3d Purified by Hood's Sarsapa- rilia and Health Is Cood. #7 was troubled for a jong tine with ca- : mn a bad testing in my head. I be. a ® Hood's Sarsapariiin, and it aid man world of good. My sufferings from e | are over and my health is good.” Livhy. Pawaai, 8 fate, on SA i SAR SRT HAA WAR AA ISH only fot tn sroity. Catyroh Sea a consti th. require fonai treats Eatarrh cus ‘are a Foe EER postity 3 righ Ap vig J ng natire fu doin i Ear t they Met Din Ope Hundred that id fia to eum. Se. ‘nls. I ny or ‘lolede, O Hatem the best fi aie erty Fd coe = Soe r can be heard tine miles ” a : ffl to ture. : Wy eR men <utnumber bind women Amat Cans Sar Nas got him into no serapes with patriotic American of equally tender years came his father shortly after the bat- Manila was fought and, with a je expression. sald: “Say, aldn’t the English ever lick other boats without losing 8 The father was foreed to con- » had not. “Well" said the , “1 guess the Americans bad, after all, are they?’ On of July when young America ebrating the naval victory st the youthful uplioider of Britain was in the midst of a ultra-patriotic boys setting off ers aii cheering with the best “Here, boy! Whit are you for?" asked hin father. ering for? Oh, say, father, didn't 7 give those Spaniards fits!"—New York Commercial Advertiser. ‘Madrid, Bt 26.—It is announmesd | bere that 10,000 Spaniards residing in be island of Porto Rico have refused to Ih in the island under the Ameri an flag and have demanded that they returned tn Spain at the expense the govertiment. The (uestion of repatriation of the discontented | nia bas been referrid to the | THE Ls OF WOMEN | ; How Mrs. Pinkham Helps Ovarcome Then. — Mr Many Bovrixorn, 1101 Marianna + Chieago, 111, to Mrs. Pinkham: “1 have been troubled for the peat wo years with falling of the womb, pains over my body, sick | , bickache, nervousness and 1 tried doctors und various ‘ vithout relict After taking ve Antigo fm) , Ohio, to Mrs. Pinkham: » long time I suffered with inflatnmation of the womb, m oh alee itn have d me of all my pains and Ihave her oo to thank s for which {am grate- bless her for the Son gar sex.” the first conditions of trade § 1t is said that German pins anid need- those of better quality made 1a I: SCIENTIFIC SCRAPS. The enmmon caterpiilar has tere thao two hondréd muscles, Rome insecets are in a state of mee turity thirty minates alter birth, Al sex level an ob ect une Ynndred feat high is vi«ible a little over thir teen miles. If five hundred feet lugh, it ix visible neariv thirty miles Ome of the most interesting features of modern industrial chemistry is the synthetic production of odorous sabe. stances, closely related to the odours of flowers, plants, api auvimal sub Mlanoes, The longest wave hitherto observed ia sxid to have had a length of bail =» mile, and to have spent itself in twenty-three seconds, Pravinz storms in the poeth Atlan His WHYS Sone Ie extend to a length of 500 an 16.01 feet, aad last from ten to eleven seconds, A peciliar wervons Hisoune, called wali raali, is sometimes poticed, ci ely in old women, among natives of 1 Philippe Telands. The victim, w Wise symptoms may appear Hy ¥ 4h Being excited, has an nnecontroliable devive to imitate the movements of some person before Bits, on i 3 A i S108 ASM ro MAUSERS VS. KRAG-JORGENSENS. —— Some Comparisons Recently Made by Exnsrts at the Springfield Arsenal While no decision has yet been made as to what shall be done with the Spanish Mauser rifles which ar rived iu the United States arsenal re- cently, it is expected that, after hav. ing been cleaned and repaired, these weapons will be sold to the public as curiosities, Officials at the arsenal state that these Spanish guns, besides being in every way inferior 10 the Krag Jor. gensen rifles used by oar regaiar sry, show rough snd ignorant ns age at the hands of the Spanish sol diers, The main differenen between the Kraz aod the Mauser is that, while both are bolt guos, the former has a magarine which, filled with five ear tridges, can be ent off so ax to rake the rifle practically a single shooter | the latter's magazine cannot be so eat off. It is, therefore, really a repeat. ing rifle. Furthermore, in the Krag the bolt is opened and closed Ly the action of cams-—an spplication of power similar to that nsed on chain: less bicycles—while with the Mauser the mau has 10 compress the main spring by direct force, It is probable that these Mansers will be sold for mot less than 815 apiece, so that for every one sold the government will be a little more th reimbursed for the manuisciore pr one Krag Jorgensen, which, as male at the sixena!, cost 814.50, Several Krage have arrived at the arsenal for repairs after having been used by rough riders. They show that they can stand very hard usage without impairing their eficianey, proving thereby the excellence of their pattern, manafsciure af = hae terial, There are two after having bean carried theongh — surf, filled with sad asd wet with wale, and having gone through all the fight ing, were quite ready for use jas ax they we e when they arrived without any cleaning or oiling. The batt of one of these —ecarbine pattern was split and perforate] by a Masser bul i} whish most likely bored a bole also | through the arm of whatever Rough Ride: held the gun at the time. One reason of the iaferiority of the Matisers is that they are made by con tract by a firm in Berlin, Germany, while our sups are made at the Springfield arsenal Wider the direct supe: vision of ordnance ofeers. Our guns are therefore exactly slike, one to the other, while the material aud workmanship of the Spanish rifles show many degrees of quality, — Springfield v nion, Hopes Woven by Spiders. Spiders must now be counted among | the nece way bheipmates of balloon manniacturess, Many experiments made with apiderweb as a sulstitate for milk have proved the far reaching possindities of the gow material. The threa! .f the sider was found inval- aable 14 the poolaction of so-called reticles, ciawes or nets of fine threads placed 1 1 the {real plane of telescopes, to de eciie the ecact position of an obser el ob ect. Bowe ten years ago a Freoch wissiona-y started the sys tematic rencing of two Kinds of spiders for tivi web, Now tha “*ipdastrie Textile an nounces that a spider web factory is in suovesfsl operation at Chalais Men lon, nour Paris, where ropes ave mate o pide web intended for bal locus for the French military aecou atic xe tion, The spiderxarea ranged Mog oases of twalve above a redl, mon whieh the thoeads are wonnd, It is by no weans easy work forthe spades for they ave uot release] andl have facnishied (rons tlarly to yards of thread each, The web is washed and tins freed of the outer reddish and sticky cover, Fight of the washed threads are then taken together, and of this rather strong varn cords are woven, whieh are stronger and mneh iighter than cords of silk of the sane thickuess These spider we’ ropes are very much more expensive than silk ones, but it is hoped to reduce their cost somewhat in the future, Les fury Pointed Suggestion, Study of local peculiarities is cue of SHOCEss, les in China bave completely displaced SR land, becanse the English persist ia putting theirs a in black paper, winch to the Chinese stands for iil luck, while the Germans, understanding this, put theirs up in red paper, which has a more cheerful omen, — Boston Journal. This fs the love th | And Rn FoLE SUNG, aid wits Rnows ra Sraw pie, 4 together Size win $0 ws 92 w he a. Soa : | #The north wind {4 man» wind, i PETE Bobs Tale: {Pu teat be po themt Bee siamad, It pants Bix dove and hate. ! Phe west wing is the anpe wind : Anil where oa { And whenoe they go ne | We | . , fo ; right Kina ing the reign of every one of 1s igre niin ge 8% re He sweeps their thar ETRY thine, We see thelr rashisg wings, ELE pant wind le the devil s wind, Ard dings with Bre and joe Toe wy wind te God = wind, And blows from parade, an se tEOPIRE ELBOW 2 by: kh thes ae they Gf the say. Wins pears ther ridin Shy LAL wate Toe windows eT HUMOROUS, fend, dowd } 10 ine pi ge fa Oar REL ¥ Foy of , unless von have s good skal, FRAT te] an the It siirinks dar- £ K Ryan” Bap is not of eliotn, | rulers, i baste.” i snre?’ {| over ninety. img HANA 2 EL peiatives want Po practiesng nthe conets; | that he had been admitted to the bar? “My grandparents married in And dd they repent at ler “th, yes, both lived to be “What ear eqns] the warmth of a true woman's love? asked the Dear est Girl, “‘nmer temper,” replied the savage bachelor, Harry — How very dall it was at the Cutlers’ party last night. Vera Yes, in the scrly part of the evening, bat it was brighter after you left. *Wonld you please help me?’ suid tie poor beggar to the pedestrian. “I have 8 wife and Bre chyidren at boone, and an installment to pay on tay bioy- ele tomorrow. That is evidently erazy. Why = be not pat in an sey. nm? Native His property Beavily worteaged that nous Stranger Wan 34 of his Hr it, he 1s PA Egow LE Be that fds Yeast Jesse tells Crimson beak — He hasnt It's tennis conrts he means, Bumps (sadly — You sre sou used to be, Vicia. Mrs Bumps {shar piy jo Of course I'm not. | nosed to be vour best girl, bat now om your wife, and it makes all the difference. Mother ~ How did pa a » new book ges in this condition? Bobby - Why, mamma, | beard pasa say last night that the book was too dry w, 8 T puttin the bath and TH. the not o hat bet A Michigan farmer phased biz aoth. er-in-law, and then sked ber to lower him dows the well 10 re CAT fost digger, the rope broke, t it bad bee’ cnt He Sep Wir 8% A worsen wtaire a sulilie kpow as Wo the mar note of the sung» of tas the he coroner decided that SHR ge fx GtLeYs 180s tH ut ta fu be generally se ot that nearly ail Mbp § dons wed ladies, bat ses womid object 8 gon afer xi. Eine was ty gelatine, sa ying to eat a dessert of had some Jiffirnlty mn sonveviag 1h quivering Ry tal to her month, gu itn,’ she sani at Jength, 'l don't Lllieve 1 like sueb pervous desserts,” “Yes,” remarked the Widow Tacam, Shefore we were warried I used to admire dunn because | #51 he WAS BO noble I continent to pimire him aflersands] bat 12 was beranse he was such a splendsd humbug! She-Do you kpow, that Kitten there reminds me of yon” He bike to know where the connection is? Khe It seemn to have just about as much success 5 catching Ms tail as you do in Seding your monstache, “Madam, you've already overdrawn your sceonut,”’ “What's that?’ "You haven't any more money in the bank.” “fhe idea. A fine hank, I thiak, to Le out of money beraase of the Little P've sisawn’ Well, 1'll go somewhere eine Freshman PEERS oo $y dentist —1 wonldn’t pay nothing extra for gan, Just yank hier ont, i & «does bart, Dentist — Yon are plocky, sir. Let me see the tooth. Freshman Oh, "taint we that's got the toothache; 11's my wife, She'll be bere in a mannte, She bad been arrested for shoplift- ing. *'Do you wish to make any state- ment before sentence is passed on you?" asked the dge **3 bave nothing to say,” was the response There few words were her and 1g. Everyone kuew then tha! the prisoner WAS & ual masgaerading as 8 wo 4 SLAG, nothing not shi Yon sue jvhe ry sodiietiving aba Hee AM. eh Meehn Ta if Grigingt ~My vife Now, w int she said when | ne. ¥ rks jin Hein wo edcdden, ! SRD “Nf said, Well, 1 think t's ginn Pie bess ex fecuing ¥uil tot nake 3 lnesk fur three contim, asked ber to wma 5 tae - Yon Ek i was perfectly safe, and be nsed withont the least danger. | took yom wid, anid what » the re suit? The staff has exploded made a vain of oar Kitchen, I said the vil was not did not say anything servant piri. that Kerosene tisat sonid (riilings 5B 1% wi nal Dealer 3 wn a. GAangerns, i a: all abuat the Battering the Faglivh, Jt does 54% require 3 1t knowl i dpe of i : to discover how frequently if is brossed and manpled ld tes fide on the Rireet borough £5 on ta fidvaage ey ap mbilic place 1s safficie ¢old shivers to back of 8 person fish lanenave in hand one hears “I scen,’ **1 done,’ "They was” similar deadly News, whi holds eaten Le : Sunts i mon of Bah 8 i smTioye of i the Fox 0 i by spinal 3 op al 1 Bop orf I when ns by a miracis. he was i now in * $55 ni A Father's Story. {Prom the Eoening Orewarefl 42 A rewn nripnss he due from 5 Wha } fate 3 of wo! gq be Zz great amoast of plies af fhe west mend The raw io that of Lit I Creech sone of The fangs PATTY ray Vallee. The ind was attacked Aimensr and Bis parents had given Iie ever being well again heated and is Bis mates, Dhivy, Wher, KEOWES pois = Pas ivwelry R$ ADY af t Bu father af The Tadass Mr. Cress’, | pesides gi 1002 Wesond Ripest Appleton, I Wisconsin, 100d the folowing story. yo pills we noted sigas Fo (Joes ty Sekool, “mr boy was abmniataly belnieas, Wis awn Ambs wor parsivesd, and when we gend siestririty he sould not feat 38 below | his hi Fioaliy we lst thn doctor go as be di not seen to beip our son and we | poariy gave up haps, iawily my mother whe lives in Canada wrote advising the ave ot Dr. Witliams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- | pie and I bought some. This was whan oat boy had been on the | gipatober for an sotire year and helpless for nine months. In six wesiks after taking of witaiity in his begs, and is four months be was able Lo go tov mela, ft fe tee vere stace ba took the fest of tive piles nad he de at selon adw just as happy and weil 84 any af the other oid dros. It wax sthing alse fa the world that saved the hoy thaa Pr. Wiliams’ Pink Fiiks for Paie Purple.” AB &O Drer ial. Mis Raiiroad is to nck Be Haud if wivicd between New York sand ‘mElington ar Bas Deen stated In an which Rag bein going of the papers for the last month Motive Power department of this rall rend bas Hoel Boon the ramer wily seppnidera bbe apamsersent, as within th past yeh and a wai? the Roval Biae trains have hen hanled by (he Snes, ard strongest fen wheal DRe- Rer eng ines in the world. These Srl IY ee EY TR rel dari VErE and re. th EY Wi ve been in service have livemtly sutinfactory better can protably be se. Ir will ke resem bered that oa AEN CANT SEW BONG rapiied Vice President. } . s March Ind, Ive from Pha TE minutes, Wake On i¥ ran hen hos wt eight a rid Ohio Fails af changing crdar motive or wt Pree em LE Rothin Eg cured, nf these PATER e RELL oR ORR Fore aait y Peswar Past Tohaeeo Spit and Smokes Tour Life Awey, Ta gait wheats eonily and forever, De mage matie Ind of k it. nares weed wa we, tale Nov'Toe Bae | the worn boaniken werk men sronyg An ERs, Bows or '. Cure guns peed Pookiet and martle free Address Bre ling hemody Co. Chicagd or New Yors zix morthes Ww ater Ya, Was Fr; Ree rake of Walling Fhartie of Eten B Marah Fz ihe Le &i of Gaara ret tats frre MAGA WEAR BOS MIOGE, DOS pure 0. All drags Heh thal wn fH sud buried Ener began life as a i Blacksmith 1d} Rnochs Foaghe and (olde Tor. Keep oh Kil wera it naghe and § inde Prove ats wr "a Al EA wer i A ly a5 hn Ed Neary & RAPIST af mil eases of in- sanity are Peradilary Uncle Alben. “A! any rate” remarked Uncle AD Sparks, It doesn’t appear that any «pl demic broke out among ihe army Borses, let us be just to Surgeod Huldekoper, THE FACILLENCE UF SYRUP WF Pas is due net ouly to the originality and simplicity of the domme hh bat also to the care amd skill with ric it = manufactured by scientific processes known to the Catrronxia Fre Synre Ca only. and we wish t impress apo all the importance of parchasing the tree and original remedy. As th genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Carfponsia Fi Syrup Co only, a knowledge of that faet assist one in avesding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Call roryia Fre Sysve Co. with the medi eal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millk a wk 3% abd was of families. makes tie name Of the Coanpany a guaranty ot the exovilence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other iaxatives, it aes an the kalneys, and ls with r Weaker pe Fin INET Bont jor tating & Pa. Aateate HI ua nore the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FEANCINOW Cal CATR VILLE, Ky. EW YORE. RT | se } | was married no fewer than } bg Sirs : families | should marry {the festival | possn fey Bout day’ s pen of § P Nerve the rounds { | great bellever in your Compound. Wiggest Wedding ts History. On the day that Alexander {he Great | ec} Gs Jas : guns in coe cEreIONy Wile fsade Sus bands and wives This sours nd : hole but the event LOK pre, its Risrorical record ie This monster wedding occurred upon (he econgeest by Alexapder the Great of Pereta, which was then ruled over UY King Darius Alexander married ita- the daughter of the conquered king and decreed that 100 of his chiel oficers should be united to [00 ladies | freon the noblest Persian and Medean Ir wddition to thin Be stip- ulated that 10008 of his Greek soldiers | FH 000 Asiatitt women. ' When everyihis ng was settled a vast pavili evected the plilary of | ion was Bich were S04 fest high One hua “hia Ten te i dred gorgeous chambers adjdined this Flam for the ne bridegrooms. while | for the remaining 0.000 an onter gpurt was in cateides of which tables | were spread for the multitude. Fach | pair had seats snd ranged themselves | in a semi-circle round the royal throne, {if course the priesis ¢onid pot marry | 34 Leet this vast number of coupled, so Aex- 1 ander the Great devised a vary simple | ceremony. He gave his band to Bta- | { | tira and Kissed her—an example that | all fhe bridegrooms followed. Thus panded the ceremony, and that past pumber were married. Then followed which lasted five days, | the grandeur of which has never been squaind since. Fitu merp snently soared Ni Restorer $2 tein bottle snd Eonatise i free Dir RE RI yxL. L th. . Arch wt Palisa Ps Play's Cure for Conn Bas sare me many » doc Lot's BELL Ha Boy, Bapding ace, Baitiomore, Md. ree 2s Ayes of Rome the plies | 3 awe sve ly Bexsy oRrrings | they made the scars sore. and | rE tows the lobes Theres wers 1 aAt 8 emia Ee Fis a Peal eu Ww kip PR thus 1D Bure: 3. To Cove A Cold nt One ¢ Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinime Tabletn Ald Drogginte refund money i faik to cute The Shah AR A fLoosel giehe upon which the y Hite ar Beran. ; Business was chiefly to Bos in his palace at Teher- This Conch, freight paid Pou sibeson CURE Su pond WEE the Bad ages : 8 Cubs awl ar dgeen The sation 48» Seely refed vol JR PE a FE pag 3 opus and we propor Pag ooo dl peamte Fer 4 ve Binhev pis wee pEEIN C ot 2 48 eguel bain Or Sav Wind woe y . Da vin want fo mes your hogee 8 Bome? If so. write for ray gener: our iague of Furniture Crackers, » ive ware, Re Machines Carrisges, Pictures, Bedding. R fr tore. Staves, U pholsn pts Tin W t Lamps ote and RB wi = og 6 » ti £3 pvr oeut. SH your Pires : siegant book will surprive you sod a ing will plesse sou more than the We publish as cyguisiie Lithograph cafplogae show. sag PERL Jemigne of Carpets, Wogn, Laon © rain and Por Thay wis mot worth he tt ap Way gy the yas 82 prodles whee ¥islk oan rad the mn ror ¥ wiy. PurYerd ¢ SON pares of the wf we le Fuleg FET with work are sof Out in Jewels solors- England a wi th diamonds, th Jn Sewwty 3 in . Blood Owen. blood means a clean skim, benuty without it. ol tie ciean your stirring op the fry ber and riving ull 1 bien fpoen ihe body. Begin today to anil prmplenshart x, hiotehes, black end, and that weekly hilyous complexion by taking 1 Cascarets —bennty for ten ovata Esta, satisfaction § guaranteed, Joe, 35c, 500. senerer Dogan his avadion: of dogs atl a is ¥X We have peace, and those who are sorely afficted with NEURALGIA will have peace from plan and a perfect gr care by aning DROPS! NEW DHCOTERY oe Bend or Dok of ted imenieds and UF day © ne Free. Pr AE SEEEN § HORE Almats a RE. e FP RED-One ere Pratt ive Lum be RENEE with | BR Buy Cott by All droge Po sure (hat pou pet the Tatruine Article, made » DORCHESTER, MASS. by WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. Frrasusmnn oils ela nd ie «CHI LDBIRTH- Sa te ede pats en safe. ween and sass By MITOMELLA COMPOUND Mas 1 KE Le Ceromdaie writen of Yhink MW in Chee gv sie pom holne — word : 3 wan woke MEY a very abort Simm 3 Soper mind pot sheng fee. Wy 00 2 Sit tn eit ley and ragged. | wey ire praters | wherever | go. My netiaw sie Seed ® Re [amine ils eplendid medirtne. Laine : R.A H.DYE MED, TT. Butale, N.Y. vans pA Farms for Sale! Rend atama, get Tall des CiRies and price of @ chenpest TROIES in chon Im Las, XR i Pest stiate 5 lhe 9% 5 Slate, WON RA anh Juifernan, Ande misn Da € o. ath i SIVEN AWAY Tus Ae BIN ox of Land -t Lanes ter £3. fo 8 Soansany which will Sonate is ie the lated » He Fat, x. Ww, W aebingten. Ch PE XLT @ plan t R¥ Sheaser. HEALTHY MATERNITY. RE A I RS IRS. Two Grateful Women Tell of the ri The ¢limax of life force in woman is capable motherhood. The first requisite for a good mother Health of body means health of the is good health, generative organs Read what Mrs @ A FoXSARAXKER, in #ron, Ohio, says about Lydia E Plak ham's Vegetable Compound, and how well it prepared her for maternity: wn Dear Mss Prexsan—1 must say a word in praise of your Vegetable Compound. J} used tires bottles of it when | was preg- ; / , ax low was B great sn or, and had and had terrible biind fits was astonishing. 1 rth it is a perfil boon iron on the sk with a search id a Cy he resaill Af have ssed it and advoeated it ever since. 1 Rave often said that should like to have ity Beconvinced that there is & remedy for their sufferings.” pant and labor was not nearly as long as it was with my other babies: and my baby is so besithy to what the others were. 1 think every woman should ase your Componnd when preg nant, it will save them so much suffer ing and misery. I cannot say enough in praise of it. 1f ever | need medicine agnin, I shail use your Compound ™ The most suecessful tonie known fo medicine for Shun. spproaching ma ternity is Lydia E Plokbam's Vege table Comagimad. it x a safeguard fir every winnan who uses it and the fullest benefit comes from its sae with Mss Puaikham's advice a ail woman, Her address is Lenn, Mass, Here Is a convineing statement, hearing directly on thin subweet, Bram Mrs E Bismor, of 1845 Pacifie + Brockiyn. N.Y. “Dgag Max Pinknaw:—~I am 8 Pia freely offered 1 was almost despairing of ever again being been for years. 1 suffered from womb vor writing to you 1 tried your Come wy 2 sir that all women would read. sod A Miition Women have deen Benefited by Mrs. Pinkham’s Advice and Medicine ~ You Will Realize that Live Cleanly,” “Thev Live Well Who if You Use
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers