst any delay in reforas which are |
absolutely necessary to prevent
tf eontinuanos of a serious abuse
Crarped Wan Comsparmiy
rwited States Renxtor FHiobard
Kennxy, of Dmigware was Tuwwliay
sn triad in the United Rates
the looting of the Firsl National Bark
af Driver by ae teller, William ~N
in misappiring the bank's funds in
July, sand after a trial Inating over ane
wee kK the jury disagresl Ringe
the charge of comepiracy has
fined to the fret charks The
dence against Senator Kenney deals
i tions in which he and Foggs were in-
| terested.
Kised om a Svorm.
Twes deaths resuited from
night's storm in New Jevwey Mrs
f ihe Kale as she was going to
16 Newark Faxhaustion sme spon
her and abe died before help could be
White Hridget Costello a
servant was returning from a visio te
her sister in Jersey City & high fenew
was blown down upon her and hey
sRull uae fractured
shortly afterward
Alfonse Ree : ves a Fortooe.
The young King of Spain bas just
had a pleasant windfall in the shape of
Pa legacy of 1000 00% pescias, Dequeath-
sd to him by an old gentleman mimed
~ whe had a close though @n-
acknowledged relntionship to the Ring
being the natural sas of
The testator's relatives opposed
will But the Queen Regent. as her son's
favir of
has now been decided
S—————cor RS AS OIA ate
fine hundred girls inmates of
saities Ky. together with the matron,
Mrs. Mary Bradford, and
Vandervesr, music teacher, Af» ina
precarious condition, havieg been pois-
sped. Physicians have not ver depdjed |
how they were poisons, but think it
was from drinking water that hal
been standieg in rad pipes. Sanne
the children may die
Severe Storm in Baltimore
The most severe wind and rain storm
that has visited Baltimore many
years prevailed Sunday and did thous.
ands of dollars damagy Sixty mm
an hour ix the wind velooity
1% years. Fully S houses In the city
and vicinity were unnwted :
innunweralhe were Blan down,
uprooted and poder leveled,
at SARA i Lib po
M. Delonwie, the former Frenoh [we
puty, has written a Istter to the Temps
fhe ome of the most
jealous of maintaining French prestige, |
has decided to start educations] estab~ | of both the
| peer seem to be pleased with iL
saying that & body of Frenchmen,
tehments at Khartoum snd Feshoda
che Afaire of Be Gove
Pay of
the navy. $10 26 680, increase about 34. |
increas of the navy, B69. |
increase $8738 main. |
Yerom |
stration fed repair, F100 000 ind reass |
$00 00 repairs th I" B= Comstitytion, |
$156 000,
the massive blk
{ Now, 3 0
; 2M and included between Morray srt
women's |
| and children a clothing, 10 yards cot
He war last arraigoed on the
charge of aiding and abetting Boggs
shen |
Savday |
Peath snsued |
Vii and great-uncle of King Alfons
the |
the |
Mr. Kate |
Be, { phiemwrd
Leisiers Have Erobarked in Trasuports 0d =e
Prepared to Take Possession of the Ine bd
The Maior General's Ste®.
Tre movement of Aomerkan trons Ia
the city of Havana began Wednneday.
fits that Axy Major General Fitahugh
Lee, commanding the Regents Womy
perp. and Wis staf left Savancah,
Trix should pot therm in Havanese not
tater than Rafurdey. (everal Lee and
Bix wraf departed in the Transpo Pao
Those of Bis
the maior groeral are: Lisutenawnt { oa
ail JH. Dorst. aevistent adigtant
general Lieutenant Colonel George Fo
Pond, ohio! quartermaster. Licutenant
{ adomel 0. ¥
of sublmistence. Livutenant Colonel 1.
M. Maus, chief surgeon. Lieutenant
Cojonel. Cartis Guid, Jr. inspes to
general. Lieutenant Colonel J.C |
bie cer ate Livatefiant #
seid, chief! wenal Mower.
