eS os bn al Se RE x paTION, CAMBRIA CO, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMESR 188. Goods, Mill inery, Coats De mE: and Furs a JA TS So DAwEL May Friday. Daniel May, a mach respected and esteemed citizen of this place, died at his home on Mellon street Friday, after an iliness of two years. Cleaned Here aud There by the “Courier” Reporter. SHERIFF'S. SALES. survived by a bereaved wife snd five sons and four daaghters, namely: | Quite a Member from North Cambria Under. Duncan, Alexander, William, George the Hammer, and Harry, of Patton; Mrs. Alexander Sheriff George M. Wertz advertises Wheeler, of Corning, N. Y.; Mrs the following properties at sheriff 's John McEwen, of Fail Brook, Tioga {sales at the court house, on Monday, county, Pa., and Misses Katharine and December 5th, at 1 o'clock p. m. Florence May, of Patton.’ ‘The interest of Joseph F. Marks ina The funeral services, which were of ground in Patton borough, at the conducted by Patton Lodge, No. 1089, of the German Nationa! B. & L. 1 0.0. F, of which order he was s | ‘member at Antrim, Pa, were held in interest of Daniel T. James in the Methodist Episcopal church Toes- | 50 acres of land, having thereon a house | gay at 2 o'clock p. m., Rev. Witman barn, situate in Barr township. To preching the faneral sermon. { be sold at the suit of Evan D. Evans. | Interment was made in the Fairview sr. Interest of Angiclno Giordino cemetery after an impressive ceremony, 1 Vincenso Giordino in two lots of ground | which was in keeping with the rites of in Hastings borough, one having (hel 0.0. F. Lodge. The deceased erected thereon a two-story dwelling. | {To be sold st the suit of Vincenzo pa | Giordino. : four or five lots of ground in the bor- | {ough of Chest Springs. To be sold at | Heartfelt sympathy is the suit of National B. & L. Amocia- ihe family in this their sad hour of ition, of P . reavement, The interest of A. C. Gray in a lot of ground in Blandburg. To be sold at the suit of Fisher & Co. i The interest of Anna M. Hauer in a under the auspices of Patton Fire extended to Grand Fair and Festival, iface. To be sold at suit of J. A. Frank ing the entire week of the holidays, & Co. commencing Christmas Eve, Satarday, The interest of John G. C. Bearer, December 24, and éontinuing until New John A. Blair and M. D. Bearer, Years Eve, Saturday, December 3ist. assignee of John A. Blsir, in & lot of A big time is assured and everybody is ground in the borongh of Carrolitown. invited to attend. Music for dancing To be sold at suit of Gallitgin B. & L. ’ will be furnished by Severin's Imperial Association. Orchestra. Following is the schedule h | The interest of James A. McCann in of each evening's entertainment: Sat- a lot in borough of Patton. To be sold urday, Monday and Tuesday evenings, | at suit of Gallitzin B. & L. Association, December 24th, 26th and 27th, fair The interest of John H. Doyle in ‘and festival and 10-cent dance two houses and two lots in Ashville Wednesday evening, December 238th, borough. To be sold at the suit of Ex. fair and festival aod chicken and celsior B. & L. Association of Altoona. Waffle supper-no dance. Thursday The interest of John Dunlap in house evening, December 29th, fair and festi- and lot in Spangler borough. To be. val and S0-cent dance. Friday and {sold the wait of Magdaline Dunlap. Saturday evenings, December 30th and | The interest of John Stilts and Anna 31st, fair and festival and 10-cent dance. | Stilts in 65 perches of land in Hastings Oysters, ice cream and all kinds of | borough. To be sold at the suit of refreshments will be served. Best of Marshall Kennedy Milling company. order will be maintained. The interest of James E. McGough in A Ueelal Article. ah ‘but who now resides at Altoona, spent (the first of the week in town. Mr. Bonner is the junior member of the firm of Campbell & Bonner, proprietors (of a patent clothes line holder, Which ia | White. To be sold at the suit of Excelsior B. & L. Association, of Al- and labor saving and is without a doubt {the most perfect arrangement of the J The interest of Christien Otto In a ‘house and lot in Blastings borough and | 2 aoves and 85 perches of land situated | |in Elder township. To be sold at suit {of Altoona B. &. L. Association. | J The interest of Lucas Moyer and George Boone has purchased the John Mary Litsinger, terre tenant, in a tract Danielson property, next to Central’ of land aisame in Clearfield