The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 08, 1898, Image 1
PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1808. i SS Reece Ltt a . We've Got 0 "Em Now! WHAT? PAkes, _ Special secial preparations and fminenge pur: cha a have been made re for he ri combin- Handsome Dolls, Notions, you may want which a beautiful resent. and look at our new toys, games, ous diversions, dolla, sleds, 5, little a, droll optical 8 anid other lively and inex- pensive presents for the youngsters. ou are sore to find just what you “want for just what you can pay. a convention and patting into execu Foley tton Pharmacy. 2 > eg narters for Medicines, Chemicals, nery, Confectionery, he Seasonable cles at 5 : A and miners, umbing and Tin Work Specialty. irti- JOHN STAIR PASSES AWRY. Injured hv wa Fatt of Coal in Pardee Colikiry Nov, 18, ; John Stair, a mach esteemed citizen Gieaned Here and There by of Patton, died at his home Carroll HE setae’ DD anarip towship, near the Patton borough the “Courier Rep: ter. line, Tt morning at the age of i 61 yoars, 5 months and 6 days, of in- MINERS’ CONVENTIONS [20 To artes sotiers on : T———— | November 14, 1808, cansed by a fall of Which Were Held a1 Poth Pittsharg snd coal, of which the CorrRiER made men- Philipsburg Last Week, i tion vecentiv. i . The convention which was held in The decessed was horn in Cebtre Pittaburg last week was a large and | onty, Pa., June 20, 1519, and served enthusiastic one, a good attendance eountry during the Civil war, hav- being present. ing enlisted in 1861, and received his . The following are the important, ....11a discharge in 1985. He was resolutions adopted: twice married, first on July 4th, 1865, 1. The permanent establishment of nd again in November, 1885 an eight-hour wos day. TT Preepased was the father of 11 chil 2. A menéral advance in mining gq... aight to his first wife and three 10 his second, two of which have died. His wife and the foliowing children Sa ni © 3. That cutting with the Harrison and Jeffery machines in rooms be 1-5th ou 100 16 mourn the loss of a kind ‘and 1-8th respectively. husband and a loving father: Mary, | 4. That we demand anadvance over go... and Julia, of Pittsburg; Sarah, and sbove the present rate for loading Harvey, Eli, May, Cyros and Renoids, after all machines, and extra pay for! of Patton. moving slate. © The fneral services were condacted oT, That the difference between the |, joy ‘poter Kaylor Post, G. A. K., thick and thin veins be referred to the of width he was a member. as was Mr. | inter-state convention and that we i : ; Stair's request, that he should be given Tecourend that it be reduced one. | military burial { The remains were taken to the M. i 8. That limit on wagons be abol- pn prah on Wednesday afternoon ished. call and appropriate services conducted by 7. That we demand a run of mine Rev. Witman, after which they were {Syslam entirely. laid to their final resting place in Fair 8. That drivers and day hands be advanced in proportion with mining. view cemetery, east of Patton, j : Kill Bock Tribe, 1 0. RM. attended In speaking of the convention held the faneral of the deceased in a body, at Philipsburg Wednesday of last week he also being a member of that order. the Lilly Signal says that it was vers The bereaved family have the sym- poorly attended but that the delegates pathy of the entire cammanity as Mr. followed the caly line of action POSE Stair was a man wha achieved many ble under the circumstances, that of friends wherever he made his homie. ordering on strick all mines working under the scale rate. The representa. LOCAL INSTITUTES tion was especially poor from this Towa ta be Haid North Cambria Matar. county. day he. 10 Now that the comvention bas been A local institute will be held in the held let it be followed up by good hard Banner grange hall near Patton on work by those in anthority in ringing Saturday eveniog December 10, 1898. all places up to the scale price, even if A wplendid program has been prepared [the term “scale price’ is fast becom. which is as follows: Address of wel- ing obsolete in the district. Holding come, Jos Farabsogh: Response, T. J. ¥, Mind's growth, its order and tiom the orders of the convention are wiimulus, T. L CGitmen, Ewsay, C. C. two entirely differcot things, Rieg; Social problems and education, Too many delegates believe that they 8 0. Thomas: Heading, G. H. Hipps. have done their duty when they attend The session will open at 7:30 p. m , and & convention and make a report 10 will be interspersed with music. All their constituents. This is a mistake friends of education are cordially in- as then the work is only begun and if vited to attend. the convention is to be of any benefit The following is the program of a to the district every delegate who as joint institute of Eider and Chest sisted in the work of the convention townships, to be held at Hoover school should feel it his doty to put his house, No. 5, Elder township, Satar- shoulder to the wheel and do all in his day, Iwcember 16, THOR, opening at 1 power to put the resolutions into effect. o'clock m: Flag-raising and exer. If this would be done and a little more cises. i Care of the school-room.* individual effort infused into the move. open t by P. J. Baker. ment better results would be obtained, ship.” F. E. Wenta “Busy work in and when the next convention would the sehock-room,"” opened by A J be held a better and larger representa- Kirk. “Child study,” opened by H. { ton would be had and one which would T, Wentz. Program interspersed jcommand the respoct of both operators throughout with songs and recitations. 4 3 Big Cont Deal Word from DuBois says the largest coal deal ever made in the centre of the bituminous region was «flected one day last week when the Northwestern ‘Mining & Exchange company, which ‘has operated in Elk county for twenty. five years, purchased 7.000 acres of the Minewt coal lands in Clearfleld and Jef ferson counties, and which have no Marrtage Licensa. The following marriage licenses were ‘recorded at Ebensburg up to December | Ist: James Barto, Coalport, and Viola Bhank, Dunlo; Mayk Smilnyack and Suzie Gleta, Barnesboro; J. W. Powell, VanOrmer, and Lula Landis, Fallen Timber; David J. Evans and Agnes Hall, Puritan; Williame 8S. Giggey, Sheridanville, Pa., and Dora M. Beers, superior in the State. The exact Fallen Timber, Hamuel Clossin, dr amount which changed hands on the a nd Mary Myers, Gallitzn; William deal is not obtainable, but there is no Wistar =a 4 Raney E. Welstencroft, donbt that the fransaction will lead 16 Carroll township. the investment of many millions in that section and cannot bat be an im. Word from Washington says Arch portant factor in des ecloping that part bishop Chappelle, of New Orleans, had of Pennsylvania. The Erie Railroad, an interview Saturday morning with which is the controlling power of the President McKinley, He announced Northwestern, will extend ita ine to as he departed that his visit was very DuBois, thereby giving another com- satisfactory, and suggested that it re- peting line to the Great Lakes and the lated to the ‘reorganization of the East and West. | Catholic Charch in Porto Rico and Yardicd Caba. He will leave New Orleans : Te =) shortiy for Porto Rico, and later will Wednesday, Nov. =, 150, Harvey go to Cuba as Apostolic Delegate, but heunest and Mim Hannah Gabrielson, ‘he will remain Archbishop of New Poth of Patton, Jesse Dale, Haq, per. '¥ To Recagoize the Cathie Chaves, “Penman. | Do Your Buying of Dress Goods, Millinery, Coats and Furs at JAS Weve Got LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS -. OUR BORD. "DADS" EET | In Regular Session Tuesday ; Night and Transact Contract for Mleeirie Light Lat Severs) Bills Passed. Patton, Pa., Dec. 8 Patton Borough | Council met in adjourned regular ses. i sion this evening with the following members present as per roll call: Hab. bard, McCormick, Scheid, Anderson, Blair and Jones. The minutes of reg- ular meetings held November 7th and December 5th were read and approved, - EP. McCormick, a member of the Street Committee, reported that the work of the Street Commissioner has not been properly attended to in the past, and on motion of Scheid, and seconded | by Blair, it was carried that the Street Committe be instructed to interview 8. E. Jones, Street Commissioner, and see if he can give the streets and board walks the time and attention that they require, if not that they have the right "to hire some ane else to look after them until Council meats and elects a new CRE ’ On motion of Jones and seconded by MeCaormick, it was carried thet Reuel Somerville, borough solicitor, be in- structed to nae his best judgement in regards to the damage suit of Reese Ldoyd et al, against the Borough of Patton, for injuries sostained 10 his horse by breaking through culvert on eat Magee avenve Sanday, July Fiat, 189% On motion of McCormick and seo. onded by Schedd, it was carried that the vaccination bill of Dr. Weida be referred to Renel Somerville, who was instrocted fo make best settlement possible in the matter. On motion of McCormick and sec. onded by Jones, it was carried that the Borough Solicitor be instrocted to notify A. E. Patton, trustee, in regard ta removing old log hotee, On motion of Scheid and seconded by Binir, it was carried that the petition praying for side walk to be laid on north side of West Magee avenue, and ceommunicoation from Dominick Care rettl, asking for 8 board walk on Ros (moll avenue, be accepted and referred to the Street Committes, which mem. bers were instructed to investigate the On motion of MeCormick and sec. -onded by Scheid, it was unanimously . earried that the following resolution be accepted as read Resolution, | Whereas, the streets, lanes and alleys ‘of the Borough of Patton are insnf- | ficiently lighted at night, and whereas, | George 8. Giood has located and built | an electric plant in said Borough, for the purpose of farnishing light by 3 electricity, therefore be it resolved by the Boargess and Town Council as sembled, that the Burgess and Clerk of said Borough, be, and are hereby auth. orized to enter into a written contract, in the name of the Borough of Patton, with the said George 8 Good, for the rental and use of ten are lights for the purpase of lighting the bE aforeanid for a period of five years; said Hghte to be located an follows: tine lig the corner of Fifth aed Mager: avenue; one light on Magee avenue, between the railroad crossing and Donnelly bridge; one light cn Mel 1 - slirvein % ht on lon avenue, above Mellon's old hotel property) de dght on corer of Filth and Kerr avenues; one liget on corner of Sixth and Palmer avenues: one light on corner of Fifth and Palmer avenues: one Lght on Beech avenue near Dennis Flynn's residence; one light on corner of Pennsylvania and Beech avenues, near public school building; one light on corner of Fourth and Melatire avenues, one light on corner of Sixth and Lang avenues, near Swede church alley. Said contract to be revoked and IMPORTANT BUSINESS. . QUIN! : ——— : {8. Good, his heirs, legal representa. tives and assigns, § i $ , Johnstown, Pa. AA Save Your 'Pekets, With every 50 centy’ worth of On motion of Jones, and seconded by’ purchased at our store you will McCormick, it was carried that a presented with a ticket and the pers building permit be granted to F. H. bringing the largest number of » me Kinkead to erect a building on Magee to us on New Years Day, 1509, will be ‘avenue between the buildings of Mr. | given « $3.00 pair of shoes free. : Goldstein and P. P. Young. i | On motion of Scheid, and seconded | by Blair, it was carried that the three! bills of the Patton Water Co. he re. | ferred back for correction. 1 On motion of McCormick, and sec onded by Blair, it was carried that the | following bills be accepted and clerk | instructed to draw orders for same: | G. D. Holes, $50.00 for police services for month of November; R. Somerville, : $30.00 for six months’ salary; Fred Quinn, 75¢ for coal per bill rendered: ! Enoch Short, $1.00 for hauling; John | Nagle, 25¢ for work per bill rendered; | Patton Pub. Co., $8.70 for printing per bill rendered; E. Will Green, $10.00 for clerk services for months of October and November; and the following for street work per Street Commissioner Jones’ account: 8. E. Jones, $9.80: W. | W. Lucas, $1.20; John Tate, $1.40; H. Tate, 80¢; Dan Jenkins, $1.20. Father of BF. Wise, of Patton, Expired Last Sunday Morning. D. W. Wise, quite well known throughout Clearfield county, passed away last Sunday morning at 1 o’clogk aged SO years, 8 months and 34 days Mr. Wise was born in Northamber- iand county March 3 1818, and his father, David Wise, moved to the Old Fort, near Centre Hall, in Contre county, when the Major was a boy, and our subject came into Clearfield county in IS38 and settled on a farm near Ansonvilie, where he followed farming for the remainder of his active life. He was a leading citizen in bis com- munity, having filled with credit ali the township offices and served his county as Treasprer for the term of 1874-75. militia before the Civil Wir, wlence came his title by which he was most familiarly known. He has one brother and two sisters dead and issurvived by one sister, 32, living at Contre Hall and one brother, 78, living ut Berwin. dale. He was twice married, fist to Mary Williams, and later to Sarah Rose. The first union was blessed with four sons, one of whom is dead, and three danghters, two of whon are dead. Those who sarvive are Mrs John Swan, of Graham county, N. C.; B. F. Wise, a popular, well-to-do busi- news man living at Patton: J. C, and W. D. Wise, prosperous and respected farmers at Ansonville, The remains were laid away in their final resting place, Zion cemetery, near Ansonville, yesterday | Tuesday The funeral sermon will be preached next Sunday by Rev. Forrest at his regular appointment. Mahaffey Ga- mite. Got Twa Deer David Wilson returned home Satur. day evening after a two weeks’ vaca tion in the wilds of Huntingdon coun. ty. Mr Wilson, in company Samuel Leightaer, John Chesney, Rob. ert Canningham, Wm. Nagle and Dr. Lapfer, composed the camping party, with headquarters at Harvey's Valley. They were quite successful, having killed two deer and 127 rabbits. On sunday the Commercial botel bad a vernson dinner, and those that had the pleasure of being present pronounce ft ave of the nest treats the season, David reports a pleasant ti dung i Rt ¥ 5 of trie £1 hin sodours i fhe wax Fievitic Haulage Alex Dunsmore, Lhe Bloo superintendent of mington Mining corppany, in. forms the COURIER representative that that company bas just completed the work of patting in an alectric haolage systems in the colliery at Winburne, Pa. This mine is also equipped with the very latest and improved com- pressed air mining machines, making it, along with the many other modern improvements, the best and most com- | For: 4A s He wan elected Major in the with GOLINTRIN'S Masowre Derr. Store. Where It Bi "Em. iving Day hain onme sud goss Thank artarn’s smile and frown, With The mrkeys “got It in the nee,” Thee smmil hoy lower down, Kx. IH JE WANT our 4 Ving establishment quot- ed from one end to the other as the place for soundest qual ities, the place to obtain great- est variety and in act, to form the basis for comparisons, the measure « 1 money’s worth. Ree our line of suits we are offer 2 at 18 und $20 suitable for dress and business, made in any style. Have s look at them before they are picked aver, 2 CALL AND SEE US. i fd Dinsmore Bros., PATTON, PA. $14. WORK GUARANTEED ARDWARE. Hardware Quality. Not how many pounds, but how how good each pound is counts in Hardware. TRE BETTER the GRADE TRE BETTER the TRADE. Never wis there a truer word spoken. It has been our watchword from the start. Noth. ing but the best at any price, but the price is slwiys as low asthe lowest. You may be in need of a Move. If so you'll find the largest stock and lowest prices at the tT Tailor- # J MIFTRICK. Mas, Yeager Bldg, Patton, Pa. | Stylish Neck Furs! We have gathers] here a come plete assortment of ladies” stylish neck sears, made of all the popular furs that Fashion has deeressd should have Ber for this season, They are nll excellent valoes-~the prices having heen placed on them wfare the recent advaose wm the tar mavket. Same ot the styles and prices of the scaria; Orleas forming the ceremony. The bride and annulled by the Burgess and Town | Vr 'eans, | groom are two well-known young peo- Council of said Borough for any un. plete colliery operated along the line An Aged Lady Expires. ‘ple and highly esteemed by all who satisfactory condition of the light or : eo line. of ‘window of the Beech Creek railroad. CHAIRS from $1.00 to 11 line of Hardware and sive us a call for yourself . Mrs. John Warner, an esteemed lady | know them. Many presents were re. (of Bt. Lawrence, died at the home of .uived by the happy couple. The her son, Jacob, in that place, Saturday (Covrien, along with their many | morning, at the age of 82 years, of in- friends, wish them a smooth voyage firmities produced by old age. Mrs through their wedded life. | Warner was an early settler in Cam- bria county, and leaves to mourn her List of Unclaimed Letters, departure five sons. The remains were The following letters remain in the id to rest in the Catholic cemetery at postoffice at Patton for the week end- {that place Tuesday morning after ing Thuisday, December 8, 1568: requiem high mass. ' Annie Carlen, Mra. Lucy Burns, Eva Can You Meat It? Fulkerson, Mrs. Sadie Helerley, Mrs. Peter Campbell, of Carrolitown, was J. Helfrich, Mr. Ben Hancock, Mr. circulating among friends in Patton | Robert Irvin, Geo. M. Kane, Miss one day last week. While here Mr. | Jessie Viechocka, Mr. John D. »iford, mpbell infc | Mr. Wm. Snyder. pig a little over a year BA Mzuwox, P.M. Persons calling for the above letters oo lights upon 15 days’ notice to the said George 8. Good; rentals to cease upon the annailment or cancellation of the contract and notice to the said George 8. Good. The Borough of Patton to pay tw the said George 8. Good, for the use of the said arc lights the sum of Seventy-five Dollars each per year; payments to be made at the end of ‘each month for the lights so used. Should any one or more lights fail to give satisfactory light the Burgess and ‘ Council may, afer notice givea to the said George S. Good, refuse to pay for the use of the same until such arc shall ; be made to give satisfactory light and aid. This contract shall be cil as aforesai ‘made 0 28 to extend to the said George | Died After a Friendly Rout. During a friendly contest at Maho- | noy City Saturday night, Benjamin | Cuil, aged 24, and Willinm Faust, aged | 3M, the former sank to the floor und died in a few minutes. None of the blows exchanged were of very great! force and it is believed that over-ezer. tion was the cause of Cull's death. A post mortem was beld Sanday ¢ven. | : t All persons who are holding bills, against Patton Fire Co. No. 1 are re, quested to present the same not later! than Dec. 3lst, 1398. All bills not re- | mitted by that time will not be given! Parton Fire Co., No. 1. others if yoa be a of GABLE & CO. { 1320-22 AND 140¢ 11th AVENUE, § -