Marketing Honey. the honey in as many differ- & a8 you have honey. Class. ything. Don't rat a second grade honey, be it ever so a first-class lot, thinking you ill get first-class price for it. The consequences are you will get a third lass price for your first-class hosey | when you do it. 4 Parties that handle honey by the | rom all parts of the conn te better judges of honey than yon are, #= this does not require thers ‘to be students of apiacalt: re. Never nse cecond-hand packages: Bare been brought the best ite ® polite sertions, cleaned thoroughly, and packed in i shipping cases. Put your oad address on every package out as prodacer of said honey. + fhe souree from wineh if ered. One or more varieties tin ean with a tires. inks sorew These cans are furnished by the itfactarers in pairs, wit hiwooden sold at seventy-five cents per pair. 1 Last, but not least, do not consign yur honey to strangers that you ¥ nothing about. Quite a few # homey commission firms bob up Yery year and somebody gets in the ap. -Farm, Field and Fireside, A Comfortable Frit Ladder, on the ordinary fruit isdder one to grief by 1 the weeds are are pretty well rooted ont it will pay fo sow the field in the fall with grass seqd, spreading it thinly sronnd, The Seif-Saeking Cow. Of all the nuisances on the farm a sell.sucking cow is by far the most despicable. Consequently, the beut prse of her to the best advantage pos. sibile, and the mooner the better, for anve this bad habit is seqaired it can rarely, il ever, be cured Still, if thie cow is an especially val- uabde one, it is a pity fo dispose of | her, nor is there any need of it. Why? Bena to reinforce the old | | grass, Indiana Farmer, way to serve such an animal is to dis. | Because by simply using a milk maz. | zle on her, sack as is represented in | i—— ior. LPIA TORR { ONTONR-.« 1 CHICKENS. TU RRE YS capitan oe ga A MILE NUZZLE, the accompanying cut, she may he prevented from ‘draining’ herself, and that in such a way as to canse ber very little inconvenience. To make this muzzle take a piece of board (soft wood) about five by six inches and hollow the upper part ont as shown, lesving the opening be {FLOUR Si anh 4 THE wankers at PITTSBURG. Crain, Flour and Feed, WHEAT No. §red 8 og Ne. 2 red ; Si ls CORN. No Zyediow par... Na, 2 peitow, sheild |, {| Mixed oar OATS No 2 white No 8 white EYE Na} FLOUR Winer patents. Fapey straight winter Byw Rour i ; HAY 3 itimmaihy { yx No i... I PEED. Xo. § white mi :., Lo Brows siddidogs. {i Bras bos : BTEAW. Gavan oo tint ; (REET lover, 48 Fk Thpathy, priv Datey Produets TEETTER. Figis sresamery, Erbe HERE RLY : i Fancy svnstry rod | CHEESE Ohio, pew. {New York sew ¥ ruits sail Vegeta! Ed Jima ity 8 « Fagey White, # ba Pong 98 hen de boice yiiow. ¥ bag Foultry, Et» Per pair, smal § Fae By CECE Fa aad Ofdn Trashy i § 3 tam | BEANE {CABBAGE $ CINCINNATI firiove 2 red FP BYE- No # i WHEAT. Na i POOKY Mixed OATS IRGGN ie CREUTTER. Ondo creamery PHILADELFHIA, . ; % OF We WHEAT No. dred ‘ po LORN Na mized OATR. No. 7 white BUTTER (resmery, sxirn EGiGR- Penpayivanis firsts NEW FIOL ER Patents WHEAT No 2 red YORK. Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling ia your throat? Would vou feel relieved if vou could raise something? Does vour cough annoy you at night, and do you raise more mucus in the morning * Then you should slways keep on hand a boule of If you have a weak throat you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable | to another, and the last one is always harder to cure than the one before it, NEAR THE VALLE pe mexerse & : i a § e 1 antity : : wee 1h as they a : tread, which they do dancing to n i : hn, 0 ee He hie the grapes have to be carried t & xaliad. ard some are large enough for twenty persons fe muse far raisied by he propetat. Scene in Portugal