township. {etel, on Fifth vende and will opes To be sold at the suit of Gallitsin B. & therein a first-class grocery and con- oe . A statement of the pls A. BE Patton Resigns. expenses, as approved by the auditing A. E. Patton, of Curwensville, has committee, follows: Receipts From tendered his resignation to Governor ‘county treasurer, $200; from sale of Hastings as a member of the Feeble tickets, $957, total, $1,157. Expenses - Minded Institute at Pol: Venango Last year’s deficit, 36 cents; paid in- county, which has been accepted, and structors, $561.46; paid lecturers, $175; Hon. Charles W. Stone, of Warre paid evening entertainers other than has been appointed to fill the vacancy. lecturers, $155; for rent of Opera House, Lutheran Services. $10; printing, $45.80; all other expenses, poy Krider will preach for the Luth. $158.63; total, $1,106.25; leaving a bal- congregation in Good's hall San- | ance of $50.75. ‘day morning at 0:30 o'clock and Enlarge His Store. evening at 7:30. Sanday school at 9:30 Geo, O. Brady, proprietor of the a.m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. Bazaar store on Fifth avenue, now oc All are invited ts attend. cupies the entire first floor of his build- K. Gi. KE. Notiee. ing, baving removed a partition, All members Patton Castle, No. 02, ™°" which was necessary to make room for K. G. E, will remember the Castle his immense stock of holiday goods, | | meets on Thursday evening, December Which sre arriving dally. 1st. Arrangements will be made to at- = Ho ’ | tend services on Bunday December 4th, ’ Eclipse of the Moon. | at the Baptist church. All Ladies K. Fo A total eclipse of the moon will occur G. E. will please meet the Castle on to | December 27. The eclipse begins st Sunday morning at $30 a. m. in the | 8:67 8:57 and ends 7:28 o'clock in the Castle room. FRED MrITcHELL, Noble Chief. 0, Save Your Tickets. aut ’ | On Thanksgiving a green top ladies’ ‘hat with yellow straw under the rim. The rest all black, pink and green ribbon, pink rose and pink red and ‘has five white wings. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning | same to me. Mary MCGLOCKLIN. iA Chamberlain's colic, cholers and pended upon and in pleasant sad ai (Expired at His Home on Mellon Street | He was aged over 54 years and is | was formerly a resident of Ralston, house and lot in the village of 8t. Bon- company No. 1in Flremen's Hail dur. Cases for the Regular Term Commencing 2 at Ebensburg MONDAY, DEC. Ss, 1808. Narth Cnmitria Cobaty Represented 2 tenis —A¥her Cases of Tmporiapes, The criminal court calendar, as sub- i i ¥ for the trial of cases in the criminal court, commencing Monday, December a a Dele: The fol- lowing announcement is made: Commonwealth most be present on the days named below, when the cases will : be presented to the Geand Jury. De- | fendants and their witbesses need not ‘bs present antil the day named for (trial of cases in which they are con- oerned: Cases Fr Grand Jory, Monday. Dec. 3. Emanuel Pleil, fornication and bas andy Katie Fash. , tardy; Annie Masssliman. John Hostine, fornication and bas- tardy; Millie Kellar, tardy; Helen Sharp. Jot Slagle, asssuit and battery; mitted by District-Attorney Murphy Waray to free dupere. The Pennuyivania Rafiroad company who | off are in the habit of jumping on and the moving trains in Patton should take warning or they may be arrested when least not expecting it. So many | th accidents of late have happened to | half-grown boys and young men siong | | the line, who indulge in the habit of || jamping on and off coal and freight cars while in motion that the company Hodgkins. felt rained io do biog tole i 1 ‘ready in some pisces. The effect of peace to commit the offender to prison Jor & paricd of S9daye 6. A. R Tnepection. Inspection officer, Daniel Deihl, of Lilly Post G. A. R., and his cousin, | Comrade Jobn Deibl, of the same Post, | | inspected Lt. Peter Kaylor Post, 633, | be | Edward Hoover, fornication and bas- G. A. R., on Saturday, the 6th jost. The Post was reported ia good endl-{ tion as to members, regalia and finances by the inspector. A good A grand fair and festival will be beld George Owens, fornication and bas- turn out of members was in attend- ADOS. The following officers Were elected to serve the next year's term: in the act of riding on the cars, and a number of arrests have been made al- these arrests will likely deter others! company is determined to break