{aegteramnt W. J Lawrence chef on
Kinwer offiosy | Lientinant Colonel Rog.
ers Firpie, Jr. chief ordnance officer,
Livatenant Rartoris, Generni Lee's alde
Lowdil go with him, as will Major Mirhis,
aswintant adjutant general Maj
{alan accompany Rig
The troops of the Second Arison
the corps and the Bospital force of Whe
rorps, together with the signal corps,
| pirts Mobile, Miphigas and Roumania
The Two Hundred and Second
{ York regiment. Usited States yvoiue-
i teerw loft on the framsport Minhewas.
pk Lior Pirar del Fin
Ciemeral Lowe ordersd x gersval review
of AT (he trons in the vicinity of the
of Ravannah ast Toessday efter.
{soon There were pearly 17.006 mes
in line
{The Cubans and Spaniards will not
Linings in Havana and nafil the Jstter
i sre removed the Cubans <an Rever
f hope 16 make a recnied for thepnmeivés
favorable to sell plvErnzsent
Theres are numersus reports of ool.
lisieone amd minor disturbances Between
Crainiards and Cubans ail over the fa»
| jand. which, although of no great sig-
nificance. show the I feeling Which
existe and will comtinge TH oXint.
| Besr since the wrecking of the print-
jag office at Culnes inst week by the
tor Bad published an arikile eptitied,
“Adieu. disorders there Bave jwen of
| daily swcurrepcs. The Heaniards pa
| teed (hve streets at might, siiscking nil
! Spanien garrison, hecanes the jroprie. |
| unprotected citizens wham they find iy
Woed, opief Pom mesry
i shawn Ro disposition fo
ral whe seoompany |
i The
Fussell Harrison, provost paarshad, witl
: Porte Rive
ASA 5 4
A Sos
| battlefields in the trogics
{owt after § o'clock and spreading alarm
and constersaton. Senor
| ihe Maver of
was dedly beaten and cut in the Ranch
Thursday night Ceneral
totegraphed the military
Caf Cligines that he would hold Me 4
Cand insisted upon immediate steps be
ing taken to prevent thelr sonlisuanes
Jems Boladoe, |
Guiness, wha protested, | sry
Castellanos | Then it is sxiderad that over JL.000
corn maryder |
Rey ern] Boers of the Barbastn vegs-
ara 2 : EB ea su rtabin se he recommends that
rent Were arrested me ringleaders
thelr way to Havana the
ais Lacret and Heo
car with fagr Bpagish
they reached Joveliagee,
tara Provionce, the Spaniards
warping why thelr
insulted thems and divest? (hem
af thely insignis and machetes A
ys hans
Fo aE
tin thee period
rer tly pespernsibie for the dint urban eR |
Fae arrow! report of Secretary Alger
Bx practically complete oficial Mee
try of the Spanish-American War.
Tax secretary bus given to the public,
ft only all the Meinl dispatehes
passed dicey between Rix 0WHR Of ;
and commanding Moers in the field
and carp bul Bas included in the body
«ff Wis report the report of Gen Miss,
of wil he merdvais who periicipated in
the campnigs in Cubs. Porte Rico or
the Phiflppines. Nowbers i thepe
crates, he
sfficial dispats Bes being aliowesd to tell
tasir pws slery. And pereraity. The
praies and
secretary Brds mach to
Sagan fog sites congratulation in The
results oly orf
The auly exerption ta this role is in
he reference to Re cRusGallive 37 San.
timge. Rome criticism Raving been
made [Bat (here was & ick of SOrgeOns
Jrement the Yenart
were 46 surgeons in sttemiance nd
that of 1.43% >
wonyeded only 3 Hed of
their woands :
Ties Bing the surrender at Ranting.
the reper? shlfoax tBRT Shaler ,
raanded the ourrender on fhe 3d. snd
renewed thin desard an the fh Om
mereing of the IIR another oe
mand wax wade On the evening of
thm day (Ger Miles aftfivad #8 on
states that Chere
Cf Ahe 1310 and Hib of Juiy be, with Gen.
