The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 17, 1898, Image 5

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    ae ios
ok RAB Rc 0 ARs oy
| ox SL 2 - oe puts, tu hl
o lights in about three Week. |
1t = s winner-—Severin's Imperial |
meeting of Patton Borough
Monday evening, November
Owens returned to Patton
flues two monthw visit among |
| wool) Underwear 81 88.
| every Sunday morning at 10 |
All are invited to attend.
»ol hext week ‘owing to the
‘the teachers who will at
{| A, visited the Camp at Van Ormer, | :
Pa, Friday evering, and report hav- Theodore Weidman, of Philadelphia,
| pondent to the Spangler Sentinel.
{could get more reading matter than in
Mis country paper, read an advertise Smoky City, was looking after
a dollar and in a few days he received
‘8 New Testament. —Ex.
face and body, which fortunately were
{not of a serious character.
| Motto Still 1s:
"Attend the foot bail i pone sry | ‘Next Thirsday
arc Ey his | F2"inga, were in town Monday.
a ag business, in orion i CC. H McManigal, of Altoona, tras.
modate his increasing trade. uated eines fn Patton Monday.
C. H. Deemer, a traveling salesman
Two of Me of; of Harrisburg, spent Tuesday in Pat-
CO. M. Letts, proprietor of the | om John Gresco and Pins McAsalty, of
Washington Camp, No. 439, P.O. 8. of
i :
ing spent an enjoyable evening. : ‘transacted business in this place Fri-
The Prohibition party had a watcher day. | i
at the election here for the first time. BK Somerville and C. W. Hodgkins
We don’t know whether the watcher transacted business at the county seat
! is a teetotiar or not. Hastings Corres | Monday.
E. Wentz, a prominent citizen of
Leonard Lomper, of Patton, and Carrolitown, was seen on our streets
Mary Rehen, of Carroll township, and Satarday.
Amos Kirkpatrick and Mary I. Weak- The smiling countenance of Wm, C.
land, of Carroll township, were granted Baam, of DuBois, was seen in Patton
| a legal permit November 2d to wed. Saturday.
The COURIER is under obligations to | Hon. Jas. Kerr, of Clearfield, was
Bro. Kaylor, of the Cambria Tribune, looking after business interest in Pat
for the official statement of the election ton Monday.
{of Cambria county, which appears on V. Reig, one of Carrolitown’s leading
the first page of the paper this week. citizens transscted bosiness in our
Thanks to T. L. Gibson, superin- town Tnesday.
tendent of the public schools of Cam- A daughter of John Burk who has
_bria county, for courtesies shown heen quite ill of pneumonia, is now on
‘relative to the County Teachers’ Insti- the road to recovery.
tate to be held at Ebemsbarg Bext pryuy Toot and Frank Lawhead, two
; week. enterprising citizecs of Clearfield,
A man took a city paper because he gent Monday in Patton.
John R. lewis, a merchant chaser of
ment of a pocket fire escape. Hesent oa i parton Tuesday.
Quite s number of Pattonites expect
to attend the inanguration of Governor.
James Mellon, Esq, had the mis cjact Stone at Harrisburg.
fortune Monday pight to accidently J. W. Chase, of Clearfield, was the
p off of the bridge near Donneliy's guest of his brother, Dr. C Ernest
mill, receiving severe injuries about his co 0. feet of the week.
Note the change in the ad of the J.
BE. Kirk Hardware Co, on the first
James Nolan, Esq., who recenntly page of the COURIER this week.
‘erected a new dwelling house on West v .. .ceantion is called to the change
| Beech avenue, expects to have it com- 0 4), patton Hardware company's ad
pleted in about two weeks, when be io. here in the COURIER this week.
will remove his family from Carroll Miss Catharine Sandford, of Philips
town to occupy the same. ; burg, is the guest of her brother,
David and George Green, two well. Cashier Wm. H. Sandford, of Palmer
removed from this place to Winber, | Patton Fire Co. No. 1 will hold a
this county, where they will make their Thanksgiving ball in their hall Thanks.
| futare home. They expect to embark giving eve, November 23. The boys
lin the mercantile business in that always show everybody a good time
thriving new town. ‘and you can’t afford to miss it. Every-
‘body Invited Music by Severin’s
“ “gt i} ght Imperial Orchestra.
Joseph Lodge, an esteemed citizen of
Arnot, Tioga county, Pa, is among the
new comers to our town. He has taken
charge of a compressed air shift at the
Magee & Lingle ocoiliery, and will re-
‘move his family to this place as soon
as he secures a suitable place of abode.
Abe Goldstein has secured the sole
agency for the celebrated “Rex” hand
fire extinguisher This very useful
instrument, which should be in every
hoase, is endorsed by boards of ander
writers, insurance companies and
invidua! anderwriters, many of whom
grant a a reduced rate where it is used.
The boilers of the Eik Tanning Co.'s
plant at Carwensvilie exploded Satur.
‘day morning, and while only one man
was slightly burned, considerable dam-
age resuited. The boilers, it is feared,
are virtaslly ruined One of the farn-
aces was biown out and the pump
house demolished. The exact cause of
the expiosion is not as yet known.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Barton and son
| Rossell, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Morey,
Are you looking for Mim Camsuvutriageuns Mim Gortie
some and while there were the guests of Mz,
: and Mrs. Sam’l Kelly, of the Porfo
! Rico hotel, where they partook of an
elegant dinner of which they speak of
in the highest terms
A case which bas been a mystery
thus far to the leading physicians of
T hat are all the Nanette. co Hite
The child was attacked with pains in
the region of the stomach about three
Look over these prices weeks ago, from which a swelling en-
carefully: saed until that part of her body
Men's $1.25 fleeced-lined attained an enormons size. The child
Underwear at gbc the suit. eonlinges to. {TOW Wame yud a to
the disease the doctors are unabie to
Men's $2. 50 fleeced (all- mihom it Houtzdale Journal.
R. B. Chambers, formerly, of Houts-
All Underwear at same pro- dale, Pa., is now a citizen of this place,
1 having removed his family from that
piace to Patton one day last week.
Mr. Chambers expects to embark in
business in Patton in the near futare,
35¢ st 25cC. the nature of which he has not fully
So on up the line. decided upon. He has been engaged
in the hotel business for a number of
years and through his kindness and
pleasant manners gained may friends
The COURIER trusts that whatever busi-
ness he may take up in our town it will
pasa prove successful to him.
Talk about Suits and Over- 4 geek swindler is said to be heading
coats. Well, here is where this way. He cieans sewing machines
at you find the big Stock--suy for 50 cents and then finds broken
price you may wat a
Come and see us, and our the bor ration ot the ma
chine by exchanging the several parts.
If anyone stands watching him he will
send them for oil, rags, ete. He charges
exorbitant prices for his work. In
Men's soc Gloves 38c.
Men's soc ciCaps 38c.
Men's soc Overalls 38c.
“Penny Profits-Big Sales.
ah : Ke siope Lycoming he touched one person for
1 e A J: $12. Housewives should be on the
lookout for the swindler and have a
Clothing C0. 5a San fr Bim if need be —Ma-
| is Thankugiving Day.
* {and help the boys along. Jobnslown | poy ,yrup in town at the Cash,
| will play our home team. Grocery, 45tf
equipped and ap-to-date,
In next week's jssue of this paper
the holiday advertisement of C W.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
When youn ask for DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve don’t accept & counterfeit
‘or imitation. There are more cases of
piles being cured by this, than ail
others combined. ©. W. Hodgkion
Patton Pharmacy.
Constipation prevents the body from
ridding iteslf of waste matter. De
Witt's Little Farly Risers will remove
the trouble and cure sick headache,
biliconsness, inactive liver and clear the
complexion. Small, wsogar ecoated,
don't gripe or cause nacmea © WW,
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Aniie Croshed
Thos. Boyle, a young man who is
employed at the Colambia colliery, had
the misfortune Monday to have his left
ankle injured by being accidently
caught between two mine wagons He
will be compelled to remain at bis home
for a few days
fojured by Fall of Cunl
John Stear, sn employe of Pardee
eniliery, met with an sccident Monday
afternoon by being orushed by a fail of
ooal while performing him doties He
was severaly braised across his hips,
besides receiving internal injuries. At
present writing le Is resting quite
easily and it is hoped than his injuries
will not prove of 5 serious natare.
Attractive Wind wae.
In passing alomg Magee avenoe one's
aitention is attracted to the heantiful
show windows of Mr Anna Dartt's
millinery and nowsity store. The west
window is tastily arranged with fine
millinery and fancy goods, while the
east window contains a rather novel
and anique display of very fine deco
rated China ware, mantel ornaments
WASTED A reliable man to esl] our
teas, coffees, spices, haking powder,
ete, to consumers. Will pay a liberal
commission to salesman and offer big
indocemente to rmastomem. Address
The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co,
1108 Eleventh Ave, Altoona, Pa 403
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
The tammaes tittle pilin
A Convincing
Brethren A word with you There
are important matters you neglect
every cay. When we point you to
x oars, for we are anxious to help
the advantages to be gained by cer
tain actions, you can see that we are
looking « ant for VOUT inleresia Thin
is not entirely an ansolflsh position
you and to help oumeives at the
same time.
You Cannot
Do Better
Than by all g at our
our im-
store and Ins
mense line of
Good Building.
Next to Bank.
| Severins Ysperiat Orchestra, folly
To buy Clothing now-a-days requires thought
You must guard against shoddy and yet
must not pay too much.
Is cheap and looks well. Bat poor spparel is dear and looks cheap
Often you must be the the jndge. and there's the danger. Come to
us and youn have the assurance that there in
No Cheap Grade
Im Our Stock.
Men's Suits and Overcoats,
$4.50, $5.50, $6, $7, $9, $10 and up to $15.
Elegantly trimmed and well made. See our prices
and be convinced That We Are The Reliable Clothiers.
Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Coats.
You cannot afford to miss seeing our line. Prices ar¢ cheaper
and stock larger than ever,
Shoe Departm’t.
If you want to save Fifty Cents cn the Dollar come to
our Shoe Department this week.
See Our Line.
Mirkin & Kusner,
Good Building,
At 2 Grocery House where things look
neat and clean; where Clerks are polite and obliging;
where Deliveries are made free of charge and on time;
above all where you know you are getting the best
in the market at the fairest of prices. That's the
sort of House we keep. Call and be sare of 1t.
Have you seen our line of
section and at
When in town make our store
vour headquarters. You will be