The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 08, 1898, Image 3

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WiLy Gimeexe, Editor. »
OpY. One year, in advance, - - - $1.00 to the acceptance of our terms of
dvertising mates made Known upon ap, peace. The general tone of the
m dtscontinged util all arrar | S48°
. 1888.
Patton and |
to Justice to |
| Comment on the President's Message
Washington, Dec. 5.--The import
ance of the subjects dealt with is ample
‘excuse for the unusual length of Presi
dent McKinley's annnal message to
Congress, the greater portion of which
it, connected with and following it, up
is highly commended; also the
mes- |
{Fill a bottle or common glass with
| your water and let it stand twenty-four |
‘hours; a sediment or settling indicates
{an anhealthy condition of the kidneys;
_if it stains your linen it is evidence of
kidney trouble; too frequent desire to
| pass it or pain in the back is also com-
. is about the war, the events leading to vincing proof that the kidneys and
bladder are out of order.
{ What to we,
There is comfort in the knowledge
‘80 often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
unless wt the option of the | handling of the more or less delicate Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
FPostoffice at
Jaan mall matte
Prtion as second.
2 the country, and it venally is, the mes-
§ army,
question connected with our acquire
‘ment of the Philippines. It is free
from rancor and bombast, although
fully recognizing the unprecedented
achievements of the country in the
| war with Spain. Its dominant note is
| patriotism of the highest order—pa-
| triotism such as every good American
Congress is representative of that of
sage will be generally commended.
| While the legislation of the session
‘of Congress, which opened to-day, will
“have little direct connection with the
newly acquired territory of the
country, several of the regular ap-
| propriation bills, notably those for the
army and for the navy, as well as the
bill for the increase of the regular
will furnish texts for many
speeches on the subject, and the talk
B of Senators and Representatives indi-
cates an intention to take full advant-
age of those texts. Consequently the
(debates of the present session are
{expected to be anusually lively and
just interesting.
y to make
Secretary Alger says, in his annual
report, in favor of his recommendation
E that it be provided in the legislation
for increasing the regular army to
| 100,000 men, that natives of islands oc-
capied by our troops may be enlisted.
These men are acclimated, nnderstand
‘the language and habits of thelr
: eoantrymen, and their enlistment will
Courier along with several
following sentiments of the
n Tribune
good time for the Republi-
ake a Congressional nomina-
ir than the one now in vogue.
uncomfortably close to the
! not cnly give them employment, but
also have the tendency to enable the
government to get into closer touch
- with their people than it would other.
wise be able to do. This would also
relieve our own men from serving in
those climates to a large extent, and
would, moreover, enable the volun-
teers to be mastered out of the service
and return to the avocations of civil
life. That last sentence will do more
to hurry army legisiation than any
other one thing. Every Senator and
Representative is besieged with re-
quests to get this or that regiment of
volunteers mustered out, and they all
Te ‘know that no considerable namber of
her plan is, after getting to-
could appoint
a commitien
5 the different County Con-
approval, or to be modi
submitted back to committee,
¢ the ordinance relating
triumphant but
cleared of
the volunteers will be ordered mus.
tered out until Congress provides for
the enlistment of regulars to take their
places. it is believed that this pecul-
‘iar sitaation will keep men quiet who
otherwise bitterly oppose the bill pro-
viding for the incresse of the regular
The probability of Nicaragua Canal
Jegialation is going to be a good thing
for Washington hotel keepers, this
winter, and it may be that some in-
pecanecus statesman who will be
dropped from Uncle Bam's pay roll at
“the close of the present Congress, will
also handle some of the Panama Canal
Company's money, which it is ander.
ein por! Men erally pent to block
N a Canal legislation. The
- House is the doubtful body: the Senate
is known to be overwhelmingly favor-
“able to the construction of the Nica
ragua Canal by this government.
[There fre signs that the ministration
‘ will use its influence upon the House
this : in favor of canal legislation.
vote for the
were received |
Patton Showid do the Same,
right—for nothing, perhaps.
® feels, regardless of political affiliation
and can endorse. If the sentiment in
ry SA RTL EE a
fulfills every wish. in curing rheuma-
tism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver,
or bad effects following nse of liqoor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that un-
pleasant necessity of being compelled
‘to go often during the day, and to get
‘up many times during the night. The
‘mild and the extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases. If
you need a medicine you should have
the best. At druggists fifty cents or
one dollar.
You may have a sample bottle and a
book that tells more about it, both sent
absolutely free by mail, if you send
your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co,
Binghamton, N. Y. When writing be
sure and mention that you read this
‘ generous offer in the PATTON COURIER.
Clrrieal Oniers fir 189%
The Pennsylvania Railroad company
announces that the ise of Clerical
orders will be continued for the year
1899 on the same lines as in effect at
paesent. Application blanks may be
obtained of ticket agents, and same
should reach the General Office by
December 20, so that orders may be
mailed December 31 to clergymen en
titled to receive them. Orders will be
issued only on individual application of
clergymen when made on blanks fur
nished by the Company and certified
to by one of its agents.
Saw Mili Burned,
. The saw mill of R. A. Hamiiton, in
Brady township, Clearfield county, was
totally destroyed by fire last Friday
afternoon. The flames originated in
the boiler room where a quantity of
fine dust, which had accumulated above
the farnace, exploded. The mill was a
total loss, but the lumber plies were
saved. The owner places his loss at
$4,000. The mill was built in 1580, and
had a capacity of from 25000 to 30,000
feet of lamber per day. It was oper
ated by a band saw and was a well
farnished mill.
Just bn Time
A well-known lady in town exclaimed
the other day: [| bave been wearing
my life out from the effecta of nervous
exhaustion, neuraigia and headaches
My attention was at last diricted to
Barr's Celery Sarsaparilia for the
Nerves, and after using two packages
I am entirely well. Keep your nerves
well and strong by tha ose of this great
vegetable compound. Samples free.
large packages 25 cents Sold only
‘by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy,
About noon yesterday a Serce blast
struck the ice house on the Lingenfelter
farm at RBurket's station, destroying
the building. John Lingenfelter, who
with three others was working in the
building, was struck by flying timbers
‘and knocked unconscious
mained in this condition for several
‘hours. Dr. Morrow, of this city, who
‘was summoned, found him sufferin
with two ghastly scalp wounds an
: ful bruises of the chest. The in-
. juries were dressed and in the evening
‘ Lingenfelter was said to be out of
danger. -- Tuesday's Altoona Tribune.
2 and builds up
Intatiect and fs one for } ;
Jae Sx REELEY ixurroved
It is their pleading for help.
No matter if somebody does try to dissuade
Yours is the pain and danger.
Anything for an examination of the eyes,
and if an oculist’s care is needed we frankly tell you. It
your glasses are crooked, or bend, or pinch, we will set them
The Patton Jeweler.
bladder and every part of the urinary
It corrects inability to hold |
{ water and scalding pain in passing it, |
times of the year in December, in
He re.
prevent th body from.
ridding itself of waste matter. De-
the trouble and core sick headache,
bilionsness, inactive liver and clear the
complexion. Small, sugar coated,
don’t gripe or cause nausea. C. W.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Tive Fist Christman,
The Ladies’ Home Journal says that
Cnristmas was first celebrated in the
year 98 but it was 40 years later before
it was officially adopted as a Christian
festival; nor was it antil about the flifth
century that the day of its celebration |
became permanently fixed on the 25th
of December. Up to that time it had
been irregularly observed at various
April and in May, but the most fre-
quently in January.
Always Fresh.
Fish and oysters at H. Atkinson's,
next to Weakland’'s livery. Fish re
ceived every Thursday and Friday and
dressed free of charge.
Early to bed and early to rise, pre
pares a man for his home in the skies
But early to bed and a Little Early
Riser, the pill that makes life longer
and better and wiser. C, W. Hodgkins,
Patton Pharmacy.
The Cheapest
Place for Holiday
Goods is at
Albums, Toilet Sets,
Work Boxes, Pictures,
Frames, Wall Pockets,
Etc. Etc.
Picture Franmuug a
A. C. FISHER, ror.
Save Your Tike
With every 50 cents worth of goods
presented with a ticket and the person
bringing the largest number of same
to ns on New Years Day 1899, will be
given a $3.00 pair of shoes free.
Pains in the chest when a person has
| Mr. Hardin Norris, clerk of 0
‘day and said, ‘T want a bottle of that
‘stuff that saves chiliiren’s lives. 1 rend
in the News about it. The children
may get sick when we cannot get the
doctor quick enough. It’s the medicine
you sell for croup.’” He alluded So
Chamberlain's cough Remedy and
a cold indicate a tendency toward bought s bottle before he left the store.
ened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and bound on to the chest over the
seat of pain will promptly relieve the
pain and prevent the threatened attack
of pneumonias. This same trvatment
will care a lame back in a few hours
Sold by Patton Pharmacy, OC. W.
Hodgkins, :
Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative,
A picce of flannel damp- For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W.
Many a household is saddened by
- death because of the failure to keep on
hand a safe and absilutely certain care
for eroup such an Ome Minutes cough
care. See that your little ones are
protected against emergency. C. W.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Lower prices than ever
Now prevail in the big
Every department is crowded and Hol-
day (Goods are on display.
are good values:
Ladies’ dackets
No better money-saving chances can
be found than these offers, and more
likely not as good.
One lot of Ladies’ Jackets, probably
150 in all, have been greatly reduced,
One lot were 85 to $7.50, now $3.49,
Other lots at the same redaction.
Could yon ask Yr greater valones?
Second floor, front.
Ladies’ Outing Gowns.
We have a beantiful assortment of
Ladies’ and Misses’ Outing Night
Gowns in pink and blue, Mother Hub-
bard style, torchon lace trimmed, very
handsome, $1.38 each,
Empire style, lace trimmed, $1.25
Plain Mather Hubbard, 58c and 79.
Misses’ Gowns, (0c, 58¢ and 66e.
Ree them, loft aisle, second floor.
R Great Corset Bargain.
To make things lively in the Corset
department we offer a Sc Comet in
white, drad and biasck. 5-book, solid
bone bust, at the small sum of [i8e.
The following
You will call it a .
whet you have exam it.
Fur Muffs Reduced.
One lot of black Coney muffs, regu-
Inr price 75¢, our price now 53¢ esch.
Ome lot Coney muffs were $1, now
88¢ aach.
sr aris seal mufls, worth $23.45, now
Natural Opossuni, were $1.89, to go
at $129 each.
ere are other jorts, but these fig-
ures show the bargain prices set apon
the entire lot.
Right aisle, second floor.
Men's Gloves.
Fleece lined motha in one and two
Astrakban buck kid palm one button
Gloves, 750 to $1.95 per pair.
Silk lined dog skin, one button, as-
sorted colors, $1 per ig
Unlined dress kids in all fashionable
shades, §1 to $1.50 per pair.
Working gloves in sheepskin, goss,
huackskin, Bee $1.50 per pair.
Cassimere, Jersitys and Scotch gloves
Mie ard $1.25 per pair.
Two cans
ie 6
One lb. Tea,
“ box Lye
Four cakes Soap -.
Oolong or Eng-
Ib. Loose