CL Ramer,
{under un fag of Trace 6
i boi ea 1 Err tnier,
I touse $1.1} deparisd from Ravatnah on the tfansg.
mer the Rparnieh cortmander
Fisogms the
(i the afternoon of the
fel fawn Miles jeff en hoy Fre
Now | teadunrtiers and soon therenfier went
aboard shin sreparatery to saling for
Juiv 17 Toral surrendered
JI phen BOR GUY Ter and the
American Bag was hoisted by order
of Coin Shafter
Tie seiyetary. coming down in Ms
Mistery tn the odle of Ad it, when
an onder war jesoed and #8 new In
srsenution to muster HOt 10M8 volun.
terri BRYE -
“Thas a8 army of shoot 15008 vol.
vinteers and recrpits for the regulars
was oalied ate existence frove
tite, und. meloding the reg
the total Tore was 56°17
crgarized armed, and ¢
suppiive being on hand
thom for the regdiars, save
saeketn: And 350M men of
were transreortd by land
apart, hers they win thelr victories
without » single defeat and all with-
112 days from the
declaration of war to the signing of
{he geratacnt
“Pee dentin in the army. from May
to (tober 1, incioding Kifled, died of
wonmde and of dimcase, wers 2818 the
svsa lies? Jonih rate ¢ of
in Bistory., = remarkable fact
Sf our troops Bova and reared in the
Her ate Pon. Were CRINpe =
cal chimates subject to TRin
gd Rest roost unprecedented”
The secordtary svn of the volunteers,
(Hat fo fartough them in winter would
Lim en of the fariousk the affieers and
cprpbbed the
men be Eiten two months’ pay xt the
Come af their discharge. thos admitting
wf thelr promt decharge in fBelr pres
fellow Suse BeTs |
tae |
| awuit eneaed and the orowd at the rast. |
Cwmy mation, in ewhikh ware Kraniard
Carel Cubans fodred in the fracasr Two
anots were fired though fo ome
pit. Owder was finally restored by
‘ display of force, the Spaniards fee
tgerning to the train and he Cubans of
Srers remaining at Jovealianos, where
they had Dean expected
The Spanish mail steamer Villaverds
with Marshal Blanco, the former Cage
tain General of Cuba
P pited Rtates
mt camp ie the Routh
« the head of increase in the
pu Fomor establishment, he secre.
Bry Saye
fh view of the nesds of § military
fn the mands eccupled by the
je sRrmesily recom.
that the veguiar ry be pers
remand th S00 ME men and
ire aMicsrs That & portion of
wy be recruited fromm the Ine
Baldtar af those islands fo be WU.
ters into the service of the Tnited
& son
| States, and commanded by officers of
Case army dlworetion. Boweter. to be
teard, left Havana last Thursday, The |
Aeparinre of Marshal Hanes
accompanied by the pomg aed eres |
ony marking similiar events
Pious yeaa
A staan corti
3 How Europe Views the American Poly
prev |
and his suite on | XIYeR io ine
president ts make ap-
pointmanty of ofcery from the force so
opti ree,
| Dees Nat War: fo Pay the Mar Wie Seved
William T. Stead. after a thorough |
Frour of Europe, sums op the sentiment |
| of the old worid toward the new to be |
that America has been puiity of bald
| hypocrisy and Jand grabbing in wrest.
img from Spain Ber valauble roloniew
wnder the guise of a war entered into : !
; p Pim 19. im which Laidiaw
3 ABITAT ves. He farther de :
from homapitarian motives. He FUrtee | op spivided himself by drawing
: the war the powers threatsned to |
| forcibly intervene, and that the Amer- |
| sffers firet-hana evidence that
| Jr, for injuries received by Bim
| lean representative whan their minis |
tern approached todd them frankly that
Engiand was with the sited Migten
Lisneres naeip Yee Lows.
I AR attempt to fix the Gmaniial
Lof Sunday's storm 8 and
Provigpestown, Mass, and
sizeh motion wold Mean War ars that’
{an the sevond the jury gave 8
Hos Lie.
Arguments ners begun in the court
of apreais at Albany, NV. in the ap-
peal of Ruswel Rage from the judgment
of B43 164 rendered against him in the
setion Brought by Wiliam Ro Lai ,,
Sages office
(Lajdisw) in front of hini when the
exphosian scourred 5 &
Thin case Bas been tried four differ-
ent times, and has been before the
court of appeals once before OB the
frat 1ria¥ the complaint was L 3
he dvaamite =xplosion in
Caf Eads and the court of appeals ore
{dered 8 pew trial fn this camel on the
: the stearser Portland wok wis wade
Friday by sever! men who dave laege
LC intersats in coastwise shipping
Crabalations regehiod werd az fodlows
Lives lost iprobabiyy 060
L property
Fae wd
Lok og 5
land, $90 aN the Portland,
trae in meouey and +Merls of
gers and salors $58 wy 5
; fe
A Feet Sar the Sugar Tram
Tha entice SORRY crop of the Hava
i an island, is reported 10 Bae
|oparchaned Dy the sugar trast, and is
{large salling vessels worn
! pommesd da Raving been chartered
bring the sugar to the Imimware
| break wats? for opders al oa freight
Lente of iA per tam The urihese
isc inden, for the frst shiprient,
£ Jab SAW oem
reser Wiliam
visiting England and
There was a large
i now LalRing
peopemibly Ireland.
“ff the DaeyfTus Case
Besl | countries,
LCOURIry een
Mos day an- | woik of Gfe
£4 3
raeeting held in
D Paris last Raturday favoring a revieen |
next friend supported it and the sat i
[ims of gout and rheumatism has Just
i Lin published at Pacis
Spain has borrowed 89 dd 00) pesetas |
| to over the expenses of the a
| af {wba and the Philippines
mand of Bulgaria has beep di
| At Safle.
| Kaiser Wilhelm
| ception at Berlin, and ‘Was much dis.
thereat. of BIN return
| Palestine,
The forward manh ist
Quates in acaueing Mew territory ree
[| gnrdioss the opinbot of cdher nRa-
| ticns, is astosishing the Gennans.
the United
. Germars are intensely bitter mgwinst |
Caps Austrians premier for threatesing |
ir the expaiston of Austrians ]
prprisebs fe
ard have swaed & Doty of warning
soos papers think the iriple alliances
existence threatened
ts the Duke of Roxburghe. which row 1
prichably |
expats in Great Britain
alreost seems assured,
The families
American heiress ami
A plot to assassinate Prince Ferdi. ;
Numerous arress Bave beent | ppevisw confirms the report that Ger.
| many ix negotiating with
recited a coll re.
The |
VL BastR
® eid trial the Jury disa
areand |
swieding |
ia | mo a great injustice will
TUE daa R rR Rey
Chinese in the Philippites
and oan
the fourth and last trial the judgment
peer tiened Above Wan rendered. :
An Appes for the Chinewe.
fs Ting Pang. the Chinese minister
a Lei #1 Washington, makes te following
an land, $168. loss of marine
of | Properly. pot including teanmwer Port. |
“1 wish to appeal ta the American
progile Bot to endurce the Chinese =X
~tunion law th Thame wlands. By doing
i be done my
and all of
thems are & credit to the A
{ne Chinese population thet is entire.
ty different from that is your weslerts
the my
artisans, farmers, sorekeep mer.
rrasters, amd Ix fact, business
men of every legitimate charac ter.”
To Try a United States Seaator :
[inited States Senator ¥. his son
; and »x-State Treas
A pew magazine devohed ta fhe Ye oF
A German government official, nan
purcaase of the Carciine islands nis
understood that Spain expects to get
froeny 1
| many considers excessive.
| tiom of the Carcliine
i ant less from the
| eros.
[pin Be
CL arising,
i Suites
The mkrringe «ff Mize Pauline Astor |
the | President John G. Shortell of
1h (00 Gy francs fur them, which Ger-
Prince ven Arenberg. pre A
the Colonial society, said the
which is insignificsnt there
than from a naval view poiat™
ermany also makes the provise 1
the negotiations shall be sontingent
iaternational complications
especially with the United
Aa id Farm of Punisament Favored. :
The whipping post as a
sols Humane Soclely. Go