at the Rio Porto Vineyar | CARRYING THE POUT GEAFFR TOTRE Risvay o% THY BE ADS OF MEN AND » Bw SERE TR MSHI CATR Toy 4% at BER oR ta WINE HET ANE AHMED IN THE of iron ‘ “make it Spl to use wa a the treading vat or Ia A LFRED SPEER, EIT ae. 3 me g riper oF 3 fon £3 a New Jersey, 1% fersey whose Port Grape win ne and mpo Lg A the Port Grrape vines many planted vinevards in the Passaic Valley NJ. g st SLR The sok tical to that of de’ Menetiz Speer’: s New Jersey Vineyards the Passaic d to the winery = in between roliers made of rubber, which do not break * an d i made Into wane, hese grand wines 8 of Speers | course of Years OF Tis {can onl ly be © tained & Veslersy vineyards, valley below the mountain range and the Lew # ad * he town of Passaic where they. the seeds, ve meliowed in flavor in the vv! east wines mn this country aad > that is higher than new wines La { from ; y FF { stand for a long time and en: @¢ the strain and the cutting into of a small round. A fairly COEN No. 3... OATS White Western, . BITIER Cresmery ......... EAR Siate of Pean dan SH A VaR Dr deems it necessary for a healthy mature in wood to get rid of te © keeps lis wines several years in sacks befe re bottling or offering for br. Ager”s Cherry Peclorii Plaster proves Be ngs irom cos. tween the two tongues about hall an inch wide, Rouad off these tongnes nicely, so that they will not hurt the | wine that it be allowed years coarse parts: with this of fumigated cellars and fren L¥ ha - , flat step gives firm and com- e support to the feet, The can be made light, too, as the hown in the illustration. Make the winter according to this , while you have plenty of and it will be ready for next n's frait picking. The top of EEVRDA ERD RE Bh Bk, one 4 Re some light material free from knots De imperfections. Dress all material befcre putting together, ou paint. If kept under shelter | ben not in use it will last many Joars. Orange Judd Farmer. Lmproving Pastures. there is suy one part of the farm is neglected it is the pasture While there may be some lit- ezeuse for this on large grain 4, it can be hardly overlooked on r farm, where grass and grees are the chief dependencies for The improvement of pasture is a crying need on many old M, Asa rule, the roughest and sterile fields are given over to sad it is nop Siting 4 sow a to aks hes a living 1H d not pict ups | any- ant This is often the case, r, and then we blame theeow giving pas- i this, i= uot conclusive. cow, for these are the parts that are to be inserted into her nose; then, having driven four Wire pails into the wood (indiested by the dotted lines) to prevent splitting, hook one of the tongues into the suimal’s nostrils and work the muzzle edgewise through the space, so that the opposite tongne comes into the other nostril like a nose ring. What are the results? Why, in this position the board hangs down infront of the cow's month, sad while it does not prevent her eating, and eating freely, the moment she at tempts to “bait” where she onght not her efforts are frustrated. Thus itis that many regard this as the most prac tioal way of muzzling a self sucking cow. —New York Tribune. Con) Aslies For Potatoes, We bave heard of some farmers who applied s small Landfal of coal ashes in the hill before planting their seed potatoes, taking care to let the seed come in contact with the ashes Their potatoes thus treated were free from rot and scab, while others in the neighborhood were very badly affected by disease. The farmer who tried this is enthusiastic over his success, the hill to a= many potatoes as lie can secure the ashes for. Bat one experi: ment, even though so sstisfactory as bave been a difference in time of planting or of soil which wonld bave saved these potatoes from rotting any way. It would have been more satis. factory if