The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 10, 1898, Image 4

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10, . iho.
has, Mb INH RF
Yatton Courier.
I ee HR CR in
PATTON PUBLISHING co. Propristers.
EF. Wir GREXYE, Editor.
- om
fine copy, one year, in advances, - - - $1.90
SF Advernsing mies msde KnOWn ApoB ap
AF No papers Aseontinped until all arrear-
ages are pid, unless sl the optinn of the
Entered at the PostaMice it Patton as sovond.
clans man Bitter.
AS tg Se see
sa ring Bromo
Bacouraging Advices From Parle For.
sign Bondholders Blave Moved to
Protect Their (nterests.
Wasmivarox, Nov, 9.—The advices
that have come to hnnd from Paris so
far are said to be rather emocouraging
than the reverse, and there is a disposi- |
tion herw to agree ty the statement
rather coriously made by the Spanish
cabinet that there will be three or four
meetings of the jim peace commis.
son. This is taken 23 an indication
— Spauiaris XhimaciVes 319 not
ira CRE ing negotiations,
Sapna pemdefal comclasion
, short time.
Toe foreign bondholders have at last | election of
moved formally to protect their inter
ests in Cuba and Porto Rico. The ini-
tial steps have been taken through the
agency of the French smbassy
in this case, 8cta no lovger as the repre.
seatative of the & Spanish
t for French subjects.
un most formidable Siatement
“has been presented to the state
a Do
ous Spanish bonds owned by:
- tories either seized or sit free by the act
of the United States government. The
sum total of these bonis run up far into
ust what it is expecied shall be done
them is not made clear. The
Hiates government of course
pay them, but it may be that
oh koverniment looks to it to
ependemt, government
to sssmme liability for redem
the bonds mains that isl. |
3 Wht) Sisas overntoent shall have |
| by the sot of the
Cited Sates government
jt 42 poimble that other holders of
; Usrman nod
| : sid mpi bmg Tend
Pam, Nov. 9.—The United States
w REE EE en- |
© VL a
of rs 2 _the patients.
OmIcAGO, Nov. 9.— Five and probably |
: congressmen have been od |
_ Illinois by the Democrats, and the next
delegation from the state
is likely to be evenly divided, 11 Demo- |
_crats and 11 Republicuns. It is possible |
for the Republicans t¢ have 12 of tne
23 congressmen, as all the returns are
aot R yet in, but theindications are for an
lit on the delegation. The entire |
: hs state tickot is elected by
about 30,000 plurality. Democrats car-
. ned Chicago Jand the Republicans Cook
It Likely Stands
| YWalhed Prom the Barber Weme te the
ii Plur arality$
we. at sau
' Democrats Do Nt Concede Weaver's
Election to - Congr,
15 oo 4 ass Nelore
Chatrman Daagherty Said the Result
Was 8 Splendid Endorsement of the
President's Administration Chairman
Biacker Sald It Was Partly Dae te the
President's Management of the War.
Oorruers Nov. 3. —Chatrman Blackes
. about three
committee cinimed about 60,000.
The Ohio congressional delegation
mains the same as at present, 15 to 6,
i i 2 es
yours asf
PY et Qistriot W. B Shattuck, en.
| omittin
. wilter.
Pollo Prepared His Ballot
and Cass It.
Osxrow, O., Nov. 9. — President Mo
- Kinley reached Osaton for the purpose
of yoting on a special train over the
. Pennsylvams line, occapring the car
Accompanying bim Wave
Mrs. McKinley, General Hastings, As
not expected until an hour later, which
. was responsible for many people not
being at the depot. The party took
carriages and wore driven tothe M. C.
Barber home, where Mrs MceKinley
ined her sister, Mrs Barber. The
president merely exchanged greetings
| at the bons and then went to the polls
to vote. Accompanied Dy eight or ten
of his old friends he went to the polling
place of his precinct of the First ward,
abont ths ke away, Wali there
4 ; . responding to the groclungs
of friends the way.
The voting is the
| of Contractor Rimmel, Here the presi:
and other elec
number was called ont
. a8 “No, 192 and he was handed ballot
: Neo. 188.
No is When he enter I
® j tht over
shoulder and was allowed to hang there,
leaving She previdens ib Ji Jew ale
He nid nis silk
#8 he took the ballot,
the street and pumber of the
The president and those accompany
ing him walked back to the Farber
Trteteenth—James A. Morton, Dem.
Fonrteenth-— Winfield 8. Kerr, Rep. crowd
Fifteenth — Henry CO.
steenth— lorenzo Danford, Rep.
Neventeenth-—John Anderson Mo- |
Bighteouth— Robert wh
Nineteenth Charles
Twentieth—F. O. Jos Dick.
Twenty-firss—Theodore H.
oounty will vot i
oe A To amiss
| ORY Dangherty of ae opt
| can state executive committes
| to say:
ic has given s plurality 10 the Re-
blican state ticket of from 55,000 to
Be. 000, and siecked 15 Rejution ocon-
who suppor mag-
{ pifioent administration Presidens
EE Bar endorse.
| gives a greater increased
give» resi rete pon in sop
Just af the t national administra.
t messages
eRinley, Ba Fora-
said the result was due to the adminis
tration’s successful comduct of tha
| glestion by 10,000 majority. The loge :
New Havew, Nov. 9.—The result of
the election in this state was a
Rhode fsland.
PROVIDENCE, Nov. 9. —The voting was
light throughout the state, as the elec.
tion «f both Republican candidates for
congress was a foregone conclusion.
The revised constitution has probably
been rejected. =
Torkea, Nov. 9, -——Chairman albaugh
of the Republican state committee
claimed the state for Stanley, Rep, for |
ghrves nor. , by 5,000. and Chairman Ria-
e of the fusjon committee claimed the
state for Leedy. Pasian br 11 000
| private
jodicial ticket slacted dy 30,000,
Kleetion Returns Revelved With Great
Interest - Not the Uinal Scene af
the White Honse.
Wasmisaorox, Nov. 9 Intense inter-
paper offices. Ihe theaters and ciabs
- reosived bulletins, the two congressional
- headquarters had special wires and long
distance tslephone service for thowe
who were figuring Gp the resgit of the
battle fix the control of the next hone
of pepresantatives
Many of the cabinet officers and
higher officials of the government had
the brilliant
ables at the
culture 'Wileon being the one who
came 10 tie executive mansion early.
Secrecaries Hay, Alger and Ors the
members of the cabinet in the
city, remained at their mics throagh-
aI wo of the evening
Perhaja in no ho sity in the
Side od the Em
3% :
a . is elected sR
13,000 plarality. Both ning of .
tare will be Republican. This
ensure the election of a Repoblican
to scceed James Smith, Jr., Democrat,
to the United States senate.
Lovisviiie, Nov, 9. The Demoerats
. of Kentucky carried nine and possibly
pod. | iri i at the eleven congressional (lis
in the Mate, a gain of two or -
Sate | haps three over their last —.
pablicans carrisd only one dis
trict, the Eleventh, solidly, but this was
always conceded by their opponents, as
it has been 8 Republican stronghold for
A Sh ——
Dero, Nov. $. Daniel J. Campan,
chairman of the Democratic state ven-
tral committer, conceds the re-election
of Governor Pingree by a plurality of
perhaps Sixx. The legislature 15 Re
tdican, but 1: i mot known whether
; + Republican. An entire Re-
publican delegation is likely elscted to
BirMinGHan, Ala, Nov.
OCTARlIe congressional
was elected from Alabama. General
Joseph Whe l'r was snanimonsly
elected in the Eighth, not a vote being
_ cast against him
9.—A solid
- pratic ticket is elected. The light vote
: judges is dune to the feeble resistence offered.
| ton offoers with a hearty handshake, The
president had been in the
| oth just one minute and six seconds.
fon, could scarcely
sp BA 4 FA ei 8 NE AN
New Oristass, Nov, 9. The Demo.
rats in Louisiana made a clean
electing six dongressmen, three railmad
sommssioners and three jndges in the
parish of Orleans.
Sonate € aol.
Corowma, Nov. 6. —The Democratic
state ticket was elected without oppo
mtiom. A wiry hight vote was cast All
LDemocpatic congressmen elected
Des Moixies, Nov. 4. Returns from
90 precincts show that the Republican
majority this year will nearly equal
that of President MeKinley in i808
Rewer, Nov. §.—1n ions point
the election of MoMillan, Republican,
for fer governce: Newlands, Silver, for con
Jacmsonynie, Fis, Nov. 9 -—-The
vote judging from retarns now in, is
from 10 to X por cent Hghter for both
partics than in 1*¥. The whole Demo
spablicans and Populists wilt not
clot altogether aver Sve members of
the legistature, if that many. The eg.
{slature slanted will choose 8 successor
Senator Samuel Pason.
Miiwarxre, Nov. %—From a oon
servative standpoint it looks as thongh
Scofield, Rep. for governor, will carry
the state by a swomewhat reduced pla.
rality from the figures estimated by
deposit it. Uhairman Treat, $8000 to 40.0006. At
William McKinley,” called out the
this hour there is nothing on which to
base the complexion of the next legis
iature nor can the result on congress
men be stated.
fF North Caroline.
Rargiim. Now § — Returns indicate
the Demorrnts have carried dr Hetriote,
Atwater, Fopulist, endorsed by Demo
crass, is probably evcted 1a te Foarth. |
+ seontd ancertain wither Foan- |
ta'n. Popaiisg supported by Democrats,
or White, olor: Hepablican, is elected.
Legisiarore Democratic in both branches
by two thirds majority. Democratic
A Sare Sige of Oreup. :
Hoarseness in a child that is subject
to croup is a sure indication of the
approach of the disease. If Chamber.
Iain’s cough Remedy is given as soon
aa the child becomes hoarse, or even
after the croupy cough has appeared,
it will prevent the attack. Many
mothers who have croupy children
find that it saves them much trouble
and worry. It can always be depended |
‘apon and is pleasant to take. For sale |
by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkina. |
How 10 Cure a Cold.
Simply take Otto's Core. We know
“of ite astonishing cures and that it will
iD ‘gtop a cough quicker than any known
" remedy. If you have sathma, bron:
chitis, consumption or any disease of
the throat and longs a few doses of
this great remedy will surprise you. If
you wish to tir
will be planned to furni wh you & sample
bottle free of cost. Large bottles Soc
and Pe Palton Pharmacy, OC. W
£2 a
. Cli AY ¢
It pays to buy Shoes at the Bon po gre Just a Few of Our Many
lagvr. Hopson, who is in Washing
when he receives the news of the
sinking, during a storm, of the Maris
Teresa, the Spanish cruiser be raised,
while on ite way to New York Many
regrets have been ~xpressed by others,
especially naval officers.
Many a household is saddened by
death because of the failure to keep i
hand a safe and absolutely certain |
for croup such as One Minates cough
cure. See that your little ones are
protected against emergency. C. W.
Hodgkins, Fatton Pharmacy.
Ladies Coats 2.90 and up Ladies Capes 75c and up
Call and see these fine garments
ses’ Coats and Infant's
Ladies’ Dress Shoes at goc and up.
and up.
ne es
Infant's Shoes, cewed sole,
"5 sci
SAA SR REA send i Fs St i
Here the wheels
of business hum.
" 1 :
You know that means pleasing the people
We were never so busy
with extra values, low price with high
quality combined.
We pot on sale tod:
Lancaster gingham
every place labeled, only Je a yd.
48 yards of good calion, the fie qual |
ity only 3c ss vd.
1,148 yards onting cl
533 yarde lambermen’s cloth,
quality only Se 3 yd.
1,018 yards Vicana cloth,
only fc a yd.
Ah, To quality at
iie guality !
y 1.41 yards of Best Sugar cared ham 10 per Ib.
not the cheap Best sugar cured Californias ham or
gingham others are selling for Lam-|
caster the real Lancaster gingham, |
shoulder 7c per 1B.
12 cakes lsundry soap (Ark 25e
Try our loose blended coffer. It's a
winner. Only 15¢ per Ib.
Peas 5c per can.
Tomatoes cold packed: 3 cans for
Choice Bartiett pears 13 Per can. }
Corn or mixed chop only $1 per sack.
Good rye and oats chop only §1 per
3,687 yards dress goods that we are sack.
closing oot at 4c to $1 per yd.
Corset Ritraions
shaped. In color pink. biue
drab. They are beauties; soe them.
Dr. Warner's Health, True Fit, P. N |
and the best 50c comet in the world. |
Come and see for yourself.
Shirt Waists.
Another pew line jnst arrived
stylish and up-to-date.
19 poands fine granulated sugur $1.
11 pounds Arbuckie’'s coffee $l.
have the largest and best line of
corsets in the city to select from.
It pays to buy Shoes at the Bon Thomson Glove Fitting, Armonrside, |
wr store and we san please you if you want something |
Shoe Selling.
always keep this remedy at hand and | | 1s ons when yon have s Hine like cure
New line of ?. n coreets, Parte] — in _y
one-—an to service, our line must be all
right for we are building s Shoe Trade
' that is a surprise to on. Men's Wom
en's and Children's.
Our §2 Shoe for Ladies, that are a
"nice as most people unre showing for
350 and $3. Better than gold is our
#2 Shoe.
Ladies will you take a look at the
Julia Marlowe Shoes, the most perfect
fitting shoe in the world. [nall widths
and sines, at §3 and $3.50.
Children's Shoss. The largest, finest
and cheapest line to be shown any-
| where, in all sive, all styles, all toes;
from the round toe tp the real wide
| coes that do not pinch the child's feet.
| Prices from 0c to $2. All good, honest
Gent's we have extra good bargains
{ for you in heavy and fine dress Shoes.
| A large line to select from. See our
| waterproof Shoes.
Buy at the Old Rehable Store and Save
OORMOTTO: Same Price Same Day to Everybody.
the chowcest
Our Sh OES are
can hae
are sond.
Cashmere and Eiderdown Coats.
found anya he
Ladies’ Common House Shoe 60¢ and up.
Men's Double Ta ip Haan v Work S
artie BAZAAR!
Also Big Values mn
¢ Chicest for the price you pay, that
Men's Dress Shoes at Que
When you are looking for Genuine Bargains call «
The Bazaar,
- jo i *
BRADY, Prop'r.