at it Is the tox bod main. hat the United | ous ihe relig: . lawyer ix fikely to be «ont to Groat ! Evitain as the United States antas- i sador. pal mecardancs be xed in the tresty of the United 1d to mrrest gahrshiners af aban an of representat- haw voted a $500 sword to Lient navy yard. can and Civil wars died at Rockport, Ky. a few days ago. elected general master workman of the Knights of labor last week. A fire at Perry, 1s. last Monday id damages to the business section of the town to the extent of $60 006 were stolen from Mr= J A Singer at a New York hotel a few days ago The Birchfield is the sixth steamer | loaded at Galveston Tex, that has had firs discovered in her cargo of cot | ton, was paid for the Union Cent aEainst the : Unrbers, where frie shaver 57: given been completed at 8 Warhington foun firy. Efiha Hoot, the famogs New Nine million and a quarter duilars Pacific and | Gulf ratirosd at = foreciosyre sale last week Rush orders were sent for varships i repairing at the Charlestown (Mam) Gen. Buell famous during the Mexi- John W. Parsons of New York was | < : , i One thousand dollars worth of gems | LONGSTRE ['S REPORT. | Dwetis on the Geauret Prosperhty of oe Trans. portation Lines. An Immense Trafic Predict. ef on Account of our New Possessions fieneral James Longstreet missioner of Railroads, the {om in his annual 1ention to the general prosperity in raliroad affairs and recommends Government construction and tion of a Sest-class Soruble-track rail- Cul, by an atv dine route if {ofr pr raliroads is better i fore, He savy the physical condition than to the aniy He points ihiirhads which wea or | paying dividends on their very short Cpepart gaye will be distributed among i the A handsome iron fence to enclose the | Which, in Thea graves of the Mains victims has just ¥ York | Ths i Ptneily restored the old basis of ; riled in ing pba 3 per cent of the total mileage {thin year there were oniv 119 raliroads shareholders Mary were forced to cut sala shew 28 por rent. he save have volun. WARES In April 18% receivers con 210 raliroads onuntey ernhres the 1inited States Om June 3 of Cite the hands of recvivers and General ¥ The Carnegie Stes] Company and the | Westinghouse Ehctric Company herve ented a large number of comiracts in England. Govoelert Col. Roosevelt of York will be called upon in a few dave to testify before the war investigsting | canimities, That Dreyfus was? exiled through forgery and error ix becoming more evident datly, His retrial and release i% now slmeost certain, Jealous of his wife and John Walker, { Hine transcontinental rdute | following argaments: : L of the Hawalinn Islands and the prob | L able control of the Philippine and Lad. © New | i ¢ $ i { Gate, Edward Ross, a few days ago kifled | both the parties and then committed suicide at Paducah, Ky. A ship-builders trust |= formed. The navy departraent been informed that prices will be con siderably higher hereafter. port slates that the youthfulness of the volunteers was the cause of moch | sickness during the late war Father Luke Bandinetli, the oidest priest in the American provinge of the CD Passionist order, died at BY monastery, Pitisburg, aged 8% A Toledo, O., Inventor has perfested a scheme for heating residences by magn of compressed air. This air is | heated and delivered through pipes The barbers of the Rtate of Penn sylavnia started an organisgbd move. tralniag shoots for i nnd Puerto ping | Product han irhieh is to the svtent . | Anbout I press, . i iv ¢ esl ry Surgeon General Sternberg in his re. | [¥ furnished trom § i z 3 | made to Paul’ [eourse with Americans Under the nea Hip mE i § i: 3 i donb | owepEve : pnticipatls - ¥ i £ 3 United States marshals who attempt. Whites. | { barge By. last Wednesday were fon [iG retire after 30 shots had ben fred | [ Piraxil relédaated the ninth annivers- +4 ary of her independence nxt Wednes. | ny Sinton baftles hips | day. The United : Oregon and Texas took part in the § | pemonics. have | oe — rent ally in the China nts in favor of ois oe io prot bird for such purposes i week, ; perfecting fhe matory without any pra or Spain against | tical public rewulits Menibers of the W, OT ©. out the soantry are prolaviing against inh sending Mr Ilnbortg ns 8 Pope. sentative to congress. Mr Roberta is & polygarnist. John W. Kesley, the inventor of the Kesley motor dnd at Phtladetiphin as He had expended 110.0808 in The British ship Atlanta wrecked near Yaquiss Bay, Ore a fen ployed by the Nicaragua oamnal oom sion arrived at Washington last week. Bunday he died of yellow fever in a hotel at the capital city. The Bpanish cruiser, Maria Teresa, which was wrecked on Cat Islnd dor. | ing a recent storm has been aband- oned. Hhe is slowly being dnshed lo : places against (he rocks, Michael Kelliher, & private in the | Berond United States artiliery, DI Blown from a train while crossing the : Merrimare river at Newburyport, Mase the other day and drowned, Nine firemen wore injured dergoing repairs for the last three weeks. She 3 pow one of the formidable vessels in the navy, wot who saw service in the war with Spain were presented with medals last Wed. nesday. The medals were made of a gun taken from the Ui-fated Maing. William A. Francisco were arrested Monday and death. Jag. H. Southwall employee ai BL Paul found guilty of swindling the govern ment out of between $05 6 and $81 - thine checkn for several years, The torpede boat Dupont a few days cro excesled the best torpedo boat sreed yet developed In the nited States, proving her to be the fastest boat in the United States navy. She demonstrated a speed of over 3 knots Her contract speed was 27% knots for three bollers. Neighbors found the lé-year-old son of D. J. Harris hanging to the rafters of a barn at Niles, Mich, a few days ‘ago. He was cut down in time to save ‘his life. The lad had been strung up hy his father because he did not recite bis spelling lesson correctly. The brutal parent is in jail Whitecaps at Chapeltown, Tenn. the other night set fire to a house in order to drive out a negro whom they want. John Bmart rushed from the building and was instantly killed. Then the whitecaps discovered that they had killed the father of the man they wanted and rode away. A broken heart caused the death of Mrs. Mary Keasey at Chitago & few days ago. Mrs. Keasey was employed as a servant by her furmer husband {rom whom she was divorced five years ago. The affection lavished upon his present wife which was formeriy hers was more than she could bear. Dr. Nancy Guilford, the Bridgeport woman who was arrested in London | October 1 under suspicion of being fm- plicated in the death of Emma Gill, of | Southington, Conn, arrived in New | York just mst week on the Cunard liner She was in custody of Bd- a Bridge nt Setective, nie D. Hil, Brandes. and wite of San | HG 000. He had been issuing bogus | § : through arsintey ANG fe give it the 5 3 § t days ugo. Twenty-four of her erew | | were drowyed. Be was sailing at & high speed on & Wager. i Archis 8 Miller. & civil englreer em i national Pow be held in Dwenver 5 | the state of Jaleo wae ol | | Andrew Carnegie Presents $5.00 i Longstredt predicts that under Lapother year the Hist of nesivent rail. report, minde public Taewdny. cally at | the | apera- | Peif rellvoad and way from Kansas (‘ity to San Diego, | ever Fa. | spectacle of | three | [ Vemrn age were in recciver's hands now preferred | | stocke and piting up surpluses which | Lan the cours of a 1a time, his reve ratiroads Say the present condition of prosperity within © roms will be gs srnaldl az in the years | immediately proveding 188 He recommends a Government “The annexation Par air with the | rane islands must open new trade rela. | {tions of such growing proportions with them as ta sa materially increase the | pusiness of all bordoatded railroads as tes Be well within the scope of to Anticipate thelr ability, at an ¢arly thelr debt to the United States mew Eastern possessions, with (Cubs Ries, producingE ory annual demand jertudnic ie, for ane-tRird of our entire will, in a few vears be entive them amd oor products taken in sxe Bangs. while now Gur ExXporis fo these islands [| believe do not exceed $10 000 60 garnaally “Heretofore every 2Morr has dimcourage business inter. arder of things in these islands every with us, and when the popuiat in numbers and is nae LU Times im ability ti porvedgen and ¥ w Hi FC what thea will dar ir It in algyost isomeihas Pir Bde fds $5 Bmomn imaging AGAINST EXPANSIOR Movement The srganitation of the alin Teague was compdatad wt a Tow dave age Ex-dkwernor well Bas been sleosen Preside Andrew Unrrwg Firs af the jeaguy It Bas been decided to pe Gress of The leagae to the Anti-leug Postion E55 Ya peepee: af wok ie | ribution. The protest oy Eh { ident and to Congress an mn advertisement fapers, wih the daguest sans Whe are interested Tua oman thar all frie te] Fie Res per. wiih Pout, et signatures and forward then ft the wax {retved by the league, the lemgue chro Ke Were i ailitian oo Berretury oA Washington, Severyd Par Me ¥ arnegic’s for 5: an. Dever Connider: ag * Bus The enterininment iive stock Fer Ri Dee ol sation. whns od. on dene unary M4. kas received a iter from a | prominent Breeder of Spaniel bulls in Mexico o¥ering Poswnhont . Gove a Tete 31 Woich Admaare Seopa portion, Tor New Tari A series of tables just issued by the treasury bureau of statistics show the receipts under the tariff laws by months during a long term of years The customs receipts of the treasury depariment now amount (6 one-half of the ardinary expenditures of the Gao ernment, which is about the usual pro The ordinary expenditures of | the Government are usually cabralated at abont $1 000 6 per day. ad avers sped Auring the yoars Ive Ie £1 | expenditures lssaed by $80 500 dh per annus. Jd at the same rate in 1898 ¢ * Eraor diary TX ponditures The dally statement of re the YES fire a Rey? department shows that 7 the een day VERT, thy dustoans ferely Ha dave smdsinted Of this a litte {he uty piaced pCR Re of the via ty 3.3 Hn, $25 the war JE Nd toa hy ity X PEE nny GLon that 2 sori from the rates ley BRIOME Aw aoted in July 188, orm tele than rate of E06 oi friun ing that act COROT. Pag Fie 3 yrs Be pr word ery Smt celntig froon years have a ith nth This Io Year § Pug Bronx of SrA pt SRY fared hat fhe wt few onthe He pridiaction the exXossuty i ¥ PEL itm Cnthiy SIT pe iT vie i Oe the paet ID 0 re sur per priya fee at ih. pe? foe 34 AW Ow ti pie al in SPW Fre GWIing Io Frye TTA inne usr oo ye pent. fis average Angas {av Teo ner menith Jannary vermihey | INGE $3 001 Ga July Caribe 1 INGK $15 WIT S00 : AW x (vg Me i ak Pe NATIONS UN ER Law Coupes Win Pol oc Predecousors. about mitting the Pa. | Way i i They wer “lpts and tranByry | Serb | Hines Bal during | into 0% 1 warsgvd Fi teri tarify (through the breawt TOIT Cosarrender to the Mao § Pros Pow a 3 tae sritine Ww | Fairbanks | France asd lly Agree Upon a Comesrercinl’ reas | i guste trapioat | ® ¥ the agreement of BIE G00 0 | gr : tm awn | | Hever] that & definite i toeaty tor pay principal and interest of! T howe Tresty Waich