a group of four or eight hills were ashed, snd some adjoining them wore at the same time plated without the ashes As we have often explained, there is very little if any mannrial value in coal ashes. So far 8% increasing the potato crop is concerned cos! ashes are useless, the coal asbies have no manurial value may be au sdvantage in growing pota- toes free from rot. In contact with this material, free from manures, if that might extend and cause rot they 8¢ | would be isolated, and thus the new erop eonld be grown free from rot. All farmers know that to put stable man- either make the soil sround the seed rich ro well To tor Ml right to gives the cows for | est and rockiest part naturally one does oo plowing nder pasture will surprise the 1 in growing potatoes, too dry, or in a rainy season it wonid {tarnish the best breeding place for the rot fungus. In fact, stable masn- unre plowed under the same season is sot now considered a safe practice smong farmers who are experienced It is much bet. ter to manure the ground a year or two before, and so give the manure time to ferment aud disappear, lear. ing only its condensed wmitrogenons resnlts five years later. ; and stones hat at of is important at this wr, when weeds are their Joes, One in this work of de- Wen be well to reco: | Plant a few shade trees and mineral fertility in the soil. In one way we think that in a we, seascu, as 1t was while the potato crop was growing this past summer, the coal ashes may prove a benefit. They help to dryout the hill. So too will superphosphate of lime, especially that made with a little excess of sulphuric acid, as most of itis. We have known farmers to use a very little phos hate in the hill with potato seed, but in this case taking care mot to have it come in contact | with the cut surface, which it wouald | soon eat into and destroy. Potatoes thus treated were free from rot, while those beside them not phosphated in the hill were half rotten. In this case we attributed the good effect to the drying of the soil in the hill. We can imagiue that coal ashes being inert themselves must have operated to make the soil more dry inside the hill during the very wet weather early in the season. Even when the dry weather came this dryness in the centre of the hill where the : form is an advantage, for most of the "| potato roots that supply moisture have by this time extended to the middle ‘of the rows. — American Caltivator, A SARS pass WA pA Sa The Plaintifl Usually Wins. for seven out of every 100 cases tried. Land proposes to apply coal ashes in | There may | But the very fact that there were gertas on the seed potato ure in ebntaot with the potato would | . The law courts records show that {the defendant wins his case in LIVE STOCK. Central Stock Yards East Liberty. Pa {8TTLE trims, 1906 10 1408 Dis God, [200 to 1560 Ms, ...... Tidy, HO to 1166 Ba. Fair fight wears, 90 vo 5000 os Comman, 00 to 96 Be HOE. Meilinm | Henvy Hough and sage SHEEP. Frime 35 to 36% Pa Good, 85 10% Be Fair, 70 to WO 5s i anton. Veal ( aives ) LAME, Rpringey extra... Bprioger, good to ehoten Common to Inir Extes yearlings, light. Good 10 choice Fensitngn. Mediigm | CAMMOn.. TRADE Surpraing'y Few Faiy remand be Rew! Rain Ian & ne Weekiy 3% Siren for I ¥ Xiremely REVIEW fos 0 Moved #1 rade Than if Now os Beney Beiause It slhoss mol andy Biomater and kb oseaalier Hatilithes thin in any 5 MEYER? } THN fe Fey a CEG Na fst wed fetnstt of fa % he 1 Ristids ing re 1Be seat] in early trade MERELY than aR iH geetry Tasiuires a: Pit his DRA eelifiigie i ron and steel snfuares freon the ¥ tiopE in steed rails ¢ Xewwdd Ting En Lass, ing falled 10 agree ihe aM RN lee Git welling agents the for ws £8 Paik Jd por Janet 0 domnestie Gee the weosiern works entered BY GEreseent By themselves ny fixed their senle of