up the habit. The law on the subject em- | powers any sidernan or justice of the I aed Axers trum deadqunriens | ‘as the place for ities, the place to {est variety and in act, to | the basis for compar >| | | office; DD. Fleissner eviving; I Solomon Mary Rager Bejunis Figur 3 & i i John Hannan. W. H. H. Beil, commander; Geo, W. Jmieasute ¢; Soliey's Ie David W. Harshberger, assanit and Cassidy, Sr. vioecommander; Sam’l our suits we are battery; Julia Harshiberger. . Barr, Jr. vice-commander; Simon MR 30 Sie tox : J. P. Schlannstine, sssanit and bat- Wilson, quartermaster; Jno. N. Nagle, | look at them before they are tery; Ella Morgan. : officer of the day; Jno. Gants, chaplin; over, J. A. Wissinger, false pretenses; E. Valentine Dumm, adjatant; ami ch 0. Fisher. . Haist, outside guard; John Stare, sar- " Michael Sheehan, sggravated assault feos; James Cunipbell, representative and battery; John Maxwell Encampment; 8S M. Wilson, John Bmith et al, burglary; Jobn 8 to hp Wom. L Adams, trostee. Wicks. 5 Ol amon; Caroline Me - suming 2 - lad oe , Pesisting a8 officer; E. Pr will i Plasbie nde fnaming iasinpore. To push Sompeluse what Cs ao Seaman, Maui Std gir y aed I BaTaeile ap. | Not how many yonnin bat | Aaron Stotzman, ssanit and battery; ISU tort of he Sout quit of] how how good each i 4 ts in Hardware. Mabeis J. Brehm Seat of emiouis, oul sid ehetriat = [coun 8. B. Carney, potting frearmm; Ma- Sens. has hela J. Brehm 8. BR Carney, amaalt and battery; red err wi THE BETTER the GRADE : gore bat. Western white pine. The contract for THE BETTER the TRADE. tery; 8. B. Carney we 10 Joes dive 2nd He Mary Berno, asssait and battery; to Jumes Ake 2 | Kate Carville Gee, of Clearfield. John Cushard, asmait and battery; That's What. the | Jacob Tokasb AR SESS saya leks 15 ugh wot Katie Tokash, ammuit and battery; giggle; a hearty langh is better than John Cushard ‘medicine. A well told story is as good | Peyias Vluia et si, amsult snd os | a & sunbeam in the sick room. Learn i. AND SEE US. battery; Jennie McDermott P. 1. DIETRICK, Mon, in always welcome, bat the pessimist is Yeager B'ld'g, Patton, Pa, not wanted. He is a nuisance. dss The First Christmas Umsen for Grand Jury Tuesday, Dec. & The Ladies’ Home Journal mys that Commonwealth va. John Muldoon, ( itman waa first celebrated in the assanlt and batty prosecutor, Robert year 98, bat it was 40 years later before it was officially adopted as a Christian George Faloon, and larceny receiv. c iival: nor was it nntil about the Sifth ing; RW. Wright centary that the day of its celebration Charles Folge, larceny and re- became permanently fixed on the 25th ceiving; R. W. Wright, of December. Up to that time it had | W. J. Lamberd misdemeanor in been irregularly observed at various laree ‘times of the year in December, in er Salt ny and receiving; Apri and in May, but the mot fre : I Hoppie nently in January. Charles Gore, burglary; I Solomon digi : Charles Gore, larceny and receiving; Nest Regaine Meeting | The next regular meeting of Patton Thomas Mainbart, larceny and re- Borough Coancil will he held Monday night, December 5th, All members of Solo- | this honorable body should make it a point to be present aa hotness of m- Isaac J. Harris, larceny and receiv. POTtance awaits their action. ing; Zell Beacome Save Your Tickets. : isaac J. Harris, larceny by bailee: With every 50 cents’ worth of goods Lewis Craig purchased at our store you will be William R. Flynn, malicious mischief, presented with a ticket and the person M. D. Sallivan bringing the largest number of name Edward Leidy, larceny by bailee; to as on New Yeurs Day, 1808, will be | § given a $3.00 pair of shoes free. Edward Leidy, malicious trespass; QGorpeteiv's Maxwors Deer. STORE. The Parrox Cormixr had a little Thanksgiviag of ita own, that festival falling upon its fifth birthday. The COURIER is a prospercus sheet and enjoys + steady growthaf busiaows and Howard Murphy et al, burglary; A. par wn John McBride, larceny and receiving: | Patronise home indastry by buying Barpet Hoffman . your flour and feed at the Patton Feed Mike Benedict et al, famaalt and bat- snd Buekwhest Mills 3507 Jueey; Joy Dubie John Colessar, larceny and receiving; Some of the styles and prices. of the scarf: Thema Mainhart, burglary; L Ed Strayer, larceny and receiving: W. FP. Roach Christ Leap, asssnit and battery, murder; John Maltako
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers