The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 08, 1898, Image 5

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    at ec T ‘Roop came over from Altoona
If you want to save money go to the
AL-Rey. 1, M. Cnnn, pastor, Nerv.
at 3 ralork p.m. every Sunday. Sen at Goldstein's.
wt On. m. :
ae Inthe Ensebios ” pe 8 Sandheiner, of Altoopa, was in
very Sunfiay at ¥ a 1 5m. ¥ |
fone WE and Sesgers a 7 Tp. | Paton Friday.
AN Rev. B.S. Prench. The styles, the goods, the Jowest
ite i m. 45d | price, at Goldstein's.
ld © ray sdiiet m. ench Sunday. J Hon. James Kerr came op from
LES EE | Ceartad setoriey
ting every ate | Tom MeDermott, of Indiana, Pa,
was in Patton Monday.
“~' Dr. H. Bomerville came down from
| Chest Springs Tuesday.
Winter suits and overcoats at one
{half price at Goldstein's.
See the new ad of A. C. Fisher in an-
* other column of this paper.
James Randall made his family at
| Chest Springs a visit Sunday.
Pare rye or corn chop st the Patton
Feed and Buckwheat Mills 2600
= H. (3. Martin, a merchant chaser, of
| Pittsburg, was in Patton Saturday.
¢ 1t is said that there will be a K|wede
| paper started in DuBois in the near
_ fatare.
If you want mice fresh bread, rolls,
cakes, ete, call or send to J. Daue’
: bakery.
Harry Mellon, who has had a severe
attack of pneumonia, is again able to
be about.
Geo, F. Dunkle, of Philipsburg, was
looking after businessinterests in Pat-
ton Monday.
J. J. Hooley, of Towanda, Pa, was
looking after business interests in Pat-
‘ton Saturday.
Miss Jennie Buck, of Bradley Junc-
tion, is visiting her brother, H 8
Buck, this week.
You cannot do better than to call on
Gould & Beezer for firnt-class plambing,
ote. Estimates freely given. #itf
Misses Lizzie and Victoria Flick, of
Altoona, visited with their sister, Miss
Celia Flick, of Patton, over Sunday.
Prof. E. J. Severin, of Severin's Im-
perial Orchestra, spent a few days with
his parents at Carrolitown last week.
Chas. F. Waiters is removing his
household goods from Hanter &
Baughman's mill to the Young prop
erty on Fifth svenoe, preparatory to
taking up housekeeping in a few days
The Kind You aw
From L. A: W, Balletin,
shoud tas brief, so one mn read
He nd not grow tired,
a That are admin
posi 11 abl thi Hts vere
w that vou have begun it,
nd 11 2 4 Jemvicend short a
B never worth hye Some i.
Bn winger--Severin’s Imperial
H. Baker, a traveling salesman of
y O, wis in town Saturday.
Dn Ames, of Pittsburg, was
after trade in Patton Monday.
. Little, of Chest Springs, visited
the Patton Feed and Buckwheat
for ¥ your rye flour, corn mesl,
od a full line of goods for
8 At Goldstein's Mammoth
i aad fod at the by buying
of a clerk in the
vw a YOST The Attraction of Worth — We
; b wesk, th pre will be have a lot of goods which are attract
pros; ive in themselves, but are farthermore
been | attractive from the attractive price we
make on them. We know their qual-
liquor dealer of Spang ity is right, and we know the price is
High-clase farnishings for gentlemen
was & young man, and had been in ill
Rerarded |
si ppd JRE
Friduy, a
A charge
| Warner, report ha the roads between
hate and Si. Jawrence are ins
fences in order to get to his destina. ville; consideration, $1,500
son, Daisytown, §200.
(}. W. Brickley to Vinton Lamber
( ompany, Limited. Blacklick, $1,000
. B. Stephenson et al, Administrat-
ors to Monntain City Lomber Com-
pany, Cambria county, $3,900.
(ive the Puonzsutawney Steam
Laundry a trial ‘the agency has been
established at Scheid & Wilkin’ Shav-
ing parlors, opposite Palmer Honse
Three barbers. No long wait. Always
next. Clean towels. Everything first-
: George I). Benn, Cambria coanty, $1.
The latest swindler going the rounds George Page ot ax to J. W. Barnes,
says the Mountaineer -Herald, ins a fel J. pon $665.
low with a supply of lima beans satu William E. Litzinger to Francis Ebig,
rated with ofl of cinnamon, which be 4neoheny, $500.
sells at ten cents each, with the story Rosanna OO Neill to John P. O'Neill,
that his brother brought a QUAY (reemon, $1.
from Manila, and that they are 8 sure jopp P. (O'Neill et ux to Penneyi-
protection against moths. vanis Railroad company, Oresson,
Mrs Maggie Bracken, a demented $900.
woman of Nant-y-Glo, this connty, was (.. E Little et ux to Conemaagh Coal
taken to Dixmont Insane Asylum Fri. & Coke company, Clearfield, $920.
day morning by Deputy Sheriff Eimer J. J. Rhody et ux to Linda Gansman,
E Davis and Dr. Arble, of Nanty- Asbville, $150. :
Gio. The party was also sccompanied ‘arrie Simon to David Simon, Gal
by a sister of the onfortonate woman, litein borough, §1.
lent. and Trustee, 10 C. H. Barker, Black-
lick, $198,
It is not always the man who says 59 Baumer et ux to Emanoel
the most complimentary things about Rhodes, West Taylor, $5,750.
your paper that pays his subscription Joseph W. Plammer et ux ot al to
promptly. Nor is it the prompl-paY- (4 10 B Plummer et al, Croyle,
ing subscriber who most freqoentiy
feels called upon to advise the editor o po wn ot ax to Charles E Car
as to the policy of the paper. The rick. Patton, $25.
man who pays his subscription when it, itl ot ax to John
is due, God bless him, is the staff of Chest, $500.
Tat eeior and a joy in his troublous © cn 4 ux to John Kruis
rom eX. Chest, $1,200
A serious sccident happened to Wil-
liam Frank. out in Barr township, last Cambria county, to Spangler Building
Monday. He has been employed at & Loan Association, Spangler, $25.
Rehrifs saw-mill and while in the act Dominick (Carretti ot ax to Peter Car
of loading lumber on a truck 8 bosrd retti, Patton, $0.
got into the fiy-wheel, throwing Mr. Annette Plummer to Q. W_ Brickley,
Frank with terrific force against the Blacklick, $500.
circular saw, which was rapidly re A Card.
volving and cat a deep and possibly Ww. the undersigned, do hereby
al gash in the unfortunate man's ..... 1; refund the money on a S0-cent
James M. Hastings, of Philadelphia, Tar if it fails to cure your cough or
a nephew of Governor Hastings, died ecid. We als) guarantee 3 25-cent
Saturday evening at Silver City, New hottie to prove satisfactory of MODEY
Mexico. The remains will be taken to refunded. © W. Hodgkine, Patton
Philadeiphis for interment. Deceased Pharmacy nm
: ; Chamberisin's calie, cholera and
fhasith fos some time. He had gone to ny, chon Remedy can always be de
New Mexico with the hope that his pended apon and is pleasant and safe
health wonld be benefitted by the to take Nald by Patton Pharnisey, C.
change. His father, James Hasting®, w Hodgkin
is & brother of Governor Hastings
Boys with hate on the back of their
head and long hair hanging down over
their forelends and cigarettes and
smutty words in their mouths are
cheaper staff than sn old wors out
shoe: nobody wants them at any price.
Men will not employ them and girls
will not marry them They are not
worth their keeping to anyone, and
they will never be able to koop them
selves. If any boy happens to read
this description, 121 him take & nok at
ard ther do what his 0G
schemes tells him to do. EX
Eilers Brown, a domestic employed gi
at the home of Dr. Prothero in
Second ward, Johnstown, Was pain
fully burned by the explosion of a
lamp Satucday morning. She was
carrying a lighted lamp down a flight
of cellar atairs when she tripped. The
lamp fell and exploded, throwing the
burning oil over her and painfully
burning her about the head, neck and
arms. Dr. Lowman attended her at
the Prothero home. Later sabe was
taken to the Memorial hospital, where
Dr. Sheridan took charge of the came.
The Johnstown Tribune of Monday
says that Walter, the nineteen year
old son of Mr, and Mre I. W. Griffith,
of No. 224 Bedford street, when calied
to arise by his father at 7 o'clock this
morning, was found unconscioos and
his room full of gas. As soon ss the
gas had been tarned off and the win
Mary E. err ere
Henry (. Shaffer ot ax to Peter Clos |
Mountain City Lamber company to
James F. McFarlane, by Sheriff of
bottle of (ireens’s Warranted Syrop of
To buy Clothing now-a-days S requires = thought
Y ou must guard against shoddy and yet
must not pay too ‘much.
Is cheap and looks well. Bot poor apparel is dear and looks cheap.
Often you mast be the the jodge, and there's the danger. Come to
as and yon have the assurance that there is
No Cheap Grade
in Our Stock.
Men's Suits and Overcoats,
$4.50, $5.50, $6, $7, $9, $10 and up to $IS.
* ai
Elegantly trimmed and well made. See our prices
and be convinced That We Are The Reliable Clothiers
Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Coats.
You cannot afford to miss seeing our line. Prices are cheaper
and stock larger than ever.
Shoe Departm’t.
If vou want to save Fifty Cents on the Dollar
our Shoe Department this week.
See Our Line.
come to
Mirkin & Kusner,
Gcecod Building,
Next to Bank. PATTON, PA.
prepared to fill orders guch as to make it to your advantage eo thrown open Dm W. B Low.
to buy. When we show you the goods “man, G. W. Wagoner, A. N. Wake If
Vs and mention the price, well,
that's all feild. and J. C. Sheridan were sent for
‘White Coal Company at Windber, that's necessary.
County, last Tuesaday after. Vv C
. Dumm, son of Valentine u annot
of near Patton, is visiting
this section after an absence
gears. Mr. Dumm is em-
by » wholesale shoe house, and
red a vacation of two months.
Do better
Than by at our
by entering on its sixth store and Etats our m-
We are glad to note that mense line of
n Is achieving the success
deserves. —Spangler Sentl.
whats winioes CLOTHING,
and Tuesday. He gave
y pleasant call on Tues-
neer-Herald. i
Good Building.
‘and attempta have constantly beec
made all day to resuscitate the young
man, but up to 4:15 o'clock this after
noon they had failed. About 12 o' cloek
last might the youth's father visited
Lim in his room, where he was study-
ing, and told him to go to bed. The
window was up about eight inches and
when be was found this morning it was
«till raised. It is believed by his rela
tives that he fell asleep while reading
and that the wind blew the gas out,
the jet being very low and near the
sare Your Thekein
With every 50 cents’ worth of goods
purchased at our store you will be
Liskin with a ticket and the person
bringing the largest number of same
to us on New Years Day, 189%, will be
| given a $3.00 pair of shoes free.
Soothing, healing, cleansing. De-
| Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve is the im-
| placable enemy of sores. burns and
It never fails to care hee |
You may rely upon it. Cc. Ww
| Kins, Patton
buy presents
why not get something use-
Tovs and bric-a-bac are all
right some, but the ma
jority are using their thinkers
and buving useful presents.
See our line of Suits, Over-
coats. Neckwear, Mufflers,
Silk Handkerchiefs, Hats and
Caps. Shoes, Boots, Etc.
We can fit out vour man,
your boy, your sweetheart or
And we have
up-todate goods and our prices
are as low as good seasonable
goods can be sold
Come and see us, and our
Motto Still 1s:
“Penny Profits-Big Sales.
~ The Keystone
Clothing Co.
a full line of
Wi ith &
of interest
to you.