THE PATTON COURIER, NOVEMBER 17, « 1808 Patton Courier. , A PATTON PUBLISHING co. on Proprictors. E Witt Urgxxe, Editor. ; » 1893. One copy, one year, in advance, - - - $1.00 oy Ad Versising rates made KDOWD Gpon ap | plication a No papers discontinned until all Arrear- | LOK Are are puid, unless at the option of the Entered at the PostofMiee st Patton ss second: | elas mail matter. i i | for the enrollment of teachers. » f BAL BRANT POWTER on ' ww YORE. rb ai A BN rE THE official ‘returns of the elec. tion of Cambria county on the first page of the CoURIER this week. Wonbim will the politicians of the little town over the hill be so kind as fo invite the candidates, whom they tried to defeat, over to banquet with | them? Soch strange things have occurred in the pa. ALREADY persons aspiring to be elected to borongh offices have com- menced to ‘figure’ on securing the | nomination. The borough election | will take place Tuesday, February 21, 1809, which is a little over three months hence. The principal officers to be elected are a Justice of the Peace, two councilmen, two school directors and other minor officers. The best of | “timber’ will no doubt be secured on both sides, especially for the office of Justice of the Peace, and a lively fight may be looked for. AN EXTRA SEWION. The probability of an extra session of Congress in the spring is much stronger, now that it is certain that the | Republicans will have a majority in the | next House. It has been regarded as ~ improbatile ever since the close of the | war that Gen grons will be able at the | coming short session, to act upon sll the legislation made necessary by the | ' war, in addition to the regular approp- | riation bills and rontine business, but | it was thought that an extra session chased a tract of hemlock timber of would depend largely npon the control | | of the next Houge. Had the Republi- | this county, which comprises over “cans lost it, the administration would have done everything possible to avoid An extra session, by trying to push through at the short session all the | legislation needed to carry out ite! _ policy, colonial and otherwise. Now, | | no haste will be necessary, and should | situsted along the line of the Ebems- the present Senate not meet the admin- | burg branch of the P. R. R., between Itration’s expectation in acting upon | Twin Rocks and Vintondale, affording bills that go through the House, the excellent shipping accommodations. | President will doubtless feel that an The operations will Inst for a period of : | extra session of Congress will do as be | about four years, and in view of this fact Mr. Baughman, who personally looks after the interests of the firm, expects to remove his family from shes, us bis party will have a large majority in the Senate after next fore be indifferent as to an extra Weteion, knowing that If the last semion A STRAIGHT TIP. : Things look a little threatenening in meeting, instructed to bave our peace commis- sioners inform the Spanish commission | A] any Enropras nation or “combination of nations to modify our demand for : Philippine Islands—a demand that | ment od prepared to ition growing tired of the ied thay 41 they falled to act | dressed free of charge. ‘struction, Dr. Corson. -sonations. | Masie, Prof. Excell, 8 to 8:25; Instroe- 0 Committees, Miscellaneous business; Instruction, Dr. Boone; : office of the County Superintendent i 3 § $ 2 sections will be made. : “will be marked absent. {pM | rectors at any or all entertainments. of Patton, will be removed to the new tract soon and operations will be com- Continued from ist Page. Ere Sastings Opars House. THE TEACHERS® INSTITUTE. Afternoon Session--From 1:30 to 4 #eason in a new play, “Garry Owen” o'clock. Music, Prof. Excell; Instroc- which is termed an Irish comedy drama , ton, Dr. Heiges; Instruction, Dr. snd has an annsnally interesting story | Albert; Music; Instruction, Dr. Boone. running through the play. It is en- Evening Session Music, Prof. E. 0. tirely unlike the ordinary run of Irish Excell; Reading by Mary French Field, comedy dramas, as the suthor was | from her father’s poems, particulary careful to avoid aotilizing Thursday. November 24th. any of the old conventifnal and thread. Forenoon Session —From § to 11:45. Dare features, which generally prevade Mais Drill. Instroction— “Class A: Irish plays. His aim was to present a Dr. Albert, Dr. Corson, Dr. Boone; “Class B' Dr. Boone, Dir. Albert, Dr. | ored to garnish his work with a goodly Corson. ’ 3 portion of fan, frolic, charming songs Afternoon Session--2 to 4 o'clock. 80d characteristic dancing. In fact, Music, Prof Excell; Instruction, Dr. “Garry termed a rollicking Irish comedy. In Boone: Instroc Ibert; In- : Sia, Dr. Albe order to portray the action of the play Evening Session — Concert, Smith in a proper manner the management Sisters -Sextette. Music and Imper-. and elegant scenery, among which are a number of mechanical and sensa- tional stage effocts. The illuminated exterior of an Irish church with its organ and church choir of nine trained voices is generally con- ceded to be one of the most beautful Friday, November 25th. Forenoon Session From # to 12 m. Instroction, Dr. Report of ' tion, Dr. Corson; | Albert; Music, Prof. Excell; Closing ad- | i,n0} features which bas been seen on the American stage. At Hastings Opera House Friday, Nov, 18. A Very Heavy Vote. Figures made from official returns Teachers should enroll as soon as from some counties and unofficial fig- | dresses; Masic. A committee will be found in the fromSa m to 1:30 pp m. on Monday’ possible after their arrival, giving their ures from others show a total of 958, | names and districts to the enrollment S18 votes cast for the three leading committee, when they will receive candidates last wekk. This is the heav- ecards on which the classifications in Jest vote ever cast for Governor, and has been exceeded only in the Presi. absent dential elections of 1888, 1892, and should notify the Superintendent. 1896. Stone received 473,068 votes, Teachers who are tardy in attend. Jenks, 353.742, and Swallow, 132,006. ance, or who leave the room before the Stone's apparent plurality is 118,326, session is over withoat good reason, #vd be polled only 12,680 short of a clear majority over the other two can- A copy of Prof. Excell’'s new music didstes. The vote for State Treasurer Any teacher unavoidably book will be presented to each teacher. 18st year was: Beacom, Rep., 372,445; All who desire course tickets may Brown, Dem., 242,371; Swallow, Pro, select seats for the four entertainments 118, 969. Beacom’s plurality was 129, on Monday. 717. Stone carries 35 counties and Every tenth row of seats, from the ‘Jenks 31. Swallow was third in every front to the rear of the court room, will county except Lackawanna. be reserved for the general public at Two Infante Dead. any time after 8 o,0lock a. m., Monday, John, the 19-months-old son of Mr. November ist, st James’ Srug siore, ‘and Mrs. John Watkins, of Lang ave- but all seats will be marked in the court house corridor. The board will fever, after an illness of about two open on Monday one-half st 10:30 8. | weeks. Funeral services, conducted m. and the other hall st 4:15 p. m., ‘by Rev. Kiucker, were held at the and on each of the other days at 4:15 home Tuesday aflernoon, after which interment took place at the Patton | cemetery, Lydia, the 15-months-old daaghter of Mrs. Mary Aligood, died Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock. Her remains were interred at the Patton cemetery Wednesday afternoon at 8 o'clock. Heartfelt sympathy is extended to the bereaved parents by many friends of this place. A Handy Culendsr. The COURIER Is in receipt of the 14th annual edition of the Columbia desk- pad calendar, issued by the Pope Man. ufactaring company, of Hartford, Conn. This handy reminder has bean for years one of the most pleasing of advertising features. We note that the new calander is very similar in design and make-up to the 1508 calendar, although it has more artistic covers and is more profusely illustrated. Any person may obtain a copy by applying to the nearest Columbia dealer, or by sending five 2-cent stamps to the Cal- endar Department, Pope Mfg. Co, Hartford, Conn. Rhertdan Troop Sill In Serviee, The Sheridan Troop, Tyrone's cav. ‘alry organization, of which J. RB. Cor- Brookville nelios, of this place, was a member, Pe, 9 Eensbug. is still in the United States service, Shot While Hunting. though the furlough expired last Fri. About noon Friday John McNicolls, | day and the men have been examine! Good seats will be reserved for di- Rates of Amission Season tickets, | with reserved seats, $1.50; Single ad- ‘mission, with reserved seat, 50c.; Single admission, not reserved, 0c. T. L. Ginsoxn, County Supt. J. M. Berkey, City Supt. New Lamimr Operntions., Through the agency of Frank R Mahaffey, of Mahaffey, Pa, Hunter & Baughman, of this place, have pur- : Barker Broa, situated near Vintondale, 12,000,000 feet. The large saw mill located at the abandoned operations of Hunter & Baughman, two miles east menced in the spring. The tract is ‘of this place, was terribly injured by | preparatory to being mustered out, the accidental discharge of a gun in ‘ which is expected to toke piace soon, the hands of W. R. Jones. The young probably this week. As soon as the men were hunting south of town, and new National Guard Is organized the Mr. Jones fell while descending a steep | troop will probably make application bank, his gun being discharged and for admission. It was organized more the entire load of shot entering the {than 27 years ago. of his compainion, who was about thirty feet distant. Mr. Me- Nicolls was at once brought to town and given medical aid, and he will probably recover.—Cambria Tribune. LATER. ~~ The unfortunate young. man has, since the above was pub. lished, died from the effects of the in- Not Visible In This Vicinity. Those who so anxiously scanned the heavens Sunday and Monday nights in clouds that shut off the view. appear and it is said that there wa quite a brilliant display, but that none Honor of Miss Wolfe, The ball given in the Goldstein hall enough to the earth to penetrate the Friday evening in honor of Miss Bessie clouds. A Woife, formerly of this place, who is "| visiting Miss Bessie Lingle, was a grand success. The evening was put in very ,f (has E. Walters, at Hunter & pleasantly up to the wee hours dancing gauehman's mill, east of Patton, at 1 to the music furnished by BSeverin's clock p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 30th, Imperial Orchestra, which had to play A5 household goods, wagons, sleds, many encores. Mise Cecelia Flick de- 4 rnees and in fact all personal prop- Public Male | lighted the dancers by singing several ‘erty will be offered for sale. Terms solos, which won rounds of applause. | 046 known on day of sale. See Thankegiving Ball. posters for particulars. A grand Thanksgiving ball will be | You cannot do better than to call on held in St. Thomas’ hall, Ashville, Pa., (441d & Beezer for first-class plumbing, on Thursday, evening, Nov. 24, 1808. o0, Egtimates freely given. 44tf Be ar vn held Under tie Suapices 3 Pure rye or corn chop at t oh atton music will be furn by the C ' Feed and Buckwheat Mills- d ished by the Cresson : Parlor Orchestra. A pleasant time is i, assured to all who attend. Admission { | FA Sem § | ' 50 cents, including supper and dancing. | Always Fresh. : Fish and oysters at H. Atkinson's, The Kind You Hae = next to Weakland's livery. Fish re- Bears the Bought Tony Farrell's company appears this “eves that jenses will correct. clean natural comedy, and be endeav. Owen” might truthfally be has provided the company with new * soepes of the many realastic sensa- hottie free of cost, ‘nue, expired Sanday morning of brain search of the meteoric display, were disappointed by a heavy fall of stormy In some portions of the country clouds did not A public sale will be beld at the home | Seporant 4 to Our Readers. The most important power in life is the power tc see. Eye sight is price less. D. Lantman, regular visiting optician and special in lenses, will correct all errors of refraction in the He can furnish reference from the best people, certifying to the excellence of his work. His visits nre regular, and he goaran. tees perfect results. Don’t trifie with vour sight or that of your children, (all and see him at Palmer house, Patten, Pa, November 224 to 6th. EYER TESTED FREE OF CHARGE. Thanking the public for past favors, Respectfully, D. LarrMax, Regular Visiting Optician, Johnstown, Pa. Overcome evil with good. Overcome your coughs and colds with One Min- ute cough Cure. It is so good children ory for it. lt cares croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and sll throat and lang diseases. . W. Hodgkins Pat. ton Pharmacy. How to (Care a Cold Bimply take Otto's Cure. We know of its astonishing cores and that it will stop a cough quicker than any known remedy. If you have asthma, bron. chitis, consumption or any disease of the throat and longs, a few doses of this great remedy will surprise you, If yon wish to try, call st our store and we will be pleased to furnish you a sample Large bottles Sw Pharmacy, CC. W. arnl he Patton Hodgkins A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to ron a certain course. Cure it quickly and effectaally with One Minute cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. We recommend it becanse it's good. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. A Sure Rigs of Croup. Hoarseness in a child that is subject to croup is » sure indication of the approach of the discase. If Chamber. iain’s cough Remedy is given as soon aa the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy eotigh has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Masoy mothers who have croupy children siways keep this remedy at hand and find that it suves them much trouble It can always be depended and worry. apon and ix pleasant to take. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins, Early to bad and early to rise, pre. ; pares a man for his home in the skies But early to bed and a Littie Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. C. W, Hodgkina, Patton Pharmacy. Wks teed Ladies and pentiemnen suffering from | throat and lang difficulties to eall at. for on sample bottle of Otto's Care, which we are distriboting free of amimend it our dare charge. We i as a care for coaghn, olde, bronchiting consumption, and all diseases of the throst and lunge It will stop a cough quicker th We believe it will cure you. or whooping cough it is sare to give instant rélief Bold by Patton Hodgkins sficentiy rea Pharmacy, C. Soothing, healing, cleansing, Witt’s Witeh Harel Salve is the ime placable enemy «f sores, burns and | wounds. It pever fails to cure pi You may rely upon it. CW. Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. Did Grocery. #5uf an nny other known remedy. | In croup Large sizes 50c and 35c. | Ww. De ot wee the bheantiful glassware | given away as premioms at the Cash | -— Many a household is saddesed by The Way to be Besutifel. death because of the failure to keep on| Every lady wishes t0 appear attrast- hand a safe and absolutely certain cure (ive. By using “Celery Wine” you will for croup such as One Minates Cough become so. Sleeplessness, dizziness, care. See that your little ones are fainting spells or female weakness, protected against emergency. C. W. soon wears a woman out. To keep Hodgkine, Patton Pharmaty. | yourself attractive yori must bave good From New Zealand. sound nerves. “Celery Wine” quiets Reefton, New Zealand, Nov. Zi, 1596, 30d strengthens the nerves, and pro- 1 am very pleased to state that since motes sieep. Warranted to contain 80 I took the sgemy of Chamberlain's injaicos drug Tange bottles, Soc. more especially of the cough Remedy. | ie In two years I have sold more of this particular remedy than of all other | J makes for the previous five years. As to its efficacy, | have been informed by scores of persons of the good re suite they have received from it, and know ite valoe from the nse of it in my awn household. It is so pleasant to take that we have to place the bottle helm beyond the reach of the children. EB. J. Scawxrieevry. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodghist : RF Notley, — Deader in Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Spe claity. {mr Bottind Beer and Porter for family use cannot be excelied. Prices are ressonable, : FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. HASTINGS, PA:! NEWEST FirstNation’| Bank MODELS. OF PATTON, : Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. FANCY CAPITAL PAID UP, $60,000.00. : SURPLUS, $40,000.00, i Acoomnts of Corporations, Firms, [ndivide ais and Banks received npon (he mit Savors Bie terms consistent! with safe and sonservalive banking. Stenmaliip tie kata five male for all the leadt Hines, Foreigs roafts payable in the prime eition of Lhe wa War Att correspondance wii Lave cuir provypland prreonsl atten Interest paid m ory time deposits. A. E Patron, Wu H Sanpromp, Onl a THE BAZAAR, GG. O. Brady, Por r. PAIN. SMART OR WATER, {t 1s their pleading for help. SPECTACLES! No matter if somebody does try to dissuade Yours is the pain and danger. WE DON'T CHARGE Anything for an examination of the eyes, and if an oculist’s care 1s needed we frankly tell you. If your glasses are crooked, or bend, or pinch, we will set them right —for nothing, perhaps. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. you. } 4 of the shooting stars approached pear BIG BARGAINS arree BAZAAR! Ladies Coats 2. Call and see these fine garments before the choicest are sold. Long Misses’ Coats and Infant's Remember Ladies’ Dress Shoes at goc and up. 20¢. and up. Infant's Shoes, sewed sole, 2c 90 and up Ladies Capes 75c and up Also Big Values in Cashmere and Eiderdown Coats. Our Shoes are the Chicest for the price you pay, that can be found anywhere. Men's Dress Shoes at go Ladies’ Common House Shoe 60c and up. Men's Double Tap Heavy Work Shoes, g4¢. RIA When you are looking for Genuine Bargains call 2 The Bazaar, GEO. O. BRADY, Prop'r.