4 iy ; 1 matin would wi if you bad scalding in passing it; if after passing “ita wonderful merits, mention THE i mail. , a dull ache or pain in the | back or over the hips, stomach trouble, "| desire to urinate often, or a burning or . {there is an unsatisfied feeling as if it must be at once repeated, or if the to Orie bas a brick dust deposit or When these symptoms are present, ' ‘no time should be lost in removing the cause. Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of ithe bladder, inflammation, causing stoppage, and sometimes requiring fhe | drawing of the urine with instruments, | OF nay rus into Bright's Disease, the Header Souls, & positive remedy | At the following prices for the next 60 days now being off re at the store of NEXT T0 BAPT IST CHURH, MAGEE AVE. for such diseases. Its reputation is world-wide and it is so easy to get at any drug store that no one need suffer any length of time for want of it. However, if you prefer to first test Patron CoumiEr and write to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for _ | a sample bottle and x book telling all “|about, both sent absolutely free by | Important Noties. If any of your family should be at- tacked with a sudden cough or cold, don’t fail to try a bottle of Gray's Flour, spring wheat, best of all kinds, Oriental, Minnehaha, Diamond Medal, Cyclone, 50 ibs, $1.35, pow $1.10. Tomatoes, good, 10c, now 4c. Best Salmon, Red Bell, 15¢, now 10c, Corn, some 3 cans for 25c, others 4 for 250. Mastsrd Sardines 100, now 7c. Dry Mustard, boxes 15¢, now 10c. Corned Beef, 3-1b cans 25¢, now 2c, Yeast, boxes 4c, 7 boxes for 25e. Soup Beans 3c per pound, 9 for 5c. Dried Peas, green, 3 per Ib. ww Baking Powder, 10c size now Se. #4 Se 4% $i Bec. California Hats: por 1h. fe Bologna, long, per Ib. 7c. Dry Salt Bellies, per Ib. 7jo. Head Cheese, por Ib. Te. Breakfast Bacon, per Ib. fe. Eggs, per dosen Me. White sundried Shirts, worth 50c, now 3c. Undershirts, woolen, worth $1.25, now 0. Stockings, Indies’ woolen, worth 35¢, now 19¢. It never fails to relieve and. All Smokiog Tobasoos 10c packages now dc. Men's Woolen Hose, worth ec, now 19; others One Gross Parlor Matches (12 boxes, 10e, now 6e. worth 18¢, now Il. Star Soap, 10 cakes for 2c. Men's Candee Rubber Boots, best, worth 8, Best Rice, worth 100 per Ib. now 6c. now $2.50. without it. ae Tange tor | Lima Reans, 5c per Ib. Men's Mine Shoes, worth $1.50, now $1.15. ties 25 cents. Sold only by C. W. | Quart bottle sise Bluing 5¢. Best Dress Shoes, worth $3, now $2 AL Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. ! 5c size Bluing, now Se. Other Shoes, worth $2, now $1.35. Aills Jour rye corn el, Ground Spice, 100 size now 7c. oe sr Ripans Tabulés: for sour stomach. Baking soda, 175. packages oc. 1 1b. Soda Crackers, in pound packages, 6c. New York Full Cream Cheese, per Ib. 10c. Amonia, 100 bottles now Je. Stove Polishes, best 5c, others 3¢. Farina, pound packages 7c. Rolled Outs, 10c, 2 Ib. packages for Tc. Laandry Starch, price 10e, now 7c. Table Salt in sacks, per Ib. lc MEATS: Trimmed Hams, per ib. 10c. Everybody Invited to Call. H. REFKOS, Proprietor. N, SMART OR WATER, It is their pleading for help. No matter if somebody does try to dissuade you. Yours is the pain and danger. WE DON'T CHARGE Anything for an examination of the eyes, and if an oculist’s care is needed we frankly tell you. If your glasses are crooked, or bend, or pinch, we will set them © right—for nothing, perhaps. DURING DECEMBER 1 WILL SELL THE TO THE ARPPY ROLIDAY SEASON. FOLLOWING GROCERIES FOR When nearly all buying is merged into the thought of gift making. Therefore those who are wise and appreciate this fact will look after the common necessities now and sha affairs so as to have plenty of leisure in which to prepare Ee the Merry Xmas time. A few helpful hints and special off- ers this ek will aid many of our patrons in this view. i > | Domestic Goods. Blue, grey and brown salxed Dowel. Two cans corn - Tomatoes ne * Peas You will find the following Leds akes> ho E B fast ae g fine ong or Eng. Brea - ican Thos "oting the domestics Just a oe ig € < 10 a. cases ood ged preity Oalicoes | ¥ ood wool Skirt Patterns at 9c each. “ Ib. Loose Coffee 35 One case in a still finer grade, regu-| Worth fully 50c each. $1.36 - CASH GROCERY, Best Indigo Calicoes, at 3{ a yard. | #1, $1.35 to §2 each. JOHN BOYCE, PROPR" Inthe be right hand ‘coun: Flannels, worth 8c, at only 5¢ a yard. y|ter, you will find some wonderfully low prices on things you are likely to. Ladies’ Petticoats. a eh, Ee RAR lo A od Regular 5c quality. A new lot of nice black Satine Skirts, | Good 104 unbleached Sheeting, ! lined throughout with outing flannel, , worth 13¢, for 10c a yard. at 89c, §1, and $1.50. 10¢ Outing Flannels in dark shades Black Satine Skirts with fancy striped | {at 7ic a yard. flounces, were $1.50, for this week af A handsome new line of figured only $1.29 each. | Batines, suitable for quilting purposes| Black and colored all silk Skirts, JH yo ? pm ‘with beavily corded ruffles, $6.89. |