The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 10, 1898, Image 5

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    . NOVEMBER 10, 1898.
Ross Curry, proprietor of the Metro- |
_politan hotel at Westover, was a
pleasant caller at this office Monday.
H. G. Dill, the efficient book-keeper
for. in the Patton Coal company's office, |
a E. WiLL GREE, Banat,
awesome ProctmATION WANTED —A reliable man to sell our
Tossed by President at MeKintey Friday of eas, coffees, spices, baking powder,
ete, to consumers. Will pay a liberal
The Prilont last Feitay issued the | commission to salesman and offer big
following Thanksgiving | inducements to customers. Address
By the President of the United States: { The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co,
—A proclamation: The approaching 1105 Eleventh Ave, Altoona, Pa. 493
November brings to mind the costom
of our ancestors, hallowed by time and
| rooted by onr most sacred traditions,
.| Soothing, healing, cleansing, De-. I Almighty God for
| Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the im- yy 1h, hisasings He has vouchsafed to
| placable enemy of sores, burns and as during the past year.
- wounds. It never fails to care piles’ p.y youry in oor history has afforded
« You may rely upon it. C. W. Hodg- |, ssnee for thanksgiving. We have
kins, Patton Pharmacy. been blessed by abundant harvests,
Early to bed and early to Fide, Je. | our trade and commerce have been
| But early to bed and a Little Early! credit has been improved and strength. |
| Riser, the pill that makes life longer ened, all sections of our common
and better and wiser. C. W. Hodgkina, | country have been brought together
Patton Pharmacy. and knitted into closer bonds of
Jesse E. Dale left Tuesday for Ma. ' national purpose and anity.
ders, Pa, to attend the funeral of his| The skies have been for a time dark-
| wife’s father, James Cornely, who ened by the cloud of war; but as we
{expired at that piace Monday, after an ' were compelled to take np the sword
| {linens of two months. He was aged | in the cause of humanity, we are per.
83 years and leaves to mourn his sad mitted to rejoice that the conflict has
: departure a wife and several sons and | been of brief duration and the losses
| daughters. we have had to mourn, though grievous
: and important, have been so few, con-
| It pays to buy Shoes at the Bon sidering the great results accomplished,
on. 'as to inepire os with gratitude and
Angust Trinkiey Dead. | praise to the Lord of Hosta We may
for a quarter of a cen- § August Trinkley, s prominent and Isud and magnify His boly name that
¥ much respected farmer whose home the cessation of hostilities came so
was near Patton, died Monday after soon as to spare both sides the count
‘noon about 4 o'clock after an fliness of | less sorrows and disasters that attend
about two months. He was aged 74 protracted wars.
| years and came to this country from I do, therefore, invite all my fellow
| Germany when but seven years old, citizens, sa well 2s those who may be.
{and resided in this county over 45 at sea or sojourning in foreign lands, to :
years. He is survived by a wife, three set apart and observe Thursday, the
| | sons and one danghter, John, Joseph, twenty-fourth day of November, as a
Michael and Mary. Interment took day of national thanksgiving, to come
place at the Carrolifown cemetery together in their several places of
| Wednesday. ‘worship for a service of praise and
Thanksgiving Ball. ; thanks to Almighty God for all the
: ball in Shei ball Thanks | of degaons and the fruitfaineas of the
gvembe soil, for the continued prosperity of
EE a. a oy the people, for the devotion and valor
Pe ' ‘of onr countrymen, for the glory of
‘and you can't afford to mies it. Every- oar and the bopeof a
‘body invited. Music by BSeverin's Victen =y © pray that S sightoons |
i’ cs i | guidance which has brooght us hereto
Always Fresh. | fore to safety and honor may be grac-
. Fish and oysters at H. Atkinson's, ioasly continued in the years to come.
‘next to Weakland’s livery. Fish re- In witness whereof, ete,
ceived every Thursday and Priday and | WrLiiam McKivvLey.
dressed free of charge. By the President,
Jon~ Hay, Secretary of State.
It 's to buy Shoes the Bon
“Staight A
am | SPOS Sunday among friends at Cur.
argh _ wensville.
Trey pinesd
a well, |
have appear lai y You
t say they are really
and so you call them
Vha can be done forthem?
ur answer is the same that |
test § physicians have been 3}
{ every living thing
Ke all Sutrune
ts on ae cla
orcxeRs ~ DIRT.
| Beads Recorded at Ehessburg ap to Date
Friday, November 4.
. A. W. Buck et ux to Richard E
: Davis, Cambria, $300.
Philip A. Gray et ax to Jobn Man.
ion, Sr. Clearfield, $450,
Joseph I. Bloom et ux et al to J. B.
: Wilbur, Patton, $2,200.
Administrator of Miles Ivory to A.
LL. Williams, Clearfield, $200.
Michael Eckenrode, OCuardian,
Conemaugh Coal & Coke company,
Clearfield, $520.
Eliza Ann McDonald to P. J. Little,
Fliza Ann McDonald to W. J. Duf.
ton, Ebensburg, $2,500.
Jobn Plutko to Anna Plutko, Hast
ings, $60.
. Paal Short et ax to Joseph Fisher,
Patton, $100.
| Annie E Criste to James Harrie
. Washington and Cresson, $500.
Treasurer Cambria county to Com |
bria county, Clearfield, §7.
Commissioners Cambria county to
George Seymour, Clearfield, §7.
J. C. Stineman et ux to John Basset,
South Fork, $150.
i James Criste et ux to Charles A
‘ Criste, Manster, §1,200.
John Crosman to Margaret Sarah
Woodside, Susquehanna, $550. :
J. H. Coogan to Matilda Hitch,
Chest, $500. :
That are all the name Nineties Pay.
im lies | The editor of the COURIER had the
p ph | pleaaize of amending a siesion pasty
‘at the home of Postmaster Ed
| Mellon Tuesday night, which was com-
| posed of just six Republicans and six
| Democrats. A very pleasant evening
was spent in playing progressive pedro
‘when all were escorted to a table
{all- | heavily laden with refreshments, tur.
key and other delicacies of the season,
which were hoghly enjoyed by the
guests. The remainder of the evening
was spent in receiving the election re-
turns, discussing the sitaation and
seeing who could teil the biggest yarn
Wm. Strattiff, of course, carrying
‘away the medal. At a somewhat late
hour all departed for their homes, de-
claring that they had never before
spent such an enjoyable evening and
| thanking Mr. and Mrs. Mellon for he
kind hospitality, which will alwa
remembered by the boys
Grand Bail,
Pars to buy Show . the Bon | Are you looking for
ton ors meat
aye to buy Shoes st the Bon
ous hotel st Punzsutawney Look over these prices,
Monday afternoon. The carefully:
on | Men's $1.25 fleeced-lined
» w hoy Shoes st the Bon 1, derwear at g6c the suit.
Men's $2.50 fleeced
to the Cash Grocer will
vit Y - ool} Underwear #1 88.
jos. 480 All Underwear at same pro-
ays ‘0! uy Shoes at the Bon portion.
1 pay you 10 mer siwbere Tn Men's soc Gloves 38c.
ER this week, " 35¢ * 25c.
pays to buy Shoes st the Bon. Soom ap the Fae.
Men’ s soc Caps 38¢
Men's soc Overalls oe.
Talk about Suits and Over-
‘coats. Well, here is where There will bea grand ball held in the
. er = . any Firemen's Hall onder the auspices of
Yo md I ANY Killbock Tribe, No. 369, L 0. R,, Wed-
nesday evening, November 18th. All
Come and see us, and our are invited to attend. “Tickets 50 cta
Motto Still is:
“Penny Profits-Big Sales. C A STC OR I A
The Keystone ™ Ko Yu Ki Aes Bg
Clothing (Co. seme
quicker than any other known remedy.
Ladies and gentlemen suffering from
| throat and lung difficulties to call at
our store for a sample bottle of Otto's
Cure, which we are distributing {eee of
‘charge. We confidently recommend it
an a care for conghn, colds, bronchitis,
consumption, and all diseases of the
throat and lungs. It will stop a cough
To buy Clothing now-a-days requires thought
You must guard against shoddy and yet
must not pay too much.
Is cheap and looks well But poor apparel is dear and looks cheap
Often youn must be the the judge, and there's the danger. Come to
as and yon have the asairanon that there is
. No Cheap Grade
in Our Stock.
We believe it will care yon. In croup
or whooping congh it is sure to give
instant relief. Large sizes 50c and oe:
Sold by Patton Pharmacy, C.
9 The Kind You Raw A
-* - - -
Men's Suits and Overcoats,
$4.50, $5.50, $6, $7, $9, $10 and up to $15.
Elegantly trimmed and well made. See our prices
and be convinced That We Are The Reliable Clothiers.
Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Coats.
itis an berh drink, and isa positive cure ALRO FUR COLLARETTES. oe
for constipation, beadncbe, nervous Sisorders,
rheamatism, Kidney Alecanses, and the vari
ot troubles arising from a disordered stom. |
arch and torpid liver. It ies most agreeable |
medicine, and is recommended hy physicians |
Celery King is sold by Be. and She Pasian
by druggists and dealers
Patton Pharmacy,
LW, Hodgkins.
R. F. Notley,
- Dealer in-—
‘Wines, Liquors,
- Beer, Etc.
D. Lutz & Son's Beera
Our Bottled Beer and Porter for
SEmiiy ans Chuder be excelled.
Are reas:
You cannot afford to miss seeing our line. Prices are cheaper
and stock larger than ever.
Shoe Depart’ t.
If you want to save Fifty Cents on the Dollar come to
our Shoe Department this week.
See Our Line.
Mirkin & Kusner,
Good Building,
‘Next to Bank. PATTON, PA.
A Convincing
It is their pleading for help.
No matter if somebody does try to dissuade
Yours is the pain and danger.
Anything for an examination of the eyes,
and if an oculist’s care is needed we frankly tell you. If
your glasses are crooked, or bend, or pinch, we will set them
every day. When we
eT i pe point Jt you % to right—for nothing, perhaps.
rr et TOZER,
looking out or your interests. This
The Patton Jeweler.
are im
is not entirely an
of ours, for we are anxious to help
you and to help ourselves at the
same time,
You Cannot
Do Better
1 | 8
The watermarked name on
ch sheet of paper we sell 1s a suf
ficient guarantee of the quality.
Than by calling at our
store and inspecting our im-
mense line of
HE line embraces all high grade Station-
ery, Animal Sured, Loft Dried. The as-
sortment consists of Elite Lenox Linenes, Eng-
lish Parchments, French Quadnilles, Golden
Rods. Cold Pressed Irish Bonds. Foreign [veir-
ines {heliotrope and white). Local Stationery in
Gold. Hand-made Vellum, Deckle Edge wmre and white |,
This paper is all hand fAnished: envelopes made by hand,
similar to wedding shape amd is strictly the newest thing in
stationery direct from mills t consumer.
pov We Introduce no Name Tablets oa
Do not
please all.
Corner Drug Store-
fail to see this line; something to
Good Building.