Removes Forawr Frioton It wan guite fo dave ago hake been France and Tialy favored treatynent whieh will the maximum ax. A will he sphmitisg (my tediintaly fo the Chamber of Deputies The ied) im theses arrangements have an feat for two years, but nobody Agrsanient that =» enme faded granting #Xoepd fern ® Bot wenn for Paes} ; pending Fearing | Plo grEnt though 5 Gritive eMart will be made to endourage trade | an unrbasana bis Sox Fartver the | z WE : at i Giality CA mericans af the | v1 Pe bring four thorougabred fighting torox and five experivnced matsdors men and twee women to Denver on this pecasion and give @ ETRD varrida” at ‘ter the oid style. The commities seriously considering the mutter and | if 4 dan mee [is way char and can wes chive BR arena sufficiently large to hold | { 00.000 people, the Mexican's proposition will probably be aorpiad in a fire i which destroyed John PP. Squire's pork | packing establishment in Baton last Monday. lewis Fairbaurn, one of the | injured died os few hours later. TH The cruiser Chicago, which was uni- |, .y pot discovered until : i ft years will be ready for service iri a few | ,. $ : Uilennington. Holdiers in the District of Columbia | ! ¢ ! i § # i £ i : i £ Bh government | Minn, has been | Wa y Pmrrived mt Kan placed in jail on the charge of tying | the daughter of Bratdes Ly bis first | wife to a bedpost and beating her to plo inflnenoe Swerthesrt Smugnied ASoans. The franyport Indiana Brought WOMAN SLOWARWEY, i Honolula to Ran Francison, Com Board in oa soldiers uniform Le thi pal A and Then she iN on state WR three © for =o | fled M. Franch Demarimend fr is teclieved thar the Fashods affair wan instrumented the DeCERERT fiw Batewd thy i tame] 5% Coviprwaeions that the ail the Breaking of TART merlin Binet un pegntintions have Deen 2 Ba Hi so} pe ssf Fhe 5 Eran n YE They Wi which Treaty ‘wn The ¢ arsine ted with the wae Pig MEE 8 SIREN EE ® dx wr a fat that ey BIER INE 4 petived fe i Bag ne ph & Fas trenty it Aoring 1 iar 5 EY from: CUBANS RE IOMKE a 28 a grateful $4 $f beian » aban FR gp PUT E Terenty pared at He varia the fate Ff hens £3 3 The Faie of the whivh hres open far were rds Grated with Av faggr. The gimosy ia iT e weet HW ard sire Sampsan Heninueiasticaily Le Meneoenl, who speller pew: fll vel He % in an site of OF 3 y. # % eddy Bay of the 5 wom Rows VE Sr was Was Present weed wan mand uban of iy reciting bh Lhe wd Rpprapriately spas 8 and 5 our Beers extended admirai Then & Wer R fe hE the Xr a the cape yep the ladles yeyvergl prinutes i ohh Drevin Supporter “Repetto: A feommmbesnry of podioe at at % rat x we Ray reppevuied Fi TL bee Boipn Arve iri “ile Rand nemnve ii natamal ARTRe 1s nf the ad al the crowd cheered Fra WH is paditieal seomcmint and of his forpaal expul- known writer Prrevius agitator sian from the Legion of Homer Cie ok sequel to MO de Preswense’s denun. C eiatieon Sadie White from | Br She same : thee fRTRous id day i wil Bp risen and a guard placed aver her Bho | have a Khe sroGeREE abward Moore of Company E sweetheart on Wks ARRiRted by Priva ¥ He was give clalme Yo 3 ie Piwenty days | in the guardhoy Ee A tnt Dremrand. Bp tguenn Lilwokalan rave iw it was lvarned that enve for Washington The ohiert of Her vinlt ix to 10y Congress aliow her retain possesaion of the Crown lands, ued 3% 8 ea, i Anas Ag dor Oy oR wv POSSESSIONS frown Hoe sultan 5 wiih deye in a few Le bo oa ¥ one death Rmmong 20008 Amer wan troupe at Manila occurred during the past 19 days ; Private Hayden, of the Tenth Penn evivatiia, died of typhoid fever at Hoo podain last week There is xn mlarming increase of critne in Havana There are fran 26 to 30 hold-ups daily. Gen. Bianco has been authorised to draw on Paris for 32.008 05 with which to pay the Spanish troops in Cubs. Fpaniards will organize a Spanish chamber of commerce in Havana alter the troops have evacuated the island london papers are complaining that the ul'ited States in not practicing an vpen door commercial policy In its new POESERE INE, Gen. Garcia of Taba is now (in Wash ington, He is here to learn of Pres. ident MeKinley's intentions in regard to Cuba and to give expression to the aban sentiment. The Cuban army will receive ans year's pay on December 14. Notes for the balances will be tssged. It is be fleved that the United States will guarantee the loan Admiral Dewey in a letter to Presi. dent Brown of Norwich University rave: “1 trust the entire archipelago will be retained by the United States Any other arrangement wil lead to no end of trouble” Americans, w th nd employment are warned away from the island for the present. There is nothing going on in the way of in- dustry and men willing to work, are boozing in the streets. the | in : of Hawai has "| Pan whe intend to go to © “uba EVE hen Cf emrtirt the Hoban CN Nel {| was wid io Gf eeriain afMceran for M Frameis ds Prosgense is ERM BRIN, ese pad writer of Ihe ta 1585 In April retary Waasnington, and shortly keh) fhe dipian GRID Rervice, thos of fratand aiut Engiand, From Artis ta (rar Days of e Iie Wine Taxes wie Heavy Tt ik learned Rar the BGR Fives ng Pos Fhawr gop. nase RRR TY TP Tee UR & an ord the {yor yar he 2 owis found thas were without oosd A 3 merehanl was Bk ft furnish the evasary fuel Tau he refused unless Svan The cabled to Constanlinopie mo money, but the sultan sent ratich fo the perchaat and ypon him the of pasha. aiily PEE fang Sik Xm EP I Fore » siiddt ihe the #1 SAE ETL. Lnperind Bak. thet & canferred ir He H ad Become & Burden. | and pale from paex pare tedly anaoune ed | commer ial nyt aaily FX wtplijen oped Bill embodying i aie Loman fhegotintions that have salmin- ¥ i Philips oi TR inducing France | K i §Riayiees hv : i Eran gid % fyensral | welonged eRe nt : i the | Ee a af Ladies presented : sy : the fonds wi Regiment gi ia nianany f iatied 10 mantel C irination, # de Presse, the weil } ORT me nt, This | {gad canned Colorel Ray to investigate | their | : wg, the Bn af § Frendh Protestant pastar | wha died | Re WHa appeint- i the French leguiion af | afterwards He in ihe | { sent that "itemise 21 rela 3 opwportedd to De admiral | He ®5% dese bak 11 i Al the viet faving outtived ail his friends and | Beoaie, as be thought, nis sin, John Wanderlein of Burling ton. MN. J. who was pearly 10 years oh Kile himself with laudanum in a corn Held last week. He was wall Known, and his rem@rkable death has caused amazement For two days he lay dead in the corn field while His son and other villagers hunted for Rim | When they came pen him they found an empty laudanum bottle beside him, but no written word fn epilogue 0f his Jong life. The First Peasion. Jesce T. Gates of the Second United States artillery wha lost part of his upper lip in the West Indian cam- paign, bas been awarded the first pen- sion on scvount of the Spanish war Liates will recetve $17 per month, and this being inadequale & private pen. sion bill, increasing the pension, prob- ably will be introduced in congress. Cialms on account of the Spanish war are now coming tn rapidly. The total an fle up to date is LMT Tor war serv fee and 178 for naval service, exclusive nf the claims of the battleship Maine victims, Raom for American Extubits. Professor Besjamin DD. Woodward, Assistant Commissioner General, Ex- position of 1909. reveived the official figures showing that the United States | has been allotted 200750 feet of ground a burden tal oF FIC Ls INTERFERED. Morton Hudson Bhot a Hawaysss Self. Defense and Lasgaishes in a For. eign Prison for Sic Mosths Morton Haden, of Terre Haute, Ind. has just arrived from Metien where We hae Lesn In prison for over half a year. Last Febranry Hwmlson and a friend named Poaell ant 1 a Prospenting tour hear Tolura, Mecivn 1 setarning from the tonn of Yeregueria, where they hie been to Pure hgve suniies Yor their damp. When they #ot upon by Fo Mexican GiB wWay en, in FYB at the American frian thelr LHF, whe PR Pete Frost s eres Tae second Mey was armed with a Bar i when uaa him Re progvd with 4 Ww directed shot The first Mexican rapidly overpowering Powell whon Witter called for help Halse went 1a Biv aveistance the Bighwayman simed Bin pletid the advancing man Woden guler, Buowsvey and shar the The wo bf alt Amerie Sane Ren o tikine wnt (hey ity decided to Car Bt wax throws inh fan oar but Buea ly got a etter ta in Terre Hante and tie dat Washington swouded and pelagen X Res retary nr Thompaon W Hudson Being RB MoKeen Beputer aml Congressman Paris were instrumental In ACUTE Drones treptment for Hudson Hideo i¢ thir Bix confinement, | horde in Rund health es HOBSON s B16 PRICE an the Merrimac. Admiral Dewey and Lisgtenant Hob the naval herves of the war, (ON HUA Met The editor for x ? Eoa0h far one short article on BY cable oan “Thanks, but | am Lieutenant Hobson the Merrimac Berd, received offers oF $5006 sash from two mmgarines for an ariel ing Bin explilt at fantiaee Lisutspant Hobsor, though a mwsdest hers Ine ere, ightforwant Meer, fe of a lawyer, tos Dam fe put iin the har lob iw $Me Fonigw, vir Hap BY & art » oaxid Tor (Re long Hayy {horn nad naval Baro ard Wipe hg wikriia 4 pied Foy hiy BH oaet 5 emt eh a vies % MEN a i Fa h 3 HERG TH THis Tiree Civilgren white edn Wars A Thies Gn men KR few ays Axo vent to the house of Xyalvew | 1) farmer, diving in Deon Ga, and wile Rhee wis alone wih “Rlidven and found bread wan all she Bad They doe waned whe Berane fright Hla ford uy aunty iw $s threes Vor it sak ited 3 and ded to fea Ya the anes To Aesth Bainbridge, Ga Sore RY ORs PE Mapes it be apnrelended : § eat, Baap ithe ed haw with Dboed Sow sdling the Government. wii uf the Third who wae dee ES Tgp A arper in the free. ration 4 has Peat imdayerad In Greer} with sone tere hunts of the flows ta Barve Been swindling the (ov. west were Cound Br have dls ppeared the miter He disesversd a BIg short. the moe y value being over $1600 the affair to the Corgoral merchants wha were geting They are all under arrast, An Ex Presiden: s Large Fee Bnd traced and $B oe ta with bh Fx President Benjamin Harrison has | ; i Dervis Barnes, a Jaaghter of Mrs Yeneguela to bBefure the by rment repre Arbis retained Sr IIE M ROY fine (00 Re bur ry S¥E UoEat thin tk ahaa # Between Great Britain haosrelary lines ta have $04 iW b waxed ber at Fis gd ody 1s the dine Sane Ha cm saad received a0 pe Four oof Plaine Ta ¥ SIT RS rn uf fre The ayy 4 LR RI that darkened (Be rads navivania salivond early ast tay HERB RE Between Jersey (ily Harvison a belated subnirban fashed R10 A ZUR a orenmen Kit sed inluging faar Ths wirk- were mostly Hallans fetus Hive | in Jurnay Ey. CABLE | FLASHES Rftempis have been to Rid the sx-King HEY Sig #13 Fri. if en Toon made re cently Milan. London blige laws are being enforced i and Leenses far Sunday concerts rigurs dusty refused, It in said in Paris that Combs Ester hagy received 30.000 francs for forging the papers which convicted Dreyfus Count Esterhaszy, in his book about the Dreyfus afair, asserty that he fad from France to escape assassination by the army chisfs. Over 0 students at Warsaw, Kieff and Viipa, in Russia, were arcvegted, sevused of a socialistic conspiracy, and 86 were sxiled to Siberia Coren has prohibited forsigners from trading in the interior Several days last week the fog was =x thick m London that pedestrians were compelled to fmt thelr way by wieans of lanteros 81 hoon. The Anglo-American league In [on- don proposes to ert 0 statue of loorgs Washington in square next to that of General Godan. The Duke of Westminster has written a letter in which he deplores the rican! conduct of Empercr William. He says that the Sultan has already murdered 106.000 of his sublects and this brates rospitality the emperor accepted. | house ant wife and baby in arms. and love, Uribly burned a wel, rapped hie awsaliont and the two fell on, ng aryy and When : has also ordered about {Jorgensen rifled to arm the troops now cin the Philipgicges and those whe will Le ment there <1 oment has reteived Cnet 30, Cd CATE EW the Navy Richard | 4 the nighest price in the iiterary | \ Admiral Dewey hus thus far | 1 refused ail bidders War Ff a’ 4 Agazine cabled to him recently an of | the | Aghraival Dwewuy x response | ! : ; Phihopines ! ye i however, demi. | were ineltpfed In the 10.00 ordered ta ami oa whe in BE for the article wll Yay | Pree Cates Cdncermning s Smagerous Sate 2 althaugh | cable Haus SATip pay | hay dev lined yang talaw from folin frie BE EE to wes lier : foreign { Uhariest demanded Food | {elt of Unis, the sedond in importance Cin the Philippine group, from looting, { the United Stites forces appear to be §ealapped the woods The tramps fomating | Shariff Pare |S thrrisny wee (elt that Timmins | Piving wAl Bb i J. his wife and Mra i were arrested at Erle that site in Paris | Lowers taken before Justice anil Vene- ‘ Goveral | f depot MeGowiin showed a roll of bikie Wx. Secretary | 10 the detection, hat I yea Jimi lbe WILE ba § ey foam The § es Past the suteasts were allowed to wane Agel | (rain i EPR i pout begat of po . and Polen | bar Prt te expense of the Government. i far { lepers gre still at large on the street of Servia, ] district TrAMRUr § wand, to recover between 500.000 and Say ven are de end ate his wiris and an other ehildg disfigured for fe Fergu- #on was hunting for wood to build & fire, and found a powder cal Appar- | emtly fall of coal When he attempted to etart a fire with this, 2 Jond explosion followed which knocked one aptire side of the At the time Ferguson, his purr little daughters, were grouped ardund the All were knocked down hy fares of the sxplosion. Iva, aged Cand Cyathin, aged 13, died ayant — i mediately from injaries. and Ferguson ; | WARK #0 5 foie of the Maxicans clapped a pistol | : SE eg nr ean te Powsiis Read i ier BLOB IG as (rom XK Huw. The mother and childrad dre for. It tranundred that the _n way Hy © en | parrially Alied with blasting powder, He x WAN In Bs Rat of plusgine Hudson GUARD NG THE PHILGPINES. SRA ASA rg Three Thousand Regulsrs Armed Wan Krag jorgensens Wal Leave Shorty far the Islands, It yas learned Jast week that the or WAN Lew | dle re in preparation for the movement Te 10 Gf thes troops to the PHUAppines. dasregied themue ives in (he of regmlare ta the tropics waold send in this connedtion the war department Il Krag- The ordnance depart« information that iif the Krag-d ready far ahi 3 Be form ard in a day or {wa with will | proportionate amounts of ammunition with smokeldas powder, | Francieea, from San The war department has in view the ¥Lpclicing of the whole of the Philippine i isianele, 10 reduce the garrison at Manila while it is net practicable or wise vents which are expected lo take | place early will make it Berssary to re Naval Hero Demands 88.0% for an Artie | § Yowne which Spain has maintained a foroe s for the protection of the cities send garrisons to all of the cities and ire the Philippines group at The military policy in the Philip. pines tu to be procissly that which is now belng carried ont in Cutie. The Government will sither by the right of ronnuest or of the treaty of (Mave be ciiiged to petice all the ports of the The petiding orders contemplate the nly of regulars It wn stated, to-day, that with IM reg. uinrs diverted to the Philippinex which Cuba, 1 might be pecessary lo send grne of the volunteers to the Rast AR SR TAI BF AIS AMERICA HELPLESS. Affgiss at Manis. wont Wiashingiun folowing inst Adpiral 1s thie wie i: ¥ is i VE ‘Manila, Nay, 1§ 88 “Hesrstary Navy. Washington Charleston and Concord arrived tae fitams reports (hat the satire fmlapd of Pansy je in posession SF insurgenid except Huflo, whlch i= defended By 6 Snanish reaps. Al gitigiins thers petition for American provection, The wmland of Negros nas declared independence and Somires Rerican pres hirgts. DEWEY." the ommander of the ye The Sifleuity in the ait. wntion ix thet with the best inlentions imerveine 1 protect the Europeans and crhber foreigners and to sive the fxlans gnifer the rules of war. from waving from thelr positions, Hueh is the constrgction placed apon the ase in the protoacedl relating to 8 sispension of newshithen. AN SIT i DMNAPED HER DAUGHTER. | Bensationsl Arrest of a Mother Whe Had Taken Her Cnidd From a Guardian. Toyear-ald daughter of Mrs of Cleveland, was Kidnaped by The Parnes, Ca woman, supposed to be her mother, : the i sagt of the eily tthe In Large supplies of bacon and | A and immediately taien They were traced 1s jan station, but Berosd that porhing 1 known, The chill has heen her grandfather, who was appointed her guardian. The child is gather day. | the daughler of the wife of Frank Mo Gowan, sx-mayor of Trenton, N | warrant waw sent out charging Mra : Moedlowan with kidnapping J. A MWetiowan, of Trenton, N fr BR H Wynn, Pa. charged with the abduction of Ssyear-aid Bis = Frank [it Cleveland. A posse of ihe train. The accused Me Anrew abduetion, ar the pawan, {nen sfficers fet charge of WEN arrested dnd held When ihe of trina not do, TA SRA A psi ese Lepers Mingle Wan American Selden There iw a leper sears in Manila. Pheu the peglect of the Rpanish te lain nesrly 35 lepers have Swcaped confinement. Fay a time thin was shown fo the American autharities er gt jarge. (irders have been esyed &il lepers will be arvestidd and faa sa gninrhabited island in this sland the Amestean Government will establish torage for the lepers of the Philip. They will be fod and cared for An about ne THAR pines, sx enn be ascertained ard in the submarbe of Manila. Lens haan A Costly Investigation. Prom the present cutiook the war in- veatigating commission will probably not make its peport to the president for two months or longer. Several weeks more will likely be required in taking tosiimony and then the members of the commision will have lots of hard work to arrange it and draw conclus~ ne from the facts that have been cols Reeted The investigation will prove a r affair to the government. ra of the commission (neist that oie will go to the bottom of the ques- tion and If any high officials are to hiazie the responsibility will be located. Suing for a Large Insurance. Jen and James Dobson, carpet manafaetgrers af Philadelphia, whose Siz retail store an Chestnut street was sutted hy fire about one Year ago. have brought suit in the United States court against. 3M large insure ance companies in all parts of the 0 000 Insurances money. The suits brought ander a ciause In the arrespent that all suits grow out uf mability Wn» properly adjust cia shall be brought within one year from ‘the fire. and to open the way to le jRsiment.