The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 01, 1898, Image 5

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    ri on Ms ssi 5
Feed and Buckwhest Mills-26tf
W. E. Thun, of Johnstown, made a
business trip to Patton Taesdsay.
'M. H. Haines, of Gaxzam, Pa., was
Ri a visitor to our town one day last week.
HW Braughler and lady, of Cher-
on Fue, upentt Sunday among friends in
> Star, Cipar Co., of Altoona, was
{calling on trade in Patton Tuesday. :
Prot. Fulton, principal of the Patton
- bir str ny hoon tonfind tn bin
atch fur the new ad of the Patton
ly in the CoumiER next week.
y spent Monday in Patton.
i & Wilkins will now receive
ry. First.ciase work guaranteed.
, James Campbell, of Hastings,
EB. Dale onde a Dusiness trip to
ounty the latter part of Inst
Prof. T. L. Gibson, county superin- |
of pattie schools, was in town
Adalin Esteicher of New Wasah-
|| ome by iliness during the past few
Miss Virginia Lingle, of Patton, is
the guest of her numerous young lady
friends in this piace. — Philipsburg
8. A. Rishell, representing J. M. Bun-
nell, masie dealer of Johnstown, was
looking after business interests in town
Mrs. Sarah J. Lent and daughter,
Mary, of Wellshoro, Tioga county, Pa.,
are visiting at the home of A. 8. Lent
on Fonrth avenue.
Scalp Level, in Bichland township,
was made a borough by a decree of
court last week. It has some four or
five hundred population.
Save Your Tickets.
With every 50 cents worth of goods
purchased at our store you will be
presented with a ticket and the person
bringing the largest number of same
tous on New Years Day, 1809, will be
given a $3.00 pair of shoes free.
The Attraction of Worth — We
have a lot of goods which are attract.
ive in themselves, but are furthermore
attractive from the attractive price we
make on them. We know their qual-
! {ity is right, and we know the price is
such as to make it to your advantage
to buy. When we show you the goods
and mention the price, well, that's all
{that's necessary.
{You Cannot
|Do Better
Than by calling at our
store and inspecting our im-
_ mense line of
rE Denlinger, of Phlipaburgs 1.
ure of passenger trains of the Beech
Creek and Pennsylvania railroads in
Was approval by all conerned.
Dominick Stevens left Wednesday for
New York, where he will embark on a
steamer for his former home, Rome,
Italy. He expects to remain in his
native country for about four months.
On Friday Willis, son of James
Cramer, met with a painful accident at
the Magee & Lingle colliery, where he |
is employed. He had bis right leg
two cars
Mra. D. H C. Warren was called to
the home of her parents at Gipey, In-
diana county, Saturday, owing to the
serions illness of both her brother and
sister, Ernest Buchannan and Mrs
Vey Spotta.
Councilman W. C. Habbard, Dr. 8.
W. Worrell and Geo. 8. Good retarned
Wednesday night on Beech Creek road
from a three days’ bunting expedition
in the wilds of Clinton county. Their
same train.
Charles Langbein, of Carroliown, a
well-known harness maker, was in town |
| Satufday looking for a location to en- |
gage in business here. Mr. Langbein
is a first-class workman and should be
decide to come to South Fork we be |
lieve it woald be a paying venture for |
him. South Fork Record.
A Card.
agree to refund the money on a 50-cent
Tar if it fails to cure your cough or!
cold. We also guarantee a 25-cent
refunded. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton
Pharmacy. 2126
Cate and Shellfish.
‘Did you ever notice the oats about
the oyster stands of the city?’ asked a
ology "Thay are invariably as fat as
some evolutionist
same whether it's a city oat or a hay
i made the CovmiEn Te
B. Mcintyre, of Jersey Shore, and B.
| A. Bhillingford, of Peale, Pa, were
| Sang the many visitors to our town
Pure rye or corn chop at the Patton |
Patton, appears to meet with bearty
badly braised by being caught between
game, (7) however, did hk wenve va
bottle to prove sslisfactory or money
gentleman who takes an interest in o- |
seed ont that never mw water exoeps in
-mcistern [t's » taste born in them, like
- their fear of dogs, and the question is
| How the mischief did they aoquire it?
Twa Pointed Questions Answered
What is the ose of making a better
article than your competitor when you
cannot get a better price for it? $
Ans As there is no difference in the
| price the pubis will buy only the bet.
ter, so that while oar profits may be
smaller on a single sale they will be
much greater in the aggregate.
How can you get the public to know
that your make is the beet ?
If both articles are brought promi- |
‘nently before the public both are
certain to be tried and the public will
very quickly pass judgement on them
and ase only the better one.
This explains the large sale on Cham- |
berlain’s cough Remedy. The people |
have been using it for years and have
found that it cun always be depended
upon. They may occasionly take up
with some fashionable novelty pat.
an return to the one remedy
4 that they khow to be reliable, and for
coughs, colds and croup there is noth-
ing eqoal to Chamberlain's cough
Remedy. For sale by Patton Pharm.
acy. C. W. Hodgkins.
Many a household is saddened by
death because of the failure to keep on |
band s safe and absolutely certain cure |
for croup such as One Minates cough
Cure. See that your little ones are
protected against emergency. C. W.|
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
fy ——————
Fish and oywters at H. Atkinson's,
‘next to Weakland’s livery. Fish re
‘ceived every Thursday and Friday and
dressed free of charge.
Soothing, bealing, cleansing, $ De- |
Witt's Witch Hasel Salve is the im-
_piscable enemy of sores, burns and |
We, the undersigned, do hereby |
If you want nice fresh bread, roll’
bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of cakes, otc, call or send to J. Daow'+
- bakery.
Early to bed and early to rise, pre-
pares a man for his home in the skies. |
‘But early to bed and a Little Early
Riser, the pill that makes life longer
and better and wiser. C. W. Hodgkins, |
Patton Pharmacy.
butter That is because they get plenty |
of shellfish to eat and, by the way,
the fondness of cate for that kind of
diet is a uystery which 1'd like to hear
explain A oat will |
go crazy over a shrimp, and it is all the |
“According to the evolution theory,
such traits are inherited and traceable
| to conditions away beck {oward the be
: ginning of things That would seem to
_ indionte that the primal eat was a fish.
er, but how is one to reconcile the idea
{with the instinctive abhorrence of the
| tribe for water? Their craving for shell:
fish 1s certainly so proubunced that there
wus be an cxosllent reason behind it
and. altogether, it is quite a pretty lit
tle problem for some savant [tis too
bard for me Exchange
Women Nameless In Korea.
The Korean woman bas pot even a
name In her ohildbood sbe receives a |
nickname, by which she is known in the |
family and by ber pear friends but
which when she arrives st
masarity ie
employed ouly by her parents Toall
other petorms she is “‘the sister or
“the daoghter’' of such and such a one
After ber marriage ber name is buried |
~ghe is absolutely nameless Her own |
parents refer to ber by mentioning the |
district into which she bas married
Should her marriage be blessed with
children sbe is "the mother’ of so and
Are you looking for|
© If it puppet tit & Soman bas to |
appear in a law court, the judge gives
ber a special name for ues while the |
onse lasts in order to save time and to
simplify matters. —National Zeitung
The Simple Minded Duke.
The Dake of Wellington was largely |
endowed with that modesty or sim
plicity which makes a great man al
most unconscious of his greatness He
met a lady friend, who was going 0
see a model of the battle of Waterloo, |
relates & writer in The Combill Maga | :
gine, and remarked to her “Ah, you're
going to see Waterloo It's a very good
i model | was at the tattle, you know.’
{ Surveying a field of battle he conld de
tect almost at a glance the weak points
in the disposition of the contending
forces, but be could never tell whether
bis dinner was cooked well or il}
of Holyrood, and from prisons joss
all she beatiful groves of syoamores
00w 10 be seen in Scotland
Uleesnted Tooth.
Never put a hot water bag 0 an
available at the moment. apply an ice |
bag. which will reduce the swelling. |
Ch ans Tap pt a hw dantaton
That are all the
Look over these prices!
carefully: |
Men's $1.25 fleeced-lined
Underwear at g6¢ the suit,
Men's $2.50 fleeced (all-
wool) Underwear 81 88.
All Underwear at same pro-|
Men's soc Gloves 38c.
2 34 gC 2) 25¢.
So on Sp the line.
Men’ $s s0¢ Caps 38c.
Men's 30¢ Overalls 38c.
Talk abort Suits and Over:
coats. Well, here is where;
‘you find the big stock—any |
price you may want.
| nlosrated tooth. If the dentists on | Come and see us, and our
Motto Still is: ;
| and nex: to the Rum lay a hot taldte 4 “Penny Profits-Bis Jales.
z i Thy Reystone
Clothing Co.
To buy Clothing now-a-days requires tk -
You must guard against shoddy and yet
must not pay too much.
In cheap and looks weil. But poor apparel is dear and looks cheap.
os and you have the assurance that there is
No Cheap Grade
Im Our Stock.
FS ah
Men's Suits and Overcoats,
$4.50, $5.50, $6, $7, $9, $10 and up to
Elegantly trimmed and well made. See our prices
and be convinced That We Are The Reliable Clothiers.
Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Coats
You cannot afford to miss seeing our line.
Prices are cheaper
and stock larger than ever.
Liang. a RATA gin es Epi ENG Shc te a Aa
Shoe Departm’t.
If you want to save Fifty Cents on the Dollar come to
our Shoe Department this week.
See Our Line.
Mirkin & Kusner,
Gecod Building,
‘Next to Bank.
The Patton Sapply Ce
will occupy this space
with an ad which will be
of interest to you.