prices at $31. for Pots. Burg, 3% tor Ohileago and os for 2h Fada, and the Hines steel wiels are falda have taken seders wire Rt CUTER Puch he 5 NeXT years Ek Pe But eastern oopeerns Ras diy and Bive fakes soon thal The ou tat of the yess Petted HW exssed iB ae 4 Flommb regs pig ir Pittahorg we Peg wr fons have AST Woke the association $104 1h while the AMO | mands $i wi Valley mils iy mieady, ap 4 other pig in Hi nang at Chu age td Finished rs are uniha ned in Plater nd hare heavy demand buthling. Bates of wool have teen | vember 808 We pounds in Bue ow HESInS M100 $00 pounds last seas RRL pounds in 182 but thes been effected by important cones in prive. Manufacturers have = what larger orders and are hopeful, bat a constderabile share of machinery must inevitably remain unis materikl ix cheaper in COMPRTIn with the cost of wool and goods eller countries The rise of colton 16 38% which bad BO other basin than an Impression thal cold weather and storms lates ia No vember might do much harm, rea ted a sixteenth, but rose Friday and dosed AL the tap prive. with improvement in the preikls market. While prices of S45 print cloths are unchanged the prices of some beavy Kr £3 ne rg a Ban ow wipers 7-4 ix vi wea : £ ae real wlio ns held ants Bal = selling ©. Srey a * in Kioerda and bieashed abirtings ure a trite higher The wheat market has been wenker, ith heavy western receipts and Bas declines] Ye Atlanthc exports have been RIZE0I8 bushels four included for the week against 5157 822 bushels last wear and Pacific rxports 1 538 975 bushels, against 180 83% Lushels year, and for ve weeks the total sxe erin have _ bean BIEL MET husheis against 08 100 T60 bushels last year Within the sae time CX ports have been 3449026 bastietn aRainst IZ E81 552 bushels ast yesr and the Prue has risen Re I Iv oa must wie siflvant fact which ull interestad pus keep well in pind. thal exports of wheat about squall the greatest eves Bnown in any crop vear thus tN] Pre pnocompanitd by corm vxperts aise but slightly excesded in the year of greatest movement heretofan The possibility that foreign dependence an as a increasing may be worth censidecing Ameiican food supplies is peroanentiy BEATA NS, Gad, Nevin Mokon, W of # cheagwat larvae Best Mal In fae Help at Hand. i your have any complaint whatever and desire the best i ed wal advice you tam pos | | sibly obtain, write the doctor freely. You will receive 8 | prompt reply. | Addreos. DR. 1] C. AYER, Lowell, Mass. dd c : NP SN a ar Raga Pag aga } <4 Partact Type of the Highest Order of | : Ercoitonce in Barstoctore. 1 p Aiwaletely Pure Delica Notritionus, Gusts Less Than ONE GENT Cup... ou pt Teas APE le i wads aw PORCHESTER. Mass. 3 WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. { aie ah aie. gine oie Lh dh a a T+8 Foon ui a CAMCA= Perfect, Conan i do w Berth 3 eae | Bve gd Chee for woe Lite Routzdam § Owowola Mile Fuiipsbaryg. | Umm Mille | Ramey. Lr Baad Dews, 3 Tass Fanvwnt cae Gripe. Fr Tw CURE CONSTIPATION. Fearn, P - ded wn Hosting Remedy Campane. Patong. Suntensh, Sow Fork. - NO-TO-BAC etd snd ne ihn wl tree sis4 16 CURE Tobaos: Hann pp EE ee dB aed we Re Te va Frm wesind gens getters fox Bw ae akF NLR TYRE A Te * CORR i Wo Fw “ » Farms for Sao! Send stan, got fall deseripfion and price iw Awhtabals Ua, 2) best compat in the B® o> eRe Ae wtiun, Ashtabals Co. Ohi. FISH TACKLE % APR Tm FEE UR LURE APNE EAN RR ont women. Sor owing. RWELL 8 Jie 0D SEE Wn pe TWCEVTAYL OPSY mr: io D ROF Bama “ Featmen Free. Iv KX GRIN § sons ® Ww ANTED Cue of dad health tha RI PATS wil met beams tnt Fema tn Rigams shen ond Cie, New Nurk 508 19 sannies aad ives Soniinuocisin, REEIMATISN SERER Oe eve Arraxiax Busey a, Se herd Te INVENTION 5:5 Tirstected. am: Shy Plime. eden RA ER | sale. Th Pennsylvania Ratlroad | & fru om Seeawbpyaoeiaiiag i Wait i Frit pia BK paw, nit : 4 3 i » ay Pons 7, iP Pirtebanrg Kaper... b Magi ‘ | Fee, iy ; ¢ Bolvetown Mewes, RN NT NN ays ay gg pa — a | SF Read Up | Phllpatarg the Ary Or pot” i fart ("Yes Watch me swallow ye family wine extends around Toe wor] Farocers and Drug Time Table Nov, 20, 1888 Main Line. Paws «poms Fagus wird eR, We oR Sex : yw ht dn v's dwily Prva, dilly ee Rann 14 me lk Ea Xx Ro ¥ iba % * oy ® 5 FT TE cambria and «learfiedd end Roepe if pa a phe Rl Wom far € Svombgsay Com pxxsED — TABLE. i Pe ea Is Sat Duconitary, 7. Easywainn- Weak Dien won 18 aT 12. 4 Lis PN Werrvazs- Week Darn AX, aM p 8 % 20 11.48 ER R58 30 $00 1200 183 Seva Thares rw LE a AR «23 245 rN. tS Sevpar Trasss, AN L858 anni wnnsos TDA oe BE REN in ee iii sutzdale. a Wiis, = a Consperiovs— At Prllipabung (Usa Sta Sone for sad trom Beleipets, Look Haves, Wile York: Lawrepseriia Cormiup, Runs Genern nad Lycos, Clesriekd, | Ar A. for Houtsdnie and Ramer with P. BR trata leaving Tyrese at 720 P. XK H oDOD, Geseral SupL Evidewson “1 don't know whether vou were in said the street-car roadactor who had been instructed not to coileel fares from soldiers. “Xou SAYERY Your wallorm.” Pat taste this” “It's quinipe” I* There" be proceeded an Be smacked Ris lips. "th & MAR Can eat a hasdfal of quinine without making a face the chances ar? about a hundred te ome that he Ph abmihume | | Md seven with ail Bowens Creek Raliroad trainee | amapert, Bemding, Priadeiplia asd New e reputation of Speer er’s wines as a valuable medicinal and «3 ia r's Wines and Brandy. P; tshurg & Eastern Time Table. T¢ TAKE SFFECY mOV. 21 1998 Hh Matas Tne SEY mons tat aoe Herds © eek J Matin Mon srEErgl 5 SESE EERE Fda REFILL D Pe wo Se @ Hakrnonbie Pastore? oie 1mm gieii Memmi ran Mek Bi vw fey * Fy ¥ wi ! nate HORE. 4 ra Hrs 7 he he ik Lak od wayiperinnad ¢ Wiarke 7 A geld 1 Med ame * on 5 ¥ 4 WE ae a shes Sh EE RE as Maku EERE vreann aa Ghestt Stations. Mabafoe cious. FL OK UT VY sie ra titel and PF & NN 9 ms Fon with Moiaws £ Nes Messen wR P EX. WB siber sole teins wil us ay Minto Malar and 3 trains daily © veesy Ma Hab, tienen Maathy, Fo ads. OC ree Railre YO &H BR RCo Laos { ondensesd Time Table Hes N oi Pap Wats Xe ad Ba@® Sas 5 i : 5 In a a Ea a a ta ER Ww mele Faas Hiftahews a Somers 1 veal Mii Hal fan Haven y ontegedads Wavro comiery whuime Rosset lone NL Lamas rend PEEAERE EEE RENEE ph dR Re FPN TREES AY in Phat Weekdays #0 pm Senders HS a mm Seade ex " New York pase sists rave ia Phase ietelpl we femin Roa # ine : phy =i af Huaatingdon 8 Flute relives AF WH lh paspert witly Pile in mad Bens tang adil 31 Jerver Slew the Fah Brook Ry: at Mii ali tent Redmond of Poansvivenis = Phitipebany with Prose ivania melwed sal Ait # Paignton Cimnewting mabmet wt {lomefeid with dhe Bufhia, Roctuster qu Pivtabarg miiwsy. af Mabafey and Petts with Omeboin wand Conrad Shenson of the Pepesceania mibvaed: a Mahattey wis vie eimily os) te Penuseivanis and Northwestern mites "That's a at ought to be proc enaigh When | Bas! been in one of Uncle Samy camps for | 3 while "Washington Star AA A 5 hd Nn oyoa ne vv» uriy BTR ONT OF A scrape hes will always remeicher you as a3 actvmmodating Bar item eeutarers ¥ ' ¥ EE Herman, Ll . Agua. Phlmageiphia, Pa J NN —————— wm href in issn on and after Nov, 3 WS Hwwds CUrewk Depot, MUTalAY, as wloww tam Revmoddariiie Aono madation ET Carwsnsvide, Dales, Falisi reek wd Res oe Gifavilie. Conmwting af Daas war, Jehnsatnrg, Beading wed eam. Buin ¥ Koreas, Rar On Imleie wml Fails roe. E+ Ra fus, fo Ridgwux %o wet kod Baise, x ia Palger superintendent, Mins adi lemee " J dmeanbarg, amd Fall N 1 VAT WY fy amt Pune Sg oy Immins arrive = in Pom For telat, time abies sie as amid acd RE | nthamy Be Hyalin, L a £ Trteld, daily fxowpt » Be Baty
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers