i ont om i SE REE RE wea - eam of he for sitealary . free; Heaith is tse ' 1 po Bot exparicant, ritla and you will have the host Beene money ran bay i the medicine that cures when aif others fail, You haveevery reason te expect ft will do for you what it has Remembar d's Sarsaparilla A * rentest Medivine, Price $1 I Hood's ¢ Pils are the favorite cathariie, ES Cannot Be Cured y Inaal applications, ak they cannot reseh the : partion of the ear. There in onl) a ote : od that is by constity ios. 0) afress is oxnsed by an n WE rendition of {he muro Tintngof thre Eu Sshinn Tobe. When this is tube Mis 1 ! ml Fo: have x rambling bh A, ifm «Oe § EE for Jur “aren 4 Har Latarsh Lure Cizzey & Co. Toledo, O. 3 En 1 fai Ls bs Family Pills are te best Fits pimmsmats cured. No fits or nervous. ' id i Hiding x mae of Dre Bhar '% Giron trial bottle and treatise a ror. br i’ H RANE Lu. 0 Arch ep Pa A RAAB A (et yf ae Mre Winslow's Sonthing Syrip for ehildren Sg brs : Soften the gums. reduces in fiamns. R58 pain, cures wind colic, Sw a bottle A i SN SMA A pare’ sa fMering ¥ wan cured by Pi. After a : ra “Mary Tnowsox, By Oblo Ave, Allegh kuy, Ps. March 19 TL A London department store has a en estate department. Sa LS 1 SO RI A A Sr MY AR RA ‘Haron Al. Seal of Whitcomb, Ind | probnbity holds the voting record of that State He voted for Jackson in 1828 wird for each Democratic Presi- dential candidate since then erie Apt te Affect the Nerves, a Cold weather is just as apt to affect the Barve aa any other part of the body, and mearnigia sets fn. Bt. Jasobs Oi is jost us _eartaln to cure Ht as it cares all the gen Beal Mie and ashes of the body, The Rev. Dr. Withrow, the vensrs abl iftstor of the Bark Sireet Church, Boston, which is commonly Known ax Brinustone Corner’ lives up to the ld ¢ traditions of the church. “1 do not The says, “how a man can be a Christan who ejects the doctrine of | i ive i vo: Kuocks Coughs and Colds. Araold's ¢vugh Killer cares Uonighs and Free eats Consumption. A) druggists. 2s tus sinter of the eminent = Joseph van Lerins, disd a few sekE ago wt Antwerp, aged 87. She rnat punish ft to the city all the paintings and Brot #tehes of her her remaining in er possession, besides the sum of $30,- 1his interest of which 10 be de. ‘oted wo annual prizes, 8 rene for pe _ the possi- of which have been matters of among scientific men for est mines. The quid alr « can al- be used in freezing soft ground, is reported discovery, and is n 8 be pratically demonstrat. t suffering frequently results mother's ignorance; or more ' from | neglect Wo instract her daughter! tion says woman must suffer,” t pelt hes 50 poor that 1 school. 1 was tired all the lost so much flesh that became alarmed. My is a Bem Toliever in your : Sithorised to jo Siske of its mari are passing under the contro} or vattous European powers: i the prospect that the yam come merce which the energy of our citizens and th» necessity of our stanie prodns. § tone for Chinese uses has built op in wend Tmraile indempits nv the goversount of thosé regione, may not be pref through any exclusive treatment by the new occupants hes sbhyiated the need of aur souniry becoming an gstor In the scene : Cur position among nations, havieg ofa century have Tooke ts the assimite- tion of Hawsii as & natural and inevitable the reds consummation. in barmony with our needs | aed im fulBiiment of ony cherished traditions The questing heretofore existing between | Howall snd Japan growing ont of the alleged | mistreatment of Japanese treaty bm herania, were, | sm pleawed to say, adisied before | the 1 of transfer by the BEY Ren of Bn res Hips of er arlent, pies px the equitable ciabm | os to consideration and friendly treat ment In this regal, and in will ¥ aim to subserve our Targe faterests in that quarter by oll means appropriate {in ta the camstint poliny of aur govern. ment. The tesritories of Kao ®how of | Wel- Hal Wel, and of Part Arthor ard Salenwan. destre of this ROVER want pear ta be poglized as showing the v Alums and af our exchrnges with Ohi peculiarity favorable conde h exist for thelr vxpancion in the not course of trade, I refer 10 the oo munication addrsesed to the speaker the House of Repopsentstives by 1h: geeretary of the treasury on the lth | i uttad States tn tags art of last June with ampanying Podter of the secritave of state rod. amnendivre an app wan thr a 2? Comrise tor osiudy the comamerddal i and Industria! condition latha £Biness empire avd § PE to ihe ppportunts | thew for anid © onlay ges ment of fracrkets In ( Bica far the raw : CRS CB pradlival Impeirisncs RaYe aR THarTRY pProdicts and seanufactiuren of the United States. Action was not taken | condition of the modern peoples { tivation of pescs and good will mmon . hat in this view Bt Believes na 8% A Saltien 15 fesd ponntenancs and aid to he hensfeent | ; Proieet thersain during the late session 1 cordially args that the recdenmenda- ton receive dt your hands the sored eration which ite importance and ting Heroes merit Meanwhile thers may Bee jum ground for dwputetude i view of the untest anid revival of the old sentiment | of opposition and prejudice to alien people which pervades cértain of the ? av fant carey i Guring the i additional artic TEE Phenad rodferenos States minister has been instrocted to | Chinese provinces Ax in the case of the attacks upon our citizens in Sgech- nan srl at Kntien, in 188 the United sacure the fall sal proasiires of Priste tion, both joes! and bmgeerinl, far any menaced Arnerican interests, and on demand, in case of lawless iofury to person or properly, instant reparation appropriate to the cased. Warships ders which have invaded even the Chinese capital, a5 far se 5 be in a porition to act should need arise, while a guxrd of marines has been seat 15 Peking to afford the minister the same reasury ‘of authoritative pro tection as the representatives of other | nations have ben constrained to emi. | {aritivae powers now parties to the sonves tien of IW play, GREAT BRITAIN'S FRIENDEHI® Our reistions with Great Hritain | have rontinued om the most friendly footing. Assenting to oor request. the protection of Americans and their ins terests in Spanish jurisdiction was as. sumed by the diplomatic and consaiar representatives of Great Britain, who fulfilled their delicate and srduous trust with tact and sal, eliciting high commendation. 1 mav be allvwed to make fitting allusion ta the instance of Mr. Ramsden. her majesty's consul at Santiago de Cuba, whons potimely death after distinguished service and untiring effort during the siege of that ey was sincerely lamentsd, In the surly part of April last pur. suant 1o a request made at the in- | stance of the Recretary of States by the British ambassador at this capital, the Canadian government Branted fa eilitien for the pessage of four United Biates revenus cutters from the grest Inkes to the Atlantic eoust by way of the Canadian canals and the SL Law. rende river. The vessels had reached Lake Omtario and were thers awaiting the orening of navigation when war ARE declared hetweer the inited Btstes and Spain, Her majesty's gove ernment, thereupon, By a comminic- tion of the latter part of April stated | that the permission granted before the C autbreak of hostilities would not be withdraws, provided the United States Saran men: Rave assurance that he in question would proceed aires to a United Slates port without engaging in any wiile operation. TH government promptly agreed to and in now In a position to reamed If to Cathey Powers without fhe Imoatation of set derstood that the vessels would not be | Hi prohibited from resisting any hostile | Ped te eorTespond wih the foveraman Cihe priveisel maritime powers with a view | of Incorporating ifts the permanent aw of the stipulated condition, it being un attack 1 will Rive mo super inl satisfaction if 1 shall be authorized to commtini- cate to you a favorable conclusion of the pending negotiations with Great Britain in respect to the dominion of Canada. Jt ix the earnest wish of the Roverpment to remove all sources of . of + aE : discord and irritation In our relations | ooo TOE of fhe government from With the urighlering dominion The | trade between the two countries is constantly increasing and BH is im portant io both countries that all rea- : sonable facilities should be granted for ts development, ANNEXATION oF NAWAN Pending the fommideration b the menste of | FEAT of $1500 Trternal EPR, rexenedted (hese 8 he preceding the treaty signed June 38, by the pient. potentiaries of the United ie and of the republic of Hawaii, providing for the anness- | tot of the fda, 8 Joint resclutins to ae | wan $e TAs and en fermented Foye offered cewsion and incorporating the fedfed | territory into the Union was adopted by ihe :. ar . 1 PETeRee of Rik ae LE from the preceding year It In eotimpted vrais the Sagi of present | compiieh the same purpose by acropting the congress and approved July 7 105 F there. upon directed the U. 8% 2 PMhitsdsiokia to | { Pevensie laws that (he reed Hs of the govern. | Sant for the year sading Fane 3. 198 wi} cutvey Hear Admiral Miller to Hovolale, snd intrusied to hin hands this inportant teginia- tive act, to be delivered to the president of ihe republic of Hawail, with whos ihe ad -miral aod the United Histor minister were 4 arrangements the sorereignty of the lands This was shweply but on the IMb of Au- of 8 rertified Pursuant to the terms of the teint reson. thereby confer the ign Judicial fal and mil ilitary : powers there. Following the further resolution. | appointed the LR Hi of litinois: re filed the mission con. sed to (lermany, Groat | Britain and Rossin respeotively for | termes of oar will, it is announced, be apen to intersational commerce during AP such atten occupation and if ne dis. 0 criminating treatment of American Citizens and their trade be found fa fg exist or be hereafter developed, the | ara it fv & rife Hig deg i an wear Bes that now , Bod of the hy abt ve five ge fo he Im time of spRcasaly tess than that of the BEETS Pers ta whim the Spars spima add regard that the aves % surpiviony den toward the betterment of the A MAVAL BED CROWS immediately sfier the outbreak gr with Spain the Nwias govir FC Riing the Bligh miesion it has deners lie patron of the Interiattonel | voll To the Dated States god £8. ig 5 0 extending he PRincte af the weeinfing Came convention of Md to Ihe conduct naval war Petlowivy {he sgavpla wet Frames ant Germany in 2 vi a modes viveadi and in vi of the United Biates to theme add phew bn IIR. although t8e exchange of atid Eratins themnaf oF yeuaing sea the : have been stationed at Tiemtein for | S™ime proposs! was promptly § more ready observation of the disor. | foain. wx Arvepted by us, and, simuistvonsy This gavirrivrnt facln a been 4 in havieg (has ben enabled to testiTy 4 Berens to the heomde sd principlow of 8 Fan Hy even amber the clysh of war and 0 ois 20 be hoped that the eoxieadion of ibe Hed rams compart tH hostilities By seu ox well cas on band muy soon Become an arrons plished fact, throaph the general {romaigatian of the © ° additional saval Red Cross Tarticies by the VICTORY POR ARNITH ATION The arbitra ridmaal Zppointed under the tromty of Polruary 2 189, between Great | ‘ Britets asd Venwsiuela to determine the : boundary fine between the latter and the | oodery of Heitisd Goisoe, fa fo convent at Paris Sarieg 8 present month IT = a somwees of mpel EraliSestion to his govers. | wend 16 see the friendly maort of arbitration sppiied tn the settlement of (Rik controversy pol alone Bevause of the sarosst part we ave had in bringing abon! the reswit, hat sien becagee the tes members named an be hall of Venspuedda, Mr Ohio! Juuties Fuller fand Mr Joes Brewer chosen from eur | Bighewt court, appropriately testify The fae tinting interest we feel fn ihe Aeflnite ad Invent of the qoesion arcording mrictest rola of justice The By $ bers, Lord Hersohell and Bir Rich Ere jursts of G8 been pyaited repute. the Fith mer ber and president how Bupagd, WM. FS Martens, Bas cn : wile peprtalion 5 as atioric Batdonsl nw EE PRIVATE PROPERTY EXRUPT IN al The superissons of 18e io FIblY Boome th ue oa sense of 1h the waste of war We dere LORIE with roast cirBired patios tv reduce te Lhe foment postiBie poist he demage saRiRined i time of war By peaceable trade and com mene Bo frase we may aa%Er in seach i East fr the provisiang pf the 3 3 ryote. P tion the exisiing Custos 3 : | Hawavan islands with the ¥ i with other Petr bes FEIRain A large Pacific coast and 4 constantly ih t expanding direct rrade wlth th fareh. gold. | ay are pur oul [mn any other way Searing debt tn ders Pea Fring debt " svdntion way made in the Bee = ot inw wo uht insure tise di cers a Hist wrens mas Wt A AS a sland severpily resdapnize | Yr. tox he infers ee Or Pare « pRunsgied ub. Fioartn frasn (he murine & wheid #SEraie ind ; say This service Tornish- Fria and the wpeand lies of de. CRsra eed fa every Sondtitatandl way. sole for the srcompiish. rosie are Slergdged in the re BE the see wry for the Trvasiey. Io § aie hy the nttent; f Congross iu respect fal Frat THE BEGET i AR AEMNY Ker {he get of nig eens approved April he Prisifent in his dn arataon of way by Coa py {Angress IBat war | merense of the regular wo of GP FutBeriead are now In the pegulsr sry SLED and te said act Hwan Jee | Yale thar 8 the sad at ney War iw wipeh ime gited States Becomes ievelved The amy Chali Be reduerd 1a a pears basis BY the Laegnafer iB the game Arm oF The service pe C abmorpling By prosunstios of Bosorable dis. clare nder sel relist 4 #3 The peirelyry or War reav eOrtabliiah of suenErauEserary Som mime loned oMces and The honerabls die tisrge ng cortainsd 18 hea aut shell de Cg 4 a8 antharizing ihe permapent in. semse of The comtmisioned or enliatid Taree LY the fegalar army bevoesd thet aie pre vided By (Be law ta fare prior a ile Paw makers provided for ia ssting | theresf The mnportaner af jegislation for de per. | manent increase of the army ju herefore i mmaritent pad the rocosarmendating of the Secretary of war for that Purpoes Nas my Lauaiified aporaval. There vin be 85 gestion DEA at This times and probably far sowie tase fa the future, one hundevd thousand mes Lowi] Ser oases foe mas (0 peel (he Devens] leew of the sitaalivg. AL 31 eyventa whether that pusaber shad! be required permssently i ot, the power shanld be given ov ihe Chen to enlist Inst fares If I Bie dw we wy it aloud Se sevenmary apd ihe ther demoretios shogid Be giver 15 Sim to Creer fer he mroay within the adbwe limmit 5 i : frame the iababiiarta of (Be land with the EOVEPRE | rid of Whi we sre charged WEY purposes Th miawter out the entire | rary od soon ax ihe Congress shall bs fir Joe iprrecet of ihe regular cetab- bya srt of fustios | the Brave § soigdavisents : tg Pane Ripa ¥ AVY Sekt ee ad (he see | “to the inereass of | Pxhaw! what makes you git off seech | Cambs lam than other romasunities bgt wl Bathe sre Safsaget mare or ves by the ate of uneasiness snd aporshession into TREE an outbresk of hostile fhrows fhe srlite comnraetelal world It sheuid Be aur abfet. therclare. Bn minimise, so TST ae practicable, this jeeyitabie jows and Shetard anid Thig pareve tas prodably be best av domiplisbed By ans isterastionsl aRrerment | fo Prgard W01 private propeviy al sen S28 w0- wrapt Troms capiure or Aentraction by the foreen of belligerent powers THe Lnided Beaten weverament has for many years advo : cated this homane and Denefewnt prin fists Bad mactives. | therefore sugeesr for vensideration That the evecufive Fa Fut Batons the principle of Ihe siew thom wl aE private pranesty uf wes traband of war from rapture or 3 BY beilarere sit powers OVERNMENT PINANOSS The Beeretiny of the Treamiry reparts thas sarees $uring the Ses ai year hate rg J PRE footage PEAT i fol Pari raitroads, cand its expenditures In wan colivoted fromm ewes from interaal revenge $170 Cable Gpperie pmmunted to ¥ Areaml ol ER 1A £0 over he vad and inpertat ons free of ur ty Ee E9404 175 8 derrense froma the 3a The total tax codiected an distilled wp BAZ. We reserted ters Randise Ty the wear amount Sak to $120) 6 ; be JOT IILMI. and itn expenditures $a Ty 87, resulting in a SeSeisncy ot $110 en $e sar 5. gold bullion amounting ts HI. EEA. silver. ballon fmeneting to £3 58 Eh, Sher forms sf money dyeing to | EL0 On the same date there was in the TearY solid bullion ameenticg to fIEN- | BENEFITS oF THE GOLD STANDARD provisions made for strengthening the | remouries of the treasury In swnnection with | (the war Fas given increased conBdeger in {the purpose and jower of the government to mAIntiin the present standard and bas es tablished more Srey than ever the national credit at home and abroad A marked evi Rare or Bn, "EL 2rd A marked 4 80 the treasury fix net wold boldings an Wo. | vember. 1, ROR, were $230 550 $E0 as compared | with $152 375 147 en Noversber 1. 187. and an increase of net cash of £97 UA 10. Novem. ber J, BT, tn Sane aw en Navember 1 168, gr ap the 31 | The present ratio of set treasury goid to out. _n Hivols: J 1 OL Als ohn T. Mor standing government fiabitition, mot foeind. ing United States notes, treasury dotes of | Aw, silver certificates cRrEensy certifoaten | Standard silver dollars spd fractions? silver {oodn, November I 1308 wos 230 per cont. an | | tombared with 1496 per cent Hovember 1. the or Ba. The com. | 807 retiew so mach of ave Pavan mandation I i of Twocember, 1837 a3 failows: That when | Any of the United States Bates are presentad | | tor redemption in gold and are redeemed in gold, wach notes shall De kept and set apart and andy raid ent in exchanges for gold ) This ix an obvious #uty If the Bolder of the United States note prifecs the gold and Bets it from the gavernmunt. he should not Sates. € back from the £avernment a United es note without “The race son For ils ‘mass In exchange fur it made all the 7 Three sheathed sad coppers) pen. drsers of about & We toasys trial die. to Bees The Bighest practicable mad ont merchant yreieis | in the war wih | nt : amethongl Beovanity, snd sb whl be : traveler af supermamersry calowtsdl mes: | bree head had and capuered gr. 3 12.0% fans trial de : Ce for veel uh | 3nd i one af the best goif-plavers in hams. and to Rave the highest practicable hig town Mrs. Wanston=""Oh. yer 1 i great radios of sviiny Eaimated : wei of aroawr and srasament. - : they nisy return again, to Be followed hy nother 3 Si » | tit erie oF thousands 3 Ny of bar paian as be found CE sa Hepes rate Vigan of & Rein RL : geritioss. Oor ral. 0 8 sean of sprsins and ng of ewe eibile FP Pa i ne uke ¥ ancy pe al : — wey Nt Jacobs DU delights in asthe te ' the season, the one that Dents the ob Wr BT HAT SI LON UA Y Why does pointiess 0 ways bore the auickent? a < art. Se en Boru preset rupted datsiogee whinh arses of these in med ee freigat Lae Ee : inh ean i boils, blo and that sckly pilious comple © Coscareta—beapty ior fen op fener] Fetdding 5 fof the famamw JF 1 f Washingion Heighta, New Yor ¢ derided to sell the place and a Bene This in where Rrameo vist ret veil money The Seoateh forefathers of } MoH Her apis the name America CORSUTNEE more ogEw ! iy ing cevurrimt in the shies Buy other pation James My Kinney in the last Guaritierd sobocee abit cre. makes wean | |on strong. eos pure -.n All drogyis A Abs i PA A | RES Hiskop Watson. of Eastern Carolina, | is maid to bear so wteikingg a ikeness 1a | Lincoln as to be popularly Known as | the formu President's “doubles Br. Jacoms Ox sures Rhsumatism, Br. Jacoms (ny cures Neurnigia, Br. Javows hr cures Lumbago, Br. Jacond Onn saves Seistion, Sr. Jacoms One cum Sprades, Nr, Jacoms On cars Broises. Sr. Javons Chr cars Soreness. 31. Javoms (hy cures Stiff sess. Sy. Jacoms One sures Backache Mr. Jacows Ung cares Maveiiar Aches. It i» said that ‘he peasant of the Isdue not only to. south of France spends on food for a simplicity of the family of five an average of twopendse a day. : Rdnoate Your Bows With Concarom cure consiipation forever ie HCO oil, rugs refund moses Mors Equipments he Balti more & Ohi # : $ i sage AF {Mie Sot SReeNt uw ta the nerves of The improvements thit have been 3 made on the Baltimore & Obits Rail- | romd doving (he past tg years have i rendered i possible To alwrate crs of § & heavier capacity than Bave been wid me in the Sant and the Receivers have | unt ordersd from the Schoen Prowse | Nicol Company of Pliireblirg 1 000 steel | comi cars of B capacity of 100.000 The | eqen. Thess cars will be used for the | Begbourd trade and are sxpected th be | in service during the carly part of | ] ¥ 1m a - he 3 of the excellence of its reme Hn Agia To these cari * iY aden ‘ 3 other gah ars Rave abso ordered froen the Pitts. far ln ey of all : harg Locomotive ‘Works 52 nore of the | Cornohdated Incsmotives with 2xox | bowels withont irritating or v fren cylinders ing them, sad it does not Nis Servasm. Farmer Grout (sourly)— Them ois : relatives of onrn per to believe my Hamme la "Misery Nrs Grows. a foolish mayin as thal, Lyman? Farmer Grondoo8tf ain't foollsh-ivg | 1 allie saxrvastic’ § dedge fihey do Liv the way yon tise they seers to think 1 love company 2 Harper's Bazar. z Cave on a A Chumpion. Mrz, Ipeisy They say your hus. Be ls a thorough master of 1. Why he can actually talk the language fn | bis stena Tw ORicags News ; Ld Ereat radi 58 J hil setaye and ta rarry bd an abies for vos. , #ReTamive | a a h Bd sogperst raisers af shout Xs tame rial dvenlsowanent ts Baws it wee AN AFFAIR # $i {eR AE “rad # . wet toy Lhe muel Bower iyl ve gditend to vonmely of thei olsen Eatimiated cont, ex cui RETR BEAT NH Hi 3h sack Lars #f fhe nay In RFadey of io mired and | arily revived IEE 5 Lx be aficars wha 4 apesiaily dig. i] therammives i ; | Maney Sn Lamiag © Fund. Tk moment by Miss Adelaide Schenck of | Babylon. Li 1, | | than 2W.9W letters and mare than $e. VM Rave been reesived, although only | £30 the 1st of Dwrember thers wan | Bedd in the tremsuey gold coin on LL ; I This sum. it was noped, would start an | Cee fand for the poor seidiers in Cuba, | | Winter is hers, foe has Beconse & drug | x £3 ry, x R 1he Same date the amount of money of nthe market but the fund stil | All Kinds in cireglation, ar sot ioclgded in | treasury holdings. was $1000 ¥79 204, a8 fae tense {or the year of Hiss, THe wa Eistinsat Ing our pepuistion ar TL 104950 at the Lime ; | Bevtismed, the per capita cireuiation was fution and fn in hd exercise of the authority | me, | directed that $1.000 was asked for by the originator grows. contiauance of the vires but she lit. | tie knew what the result waukl be In addition to the envelope contain. | ing money thers were envelopes con- taining no mney, which bad been robbed en route. and envelopes di- i rected to the postmaster of Babylon | ( axking about the commerciaz stand Ling of Mise Schenck, who is the grand | daughter of Matthew Morgan, a re tired New York banksr, whose winter | home is at No 284 Lexington avenue, The receint and answer of those let. {ters of inquiry by Postmaster Dowden fof Babylon netted the gaversment fer nsidernble revenus Day by day the mail for Miss Schenck Brew. In vain she appealed to the press to stop the flow of silver. The i pool of charity was first rippled in [Joly but the ripples have aagmented Land are still widening The letters are | still coming fn at the vate of 199 a day. Miss Schenck has ted to New York amd her grapdfather yesterday de- { Clared that neither he nor his charm ed granddaughter would bhave any thing more to do with it [ The money has been turned aver to g the Hed Cross society. Some of it was | used for the ice fund for the soldiers, | the rest has been used in other ways six the the relief of the veterans of the vanish-American war. He encliesn chain started in an idle ing ite end. More | Mins Schenck meant well when she | PMR SUL the Arst fen letters aaking for | I cents sich from the recipfents and a | It has been said of Americans that are "a nation of dyspeptics” and it is true that Few are entirely free from disorders | of the digestive tract, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Stomach and Bowel trouble, or Constipation. § The treatment of these diseases with cathartic medicines too often ag gravates the trouble Pl THE LOGICAL TREATM 1s the use OF a remedy that will build up the system, thereby enabling the various organs to act as Nature tended th should. Such a remedy 1 found in Dr Williams Pink Pills tor Pale People Here is the proof. In Detrait there sre bw soldiers mare popular aml +MBolent then Maw RB Davies Seal dergeant of Co BB Mis home is of 3308 Thind Avenue. For four pears he was 4 boskierper with Le wholesaic drug house of Farrand, Williams & Clark, sand he save tf hive Charged up msny thousand aseders for De. Willlame' Pink Pills for Pale People, but acwer new their warth anti [ose them Gor the care of clipnaic dyspepsia. Vor two years T sufersd and doctored for that aggravating trouble but could only be Reiped temporarily. “I thiak dyspepsia in one of the most stubborn of silmests. snd thew in sewrvely un clerk or ofloe man bat what is more or less a votim. Seas dave 1 could eat auything, while at oiher times I woulil be starving. Thase distressed Batis would force me to quit work. I here tried many trestasents sud Mmedion but they wanld help anly fora time. A fiend faduoed me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, sod after tals tng a few doses 1 found mach relied snd after usitig severyl boxes 1 wae cured. I Ruow these pills will cure dyspepsia of its wast fie and © am pleased! to reoimimesnd them.” wir onl { Wah} Sowrnal, The genuine package always dears thie full name. At all druggists. or sear postpaid em receipt of price 50° per DOR. by the Dr Wilhams Medicine Co, Sdwnectady NY. ~3 3 snr G ne] ti “Where | Dirt Cathers. Waste Or os SA AN rN 5 OAR "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers