The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 01, 1898, Image 7

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    od for a long tims with oa.
feeling In my head. I be-
taking Hood's Sarsaparilia, and # did
dred Dollses :
that cannot By cure
L, Clexey & Oo. Props, Taledo, O.
audersiged, $ _ Ynown F. 1 Cte
bie in
ears and believe b
. all business tan
able to carry out any obi
~Whers Is your son today
irphy? 1 hope bs tent fll. Mrs
Sure, Mike's to be married to
‘am, an’ he's gone to bed to
pile Of wishes his troosaw for
Reed, of Fredericksburg,
$ secured from the Chancellors.
efield a novel relic of the war
It is an apen pocketknife,
blade of which. hax
represents the growth of the tres
it time. :
OR onion BRED 1 HAE hs
ode and sacred books of the
provision is made for cap-
ah rre hut & cuiprit is ta be
Eth thongs a number of biows,
to Lis offense. and if he
ane is ty Mame,
HE Arnolds Coongh Killer has no
or Calla, ~PAvL .. Minien, Colises,
“aida, h pd a
HRI ai ne
i ' NEWEIAPpErs Gre refalos
for a cafe would hardly do business
lin players and “he warm mights are
made pleasant to the stiollers along |
4 minor key, which, when intended
iment to the melody.
shufle of feet upon the sanded floor,
ithe “gaira,” which word is
nounced Vhnirroraa,” witha soft roll
| and twist to the tongue ovly possible
; this ronghened side of the gonrd with
Eleotrie | swo-fined steel fork.
tthe invention by a native
machine for rolling tea.
vost of the production of tea
: Bouse 1.390.209 cotton
association, whose |
playing, though no musical record is
without one. Every main street dur-
ing the latter part of the day has its
little itinerant bund of guitar and vio-
the streets by the sound of stringed
instruments which floats from behind |
the latticad, vine-clad sereen of pri.
vate residences,
Nearly all of the airs are pitched in
to be joyons, contains 8 plaint to the
Anglo-Saxon fond of Sousa’s robust
music. To one who has traveled in
Spavish lands the music at Porto
Rivo at first seems very familiar, but
the car is not long in discovering
something novel in the accompani- |
It sounds at first like the rhvihmical
and one might suppose some expert
clog dancer was nimbiy stepping to
the music made by the violins and
guitars. The motion is almost too
quick, too complicated, for this, bow.
ever, and it is the deftness of fingers
snd not of feet which produces it.
It come from the ouly musical in- |
strament native to the West Indies,
tothe native. The 'gaira” 1s a gourd
varying in size in different instra.
ments. On the inverse omrve of the
rourd are cat holes like those in the
ok of a violin. On ths other side
of the gourd opposite the holes isa
series of deep scratches. The player
balances the gourd in hin loft hand, |
holding it lightly, that none of the re
may be lost.
With kis right hand he rapidly robs
Ta the hands
of a novice this prodaces nothing but
s harsh, disagresable noise. In the
hands of a native ‘‘guira” player »
the Guly snocems il Dossy Specialists in the |
: fiser,
many suitors
wonderful rhythmic sound comes from |
this dried vegetable shell, a sound |
which in ite place in the orchestra |
es music, and mont eceriainly |
gives splendid time and considerabie |
volume to the performance.
The player's band moves with light
ning rapidity. The steel fork at times |
makes long sweeps the whole length of |
the gourd and then sgwin vibrates
with incredible swiftness over but an
inch or two of its surface. There
seems to be a perfect method in its
before the player, and it seems to be
8 maitor merely of his fancy and bis
ear as to how his part shall harmonize
with the melody of the stringed in.
The gaira is found in all the West |
Indies, but seems specially popular
in Porto Rico. The players generally
make their own instruments, and sp- |
parently become attached to them, for
48 poor as they are, they will hard. |
‘ly part with them for their real
- valae.
They are distinetly a Porto |
Rican curio, sad strange as it may |
seem, Porto Riso is probably more
Bb New York city,
plant trees and thus
needed shade in hot |
The appeal issued
both by scien. the
4 calls upon afl
Y, but especially
| salt, for it will be
ok si a wh
destitute of tourists’ “loot” than any |
foreign country known to the travel. i
ing American. The tourist who ean |
secure a guira may congratulate him. |
hard to get pod is
very thing which ean be carried |
away from the island as = souvenir i
which is distinetly native and pecn- |
The Small Boy sad the House,
A small frame house, which stood |
many years in what is now one of
best residence districts on the
west side of New York City,
torn down a few days ago, and its
has been sadly
or feels that be
borbood was cheap.
owner of this house rented it
several months ago for $46 a month,
aad went away to the country. The
teuauts, for some reason unknown to
their od the bonse a
fow weeks ago, and within a day or
wo of their departure the boys of the |
neighborhood had appropriated it.
‘When they tired of umag it as a play-
they built a bonfire on the |
second floor and ran away. The fire
: ead pipe in
had been stolen, doors had been
d off and everyth
velopes containing u sl
Its methods are nimpeachrbie ba
10, Suplestauiness over
hold both until I come’ The next
ters at the American cnspel on the
house was erected when |
of © cheapeat
Best state in
enter mo
Right on ds bgp
St, Jacobs Oil
it Pensirates, Searches, Drives Out.
save the Baby
From stranghng with croup, Hy check.
ing it at with Hoxsle's Cvanp
Cure, WH A. P. Hoxwie, Bufalo
x YY ;
HH Grerx's Sosa of Atienta, Ga. are
wurid, Ses thelr Hhera! oer in gilvertivg
IWHEAT No. tered... 8
{RYE No.1.
| REEDS Clover. 80 Ba.
Crain. Flour and Peed.
FLOUR Winter patents,
Fancy stratght winter...
Bye Bowe a eee
HAY - No. I timainy
Clover. Xo. 1...
FEED Xo 1 white mid, ton
Brown middiings
Han bale,
BTHAW.. When
wd RE
oe 00 URES TSE GE de
Timothy, prime... ......
Dalry Products
BUTTER - Elgin creamery.
Ohio creamery Sled
Faney country roll. ......
CHEESE. -Ohio, new...
New York, new Shasta
Fruits and Vegetables
mantis anther colurnn of this paper,
Piar's Cnre (2 the medicine ta hreak
ritidren’s Coagha and Colds Mex, MW,
Brose Sprague, Wash. March § tg
5 |
Russian exports 430000 &0
Ia ne BA Ame
No-To-Bac for Fifty Cente
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes weak |
mee sirong, bicod pure Bc. fl. All druggins
United States containg T5000 type. |
BEANS. [fma ¥ or
CABBAGE Perit...
| ONIONS Choles yellow, 2 ba
| CHICKENS Per palr, snail §
{ TCREKEYS—-Porh, . ...... ..
| EGGE- Fa. and Obis, fon
P BYE. -Na 2.
Bo eal
POTATO Faley While ¢ bu
Poultry, Eig
Both of the American Girls Got Engh
ble Masbands.
“An exceedingly clever bit of mateh-
making bas just been executed by an
American lady whose sldest daughter
left New York with some friends on a
European tour. and who, after doing |
the continent, returned to our gay cap~ |
ftal for several months of rest and
pleasuring.” writes a resident of Paris |
to the New York Commercial Adver-
“Attractive and clevse sha had
She adroitly reduced
the number to two Then she » ote
homa to her mdther, explaining the
exact situation of affairs, adding that
ther were both so handsome, agreeable,
well-conducted and rich that she conid
not decide between them, ard closed
with the gestion: “What shall | do
Ten days later she rocoived a telegram
from her mother: ‘I sail tomorrow: |
transatiantic steamer brought the
mother with her second daughter. just
turned 18. On "or arrival she at once |
took the helm of afMaire and she ar-
tended the wedding of her two daugh-
same morning”
Cost of Launching » Warship
The total cost of the launch of ~ |
modern battleship often amounts to |
over $10000. About five tons of tal
low and over a ton of oil and soft BORp
are used in greasing the ware that i=
the slip down which the cradle iu |
which the vessel is placed, glides into
the sea
a 0 Pr ec iso
All for One P
“What a Jovely new sofffure Miss
Oldtimer has Where did she gor the
#t¥le™ “That comes with the hair” oe
LR ®IXteepih
I RaprOaris heavy
| Ww
Bo Ra Bods Pola Ther Ta A yk
SARS GBR DIY Seen (Te warat
- slight
are re less and nervous.
1 taste good, and
1 is poor; the skin
sallow and disfigured
pimples or eruptions;
sleep brings no rest snd work
is a burden,
What is the caose
of all his?
. FLOUR., ras
i WHEAT No 2red... ...
{CORN No. § mized. |
{OATS No 7 white
| EGGS Peunayivania fonts
Tidy, 1000 to 1150 Bw,
( Falr ght seers, 00 to 100 a
. Hoay > : ;
| Boughe aed stags
Good, 85 (0 0 Pa
| Fair, W010 8 Ba
i Common.
Voul Cnives
Bgringer sxtes, ....
| Bprisger, good to choles
Common 1s fair
¢ Good to cholve yearlings.
Pivgvinag freely
and is for medinm plain fabrics
i peciuiily ]
ibn dhe
{BUTTER Ohto creamery.
Creamery, #xira
FLOUR Patents... ..
WHEAT No, 2 red
COBEN Now 2. ade
F OATS White Westerg,
EGGX. State of Pian
Creamery, .......
Central Srovk Yarde Yast Liberty, Pa
Prime, (300 to 1400 Te
Good, 100 te 1300 Da
4 50
4 8
Common, 700 10 00 na
Medium |
Prime, 55 to 105 hy
EOL we a
vi oe G8
Extra yeariings, Hight
wh 3
oa SSA
Lommon,. ...,... LE
Trankagiving Weer Witiiewssed Prosperity
Amunsg Many of the [odusiries
Pin & Cols weekly review
wind for last week
MINE means Bw
Fedognited arger
£3 3
tnan for thirty
Ras rae
® oor Lee wR
(HES Cngstes
romped las
} soil goals
prodiae ting in
an advance of
and all
the cuariaBnent of
Print clothe hep capesd
while the export
Broow sn goog
fhe Teslinig that
Heit by
rearders for
though neither
¢hothilors have yet
The hulk the do
miprovemient i
jobberas por
clays but high
o gowwds are guiet, More is doing
aw oenid, By put efcasgh Hw Pe
W, iF Rave wong
Ep Loney
So AmuY wy
a Jill ino
washed Mieves
fn othe atest rail
far final
Sut td
eaningdt oaks
) pel 3. But a
Bey bors maid
de, wRpparentiy a sar
"i 5X i which
L Mars condenses
PL than
. Brows sironger
5 for Sale!
forma in Ashtabula ors |
Jefferson, Ashtabula Co. O
ny, ud v 4 »
F Thomsen works Rave stir!
i ahead
further arders for plates inely
ely lant year
Ing « fine
Promoting a bull fight and a fine
upon any promoter of 8 eo
the case of & cock feht the Ane will
fall upon witnesses Rs well
Rd Vanes $8 26
SEDUYRE are in bead 5 5
35 and steel bars at $4 the Edgar
1 un rails
four months orders
Works Suave booked
ding Hue
for Lu tons, and statements made by
the Iron Age shows that bids for the
MLD tone needed in the 6 Hardie
Pipe Hines, with other heavy *X phy
CODIrACis. dre hindered oly by as
ocean freight svndicats
Wheat has again advanced a shinda
though for sper only Ye during the
while western receipts are
ReRVY! for four weeks have hess 3%.
E291 bushels, against 29.119 104 bs
Ths Arluntic exports
Hour included. have been
bushels last year Pacific exports,
FILI5 bushels, against LEMME bashes
last year, making for three weeks uf
Navember 1564 06g bushels. again
15,195. 208 busheis last year While Al
antic shipments exceed fats YOUra a
decreane from the Pacific altecta this
market but Hittle. Moreaver CHTrn PX
POE continde Beaey, fn four wee,
058128 bushels against 9 3
bushels last year lifting the price
and showing a vontinged dewand fa
nearly five months almost squad to the
Baprecedented demand of bast wear
Fullures for the week Rive been (86
In the United States against 7% Yast
Year, and 1 in Capida, aguainer = ast
year .
With three to
Gan. Wood Prevents Cock Figbne
Gen. Woad at Sartinge nas given hos
BROrGVARL to a scheme for a sehosd tar
tive higher education of women similar
§ Baxs
There in i
ed free?
Put a piece of Ivory Soap in the dainty
basket mother love prepares for the baby. Pure,
unscented white soap,
like the Ivory, is the
best for the rose-leaf skin of the new-comer.
Scents too often disguise impurities that would
injure it. Be wise in time, before the mischief
is done.
The vegetable oils of which Ivory Soap is made, and its purity,
fit it for many special uses for which other soaps are unsafe and
Dupreight, SHE vy Tor Frnainr § Satie 1s. uitusetl
Mens. Bergliot 1hasn daughter of the
| dramatist, is 3 musician of Do mean
order. She will, it fs sald perform
| NeXt year at concerts in Norway.
Queen Victoria's journeys are very
serious and carefully arranged under
(takings, and each perwon traveling
| with ber is allotted a definite place,
| In correct procedure; fifteen saloon
; and other carriages being necessary
| Tor the transportation of the court to
| Beotiand, and the annual cost of the
| queen's visits there amounting te
| about $25,000
. Women are keenly competing wilh
| men in art and professional life In
| America, as is shown by recent stati
i ties.
i professional artists, 390 Joursalists and
2.300 who are engaged in literary work |
of one kind or another. The number
of women who are dramatic sutlors of
theatrical managers is 300,
Mrs. Gladstone's health 3 pot all
that family sould desire. Thera
# no cause for alarm. but i is stated
In the United States thers are :
| 4.000 actresses and 35000 woman wo-
| calists and instrumentalists; 11.000 gre |
Another Loag-Felt Wine :
| "It's no use talkin,” sald Mr Core
his pipe. “Thik gover'meni ain't rus
right.” “What's the mattiur™ sake
the neighbor. “There ain't enough pen
ple to do the work. They're tryin’ te
put too much on to the war departs
ment. When it yas decided to have 8
war the war department (pplled fur
men an’ got ‘em; it went ahead an’
licked the Spaniards an’ ‘wound the
business up in & few months. War
wits easy. But if they want to open up
an office that won't have anything but
busy days an’ all kinds of trouble. lef
‘vin make arrangements Nir & pence
dupariment Cleveland Lender.
I od OS A AN hh SRY
amped Coser :
fed, J. A Nut
Saosquebssne Ave, Philadiiphis. Pe
that in the asighborhood of Hawarden | |
castle it is a matter of observation
| that It has been found necessary to
Cemil In the family doctor mors fra
| quently of late. Up to now the ven-
| arable lady has borne her sorrow with
| much fortitude, but at her great age
| It has left an indelible impression up-
I on her. Mra Giladstooe still teskes i
| keen interest, however. in all the af-
| fairs of Hawarden and devotes much
| time to her various works of charity.
Why isn't the bride well dressed
who is well groomed?
| WHY?
Why is it that a free lunch & never
| Why isn't asking a man's Hite a
| question of Identity?
| Why Isn't the bride well dressed
| who is well groomed?
i Why shouldn't a man be excused for
being ligoted against bigotry?
Why isn't the bamp of ecantion
i placed on the front of a man's head?
Why does the average woman pra-
fer bettug idealized on being under.
Why does the man who pats you on
the back always turn his own buek tw
i be patind?
| Aduptibilivy.
Mrs. A -"Didn't you think Mrs
Whipley a very reflaed woman
B—"She was vulgar to me” “Wall,
she is adaptable”
Belfast a shipbuilding #rm
dered steel ship plates of an Tiinois
steel company,
A rf A Se east.
Beauty Is Blood Oeep,
Clean blood means
beauty wither? &. Casconrets,
tic clean your blood and ke
ent oY
stirring up the lay liver and dry me
purities from the Body, Begin to-day to |
nish pamples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilions complexion by taking
Cascarety, —beauty for ten conta, A drugs
Fete, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, ie,
Moxion has Mars than 7.008 miles of
railroad. Thirty.elgat of the railwa vs
are subsidized by the Government.
Pem’t Toharro Spit and Smobe Your Life Away,
To quit waco easily snd forever. be mag
aetie, full of life. nerve and vigor, take No'To
Bae, the wonder worker, that makes wont men
Wrong. Al druggists, 30 or 8. Cure guaran
to the American normal #ohood,
Last week he issued & notics
of Hole upon any
of 353
tk Hght. In
a¥ pro.
teed Boskiet and sammie tres Address
Beciing Remedy Co, Clicago or New York
Two-thirds of Japun's bicycles
has or}
a clean skin. No |,
Max TK. Law Csetondade. Pa
Ft anal gov aig fae.
“ido esithy aud rujeed. [of ‘
wherneser | go. My rior Trey 8 awd
thinks it a v Arbikre im
OR. J. HW. DYE MED. INwT.. Buisle, N. ¥.
Ww ANTED nse of nail waith that RIP A-S8
TT wil aut benefit Send ote x Hy Are
Co SuwYurk for 19 saasies sod 108 ton im
EA = oobiaiad
in ai A A SY
American wheals,
Sh os —
Mow Winslow's Soothing Byrmp for ohildoe
tev thing, soflons the gums, reducesin ;
tor, a pain, capes wind colic, Ses battle
tomsel as he knocked the shes out of